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5 days ago | Report Abuse

Why not withold all the nonperforming politicians' perks and slash their salaries- wouldn't rakyat will be happier?- After all, it's government fo the people, for the people


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Socratic Truth Compass

The Socratic method, characterized by questioning and dialogue, can be a powerful tool to cultivate pluralism and diverse thinking among school children from a young age. Here's how it can be effectively applied:

### Promoting Inquiry
Encouraging children to ask questions about their beliefs and the world around them is foundational to the Socratic method. Teachers can foster an environment where curiosity is valued by posing thought-provoking questions and encouraging students to do the same. This habit of inquiry helps children recognize that knowledge is not static but evolves with new information and perspectives.

### Dialogical Learning
Facilitating discussions where multiple viewpoints are explored is crucial. In a Socratic classroom, teachers act as guides, prompting students to consider different angles on a topic. For example, when discussing historical events, teachers can ask, "How might this event be viewed differently by people from different cultures?" This practice helps students appreciate the richness of diverse perspectives.

### Emphasizing Self-Reflection
The Socratic method encourages self-reflection, prompting students to examine their own beliefs and biases. Questions like "Why do you think this way?" or "What experiences have shaped your perspective?" help students understand that their viewpoints are one of many possible interpretations, fostering empathy and open-mindedness.

### Exposing to Diverse Perspectives
Introducing students to a wide range of cultural, historical, and philosophical viewpoints broadens their understanding. Teachers can use Socratic questioning to explore these perspectives, asking, for example, "What might someone from a different background think about this issue?" This exposure helps students see beyond their immediate experiences and appreciate the validity of other viewpoints.

### Real-World Applications
Applying the Socratic method to current events or ethical dilemmas encourages students to think critically about real-world issues. By exploring questions such as "What are the different perspectives on this issue?" or "How can we find a solution that respects all viewpoints?" students learn to navigate complexity and develop a nuanced understanding of pluralism.

### Creating a Safe Environment
A safe and respectful classroom environment is essential for honest dialogue. Students should feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and questioning others without fear of ridicule. This openness promotes intellectual risk-taking and the exploration of diverse ideas.

### Gradual Complexity
As students' critical thinking skills develop, the complexity of the questions should increase. This keeps them engaged and continually challenges their cognitive abilities, preventing the formation of rigid thinking patterns.

By implementing the Socratic method, educators can foster a classroom culture where diverse thinking and pluralism are valued. This approach helps children understand that multiple perspectives can coexist and that exploring these differences enriches their understanding of the world. Ultimately, it cultivates open-mindedness and resilience against fanaticism and cognitive rigidity.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Plato Enlightment

The Allegory of the Cave by Plato, which illustrates the journey from ignorance to enlightenment, can be a powerful tool in cultivating open-mindedness among school children, freeing them from fanaticism and cognitive rigidity. Here's how it can be effectively applied:

### Storytelling and Discussion
Begin by presenting the allegory through a simplified story or animated video, ensuring it is accessible and engaging. Follow up with discussions that encourage children to reflect on the story's themes of perception and reality. Ask questions about what the shadows in the cave represent in their lives and how stepping out of the cave can lead to greater understanding.

### Encouraging Curiosity
Promote a culture of curiosity by encouraging children to ask questions and explore different perspectives. Create a "Curiosity Corner" where students can post their queries about the world. Dedicate time to explore these questions together, fostering a habit of inquiry and skepticism toward unquestioned beliefs.

### Critical Thinking Skills
Teach critical thinking through activities that help children analyze and evaluate information. This includes distinguishing between facts and opinions, understanding biases, and recognizing logical fallacies. Use simple exercises, such as identifying the main idea in a story or discussing different viewpoints on a topic, to build these skills.

### Experiential Learning
Provide opportunities for experiential learning outside the traditional classroom setting. Field trips to museums, nature reserves, or science centers can broaden their horizons and challenge their preconceived notions. Follow up with discussions on how these experiences changed their understanding.

### Media Literacy
In today’s digital age, teaching media literacy is crucial. Conduct lessons on evaluating the credibility of online sources and recognizing misinformation. This helps children navigate information critically and avoid falling prey to fanaticism and cognitive rigidity.

By incorporating these strategies, the Allegory of the Cave can guide children toward enlightenment, fostering critical thinking, curiosity, and an open-minded approach to the world, thereby freeing them from the constraints of fanaticism and cognitive rigidity.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Ethanian Universalism

When you consume food, drink liquids, or even breathe, many of those atoms become part of your body. Conversely, when you sweat, exhale, or excrete matter, those atoms return to Earth's biosphere, potentially becoming part of other people's bodies. This interconnectedness raises fascinating questions about the atoms in our bodies and their shared history with other humans and living beings.

The human body is conventionally seen as a collection of organs and cells. However, from a cellular standpoint, only 4% of the cells in your body are your own, while the remaining 96% are blood cells and bacterial cells that inhabit your body. Blood cells, mostly red, live for about four months before being broken down and replaced. Bacteria thrive on your skin and in your digestive tract, numbering in the millions per square inch of skin and tens of trillions in the digestive tract.

In terms of atoms, the human body consists mainly of a few elements by weight: 65% oxygen, 18.5% carbon, 9.5% hydrogen, 3.2% nitrogen, and about 4% other elements, including calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, and magnesium. Despite this, the number of atoms in a human body is staggering, exceeding the number of stars in the Universe.

With each passing year, over 90% of the atoms in your body are replaced. Cells break down and are excreted, while new atoms are ingested and breathed in, forming new molecules and cells. On average, an adult human body contains approximately 4 × 10^27 hydrogen atoms, 2 × 10^27 oxygen atoms, 3 × 10^26 carbon atoms, and 8 × 10^25 nitrogen atoms. These numbers highlight the vast number of atoms within us, prompting the question of their origins.

Most of the oxygen and hydrogen in our bodies come from water and air, while carbon and nitrogen primarily come from food. Considering that atoms are neither created nor destroyed, some of the atoms we breathe in today were once in the lungs of historical figures like Julius Caesar or Cleopatra. This suggests a method to approach the problem by considering the number of atoms in Earth's atmosphere and water bodies.

The Earth's biosphere, the part we interact with, is a small fraction of the planet's mass. The total mass of Earth's water bodies is about 1.35 × 10^21 kg, while the atmosphere weighs about 5.15 × 10^18 kg. Converting these masses to the number of atoms gives us approximately 4.1 × 10^40 oxygen atoms in the atmosphere, 4.5 × 10^43 oxygen atoms in water, and 9.0 × 10^43 hydrogen atoms in water.

Despite these large numbers, they are insufficient to account for the atoms in a human body. If we assume that atoms mix thoroughly in Earth's biosphere, then on average, one out of every 21 quadrillion hydrogen atoms and one out of every 26 quadrillion oxygen atoms in the atmosphere and water once came from your body. This implies that each of us contains hundreds of billions of atoms that were in others' bodies a year ago.

The notion that our bodies are constantly expelling atoms through exhalation, urination, and other processes, and simultaneously incorporating new atoms through breathing, drinking, and eating, underscores the interconnectedness of life on Earth. At an atomic level, we are deeply connected to one another and to all living beings throughout history. The atoms that compose our bodies today were once part of dinosaurs, ancient plants, and even single-celled organisms.

This profound connection highlights the shared nature of our existence. Every breath we take, every sip of water we drink, and every bite of food we consume incorporates atoms that were once part of other humans and living beings. We all share the same planet, the same biosphere, and the same atoms, emphasizing the fundamental interconnectedness of all life on Earth.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

By replacing obsolete school societies and associations with these innovative and interdisciplinary clubs, the education system can better prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of Industrial Revolution 5.0 and beyond. These clubs will foster a holistic, forward-thinking approach to learning, emphasizing creativity, critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and technological proficiency.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Implementation Strategies

1. **Mentorship and Guidance:**
- Each club should have dedicated mentors, including teachers and industry professionals, to provide guidance and support.
- Regular workshops and guest lectures from experts in relevant fields.

2. **Interdisciplinary Projects:**
- Encouraging collaboration between different clubs on interdisciplinary projects.
- Organizing annual innovation fairs to showcase student projects and achievements.

3. **Resource Allocation:**
- Providing adequate resources, including technology, materials, and funding, to support club activities.
- Creating dedicated spaces like maker labs, tech hubs, and art studios.

4. **Student Leadership:**
- Empowering students to take leadership roles within clubs to develop management and organizational skills.
- Establishing student councils to oversee club activities and foster a collaborative environment.

5. **Community and Industry Partnerships:**
- Forming partnerships with local businesses, tech companies, and universities to provide real-world exposure and opportunities.
- Organizing internships, field trips, and collaborative projects with industry partners.

6. **Recognition and Incentives:**
- Recognizing and rewarding outstanding achievements and contributions within clubs.
- Offering incentives like scholarships, internships, and certifications for active participation and excellence.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

To align school societies and associations with the objectives of a futuristic education system for Industrial Revolution 5.0 and beyond, traditional clubs can be replaced with innovative, interdisciplinary clubs that promote critical thinking, creativity, technological proficiency, and ethical reasoning. Here are some proposed clubs:

### Proposed Clubs for a Futuristic Education System

1. **AI and Robotics Club:**
- Focus: Exploring robotics, artificial intelligence, and their applications.
- Activities: Building robots, programming AI, participating in competitions, collaborating on projects.

2. **Sustainability and Environmental Science Club:**
- Focus: Promoting environmental awareness and sustainable practices.
- Activities: Organizing clean-up drives, conducting experiments on renewable energy, participating in sustainability projects, advocating for environmental policies.

3. **Digital Arts and Media Club:**
- Focus: Exploring digital arts, multimedia production, and creative storytelling.
- Activities: Creating digital artwork, producing videos, designing VR experiences, hosting digital art exhibitions.

4. **Entrepreneurship and Innovation Club:**
- Focus: Encouraging entrepreneurial thinking and innovative problem-solving.
- Activities: Developing business ideas, participating in startup incubators, hosting pitch competitions, learning from successful entrepreneurs.

5. **Global Citizenship and Cultural Exchange Club:**
- Focus: Promoting intercultural understanding and global awareness.
- Activities: Organizing cultural exchange programs, hosting international student panels, learning about global issues, advocating for social justice.

6. **Tech Explorers Club:**
- Focus: Investigating emerging technologies and their societal impact.
- Activities: Exploring new tech trends, experimenting with gadgets, hosting tech talks, visiting tech companies.

7. **Health and Biohacking Club:**
- Focus: Understanding human biology and optimizing health through biohacking.
- Activities: Learning about nutrition, fitness, and mental health, conducting biohacking experiments, promoting wellness practices.

8. **Ethics and Philosophy Club:**
- Focus: Fostering ethical reasoning and philosophical inquiry.
- Activities: Debating moral dilemmas, discussing philosophical concepts, exploring the ethics of technology, organizing ethics workshops.

9. **Maker and DIY Club:**
- Focus: Encouraging hands-on creativity and innovation.
- Activities: Building DIY projects, experimenting with 3D printing, collaborating on maker challenges, showcasing inventions.

10. **Data Science and Analytics Club:**
- Focus: Exploring data science, analytics, and their applications.
- Activities: Analyzing datasets, learning programming languages like Python, working on data-driven projects, participating in hackathons.

11. **Civic Engagement and Policy Club:**
- Focus: Promoting active citizenship and understanding of public policy.
- Activities: Engaging in community service, discussing policy issues, organizing debates on current events, advocating for civic initiatives.

12. **Future of Work and Skills Club:**
- Focus: Preparing for the evolving job market and future careers.
- Activities: Exploring future job trends, learning new skills, networking with professionals, participating in career readiness workshops.

13. **Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Club:**
- Focus: Developing VR and AR experiences and understanding their applications.
- Activities: Creating VR/AR content, experimenting with VR/AR tools, showcasing projects, discussing the future of VR/AR technology.

14. **Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Club:**
- Focus: Understanding blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency landscape.
- Activities: Learning about blockchain, trading cryptocurrencies, developing blockchain projects, discussing the implications of decentralized finance.

15. **Space Exploration and Astronomy Club:**
- Focus: Investigating space science and astronomy.
- Activities: Observing celestial events, building model rockets, discussing space missions, collaborating with space agencies.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

By adopting a futuristic education system that emphasizes interdisciplinary learning, critical thinking, technological proficiency, and ethical reasoning, Malaysia can prepare its students for the challenges and opportunities of Industrial Revolution 5.0 and beyond. This system would replace outdated and divisive content with a curriculum that promotes innovation, inclusivity, and global citizenship, ensuring a brighter and more prosperous future for all.


5 days ago | Report Abuse


**Advanced Robotics and AI (Ages 15-18)**
1. **Introduction to Robotics and AI:**
- Basics of robotics and AI.
- History and evolution of AI and robotics.
- Ethical considerations in AI and robotics.

2. **Fundamentals of Robotics:**
- Types of robots and their applications.
- Basic mechanics and electronics.
- Programming robots using languages like Python and C++.

3. **Artificial Intelligence:**
- Introduction to machine learning and neural networks.
- AI applications in various industries.
- Hands-on projects in AI development.

4. **Robotics and AI Integration:**
- Combining robotics and AI for advanced applications.
- Case studies of AI-robotics integration.
- Future trends and potential impacts.

**Environmental Science and Sustainability (Ages 15-18)**
1. **Principles of Ecology:**
- Ecosystems and biodiversity.
- Energy flow and nutrient cycles.
- Human impact on the environment.

2. **Climate Change:**
- Causes and effects of climate change.
- Mitigation and adaptation strategies.
- Global policies and agreements.

3. **Sustainable Practices:**
- Renewable energy sources.
- Sustainable agriculture and food systems.
- Green technology and innovation.

4. **Environmental Ethics:**
- Ethical issues in environmental conservation.
- Balancing development and sustainability.
- Role of individuals and communities in sustainability.

**Digital Arts and Media (Ages 15-18)**
1. **Introduction to Digital Arts:**
- History and evolution of digital arts.
- Overview of digital art tools and software.
- Principles of design and aesthetics.

2. **Multimedia Production:**
- Basics of video and audio production.
- Techniques for creating digital content.
- Hands-on projects in multimedia creation.

3. **Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality:**
- Introduction to VR and AR technologies.
- Applications of VR and AR in various fields.
- Creating VR and AR experiences.

4. **Digital Storytelling:**
- Techniques for storytelling in digital media.
- Combining text, images, video, and audio.
- Projects in digital storytelling and content creation.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

6. **Teacher Training and Development:**
- **Continuous Professional Development:** Regular training for teachers in new technologies, teaching methods, and interdisciplinary approaches.
- **Mentorship Programs:** Pairing experienced educators with new teachers to share knowledge and best practices.
- **Collaborative Networks:** Encouraging collaboration among educators globally to share resources and innovative teaching methods.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

5. **Infrastructure and Technology:**
- **Smart Classrooms:** Equipped with the latest technology, including AR/VR, AI tutors, and interactive whiteboards.
- **Online Learning Platforms:** Comprehensive platforms for online courses, resources, and virtual classrooms.
- **Maker Spaces:** Workshops and labs where students can experiment, build, and innovate with advanced tools and materials.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

4. **Assessment and Evaluation:**
- **Continuous Assessment:** Regular evaluations through projects, presentations, and practical work rather than traditional exams.
- **Portfolio-Based Assessment:** Students create portfolios showcasing their learning, projects, and achievements.
- **Adaptive Assessments:** Personalized assessments that adapt to the student’s learning pace and style.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

3. **Teaching Methodologies:**
- **Project-Based Learning:** Students work on interdisciplinary projects that solve real-world problems.
- **Collaborative Learning:** Emphasis on teamwork, peer learning, and collaborative projects.
- **Blended Learning:** Combining online and offline methods to provide flexible, personalized learning experiences.
- **Experiential Learning:** Hands-on learning through internships, fieldwork, and practical experiences.
- **Gamification:** Using game-based elements to make learning engaging and interactive.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

### Core Components of the Education System

1. **Curriculum Structure:**
- **Foundation Phase (Ages 5-10):** Emphasis on basic literacy, numeracy, critical thinking, creativity, and ethical values.
- **Intermediate Phase (Ages 11-14):** Introduction to interdisciplinary subjects, including STEM, humanities, arts, and environmental studies.
- **Advanced Phase (Ages 15-18):** Specialized tracks in various fields (e.g., AI, biotechnology, environmental science) alongside mandatory courses in ethics, global studies, and critical thinking.
- **Higher Education and Lifelong Learning:** Flexible pathways for continued education, vocational training, and personal development.

2. **Key Subjects and Syllabi:**
- **STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics):**
- **Advanced Robotics and AI:** Fundamentals of robotics, AI, machine learning, and their applications.
- **Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering:** Basics of biotechnology, ethical implications, and future applications.
- **Environmental Science and Sustainability:** Principles of ecology, climate change, sustainable practices, and green technology.
- **Mathematics for the Future:** Focus on data science, statistics, and advanced computational methods.
- **Humanities and Social Sciences:**
- **Global History and Future Trends:** History from a global perspective, focusing on interconnectedness and future societal trends.
- **Ethics and Philosophy:** Ethical reasoning, philosophy of technology, and moral dilemmas of the future.
- **Cultural Studies and Global Citizenship:** Understanding diverse cultures, global issues, and fostering cooperation.
- **Arts and Creativity:**
- **Digital Arts and Media:** Digital creativity, multimedia production, and virtual reality.
- **Design Thinking and Innovation:** Principles of design thinking, creative problem-solving, and innovation methodologies.
- **Health and Well-being:**
- **Mindfulness and Mental Health:** Techniques for mental resilience, mindfulness practices, and mental health awareness.
- **Physical Education and Biohacking:** Advanced physical training, biohacking for optimal health, and wellness strategies.
- **Practical and Vocational Skills:**
- **Entrepreneurship and Business:** Basics of entrepreneurship, business ethics, and startup culture.
- **Vocational Training:** Hands-on training in emerging industries like renewable energy, smart manufacturing, and digital services.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Designing a futuristic education system and syllabi for Industrial Revolution 5.0 and beyond requires a focus on skills, knowledge, and mindsets that are relevant to a rapidly evolving technological landscape. This new system should emphasize critical thinking, creativity, ethical reasoning, and the ability to adapt to new challenges. Here’s a comprehensive outline for such an education system:

### Vision and Principles

To create a dynamic, inclusive, and forward-thinking education system that prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of Industrial Revolution 5.0 and beyond, fostering innovation, ethical reasoning, and global citizenship.

1. **Interdisciplinary Learning:** Integrating multiple disciplines to solve complex problems.
2. **Lifelong Learning:** Encouraging continuous education and adaptation.
3. **Ethical and Critical Thinking:** Fostering independent thought and ethical decision-making.
4. **Global Citizenship:** Promoting understanding and cooperation across cultures.
5. **Sustainability:** Emphasizing environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.
6. **Technological Proficiency:** Ensuring familiarity with cutting-edge technologies.
7. **Creativity and Innovation:** Encouraging creative problem-solving and innovation.


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Below 17.15 just sapu lah


6 days ago | Report Abuse

NO lah. Reentered - already 5% paper gain for round 2


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Below 0 .75 can reenter


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Below 17.15 just sapu lah


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, only B40 blue collar criminals got jailed e.g. for stealing cheap milk powder for their infants, not multibillion $$$$$$ white collar criminals. Dxxmsday is approaching.....


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Can collect a bit ......

News & Blogs

1 week ago | Report Abuse

I knew it- my state will be the richest partner of the 3


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

YES......all in coming weeks


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Cukuplah tu.....Huat ar.....

Posted by serbatipu > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Might just up 10-20 sen only.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

So huat to be back timely


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Capital A @ 0.855

Posted by Gold Cat > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Capital A's share price is going to break RM1.00 very soon! Capital A's AGM today has approved CA to buy back 10% of their own shares! This will push CA share price up!


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Dufu from 2.40

Posted by ChloeTai

Saham Meningkat: Teknologi Dufu akan Meneroka RM3


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Lctitan (from 1.00)

Posted by targetinvest

My target for immediate short term will be around rm 1.50 to rm 1.60

Then when factory utilization rate start to kick up (current is 65%), then will be able to go rm 3


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Agmo @ 0.63

Posted by JackTan1217 > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

JV with SNS

AGMO will be the next SNS....easily can triple the share price like how SNS did


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

THANK YOU, Calvin. YOu're so right about DUFU!! May God bless you with billion SGD in the bank


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Condemning the covert conversion of minors from one religion to another without involving their parents is important for several reasons:

1. **Parental Rights**: Parents have the fundamental right to be involved in the religious upbringing of their children. Any conversion without their knowledge or consent undermines this right.

2. **Child's Best Interest**: The welfare of the child should always be the priority. A sudden and covert conversion can cause significant confusion and distress to the child, potentially affecting their emotional and psychological well-being.

3. **Trust and Transparency**: Covert actions erode trust between the state, religious institutions, and the public. Ensuring transparency and involving parents in such significant decisions promotes a more harmonious and trusting society.

4. **Legal and Ethical Standards**: Many legal frameworks and ethical standards around the world emphasize the importance of parental involvement in significant decisions affecting minors. Upholding these standards ensures that the rights of all parties are respected.

To protect the rights of minors and their families, it's crucial that any conversion process involves open communication and the active participation of parents. This approach fosters respect for family dynamics and supports the child's overall well-being.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Condemning the covert conversion of minors from one religion to another without involving their parents is important for several reasons:

1. **Parental Rights**: Parents have the fundamental right to be involved in the religious upbringing of their children. Any conversion without their knowledge or consent undermines this right.

2. **Child's Best Interest**: The welfare of the child should always be the priority. A sudden and covert conversion can cause significant confusion and distress to the child, potentially affecting their emotional and psychological well-being.

3. **Trust and Transparency**: Covert actions erode trust between the state, religious institutions, and the public. Ensuring transparency and involving parents in such significant decisions promotes a more harmonious and trusting society.

4. **Legal and Ethical Standards**: Many legal frameworks and ethical standards around the world emphasize the importance of parental involvement in significant decisions affecting minors. Upholding these standards ensures that the rights of all parties are respected.

To protect the rights of minors and their families, it's crucial that any conversion process involves open communication and the active participation of parents. This approach fosters respect for family dynamics and supports the child's overall well-being.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Condemning the covert conversion of minors from one religion to another without involving their parents is important for several reasons:

1. **Parental Rights**: Parents have the fundamental right to be involved in the religious upbringing of their children. Any conversion without their knowledge or consent undermines this right.

2. **Child's Best Interest**: The welfare of the child should always be the priority. A sudden and covert conversion can cause significant confusion and distress to the child, potentially affecting their emotional and psychological well-being.

3. **Trust and Transparency**: Covert actions erode trust between the state, religious institutions, and the public. Ensuring transparency and involving parents in such significant decisions promotes a more harmonious and trusting society.

4. **Legal and Ethical Standards**: Many legal frameworks and ethical standards around the world emphasize the importance of parental involvement in significant decisions affecting minors. Upholding these standards ensures that the rights of all parties are respected.

To protect the rights of minors and their families, it's crucial that any conversion process involves open communication and the active participation of parents. This approach fosters respect for family dynamics and supports the child's overall well-being.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Not selling till 3.88


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Congrats, Sslee. Your patience pays off finally


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

The case involving Fir Wong and his covert conversion tactics of minors in public schools has raised several key moral issues:

1. **Deception and Dishonesty**: Wong's approach includes instructing minors to hide their conversions from their parents and authorities. This practice of encouraging children to lie and engage in secretive behaviors undermines the values of honesty and transparency that are fundamental in both familial and societal contexts.

2. **Parental Rights**: The tactics used by Wong infringe upon the rights of parents to determine the religious upbringing of their children. Article 12 of the Malaysian Constitution explicitly states that the faith of a minor should be determined by their parents or guardians. By bypassing parental consent, these actions violate constitutional protections and erode parental authority.

3. **Ethical Concerns in Education**: Wong, being a secondary school teacher, is expected to uphold a duty of care towards his students. Engaging in religious conversion discussions without parental involvement breaches the trust placed in educators and raises questions about their responsibility and ethical conduct.

4. **Authenticity of Conversion**: Encouraging minors to convert without a deep understanding and genuine belief in the religion raises doubts about the authenticity and sincerity of these conversions. Genuine religious belief should be based on informed understanding rather than coercion or manipulation.

5. **Legal and Constitutional Violations**: The methods described by Wong contravene clauses of the Malaysian Constitution that protect the religious rights of individuals and uphold parental rights regarding the religious education of their children. These actions call for legal scrutiny and intervention by relevant authorities to uphold the rule of law.

These issues highlight the significant ethical and legal concerns surrounding covert religious conversion practices, especially when they involve minors and bypass established parental and constitutional rights.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

The case involving Fir Wong and his covert conversion tactics of minors in public schools has raised several key moral issues:

1. **Deception and Dishonesty**: Wong's approach includes instructing minors to hide their conversions from their parents and authorities. This practice of encouraging children to lie and engage in secretive behaviors undermines the values of honesty and transparency that are fundamental in both familial and societal contexts.

2. **Parental Rights**: The tactics used by Wong infringe upon the rights of parents to determine the religious upbringing of their children. Article 12 of the Malaysian Constitution explicitly states that the faith of a minor should be determined by their parents or guardians. By bypassing parental consent, these actions violate constitutional protections and erode parental authority.

3. **Ethical Concerns in Education**: Wong, being a secondary school teacher, is expected to uphold a duty of care towards his students. Engaging in religious conversion discussions without parental involvement breaches the trust placed in educators and raises questions about their responsibility and ethical conduct.

4. **Authenticity of Conversion**: Encouraging minors to convert without a deep understanding and genuine belief in the religion raises doubts about the authenticity and sincerity of these conversions. Genuine religious belief should be based on informed understanding rather than coercion or manipulation.

5. **Legal and Constitutional Violations**: The methods described by Wong contravene clauses of the Malaysian Constitution that protect the religious rights of individuals and uphold parental rights regarding the religious education of their children. These actions call for legal scrutiny and intervention by relevant authorities to uphold the rule of law.

These issues highlight the significant ethical and legal concerns surrounding covert religious conversion practices, especially when they involve minors and bypass established parental and constitutional rights.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Definitely not. Many right things yet to be done. False accounting involves too many parties. All involved ppl have to be held accountable i.e. involved accountants' license be axed, accomplices be jailed, etc

Posted by Mabel > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

Better to move on...

SD went downhill due to False accounting. Nothing much we can do when honesty is compromised.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Engtex is my favourite


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

As long as average price below 2.45, proft$ guaranteed


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Ensuring the production of quality doctors and other professionals fundamentally hinges on maintaining a strict admission criteria that selects the most qualified and capable candidates. Here’s why:

1. **Intellectual Aptitude and Rigorous Training**:
Professions like medicine require individuals with a high level of intellectual capability and a strong foundation in the sciences. By implementing strict admission criteria, educational institutions can ensure that only those with the necessary academic prowess and problem-solving skills are admitted. This is crucial for tackling the demanding and rigorous training involved in these fields.

2. **Commitment and Resilience**:
Stringent admission standards help identify individuals who are not only intelligent but also highly motivated and resilient. These traits are essential for surviving the challenges of professional education and the demanding nature of careers in medicine and other fields. A strict selection process can better gauge a candidate’s dedication and ability to persevere.

3. **Ethical and Professional Standards**:
High standards during the admission process can also evaluate the ethical and professional values of candidates. For professions that directly impact human lives, such as medicine, it's vital to admit individuals who exhibit integrity, empathy, and a strong sense of responsibility. This can be achieved through comprehensive interviews and psychological evaluations during the admission process.

4. **Resource Optimization**:
Educational resources, especially in professional training programs, are often limited and expensive. By selecting the most capable candidates, institutions ensure that these resources are invested in students who are most likely to succeed and contribute positively to society. This also minimizes dropout rates and ensures a higher return on educational investment.

5. **Peer Learning and Competition**:
Admitting top-tier candidates creates an environment of excellence, where students learn not only from their instructors but also from their peers. This fosters healthy competition, collaborative learning, and innovation. Being surrounded by equally capable peers pushes students to excel and continually improve their skills.

6. **Future Contributions to Society**:
Professionals who emerge from rigorous and selective programs are more likely to contribute significantly to their fields and society. They are better equipped to handle complex problems, lead research and innovation, and provide high-quality services. In medicine, this translates to better patient outcomes, advancements in medical research, and overall improvements in public health.

In summary, maintaining strict admission criteria ensures that only the most qualified, dedicated, and capable individuals enter professional programs. This not only enhances the quality of education but also ensures that the professionals who graduate are well-prepared to meet the demands of their respective fields and contribute meaningfully to society.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Hospital Changkat Melintang case - a case of admitting low quality ppl into medic course


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Malaysia should reduce civil servants, too many!! and you see lately, some teacher go enjoy life flying everywhere for holidays during school time, pathethic. This type of civil servants should be fired and not waste our money


18,076 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 0 seconds ago | Report Abuse

Wrong. The official number has to be divided by 5. For every 1 minister, DG, head of department, toilet cleaner or sweeper, there are 4 other little napoleans baby sitting them.

Given this point, the perception of a 1 to 5 productivity ratio between Malaysian and Singaporean government workers is mainly fueled by kulitocracy selection of impotent people from top down

News & Blogs

3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Wrong. The official number has to be divided by 5. For every 1 minister, DG, head of department, toilet cleaner or sweeper, there are 4 other little napoleans baby sitting them.

Given this point, the perception of a 1 to 5 productivity ratio between Malaysian and Singaporean government workers is mainly fueled by kulitocracy selection of impotent people from top down


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

No, must keep until ex-date. Can sell on ex-date