
IlmuKhodam | Joined since 2017-08-25

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2024-02-28 16:18 | Report Abuse

Previously DL kept BV gold inside his own house. Management relax je, tak de insurance pun.


2024-02-28 11:12 | Report Abuse

@DatoT20, yes, that what i would speculate too. Submarine cable projects and Data centers for artificial intelligence. Based on Abang Izzarim interview and Abang Johari statements.


2024-02-27 15:41 | Report Abuse

@Rebecca40, im interested. I lost all my saving in share market trading. Please help me.
@anisbin, banyak goreng counters sudah nampak dasar, Masa untuk kutip.
@welcome, sorry bro. Never heard before. Let us know if its helpful.


2024-02-26 17:51 | Report Abuse

Apa cerita itu geshen? tetiba besi ada demand?


2024-02-26 15:59 | Report Abuse

Eh guys.. this is BV forum leh. talk about BV la. 😂😂😂suddenly bawak topic Najib pulak. siapa bingai yang bawa topic ini? BV got potential break resistance. Revenue might hit 50m. Gold everywhere. Buy now.


2024-02-26 15:54 | Report Abuse

@welcome, i dont measure through share market alone. Any environment you can make money if you have the brain. My foreign investments done better after Najib time and easily beat Najib time due primarily currency exchange. I cincai buy US rubbish stocks/coins also can earn.


2024-02-26 15:19 | Report Abuse

@anisbin, api, air, beras makanan naik sebab inflasi dunia. US cetak duit macam gila. Amalan tongkat tak boleh berterusan selama. Sini subsidi sana subsidi. Tapi amalan tongkat baik untuk diamkan majority sementara yang kaya teruskan mengaut. Tempat saya, tetiba ada illegal stall tepi jalan lebih 200 units. Kalau satu stall 2 olan jaga, 400 olan pengganggur. Belum kira delivery lagi, kadangkala, kat mall delivery lagi banyak dari customers dalam mall. Yini lambat lanun akan letup. Kaji sejarah negara miskin lain.


2024-02-26 15:11 | Report Abuse

@Mario, as much as i dislike Najib on corruption, but during his time my current area(not east msia) really had significant redevelopment. Im not sure from him or someone else from the government. There are a numbers of old residential buildings - condos and flats near train stations which will be redevelop to commercial residentials. I knew it from mid level UM** leaders. A few flats already received letters regarding the compensation plans. A govn department space which is crawling distance from my place will be redevelop to commercial buildings. All these suddenly quiet after he step down. Only those which already get all approvals continue the plan. Sakit hati saya, saya banyak units dekat sini.


2024-02-26 12:00 | Report Abuse

@anisbin, HSR sudah confirm jalan, skrang nak tau siapa yg dapat keknya. Rindu zaman Najib. Masa Najib tempat saya banyak perancangan & pembangunan. Skrang sunyi.
@welcome, tak begitu suka goreng consumer counter, sangat lambat. Sudah tua, masa tak banyak lagi, tak boleh tunggu.


2024-02-26 11:13 | Report Abuse

Tak begitu suka pegang telur lama-lama. Nanti tangan peluh. Ada bau.


2024-02-26 11:01 | Report Abuse

@anisbin, sudah jual telur LHI hari ini. Hari ini takde arah, tak tau mau goreng apa. mungkin semua tengah tunggu report.


2024-02-26 00:23 | Report Abuse

NICE is another gold mining counter which has much better upside.


2024-02-25 14:31 | Report Abuse

@welcome, we had interviews with fresh graduates from Bangkok. Nearly 50% are able to speak both England and Chinese. You dont need rocket science, you already know how our ringgit will go. Its not just about forex exchange.
@moon, you are providing good analysis. Update us your next target counter. You analyze we zerg rush.


2024-02-25 10:34 | Report Abuse

@moon, btw, thanks for your minetech tips. I bought alot before CNY below 15cents. Didnt expect it went up so fast during CNY period. I owe you a bucket of beers. @welcome owe you 2 cups of starfck.


2024-02-25 10:30 | Report Abuse

@moon, may i know what Prof Dr. Anisbin got to do with itronic?
@moon & welcome, dont put much hope in this country. There is no turning back anymore. If you notice, the younger generation males were more brainwashed than the older. I had interviewed with a number of them. This phenomena doesnot even exist during the 80 or 70ties. Much of my liquid assets are held oversea.


2024-02-24 16:42 | Report Abuse

@welcome. I purposely eat alot of fish and chips and watch harry potter to improve my England. 😄


2024-02-24 15:23 | Report Abuse

@anisbin, agree the monthly chart also show strong rebound. Only obstacle now is the Qr, Even if Qr breakeven, its enough for the share price to challenge next resistance.


2024-02-24 15:12 | Report Abuse

Thanks @moon, you had mentioned everything i wanted to express. Proven that you are veteran investor. If i was the one mentioned it, my whole 18 generations will be cursed.

To add some more points. Gold mining as a single resource/produce will not drive Bahvest to the limelight. Agree on this unless they plan to expand their mining area or diversify types of minerals. With the same amount of machineries, they can only depend on luck and efficiency to have a better results. Current price i believe is the fair price which is not much further 'meat' to enjoy. No point aiming to earn another 10% in exchange for the time holding.
2nd. Katam management team like dead man walking. So i dont think there will be any surprise in near future that will boom up the price.
3rd. Part of previous management team is still inside. You expose some wrong doings doesnt mean you are an angel. Its just someone paying more only. kalau paham, paham la.


2024-02-23 17:15 | Report Abuse

@anisbin, weekly chart sudah considered breakout. Tunggu Qr untuk confirm all in.


2024-02-23 14:07 | Report Abuse

@anisbin, mungkin juga. Saya tau kat sebelah timur senanjung ada beberapa sekolah sampai skrang tak selesai. Mungkin satu hari saya lepas makan penuh, tak de benda buat, saya pergi lawat.
@kk, yes, pwrwell qr caught my attention too. Chart pun cantik, cup & bra breakout. Wait for better entry price.


2024-02-23 12:20 | Report Abuse

Rumah pusakaku cuma satu, sudah jual pun. Saya hairan zaman dulu banyak cerita macam ini berlaku, tapi skrang bila tempat maju, tak banyak lagi. Mana mereka pergi?


2024-02-23 11:59 | Report Abuse

@Mario, masa kecik rumah tepi hutan dara, lereng bukit. Selalu ada gangguan. Malam selalu banyak bunyi. Pernah banyak kali nampak bayang. Bila malam hujan lebat, selalu ketakutan. Keluarga ramai kena histeria, sleep walking. Apa ayat pun guna, tak berguna.


2024-02-23 10:48 | Report Abuse

Ar... sorry, forget to mention @welcome. @welcome also a talented bursa kaki. Yes, hopefully one day we can do it.
@Mario, waktu saya muda, saya aktif mencari ilmu-ilmu purba. Ilmu sakti dari Jawa, Borneo, Thai.


2024-02-22 20:55 | Report Abuse

Banyak talent kat sini. Macam @anisbin dia pandai cari gem-gem yg tersembunyi. -minetech, itronic. @KK - medium term growth counters . @cicak, mario - Ini semua kaki goreng. @moon - analisasi kompani dia sangat terperinci. Harap harap satu hari kita boleh ada peluang jumpa kat luar.


2024-02-22 19:00 | Report Abuse

@kk have great talent in finding counters like hegroup, leform, mersec, ts. These counters have steady price grow.


2024-02-22 11:16 | Report Abuse

Hampir 300k biji kat dalam, Restaurant pun boleh beli. NTA still positive. The price drop too fast and unjustified.


2024-02-22 10:55 | Report Abuse

@Mario, your kfc chicken grow very big already. I have alot inside 😁. High risk only fun. Actually it was consider low risk. At 6 cents, how much more it can go down.


2024-02-21 16:30 | Report Abuse

@Mario, untung banyak ar hari ini.


2024-02-21 10:58 | Report Abuse

Teo seng ialah dragon head. Teo seng jalan, counter kecik akan teruskan perjalanan naik. Saya target LHI. Biasa hari saya tak suka consumer counters, agak slow. Tapi hari ini market pun slow. Jadi main main.

Bahvest tak mau komen banyak. Nanti sini banyak olan sakit buntut. Tiba tiba karma dan kredibility saya akan keluar. Bahvest macam Kretam. Pattern sama, management sama. Saya kaki lama Bplant dan kretam.


2024-02-21 10:42 | Report Abuse

Bukan semua sudah naik. Menyesal tak beli teoseng. Patut dengar cakap kamu.


2024-02-21 09:09 | Report Abuse

Hari yini main telur.


2024-02-20 16:34 | Report Abuse

Banyak counters minyak dan telur pun dah jalan.


2024-02-20 15:43 | Report Abuse

Hari yang memuaskan lagi.


2024-02-20 13:34 | Report Abuse

Minetech boleh naik lagi, tapi kat 19.5 dan 20, banyak mau lali. Kena ada katalis baru, baru ada motivasi tembus. Skrang tak de angin jangan lepas layang layang. Beli untuk kumpul ok.


2024-02-20 12:05 | Report Abuse

Kena belajar judi, walaupun judi itu helem tapi itu skill penting dalam perniagaan and trading. Hujung minggu pergi genting jerit 'picture'. Ada signs Qr mungkin bagus. Tapi kalau naik terlalu cepat lali dulu.


2024-02-20 10:51 | Report Abuse

Kalau tidak cepat, bayar 1-2 orang tolong rampas. Jangan main solo. Ini permainan kebanyakan musuh bergerak berkumpulan. Macam you seorang mau pergi perang dengan dinasti ming. belum masuk sudah mati.


2024-02-20 10:49 | Report Abuse

Wa jangan beli terlalu banyak, ini jenis low volume. Kalau tidak susah keluar walaupun naik. Bila sudah sapu wa, u tolak mak dia.


2024-02-20 10:44 | Report Abuse

Ramai penjual sudah keluar dari belukar. Tak boleh paksa tolak naik. kena tunggu ada sign gengs lain mau masuk, baru ikut tolak.


2024-02-20 10:36 | Report Abuse

@anisbin, saya yang tolong pump. Saya masuk banyak hari yini. Terima kasih saya.
Jangan pengang lama dan tunggu, bila angin datang baru masuk.


2024-02-20 10:10 | Report Abuse

@anisbin, lu punya tukun macam mau naik. suspect qr bagus. saya target dia punya wa.


2024-02-19 21:14 | Report Abuse

@welcome, sudah jual habis. Pa masih ada sikit.


2024-02-19 20:26 | Report Abuse

@welcome, minetech up from 13 cents. 20 cents major resistance. Big kaki like @ilmukotek sell huge amount today.


2024-02-19 12:32 | Report Abuse

@Mario, counter telur saya monitor sahaja, nak tunggu tenaga lebih besar. Hari ini sibuk reneuco. Pagi pagi sudah kuat konket dia sampai muka hijau sekarang. Risiko besar ini, tak de fundamental. tapi saya suka.


2024-02-18 20:46 | Report Abuse

Yes, agree. Vincent Tan is the mastermind behind. That why boikoting starfck wont impact him. He is aiming for the crown prize.


2024-02-18 20:18 | Report Abuse

Sorry, is sub-main con. Minetech high chances getting. If dont get, Abang will run back to Abang complain. Abang and Abang will angry.


2024-02-18 20:03 | Report Abuse

Potential bjland main-con for hsr.


2024-02-18 19:03 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow confirm gap up. No more chance to buy below 20cents. Tonight we drink tuak until mabuk first. Tomorrow we fight.


2024-02-18 17:31 | Report Abuse

If Sarawak can be the strongest state, minetech will be the strongest counter. If Sarawak can buy Affin bank, minetech can buy ytlp.


2024-02-18 15:06 | Report Abuse

Eh, topic lari lagi. Nanti semua serang saya kata saya cakap 3 cakap 4.

Balik ke topic. Bahvest chart macam sangat boleh. Retesting resistance. Minggu depan macam boleh. Bahvest adalah counter terbaik. Siapa ter-beli biasanya cerdik dan pandai.


2024-02-17 19:53 | Report Abuse

@kk, Hegroup look good to me too. Will put in my watchlist. Thanks for the recommendation.
@welcome, yes, i love goreng. Goreng more test skill and exciting. Like go genting shouting 'picture' 'picture'.
@Mario, valentine masa muda panggil dating, modal hanya handsome. sekarang sudah ada duit dan harta, valentine main kucing-kucing. Kat pub gantung bunga, 10 kucing pun boleh bawa balik. Tak de masalah.