
JJchan | Joined since 2015-05-28

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2020-07-08 13:38 | Report Abuse

worst come worst, Tony can return to his Old Job--------Bartender


2020-07-08 13:25 | Report Abuse

True. Fund manager cannot hold Share even a "small step" into PN17( investment criteria--Risk
management ) Both foreign and local fund managers follow same criteria unless you are a Hedge
fund manager Or junk bond dealers


2020-07-08 10:37 | Report Abuse

Auditor just signed on the Dotted Line---Who did the Audit? always Tony himself----I only expect
400-500mil core losses in 1Qr. but 2nd Qr is a blow Out----Obviously Tony pull some of the losses
into 1Qr to reduce 2nd Qr losses ( a massive surge in 2ndQr losses is detrimental to stock price )

Look like Auditor refused to sign------


2020-07-08 10:16 | Report Abuse

MAS maybe loss 2 billion this Qr. Married both is like tying a One ton Rock to both leg and see
who can sink to the bottom faster


2020-07-08 09:59 | Report Abuse

Good News should NOT be kept in a lid---Must let Traders to exit or goreng a little


2020-07-07 18:43 | Report Abuse


As i said previously BLR will hit 0.75---1.0 by Early 2021 ( to support economy to growth )
Bank Negara is on schedule to Cut interest again in August to 1.50% ( July 1.75 )

Expect record low new car monthly payment in 2020 / 2021


2020-07-07 08:15 | Report Abuse

Actually AA results bring No surprises. Major killer---Booked Fuel (if don't Fly, all cash Locked in
Fuel )---QoQ reserved cash indicate predicament. 4Qr19 Cash 2.60Billion---1Qr20 Cash 1.6Billion
AA burnt ONE billion Caaash this Qr.-----If AA can Fly all Planes 2Qr the cash flow will improve
rapidly BUT it is a Dream now ( we already in July, we know the number already----Bad )


2020-07-06 13:35 | Report Abuse

Dps like Vivo hibernate from more then 2 years But the only different, Vivo got a Big group of goreng masters at standby


2020-07-06 13:32 | Report Abuse

TopGlove is a rm4--5 stock all the while (nothing in its earnings said it can breached RM10)
I bought a Big Block during MCO (May ) around 10---bcos it crashed thru' its resistance. Right
now most people are holding TopGlove at / in the range from RM10--17----Nobody keeps
TP at RM4 right now( i sold from 17 down to 16 )

"""I bought 30million Vivo shares( don't want to generate misunderstanding )


2020-07-06 13:03 | Report Abuse

I bought Vivo at 2cents, 6months ago (30million )----I sold today at 0.04-0.045---Profit margin is 100% ----Do you think TopGlove Or Super can Match?


2020-07-06 08:57 | Report Abuse

small Cap Stock will continue to move forward bcos I believe snap Poll will be announced after
1st parliment meeting. Recession will take atleast 3 Qr to bounce back back ---hardest Hit will
be Bumi biz bcos they lack capital for long haul. You don't want a Poll when 90% of yr. supporters
are eating one meal a Day


2020-07-05 10:58 | Report Abuse

Roger 123----Searching all over Bursa to see what stock i am investing----hahaha
Go back to your Puncak, Smtrack, Ekovest ( con-stock meets con-man )


2020-07-04 18:08 | Report Abuse

Marlboro MAN----Billions spend on this Icon, now Bat cannot used it.


2020-07-04 10:56 | Report Abuse

Friday see all active Counters are "goreng counters"--- Very small Cap, ikan Bilis Counters
like KNM, Anzo, Vivocom, Sanichi, Pdz, Iris-----Without Short Selling, Ikan Bilis are plying back to
small Cap----Almost certain next week onwards, small Cap or ikan Bilis favorite will move rapidly


2020-07-03 18:50 | Report Abuse

yKK is one Good example----SuperInvestor ( or failed goreng master )


2020-07-03 18:47 | Report Abuse

If you invest Ten of millions here----you must Not Only eat , sleep here but also pay several Con-
artist to drum support here everyday And most important is, you must pay ten of Thousand to someone to WRITE incredible Good Reports about AA-----Full scale promotion----
You must also threaten Bankers that if they don't write Good Review about AA, you default their
Loan payment and Pull out All your Politician Friends for Help.-----just my ways to Goreng Stock


2020-07-03 17:40 | Report Abuse

We have about 4 million (Illegal + Legal )Workers----Cheap Cigs are here to stay. BAT has more
expertise then anyone else to produce Cheap Cigs ( sources of Cheap Tobacco are everywhere )...
But profit margin is very Thin ( waste management time )


2020-07-03 17:34 | Report Abuse

I don't feel "illegal Cigs" and Vape" are really taking Biz from BAT. It is constant health promotion
that is killing BAT revenue. Illegal Cigs and Vap are "Outside" Bat biz scope ( not even Bat product
Line---how can they impact BAT bottom line ) Illegal Cigs are cheap product with little fragrant and
extremely "light weight in tobacco quality"

In order to deflect complaint about falling revenue, management just push problems to illegal Cigs.
However Economy has a profound on effect Cigs consumption, once things are rosy again,
demand pick-up naturally-----"Cig is till Death do we part "


2020-07-03 17:21 | Report Abuse

Anzo is really a Trump-up counter. Revenue 8.368M----Loss 2,441.00 before Tax (dog-food), yet
the counter is going up. Announced by land, machine---"lagi up" how they get the money---goreng-up stock price maybe----having projects Not guarantee profit ( show profit then it is money )


2020-07-02 17:12 | Report Abuse

Got to dethrone Dsonic once and for all


2020-07-02 16:02 | Report Abuse

Floodgate opens


2020-07-01 18:35 | Report Abuse

after Gov. announced Tax break both Epf and Kwsp daily Bought Volume is around 40% of Total
shares Bought ( very high). Ikan Bilis and contra players are net sellers.


2020-07-01 17:45 | Report Abuse

most people thought Sap share price cannot move bcos the number shares outstanding is 16 billion. But in actual fact the number of shares in open market is only 1 billion so if daily Volume hit 200--300 million, Sap price will move quite easily.


2020-07-01 17:41 | Report Abuse

Don't worry about Dps RI bcos this Co. financial ratio is too weak. Any RI would failed-----Unless
Peter Sell his personal stake / and or Company Asset


2020-07-01 17:38 | Report Abuse

Peter got to sub-contract goreng to a third party. He doesn't has the money to do it. Example, like
Right Issue, RI is always sub-contract to Bank to take up certain portion of stake ( to distribute)
Bank protect there interest by sub-contract goreng to 4th party with assurance from "said Peter"
Not to Sell his shares when price is very high


2020-07-01 17:23 | Report Abuse

bcos Public Bank Investor cannot Conned anymore he has "ta pau" and go other place


2020-07-01 16:48 | Report Abuse

Give or take you got about 1 billion left to Goreng out of 16Billion (if 92.42% held tightly )


2020-07-01 16:27 | Report Abuse

If you look at the annual report on shareholdings------the mixed had changed so much -----
1) The number of people holding 92.42% of ALL Sapura shares are in the hands of only 11.70% of
All sharesholder------------

Ikan Bilis is literally wipe-out-----This is a cornered Stock( i am so surprised ) Considering Sap is
a 16 Billion Shares Company


2020-07-01 08:44 | Report Abuse

QoQ revenue drop from 238 to 75mil during MCO----don't expect 100mil profit ----hahaha


2020-07-01 08:28 | Report Abuse

I didn't pay most of contractors for the last 3 months maybe extend another 2 months. Let them
borrow from Banks. Best time to let Contractors cough-out some hefty profits they made during
Good time ( always threaten to drop tools and walk-out the Job )


2020-06-30 20:57 | Report Abuse

as long as we know losses are Not self inflicted but due stop work Order from MCO ( both Vietnam
and Malaysia )----You just have to swallow it


2020-06-30 20:41 | Report Abuse

Anyway DPS still makes 140K during MCO. Peter should slaughter a Goat and give thanks to
La Tok Gong for such "Good fortune"


2020-06-30 20:31 | Report Abuse

furniture sale plunged by 40% while property revenue up about 1 mil----even in extremely bad times Property revenue still maintaining positive----If furniture didn't plunge due to MCO, this
Qr. can registered "about" 2 mil profit.
However next Qr, results at best would register 500K --1mil better than this Qr bcos Property is
very stable----ahaaa furniture is very hard to say even Peter sounds positive ( i doubt )

If you want miracle, Peter has to CUT cost of Goods Sold expenses. But considering both Furniture and Low cost Housing has Very Low margin, I doubt CGS can be lower further. Both furniture and
low cost housing are similar to "supermarket products" -----High Volume and Cut-throat costings
to make money


2020-06-30 15:38 | Report Abuse

TopGloves PE was well over a 100 and I rushed in and Buy ( now all Sold )----After Qr results
PE is still very, very high at 63.73. However 99% of the sohai Bankers still said Buy, Buy bcos
they are planning to Sell soon. Medical Gloves production are now 300% over-Built and massive
cost over-run but Bankers said "nothing"----more than 30 huge lines are coming on line in
China alone.......

True to what i said this morning, Average Bankers Tp is 0.09 bcos they had all Sold


2020-06-30 09:09 | Report Abuse

a margin call by bank will dispose billion of Tony and Kamal shares into the market----you really think Tony really care about AA if he own 5 percent----most likely EPF and PNB will nominate another CEO.----Give time to Tony to find a way out is much better---rather than fire Sale----

I DO NOT believe AA is brought by Tony at All-----It is brought by UMNO --mostly Rafidah & Gang
-----Who can negotiate landing Rights for AA around Asia so easily ???
------As a example when Tony tries to do it himself to negotiate "Open Sky in Asean" just 2 years
ago----nobody in ASEAN give him a Damn ( spend 3 years in Open Sky---finally gave-up )


2020-06-30 08:45 | Report Abuse

2nd Qr Ended. Compare with 1st Qr----It is going to be a surprise up side


2020-06-30 02:32 | Report Abuse

every Bankers knew results are bad. So refusing to release Qr results are Not "bad results per se"
This is to buy time for Tony to brief Bankers and Lenders and to find a way-out "NOT for AA but
for Tony and Kamal themselves" ( Tony don't care about you or yr. investment---strictly to
protect himself from plunging Share price )----Tony is not a born Billionaire. All his AA shares
are bought with margin account and Bank borrowings. I know of 2 occasions, Cimb bank sold
Tony pledged shares to cover "something Tony cannot pay "


2020-06-29 18:35 | Report Abuse

very reasonable at 30cents for Goreng kaki ( obviously Bankers will say 10 cents at most bcos he
already Sold )


2020-06-29 18:33 | Report Abuse

still making money in very bad times.----mostly from on-going projects. Results are peanut( less
than peanuts ) when compare when Oil at $100----Every Qr. profit was around RM300---400mil


2020-06-29 16:23 | Report Abuse

Indian Accounts (samy vellu)---always somethings missing


2020-06-29 12:56 | Report Abuse


Fitch reaffirmed Ringgit bcos Oil will recover


2020-06-28 14:44 | Report Abuse

Latex price has jumped more than 50%. If Thailand wants to protect Sri Trang Gloves, Thailand,
they can impose a export Ban. Latex price will jump 150% for Malaysia Buyers. ( 60% of Malaysia Rubber Industries buy latex from thailand-----I think most of TopGloves latex comes from thailand too ) Gov. Co like Felda and felcra cannot supplies enough Latex for local Co. bcos most Rubber Plantation already converted into Palm Plantation


2020-06-28 13:05 | Report Abuse

Lemon is still Okay if you bought cheap( just give a ugly facial expression)-----Old Slipper will
make you a idiot investor for decades


2020-06-28 13:00 | Report Abuse

After Qr results out, the first item you should look is NTA ( now 1.33) This is the number to tell
you whether you a bought a Lemon Or a Old slipper (fast throw)


2020-06-28 08:31 | Report Abuse

Next week should be Good. Relief Rally for 6 months " No shorting "----Bursa is really worried
about Shorting ended in 30 June( going down for last 2 weeks )


2020-06-24 13:55 | Report Abuse

Average Housing loan is around 4.3% (June 2020)-----However i expect interest rate to drop to
0.5% in 2021----after running to many Bankers lately ( full recession by December 2020)

So, I expect Housing loan to drop to 2.0--2.5% in Jan 2021----About Half the mortgage rate as
of Today-----I do expect Budget/Low Housing to do very well ( paying Half mortgage payment as
of today)


2020-06-24 12:19 | Report Abuse

draw down of payment on finished Houses may help Qr. result a little Bit


2020-06-24 12:16 | Report Abuse

Qr. delay bcos # no so good. But SUKE highway project may has a draw down on payment. I saw
many finished connections


2020-06-24 12:09 | Report Abuse

in the event Tony manage to find a Buyer to buy 10% stake, i don't think the offer price will RM1.0
Better wait for Qr results to see Cash flow first.