
MZM2511 | Joined since 2020-07-26

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2021-03-09 17:47 | Report Abuse

SafeTravelPass yang menggunakan paltform Tracvirus adalah inisiatif tanpa kos kepada kerajaan sebagai Tanggungjawab Sosial Korporat (CSR) syarikat dan ianya sedang menjalani proses percubaan yang telah di lancarkan oleh Y.B. Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Bin Md. Yusof, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Tugas-Tugas Khas) bermula dari 22hb Februari 2021 sehingga 8hb Mac 2021 bagi kemudahan pelawat yang memasuki Malaysia di Pintu Masuk Antarabangsa, melibatkan agensi Angkatan Pertahanan Awam (APM), Agensi Pengurusan Bencana Negara (NADMA) dan di dalam pengetahuan Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) setelah ianya memperolehi cadangan penggunaan bagi agensi-agensi kerajaan.


2021-03-09 16:56 | Report Abuse

8dragon Nampaknya ujian Tracvirus Apps tidak lancar dan bermasalah..... Lol

Keputusan rasmi belum keluar. Agen MYEg awal-awal dah buat announcement.
Tunggu dululah OKU_2020 = 8dragon = DONJUAN
Kalau ada rezeki awak nak beli @3 sen tu mungkin akan sampai juga.
Tak payahlah reka cerita NAYSAYER tu.


2021-03-08 20:27 | Report Abuse

Singapore88 Boleh jadi atau ko
Tak pastilah, Harapan besarnya jadi.
Nanti kita sama-sama tengok betul-betul jadi tin kosong atau tin penuh.
Seawal-awal jawapan yang mungkin diperoleh ialah esok.


2021-03-08 18:16 | Report Abuse

Berita lama. Cuba cari keyakinan tentang kekuatan TracVirus app.

..... The Malaysian Civil Defence Force is to use a new locally-developed smartphone app to obtain data and monitor all persons entering the country, said special functions minister Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof today.

.... “This system can track the position of individuals in real time, IN CONTRAST to the MySejahtera application which shows the history of a person’s last journey,” he said..

.... A two-week trial will begin tomorrow (22nd February 2021) at Kuala Lumpur International Airport to check the effectiveness of the app before it is expanded to other points of entry, thus encouraging travel bubbles.

.... Redzuan said he had also discussed the matter with health minister Adham Baba, especially on the data-sharing aspect.

.... can be used in eight languages: Malay, English, Mandarin, Thai, Korean, Japanese, Indonesian and Arabic.



2021-03-08 15:24 | Report Abuse

8dragon Yang sdh beli cepat lari, jgn tunggu saham jadi kertas jamban.....

Kalau nak jadi kertas jamban, beli @3 sen buat apa?????

8dragon Hahahaha, Saya tunggu dia jatuh ke level 3 sen...beli 1 lot cukup lah untuk cuba nasib....


2021-03-08 14:36 | Report Abuse

@8dragon. Ini kalilah.


2021-03-08 14:33 | Report Abuse

@TPC007. Ini kalilah. He He


2021-03-08 12:36 | Report Abuse

Bukan semua jenis perniagaan akan diberi sepenuhnya jepada syarikat berkaitan kerajaan. Lihat hongsen dapat kontrak test kit dan myeg tak dapat kontrak yang diperoleh oleh iris.


2021-03-08 11:11 | Report Abuse

MZM2511 Selagi results belum keluar, peluang masih ada. Hanya app Nexgram secara rasmi dilaporkan diuji. Tidak melibatkan app lain


2021-03-07 19:03 | Report Abuse

Dok eh. Tongah tilik "nasib" apo yang akan Nexgram dapet fasal trial dengan APM nun.
Red card ko Green card..... Sedang berkiro tin buleh isi ponuh ko nanti...


2021-03-05 21:33 | Report Abuse

Looks like they are going to set the subscription price of the PP lower than 5 sen. Bilis will die. Lol


2021-03-05 07:37 | Report Abuse

The news related to the JV. Its shows that the JV agreement still kicking and the seriousness of Rafarma on the JV.

........Contractual partnerships have already been finalized with several companies in China, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic, Singapore, MALAYSIA and Russia.

Source (4/3/2021 news):


2021-03-04 18:24 | Report Abuse

Prospek Nexgram. Lima puluh sen. Lima Puluh sen.... BUKAN DUA SEN. He He


2021-03-04 18:22 | Report Abuse

Prospek TracVirus digunakan oleh pihak kerajaan secara rasmi.....

Katanya, aplikasi itu (TracVirus) dibangunkan oleh syarikat tempatan dan mendapat persetujuan Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN).

Mohd Redzuan berkata, aplikasi TracVirus itu boleh menjejaki secara langsung lokasi individu yang menggunakannya.

Aplikasi ini boleh memantau secara langsung (mengikut masa sebenar) dan APM juga sudah mengadakan perbincangan dengan Kementerian Kesihatan, bagi mempermudah perkongsian data."

“Sekiranya aplikasi ini berjaya, ia akan DIPERLUASKAN UNTUK DIGUNAKAN di tempat lain bagi menggalakkan gelembung perjalanan,” katanya.


2021-03-04 17:07 | Report Abuse

Jadi inilah masanya OKU_2020 = 8dragon = DONJUAN hilang keyakinan penuh terhadap Nexgram.
Kalau macam ni pandangan awak terhadap Nexgram, @3 sen pun tak patut belilah.


2021-03-04 08:14 | Report Abuse

Sorry, Saya ulang tayang. Nak tengok QR2 2021 Nexgram, apa cerita. Ada cerita elok tak dari healthcare ( Tracvirus danTest kit, Glove dan PPE di Indonesia, SafeTravelPass dan inbound travellers, earning dari Arita Plastic) dan interim earning dari construction. . REALITI KE, CON KE... Nanti boleh buat keputusan sendiri semua dari kita pelabur Nexgram....


2021-03-04 08:13 | Report Abuse

The Proposed Share Capital Reduction will enable the Company to reduce its accumulated losses via cancellation of the share capital which is lost or unpresented by available assets of the Company. The Proposed Share Capital Reduction may also enhance the Group’s credibility with its customers, suppliers and investors.


2021-03-04 08:11 | Report Abuse

Dont bluff OKU_2020.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Proposed Share Capital Reduction will not result in any adjustment to the market price nor to the number of Nexgram Shares, ICPS, Warrants A 2012/2022, Warrants B 2013/2023 and Warrants C 2014/2024 held by the Company’s shareholders.


2021-03-03 22:35 | Report Abuse

Yes. Ini kalilah.


2021-03-03 22:28 | Report Abuse

Berita Burok yg paling di takuti ...telah lama di hidu @8dragon....
Finish - Mapohh - Kena PREQQ SOKMO...!
Jadi inilah masanya OKU_2020 = 8dragon = DONJUAN hilang keyakinan penuh terhadap Nexgram.
Kalau macam ni pandangan awak terhadap Nexgram, @3 sen pun tak patut belilah.

LOGIK KAN... lol


2021-03-03 22:18 | Report Abuse
Jadi, kita nak tengok QR2 2021 Nexgram, apa cerita. Ada cerita elok tak dari healthcare: Tracvirus danTest kit, Glove dan PPE di Indonesia, SafeTravelPass, Earning dari Arita dan interim earning dari construction.


2021-03-03 22:15 | Report Abuse

What Is Capital Reduction?
Capital reduction is the process of decreasing a company's shareholder equity through share cancellations and share repurchases, also known as share buybacks. The reduction of capital is done by companies for numerous reasons, including increasing shareholder value and producing a more efficient capital structure.


2021-03-03 22:14 | Report Abuse

The Proposed Share Capital Reduction will enable the Company to reduce its accumulated losses via cancellation of the share capital which is lost or unpresented by available assets of the Company. The Proposed Share Capital Reduction may also enhance the Group’s credibility with its customers, suppliers and investors.


2021-03-03 22:14 | Report Abuse

TwaHuat Nothing mentioned about dividend
Capital reduction only. Capital reduction will be exercised without capital repayment (as you said dividen) because all the proceed from capital reduction will be used to off set the acumulated losses. Havent stated any consolidation exercise.


2021-03-03 16:55 | Report Abuse

Pharma and Dpharma are producing drugs,bottling and distributing, not producing vaccine bottles. The bottles has to be outsourced from other manufacturers.


2021-03-02 20:11 | Report Abuse

@8dragon=OKU_2020=DONJUAN. You are working very hard to do fishing @3 sen.
What a con witch. He He


2021-03-02 19:50 | Report Abuse

8dragon Susah lah this Nexgram, seems no body interested in it's Tracvirus app....
Just wait for the trial results....


2021-02-28 13:38 | Report Abuse

Tracvirus Open Platform was launched in Malaysia and Indonesia in July 2020, followed by the launch of “Tracvirus SafeTravelPass”, an Electronic Certificate (“E-Cert”) for inbound travellers, packaged together with Malaysia Tourism Council (“MTC”) to get Malaysia tourism ready for post pandemic inbound travellers. Tracvirus has listed MOH approved quarantine hotels and centers as the one-stop solution provider to MTC members.

Tracvirus was developed by Nexgram sub-subsidiary Medic Data Science Pte Ltd (“MDS”), and distributed by another sub-subsidiaries of the Company, TRI-G, is an electronic health pass system for travellers aimed at facilitating entry into Malaysia amidst the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

The system, which is designed and operated by Nexgram for the use by government departments including MOH, is accessible at and has gone live since June this year.


2021-02-27 14:55 | Report Abuse

Last quarter, QR2 2021, the P&L showed Profit After Taxation RM27.08 mil. The profit derived from the fair value adjustment on other investment item amounted RM31.745 mil (Come from the appreciation of quoted share price held).

For QR3 2021, the P&L showed Loss After Taxation RM10.827 mil. The lost derived from the fair value adjustment on other investment item amounted RM7.194 mil (Come from the fall of quoted share price held).

Look like the profitability of the company will be depend more on their Other Investment item, rather than the other business segments.


2021-02-27 14:49 | Report Abuse

Be patient. I will wait until this McQuire PP finished. And then look how.


2021-02-27 14:45 | Report Abuse

8dragon Expect heavy selling next week, price may drop to 3 cents....

Apa pulak? Ada apa berita buruk ke? Kalau ada kaborlah kat kita orang.

Force selling untuk hari volume yang tinggi dua tiga hari lepas dah selesai pada Jumaat.


2021-02-27 09:22 | Report Abuse

Proml976 Soon will be delisted??
To early dear friend. The company has a cash and bank balances amounted RM53.017 mil.
Also, other FA items still in good condition and sound. He He


2021-02-27 08:58 | Report Abuse

Anisdesanika Evo118 u're right.Someone is pressing the price down to collect cheap2.I remembered last year, vivocom was 2 sen & nobody wanted to buy it.Suddenly after consolidation,it went limit up few times.Mtouche could be next to goreng.
Yes. The lowest price of Vivocom in a year before consolidation was @1.5 sen. At the day before consolidation, the price was transacted @5 sen.


2021-02-27 08:55 | Report Abuse

Those who are in force selling mode and those who believe the share price will go lower.


2021-02-26 21:31 | Report Abuse

They didn't show cost of sales and gross profit/(loss). As per note A8, they show the gross profit/ (loss) is (10,461). After deducting interest expenses 387 and adding interest income 21, profit /(loss) before tax (10,827) will be derrived.


2021-02-25 21:08 | Report Abuse

@TM34535. Nice to see you.


2021-02-25 12:32 | Report Abuse

WA 2024, WB 2023, WA 2022


2021-02-24 19:02 | Report Abuse

I myself also never voted in any related company's AGM or EGM. He He


2021-02-24 18:47 | Report Abuse

I don't agree with this company's plan.But do we retail investors have enough votes at EGM to cancel their plan? In most cases, retail investors will ignore to vote, therefore the insiders plan will be easily passed.


2021-02-24 18:36 | Report Abuse

@Mytrd. Yes if the average price will be only 20 sen. All of us will suffer a big loss. But its only the example. The true average price also will depend on the price set on the market after consolidation.


2021-02-24 17:16 | Report Abuse

defragmenter So thats mean the stock price will be 0.05 and RI will be offered 0.035 based on 30% discount
Would be set on the average price after consolidation, means the average price will be calculated for certain period selected prior setting the RI price. Let say, after consolidation, they will picked certain period, let say calculate the average price for one week before the RI price being set.
Let say the scenario is the average price will be 20 sen. Therefore, if they set the discount at 30%, means they will set the RI price @ 14 sen.

I hope if I am wrong, sifu here can give correct explanation. He He


2021-02-24 14:13 | Report Abuse

It's mentioned there that the indication discount would be around 30% of the average stock price after consolidation


2021-02-23 20:56 | Report Abuse

@terranova1275. OKU_2020 = 8dragon = DONJUAN is a rare specie.
This spicie is hard to find among human. He He


2021-02-23 00:01 | Report Abuse

As the conversion price is @5 sen, the warrant I think would follow suit if the mother's price transacted @ higher price.


2021-02-22 23:37 | Report Abuse

No updates reported by the company for Indonesian contract (MAPU) and East Coast Project.

Based on the latest news from QA at last AGM, the East Coast Project has been started and will contribute to the revenue of the company accordingly.

If there is any, we will have the progress reports of the projects in the incoming QR2 2021 report.


2021-02-22 17:03 | Report Abuse

Politik dok berebut nak jadi perdana menterilah. Apa lagi ada di Malaysia