
MZM2511 | Joined since 2020-07-26

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2021-02-14 13:14 | Report Abuse

Yes. Average down always bad. Thank you for your advice.

I'm playing small only on this counter.
Waiting for the lowest price it can be.
Trying my luck to test the theory of share consolidation.


2021-02-13 22:50 | Report Abuse

Not to sell or to buy. Wait for conso...
Watch for lower price to top up some, if there is a chance.


2021-02-13 21:00 | Report Abuse

I, I sir. He He


2021-02-11 21:31 | Report Abuse

Happy Chinese New Year.....


2021-02-09 14:09 | Report Abuse

8dragon Tenggok keadaan Nexgram sekarang, jgn sebut 3 sen, 1 sen pun boleh jadi... itu lah maknanya tong kosong.....
Kalau dah tong kosong tunggu nak beli buat apa???? Mesti ada sesuatu yang tak betul...
Keluar dari mulut NAYSAYER....


2021-02-09 10:13 | Report Abuse

Current shares 1.32 bil. After conso 132.4 mil + RI 794.4 mil = After Conso and RI 926.8 mil


2021-02-09 10:04 | Report Abuse

@8dragon. If you believe it will happen like that, no point for you to monitor this counter anymore, except you're the opportunist naysayer.
Kesian awak. Sudah lama tunggu @3 sen. Belum tercapai jugakkk.


2021-02-08 22:52 | Report Abuse

Mtouche is under Fintech Global 'RING OF COMPANIES". Most of the companies under the group of companies have been Goreng Hangit in 2020. The wonders can or can't be repeated.... Only the operators knows everything... He He


2021-02-08 22:39 | Report Abuse

@freddiehero. Agree. Its in 2020. But my rationale is, there is still a chance as we don't quite sure what is the plan set by the company in doing this consolidation...


2021-02-08 22:30 | Report Abuse

Vivocom, the price before consolidation of 10:1 was @4.5-5 sen. On the first day of trading after consolidation, the price jumped to 67.5 sen and on the fourth day of trading the price closed @RM1.07.


2021-02-08 22:25 | Report Abuse

Hrenry79. Is not easy to push from 0.45 to 1.00
Its not easy, but its a possibility. Please study Vivocom's consolidation exercise....


2021-02-08 20:47 | Report Abuse

@Investsmart4. Possible, but in theory the price after consolidation will be higher, at least in short term. Its sometimes trading higher than the price set by the theory and its also can be lower. Its also can be lower than the price before consolidation in long run, if the company still does'nt perform after conso.....


2021-02-08 19:10 | Report Abuse

another way to ask for more money fr retailers....
Sometimes the company do it for good, sometimes will give nothing good for the company. It depends on the management of the company.


2021-02-08 14:58 | Report Abuse

8dragon This is what I call empty drum.... BOD will finally dumped inside the drum.. lol
Parts of the drum has been filled up. When the news about the JV comes in, the drum will be full.
I will keep waiting for the day.

Warren Buffett - "The stock market is device to transfer money from the impatient to the patient"


2021-02-08 14:04 | Report Abuse

Okay. i'm a newbie here. Traped some @6.5. sen. After consolidation news, I made a decision. To keep and top up some today @4.5 sen. Going to take risks.


2021-02-08 13:24 | Report Abuse

Or cutloss now.... Do not turn back. Nice sleep also


2021-02-06 23:03 | Report Abuse

The price after consolidation will be higher. But the price usually not as theoretically assumed. Its sometimes higher than the price set by the theory and its also can be lower. Its depends on the specific conditions of the companies. Every companies have their own nature....


2021-02-06 21:36 | Report Abuse

Noned.. But mom share should higher...
If the RI price assumed @ 10 sen, the existing share at that time should be at least 30% higher....


2021-02-06 15:00 | Report Abuse

BigDaddyCool. After Ex Date your existing Share will be 40,000 unit and if market price stay at 0.10 value of your shares is RM4,000.00.

Why the price assumed to be @10 sen? Theoretically, the price after consolidation should be higher. For example if the price before consolidation is 5 sen, theoretically the price after consolidation is 10 X 5 sen = 50 sen. Based on your assumption, MTouche price before consolidation assumed to be @1 sen. Why????

In Trive case, on the first day of trading after consolidation of 25:1, the price jump from 1.5 sen to 31.5 sen. After few weeks of trading, the last trading price is @25.5 sen. Same as Vivocom, on the first day of transaction after consolidation of 10:1, the price jump from 4.5 sen to 67.5 sen and the last trading price is @RM1.01.


2021-02-06 14:55 | Report Abuse

8dragon @DRwarrant, sorry I don't hold any Nexgram share at the moment... Will only consider buying if the co prospect is good... wait for the coming qtr report...if still negative then prefer sideline...
It's good to read this statements by you. You're considered as wise, but it's not wise to be a naysayer while waiting for any good sign to buy Nexgram's stock. He He


2021-02-05 22:13 | Report Abuse

@8dragon. Air je mungkin masih sedang proses rundingan pembelian, sebahagian tong sudah pun diisi dengan pembelian barang baru....Barang-barang baik punyee.. HE HE


2021-02-05 14:47 | Report Abuse

@8dragon....The main drum has been changed...


2021-02-04 21:07 | Report Abuse

Tong Nexgram memang masih kosong dengan vaksin. Nexgram belum pun berniaga vaksin. masih ada perinagaan lain yang dikira berpotensi buat untung. Lagipun, satu lagi peluang tong Nexgram boleh diisi dengan vaksin, iaitu melalui JV dengan Rafarma.


2021-01-30 09:58 | Report Abuse

I'm pleased to test for the said engines of growth for Nexgram brought by the new management of the company.

What is the real impact on the company's near future FA performance:

1. Covid-19 Test Kits (agreement with MKN/MOH and MTC)
2. Covid-19 Test (via subsidiary in Indonesia)
3. Tracvirus SafeTravelPass (Approved by MKN/ MOH))
4. Medical gloves and PPE (gown) (contract with MAPU in Indonesia)
5. NexgramBottleVaccine (via subsidiary operation)
6. RM118 mil Subcontract of the Gua Musang Highway (subcontract in progress)


2021-01-30 09:57 | Report Abuse

The objectives of VaciineLab and Rafarma JV:
1. For short term, the JV is trying to make a deal for sourcing, distributing and conducting clinical trial for selected vaccine candidate from Russia and Europe.

(Note: Currently the companies had formed regular studies and evaluation discussions team between RAFARMA and VaccinesLab advisors on WHO’s listed Covid-19 vaccine clinical trial results especially in terms of safety and efficacy, as well as comparing the research with Russian vaccines currently under various stages of studies, including phase 1 to 3 clinical trials. The team shall propose to VaccinesLab the relevant vaccines deem suitable for ASEAN market in line with WHO updates and standards).

2. For long term, the JV is planning to built a plant in Indonesia for vaccine research and development (I think as stated in Rafarma Strategic Overview whereas a plant will be built in Batam Indonesia), whereas this objective will be achieved by working with a Russian national pharmaceutical pioneer established since 1959 (Referred to PJSC KrasPharma from Russia, a subsidiary of Rafarma).

(Note: The Rafarma Pharmaceutical group has an ability, expertise and technology in production of components and consumable for a vector vaccines (Relates to one of the technology of vaccine developing and manufacturing). For examples: AstraZeneca, CansinoBio and Sputnik V vaccines are classified as the adenovirus vector vaccine.


2021-01-30 09:46 | Report Abuse

RIP for the old management....


2021-01-29 15:03 | Report Abuse

Naysayer tonic will be very effective. Nexgram BOD should get some..


2021-01-29 12:31 | Report Abuse

Ada ubat. Sedang berubat ni.
Eh Eh Belum turun lagi @3 sen rupanya.

Baguslah Nexgram... He He


2021-01-28 21:50 | Report Abuse

jebon. It's easier to pronounce.. He He


2021-01-27 16:38 | Report Abuse

Okay. I understand that you have your personal objectives.I have my own. At least I'm trying to protect it from other people's insincere plans.


2021-01-27 16:31 | Report Abuse

Our discussion should be based on facts or assumptions/predictions based on evidences. Some times our assumptions/predictions going to be incorrect. But at least don't give information that in the reality is not correct. Its not fair just to achieve our personal objectives by giving trully misleading information to others.


2021-01-27 15:29 | Report Abuse

how many esos to be listed?


2021-01-27 15:14 | Report Abuse

@OKU_2020=8dragon=DONJUAN. You can have your own monologue because OKU_2020=8dragon=DONJUAN.


2021-01-27 15:01 | Report Abuse

OKU_2020@8dragon@DONJUAN. At least I can conclude that all of your effort is just to mislead others to sell.... In order to make sure you can buy the shares at cheaper price.

You can continue your evil activities because this forum is a public forum.


2021-01-27 12:05 | Report Abuse

Or after mc quarie, cosolidation?


2021-01-27 12:04 | Report Abuse

Ayo yo. After mc quarie also have to wait for years. Really?


2021-01-27 11:54 | Report Abuse

And I really hope that OKU_2020=8dragon=DONJUAN will disappear from this counter.....


2021-01-27 09:54 | Report Abuse

Long time no news about test kit. Any progress


2021-01-26 21:07 | Report Abuse

OKU_2020 Financially negative = GN 3 laaa.....
Better be prepared for ..??....hmmm ,,, demo haii...

NTA 4.88 sen tu apa cerita???? Negative la tu bagi awak. Memang GG


2021-01-26 20:43 | Report Abuse

@OKU_2020 = 8dragon = DON JUAN
macam mau jadi Very sad ending = Tragedy - ,,, that why laaa.....

Kalau macam tu betullah kamu Orang Kurang Upaya. GG masih berada di sini dok tunggu nak beli saham Nexgram @3 sen.


2021-01-26 20:40 | Report Abuse

@OKU_2020 = 8dragon = DON JUAN
Nexgram bukan sekadar harapkan perniagaan vaksin sahaja. Perniagaan vaksin diharap dapat BOOST Nexgram ke tahap lebih tinggi.

The new engine of growth for Nexgram..
1. Covid-19 Test Kits (agreement with MKN/MOH and MTC)
2. Covid-19 Test (via subsidiary in Indonesia)
3. Tracvirus SafeTravelPass (Approved by MKN/ MOH))
4. Medical gloves and PPE (gown) (contract with MAPU in Indonesia)
5. NexgramBottleVaccine (via subsidiary operation)
6. RM118 mil Subcontract of the Gua Musang Highway (subcontract in progress)


2021-01-26 20:38 | Report Abuse

@OKU_2020 = 8dragon = DON JUAN body is going to JV with you if you are financially negative...
Financially negative???? Ini kenyataan CON MAN taraf DEWA. Kalau nak tipu, tipu budak OKU sudahlah..... Buat malu saja.


2021-01-26 19:32 | Report Abuse

One more hope. JV in Indonesia. Soal chance saya tidak tahu, tipis atau TEBAL. He He


2021-01-26 16:28 | Report Abuse

@OKU_2020 = 8dragon = DON JUAN. The great opportunist naysayer.


2021-01-26 12:38 | Report Abuse

@OKU_2020 = 8dragon = DON JUAN. Bagus. Boleh bercakap dengan diri sendiri. Yakinkan diri anda. Option untuk anda jual ada di depan mata. Boleh jual lagi tu. Ada buyer. He He


2021-01-26 09:55 | Report Abuse

@OKU_2020 = 8dragon = DON JUAN. You are free to sell your Nexgram's shares (if you have any) ... LOL


2021-01-25 21:12 | Report Abuse

@OKU_2020 = 8dragon = DON JUAN.

YOOOO......No wonder this Cap Ayam -GN 3 Nexgram down to 4 sen today...
got financial problem haaa....Macam Non stop down trend

Your info was noted. You are free to sell your Nexgram's shares (if you have any) ... LOL


2021-01-25 17:06 | Report Abuse

I think this 80,000,000 ICPS conversion is for Capital Day (the ex-creditor who is not to be the substantial shareholder). Capital Day has a right for 80 mil ICPS only,


2021-01-25 13:23 | Report Abuse

@OKU_2020 dan 8dragon. Awak ada option untuk jual sajalah atau belah sajalah.
He He