
MingGoon | Joined since 2019-06-24

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2020-05-13 14:52 | Report Abuse

Chia02 What's the best price to buy in? Will K1 continue to rise like a mountain?
Chia02 : Today is the best price to buy... before the price hike up more and hit 0.5 TP

amateurJR Sold all my K1 shares today since it has reached my short term target. Hope it will continue doing well!
13/05/2020 2:49 PM
AmateurJR : still can buy today... before it hit 0.5


2020-05-13 14:45 | Report Abuse

ivanpui93 This week K1 will be superstar !!!
Yes, Ivan.... now you know why K1 will be superstar !
K1 manufactures ventilator....

mh87 K1 is a profitable company so far.
If QR is good then sure will fly higher than 0.50
Yes, MH87 : I agree with you, K1 in the near period, K1 will definitely see 0.5.
I am seeing more of K1 as in 0.75 very very soon...

Looking at glove counter today... if K1 turn RM1, this is a posibility too.


2020-05-13 14:43 | Report Abuse

Breaking News today , Souce Bloomberg.com :
Wuhan to test Whole City of 11 Million as New Cases Emerge
Wuhan has ordered officials to test its entire population of 11 million people after the central Chinese City where the coronavirus pandemic began reported new infections for the first time since its lockdown was lifted.


2020-05-08 16:19 | Report Abuse

Traders Brief - Volatility Ahead as Market Weighs Further MCO Relaxations and Trump’s China Tariff Threat
Author: HLInvest | Publish date: Mon, 4 May 2020, 9:16 AM


2020-05-08 16:17 | Report Abuse

Ruberex ... stable as Covid 19 & KYY
Buy more and keep for long term

Ruberex another supermx in the medium term.


2020-05-08 16:14 | Report Abuse

Monday - No trading ( Nurul Quran Holiday)
Tue.... not too sure, what going to happen.

Take profit if you have now...
Stay safe..
If not keep for long term .


2020-05-08 16:14 | Report Abuse

Plantermen ... yes, Monday no trading ( Nurul Quran holiday)
More worry, what gonna happen on Tue...


2020-05-08 16:13 | Report Abuse

Monday - No trading Nurul Quran holiday


2020-05-08 16:09 | Report Abuse

Monday no trading - Nurul Quran..


2020-05-08 16:08 | Report Abuse

Monday - no trading...


2020-05-08 16:06 | Report Abuse

Today, Parliment allows no confidence vote against PM

Mahsing ... property... will not be up for a while.
For long term ok, if got profit take profit first

Today friday ... not too sure how will monday be

come back again when Mahsing has more price weakness


2020-05-08 16:03 | Report Abuse

Today, Parliment speaker allowed no confidence vote against PM.
Today is Friday...
What gonna happen on Monday..

Take profit while you could
Airport .... will not be good for now...
Long term might be ok..

Run while you still profit..
Monday, foresees price weakness


2020-05-08 15:53 | Report Abuse

Friday ... take note everyone..
Not knowing how Monday shall be
Profit take first..


2020-05-08 15:53 | Report Abuse

Bursa - might have price weakness soon.
Monitor and pick up if bursa drop


2020-05-08 15:52 | Report Abuse

Today Parliament speaker allowed a motion of no confidence against current PM


2020-05-08 15:41 | Report Abuse

Ekovest... price weakness
might re-test 0.48


2020-05-08 09:39 | Report Abuse

KSLI up up up
08/05/2020 9:33 AM

Newplayer286 Someone sell means someone bought it, the announcement when will be out?
08/05/2020 9:34 AM

KSLI & Newplayer286 : Today's is Friday...best time to buy Ruberex....
Next week... up up up..
Ruberex hold for long term... you will never regret...
Medium term players ; can be like supermx
Long term players... so much profit

Just imagine Harta was once this price too...
You to decide...


2020-05-08 09:37 | Report Abuse

"If you are KYY would you rather push the Company which you are the founder (Ruberex) or other people's Company (Comfort). Think about it."

Hi Energiser : very well said...
Like you , I also prefer Ruberex than Comfort...
Ruberex has more growth potential...
Ruberex will be the next supermx....


2020-05-08 09:35 | Report Abuse

"Based on my experience on few counters that i was in before with PP, what happen was when the company is in trajectory of high growth the share price will run strongly initially. Them the xompany will propose PP to IB and IB will identify taker. After PP news anmounced, share price will just stagnant or drop a little cos those who bought in the market will say the PP is low so the current price is overvalued and will start to dispose. So share orice may drop a about 5%. But price will pick up again eventually when another group of investors see value. And the price will start to move higher again"

Thanks, Agil...
That's what i experience too like you...
This similar scenario we have seen many times.
Ruberex will be like supermx....


2020-05-08 09:34 | Report Abuse

I am collecting more Ruberex at 1.67..


2020-05-08 09:33 | Report Abuse

"But or course not all PP behave the same. How we as long as there is a growth story, share price will always overshoot PP price. As RHB research indicated, ruberex will have fastest growth in the next 3 years. With compounded growth rate of over 30%. If it is true, the growth is impressive "

Yes Agil....
I agree with you..
Ruberex will be up more..
in the coming days more up Ruberex price...


2020-05-08 09:32 | Report Abuse

:Major Shareholders exit is it a good news? Answer is NO if the share price dropped drastically. But after major shareholders disposed off all their shares and the price still doing great, that mean there is someone buying. That can only be good. To disposed off 25m shares in open market, that equal to 10% of the company, that should have caused major declined. But it didn't happened. PP might has caused the exit. Dato Ong wants new major shareholders in his boardroom. Without those old major shareholders exiting, it would be impossible. The only way is to issue more shares and diluted their shareholdings percentage. The rest you figure out yourself.
07/05/2020 6:38 PM"

Yes, Pang 123 ....
More in store for Ruberex ...
Ruberex is next Supermx....

Coming soon...


2020-05-08 09:31 | Report Abuse

entry of Datuk Ong Choo Meng as the single largest shareholder with a 31.3% stake. (The Star)

Ruberex .... RM2


2020-05-08 09:30 | Report Abuse

Aun Huat & Brothers Sdn Bhd, a major a shareholder in Rubberex Corp Bhd until recently, has exited the company. This came after Aun Huat & Brothers had disposed its entire 25.2 mln shares, or a 10.0% stake in the glove maker in a crossed deal.

Earlier this week, Rubberex announced that it has placed out new shares in the company at RM1.23 each to raise RM31.0 mln. Proceeds from the fund raising exercise have been allocated for the expansion of its nitrile glove production line.

In early April, Rubberex attracted interest following a change in shareholding, which saw the entry of Datuk Ong Choo Meng as the single largest shareholder with a 31.3% stake. (The Star)


2020-05-06 09:36 | Report Abuse

Comfort going up now....
Ruberex going fly now...

Glove counter to make higher profit...
Comfort and ruberex.... Ruberex higher growth factor.


2020-05-06 09:32 | Report Abuse

Harta each day keeps dropping
People worry as Qtr report soon released....estimate around May 7.

Harta price has been overprice...
Now adjustment each day..

EPF also selling and not yet buy back...

Take care for those of you who has Harta...
Let see after the qtr report release what shall Harta be ? Still can carry such an expensive price or otherwise ?

Tomorrow is Wesak day, a holiday....
After lunch, people might throw to keep cash...
as dont know what gonna happen on wednesday - USA market....


2020-05-06 08:46 | Report Abuse

What are the shares to buy ?
Of course, investors buying company with the fastest profit growth rate to invest. Otherwise, which investor would like to buy and keep the shares for 10 years....
Definitely investors wants to buy company with the fastest growth rate and able to get all profit within 1-2 years time frame.
Among all the share selection criteria such as NTA, cash flow, healthy accounts, EPS etc,
However, profit growth prospect is the most powerful catalyst to move share price.

Rubberex has the best profit growth prospect

Currently Rubberex is producing 1 billion gloves annually. Its new production plants which is scheduled to start operation in June has a production capacity of 2 billion gloves annually. The total production will be 3 billion gloves annually.

Rubberex has issued 252 million shares. Based on the its current share price of Rm 1.75, its market capitalisation is Rm 441 million.

The above are extracts from KYY ( he is a co-founder of Ruberex)...
Those of us who follow KYY on earning from Dayang , Comfort, would not want to miss Rubberex.
Opportunity comes once in a life time...
he gave us 3 times.....


2020-04-23 08:28 | Report Abuse

CIMB group Holding is believed to be the malaysian bank that has significant exposure to troubled oil trader hin leong trading which owes almost USD4$ billion to more than 20 banks including DBS Group Holding, HSBC holdings, and Standard Charetered. Market talk has it that CIMB's exposure to Hin Leong is to the tune of USD120 million to USD130 Million. "

Titan : "i think the news haven reach the masses yet.......if DJ go red tonight ah....then it will fuel the downfall faster le "
( Yes, Titan ... CIMB - favourite of aunty stock... as gives good div ) , aunty not yet hear , not tech savy...

Titan : epf bought b4 the news was reported. Shall see these few days is epf continuing to buy.
( Yes, EFF bought b4 CIMB bad news was released .... )

JBond007: I remembered last year April Maybank-Hyflux loan exposure.
Maybank share prices fell when the news came out....but later everyone tend to forget about it. ( if CIMB drop ... pick up ! ... buy when steep drop ! )

CIMB : aunty aunty loves to buy .... CIMB are old days stock ( rich old aunty ) favourite to keep...

Thumb of rules : buy when low, and conserve cash... cash is king.....
Why take risk....


2020-04-22 15:16 | Report Abuse

apple168 Aiyo... why you describe this so clearly?We hope this news come out in May 2020 so that the shorting power stronger.
mamatede :investor meeting this 28th April for clarification to exposure to Hii Leong
22/04/2020 2:45 PM
alvin5588 : CIMB ,price will retreat, if can't support at 3.45...
22/04/2020 2:48 PM
mamatede :3.5 is a good support. If broken we will see a downside never seen before. probably RM3.
anthonywml82 panic sell..lol..so many big fish stock up

CIMB group Holding is believed to be the malaysian bank that has significant exposure to troubled oil trader hin leong trading which owes almost USD4$ billion to more than 20 banks including DBS Group Holding, HSBC holdings, and Standard Charetered. Market talk has it that CIMB's exposure to Hin Leong is to the tune of USD120 million to USD130 Million. "

Titan : "i think the news haven reach the masses yet.......if DJ go red tonight ah....then it will fuel the downfall faster le

Apple : describe earlier, so can have more capital to buy back CIMB at RM2.
Stay safe everyone !
Titan : You are right, the news have not reach the masses yet... we accumulate our bullet now, and pick up later...


2020-04-22 13:35 | Report Abuse

CIMB group Holding is believed to be the malaysian bank that has significant exposure to troubled oil trader hin leong trading which owes almost USD4$ billion to more than 20 banks including DBS Group Holding, HSBC holdings, and Standard Charetered. Market talk has it that CIMB's exposure to Hin Leong is to the tune of USD120 million to USD130 Million. "

Titan : "i think the news haven reach the masses yet.......if DJ go red tonight ah....then it will fuel the downfall faster le "

Pray will not go down.....
Stay safe...


2020-04-22 10:01 | Report Abuse

Going down ...
Stay safe...


2020-04-22 09:37 | Report Abuse

CIMB group Holding is believed to be the malaysian bank that has significant exposure to troubled oil trader hin leong trading which owes almost USD4$ billion to more than 20 banks including DBS Group Holding, HSBC holdings, and Standard Charetered. Market talk has it that CIMB's exposure to Hin Leong is to the tune of USD120 million to USD130 Million. This will mean an exposure of more than RM500 million in its loan book. when contacted on the matter CIMBsaid " CIMB does not disclose or comment on specific names or clients"

Disclaimer : by RHBIB ...


2020-04-19 11:54 | Report Abuse

May 1 : IDS open....
Lots of transactions sell / buy ....
Bursa earns on commission...

Bursa keep for long term...RM10


2020-04-16 16:11 | Report Abuse

Cheers Mabel..
Like you too, I sleep with Dayang till RM5

Dayang 1.28 ... soon another wave coming...
you believe or not... never mind..
those who believe, you will be the proud owner of RM5 Dayang.


2020-04-16 16:07 | Report Abuse

Teoseng .. opportunity to collect now 1.07 ..
Before the next wave here..


2020-04-16 16:06 | Report Abuse

AT ... another wave soon...0.03 very cheap...


2020-04-10 14:40 | Report Abuse

AT .... coming soon !


2020-04-02 15:11 | Report Abuse

Egg Co result financially will be good
That why Teo Seng has been going up lately the price


2020-02-21 10:02 | Report Abuse

What is the benefit of being a speculator and an investor ?
In our current volatile share market now, and might be leading towards a fear of recession, being a speculator or an investor is better ?

Which is which ? Food for thought ?


2020-02-20 16:12 | Report Abuse


What this means ? How this reflected in Top Glove ?


2020-02-20 11:30 | Report Abuse

Another short gonna happen soon
many collected at 5.28-5.3
will short very soon...
This time, short to which low level ? Another new low ?

Serious investors, what can we do....
Short, needs a lot of bravery
Short also needs a lot of time to monitor...


2020-02-19 15:23 | Report Abuse

lately people are playing short idss on counters...
Krono has not been spared too.

WIth short idss, the price fluatuate up and down.

Hard for us investors to do
Calm and calm that's what we can do.

Otherwise for those strong heart, IDSS if you know how to do
If not, just wait, as Krono is a good growth counter.

Looks like Krono going down again, IDSS again...
0.85 very soon...


2020-02-19 12:05 | Report Abuse

watch out, topglove might rebound soon.
those short, take note...
be care ful , dont short yourself.....


2020-02-19 11:37 | Report Abuse

Cheers BullRun_93
You are right, UWC drop below 3,
2.98 now....

going 2.95 soon , the rate it is dropping


2020-02-19 11:30 | Report Abuse

pang72 agree with you.
Short short, and that make the price down more


2020-02-19 10:28 | Report Abuse

this is a good counter to short everyday
no wonder, price keeps on going down
as long as people keep on short, idss bottom...
the price will keep on going down.

cheers to all who short


2020-02-17 16:19 | Report Abuse

Add more Topglove ...


2020-02-17 16:18 | Report Abuse

Frontkn... collect more today


2020-02-17 16:16 | Report Abuse

collect now, next week sure up


2020-02-17 16:16 | Report Abuse

collected 0.66
TP 0.75