
namoyaki | Joined since 2012-04-20

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2012-06-11 17:21 | Report Abuse

Cgris, Today is PETRONAS day. All PETRONAS oil based & LNG are UP. PETDAG, PETGAS are all related to GASMSIA. PETRONAS prosper but not on Chemical i.e: PCHEM (Poor me! Dang!)


2012-06-11 17:18 | Report Abuse

Reminder: England Vs France tonight 12.01, 12 June 2012. Lets see FTSI Market will pick up or not either England win or loose. To England fan, 'Are you ready for the warrrr..?'-William Wallace.


2012-06-11 17:11 | Report Abuse

gajah; you mean "Permata Yang Hilang?" hehehe


2012-05-29 16:10 | Report Abuse

Brilliant counter! When the Market is Bull, they set back, get ready to be well prepared for tomorrow!


2012-05-29 15:36 | Report Abuse

Good job. Touched RM5.0! Next TP? Lets move FWD.


2012-05-29 15:27 | Report Abuse

FBMKLCI - BULL Today (Tuesday, +11.19/0.7% at 3.26M-1565), Will it BULL Again Tomorrow (Wednesday)?

News & Blogs

2012-05-29 15:16 | Report Abuse

CP TEH! HKSE, I'm in. Thanks for your offer.
P.S: i like Sabah too. Nice People Nice Place.


2012-05-29 15:01 | Report Abuse

Just dropping by to have a look at our F&N friend here. Charts looks very good! Have a look at it. Safe Journey to you. :)


2012-05-29 14:58 | Report Abuse

waterlily, indeed we believe it in ourself tht we can fly. It is just that MAS do not believe that WE belive in them that much! If MAS beleive that we all believe in them, they can even fly higher and higer. Do MAS believe in themself and believe that they can do it?


2012-05-29 14:53 | Report Abuse

thunder-storm, you might wanna say it for F&N too, maybe.


2012-05-29 12:43 | Report Abuse

GaryTan88, welcome back! Which counter are you at now, where else?


2012-05-29 11:55 | Report Abuse

Please do not speculate the unscupulous romour. I am sure that OSK-RHBCAP understood well the law of Economic Torts, unless they want to be sued for negligent misstatement; damage for pure economic loss caused by detrimental relience on the statement. Then, we are the victim. We shall wait for OSK move, we shall see what is their action, then we make decision by then.


2012-05-29 10:47 | Report Abuse

Will the support at 1.99 hold steadily at it or it will definately affected by the global impact?


2012-05-28 12:08 | Report Abuse

Roof, making profit today ey?


2012-05-28 11:51 | Report Abuse

any TA report before June 11, 2012?

News & Blogs

2012-05-28 11:43 | Report Abuse

1.85B unbilled?

News & Blogs

2012-05-13 22:30 | Report Abuse

Please Take Note: CIMB review on MISC, Underperform, Entry point 3.90 and below.


2012-05-08 13:56 | Report Abuse

Malaysian GLC Head scared/worried to make statements or call for PC to highlight their achievement!

News & Blogs

2012-05-08 13:49 | Report Abuse

Make statements, be always on the primetime news, on demand, top page roling stone, making headlines; that is a real top gainers movement at share markets. Richard Bronsnan of Virgin did tht long time ago at FTSE and now, this shall be the time for Tony Fernandez of Air Asia.


2012-05-07 16:32 | Report Abuse

Xero, Their famous style. Watch out.


2012-05-07 15:55 | Report Abuse

CP Teh, right move, right decision at the right time. Have you clear it just now when it touch 1.28? Thnks for sharing.


2012-05-04 19:00 | Report Abuse

Thank you Shuk. Aku nak pegi pasar malam beli buah mempelam. As at kat TSH Resources ni, ko tunggu the moment of "the split second" tu. Div ex June. "Angkat, Lambung, Junam!"


2012-05-04 18:57 | Report Abuse

Orait! betul lah kata 2-3 kawan2 kat sini, Shuk, ko memang "Fast & Furious!"


2012-05-04 18:53 | Report Abuse

Shuk, same guy with "How I Trade"? Adam Ryan? dan e-mail tu?


2012-05-04 18:52 | Report Abuse

Hoh! si dia itu! Cayalah bro! OK. setuju. masukkan aku kt dalam list. M.Shuk, ko tolong update aku nanti apa2 kat e-mail aku ya:


2012-05-04 18:48 | Report Abuse

ok. aku on. ko e-mail kat aku jadual dia. atau aku terus contact kat webblog dia malam ni?


2012-05-04 18:47 | Report Abuse

Semalam dah ada PC bro! linked to National Aviation tu, kalau terlepas bas takper lagi bro boleh kejar, kalau terlepas flight camner?


2012-05-04 18:45 | Report Abuse

Confirmed! He is "The Sultan of Swing"!!! Mohd.Shuk, kenalkan gua kat dia heh heh heh...


2012-05-04 18:44 | Report Abuse

Mohd.Shuk, Kena tengok2 jugak kat AIRPORT ni.


2012-05-04 18:39 | Report Abuse

Wah! Aku suka! Webblog dia macam lagu "The Sultan of Swing"-lagu Dire Straits. Aku ada tulis bab ni duluuuu.. hihihi. Thanks Shuk! I likeeee..


2012-05-04 18:38 | Report Abuse

Sapa M.Shuk? Berani betul dia. 'Benjamin' kat dalam cerita PATRIOT ada ajar anak dia cara2 menembak: Kata dia: "Aim small missed small".


2012-05-04 18:35 | Report Abuse

wuih yazid, Hang Tuah jer pandai ilmu-ilmu macam tu. itu namnya "ilmu meresap", hahahaha...


2012-05-04 18:32 | Report Abuse

M.Shuk. Macamana nak join kelas tu? Website?


2012-05-04 18:30 | Report Abuse

Shuk. cakap ler nak pakai FB awek ko, elehh.. OK, ko tak yah risau, aku dah re-set balik group dari FB tukar balik ke e-mail Groups hanya sebab ko takder FB wahai kawanku yg bernama Mohd Shuk. Semua tuka sebab ko, ko dah jadi macam menteri besor... har har har...


2012-05-04 18:28 | Report Abuse

Shuk, ayat2 latin kat atas tu buleh pakai analogi Pemilik Kebun dengan anak2 buahnya. Bila kebun dia mula berbuah, dia akan hebahkan berita dah buah siap di kait dan di letakkan di dalam raga.
Pembida seronok tengok buah yg dah tersedia ada di dalam raga: (Treat) Hanya yang nampak sahaja yg tengok berapa banyak lagi buah yg ada di atas pokok dan tempok masak buah tu (The Gap). Tetapi, yang paling untung siapa?


2012-05-04 18:20 | Report Abuse

tak taw lah depa dah hanyut naik kapal MISC kot?


2012-05-04 18:18 | Report Abuse

jom, kelas apa Shuk? menarik ni. aku dah tulis kat FB tagline ni "The Traders Brothers Trouble Makers!" (Calling2 all bros at FBMKL)hahaha life is exciting; tapi ko takder FB pulak,. Weh gua nak join. bagi website dia.


2012-05-04 18:12 | Report Abuse

sat nak translate. eh? aku pun tak paham dengan bhasa latin apa ka yg aku tulih itu, har har har har.


2012-05-04 18:07 | Report Abuse

today TP 3.8 test market tapi depa tak sempat bro. so aku pulak test-hit to the lowest support dan Q kat situ, sekali dia rappp terus jump-down macam burung helang Winston macam kat langkawi tu, aku pun tak sangka dia nak bagi.


2012-05-04 18:02 | Report Abuse

M.Shuk, 'Treat the traders, thread of the day', sebenarnya tunggu 'the gap of the split second' sebelum dividen tu. ada grey area yg sangat besor org tak nampak kat situ. Shuk nampak dengan jelas.


2012-05-04 17:58 | Report Abuse

Halo Brader! hari ni gua terbang bersama AirAsia tiket murah-murah punyer. hihihi..


2012-05-04 17:02 | Report Abuse

Garytan, Tun M statement partly gave an impact for MA jugak lor. Re Quote: "MAS patut pi belajaq dekat AIR ASIA, macamana depa buleh tadbir syarikat dan dapat keuntungan? Harga tiket kapal terbang paling murah dan kadang-kadang FREE. Depa tak dapat apa-apa daripada kerajaan. MAS dapat berbillion-bilion bantuan daripada kerajaan tapi tiap-tiap tahun dok rugi saja. MAS patut pi belajaq dengan AIRASIA". (ref: re-quote + edit to slang)


2012-05-04 16:05 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the INFO Su Jackie, much appreciated. Keep on posting, will share some of the latest INFO we get from our side too.


2012-05-04 16:02 | Report Abuse

M.Shuk. Div bulan 6 due bulan 5. P.Ramlee kata "Kenduri dulu doa kemudian daa..."


2012-05-04 15:39 | Report Abuse

Selamat Petang Cikkkguu M.Shuk... Yazid leh jadi Cikgu Besar!


2012-05-04 10:16 | Report Abuse

M.Shuk, Oww minum kat sini ker?


2012-05-04 09:46 | Report Abuse

saham apa bro? e-mail gua lu pun dah ada.


2012-05-04 09:38 | Report Abuse

Yazid dok busy apa tah, pagi tadi dia e-mail IPO felda tu. Jom la terbang dengan AA, Support 3.62-3.65 hihihihi... Yazid dah terbang dgn AA rasanya


2012-05-04 09:18 | Report Abuse

bro, AirA support beraper?


2012-05-04 09:18 | Report Abuse

sape Bro, kawan yg ko sebut yesterday ker? atau pun Loh Ganu?