
Orionpacific | Joined since 2014-08-03

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2014-11-21 14:59 | Report Abuse

jyou ..wat is the story behind Nova...I am at the moment one track mind...


2014-11-21 14:50 | Report Abuse

i will be there at 4pm...come hit me...


2014-11-21 14:34 | Report Abuse

bottom fishing again...today hope to catch some fish...


2014-11-20 23:54 | Report Abuse

bb55...you are right...with clear objectives and conviction you will get your TP...organic growth and clear performance are what investors look for when they invest.....


2014-11-20 23:33 | Report Abuse

Magneluke...YTL owns hotel and that is non syariah compliant...in IFCA they have too much cash ( interest revenue is NSC) and their shares has ran too fast that their market capitalisation exceeded the ratio allowed when compared to their net total assets...however individual muslims are not prohibited to own non syariah complianr shares ...only ADVISED that the counters are NSC...


2014-11-20 23:27 | Report Abuse

magneluke...just that you can sleep better tonight...please look at the top 30 substantial shareholders in the 2013 annual report you will not find any investment by any syariah funds ...... at the analyst briefing the only muslim who attended was from Maybank research...no islamic funds came with her...my gut feel is that if there are muslim investors invested in IFCA it will be very small and more likely to be retail individuals...

the vacuum created by their exit will be small and could be easily absorbed...join me to buy some at a low price is such exodus occur...today was the first day of such exit but my bottom fishing failed to catch anything at all...


2014-11-20 17:03 | Report Abuse

no fish at the bottom today...looks like contra traders smarter and converted to long term investors..welcome guys..

Magneluke...Syariah non compliance will result in knee jerk reaction...should not have major sellout and SC funds were never investors and rules do not tie Muslim individuals...it's up to them to decide...

I fear not...


2014-11-20 16:40 | Report Abuse

am bottom fishing again today...contra players please panic as no likelihood to skyrocket today...76 buyers waiting at the bottom...


2014-11-20 15:01 | Report Abuse

erickt2020..Well put and explained....it amazes me how many professionals are on this Forum...Do you still want to rock this boat Calvin...


2014-11-20 14:53 | Report Abuse

ozzie75...world trade would not have expanded so fast if there is no accrual accounting principles...Receivables are part of business practices...it carries creti sale not paid or work in progress not billed...it also hide profits as you may wish not to recognise profits for a certain reporting quarters to deseasonalise earnings...

don't stress yourself up for Calvin...he has a dishonest mind and only think of possible dishonest tricks...the integrity of `CEO Yong is immaculate...He added 2 mil IFCA warrants to his portfolio well after the reporting period ... very ethical..


2014-11-20 14:22 | Report Abuse

no need to worry the auditors in this forum...most partners abhor having to revalue assets and prefer not to "mark to market"...unless strongly persuaded by BOD...


2014-11-20 13:58 | Report Abuse

Ozzie 75...even banks are not on the SC..and if you have FD interest..you will be on 10% benchmark acrtivities ( Umum Bawal)..the tests are based on debt and cash ratios...very complicated and if we ask Calvin to decipher it may take him away from us for awhile...

Calvin with your keenness in numbers can you please help us in the `SC exercise ??Please...


2014-11-20 13:52 | Report Abuse

ozzie75...Tq...pl note the most active Syariah Compliant counters are hardly traded...even Calvin is not recommending...

No real big deal if not SC...but I believe IFCA is trying to see if they can comply when their market price meet the NAV..( only if it can get their auditors to accept the valuation of their software to market valuation)...


2014-11-20 13:46 | Report Abuse

Taka...strangely it actually cause a problem for some investor....if a counter like IFCA is to run beyond its actual assets value...trading on its future projected earnings by many time over its NAV..and ahead to its future value...Syariah Advisory Council of SC is duty bound to make it non complaince until the actual asset catches up with the market trading price..

What I am alluding to is that Syariah Compliant Stocks will not ride the Bullet Train.....it only has ticket for conventional trains...LOL


2014-11-20 13:30 | Report Abuse

Nancy...did he say that ? same on him...totally out of line and "No Respect" to Elders...what uncle Lee Kuan Yew wants his ppl to respect...I have taken Andrew Wong advice to ignore an irritant...


2014-11-20 13:16 | Report Abuse

I just discovered that Syariah Scholars view the trading price of an equity should reflect the value of the underlying assets and liabilities and where traded equities are driven by future expectation of their prices it will result in the cash and debts of the co being out of line with their par value...T4 it is non compliant...

Gosh I would not want to invest in any Syariah Compliant stocks in future...

in Regards to IFCA it means that they have to value their software on Market Value ( an accounting nightmare) and to apply their FD interest to some Syariah Treasury instruments...I think this is too difficult...

I believe IFCA can still soar with the investment from NORMAL Funds...


2014-11-20 12:25 | Report Abuse

Calvin...ask VT to sell Cardiff,,,and maybe price will adjust abit...


2014-11-20 10:29 | Report Abuse

just see my post on `syariah compliance...because IFCA sits on too much cash...solutions is to invest cash into Syariah Compliant Money Market instruments...QED...no sweat if you want to make all happy...at the moment so many funds chasing...no big deal...also other private investors buying too...

Frens just stay focus on its journey to Rm 1.00 +


2014-11-20 08:20 | Report Abuse

Liew Chin Tong says GST should be delayed because Japan experienced stagflation..you think Government cares what DAP says...

GST is real..It has been factored into the budget..

Another false alarm from detractors. .stay invested if you already hv IFCA..Rm 1.00 is really "Sup Sup Sui"


2014-11-19 12:33 | Report Abuse

FX Lee....you are great lah...I was not fast enough at 68 & 69 for the warrants...will wait to catch...


2014-11-19 12:10 | Report Abuse

gosh...Calvin has gone CooCoo...he cannot take it anymore....You all make too much money ......better leave him be...`h


2014-11-19 12:03 | Report Abuse

So what????....have I seen Repco, Aokam, PWE, NBT, Sugar Bun, limit up multiple times before they peaked and collapse...don't brag about your experience...who are you to predict from irrelevant facts...

Be real...go buy some IFCA warrant and sell when it reach RM 1.00 ...it will do you more good than to moan about a pending collapse...you need to change your crystal ball my man...hahaha

If you come back to this Forum when the warrant reaches RM 1.00 everyone here will tell you..."We Told You So"...


2014-11-19 11:43 | Report Abuse

IFCA is on autodrive to pass RM 1.00..I don't need to watch...

Calvin...you have been wrong since September...and you will continue to be wrong till next year...

My frens Taka..Ozzie...AT and now...Region calls you a Loser..and whatever you said bare no relevance to IFCA and not factual...take a break or go take a leak..either way it would give you tremendous relief from the heartbreak of losing out on a great opportunity...


2014-11-19 01:16 | Report Abuse

Calvin...you continue to play little boy games and tell childish stories...

you allusion and your nightmares must be painful...

Brambal selling all at low price around 40-50 is good for us...today there is no operator who are short term...there will not be a major exodus at RM1.00 for Funds have only begun to buy in today..they really like the revaluation opportunity and the realignment of the counter to MB..

Chairman..left the post to be country head of Malaysia...a man of vast experience in the IT world should be an operative not idle especially when he is only in his prime...You just do not know or you don't read well the press releases by the Co....Suspicious receivables my foot..

Alpha is long on the counter...if we are close to the end of Q4 only a stupid guy would exit when he is very sure the Q4 report will be even better and 2014 will be a record year..

really I sympathise for you...a BOY calling wolf so many times and each time you lost so much...I think you are the type who complain and complain about lack of opportunities when Opportunity arrives, knocks on the door and said good bye...Poor soul..I feel sad for you


2014-11-19 00:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by nicky > Nov 18, 2014 08:09 PM | Report Abuse

Back to my cost RM0.89 pick up less than a week. I nearly cut loss when it dropped below RM0.78. Thanks to those posted positive outlook for Ifca. Those culprits so called expert chart readers ... pls don act like an expert again .. Shame on u all. I don wan to quote all yr name, I think all investors in this forum know who I referring to....

Nicky...my posting was attacked and you all know who you are referring to...and your determination and BELIEF helped you to sail through...Congratulations...you avoided a loss and made some money....charts are useful in certain situation but where you know as a fact that the TP will be reached..charts only tell you temporarily that the counter may be overbought...I say MAY...and they keep at it until it falls and they will then say "I told you SO"...The Belief is that it will surpassed RM 1.00...don't worry about the market hiccups ( No Major catastrophes along the way)...

As I have said to a certain person who kept me Still_Laughing that ..that I also made money when I tested the market on Thursday with the 100 lots of Warrant @68 sens...and I exceeded my target of 5 sens..today I sold at T+3...no losses..

No...I have not liquidated my position...I am still very long on the Warrants and and I am holding till pass RM 1.00...because my chart is a straight line upward from x..to RM 1.00+

@ Andrew ...your open question on whether you should sell the mother share and buy warrants...if you intend to keep the counter to well after Q4 then this would be a good idea..because you will gain the extra 3-4 sens arbitrage...when you sell you will find that with the same proceeds you can buy two extra units of Warrants for the same value of the Mother shares...

On Syariah Compliance...please check my post this morning to Zam...In any case the number of shares held by Islamic funds will not be significant like that in IOI..Fear not...for IFCA..it is only because they are cash rich and their interest revenue as such will not comply to Syariah rules on Interests...but see my post on what they can do...if they think it is important to comply...


2014-11-18 14:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by Khai Zam...Syariah Compliance...

the only prohibition for being non compliance is the cash element in Ifca's Balance Sheet not its software elements...

This is because Syariah concept of abhorring revenues earned from interests ...

IFCA has about RM 36 million cash and it can do do the following:
1. donate all interest revenue to charity...ALL why should it ..some maybe?
2. distribute all cash as dividends...up to a portion will be distributed in 2015...hopefully.
3. Invest all cash into Syariah Compliance money market instruments....more likely have been done already...

Khai Zam...all the above would have been considered by the BOD if they wish to meet the requirement of the Islamic Funds Managers...I think the company only need to ensure that 20% of their shares in Institutional hands,,,about 100 million shares..in value terms about RM 90 million...the market comments to this is "SUP SUP SUI...No problem..tak ada issu ..only two or 3 funds would be enough...So relax lah Bro..


2014-11-18 11:17 | Report Abuse

the big block @ 71 sens for warrants is a red herring to allow the collection of shares at 70 & 70.5..Don't worry it should clear soon..this is a modus operandi of big brokers collecting for big clients..


2014-11-18 10:46 | Report Abuse

ritz78....you can convert any time till the expiry date of the Warrants (around Feb 2016)..you have to pay the conversion price of 10 sens per converted share by Bank Draft.....pay the processing fee of Rm 20 per CDS account and fill in the subscription form which your broker can provide...and deliver the completed documents to Insurban Corporate ~Services @ TTDI


2014-11-18 10:18 | Report Abuse

Smurfbee & Nancy....Hi mate...~Good thinking and well done...Warrants is the way to go whether long or short...each mother allows you to get 1.2x warrants..and the price goes up in tandem...if you convert you gain another 3 sens when you sell the converted mother...this has been my window since after the first wave back in July....

Ozzie..Guys..let's not let the Calvin Tan and his alter egos disrupt your BELIEF in the potentials that `IFCA provide over time...that it can go over RM 1.00.....

Based on the profile of the BUY and SELL and the volume of trade today and yesterday...I am quite confident to say that the FUNDS are buying this time...

Andrew Wong...TQ for your support....And on my purchaser of the Warrants at 68 sens on Thursday...I am "still_laughing"...hahahahaha

Alpha Trader...WInk Wink..yey!!

See you all when IFCA bridge RM 1.00


2014-11-18 00:04 | Report Abuse

ong88888...TQ for your lead to a GEM...BUT really no thanks at the moment..People in this Forum are committed to IFCA and for me nothing beats its Potential Capital gain opportunity it provides 40-50 % of more within the next 4 months...Q4 and Q1 2015 in within range...

This IFCA Forum has the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY caricaturing their respective roles..

promise that I will visit your blog when I liquidate my position in IFCA...Good Luck..


2014-11-17 20:38 | Report Abuse

Always_steady. ..I concur...It is actually quite draining on the brain reading negative comments...


2014-11-17 16:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by FX Lee > Nov 17, 2014 08:56 AM | Report Abuse

IFCA MSC may experience further correction after falling below the downtrend line and MYR0.82 level. Traders may exit their positions if the stock stays below this level in the near term, with further supports anticipated at MYR0.72, followed by MYR0.665. The stock may turn sideways or rebound further if it recovers above the MYR0.82 level. A bullish continuation may occur if the MYR0.87level is breached.

Read FX Lee Post here...the current scenario is exactly as he had said..it is a battle ( Correction) between the traders and the Funds ( buyers)... the price is going sideway as traders are not able to push the price much higher...as long as there is no unusual spurt the traders cannot find a risk reward situation in their favour... the collection is under progress and the movement will be like dancing the cha cha cha...one step forward and two step back within the same day...Funds are not stupid people..they can appear and disappear and buy and sell at the same time....as far as I am concerned over time IFCA will bridge the valuation that IFCA deserves.....Good traders will still find the market niche to make money...small ikan bills will get hurt unless they commit to longer term positions...

Friends pl observe and conclude as you would wish to see the way the counter will progress..then decide..


2014-11-17 11:36 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75 ...would you believe if I tell you that they just sold a GST solution to my friend for RM 1 million only last week...any rumours of cancellation of GST is more false than true...even as we speak many has asked for extension but so far negative responses have come from Royal Customs...maybe PM will intercede but definitely not now but maybe at the 11th Hour..but only MAYBE...He needs the GST as we need to breathe..

I too would like to see them grow organically and many investors have advised that dividends is not on their mind but CAPITAL GROWTH is...but Dividends and MB is on their agenda as it also help them to get better market acceptance when they meet new clients...


2014-11-17 10:41 | Report Abuse

Ozzie75...we are all believers and I am just reading the tea leaves as it is...btw the dividend expectation is 90% on as the Co continue to believe that they will be sitting on a cash stockpile by Q4 and don't know where to invest the surpluses...good news is that there is no interest expenses to service and hopefully some interesting acquisition to think about...watch out for rumours..

In regards to cancellation of the GST...the increase in the registration make players realise that the government is serious and as they said in the Royal Customs...any doubts is your problem...but clarification is going on everyday on zero rated and exempted items ... the rush will gather speed to March 2015


2014-11-17 10:29 | Report Abuse

looks like there will be more orderly buying and selling...no more chasing..price movement will be sideway and slow growth till Q4...put many of us at ease...Contra traders may not have much room to trade...

check the substantial shareholders profile again...I believe the top 30 will change from the individuals to more institutions .... if true this would be comforting


2014-11-17 01:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by stillaughing > Nov 14, 2014 05:12 PM | Report Abuse

half-bucket sifu pls stop expressing your "expert opinion"

so far the qualified sifu Flee, simon84, mercury. and myself!!

Hi Stillaughing...I am not a sifu and I am happy to let you choose your panel of sifus on this panel...be my guest.... for my half bucket may be more fuller than yours...and I will continue not to follow the Charts and TA for this counter....

and to my friends who join me in believing the long term value of IFCA..let me share this with you...

I am still here in IFCA Warrants...I took a punt buying at 68 sens and it finished @ 65.5 at close..The Chartists have told us for 4 days that the market was overbought and others tell us that you should sell on the news...but from 6th to 11 th November they were ALL WRONG as the price continue to rise...SO they continue to preach caution ( can't blame them here because there has to be a technical correction)...For me after the force sell and liquidation by traders on 12 and 13th I actually thought it was at the tail end of the correction and I parked to buy on 13th at 68 and got hit with the purchase which was one of the lowest of the day....I admit at hindsight I was wrong to have bought on Thursday instead of Friday....Why did I buy on Thurs...why not if Ken bought even earlier on the 12th and at a higher price....

I have a long term belief and confidence in IFCA and truly believe with some of you that by end Q4 and Q1 2015 the share price will be journeying up to at least RM 1.00...That is why my own chart is a straight line ( deseasonalising all irregular and temporary stalls) UPWARD..

I believe charts are technical devices and are good for certain trades...i,e traders who wish to liquidate and reposition their portfolios...we must remember that there is no perfect device that can read the price mechanism...WE know that the market like the weather does not itself know how to read the charts and behave in the way Chartists want it to...My Chart and my TA is MY BELIEF..

As my Fund managers friends have often said to me that the price do not follow the charts.....As a good example in IFCA I was told by Funds Managers who attended the Analyst Briefing when I asked for an explanation on the odd price movement for e.g why the price continue to rise after Nov 5...( it should be down because investors who have been buying before should be selling on NEWS)...and fall after 11Nov..

It was explained this way...on Nov 6-11 the retails trade were chasing the stocks and due to the escalating prices and many weeks of high volume...the buying were among the retailers without the FUNDS being involved..The Funds said they attended the analyst briefing and impressed with the counter but were not going to be chasing prices...so therefore after 3 days of continuing rise..due to the vacuum and the absence of the Funds buying the correction will follows which it did on Wed and Thurs and Friday...

THE WAY forward for me...next week..I believe the selling will be more controlled as some of the Funds will be buying soon...so I will continue to buy and probably average and double or triple up downwards if the price goes down a further 3 sens..... I will pick the warrant up and convert into mother shares and I will not lose..for My selling TP is over RM 1.00..I don't panic and either way if the price differential is 3 sens and I will double up if it goes down further...because I am not a trader for this stock..

Right or wrong...please remember when you trade you should be guided by your own resources and NOT GREED...the contra traders don't make the most money...


2014-11-14 16:58 | Report Abuse

stillaughing....investments are no laughing matters....however a swallow does not SPRING made...an OPTIMIST waits for the next bout...Why do you think I act so cool...I HV CONFIDENCE and my chart is a straight line up to 1.00 for warrants....hv a good weekend...


2014-11-14 16:46 | Report Abuse

The forced selling has stopped and flushing of the weak contra players who bought the last 2 days should be completed soon...one word PANIC..

Sateman...I guessed wrongly ...the support price seems to be 65 sens ...I did not average down either as the differentials is small...I am confident that I won't lose on this punt...

Hope you did not panic today...


2014-11-14 00:41 | Report Abuse

Alpha Trader....you are sitting by the side reading all the funny posting with Beer in hand and laughing...some people are just too myopic.....cannot see the trees from the Woods...

I am trading my warrants bought today on T + 3 for week end money...hope to make 3 sens but if 5 NICE...


2014-11-14 00:30 | Report Abuse

Stillaughing...double paradox...you think it will be but you pray it will not...So conclusion has to be you want me to be right...Go to bed and wake up to an Optimist's surprise...hahaha


2014-11-14 00:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by SateMan > Nov 13, 2014 11:44 PM | Report Abuse

Orionpacific, what your opinion on IFCA price tomorrow?

Hi Mate...Isn't it obvious I am betting that the warrant will not fall to more than 68 sens after further forced sell by broking houses...I would not be surprised if it pick up after 10.30 am...Mother Shares should move at 10-12 sens tandem....

This is one bet I hope to be right...


2014-11-13 23:32 | Report Abuse

Siva68...I don't think so...

If you have been near to an operator you will understand why it is so difficult to bring something back to its peak after a free fall...Whoever is operating this ride...they have to maintain a steady keel...forward at steady speed...Mother share down to 60 sens...to the level before the Nov 5 announcement...not possible...

If you are an Optimist like me then it will not be possible but if you wish it to drop...it is also impossible...there you are..My take is Mother Share has a support level and if you can find it...BUY BUY BUY...you have found the Elixir of Wealth...happy investing..

HAHAHa...Sell High and buy back LOW...How la...when is low or what is high...everything requires a good educated guess...


2014-11-13 23:11 | Report Abuse

Calvin...you are the type who would say..."I told you so"...Anyway I am glad it does not give you happiness to see purple lose their savings...

However in IFCA your prophesy is slight too early...You should be here when the price reach 1.30 or 1.80 to forewarn...that would be a different sort of euphoria...

Most of us think it is still premature to predict a fall...correction and consolidation maybe but not a total collapse.....the full potentials of the counter has yet to be fully realised...

You talk about Repco and Hwa Thai...I have traded them all and before they peak...

IFCA has not peaked...so why scare the newbies away...the old timers you cannot teach how to suck eggs...


2014-11-13 22:27 | Report Abuse

Hey Guys...again here is one Optimist...

Look at the volume done from after Nov 5...the total Volume from the Nov 6 to Nov 11 was almost RM 250 million worth...Nov 11 was also the day when IFCA traded at its highest 89.5 sens..The market/Retail chase the counter during this 4 days and the volume shrunk to only about RM 60 mil immediately after the high (3 days) ..today was the last day of T+3 and for those who did not sell on Nov 11 faced a forced sale/self liquidation situation yesterday and today...Tomorrow morning there will be some further forced sale if investors cannot pick up...it would also mean that the lowest price may be at about 10-10.30 am before all traders have cleared positions.

I parked for 100 lots and was hit with the warrants at 68 sens at the close of trading today...My bet is that there is a support level and that would be around 68 sens for warrant or 80 sens for mother shares...trade wisely and if you wish to contra make sure you do not overtrade your resources..it may create lots of happiness to Calvin Tan...

Like Alpha Trader...I am not reckless but take comfort that based on the various factors which we have shared in this forum early in October the downside is limited to external factors...even though the journey may be choppy until the end of Q4...which profits as most of us forecast has been achieved and as they said..in the POCKET...

as I had said...look not into tomorrow or the dip but take the perspective and draw that line from 68-1.00 for warrants and 80 -1.05 sens for mother share that is likely to be around or before CNY...What me Worry...no way...


2014-11-13 08:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by region > Nov 13, 2014 07:18 AM | Report Abuse
sorry lo i also work at developer company lo, just pay additional RM1m plus plus for training, licenses etc already lo to IFCA. just one developer lo, how about most developer? Calvin point of view really hahah lousy, 90% property developer in malaysia is using ifca . hahaha think....

With my friend having to pay Rm 200k just to add the GST element to a different accounting package & the above info from Region, it reconfirms CIMB write up & Alpha ' s evaluation on the sustainability of the profits...

The irresistible conclusion here is that if you are holding till Q 2015, you do not need to worry what happens today...just believe the chart is a straight up from 80 sens to 1.05 sens...

Believe me that there are daily forced sales situations by brokers for margin & other traders...just be glad that you made the money...Don 't listen to ppl who "said" they made millions..


2014-11-12 22:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by MercuryRX > Nov 12, 2014 09:56 PM | Report Abuse

Calling optimus n calvin to give us 2nd thought.... If they willing to share...

MercuryRX...wrong choice for advice...

Calvin Tan...you are back ???

Ha Ha Ha...Hwa Thai and Soo Thien Chai...

Repco and Repco Low...

PWE...and TS TPK

Are they the same ? different stories and different time ...


2014-11-12 22:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by leslieroycarter > Nov 12, 2014 09:17 PM | Report Abuse

RSI > 70 , now is closing @87 is considered overbought since 27/10 except 28/10
% Williams % MA coming to double digits - sign of weakening
OBV -sign of weakness
%K less than %D - weakness in stochastic chart
Candlestick- Doji - high chance of trend changes
Vol -small at 16 mi compared the height @74 mi- selling pressure not v strong yet but how long it may last?
It has shot up from less than 10c to the present >80c ( > 800% in 4 months time)
If without any corrections, this stock got problems to move up the
ladder though profit multiply.
I am afraid that sharks had gone to other counters by looking at the present vol. Just sharing and Happy trading....

Hey Friend to every theory there is always an exception...is it overbought or the counter finding its own valuation...from an undervalued and undiscovered counter...you take the shot you think is right...My take is that there are more to come...the profile of the investors is changing..weak holders will be flushed out and new and stronger institutional investors will replace them...when Q1 2015 comes we should see new evaluation from research houses...

Redraw your chart on the basis that the counter same from a subZero price and see whether the volume shows an overbought or revaluation and change of investor profile situation...check the change in substantial shareholders...

Non Executive Chairman was too valuable and was given employment to lead the Malaysian Market ...and for CEO & COO to focus on International markets....nothing wrong with that and in fact an efficient way to manage resources.

Bramal was an opportunist trader and have exited...real longer term investors have taken over...don't discount that the counter may be syariah compliance...

I am keeping my warrants until the Q4 and Q1 2015...Stay or leave your choice...

We will be laughing all the way to the banks...


2014-11-09 22:11 | Report Abuse

Posted by FX Lee > Nov 9, 2014 08:21 PM | Report Abuse

orionpacific, who care u want to buy or not, if u dont buy just watch and learn.
no one forcing you.

YEs Sir Mr FX Lee Sir...I am so sorry Sir...if it affect your huge portfolio in IFCA..I am really really sorry to have upset you..I shall not visit this site for a month...Bye Bye..


2014-11-09 13:28 | Report Abuse

Ritz78.. Who is the old guard???


2014-11-09 12:55 | Report Abuse

Mr Yong said this to Naysayers...."Counter was grossly undervalued"........No query by Bursa meant even Bursa believe....shouldn't you ????

however don't listen to all these regulars who post their views...beware some bought from early July"....