
Orionpacific | Joined since 2014-08-03

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2015-03-11 22:49 | Report Abuse

this announcement proves that Q1 will be exceptional and Q2 is already going along...previously Ken Yong talks about RM 1 mil per client....now based on this announcement the per client value has gone up...and they have not launch SaaS..??!!

Unfortunately the Q1 report will be only out in May...but very new contract is a "ting' on the money till...2015 profit will be extrapolated from Q1...so if you need to sell ..Only do so after May...when the analysts will again rerate IFCA to over and beyond 1.48 sens...

@Taka, I really hope IFCA can reach 3.00 by end of 2015, after bonus of 1:1. AND 5.00 by end of 2016 with another round of Bonus of 1:2.
Can we make it? Can we? Say YES, then it will happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Going to keep this post forever.

So Alway_Steady....a BIG YESSS!


2015-03-06 07:10 | Report Abuse

you hv hit the proverbial nail on the ya may buy Xiaomi ..... but ECS...has to wait. .Ifca Q1 is about 3 weeks to go..surely another stellar performance...


2015-03-05 16:10 | Report Abuse

PE on historical values will put you off...don't buy...it's ok with us...

Buy because it has scalable revenues and big cash pot to carry out corporate exercise...fundamentally very very good

Buy because more buyers ( restricted from buying because of ACE counters and BAFIA disallows them from touching these counters ) will be buying when IFCA goes to MB....you are earlier..

Buy because of the SaaS program...Sky high revenues in the horizon...you will be rewarded...

Buy because Q1 will show that Q3 & Q4 are not flukes....you are street smart...

If you don't understand all these...just don't buy...We don't really care...


2015-02-26 00:48 | Report Abuse

Calvin...Do not do to others that you do not want do unto you...

We remembered you as starting this when Ifca was at 40 sens...the mosquitos are just trumpeting the reasons why they did not follow you on this counter...Mosquitos big or small do fly around...but they should not irritate you so much...soon they will come home to rest and watch the next TP reached...

Take care my man...


2015-02-24 16:54 | Report Abuse

Today forced selling of those who chose to chased it up at late trading on Q4 reporting day...they lost...thereafter up up up again...


2015-02-24 15:47 | Report Abuse

Very soon the Syariah Compliance Panel will meet and decide .....no real big deal here but another group of institutional investors joining the family...Demand v Supply curve...you decide..


2015-02-22 23:04 | Report Abuse

Guys...Sell on news is just a saying..sometimes right other time wrong..

Wat everybody forgets is Q4 is not so relevant as Q1 2015..for what was not included in Q4 will go into Q1 2015. ..as what Alpha T alluded with Q4 profit the prospective 2015 organic profits less M&A potentials SaaS. ..will be at least 40-50 mil or about 8-10 sens eps.

no worries there 8 life after Q4


2015-02-18 00:14 | Report Abuse

Alpha T..You are right as always…We cannot just look at the historical data..it shows that IFCA can do RM 10 a quarter on the traditional businesses + the syariach compliance interest instruments + work in progress not billable + M&A synergistic possibilities with the cash…2015 EPS can be 8 sens….@ 21x =1.68

.all these without the proposed SAAS which will increase revenue exponentially if acceptable..SAAS has worked in USA and given that smaller developers need not pay the CAPEX but only consider the OPEX it should also work in Malaysia and regional SE Asia..

RM 1.70 is conservative…with SAAS EPS can be 20 sens…mind-boggling isn't it??..if CIMB recommend a BUY then I will HOLD for a medium term…no risk and anyway no other good and safe investment opportunity in sight at the moment.

So there is still life after Q4...


2015-02-17 18:12 | Report Abuse

No hurry la....good results for sure...hope dividends commensurate with financial performance...


2015-02-17 18:00 | Report Abuse

Simon is right...go home have a hot bath...open a bottle of good wine...a cigar in hand...light it up...& keep tune to Bursa news...

Me doing just that..


2015-02-17 13:40 | Report Abuse

The Q4 report has to be released & disclosed to Bursa...not to any single group of analysts...more likely after after board accepted the report & approve it's release after their board meeting...this report will be more likely than not released after trading hours in fairness to all ...so don't go to KLGCC...just wait for Bursa news...

Relax folks...nothing you can do..let the market decides...


2015-02-17 07:33 | Report Abuse

Today...IFCA clarion call...inaugural unprecedented super performance after trading hours.
Today ...All detractors die with envies...
Today ...All believers are rewarded ...Patience has its moment
Today...The beginning of a new saga..
Today... We wait for the more price uplift tomorrow..

Next week we wait for MB...



2015-02-16 23:43 | Report Abuse

The Proviso of course if Q4 is below or much below CIMB's forecast the Sh....t will hit the fan and run for cover...hahaha.


2015-02-16 23:41 | Report Abuse

Just to recap...

Alpha Trader..remember my tabulation as follows on 1.2.15...Variation of TPs

EPS 4 sens x 21= 0.84 (passed)
EPS 4 sens x 25= 1.00 (passed)
EPS 4 sens x 31= 1.24

EPS 5 sens x 21 =1.05 (passed)
EPS 5 sens x 25 =1.25
EPS 5 sens x 31 =1.55

EPS 6 sens x 21 =1.26
EPS 6 sens x 25 =1.50
EPS 6 sens x 31 =1.86

These are all on historical Profits...
CIMB has taken the prospective Profit for 2015 based on the Historical profit of RM 22 mil..and came to a TP of 1.48...if Full 2014 profit is about 25 Mil...CIMB has to rerate as will the others...to give a possible TP of about Rm1.60-1.80 may be a huge possibility...

This has to be a super growth stock..I like it ...I like it..

After trading hours tomorrow we will go into the next level for IFCA...Holding on was the only option...thanks to your great foresight..Thanks my young friend...


2015-02-16 21:26 | Report Abuse

AT...you are always so RIGHT...


2015-02-12 12:55 | Report Abuse

Ozzie...it is always a struggle between the buy and the sell....the hope for better selling price; the wish for a lower entry point...nothing to do with the Company's fundamentals... the human characteristics always lead...


2015-02-09 13:11 | Report Abuse

Don't worry AT...only liquidate 10%...many more for huge harvest...waiting for Q4 & rerating calls by more houses...


2015-02-07 14:05 | Report Abuse

Looks like your bases are full for home run...I hv my home runs already....take care then...imminent correction before start of CNY...I would watch it if I were you...remember the market respects nobody...It has its own mind...


2015-02-07 13:41 | Report Abuse

Too bad Calvin..Opportunity never knock twice...


2015-02-07 13:03 | Report Abuse

Rereading my old postings in this forum give me a short adrenalin rush..

we have fought Calvintan since September....we told him to stop decrying @ifca @50 sens... but he decided well after this price to invest..what can I say.

Also wonder where is still _ laughing ? Must be crying..haha

I m going to have a wonderful weekend...


2015-02-07 11:21 | Report Abuse

What to do nxt??

Soon...old retails will fully exit & institutions take over... ( the profile change I alluded to in Dec - Jan....Some new retails will follow too (finally believing in Ifca)

Institutions are guided by the fundamental business plan presented & supported by Ifca business plan...Can SAAS breathe new opportunities to their products...will a small share of China bring added revenues...can the cash in hand yield good M&A...lastly how long will the scalable revenues last...retails are guided by gambling instincts..

some old retailers will logically take some profits given the " birds in hand philosophy"...you decide

Also @ 1.40 onwards Opitmus & Calvin Tan will be back in this forum again on Ifca defying gravity!!!

You decide your risk apetite...


2015-02-04 22:51 | Report Abuse

Alpha Trader..remember my tabulation as follows on 1.2.15...Variation of TPs

EPS 4 sens x 21= 0.84 (passed)
EPS 4 sens x 25= 1.00 (passed)
EPS 4 sens x 31= 1.24

EPS 5 sens x 21 =1.05 (passed)
EPS 5 sens x 25 =1.25
EPS 5 sens x 31 =1.55

EPS 6 sens x 21 =1.26
EPS 6 sens x 25 =1.50
EPS 6 sens x 31 =1.86

If CIMB new TP is 1.48..it only mean one thing that the EPS is 7 sens..@ Conservative PE of 21x...Prospective Earnings would be about RM 42 mil...Is this abit over the TOP you think...Q4 is like almost RM 30 mil...

How to let go at this price Lah??? already happy anyway...

Now come to think about this hype....Where art thou Optimus ???


2015-02-01 22:00 | Report Abuse

Faith is a lovely mistress the more you believe & trust the more blessed you will be...just hold on longer Is not a problem...ffinally rerating from a few investment house.." Add/hold/ don't sell"...


2015-01-30 17:13 | Report Abuse

I think the excitement will be nxt week albeit shott week ...but close to Q4 and a genuine starting point for CNY run...


2015-01-30 15:11 | Report Abuse

King of Stock...it's ok...He who is rich don't need to be HUMBLE...

Enjoy your winnings well...go buy all you want before GST steps in...If you see another person buying the same things it could be another IFCA winner...


2015-01-29 01:26 | Report Abuse

@truthseeker ..it is too late to answer your question…ask Alpha tomorrow…or go back in time in this thread/Forum and you will have your answers..GST ? haha…China haha? take your time and go right back to Oct - Nov 2014..

good night??


2015-01-29 01:22 | Report Abuse

Yes…I saw this background against the phenomenon …normally the green bars will appear a few session too as per chart 2.

I have a strong urge to trade at this level given the indicators you showed …will tell you how right or where I went wrong in this period where the upper BB is breached and then return into the upper limit with the Green bar appearing after 5- 6 days of correction…

TQ..your warning is taken in good spirit…I know I don'st need to sell at the top….


2015-01-29 00:34 | Report Abuse

Tq my friend…I have learnt a lot from you..…

i just hope the price will fly despite the overbought position..maybe for another week or so..before the next correction…

cheers mate..hope you do well in your investment and your current career..and have lots of free shares which will become blue ships...


2015-01-28 23:09 | Report Abuse

Nomanland…just curious..

Chart 2 is contradictory especially with a new green bar appearing..…MACD histogram also very above signal line..the same..so am I right that overbought in an uptrend and with the consolidation over so many days the stock will hold on at that price for awhile yet ??


2015-01-28 16:12 | Report Abuse

Alpha...so your guess EPS is about 6 sens...fine by me just wonderful news...I will accept the lower PE...


2015-01-28 15:42 | Report Abuse

Variation of TPs

EPS 4 sens x 21= 0.84 (passed)
EPS 4 sens x 25= 1.00 (passed)
EPS 4 sens x 31= 1.24

EPS 5 sens x 21 =1.05 (passed)
EPS 5 sens x 25 =1.25
EPS 5 sens x 31 =1.55

EPS 6 sens x 21 =1.26
EPS 6 sens x 25 =1.50
EPS 6 sens x 31 =1.86

You guess EPS & Market assigns PE.

Isn't this exciting


2015-01-28 15:13 | Report Abuse

wow! it feels good to be right...overbought in an uptrend mode with consolidation not the time to trade....hold or buy...

I resisted temptation but it was not greed BUT d FVE Charts & my good friend nomanland...


2015-01-28 14:53 | Report Abuse

Looks like Consolidation completed ...now going to nxt mode......


2015-01-28 12:48 | Report Abuse

Nomanland….I have considered all charts and is persuaded by the trend line…I strongly believe that there is an overbought position in an uptrend…and the past 5 days have been remarkable consolidation with new institutional investors in and retailers taking fat profit and becoming risk aversed…the next break will be the rerating and that would have to come from the Q4 report…

Most analyst would have interviewed the Company and would be able to monetize the business plan…

this rerating would be one of the other factors which influence the chart…the current situation showed a IFCA price suspension in time..with smaller volume traded each day by stockists & retailers …

As what Always Steady said...all in all both TA and FA and market intelligence and most importantly not being greedy would be our salvation if we are to do well in the stock market…Oil stocks have their days and many investment houses/funds have been hit badly…but I am sure you will learn and you will survive for I believe earning so many free shares in each counter is also another long term strategy only free of the associated risk ..only opportunity costs..

Good luck to you my friend and thanks again for the FVE charts..I am sure one day we will meet up..


2015-01-27 23:41 | Report Abuse

Nomanland…TQ…by other factors I meant the other indicators/oscillators..

I really admire your discipline and skill to trade within the TA..I don't have the skill or do not collate the stats to do so…I just use whatever the chart that my stock broker have guide me technically to predict short term price movements..and determine the consolidation phase..

I am a fundamentalist..and buy on the performance of the company and collate all the good news and decide whether the market have taken all the expectations into the price movement..if not I will stay on course until my short term medium term TP is achieved..but decision making is largely on risk reward evaluation…and hard knock market experience…

Nevertheless I will take your advice and try to make a go at the Charts1,2,3,&4..then chart 5,6,7,8 & then chart 9..


2015-01-27 20:05 | Report Abuse

Tq...nomanland..nobodyis any distribution since last week over 100 sens is good maybe for rest of week before surge with Q4...& with rerating stay at new level ...

What Other factors ? what does RSI indicate ?


2015-01-27 16:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by nomanland > Jan 26, 2015 05:45 PM | Report Abuse

As usual

Nomanland...from my chart I see a second time when the price line exceeded the upper bolinger band...the first one was in Nov before the run and the second one a few days back...What is your reading on this phenomenon...what would normally follow if the upper bollinger band is passed ?

TQ mate


2015-01-27 12:45 | Report Abuse

Alpha Trader...I am too old to be able to tell the difference between a joker or kid...but really it was to practise my ability to write and also just to keep myself busy from a boring morning...

Note your message..but consider if dividends is 2 sens...profits have to be about Rm 40 million ??? 30% of net profit to be dividend policy...at Paid up of 600 million mother shares..

You have got me more excited now...


2015-01-27 12:30 | Report Abuse

@abcb and all doubters who use conventional measure to rate investments...Just for you to think and nothing more..

pl go back in time to Oct - Nov where X time book value was discussed for IFCA and other IT stocks AND that was when the price was @ 70+sens...just consider the following:

a. IFCA paid up is about RM 50 million and it makes 50% or more of ROC..
b. It sells assets but still own the IP.
c. Its revenue is scalable..( if you don't know what it mean..please go ask some of the IBM staff who are being retrenched)
d. it has no default worries with Bank Borrowing or even interest rate hikes.
e. It has no worries because "CASH is KING"

The risk of IFCA as an investment is when its revenue stops growing...EDGE rated it as 3/3 fundamentally...

Your analogy....like hotels and banks and airlines..they need high capex for their business..their performance is measured by IRR to the life of the assets before the next reinvestment: but talk to IT experts and they will tell you that you cannot compare apples and durians...

Genting for its share price to be @ 8.3x books means that its revenue require the hotel rates to be at least RM 4,000 per night and the pay out of gaming tables @ 80% of bets..

Like Banks..only priced at 2x or less of books..@ 8.3x their costs of funds will have to be low and their interest charges be at Ah Long rate...


2015-01-27 11:01 | Report Abuse

HaHA HAHA...Ozzie..I would expect no less from you...


2015-01-27 10:53 | Report Abuse

I purposely did not monitor the screen yesterday to hope for a surprise that IFCA will be at 1.15 at least...but that is not to be...Why ?

There are many sellers at around 1.10 ? Retails or institutional sellers...I think Retails

Possible defaults on Greek debts called "Grekit"
Saudi King's death ???
Najib's restructured budget

But the good news is that IFCA is holding well to the One Plus sequel...and along the way there is this thing we call "consolidation"...it is only 2 weeks to the Q4...

Besides, my good friend Alpha Trader asked us not to sell...there may be more good things to come for us to hold on longer...like

1.super good profitsI will wait...
2. more long term investors joint the bandwagon
3. special dividends

anyway there is no alternative safe investment to hold onto in Bursa Malaysia at this moment

so, I will wait...I am happy at this level...aren't you all...


2015-01-23 15:52 | Report Abuse

If you speak of correlation ...maybe can the experts please trace the two weeks run on the profit expectation during Q3...in term of volume & price movements and compare to now...also about two weeks before some rumours will appear on profit or a rerating by some investment houses...


2015-01-23 15:47 | Report Abuse

Always steady....buying really is your decision....depends on your risk appetite ... Is it greed or belief...can't help u on this...


2015-01-23 15:26 | Report Abuse

Region....have you heard of consolidation & collection simultaneously dissolving an overbought position....This may be the phenomena...


2015-01-23 15:13 | Report Abuse

Region you mean " Consolidation "


2015-01-23 15:01 | Report Abuse

Region...as I said to Alpha..the sequel to IFCA is the One Plus Story...at 90sens you were on the last few pages of the first book...now the new chapter of the One Plus just begun....I will give you the synopsis as below:-

2014 profit locked in [✓]
Q 4 report early Feb [✓]
Dividend yielding [✓]
Main Board [✓]
profit more than Rm 25 mil [✓]
profit Sustainable [✓]
Syariah Compliance [✓]
Shareholders profile [✓]
Cash position [✓]
warrant Conversion [✓]
M & A potentials [✓]

price run .. .over RM1 ....how high will it run ?


2015-01-23 13:47 | Report Abuse

Alpha...I see heavy collection patterns even at this level...you may be right..new story line and sequel coming up for epic...IFCA The One Plus Story


2015-01-23 13:01 | Report Abuse

region...still got plenty ??? slow release to lock in profits is clever...


2015-01-23 12:04 | Report Abuse

Leverage not worth it...Now to sell warrant & buy mother .... For dividends...


2015-01-22 09:56 | Report Abuse

huge volume parked on both sides of Buy/Sell....is this a collection or slowing down the rush to nxt target price....

1.2 mil at 1.05 all taken in less than 5 minutes...interesting signs...This is like a TV series..building to the climax..I like it !!