
Pavillion | Joined since 2013-12-02

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2014-11-13 14:53 | Report Abuse

Still got the mood?
Nothing personal, but stop it ..all useless arguments.
The stock has been beaten hard...for so many month and people are tired.


2014-11-13 14:31 | Report Abuse

I did not say Datasonic will rally, I don't know. I said market..klci rally......thinking about it.......logicly after pull down so much... It will rebound.

Positive + Negatives comments are welcome.....why worry....95% or if not 99% comments in i3 alike is bull shit anyway. What do you expect? Free lunch? You paid subscription? Lot of people with info ...also will not tell.

Up to the reader to judge...take it or throw it. Perhaps just to a pass the time. But appreciate if your argument is substantiate with logic....something our brain can take.


2014-11-13 13:14 | Report Abuse

Market sentiment is weak. Friends in the industry said , foreigner left for US market about 4-6 weeks ago. But this happen all the time, it is their routine to move their fund here and there. They will be back as soon as they see opportunity........ When price is cheap.

The stock....waiting game......
1) The award
2) They want to see how much is the blip.

My previous posting, I give example how govt give award to Myeg and Iris. So base on that you can predict the timing yourself. Myeg -14mths before implementation, Iris - 9/10 mths before implementation. Petrol card implementation in June/July 2015.

Blips in earning.......the report is end of this mth. I think I know...and I am not worry.
The blips because of the JPN stock management........they have extra stock at the moment....because the delay in Petrol Card project. They target last July / it better for them to keep extra. The supply of card award is just ....they only can bill it / invoice it as and when they deliver it.

CCB change or transfer.... better financing terms perhap....cheaper.

I will expect a small rally at the end of month to early December. As my friend in the industry told me so. They can see the institutional order and can see staff movement. Institutional order are given......not everyday.....they give order ,duration and volume.....the rest up to staff to carry out.


2014-11-12 20:25 | Report Abuse

dsonicc, I still hold, infact tempted to add


2014-11-11 00:43 | Report Abuse

Humbled, 100% Agreed.
Just ignore it. They can jump into the lake and buy another stock.......khi... khi...khi.

I told you they have 1 or 2 contracts announcement; none related to petrol....well I'm off by 10days.

I told you they will not take less then RM50M contract/jobs unless the project lead to a bigger project. They are slowly building some sort of intergrated monitoring and traffic systems. Slowly they will link up Penang and other thru few small contract.

CBB..... is IT visionary man (surprise?.....he not from IT Jack Ma) and I have a confident with him.

Yesterday ..10 the last date for tender submission.......soon we going to know how many co are actually submitted. I said they going to make quick decision....

I won't reply your question for time being...........busy enjoying....sucesss....khi.....khi......khi.


2014-11-02 17:38 | Report Abuse

Sate, Still waiting for my sate.

Those issues are small ....micro
When you have RM23B on the plate, you will be creative and effort is worth.....i.e 20% saving could give govt. much they have spend?

Remember we already capable of sending human to Mars. hi hi NASA/CIA Top Secret .......for insider only .....(for luyee only).......i mean this is not rocket science.

Infact the more complex the system are better.......only few co. capable to do it in time. Dsonic has 1yr lead time.

Tmr ....emm should be green.....I expect KLCI up another 30-40pts soon....i.e after lost of 100pts....will retract back at least 40%...imho.


2014-11-02 13:25 | Report Abuse


I don't know what the TP for the year and I don't care. But in Malaysia people tend to follow Research Hse because they can't make up their mind.

Reported Myeg going to get RM50M in first year operation of GST from RM180M contract. (Another project is still uncertain) And look how it shoot up and I believe it can still shoot higher.....look at their P.E.....I stop counting already.......that proved a textbook investor is wrong.

I was told Petrol Card will give something like RM50M a year, but this info not in RHB analysis.(i believe it is because not is comfirm yet)...... Look at hard figure.....they have to managing 24M vehicle in the project......RM50M is just RM2 per vehicle , not much right?

When to sell? Depend on individual objectives.....some target 30, 50, 100, 200%...1000%
(If I tell will blame me and the forum for we owe them a living...... even our parent owe us nothing : ) )

For myself, I will keep investing as long as I feel Wall Street is bullish. With recent 10% healthy correction...I believe the market will futher growth in 2015/2016 maybe choppy but still growth....i think until Fed increase their rates up to 5-6x.

I believe they can bag several big projects before next GE due in 2017


2014-11-02 11:00 | Report Abuse


In the dark corner of my cool room
In lonely hours of turbulance times
In black and bleak day of the weak
As the world watched stock price crumbled
As Raja Bomoh give his doom prophecise
I make a pack with god
God........If just ...for once my stock go back to my original cost
I will sell and swear will never ever touch stock market again
And I will be good person, I will do your work, I will spend more times with my parent, pay more attention to my family.
So help me god.

And that is Investor psychology behind plotted chart ............ Technical Analysis used by so many without understand it.

But don't forget as our Tun said......melayu mudah lupa.......well it not only and women........especially when market start soaring : ) .......with europe and Japan stimulas package and when contract announce.

Don't worry it has been like this for thousand of years.


2014-11-01 21:41 | Report Abuse

RM1.7x is no man land.........meaning mild resistance....just small profit taking for some of us; brave men and women during recent category 3 storm.


2014-11-01 11:37 | Report Abuse

Sun spend a bit on your good fortune.....don't be cheapskate.
Be like Ufis.......belanja us at nice hotel or club
And we will have a whole day for you........investment opportunity right?
Who know maybe you can be like Tan Teng Boo


2014-11-01 11:20 | Report Abuse

Who are we kidding?

Minister also read my posting here.........wakaka

and S&P500 surge to new high.....RM1.50 don't want to buy......wakaka


2014-10-31 22:57 | Report Abuse

Hi hi divorced but can't let go........still around?

Malay said Gila Talak.

Don't like but still peep......perhaps insider news.....any glitter of hopes in this forum.

Want post-divorced tips? And how to move on with life? Wakaka


2014-10-31 09:56 | Report Abuse

Lazy to reply this petty Tennis games better.....but since you insist on it.

You don't like the stock when it was RM1.80 and it when to RM2.05 and drop to RM1.44 intraday low and now doing at RM1.70. It was RHB who set the target anyway not me.

You were right for a wrong reason and I was wrong for a wrong reason. Everybody know why it when down,.....

Are you happy now that you are right? Feel personal triumph over me....hi hi....i don't care.......I never say I am always right.....cun cun can timing .....announcement....etc. Better then warren buffett or wolf of wall street?

I was wrong before......many times.....sometime i miss it, sometime the news came in late..........but overall......long term I make it! .....god willing I will continue to make it big.

Don't go around saying the world owes you a living.
The world owes you nothing. It was here first....Mark Twain

This forum was here first ...hi hi......and it does not care for you.....get it.

and I got advice for you.....listen....."bukan senang mahu jadi kaya"......if you can drill to your big head then you will have more patience and work harder.


2014-10-30 18:23 | Report Abuse

Like Jonas for three days and three night , I think he is true concern professor......on fourth day .......God revealed.......he is no more than a sleazy stock pumper.

My lord........ no comments my lord.


2014-10-30 17:51 | Report Abuse

Stay focus.

The Minister in Charge on this matter is Dato Seri Wahid Omar, Minister in Prime Minister Office (PMO). PMO set the strategy and policy......Ministry of Finance and Ministry of domestic trade and consumer is the implementer.

At the moment....they have not finalise the fine details of the program. There is no urgency to do that.....they will let the public know 1 mth before the program start. Let whoever want to say.....say it.....hi hi everyone want a piece.....including People in this forum.

Govt are smart they will not let this issue being played ( hang ) too ong.....they will not commit anything now until last minutes. So if they say.....the details true.

But for appointment of contractor and work development still proceed.....they have a basis/model to work with.

Are we arguing PM commitment in last Budget? He will definately do it. That why , I'm least after many months...he himself comfirm it, not his minister etc.

Don't you think he are not aware the situations ......complaints bla bla....oil price bla bla........(he has tonne of professional, qualify adviser on economy etc........not 61years old celup professor).

It just 1mth ago...he presented the budget...not 1year ago. Who are you going to listen to?

That sleazy, small time stock pumper think we are dum dum .....wakaka

Complaints from rakyat?.........more difficult issues such as GST ......he are not afraid.

Futher more difficult country to 'Kautim their rakyat" like Indonesia also "tak tahan" and taking similar steps.

I rest my case my lord.....: )


2014-10-29 17:22 | Report Abuse

"Arguing with anonymous strangers on the Internet is a sucker's game because they almost

always turn out to be—or to be indistinguishable from—self-righteous sixteen-year-olds

possessing infinite amounts of free time". ....quote by. .Cryptonomicon

or 61year olds retired professor

ahyoo yoo!

1000 apology..... Namastee!!


2014-10-28 15:30 | Report Abuse

I know you are smart but you are not in power..........what the use? : )

Sorry, won't be able to reply class to attend..........still learning till now.

1.50 do not want to chasing. khi khi khi....


2014-10-28 13:21 | Report Abuse

Winter you wasting your time, reply on those issue. This program got nothing to do with oil price. Govt just want to have mechanism in place ; able to combat issues, in various conditions.

If oil price drop, what make you think that govt do not want to tax on gasoline? govt still can use the program to tax the rich and not to tax the lower income. The system are flexible.
All other country tax their gasoline.

Those who question the govt....thank god they are not in the govt. They think all in the govt are moron......... they are smart people in the govt. Those issue raise are petty issue....micro issue.

Govt are smart.....for them is buying in first....the system must be easy and flexible...they are not worry about abuse etc. Are they worry people abuse in BR1M? Those issue can be tackle slowly by cover any loopholes. For them....... big picture (macro)..........they able to save.

People in this forum.....get real.....CBB and other directors also bought at RM1.80 and some sell at RM1.60.....The price went down below RM1.50 and now up....going to be RM1.70.....what that tell you? Nothing is absolute in market.

Still support justice....


2014-10-27 09:23 | Report Abuse

As I said I no Bomoh.

Price drop because of general correction, not only Dsonic. ..all stock....we heard about the warning.......yet we did not act.....why? and don't blame easy to blame...after the event is past.

I tell you why we do nothing.........because we heard that warning all the time for many years......if everytime.....we going to react.....we might as well not in the market.

Everybody know, ....what going on.....TPM had meeting in 2nd week of August.....decline to give direct award to Fuel Hse......because of media.......Fuel Hse had to sue several parties for RM100M.

I know the agenda, my info is right, they suppose to give it to Fuel Hse.......Now look at the timing.......they run of time....because the dely.

......but things like this......even Fuel Hse is not expected and to take measures.....their measure a bit late. Now who dare to talk about them.

If you want military precision info......go and see bomoh. They will come out once market is down. : )


2014-10-25 15:07 | Report Abuse

From my previous posting.

So it does not matter whether insider, tips etc.

I give you this, you are smart enough. 

GST Contract Implementation - 01 April 2015 
Award to Myeg - 14 Feb 2014 
Duration Award to Implementation - 14 Mths

GST Tourist Refund Implementation - 01 July 2015 
Award to Iris - 25 Sept 2014 
Duration Award to Implementation - 10 Mths 

Petrol Subd Implementation - June/July 2015 
Award to Dsonic (hi hi) you figure yourself 

Assume June/July 2015 is the Implementation date. Cause I don't want to argue. 

if follow Iris/standard duration, the award should be next mths at least.
Nov to June/July = 8-9mths.

Aren't you glad? you in this forum!


2014-10-25 11:12 | Report Abuse

: ) , I said...... like this they have to give Award on Monday......just figure of speech. Because Implementation June/July minus 4mths trial, minus a minimum 6mth system development. They run of time......they have to give it ASAP.


2014-10-24 16:00 | Report Abuse

It will be announce well before implementation date. Myeg Gst 14mts before, Iris GST tourist refund 10mths before.

And today they said they want to do trial run up to 4mths on selected this it should be on Monday. : )


2014-10-24 15:44 | Report Abuse

Sate if know would not people already know the ambush......must keep suspend.. khi. .khi.

Reality. always caught us off guard.


2014-10-24 14:25 | Report Abuse sorry....but my info is good. Infact they have many lucrative project...especially with KDN dept. in different stages.


2014-10-24 14:22 | Report Abuse

noon...regarding card faulty....there are some but most of the time because JPN staff did not capture it right and use of none standard reader by bank and other agency.


2014-10-24 10:55 | Report Abuse

Sunz, Fair question.

Do you know the transaction can be done offline? The program, records,limit, eligibility and details are store at chip i.e embedded at smart chip. In fact that what their focus, and only smart card can do that.

Data can be downloaded at night from Point of Sales (POS) of Petrol station when traffic is low as same process of credit card settlement between merchant and bank. There when data will be update server.

Another things if Govt decide to tax on gasoline...maybe tax richman and not to tax poorman for gasoline....they can right? They need systems that are flexible.


2014-10-24 10:23 | Report Abuse

I am not economist or politician. I am at mercy of my govt, I am his subject.

I can't be better than Anwar Ibrahim.
I invest "kacang putih" for my family.
If you give question of if and if, I surrender. hi hi.

Bottom line....don't go too deep..........too many variable and info we do not know or we can't control. : )


2014-10-24 10:01 | Report Abuse

RM50M contribution a year... ..I did not know if RM2.50 is the right T.P.


2014-10-24 09:59 | Report Abuse

Cause I waited 1.50, I did not get any more. DJ already up by 800pts.


2014-10-24 09:57 | Report Abuse

sunz....that why they need to give contract to Dsonic....

People already landed to the moon and come back.....what is impossible and can't do?


2014-10-24 09:52 | Report Abuse

They will give 150Liter quota per qualify person per month.

Akh...we are very far already.... but you will slowly find out..


2014-10-24 09:48 | Report Abuse

Bonus link card, my kids, Tesco Card, Jusco Card? : ))


2014-10-24 08:30 | Report Abuse

4mths trial run after system completed some more......hi hi mean the award is near.


2014-10-24 05:05 | Report Abuse

I don't know about chip biz : ) but can't match Dsonic performance ha ha.


2014-10-24 05:03 | Report Abuse

Was busy and on leave, I don't know what the latest but I know they waiting for contact to be sign....not petrol card.


2014-10-23 21:47 | Report Abuse

If he own 500M share and once a while sell 10M. ....that is nothing right?

We never know why he sold. Sometime in biz part of bigger deal, as I said will benefit many people if the award to Fuel hse/Dsonic.....

Unlike some co like Bxxxx....they do this to inflate the value of their co thru this kind of asset acquisition and transfer of share among themselve.

Compare to other co they are least active. selling....part of Dato and Mr Raghbir(small trade).

In the past......mostly price will climb higher after Dato sold their share...or is he actually sold it.

If he want to be nasty, he would sell before they give blip warning. or he can throw in open market....10M is not much. ..3days volume.

I know the blip 1 mth before they make announcement but I am not worry....cause their Q3; not fantastic but ok.


2014-10-23 14:01 | Report Abuse

I limit myself only to this forum. So those who request for email sorry, I can't accommodate at this time. I will try to share as much I can, without breach any sensitive info....if any..... in this forum.

I never think, I can influence market......I think market is too big....perhaps I wrote too much sometime.....but I think I have a bit experience with the market which I want to share.........and recently is quite challenging and nasty..

Maybe we are the only one ......easily get excited....ha ha....jump and cry loud. Those major shareholder seem it good news or bear or bulls...

I 'm not selfish.....cause i am not worry.......god has a plan for everybody and he is control....full control and never us.

My objectives are beyond, petrol card project.
I think Jpj project is much more impact and more meaningfull to investor. Especially with recent correction we had....I am more bullish in 2015 and expecting couple of project will materialise as early as q1 2015.

I think it not right..... for us just to wait and sell upon project announcement.....I think we have to wait for earning start coming.....much more rewarding....there are many stages of rally. Just observe Myeg for example. Of cause that is me...........individual choice.

I know you have burning question....... Most likely the award will come sooner then people expected.......time frame ......i think before end of the year. Lot of politician own this share, at least more people can share the benefit rather then private limited co. Maybe there are hope for CA too.


2014-10-23 01:17 | Report Abuse

If we don't understand, don't pretend we do. Otherwise we will get burnt like forex, commodity, futures, index trader or investor so call.

There are then just crude oil price, there are... refining cost, storing, distribution & marketing cost, retail profit and govt. direct or indirect cost of supporting local industry/economy, hedge cost too, etc.

What type of crude blend...Tapis, Brent, Bonny Light, Sahara.......ha ha see we don't understand... There are over 200 different blend and different price.

Actual suppliers price are base on actual and expected demand over the short and longer term. Not just today demand. So what you read in bloomberg is not necessary the price local refinery pay.

It takes up to 6 months for crude oil to make its way through the refining process and make it into gasoline that you buy at petrol station.

There are conspiracy theorists too.......the recent drop was a tactic to pressure Russia & Iran to the negotiation table, so it artificial and temporary.......we can expect the oil price to start rebounding upward again if it true.

I'm not qualify........hi hi I don't understand too.

Anyway don't go too deep......keep it simple buy cheap sell high ...hi hi.... What is cheap ? Emmm...that the challenge.


2014-10-22 10:29 | Report Abuse

Agree with Kukuman.

I have read this saying;
"one of the biggest gambling devices thought up by the human brain is the stock market"

But I can't blame, that instinct is all in us : )

If tonight DJ up another 200pts....meaning we already miss almost 900pts since bottom.


2014-10-22 02:29 | Report Abuse

Investor are not rationale, they are emotional.

Last wk they dump, this wk they chasing stock.

What has happen over period of 1wk? Better economy over period of 1wk? Oh no, now they realised it?


2014-10-21 18:20 | Report Abuse

Sound like I know more than him. ...khi. ..khi...khi.

Like injured horses.........can't straight away run.


2014-10-21 15:56 | Report Abuse

Most counter down by 30%. Those with good project announcement also down or can't move up.

I think by the time Dsonic announce the award, market is already recover well.


2014-10-21 12:07 | Report Abuse

They have office in Beijing.

Why want to calculate. His money/share are different from Co. He can't paying the dividen.

The current Bank policy to uplift restriction is good, will fuel the purchasing power + Fuel Card + Vehicle Management System. Current correction will push market and stock higher in 2015. imho.


2014-10-21 11:26 | Report Abuse

Where he held meeting......Hong Kong.

Hongkie and Mainland coming.


2014-10-21 10:26 | Report Abuse

I have several margin account. Margin is ok but must maintain healthy ratio.

At the peak Bank put restriction to the counter. and I think that save the counter from recent correction.....otherwise worst.

Now after correction Bank, open up again. Now can go higher.