
Pavillion | Joined since 2013-12-02

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2015-07-02 16:52 | Report Abuse

Sate.... look at ccb purchased during weak market etc.... Well supported.


2015-07-01 00:16 | Report Abuse

As I said earlier, rakyat will start talk about fuel subd again in a mth or two i.e when it cross RM2.30.


2015-06-20 15:31 | Report Abuse

Recent ban of trans fat by fda will boost demand for palm oil?


2015-06-08 15:48 | Report Abuse

Soon all our bank card will be replace with new card supply by Dsonic.

And remember I mention regarding Ubiquitous City concept (U city) and that will be very big project for Dsonic. Dsonic can do better then DBKL's ITIS. Some of you said I pluck from Discovery Channel :)).

Well now Midf start covering Dsonic and I will tell you now one of GLC are eying Dsonic.


2015-06-01 14:31 | Report Abuse

Datasonic just miss 300K Mykad this quarter. I told in last posting my check they just deliver 1M Mykad. Contract are 5M Mykad in 4Q i.e p.a. So on average they should deliver 1.25M Mykad a perquarter. If they miss this quarter they will make up next quarter because JPN has to take 5M Mykad in a year.(in the contract)

And I did not know they going to knock out few millions development cost for new project. So the quarter result are not good. Yoy (if can compare because change of Financial year) are short by RM10M.....Total are RM71M. But so many co. in bursa are reporting weak result this quarter...i.e. tough quarter.

I also said they already got contract for Malaysia Pasport Chip. In RHB research reporting (1june) this will contribute 60-70M p.a. Easily total combine will exceed RM100M profit i.e. almost double. I said RM320M because that my estimated amount of contract for 5year. Yes the contract is for 5years. With the same supplier for passport book and chips they offer better security then current practice. And Dsonnic are the only supplier with their own factory...infact they have 3 and this is very very important criteria for KDN.....sensitivity, political etc.

What now?.....we shall wait till Iris contract expired this mth for more official...and there more other project they are not highlight to public.


2015-05-27 16:00 | Report Abuse

For mths I sideline. The only issue in this forum are rubbish a.k.a balls and telor :)) nobody mentions anything. The moments I bring up the topic....the joker will come up and said cancel bla bla etc. Well I expect more joker will come....I can handle like how I handle it all this years...though it sucker games.

P.S. I knew this since last year but I only mention it now because they already pass QA test (condition for acceptance) and I don't want to kecoh2 like Fuel Subd.


2015-05-27 15:02 | Report Abuse

No need to call people stupid. Difference info maybe. MD going to leak if it going to be cancel? :))).

I know more...they just pass quality test about 10days ago and that it the only conditions of acceptance for 12M chip. Putrajaya where i eat and shit la friend. Who do you bullshit?


2015-05-27 11:37 | Report Abuse

And JPN has donè this nearly 15yrs so they know what are the demands .....unless M'sian stop breeding. :))


2015-05-27 11:31 | Report Abuse

Fyi. The contract spell out; govt responsibility to accept a minimum delivery/order i.e 5M card a year. Otherwise Dsonic a fool i.e. after build their factory base on govt contract. The only blip when JPN already order extra for 1 quarter i.e. during Petrol Sub. Schedule for implementation. So subsequent quarter they did not order much.


2015-05-27 11:03 | Report Abuse

For this quarter they already deliver so far 1M card. In line with analyst and interview with MD just in last April. How bad it can be???


2015-05-27 10:25 | Report Abuse

I3 place for de stress.

Let everybody write whatever here. With the current market conditions and roller coster ride....for almost a year...we all understand.
At the end the fundamental of the co. will move the stock price.

Kopitiam is right...the co waiting for supply of Malaysia passport Chip at least worth RM320M. The chip are better quality then current one. The co. already received conditional acceptance few mth ago. Iris contract expiring next mth. I expect some kind of news soon. The Contract as big as Mykad.

If it not happen, don't worry because this information has never been under your radar... i.e. nobody speculate and nobody bought Dsonic stock betting on this contract. :)) except me who keep adding
from my tabung :)) i followed rosmah from small ki ki ki.

I'm 99% confident it will happens;
1) because this is not a new project unlike petrol subd. (risk of acceptance and politic interference).
2) This is normal purchase by govt. Passport cost paid by rakyat... ...govt. has money to spend.
3) Futher this is essential documents/security product like Mykad.
4) It got nothing to do with 1MDB :))

At current price; risk (odds ratio) of downside Vs upside are not balance:- there are more upside then ki so many wrong already :))


2015-05-22 15:25 | Report Abuse

Passport book i.e pages already supply by Datasonic, now the chip. MEP stand for M'sia Eletronic Passport. See you next wk.


2015-05-22 10:34 | Report Abuse

Impossible. All already set. CASanji.
This is what Askwhy asked since last year.


2015-05-22 09:02 | Report Abuse

Their contract end in June. We will wait for announcement...till then.


2015-05-22 08:59 | Report Abuse

That because after Govt cancel Fuel Subd plan....nobody want to listen from me : )).

Only few people know about this.

Iris shareholder know about this few mth ago and sold their share substantially and that the time CBB bought slowly.


2015-05-22 07:42 | Report Abuse

The only director sold stop at 2Mil.

Quarter result ok, consistent ; 5M card ÷ 4Q.

Dsonic already win RM320M contract of MEP...... as big as Mykad.

you think the management sleeping? :))) don't fight...

Just like a seed, growing your money takes time and patience....patience

to let it grow.


2015-05-20 09:37 | Report Abuse

Financial Times:
As of May 16, 2015, the investment analyst covering Datasonic Group Bhd advises that the company will outperform the market. This has been the consensus forecast since the sentiment of investment analysts improved on Jun 25, 2014. The previous consensus forecast advised investors to hold their position in Datasonic Group Bhd.


2015-05-15 09:27 | Report Abuse

No co. can secured big project every other mth. Be realistic!

There nothing to panic. To me it quite normal for stock to behave like this i.e at the end of 6mths consolidation. Bad before gettting better i.e investor who already hold stock...will give up +-6mth. Those who can hold will not be a resistance.

Just look at all new IPO counter....mostly it will move after 6mths period over....those who giveup will have to sell at terrible price.

After fuel subs project. Market has no clue what are the next project for co. But if you sell it now, you will miss RM300M over project.

I'm optimistic soon you will hear about it. Maybe from GLC....


2015-05-07 13:19 | Report Abuse

The end of consolidated phase is almost there i.e 6mths. The volume becoming thin....dry up.

On corporate issues. I expect something will come up soon.....regards to new contract which co.has been work on it since last year. I posted ....late march...expect April or May..we will hear about it.

I can't predict an actual timing tape etc...but we are close to it.



2015-04-16 12:52 | Report Abuse

Sunztzhe. Agreed. Make sense. But keep it neutral i.e don't promote other stock here. They don't like.


2015-04-15 09:42 | Report Abuse

Just concentrate on T4 delivery today. 40M


2015-04-14 20:03 | Report Abuse

Sunztzhe agreed.


2015-04-14 13:58 | Report Abuse

Getting nasty. Another 45M?


2015-04-13 13:50 | Report Abuse

With so many marriage deal..big T4 volume might start coming tmr onward. But nobody know for sure.


2015-04-13 08:54 | Report Abuse

Start behaving like BN politician....take it personnaly when can't say a good things. I challenge the mgt to come out and file it with bursa regarding the above.

Oops I said I will not post anything more regard to the above. Just had to reply hi hi.

Ayamtua remember

Warren Buffett said that bull stock markets are like sex and best near the end.

And i want to add

What more if had multiple orgasms. Even with Tongkat Benggali or Cialis.

Just to kill your monday blues :)).


2015-04-12 22:15 | Report Abuse

I like tech stock and feel Myeg has potential but don't be sucker thinking govt. will pay RM38 to Myeg i.e to compensate the Myeg. The projected revenue of RM80M will never happen.

This is private initiative; Govt. did not tender it out, its Co. own money to develop & take 100% risk. Govt. are not involved with any financing part. (You pandai pandai you tanggung sendiri)

Think for yourself; what Myeg offer is a premium services i.e. additional services to deliver the renewal sticker right to employer doorstep. Why should govt. used taxpayer money to pay for that services...this employer is businessman....they are not rakyat biasa.

If govt. do that then why stop at that....continue with other services...JPJ, Polis Summon, TNB bills etc.

Incase of AES...(different agreement then Myeg)....the company already register huge loss and their cases still in tribunal asking for compensation.

I have no intention to "sabor this stock but as far I know that how it work. Just want to share...after all we want the truth. You are been warned about the projection of revenue.

Look cantik on paper but reality are different.

You know my argument make senses.... probably as convincing as our TDM on current issue :)))

Will not post anymore on this issues, My first post are 1mth ago. Will focus on other issues.


2015-04-11 09:05 | Report Abuse

Fortune favors the bold ! Right?

Can't comments on price..nobody know.

It a bit oversold at RSI40 but in no way MACD going to cross bullish line soon. Maybe small rebound but generally weak. It already "injured" stock.


2015-04-10 11:00 | Report Abuse

Clearly MACD 12,26 (blue line) below pink line, with large volume and big red tick.


2015-04-10 08:42 | Report Abuse

I'm a small boy who cried out... "But the Emperor has no clothes!"


2015-04-10 08:19 | Report Abuse

As far as FW renewal biz....I consider kaput !

I give you example; few year ago Img appoint 300 plus companies to do registration of FW under 6P program. Everybody think they going to make a kill.

After public complaint bla bla..Img decide to offer the same services along with this not fair...because these companies already setup their network and rent the equipment from Ners.

At the end less then 10% of this companies are making and the rest are losing. Why? Because competition from Img are too great. People trust still can talk with the officer etc. With Myeg, everytime people call...."belum lagi and saya tak tahu".

Greed and stupidity.....this kind of systems should roll on as pilot project for couple of year before make it mandatory...i.e. after making a lot of improvement along the way. Blame it on politician who always interfere with dept. planning with their own agenda and interest.

Myeg FW renewal services only work on Maids sector. But Myeg already offer this services for sometime...already couple of year....but what the take up?

Did govt. pay them compensation?


2015-04-09 19:44 | Report Abuse

Govt will never pay RM35 compensation. Think....govt going to spend RM80M a year...just to received online payment from FW? 

If FW were to ask to crawl to Img to pay....they will do why govt want to spend RM80M a year for that?

Anyway KDN don't have money for that...never in their budget. That not how it work in govt. Govt will never pay for private initiatiave.
Dep. Min already mention they are not paying any money to Myeg for the services provided.

Remember our PM want to scrap PLKN this year.....Petronas/govt no money
They want to stop search for 370 because already hit..... RM80M.

It would be alot cheaper if govt to develop their own systems.....anyway it just a fraction from Hitech Padu myIMMs systems. 

Sometime reporter got it wrong.......


2015-04-09 17:25 | Report Abuse

How to improve? The systems merely interface with front part of myIMMs (HiTech Padu) on payment section i.e. Myeg feed to the systems for all payment received thru Myeg, similar way on how Fomema feed to the systems.

The systems does not improve any processing whatsoever. The same officer still has to handle it manually etc etc. Worst now has layer of steps.

The issued of employer had to pay big amount are not all true...mostly because due to incomplete docs or urgency. Companies with complete docs etc would not have problems. For big co with 1000 FW (common for factories) normally will have 2 staff just to manage their with Myeg charging RM38..those companies has to fork out RM38K just to submit their application. That RM38K can cover their 2 full time staff salary for a year. Not to mention Sime, IOI, etc . Which have a department to handle their FW. Now you understand why the big fuss. It will never work in long run.

Myeg ask employer to make payment of levy to them but not to Pengarah Img is also another issues. Img has to address the safety of this money, million and billion already collected or will be collected.


2015-04-09 12:16 | Report Abuse

Because they forecast on RM80M revenue.


2015-04-09 09:50 | Report Abuse

For me 3stages of rally

1. Speculate
2. Comfirmation
3. Delivery

Stage 1 and 2 already gone. Now we are at stages 3 and stages 3 is long and full of risk. Especially in bolehland....some words from stupid guy, politician, reporter will trigger. Sometime on paper its look ok but when come to implementation ......full of problems especially if involved new concepts, public interest, politic etc.

Like FW renewal.....some of you don't understand...the rival now is Img itself and not other can they compete.

Fyi we have been following this counter back in 2013 (since then there are no correction) when first recommended by Fortunebullz (for myself) so you see......too much profit to take.

P.s. I'm still learning.


2015-04-08 14:53 | Report Abuse

If it true then it good. Go and check yourself at all Img counter and Myeg office behind TV3, because I personally when there couple of times. And tell me if what I wrote here are not true.

The services suck...(I dont't blame Myeg...they helpless...this systems took a lucrative "biz from many people inside" so they 'sabor/ throw spanner' into the systems. The so call "agent" are actually people inside.

Plus this industry are control by employment/recruitment agency. Employer depend on recruitment agent for everything.....everytime they have issues with FW.....(motivation, productivity, etc) they will call their agent to settle it. So the Agent will services Employer for everything. Between agent and people inside ...they have very good long relations. So Myeg want to cut them out?

Those send direct to Img able to get their permit sticker faster then thru Myeg. There are many cases FW permit already expired but still can't renew...Myeg has to compensate the Img Penalty i.e RM1k after 30days.

Bottom line, Img are aware now Myeg just an Img still have to open their counter and accept application from employer. So biz would be like JPJ renewal, PDRM summon etc. Which are not great.

P.s. FW issue is always difficult.


2015-04-08 13:52 | Report Abuse

If you target of other project. I don't know.

But if you dream of Myeg going to collect RM80M-RM90M from FW renewal a year you are dreaming. Max they will collect RM20M per year. Employer only send their renewal in first 2mth this year and no more. Even those cases till now are not settle, worst nobody can answer the status of application. This program are definely not supported by inside people...i.e..people on the field. Go and check yourself at all Img counter.


2015-04-03 12:53 | Report Abuse

Actually no obligation on my part. When you read this up to you. Anyway 95% the comments here are crap right? Just look at the quality.

But everybody welcome. Read all my 1k plus comments, up or down I'm still here. If stock market so easy then there are no beggar in this world and gst is no problems for us :))

There are still honest person you know. For me my maker know what I'm doing and that is enough. I fear my maker knowingly all my actions will be accounted for. Peace.


2015-04-03 08:07 | Report Abuse

That what we call resistance. Normally it take 6mth to weed out the weak shareholder. The 6mth cycle about to complete.

Lot of people believe 2015 still Tech stock, and the leading are Iris, Myeg, Dsonic and Hitech Padu. Second linear are Mpay, Ghl, Prestaring etc. So you can choose any if you like.

Iris is Ace stock - I don't buy Ace stock. Myeg tooo expensive and I think current level +/- RM3 are peak. The rest are not targeting big project...e.g. supply microsoft product to govt etc. Hitech padu has their own legacy problems and focusing on software and facility maintenance.

Security has a big potential and Dsonic are focus on security. Not many people know few mth ago they bought an Indian co and form New Zealand subs. That because they are developing next level of security tech....Iris and Facial recognition tech. In India they already use Iris Tech for their ID. Huge potential application at airport etc

But who care right?...... price still ding dong at 1.10-1.20.
Bukan senang mahu jadi kaya :))


2015-04-02 13:16 | Report Abuse

Not many people know. I think best to keep that way..after Petrol subd. experience.

If you believe this kind of co. can get 1-3 big contracts a year that will give impact to their earning...then hold to it.

Did any one wonder why Macquarie issue warrant again after Ambank? They must think Dsonic able to attract investor...because issuer did not simply pick any Stock. Ambank was bank in with Petrol Subd. project. Macquirie???


2015-04-02 10:32 | Report Abuse

The contract renewal is something everybody in the industry already anticipated. Who else can do beside them. Their machine and systems. That also indicated they going to supply Mykad for a long time.

But those who have the information, they bought because of other project. Some info that I get...the timing not too long....i said in early out if director bought heavy in late March or early April.

No company get project/corporate exercise every week or month. We got to be realistic. This time around; not going to be like 2013 or first half 2014. It rollercoster ride for most of stock/market. Until crude oil, dollar,ringgit show some recovery/stabilise then. Even co like Dsonic which have good business model are not spared. Imho.


2015-04-01 09:36 | Report Abuse

Govt will never pay RM35 compensation. Think....govt going to spend RM70M a year...just to received online payment from FW?

Even if govt ask the FW to crawl to Img and pay....they will do why want to spend RM70M for that? Anyway the dept. don't have money for that...never in their budget. It would be alot cheaper if govt to develop their own systems.....anyway it just a fraction from Hitech Padu systems.

Sometime reporter got it wrong.....perhaps just to cover operating cost. This only my humble opinion. Because I can't see govt can do that. Think for yourself.


2015-03-31 12:48 | Report Abuse

In whatapps-Tmr RON95 RM2.06 ??