
Pavillion | Joined since 2013-12-02

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2015-03-31 10:50 | Report Abuse

I wrote abt this last mth. Imho, I think the systems is a failure, they have no longer monopoly. Employer just send their application in first 2mths. Cases in January...employer still have no clue when their will be process. So I doubt they can produce the revenue as projected.

This is not intergrated system with Hitech padu systems(Hitech would not allowed this to happen). The system just interface on front payment, and the rest just manual as it before. all centralise. I suspect the officer are not happy and not cooperating.

If you spend so much money in this stock go and visit their office behind TV3 and stay there for 15min to known what the problems. I blame the govt. they should go slow and steady....what the rush?

Gst implementation....we will see it.


2015-07-24 14:59 | Report Abuse

Meaning as long as they do the maintenance and personalisation system; they will continue to deliver the card for a long period.


2015-03-30 14:14 | Report Abuse

There are even bigger contract next month or so.


2015-03-27 10:48 | Report Abuse

MACD positive again with high volume.


2015-03-20 11:44 | Report Abuse

Last time I waited for 8mth... without clue what going on with the stock ....even on the day it breakout....only realise after 2-3wks.


1 day ago | Report Abuse

Ask. There are no certainty in stock market. Most of my info are ok but my market reading maybe not so good...who can predict oil drop to USD40 in just 2 mths. Other then that all their activities are as usual.


2015-03-19 11:13 | Report Abuse

What I know, they going to get big contract. This is the contract Ask being asking me in Sept last year.

iDontlike it not to far from now. My estimation within 1-2mth. Max 3mth. (Hosei don't worry . I try to get comfirmation with photocopy boy :)) at least on that particular day) Maybe this time it go slowly like Myeg.

I did mention this type of co will get one or two big job yearly. And market forget co's Marketing,Connection etc

Dato Abu has not bought yet from his new margin line (est. Rm30M) Cbb transfer for margin line.Yes as far I know he never sell any of his share yet. Any sales made thru nominee or relatives ..must report to bursa. And at this price no other director want to sell.


2015-03-17 23:19 | Report Abuse

You come back right time. :)


2015-03-11 23:19 | Report Abuse

I am amaze with myself :))) How can I layan you for so long :)))

I think if directors buy a lot this mth or early next mth...then watch out.


2015-03-09 15:35 | Report Abuse

Increasing Confidence Increases Values

Overall, a strong employment report like today’s increases confidence in the overall economy by companies, investors, and even the government itself. A rise in interest rates sooner than previously anticipated would mean that the Federal Reserve is more confident in the economy’s strength than it was before. The Fed’s stepping further into the background will in turn strengthen the confidence that corporations have in the overall economy. And this in turn strengthens the confidence investors have in equities. All this confidence being evident in today’s bond sell-off.

We can, therefore, expect that once this near-term adjustment in equity prices to an earlier than expected interest rate hike runs its course – likely by the end of this month – equity prices will quickly resume their upward climb to new all-time highs, rising ever higher over the quarters and years ahead.

Remember that every time there is a change in the timing of an anticipated event – in this case the timing of the first interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve – the markets will always act immediately to price that change in expectations into their prices. But once that adjustment is finished, the markets waste no time in resuming their prior momentum based on the economy’s underlying conditions.

As it stands now, the economy’s underlying conditions are very positive indeed. The Fed is growing more confident that the economy does not need as much monetary assistance as before, the bond market is growing more confident that they no longer need as much safety from bonds as before, and equity traders are also growing more confident that the economy is still in a multi-year bull market – even if it doesn’t look like it today.

All traders are doing today is adjusting to an earlier rate hike. But once that adjustment is completely factored in, look for the resumption of one of the longest bull runs in U.S. history. Give it until the end of March, when investment funds and institutions finish rebalancing their portfolios. Then you’ll really see how today’s employment report was very good news indeed.


2015-03-22 23:22 | Report Abuse

Friday, March 6th, 2015

Since hitting a new all-time intraday high a week and a half ago on February 25th, the S&P 500 has closed down 5 out of 7 trading days, and is today on its way to making it 6 out of 8.

The latest weight to be strapped to the market’s shoulders was this morning’s jobs report for the month of February, which saw better than expected figures straight across the board:

• a gain of +295,000 new non-agricultural jobs, the fourth highest in the last 12 months,

• a drop in the unemployment rate of -0.2% to 5.5%, down from 5.7% the prior month and the lowest it has been since the 2008 crisis,

• a rise in average non-farm wages of +0.1% month-over-month, +2.0% year-over-year.

How have the markets responded to this rosy employment report? Within minutes of the report’s release at 8:30 am eastern, the U.S. 10-year Treasury bond fell sharply, lifting its yield 9 basis points from 2.10% to 2.19%, with continued upward trending since then to 2.24% by 11 am.

Equities, for their part, fell with bonds, as the S&P 500 index lost as much as 10 points, or half a percentage point, within the first 15 minutes of opening, where it has remained since.

But if the employment report was so great, why the negative reaction on the markets? Frankly, the reaction was not negative at all, but positive. Here’s why.

Bond Market’s Reaction: Positive

Generally, falling bond prices ultimately spur rising equity prices. The reason, of course, is that bonds are considered safety investments whereas equities contain more risk.

Under most circumstances, capital will flow out of one toward the other depending on the level of risk flowing through the markets. When risk is perceived to be high, money generally flows from equities to the safety of bonds. Conversely, when risk is believed to be low, money will flow the other way from bonds to equities where they can be put to work generating capital gains.

That bond traders reacted to the bumper jobs report by pulling their money out of bonds means they perceive there to be less risk in the economy going forward, and as such there is less need for the safety of bonds.

Bond traders are also anticipating the strong jobs growth and rising wages – however slight that wage rise was – will force the U.S. Federal Reserve to move interest rates higher sooner than later. As it stands after this latest employment report, the general expectation is for a June rate hike, just three months away.

But if the bond market is taking the jobs report as something positive, why are equities falling? Why are stocks not on the same page? Believe it or not, they are on the same page, and the stock market’s reaction is just as positive as the bond market’s reaction.

Equity Market’s Reaction: Equally Positive

Equity traders are also anticipating an earlier move by the Federal Reserve than was previously anticipated. And interest rate rises mean slightly slower growth over the immediate term, which is why the stock market is reacting negatively today.

A rise in interest rates strengthens the buying power of the U.S. dollar, which is up today along with the 10-year Treasury’s yield. In turn, this rise in the dollar’s strength slows the economy a little in the immediate term by making American-made products and services more expensive for foreign customers, lowering the profit from exports, and increasing the cost of imports. Overall, a stronger dollar generally exerts a slowing pressure on the economy.

Hence the initial negative response on the stock market, where companies’ profits are seen being negatively impacted by a continually rising dollar now, and by future rising interest rates later.

However, over the longer term, the current pullback in equities is a positive, for it means the upcoming interest rate hike is being factored into stock prices right now. All the stock market is doing today is adjusting to a new levels based the first interest rate hike’s timing being moved a little bit closer (at least, as traders currently perceive it).

This means that when the first interest rate hike is announced, the markets will already be where they need to be ahead of time. With the bad news out of the way early, equity markets will have nowhere to go but up once the first rate hike actually takes place.


2015-03-22 23:24 | Report Abuse

They already started in Penang as a pilot and other city will follow. U-cities are concept...there are many modules of development and Dsonic are know to be specialise in security.

This info are no use for punter alike.


2015-03-22 23:25 | Report Abuse

They are developing this. If it too much for you just take alook at one diagram on that page, show what is u-cities is all about.


2015-03-07 13:36 | Report Abuse

One of co. growth factor are "ubiquitous technologies".

I just give you homework to google and find out more. They are actually more advance compare to E-govt and they already leading it.


2015-03-07 13:29 | Report Abuse

As far I know that Dato does not have any margin facility. So when he transferring his fully paid share to DB (nominees) for margin account. He asking for share margin facility. For what? Surely to buy share. Which stock? Tak kan CI Holding stock. It normal for director to buy their own stock because they know most about the co. Just like CIH chairman bought 2wk before boom.


2015-03-06 23:11 | Report Abuse


Nak kaya cepat pun nak pergi mana?

I like it ...khi khi khi.
Hoseiliao.....mari main bowling.....nanti you becoming kuku.


2015-03-06 17:42 | Report Abuse

Maybe now Dato Abu has RM70M to buy back Dsonic shares. : )


2015-03-02 10:55 | Report Abuse

Q3 = RM65M, possible can achieve RM85-RM90M till next Q.

Still has 5M card to deliver this year translate to at least RM75M profit. The MD said;

As for its 4QFY15, Datasonic said it expected a “satisfactory” performance, “barring any unforeseen circumstances”.


2015-02-28 21:09 | Report Abuse

A good profit. 

Kinz are right. The systems does not solve employer and immigration dept problems. The system just interface on front end of Img system(payment) (managed by Hi Tech Padu). 

The 2days promise is only for receiving the payment. The rest of the system still on manual...i.e still waiting for fomema to feed result(10days)...still Img officer have to do manually....file, tick,stamp, checking,printing,stick,talking,talking......etc..and depend on his/her mood for that day......the dept still understaff (forever) and the systems can't solve the problems.

Many people are not happy with the system including internal staff.....this area are lucrative for some.......they are no incentives for them to support the systems ......perhaps ....s

The system probably favour by employer on maids and small number of staff(20-30staff) but not co with large staffs

I think the dept has to consider open up the counter services back and at the same time offer Myeg as option.......meaning......they can't sapu all the renewal.....the sales target will effected.

Pressure from biz community/association..........current bottle neck at Img.......
For your information a friend submitted 2mths ago are still no clue when he can get...worst...can't communicate with Img or Myeg.

Don't take it from me...go and visit Img or ask your biz friend currently struggling with the process.

I might be wrong (wrong in many occasion already :)) )......what I'm saying ...find out yourself .......spend your time...... check yourself.

I'm not suggesting anything.


2015-02-28 20:35 | Report Abuse

Down 20sen, Up 25sen.

Another 2mths' times people will start talk subsidy again.


2015-02-28 12:42 | Report Abuse

Sorry, my figure off. I will scold the aunty tea lady for included next mth invoices...but what can we expect she don't finish her standard six......hard life. Or maybe my angpau not to the expectation :))

Just compare Myeg performance

And Dsonic performance


2015-02-10 12:23 | Report Abuse

By the way New EV is open for booking


2015-02-10 12:22 | Report Abuse

This friday or monday, I make announcement la.


2015-02-06 09:38 | Report Abuse

Just look at Myeg...nobody ever talk about Foreign worker renewal...single contract like that will bring them 80-100M.

Optimushuat just read their MD last briefing to analyst.....nobody going to spoonfeed you...or invest in pak man telo .....easier for your kind of mentality.


2015-02-06 08:45 | Report Abuse

It seem we have seen bottom of oil' plunge/leveling....hopefully. Hi hi with so many expert got it wrong.....there are no shame if we got it wrong.

Supersonic go and read the facts....Fuel Subd. Hse lawsuit. You just shoot with anger, investor community know govt. going to award to the consortium...if not sudden oil plunge. It all over the secret.

Sugardaddy go on goggle or wikipedia first, do not know the nature of project....who said they own the network? Niche market?

Maybe a 'Malaysia Tesla' coming....khi khi khi.....must have some imagination in investing.

With over 500 IT staff, you think they going to sit around and do nothing? A single contract can change the landscape.


2015-02-04 13:07 | Report Abuse

No wonder all negatives coming from the edge.


2015-02-04 12:52 | Report Abuse

Kind of stupid to think, I had millions of shares to sell to you...all this year.

My position is long...emm till next GE. I hold more than 3yrs already, ...i think :)

Can I know your other porfolio that doing extremely well last couple of months beside gst counter.

My opinion are; oil plunge are already bottom.(that my least I had opinion and responsible only to myself).

A rising tides will raise all boat and expect their quarter reporting will be better than last quarter.

For professional you should read

This how they do it...and not like me.


2015-07-23 19:13 | Report Abuse

a rising tide lifts all boats.


2015-01-23 21:12 | Report Abuse

Billionaire Oilman Gives a Clue on When Oil Prices Will Bottom

T. Boone Pickens has been in the oil business for about 50 years. Over that time he has seen his share of booms, busts, and subsequent recoveries. He thinks the current bust in the price of oil is just like all the rest: supply is out of whack, OPEC is talking tough, and the U.S. oil industry must brace for another ugly downturn.

That being said, Pickens doesn't think the latest bust will last all that long. In fact, in December he made a bold call that the price of will be back over $100 per barrel within the next 12 to 18 months. However, before oil can rebound, the price must hit bottom. Pickens, who has seen his share of oil market bottoms over the years, gave investors an important sign to look for that prices are at rock bottom. The sign, he said in a recent social media chat session, is a big drop in the number of operating drilling rigs.

"Watch the rig count"
During the chat, Pickens was asked, "what are the signs you will look for to determine that the oil [market] may be bottoming?" He responded: "too many to list here, but one key factor is [the] number of drilling rigs operated." He later elaborated in the answer to another question:

Watch the rig count. They are falling already. Down 180+ and counting. Will probably go down by 500-600.

Pickens was referring to the U.S. rig count, which is the number of rigs active in drilling new oil and gas wells. His comments suggest that the price of oil will finally stop falling when a sufficient number of rigs are idled. This is because oil rigs are the key to adding new supply to the market, so a significant reduction in the number of rigs should start to contract the current oversupply of petroleum.

The following chart illustrates a compelling historical correlation between plunging rig counts and a bottoming in oil prices.

US Active Well Service Rig Count data by YCharts.

Note that in the 2008-2009 oil price plunge about 1,000 rigs, roughly 40% of active rigs at the time, went idle in a short period of time. However, the price of oil actually started to recover well before the rig count did. This is why Pickens thinks the rig count will only fall by 500-600 from the recent peak of around 2,000 rigs. before oil prices are ready to rebound. By his count the industry has already stopped operating about a third of the rigs necessary to put a bottom in oil prices.

Rigs are dropping like flies
Typically, the U.S. rig count changes rather slowly. Oil companies tend to sign a rig contract for months or even years, and they stagger the expiration dates of these contracts. But the current rig count is coming down fast. For example, the rig count in North Dakota's Bakken shale recently fell to its lowest point in four years -- down to 159 from the 183 rigs that had been drilling in the state in December. This is a direct result of massive capital expenditure reductions by oil companies: Bakken-focused drillers Continental Resources (NYSE: CLR  ) , Oasis Petroleum  (NYSE: OAS  )  and Halcon Resources  (NYSE: HK  )  have all slashed capital spending by 50% from previous levels. 

Oil companies are also increasingly bailing on rig contracts, often writing big checks not to drill new wells. Pioneer Energy Services  (NYSE: PES  )  alone has been handed back seven rigs so far this year, and has been paid $22 million in early termination fees for these contracts. The company expects contracts for another 10 rigs will be terminated before the end of the first quarter. We can expect to see more announcements of early rig contract terminations, as oil drillers would rather pay the fee than lose big money on an unprofitable well.  

Investor takeaway
While markets tend to be irrational, there are signs that a panic is subsiding and a market is bottoming. When it comes to oil prices, T. Boone Pickens suggests investors watch rig counts, which have a pretty direct correlation to the price of oil. He believes the U.S. needs to drop 500-600 rigs from its peak of around 2,000 before we hit bottom. According to the rotary rig count published by oil driller Baker Hughes, the total rig count for onshore and offshore assets stands at 1,729 as of Jan. 16. That suggests that we're likely going to see many rig reduction announcements over the next few months


2015-01-28 17:18 | Report Abuse

RM1.05 was extream fear with bank margin force selling and world market are unsure of direction i.e oil was slide none stop.

Since then, a lot of issues are more clear now.


2015-01-28 12:55 | Report Abuse

: ) press conference.


2015-01-24 18:20 | Report Abuse

Broadband..i rather not talking...(Just refer back previous PC of Mr. Chew).But i know people who are responsible are adding at 1.20.

Expect big swing in Wall Street...lost 300point last night, will recover back 300points tonight...Apple and Yahoo will give it. Yahoo alone could gain as much as 20% overnight.


2015-01-24 12:43 | Report Abuse

I'm not responsible to educate you or enrich you. That is your mother responsibility? But if you want to ask people opinion ask properly and again manners is not my responsibility, ur parent but at ur age don't blame parent.

1. It is tech co
2. Fuel subd project related to oil - if it drop too much, then the project are no longer viable for govt.
3. The drop in share price is not 100% because they loss(temporarily) fuel subd. project. They are several reason;

i. Their last quarter are not good (inter related with JPN stock for fuel project)
ii. Stock market hit with Wall Street correction, late last year.
iii. World market hit with oil price (dec are peak)
iv. Strong USD and weak Ringgit - foreigner move their fund else where - while they might make from stock market but they might lose in currency exchange...cause at the end they will transfer back their investment in USD.
v. Oil is M'sia main export - less revenue will effect economy, spending, market, bond rating, politic stability,etc.

To conclude..... uncertainty cause by oil price will effect market and all stock..... directly or indirectly. Open up ur eyes....all portfolio are down....mostly wipe off 2014 gains.

I think;
1) After 60% drop in oil price...i feel the down side is limited. :) if you go to genuine stock clearance sales - how much max discount you can get..i say 70%...cause everybody has their own cost.
2) This is new economy where every govt now actively play roles to stimulate their economy or they will end up like greece
, ECB will push market up, and we will benefit from it too
3) I think Yellen will not increase their interest rate so soon....cause this will make their dollar much stronger...and this is not good for US.

But that is my opinion....only human....not 100% but if you can't handle it....don't go into this kind of forum.


2015-01-24 18:14 | Report Abuse

We are on different level of _ _ my friend and that the facts. So many project has been announced last year. Project are different from contract awards. Project does not mean, price increase....not immediately at least...some project take time.

Don't look at the bring no good and it won't change anything, move on. The co are more pressure and more hard working then us to develop the biz.


2015-01-24 14:24 | Report Abuse

N JPN stock well Mykad as advance planning for Petrol card ; as the project stop....they have to use their existing stock...explain last quarter performance.


2015-01-26 21:21 | Report Abuse

I'm ok, don't mind nothing hurt me more than stock price hi hi.

I told you before I will invest till next QE. Hit just one contract will fly like Myeg. Look at long we wait for it.

This kind of co. Will surely get 1-3 contract a year. 2014- Myeg 2, Iris 1, Dsonic 0 except get their renewal. It a lot easier then Spac co try to buy oil rig.


2015-01-26 21:12 | Report Abuse

Sorry just want you to realise. Check the facts and check ourself first before blaming people.

The facts are;
1. Fuel Sub. Hse did took legal action to several parties....saying in the way ...otherwise they get the contract if somebody did not leak info(June 2014)
2. TPM ask for tender in cabinet meeting (July 2014)
3. PM announced in October budget
4. Minister gave implementation date.
5. MOF given out RFP
6. 23 companies submitted their proposal
7. RHB and other give their recommendation. Market expecting Fuel Subd Hse, Dsonic, Pos will win.
8. Govt did not comments anything about the project. All companies are in limbo, but companies like Dsonic still continue develop their demo model..just in case being call.

With the series of events..You must be crazy if not following that stock. The above are not my doing, I'm as greedy as your :)).

To me it does not matter because if we are not out by last Sept 2014...whatever stock we hold are affected by 10% Wall Street Correction and Oil plunge.

You must know 'Time and Relevant'.....the price was cheap then ..if the govt proceed and they win the contact.

Today selling pressure fot T4 delivery.


2015-01-26 19:40 | Report Abuse

You mean you risk everything because of a never meet make comments did not buy because of financial report, qualify TA, stock broking house, your eemiser or at least RHB recommendation? Why don't you screw RHB? They are the one who set are worse then old lady on Nigeria scam :)


2015-01-26 10:14 | Report Abuse

If you have this kind of opinion 6mths ago, your opinion. Would it been better for us? :) Do you have opinion on Myeg now? So 6mth later we would not regret.:)


2015-01-24 13:06 | Report Abuse

Hi welcome back. I miss you all. Hi hi. Welcome Luyee. Your opion are welcome.

It only prove me right.
This forum going to be #1 again and it is a sign that you should start buying again now before it getting hotter. As soon as people sell down Myeg.

In July 2014, the minister of oil in Saudi Arabia publicly said $100 is a good price for consumers and producers. And less than six months later, the price of oil collapses 50%.

Saudi Arabia and all of the countries were caught off guard. No one anticipated it was going to happen. Anyone who says they anticipated this 50% drop (in price) is not saying the truth.- Prince Alwaleed.

I hate Physics class but I still remember this:

Time is relevant to where you are” - Albert Einstein 

Wolf1 thank. PE12 are not bad right? But wonder whater those "fundamentalist" are buying recently when it dip to PE 8,10. But winterwolf said they got no bola. :))


2015-01-23 15:08 | Report Abuse

IMHO...Oil price now longer has direct bearing to stock market. I.e. Market are prepared to accept even if it drop further to USD40.

Example if it drop to USD40, I don't think we can buy Dsonic at RM1.05 again, same goes with other stock.

Drop below that, I don't think so. I don't think they will practice biz like P.Ramlee cap pisang and one cap beruk....because of the end they give it free to customer :))). Every producer will have their minimum cost.

Infact as I said few mths ago, most of this country will start sales tax or special tax for fuel....and probably they will use this mechanism ...kind of subsidies.


2015-01-23 12:05 | Report Abuse

This quarter profit. Last quarter rm9m. Can somebody calculate eps