PureBULL ...

PureBULL | Joined since 2012-04-16

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2020-12-09 08:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by PureBULL ... > Dec 8, 2020 10:38 AM | Report Abuse X

The 7 glove stocks on klse super bull run till early Aug 2020 with increasing QR PAT.
Since then lots of glove.money came out to help created bull run up for all the recovery stocks.

We r now witnessing 2 classes of stocks:
a. Bearish GLOVES for 4 months r over = in bad times prepare for good
b. Bullish recovery n speculative stocks for 4 months old edi = in good times prepare for BAD

U choose !

NB: Risks r very high for doing biz n many stocks have problem to grow QR PAT in this giant PANDEMIC that could 3 years more. Make no mistake we must!


2020-12-08 14:57 | Report Abuse

1st day bull from the rock bottom of ocean = all r still cheap cheap ...
once a hot temper n explosive flying style, glove stocks will always be.
like advice from Buddha:


2020-12-07 14:34 | Report Abuse

Dec 7, 2020 9:37 AM | Report Abuse

Timing is ripe for TOPGLOV to rebound n reverse to uptrending again...
ts can use another 1 billion. n must advise the sbb team to park buy at 660.
keep buying at 660. when prices improve, do it at 670. repeat n duplicate every 10 sen up...

All stock mkt players want n need is a CONFIDENCE GAME.
then the entire nation of retailers n funds will be back to gloves, the PEPERTUAL GROWING STOCKS on klse...

TG with 6% dividend yield means its price could double up easily.
The vaccine will be given to people in UK next weeks onwards.
Its vaccines' turn of -ve news flow to give it to the hungry medias.
The REAL WORLD will know how 95% effective is all about very soon!

Science can help. GLOVES always help in PANDEMIC, this time is a super giant 1.

vol traded seemed smaller last week. TG needs 1 BIG spike up to reverse this biggest downtrend of any stocks, a total of 7 weeks CORRECTION.

ts dr lim must take this proven strategy by dtrum : PROTECT THE DOWNSIDE, UPSIDE WILL TAKE CARE OF ITSELF.


2020-12-07 14:09 | Report Abuse

The # 1 best way to big money in stocks is
TOPGLOV is n also is the best plc ever produced on KLSE.

warren B will be very interested in TG if some 1 introduces to him.
warren's plc, BRK.A grows CAGR abt 26%.
In 40 yrs BRK.A stock price went up exponentially from $35 to today at $347,000 a share = $35 X 1.26 to the power of 40 =
$1 invested becomes $10,000 in 40 years or
$1 invested becomes $100 in 20 years

TG's record from $1k becomes $3,255k in 18 years.

FINAL analysis, ts dr Lim exceeded warren B's superb record in VALUE investing...


2020-12-07 06:09 | Report Abuse

all drug n vaccine 3rd phase trials r done by specialist konsultan whose
income depended heavily on final FDA approval.
nobody can be more CUN than these konsultan.

1st who do u think they will choose half of those volunteers to be given the vaccine samples?
surely the only chosen anti social, always stay at home, never use public transport, health craze people r their 1st choice by paying them higher.
the real test # in the REAL world will come this month after fda approval in the 4th phase i.e. marketing phase.

# 1 vaccine candidate MRNA today has mkt worth at usd60.35 billion = rm245.6 billion vs TG at rm54.5 billion with PAT of rm8-12 billion p.a. as forecasted by all analysts.
MRNA has 0 product in the mkt n has been burning s/holders' money daily for years...



2020-12-06 07:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by PureBULL ... > Dec 5, 2020 9:31 AM | Report Abuse X

WHO's Ryan says vaccines will not eliminate COVID on their own
Author: Tan KW | Publish date: Sat, 5 Dec 2020, 9:01 AM

GENEVA - Vaccines are a major part of the battle against COVID-19 but will not on their own end the pandemic, Mike Ryan, the WHO's top emergency expert, said on Friday.

"We are ... seeing data emerge that protection may not be lifelong and therefore re-infections may occur," Ryan said.

"Vaccines do not equal zero COVID," he said.

- Reuters


2020-11-28 18:34 | Report Abuse

TG being the snack head had partly caused a longer CORRECTION this time.

At 972, TG was the only 1 glove that dared to almost go ATH.
It failed as double top due to rumors that later confirmed as DARURAT, the scary term in msia.
then sentiment weakened followed by US pres election, Budget n windfall tax worries.
after the national budget, gloves had sign of recovery.
as luck was, the most fearful news flows came with > 90% effective vaccine followed by 94.5% causing 3 Tue of gap down, the last was news of closing all 28 factories of TG.

we all GLOVERS have gone thru the journey with our eyes wide open, seeing every scenery along the way.
Time to recover for gloves, I hope ...

NB: this is the formula to Pure BULL ...

TG : must begin to ex DIVIDENDS every calendar month, making the stock an investment piece on KLSE..


2020-11-28 11:38 | Report Abuse

this is the formula to Pure BULL ...

TG : must begin to ex DIVIDENDS every calendar month, making the stock an investment piece on KLSE..


2020-11-28 10:27 | Report Abuse

for the 1st time, RETAILERS r big players on KLSE.
FF r like macam.sotong.
this mkt today has many stock movers who r much much more powerful n happening than that ykk.
the super bull run on glove stocks has bought back the active participation of numerous high net.worth retailers.

Going forward, we can expect many super great winning stocks like speculative EURO with mkt cap abt rm2 billion, even newest ipo like mrdiy is worth a crazzzy rm16 billion n counting!
SPM n TG do have the same problem i.e. making too much money in rm billions every QR.

Have TA know-HOW n use TA to catch the super winners next year...


2020-11-28 06:09 | Report Abuse

watch this about: Big Pharma COVID "Vaccines" Are For reducing SYMPTOMS Not preventing The VIRUS !



2020-11-27 05:51 | Report Abuse

DIS is going on less is more.
this fast sliming giant has the intelligence to guess how long this crisis could take :



2020-11-26 16:59 | Report Abuse

GLOVE ROUND 3 has begun.
all the glove money that left to play up all other stocks would return n in full force soon ...

the entire nation will play GLOVES again ...
when GLOVES r back, be with GLOVES bcos gloves r super generous i.e. daily maximum max UP. u can't find in others.

NB: a lot of other stocks r P n D = can have 1 n only 1 MAJOR A n i.e. it


2020-11-26 14:17 | Report Abuse

Nov 26, 2020 9:23 AM | Report Abuse

TG : measure at the double top price of 972 on Oct 19th, today is its mkt day of timing symmetry to the low day of 611 on Sep 10th.
something powerful n magical to show up, we wish for today ...

this simple statement of 6% div means TG should be double n beyond in PRICE soon !

if ts dr lim decides to give div every calendar month = TG would become investment piece like stocks in north america where those stocks enjoy very steady, high n ever increasing prices ...


2020-11-26 09:23 | Report Abuse

TG : measure at the double top price of 972 on Oct 19th, today is its mkt day of timing symmetry to the low day of 611 on Sep 10th.
something powerful n magical to show up, we wish for today ...

this simple statement of 6% div means TG should be double n beyond in PRICE soon !

if ts dr lim decides to give div every calendar month = TG would become investment piece like stocks in north america where those stocks enjoy very steady, high n ever increasing prices ...


2020-11-25 08:28 | Report Abuse

watch this about: Big Pharma COVID "Vaccines" Are For reducing SYMPTOMS Not preventing The VIRUS !



2020-11-24 10:40 | Report Abuse

we need the entire NATION to PRAY PRAY for GLOVES, the main earners of the country...


2020-11-24 09:35 | Report Abuse

today investors r buying TG, price like virgin factories yet to produce
but with $billions of orders edi taken in with 20-40% upfront payment.

likely today is the WORST ever mkt day for TG, with that killer head line news.

NB: All glove stocks edi sold 100% capacity up to 400-600 days wait.list.
How can they benefit from TG's factory issue?
only 1, ASP has to go UP for new orders taken today onwards...


2020-11-24 07:07 | Report Abuse

GLOVES have tonnes of enemies. NEVER seen stocks in BEST biz hated by edu pple..
any large scale factories can have this problem.

TG : this is old news that scared all stock players last week. This caused most to sell low n out.
Today it has more updated details given to the public.

All glove stocks edi sold 100% capacity up to 400-600 days wait.list.
How can they benefit from TG's factory issue?
only 1, ASP has to go UP for new orders taken today onwards...


2020-11-23 07:37 | Report Abuse

For all high growth winning stocks, on price CORRECTION they must stop
at near FIB -38.2, -50.0, -61.8% or - 66% being the worst case scenario as I read from AMORE experience.
TOPGLOV on PRIMARY 1 wave started early May to early Aug 2020 with prices rising exponentially from 2.36 to 9.77.
TG 50% retracement is at 6.06. On 2 occasions, the double bottom were
at 6.11 in Sep n 6.15 last week, meaning giant funds were waiting there to buy big.
Good to guesstimate the low of a CORRECTION n dare to buy the bottom for growth stocks like TOPGLOV.
When CORRECTION is over, high flying journey begins ...

News & Blogs

2020-11-22 14:14 | Report Abuse

a TRUE copy cat of WONDERFUL WORDS = words have POWER :


2020-11-22 07:43 | Report Abuse

The trend of TOPGLOV chart is UP every < 3 years.
That means TG is a PEPERTUAL GROWING STOCK, exactly what warren B looks for in a plc.

All growth stocks r very cyclical.
As investors we buy n do LIFE with them in their growing months n years.
Doing LIFE is giving a portion of our life to the stocks in return for huge profits.

GLOVE stocks r the undisputed # 1 in msia.
Next r foreign named plc like NESTLE, AJI, PANAMY, F&N, CARLSBG etc...
BUY these we must when they begin growing again...


2020-11-21 07:17 | Report Abuse

On Tue Nov 17th MRNA vaccine news with 94.5% effective caused TG to plunge with massive vol of 180.2 million shares transacted.
TG SBB was 10.1 million shares n EPF in-house mgr bought 9.0 million shares.

Who else were the huge buyers on that day of big SALES ?



2020-11-20 19:50 | Report Abuse

just looking into the # at close:
mkt is telling a story i.e. be NICHE in stock selection.

between big 1 n 2, u choose 1
between big 3 n 4, u choose 3

the 3 small gloves will shine brighter bcos retailers today r BIG n msian players love cheaper stocks.


2020-11-20 12:16 | Report Abuse

only dtrum red supporters can't wait to take that vaccine.
most asian > 60% will not go near to it !
pandemic could take 3-5 yrs to naturally disappear ,,,


2020-11-20 12:15 | Report Abuse

The # 1 biggest THREAT to glove stocks is VACCINE.
The news flow of > 90% effective, followed by 1 week later with 94.5% were the largest 'nuclear bomb' ever thrown to glove stocks.
All glove stocks plunged badly n r now pricing in the worst threat is over!

At these prices, glove stocks r not that successful plc after all. They need your kind support!
This is a PANDEMIC, so horrifying n never seen b4 by mankind.

stock mkt is telling that mRNA vaccine is going to work 100% perfectly with 0 error.
nobody knows about what this newest modified chemical compound could harm to human body on a long term in yrs to come.

Can these vaccines really work in real life setting? n how many % of people r daring to take this vaccine?

Gloves will co-exist with vaccines as 2 investing themes.
Vaccines can help that much. But gloves always help well in PANDEMIC, that could take years,,,


2020-11-18 12:36 | Report Abuse

all biz n or stock investing has to answer to
SWOT Analysis : fashioned by Harpor for its top level biz strategy.


Harvard copied from ancient cina ST:
The supreme excellence of gaining is when strengths and opportunities
encompasses weaknesses and threats.
Depending on opportunities alone are merely speculation.

Nov 17, 2020 10:10 AM | Report Abuse

TOPGLOV, the # 1 international exporter of gloves had gone thru 3 worst biz issues n threats, no plc will ever expect to have:
i. ban from exporting to the largest mkt, USA
ii. facing the greatest threat of vaccine candidates news flow with > 90 - 94.5% effective
iii. workers dorm is hit by EMCO

Today's the WORST biz day for TG. it can only get BETTER ...
what WORST can happen to TOPGLOV had happened !
dare to dream of a V-shape recovery n beyond ...

n TODAY shall be the new day new beginning of a BOTTOM on SOLID ground to build VALUES for glove investing ...


2020-11-17 18:24 | Report Abuse

LEARNED edi : no need to look too far away in the world of stocks in the same space. our DIAMONDS r in our backyard. focus on our glove price action = i.e. where mr mkt is playing .,. .,.

yes ACRES OF DIAMONDS was n is the MOST motivating n empowering story ever told to the entire WORLD .,. .,.


2020-11-17 16:52 | Report Abuse

I believe ts will do this : limpay used > rm$1 billion hard cash to buy TG to make rm$0.5 billion on hkse listing for TG = that will be the sbb Guinness book of record in klse msia, a feat no plc can ever do it .,. .,.


2020-11-17 16:15 | Report Abuse

GLOVES came down badly from a failed double TOP esply TG to the scary
crazzzy low today, i.e. the double BOTTOM, a solid ONE to build increasing VALUES going forward .,. .,.


2020-11-17 15:52 | Report Abuse

price C > 7% of the lowest = all the algo machines r buying .,. .,.
esply lonton funds r opened for biz now.

GLOVES = the best biz with # 1 product in the entire world to help this PANDEMIC .,. .,.
play.play lah with GLOVES. no need to look here n there for another best!


2020-11-17 10:10 | Report Abuse

TOPGLOV, the # 1 international exporter of gloves had gone thru 3 worst biz issues, no plc will ever expect to have:
i. ban from exporting to the largest mkt, USA
ii. facing the greatest threat of vaccine candidates news flow with > 90 - 94.5% effective
iii. workers dorm is hit by EMCO

Today's the WORST biz day for TG. it can only get BETTER ...
what WORST can happen to TOPGLOV had happened !
dare to dream of a V-shape recovery n beyond ...

n TODAY shall be the new day new beginning of a BOTTOM on SOLID ground to build VALUES for glove investing ...


2020-11-16 05:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by PureBULL ... > Nov 16, 2020 5:32 AM | Report Abuse X

This is a good case study of a successful fund mgr who knows:
PEPERTUAL GROWING STOCKS, the # 1 way to huge money in stocks
He buys stocks owned by successful bizmen who will deliver BIG always.

All great winning stocks r cyclical.
this mgr buys them in their growing years;
yes our glove stocks r only into 1st 10 months young of fast growth.
With this PANDEMIC on, glove stocks could continue growing for next 2-3 years...


it can be so easy to be great performing fund mgr. just select the strongest stocks in the whole list of chosen stocks by MSCI.


2020-11-16 05:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by PureBULL ... > Nov 16, 2020 5:32 AM | Report Abuse X

This is a good case study of a successful fund mgr who knows:
PEPERTUAL GROWING STOCKS, the # 1 way to huge money in stocks
He buys stocks owned by successful bizmen who will deliver BIG always.

All great winning stocks r cyclical.
this mgr buys them in their growing years;
yes our glove stocks r only into 1st 10 months young of fast growth.
With this PANDEMIC on, glove stocks could continue growing for next 2-3 years...


it can be so easy to be great performing fund mgr. just select the strongest stocks in the whole list of chosen stocks by MSCI.


2020-11-16 05:32 | Report Abuse

This is a good case study of a successful fund mgr who knows:
PEPERTUAL GROWING STOCKS, the # 1 way to huge money in stocks
He buys stocks owned by successful bizmen who will deliver BIG always.

All great winning stocks r cyclical.
this mgr buys them in their growing years;
yes our glove stocks r only into 1st 10 months young of fast growth.
With this PANDEMIC on, glove stocks could continue growing for next 2-3 years...


it can be so easy to be great performing fund mgr. just select the strongest stocks in the whole list of chosen stocks by MSCI.


2020-11-15 15:25 | Report Abuse

i. growing glove stocks have so many enemies n # 1 is vaccine:
GLOVES r very sensitive to vaccine news line. That > 90% effective is the nuclear bomb killer. i don't think so any other vaccine candidate will announce better!

ii. that pricey name viagra plc really gave the driving force to all recovery stocks that r deep inside the ocean to rebound up. simply incredible .,.
so many stock players n some fun r switching to those in the ocean that surely will rebound big with vaccine news flow.

iii. the address of glove stocks r in purebear i.e. closer to end of ii of A of 3. after this soon pureBULL iii.A.3 will have to take OVER ... .,.


2020-11-15 09:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by PureBULL ... > Nov 15, 2020 8:29 AM | Report Abuse X

paying 40,000 volunteers with big money is the largest cost to this phase 3 test.
the konsultan who planned n managed this will brain storm to help in getting fda approval.
would konsultan choose volunteers who r
socially active, always use subway n public transport, not health conscious, work involving the crowd etc ?

the vaccine candidates will pass n start selling to edi confirmed giant buyers.
the real test comes from the real world: many could fail in marketing, the 4th phase!


2020-11-15 06:40 | Report Abuse

Mercator, MRC looks like fully enjoyed PRIMARY 3 n into CORRECTION 4 now. so not a stock to provide guidance.

INTCO started ATH to confirm formation of growing PRIMARY 3. it plunged down by pfe >90% effective news. INTCO is the 1 stock to lead gloves.

SRI TRANG, the newest IPO shines brightly. opened listing at the lowest price n bull up 2.5 X the lowest price.
TG will IPO on HKSE with tonnes of high networth n giant funds there. Can't imagine how great TG will be in 1st Q of 2021. so is SPM on SES.


2020-11-14 19:38 | Report Abuse

everybody wants to bring down TG, the rightfully # 1 PLC in msia for having the biggest amount of hard CASH in BILLIONS in the banks.

no other plc has it. in fact many big name have to call RI soon to SOS their plc in this PANDEMIC that can take 3-5 years .,. .,. .,.


2020-11-14 16:19 | Report Abuse

did a compare n contrast of 2 best vaccine candidates in BNTX n MRNA stocks VS gloves price charts. it seemed that vaccine n gloves r edi co-existing in doing the best biz in the world now. GLOVES tend to lag behind vaccine stocks by 2 mkt weeks !

that crazzy news with > 90% effective really shaked the entire world n punished all glove stocks to the MAX. that pfe, big gun is the biggest nuclear bomb directly on gloves = hope we had seen the worst bottom edi ! still need pray pray HE can help !


2020-11-13 06:04 | Report Abuse

biotech r very high risk biz. they all will present a model to FDA of a critical # to achieve approval of the vaccine or drug.
The chemical compound = shaolin.kungfu usually can be approved with exceeding its agreed designed #. Upon approval, the compound or vaccine can only be used in public.

FACT is many of those compound = shaolin.kungfu can't fight in the real world = i.e. vaccine failed in the marketing phase.
Do take note that numerous biotech plc r infamous for: fake it to make it, just to play up their stock prices to super high to enrich themselves.


2020-11-12 12:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by PureBULL ... > Nov 11, 2020 7:28 AM | Report Abuse X

These r the steps to clear on REBOUND to recovery:
TG ______ 769 ___ 788 ___ 801 ___ 848
SPM _____876 ___ 895 ___ 917 ___ 964

let's JUST.DO.IT today ...

Both stocks r edi on higher step now n more to rise ...


2020-11-11 19:59 | Report Abuse

we know now:
GLOVES # 1 enemy is VACCINE

it will take some time for glove stocks to co-exist with vaccine.
When that happens, soon we hope, then any new flows of vaccine becomes non-event !

NB: gloves r still selling 100% factory capacity at good ASP till wait.list of 600 days later...


2020-11-11 09:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by PureBULL ... > Nov 11, 2020 7:28 AM | Report Abuse X

These r the steps to clear on REBOUND to recovery:
TG ______ 769 ___ 788 ___ 801 ___ 848
SPM _____876 ___ 895 ___ 917 ___ 964

let's JUST.DO.IT today ...

Both stocks r edi on higher step now n more to rise ...


2020-11-11 07:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by PureBULL ... > Nov 11, 2020 7:28 AM | Report Abuse X

These r the steps to clear on REBOUND to recovery:
TG ______ 769 ___ 788 ___ 801
SPM _____876 ___ 895 ___ 917

let's JUST.DO.IT today ...

Both stocks r edi on higher step now n more to rise ...


2020-11-10 12:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by PureBULL ... > Nov 10, 2020 12:28 PM | Report Abuse X

MIRACLE required:
can this pfe vaccine with 90% effective rate fight with the real actual covid?

many drugs including vaccines were fully approved by FDA, finally FAILED in marketing stage!


2020-11-10 09:40 | Report Abuse

today's the BIGGEST nuclear bomb directly targeted on GLOVES. all GLOVE stocks will climb up 1 by 1 soon ........


2020-11-10 09:03 | Report Abuse

GLOVES: we will see the lowest price, but the close price could be above the mid way of today's drop. for that am HAPPY edi, what abt U ?

DOW has yet to go thru the real MCO :
“I would be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives, because we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus,” Biden told ABC News during an August interview with now-Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. “In order to keep the country running and moving and the economy growing, and people employed, you have to fix the virus.”

“I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists,” he said.


2020-11-10 05:21 | Report Abuse

jia.lat.arrr cheat.pie 9 6 9 6


"This vaccine needs to be stored at -80c. This could create major logistical challenges for mass treatment outside major urban areas and in low or middle income countries."

"However, overall this is a huge step forwards in the fight against COVID-19. We will need to see whether updated versions of this vaccine are needed to protect people against new strains of the virus which might emerge in future."

= store at -80'C = not all parts of the world can possibly do this = could mean that virus still stay around in some parts of the world for a long time n years!


"It's hard to interpret the interim analysis, but it does appear very encouraging."

"In this... preliminary analysis there is a significant reduction in the COVID-19, and I interpret that to mean that ... individuals are not developing disease, but it doesn't tell us anything about whether people are getting infected or not."

= u have the kungfu, can u fight in the Real World, a new strain?

c. the FA of GLOVE stocks remain the same, just as good in increasing QR PAT today n every QR .,.


2020-11-09 04:33 | Report Abuse

What's next n future of glove stocks on klse?
Guru always advised:
what had happened will happen again.

Yes case study of the success waves of UWC n or GREATEC can show the way:
both these stocks went into super deep LONGKANG in March.
Big 4 glove stocks r now at that same position (x, y) pts of these 2 stocks in early May
i.e. about to confirm PRIMARY 3 = investors ought to position well for the most POWERFUL wave in growth stocks.

When can it all confirm?
when double happiness begins with twin GC on daily n weekly MACD of big 4 glove stocks.,.

Last Thu was the lowest for CORRECTION minor ii n Friday 2nd low. This Monday is early 3rd = what r stock players waiting for?
All the big glove money that left since 1st week of August to play other stocks r sure to return to GLOVE stocks like crazzzy .,. .,.