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2022-04-14 12:00 | Report Abuse
For glove that time. TG RM26-27. Downside risk unlimited.
Newton's Law of Motion. Every action has reaction. Action that time for glove was ASP price shooting to the moon. The reaction was ALOT Dick, Tom and Harry jumping into glove manufacturing. 4-6 months to start glove manufacturing.
Now that covid is endemic, action is over. ASP price crumbling down. Reaction dominates and market flood with competition. What do you think will happen?
Same analogy for Plantation. Due to shortage, causing plantation price to soar. Reaction is Dick, Tom and Harry go plant palm oil and wait 3 years is it? Then you collect dividend for 3 years first. Plantation rally still in its first leg. At least collect your full year of dividend first.
Last time gloves goes to the moon because SC ban IDSS and RSS. Only thing market can do is buy. And only thing to buy then was glove. If SC do the same now. Don't be surprise to see bplant at RM3.
2022-04-14 11:52 | Report Abuse
Criteria to jump onboard was CPO breach RM3000. Bplant valuation around 1.5B to 1.7B.
Land sale 2K hectare for 400M. Bplant has 91K hectare. Only need to sell another 8K hectare for 1.6B. Land banks alone worth more than it's market cap.
With this 2 combination, but downside risk is quite limited at 60-70sen. (Just in case u think I sinkalan, u can scroll all the way back to Nov and Dec to read the exchange between me and brianklc. I say RM1.20 easy. He say don't place your hope too high)
Now I have exit criteria already. But I will update you guys once I execute it.
2022-04-14 11:38 | Report Abuse
If you buy May,2020. U take profit at Dec, 2021. You are rich.
Everything has it's cycle. Stock bubbles is like ponzi scam. U need to know if you are early bird or late comer.
If you are late comer, then it's import for you to observe your TP/CL rule. If you are early bird bird. Just let it run.
lost a lot already......especially at glove counter.
now scare scare... only using balance fund carefully....
last time i very stup|d... always chase high....
2022-04-14 11:19 | Report Abuse
Then you are observe cardinal rules of investing. "Don't lose money" =D
Boss... i making nasi lemak + teh ice only...hahaha
Good. Then can make KFC together
16 minutes ago
2022-04-14 10:54 | Report Abuse
Good. Then can make KFC together
sure it is... im also holding although im only a "micro-dust" sized compared to you all here. haha
47 minutes ago
2022-04-12 13:56 | Report Abuse
Bplant very good to me today got C buy from me at RM1.14 and got A sell to me at RM1.10
It's not alot. But enough to sponsor me KFC la.
2022-04-11 20:02 | Report Abuse
Probably a newbie and always makes reference to gloves.
If he has been around any longer, he will hv plenty of better examples and wouldnt start shorting at RM1.
RJ, just wonder how u know this gameover is the same axxhole from TG?
2 hours ago
2022-04-11 16:45 | Report Abuse
plantationgameover shorted. He is pissing in his pants. Ask him come short sell at RM3 lok. But he die die come at RM1. See him die kiao kiao. Also pity him.
Other believer, congrats. More to come in May.
2022-04-11 12:52 | Report Abuse
Good! Increased liquidity. Sharks smell blood and time to goreng!
ltat is continuing selling on strength....
2 hours ago
2022-04-10 19:01 | Report Abuse
Top my @ss! Looking at ur pattern. Follow u? Buy TG RM1.5 sell RM2.5. Cut win cry until tears dry when TG up until RM25. Dulan until now is it?
but all these people lost money while plantationgameover sell at top and make so much money ma! so moral of the story is follow plantationgameover and dont get trap by promoters ma!
2022-04-08 14:31 | Report Abuse
Plantationgameover by end of May, it closes below RM 1, I call u sifu! Else, u call me sifu.
2022-04-08 14:28 | Report Abuse
Like I said way earlier…people like you will pretend St*pid on the 999 times you are wrong.
hahaha crude oil drop below usd100, tomorrow FCPO will follow suit, those who think prices can stay high forever will panic sell! This is why you must listen to excellent plantationgameover to sell before game over kikikiki
14 hours ago
2022-04-07 23:00 | Report Abuse
It says buy plantation. Avoid chinapek plantation.,000%20in%202022%20and%202023.
2022-04-05 01:32 | Report Abuse
Our friend i3lurker sudah short circuit.
Apa logic zoom up and cut loss.
2022-04-04 19:34 | Report Abuse
Wakakakakakkaka....this is funny....
Gameover, based on ur songsang logic, CPO have been up for so many months, so it’s down for a few days, what’s for u to cheer about?
2022-04-04 17:17 | Report Abuse
very last chance to buy before going up to the moon. Don't miss the boat.
2022-04-04 16:33 | Report Abuse
i think by May. It will become " last last last last last LAST LAST Last LAst, very very de LAST chance"
2022-04-04 16:10 | Report Abuse
Can add "if no run, will cry later". =D
Later u see la, he will say “last chance to run”
2 minutes ago
2022-04-04 16:08 | Report Abuse
Thanks you A for selling to me at 97sen and C for buying from me at RM1.03.
There is always Guy A and guy C.
2022-04-04 14:45 | Report Abuse
Should teach them a lesson. West import, export duty up 100% for being a d*ck.
Then Malaysia can pretend to be a nice person. Because cooking with palm oil is unhealthy and to reduce deforestation, to protect the west from heart disease and flora and fauna, Malaysia impose 100% export duty for forest replantation purpose.
RSPO not better standard, is just another excuse to protect their agriculture. If Westerners can be trusted, Pigs will climb tree
3 hours ago
2022-04-03 15:02 | Report Abuse
FYI, I have been asking this since last year. Any product brochures. I’m interested to sign up on their COSEC services. How to sign up? I want to buy their smart home IOT, where to buy?
Even cheap @ss chinese IOT system got a brochure. ARBB public listed company. In “tech” can’t provide a landing page to their product. ARBB website is also half @ss intern job.
It’s a shame that anyone here calls themselves “investor”. More like a bunch of “don’t know what you doing” stooges.
no worries. They will pretend never your question.
can u show me 1 image of their products.... just 1. not asking for 10 or 100. show me 1.
17 hours ago
2022-04-03 14:25 | Report Abuse
For some reason, there is a huge increase with disillusioned incoherent individual here.
My stand is that plantation is having their best year. So, even if market don’t goreng like how glove kena goreng(it’s unlikely because glove that time, SEC freezed shorting. If cannot short, then only thing market can do is buy up.) Say if my average entry is 80sen, and collect 24sen dividend. Then my cost will be 56sen. I think it’s a good margin of safety for me. Price above RM1.5 is bonus.
So, those with my entry at 80sen and before probably won’t sell. The buy sell, buy sell, you see today are those that enters above 90sen-RM1. Quickly promote promote to support so that they don’t lose money. You can taste their desperation in the air. Those that everyday come bash plantation sked they miss the boat and hoping someone dump so that they can collect. Naysayer is persuading people become Guy A to sell cheap to them. Promoter is persuading people to become Guy C to buy high. No worries, naysayer who buys in will become promoter. Promoter that sold bplant will become naysayer.
To newbies who just joined, please don’t find this surprising. Human nature is ugly and disgusting.
2022-04-03 12:27 | Report Abuse
That’s why I think someone’s father is very smart. And the person that follows his father also very smart.
If enter at 90sen can make money. Then no need say liao. Those enter 55sen makes more money. This is smtg u will never able to argue and in fact only Stupeeeed will make such futile attempt.
Since it’s 98sen liao…what’s left is either u pray it drop back 55sen or regret not buy at 98sen just like how you regret not buying at 55 Sen.
2022-04-03 11:47 | Report Abuse
Alot of people encouraging other to be guy A and C.
One to sell low and the other to buy high. This is the nature of the game.
2022-04-03 01:17 | Report Abuse
If market is efficient, there will be no Warren Buffet or Ray Dalio. Everything will be priced as it should.
Opportunity lies within inefficiency of the market at pricing.
Take this example.
Guy A sold a piece of land to Guy B for RM50K
Guy B sold the same piece of land to Guy C for RM500K.
Where the opportunity lies? Guy A and Guy C mispricing the same piece of land.
If everyone is a genius like Guy B. The model will become everyone be selling at the same price and bursa deCasino can close shop liao.
Conclusion is, don't be Guy A and Guy C. Learn from Guy B.
For CPO, you can go to MPOC website and check the MoM and YoY stockpile by major importing countries as well. Numbers and facts doesn’t lie.
2 hours ago
2022-04-03 00:51 | Report Abuse
You are talking about different time to make your point.
May, of 2020. Buy any glove counters. Dumb dumb hold.
Reason is ASP price all time high, no sight of covid ending. Most countries relies on Malaysia for gloves.
But by Dec of 2020, vaccine found. Reason is Andy hall being a d*ck. China and any d*ck tom and harry start producing gloves. Increased competition, reduced margin. Quickly sell.
Now for plantation.
Dec of 2021. But any plantation counter. Dumb dumb hold
Reason is CPO all time high. No sight of magical replacement of sunflower oil or any edible oil. Most countries relies on Malaysia for palm oil.
But by Dec of 2022, Ukraine war might be over and start planting sunflower again. You wait another 6 months before they harvest. Then you see CPO drop. Quickly sell.
It's not December yet dumb dumb. You haven't even collect dividend for Q1,22 stellar performance.
You sell at Q3,22, totally understandable. But not now la like how you would sell by Q4,20 for gloves.
It's different dumb dumb. But it's ok. You are just going to hate. Bcos you short ma. If you wanna short, short at RM3 or RM4 like how I would start shorting gloves at RM8-9. If you go short TG in May,2020. You would be a bankrupt by Dec,20.
Wait, u went bankrupt is it? Never learn your lesson is it? Which lesson you didn't learn?
Short at the wrong time. Or didn't sell at the right time? =D
Disclaimer: Anybody that claims they short xyz between Mac,2020 to Dec,2020 are full of lies. That's also the reason gloves went superbull.
lol, now trying to justify with dividends again wakakaka. gloves have zero dividends, really? forget about topglove 20% dividend? hahaha, give you dividends but share price drop more than what you get, so funny still got people believe in this kind of nonsense story.
9 hours ago
2022-03-31 12:42 | Report Abuse
Lai, share abit at what price that time? at RM9, I was one of the fella that says time to sell.
I'm not the kong kam that says sell at RM2 before it gets to RM9. But you are.
You see, if u say "sell, sell and sell" from RM1 to RM3, you might be wrong for 299 times. But eventually, you will be right when RM3 drop to RM1 for ONE TIME. For kong kam like you, you probably convenient forget the 299 times you are wrong.
I'm not surprised if you forgot 999 times you are wrong with topglove. =P
hahaha.....last time i visit glove forum....inside also a lot of kind hearted people advice retailer to sell and take profit....dont be greedy....but all stubborn and scold back say they are haters....look at what happen now....history will repeat itself! kikiki
2022-03-30 17:35 | Report Abuse
Says the hater. Ur name already says it all.
hehehe haters gonna hate....below RM1 today. who dont run who cut loss later
2 hours ago
2022-03-29 22:01 | Report Abuse
Outstanding share 260M shares. 60M Traded today.
2022-03-29 21:51 | Report Abuse
RM1 - RM9 is called high. I agree.
70sen to RM 1 also want call high. Then what's low to you?
Really kong kam one this guy. =D
hahahaha bla bla bla, last time when gloves is at high price you also see everyone come up with many reasons why gloves is still cheap, some even say got vaccine also need gloves to inject ma! all refuse to take profit because all greedy want to sell higher, now end up all cut loss lo! people always find reason to support their own bias, because they buy a lot kikiki. dont worry, when FCPO come down all of them will cut loss and regret why dont take profit!! gahahaha
2022-03-29 09:07 | Report Abuse
To enter glove business 6 months to first glove. To enter plantation business, 3 years.
Before new competitor appear, 3 years. Bplant 1 year up rm1, 3 years RM3.
2022-03-29 01:07 | Report Abuse
U short TG at RM9. U made a fortune.
U come short bplant at RM 1, u gonna lose a fortune when it goes to RM3.
Wait it goes up to RM 3 and come back again
2022-03-29 01:05 | Report Abuse
The day you are right is the day bplant trading at RM 3 by the end of 2023.
Why so rush come short bplant at RM1. St*pid.
hahahaha all stubborn retailers, i seeing same pattern as gloves last time, all refuse to take profit or cut loss because they brainwashed by the story. just wait, it's gameover soon!
6 hours ago
2022-03-25 14:08 | Report Abuse
Well, that's whole lot better than ignorance, st*pid and ego-blinded.
which never right on anything.
Intelligence is usually wrong
2022-03-25 12:03 | Report Abuse
Another point, RM50M market cap to RM100M market cap, just need annualized 5M profit go to 10M.
but for RM500M market cap to RM1B, will need profit increase from RM50M to RM100M.
5M to 10M is easy. 50M to 100M not as easy.
on the flip side, 5M to nothing is easy too. So it all depends on what you know and what's your risk appetite.
Market cap is not usually linear. Take Frontken, Penta, and Dufu for example. Once Annualized profit is stabilized with clear revenue visibility, the price shot up 5-6X. U can check their performance between 2015-2019. The point is, daily pok pek pok pek isn't go to make a damm difference to your portfolio if compared to having understanding on the of the business, it's profit and revenue visibility. If we are right, windfall return by end of 2023.
2022-03-25 11:54 | Report Abuse
Trading house like Inter-pac for example have special deal. Their fees are 10x or 100x cheaper.
i3lurker isn't completely accurate. Con gang interest in counters that easy manipulate. Low outstanding shares, low market cap. Controlling 5% of the shares can move price by 10-20%. It's easier for them to create momentum, support or resistance.
The point that they normally take profit is already push 10-20% profit, then create a fake resistance (to off load as much) and a fake breakout (to off load all). Noob chartist will chase. Break out mar? next resistance is another 10-20% boh. For con gang, they don't care dy as long they are not stuck.
If you see KYY, he never buys ANYTHING with market cap above RM1B. Last time glove rally, he didn't touch the big 4. But recommends AT system instead. Now plantation rally, Jtiasa, TDM. Got ask why not KLK, Simeplant? It's partially about better upside. Mostly about control.
They buy and sell so much, no buying and selling fees meh? Only those service fees already kawkaw
1 hour ago
2022-03-25 11:11 | Report Abuse
Best response to ignorance is ignore.
2022-03-24 13:47 | Report Abuse
I think plantation will go limit up once she got fired.
Yesterday aftermarket FCPO went up. Today once she open mouth… haih…
25 minutes ago
2022-03-23 15:48 | Report Abuse
Please la…that time TG was RM 1-RM 9. If u ask people sell at RM 2 and it went up RM9, promoter wasn’t the con men. YOU ARE! People that listen to you would cut win by RM7. Will you admit you conned them?
haha, bursa is all about sentiment, earning money or losing money nobody cares!
forget gloves in 2020? that time all glove companies make big money but share price start to drop when glove price drop. even glove price is still high that time but share price will drop first.
so best to run when you see promoters non-stop promote. this is the only way to earn in bursa, dont let konman bring you to holland
4 minutes ago
2022-03-23 12:20 | Report Abuse
FCPO inching above 6K...better buy now and or buy higher in afternoon session
2022-03-22 16:59 | Report Abuse
Instead of compounding 4% per year. You compound 4% per quarter.
2022-03-22 16:55 | Report Abuse
Tmr ppl receive dividend u see what they do... They sure compound it for May's Dividend payout.
2022-03-22 16:43 | Report Abuse
He is one of the newbie that join 2020. TG up from RM1 to RM9. Bought in TG at RM9, RM 2 dividend and it's Below RM2 now.
He doesn't understand that most of us entered below 70sen. My dad even more geng. Below 55sen.
I ask him at least hold until June. Collect 4sen + 10sen dividend. Then see if can sell at RM1.20. Syiok.
14sen + 65sen = 80sen return from 55sen investment. Not bad at all.
What logic is this? Good profit, high div but capital loss n net loss?
39 minutes ago
2022-03-21 10:19 | Report Abuse
Kena tiang. neither up or down. ahahahhaa.
This market. When people say up. They down. When people say down, they up. When people say up and down. They go sideway. =D
How is it all master? Monday Bplant red or green? Red 1:1,green 1:1.5, green over 5% 1:20, red over 5% 1:15 lol Lai Lai make ur bet ok
14 hours ago
2022-03-21 09:36 | Report Abuse
everyone waiting 23rd Mac to buy Bplant with dividend
2022-03-18 12:39 | Report Abuse
Waiting for i3lurker open table...
i3lurker : Lai lai levy increase CPO price start buying. Buy levy reduce CPI price start selling.
let's see who wins.
2022-03-18 12:31 | Report Abuse
A true gentlemen will never shy away from rolling up his sleeves and get his hands dirty.
You have been courteous. I shall reciprocate the same. =D
"It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence." Try guess whose quote is this without googling.
Btw, everyone can debate, but don’t call names like sinkalan or con or prostitute… healthy debates are productive…
35 minutes ago
2022-03-18 12:27 | Report Abuse
This defies logic. You set DMO, reduce global supply and expect price to come down?
Ok. We agree that levy is on the seller. Lets see if we can agree on this.
"the levy will either force Indonesian to export at higher price to protect their margin or reduce export."
2022-03-18 11:30 | Report Abuse
I beg to differ. I think levy is imposed on the seller in indonesia.
Cap 1500USD, levy 25USD per tonne every dollar after.
for indonesian seller to make money, they hv to sell 1550USD. This way, seller and indonesian gov makes extra 25USD.
This is very smart. Last time indonesian DMO 30% price shoots up to the moon. Indonesian gov benefitted nothing. Without DMO but with levy, it will force the seller to sell higher if they plan to export and indonesian gov will benefit too. So, it becomes they either sell more expensive or sell less. Pick one.
Either way, benefits Malaysian Palm Oil.
Why so -ve? DMO removed, yes, international supply increase, BUT TOTAL WORLD demand n supply is same. YET additional levy will make Malaysia CPO more attractive…
1 hour ago
2022-04-14 12:02 | Report Abuse
I mean to say, at least they have valuable things to sell unlike all the metal industry.
NTA sibeh high. But nothing from their asset can sell one.
so it want sell all lands and close shop?
7 minutes ago