
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2022-03-30 17:35 | Report Abuse

Says the hater. Ur name already says it all.

hehehe haters gonna hate....below RM1 today. who dont run who cut loss later

2 hours ago


2022-03-29 22:01 | Report Abuse

Outstanding share 260M shares. 60M Traded today.


2022-03-29 21:51 | Report Abuse

RM1 - RM9 is called high. I agree.
70sen to RM 1 also want call high. Then what's low to you?

Really kong kam one this guy. =D


hahahaha bla bla bla, last time when gloves is at high price you also see everyone come up with many reasons why gloves is still cheap, some even say got vaccine also need gloves to inject ma! all refuse to take profit because all greedy want to sell higher, now end up all cut loss lo! people always find reason to support their own bias, because they buy a lot kikiki. dont worry, when FCPO come down all of them will cut loss and regret why dont take profit!! gahahaha


2022-03-29 09:07 | Report Abuse

To enter glove business 6 months to first glove. To enter plantation business, 3 years.

Before new competitor appear, 3 years. Bplant 1 year up rm1, 3 years RM3.


2022-03-29 01:07 | Report Abuse

U short TG at RM9. U made a fortune.
U come short bplant at RM 1, u gonna lose a fortune when it goes to RM3.

Wait it goes up to RM 3 and come back again


2022-03-29 01:05 | Report Abuse

The day you are right is the day bplant trading at RM 3 by the end of 2023.

Why so rush come short bplant at RM1. St*pid.
hahahaha all stubborn retailers, i seeing same pattern as gloves last time, all refuse to take profit or cut loss because they brainwashed by the story. just wait, it's gameover soon!
6 hours ago


2022-03-25 14:08 | Report Abuse

Well, that's whole lot better than ignorance, st*pid and ego-blinded.
which never right on anything.

Intelligence is usually wrong


2022-03-25 12:03 | Report Abuse

Another point, RM50M market cap to RM100M market cap, just need annualized 5M profit go to 10M.
but for RM500M market cap to RM1B, will need profit increase from RM50M to RM100M.

5M to 10M is easy. 50M to 100M not as easy.

on the flip side, 5M to nothing is easy too. So it all depends on what you know and what's your risk appetite.

Market cap is not usually linear. Take Frontken, Penta, and Dufu for example. Once Annualized profit is stabilized with clear revenue visibility, the price shot up 5-6X. U can check their performance between 2015-2019. The point is, daily pok pek pok pek isn't go to make a damm difference to your portfolio if compared to having understanding on the of the business, it's profit and revenue visibility. If we are right, windfall return by end of 2023.


2022-03-25 11:54 | Report Abuse

Trading house like Inter-pac for example have special deal. Their fees are 10x or 100x cheaper.

i3lurker isn't completely accurate. Con gang interest in counters that easy manipulate. Low outstanding shares, low market cap. Controlling 5% of the shares can move price by 10-20%. It's easier for them to create momentum, support or resistance.

The point that they normally take profit is already push 10-20% profit, then create a fake resistance (to off load as much) and a fake breakout (to off load all). Noob chartist will chase. Break out mar? next resistance is another 10-20% boh. For con gang, they don't care dy as long they are not stuck.

If you see KYY, he never buys ANYTHING with market cap above RM1B. Last time glove rally, he didn't touch the big 4. But recommends AT system instead. Now plantation rally, Jtiasa, TDM. Got ask why not KLK, Simeplant? It's partially about better upside. Mostly about control.


They buy and sell so much, no buying and selling fees meh? Only those service fees already kawkaw

1 hour ago


2022-03-25 11:11 | Report Abuse

Best response to ignorance is ignore.


2022-03-24 13:47 | Report Abuse

I think plantation will go limit up once she got fired.

Yesterday aftermarket FCPO went up. Today once she open mouth… haih…

25 minutes ago


2022-03-23 15:48 | Report Abuse

Please la…that time TG was RM 1-RM 9. If u ask people sell at RM 2 and it went up RM9, promoter wasn’t the con men. YOU ARE! People that listen to you would cut win by RM7. Will you admit you conned them?

haha, bursa is all about sentiment, earning money or losing money nobody cares!
forget gloves in 2020? that time all glove companies make big money but share price start to drop when glove price drop. even glove price is still high that time but share price will drop first.
so best to run when you see promoters non-stop promote. this is the only way to earn in bursa, dont let konman bring you to holland
4 minutes ago


2022-03-23 12:20 | Report Abuse

FCPO inching above 6K...better buy now and or buy higher in afternoon session


2022-03-22 16:59 | Report Abuse

Instead of compounding 4% per year. You compound 4% per quarter.


2022-03-22 16:55 | Report Abuse

Tmr ppl receive dividend u see what they do... They sure compound it for May's Dividend payout.


2022-03-22 16:43 | Report Abuse

He is one of the newbie that join 2020. TG up from RM1 to RM9. Bought in TG at RM9, RM 2 dividend and it's Below RM2 now.

He doesn't understand that most of us entered below 70sen. My dad even more geng. Below 55sen.

I ask him at least hold until June. Collect 4sen + 10sen dividend. Then see if can sell at RM1.20. Syiok.
14sen + 65sen = 80sen return from 55sen investment. Not bad at all.


What logic is this? Good profit, high div but capital loss n net loss?

39 minutes ago


2022-03-21 10:19 | Report Abuse

Kena tiang. neither up or down. ahahahhaa.

This market. When people say up. They down. When people say down, they up. When people say up and down. They go sideway. =D


How is it all master? Monday Bplant red or green? Red 1:1,green 1:1.5, green over 5% 1:20, red over 5% 1:15 lol Lai Lai make ur bet ok

14 hours ago


2022-03-21 09:36 | Report Abuse

everyone waiting 23rd Mac to buy Bplant with dividend


2022-03-18 12:39 | Report Abuse

Waiting for i3lurker open table...

i3lurker : Lai lai lai...buy levy increase CPO price start buying. Buy levy reduce CPI price start selling.
let's see who wins.


2022-03-18 12:31 | Report Abuse

A true gentlemen will never shy away from rolling up his sleeves and get his hands dirty.

You have been courteous. I shall reciprocate the same. =D

"It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence." Try guess whose quote is this without googling.

Btw, everyone can debate, but don’t call names like sinkalan or con or prostitute… healthy debates are productive…

35 minutes ago


2022-03-18 12:27 | Report Abuse

This defies logic. You set DMO, reduce global supply and expect price to come down?

Ok. We agree that levy is on the seller. Lets see if we can agree on this.
"the levy will either force Indonesian to export at higher price to protect their margin or reduce export."


2022-03-18 11:30 | Report Abuse

I beg to differ. I think levy is imposed on the seller in indonesia.

Cap 1500USD, levy 25USD per tonne every dollar after.

for indonesian seller to make money, they hv to sell 1550USD. This way, seller and indonesian gov makes extra 25USD.

This is very smart. Last time indonesian DMO 30% price shoots up to the moon. Indonesian gov benefitted nothing. Without DMO but with levy, it will force the seller to sell higher if they plan to export and indonesian gov will benefit too. So, it becomes they either sell more expensive or sell less. Pick one.

Either way, benefits Malaysian Palm Oil.


Why so -ve? DMO removed, yes, international supply increase, BUT TOTAL WORLD demand n supply is same. YET additional levy will make Malaysia CPO more attractive…

1 hour ago


2022-03-18 10:11 | Report Abuse

Largest influx of rookie was May-June 2020. My remiser normally sign up 5 people per month becomes 20 a week. End of 2020, everyone became godshen. And so, I tell these rookies that if you made money from glove, time to exit liao. Ofcos, they were making 50-100% and wouldn't sell. They accused me of jealous of their success.

A year later, they wiped 50-60% off their portfolio from glove alone. Even more from their desperation to cover their loses by trading. Guess what? They blame me from jinxing them. Woahhhh...

All rookies think that they have a trick or two up their sleeve to beat the market. The truth is they don't and only realizes that after their fingers turns into ashes. Not to say I wasn't one of them. But I survived and market taught me important lesson. Mummy will tell to listen. That's easy. What's not easy is to listen when things going well. When TG at RM24 that time, every rookies upgraded their forehead with vibranium and as thick 2ft wall.

Not easy to see the name around over the years.

A lot of beginners give investing advice here. We will see how well they perform after 3 months. My broker friend at M Plus Securities told me that most people lose their entire trading portfolio in 90 days. You wait and see


2022-03-17 18:39 | Report Abuse

Other counter, maybe can go back up.

Not counters that no people seems to know what they sell, how they sell or where is the money.

You can't even get a screenshot of ARBB product even if you ask ARBB No.1 fan neonstrife. If you don't believe, you try ask.

News & Blogs

2022-03-17 18:36 | Report Abuse

And probably add, please save me from ARBB before it turns into smoke.

News & Blogs

2022-03-17 18:35 | Report Abuse

best comment

Change the title, it is "top 5 stocks i own and am losing money, please buy to push up the price."

5 days ago


2022-03-17 18:30 | Report Abuse

"fundamentally strong" depends on who is reading the financial statement.

I don't call burning cash 500M-1B a quarter and only left money enough for 2-3 quarters as fundamentally strong just because it's tech. Happen to know with "tech" company i'm talking about?


2022-03-17 18:10 | Report Abuse

DJIA taikor didn't crash with increase of 25 bps. Bank terus happy pom pi pi. ahahahha

Tech bubble will continue to grow.


2022-03-17 18:05 | Report Abuse

Other than TehCPing, this Z also need to shut up. Toh sui to max. =P

Anyway, if you have long experience in i3, you would have known the days are numbered when dummies start to appear and give investing advise.

Now, that they have appeared. Price is not going to move based on realization of value but speculation. What u can do? deep oversold mar buy abit lo. Super overprice mar sell abit lo. So that u don't stomach the volatility for nothing.


Do u all noticed since Z open her mouth tht CPO will hit 9.3k, CPO immediately on reverse gear? But whn she say CPO to hit 4k, 4 days before tht n it goes higher? Sial

2 minutes ago


2022-03-17 17:55 | Report Abuse

This is why I strongly suggest you to keep your mouth shut (polite way)
Diam 7 la (impolite way)

I don't think you can find ONE post that I say I made alot of money. I definitely didn't give anyone nasty name nor comment here except you (that's after you out of no reason call me sinkalan).

See, if I make accusation that your mum's a prostitute getting screwed by ugly faggots 99 different way that you are so desperate for money to come here gamble to save enough money to buy ur mum out of prostitution.

Let me ask you, you will be angry at me because you lose money from bplant or you are angry at me because you think what I said is a bunch of lies & BS than you don't deserve?

I'm angry not because of I lose money here. I'm angry because I'm being accused of things I didn't say and given name for no reason.


@RJ87 why are u so angry, I’m the one who lose money here hahaha. Sinkalan. Since u talk like u earn so much and know alot, no need to be angry. If I’m earning money now I don’t even bother what 7 ppl said lol. U lose also kah? Aiyo… hope u win also la. Be happy bro. Ah for the share price of course I wish it drop below 90 cent, I want buy back even more to lower my lose %.


2022-03-17 17:41 | Report Abuse

Short term volatility will be there. My judgement is based more on fundamental. Types of asset they have.
When they bought st*pid plantation in 2018 in Sabah and ask for money for replantation, I chop without looking back. Confirm no money make for next few years.

CPO go above 3000, I came back cos I think bplant will make money with that CPO. Bplant makes money and pay me dividend is good enough. U can see my discussion with brianklc on late Nov and Dec. That time, I was asked to keep dreaming if the price will go above RM1.

I also lazy explaining to people. They have no interest in understanding or learning. They are here to find someone to blame. If you are interested to learn, u can scroll through my past comments on other counters.

Else, if you wanna find someone to follow, u can follow Fong Siling. Everything that I'm interested to buy, he already have a piece. He has better eye for gems and jewels. Fyi, he doubled his stakes in Armada when price dropped below 20sen in 2020.

RJ87 dont trade just because someone challenge you. Haha. If it drops to 90sen, for sure I would but before that I also need to look at Ukraine development tonight, FCPO price so that I am confident it would not go down to 80sen next week. It is all calculated risk. Please be alert on Indonesia DMO policy too.

2 minutes ago


2022-03-17 17:26 | Report Abuse

Woah...Two years in REIT? u call me what also can. Really no brain.
i'm not gonna say I understand your pain. Pray for you to have good luck. Where u go turns into gold.

Tmr match 9.45,9.35,9.25,9.15 monday goes above RM1. Happy?

I’m not active also, I just put my money on reit. Already put 2 years also useless since the pandemic make all my reit go holland. Get dividend but price drop. So became active trader again to search for better dividend stock and use some to play goreng. Hope u earn a lot

3 hours ago


2022-03-17 17:15 | Report Abuse

Now i'm talking to you.

If your brain grow in your @ss and can't understand sh*t. I don't blame you.
At least I pray you have good luck. Dumb dumb buy, dumb dumb win. I already do that for you.

But if you keep your filthy mouth open and ran out of luck. That's on you. St*pid and unlucky.


I play till now also don’t understand all those PE-ratio, undervalue, overvalue,statistic, graph. Jeez, sorry I’m still too new to all this trading term. Even Google it and I still don’t understand how it works. Some said low PE good some said high PE good. But all of those stuff end up is prediction


2022-03-17 17:07 | Report Abuse

Diam7 la. I'm not talking to you also.

But maestro85 is right tho. I hope you have the ball to buy if it drop to 90sen tmr. And hv the balls to stomach it if it drop further. Or else, maestro85 become sinkalan also?

@RJ87 Sinkalan again u, u diam2 la. People give advice, u no need counter this and that la. Really sinkalan. Just listen, and no need teach people. The comment is for noob trader like me is not for sinkalan trader like u lol


2022-03-17 13:17 | Report Abuse

This observation is correct. It is normally cheaper on friday. Bcos majority market can't stomach what's going to happen over the weekend.

They "sell first" to feel safe. Then they buy on Monday because they feel safe again when it's higher. This is called buy high sell low strategy. For what? To feel safe. =D

tehcping do not enter yet. FCPO is down. tomorrow is friday. based on my short time here, profit taking always happen on friday. will drop even more. just to help you, go compare bplant and FCPO price. they follow the same pattern. it will give you idea when to enter and at what right value.

23 minutes ago


2022-03-17 09:49 | Report Abuse

People in bursa that makes money. Always do the simple thing. Buy cheap because it pays dividend. And hold long long to market to realize it’s value. In between, there naysayer that they don’t give a sh*t.

Good for you uncle. U r holding 900k or more? I slowly picked up to 300k dy.


@ RJ87, i heard that uncle owned more than 900k, on 22nd this month, he will get a Toyota Yaris. in May, hopefully , if your prediction come true, , he may collect a recon Lexus RX 200t. He thanks Bplant, when insider sell, he sell, look like insider is buying back quietly, he follow, no panic, Bplant is rock solid. with his land bank, Bplant easily worth 4 billions.


2022-03-16 22:42 | Report Abuse

Wont expire until October. If start pressing now…will be very costly…


2022-03-16 17:36 | Report Abuse

*1.9mil shares Maybank at 4:50pm. RM18mil sap sap water in one queue.


2022-03-16 17:25 | Report Abuse

last minute, someone sapu habis. You should see Maybank. Got one fella sapu 1.5mil shares of Maybank.
Just park RM10M in Maybank.

We really anchovies. Talking about 50k,100K shares. ahhahaha

50k seller at 995, pls go away

33 minutes ago


2022-03-16 15:16 | Report Abuse

I wish u well TehCPing. Hope you stop losing and start making money...

Huat arrrrr.....

:-) why should I leave, I earn or lose is non of ur problem. Sinkalan lol hahaha

1 hour ago


Same here, I get frighten by the drop. I wait 1st, after 2.30 see how it’s moving. Will buy back some. Already cut lose half. Need to buy back half to lower my lose

1 hour ago


2022-03-16 13:19 | Report Abuse

There are sinkalan trader that makes money. It's just u r sinkalan trader that lose money.

If u don't think u can make money from Bplant. I strongly suggest you to leave. There are plenty of counters out there that u stand better chance. Why stick around pray 80sen and gets angry when it goes up?

Go TDM...U can get for 28sen...then u can pray it goes up to 80sen instead. =D


2022-03-16 13:08 | Report Abuse

Very typical things that happen to noob trader. Cut loss liao it rebound. =D

Fell straight into operators trap.


2022-03-16 11:13 | Report Abuse

26sen dividend to a dollar. Who don't want?

If 1.2 u don't want...fine...but RM1, just a matter of time.

The uncle that holds 900K shares. By june, he will collect another RM90K in dividend. And I believe his initial invest cost way below 70sen. Imagine 570K capital and collect (36K + 90K) 126K dividend. All because he has a foresight that other don't.

If Q3, 22. If Bplant decides to issue bonus. Price shoots up to RM1.30 -RM1.40 by Nov. He would hv made 570K in capital appreciation + 162K in dividend. Just by doing nothing. Those day day come buy and sell buy and sell. I don't know what they get. =D


2022-03-15 12:37 | Report Abuse

I will prefer that woman to shut up. Market works in very interesting way. When a "news" has become open secret. It goes the opposite way. So, it's best to just leave it be instead of making announcement. At least it puts market in a sweet spot of dilemma wondering if market has already priced in the "news" or not.

If haven't price in, u will see them senyap2 come collect. Price will crawl up new high. When Pak Tua appears...habisssss...

agree with junclj. unless there is another big news like CPO price rises to 9300rm, we will see the price to stabilise around 85sen to 90sen imo. to be safe just wait for a month before QR release

53 minutes ago


2022-03-15 12:32 | Report Abuse

U should baseline bplant with RM3000 per tonne for 70sen. RM 6000 per tonne for RM1.30-1.40. RM1.50 including the land sale. Any near term increase of CPO is momentary up. As long CPO maintains above RM6000 until Q4,22. 16sen from CPO and another 10sen from land sale, that should put bplant at PE4-5.

If u estimate PE10 on 26sen earnings. It should be RM2.6. U can discount whatever price from there onwards. But I don't know how u can discount until 80sen la. Problem now is it's waiting for Q1,22 result still. Not yet Q4,22.

I understand the logic but so far what I notice the surge mid fed until earlier Mac was mainly due to war and cpo price hit 8000rm. last year 2021, plantations made huge profit over 2020 but the price was not moving much as if nothing happened. But anything below 70sen then should be good


2022-03-15 12:24 | Report Abuse

U can see when I first argued with brianklc. I took quite a big position. Which I regret not taking bigger position. And I also regret not taking position on the warrant as cos I anticipate the price to start moving after Q1,22 report.

Oh well, they are all hindsight now.

if your entry is below 70sen, then it is very good la.

6 minutes ago


2022-03-15 12:14 | Report Abuse

next QR is the fat dividend. Should be around 10-15sen. Many waiting for it. Just not sure when they will start rushing in. For me, i take anything below RM1. It's all good. If lower, better.

Only regret is I didn't buy enough to sell at above RM1.10 so that I can buy more now. But it's ok.


2022-03-15 12:11 | Report Abuse

Large bulk of my entry was below 70sen, after averaging up, it's around 80sen.
So after 26sen dividend I can afford it to drop to 50-60sen range. Although, unlikely...we see how...


2022-03-15 11:55 | Report Abuse

I think it’s more important to not lose sight on the target…4sen, 10sen, 4sen, 4sen 4sen. 26sen in dividend.


2022-03-15 11:09 | Report Abuse

See when he runs out of CPO to dump…