
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2022-03-17 09:49 | Report Abuse

People in bursa that makes money. Always do the simple thing. Buy cheap because it pays dividend. And hold long long to market to realize it’s value. In between, there naysayer that they don’t give a sh*t.

Good for you uncle. U r holding 900k or more? I slowly picked up to 300k dy.


@ RJ87, i heard that uncle owned more than 900k, on 22nd this month, he will get a Toyota Yaris. in May, hopefully , if your prediction come true, , he may collect a recon Lexus RX 200t. He thanks Bplant, when insider sell, he sell, look like insider is buying back quietly, he follow, no panic, Bplant is rock solid. with his land bank, Bplant easily worth 4 billions.


2022-03-16 22:42 | Report Abuse

Wont expire until October. If start pressing now…will be very costly…


2022-03-16 17:36 | Report Abuse

*1.9mil shares Maybank at 4:50pm. RM18mil sap sap water in one queue.


2022-03-16 17:25 | Report Abuse

last minute, someone sapu habis. You should see Maybank. Got one fella sapu 1.5mil shares of Maybank.
Just park RM10M in Maybank.

We really anchovies. Talking about 50k,100K shares. ahhahaha

50k seller at 995, pls go away

33 minutes ago


2022-03-16 15:16 | Report Abuse

I wish u well TehCPing. Hope you stop losing and start making money...

Huat arrrrr.....

:-) why should I leave, I earn or lose is non of ur problem. Sinkalan lol hahaha

1 hour ago


Same here, I get frighten by the drop. I wait 1st, after 2.30 see how it’s moving. Will buy back some. Already cut lose half. Need to buy back half to lower my lose

1 hour ago


2022-03-16 13:19 | Report Abuse

There are sinkalan trader that makes money. It's just u r sinkalan trader that lose money.

If u don't think u can make money from Bplant. I strongly suggest you to leave. There are plenty of counters out there that u stand better chance. Why stick around pray 80sen and gets angry when it goes up?

Go TDM...U can get for 28sen...then u can pray it goes up to 80sen instead. =D


2022-03-16 13:08 | Report Abuse

Very typical things that happen to noob trader. Cut loss liao it rebound. =D

Fell straight into operators trap.


2022-03-16 11:13 | Report Abuse

26sen dividend to a dollar. Who don't want?

If 1.2 u don't want...fine...but RM1, just a matter of time.

The uncle that holds 900K shares. By june, he will collect another RM90K in dividend. And I believe his initial invest cost way below 70sen. Imagine 570K capital and collect (36K + 90K) 126K dividend. All because he has a foresight that other don't.

If Q3, 22. If Bplant decides to issue bonus. Price shoots up to RM1.30 -RM1.40 by Nov. He would hv made 570K in capital appreciation + 162K in dividend. Just by doing nothing. Those day day come buy and sell buy and sell. I don't know what they get. =D


2022-03-15 12:37 | Report Abuse

I will prefer that woman to shut up. Market works in very interesting way. When a "news" has become open secret. It goes the opposite way. So, it's best to just leave it be instead of making announcement. At least it puts market in a sweet spot of dilemma wondering if market has already priced in the "news" or not.

If haven't price in, u will see them senyap2 come collect. Price will crawl up new high. When Pak Tua appears...habisssss...

agree with junclj. unless there is another big news like CPO price rises to 9300rm, we will see the price to stabilise around 85sen to 90sen imo. to be safe just wait for a month before QR release

53 minutes ago


2022-03-15 12:32 | Report Abuse

U should baseline bplant with RM3000 per tonne for 70sen. RM 6000 per tonne for RM1.30-1.40. RM1.50 including the land sale. Any near term increase of CPO is momentary up. As long CPO maintains above RM6000 until Q4,22. 16sen from CPO and another 10sen from land sale, that should put bplant at PE4-5.

If u estimate PE10 on 26sen earnings. It should be RM2.6. U can discount whatever price from there onwards. But I don't know how u can discount until 80sen la. Problem now is it's waiting for Q1,22 result still. Not yet Q4,22.

I understand the logic but so far what I notice the surge mid fed until earlier Mac was mainly due to war and cpo price hit 8000rm. last year 2021, plantations made huge profit over 2020 but the price was not moving much as if nothing happened. But anything below 70sen then should be good


2022-03-15 12:24 | Report Abuse

U can see when I first argued with brianklc. I took quite a big position. Which I regret not taking bigger position. And I also regret not taking position on the warrant as cos I anticipate the price to start moving after Q1,22 report.

Oh well, they are all hindsight now.

if your entry is below 70sen, then it is very good la.

6 minutes ago


2022-03-15 12:14 | Report Abuse

next QR is the fat dividend. Should be around 10-15sen. Many waiting for it. Just not sure when they will start rushing in. For me, i take anything below RM1. It's all good. If lower, better.

Only regret is I didn't buy enough to sell at above RM1.10 so that I can buy more now. But it's ok.


2022-03-15 12:11 | Report Abuse

Large bulk of my entry was below 70sen, after averaging up, it's around 80sen.
So after 26sen dividend I can afford it to drop to 50-60sen range. Although, unlikely...we see how...


2022-03-15 11:55 | Report Abuse

I think it’s more important to not lose sight on the target…4sen, 10sen, 4sen, 4sen 4sen. 26sen in dividend.


2022-03-15 11:09 | Report Abuse

See when he runs out of CPO to dump…


2022-03-15 11:06 | Report Abuse

Sigh…got one pubokia every morning he wakes up…he dumps his CPO at 6.1k per tonne erasing earlier gain…sigh


2022-03-15 10:06 | Report Abuse

U saw the queue? It’s game changer if can see queue like that appearing. When smaller sharks goes missing. U know something big is swimming around.


The 1mil queue scared the hell out of the operators


2022-03-15 09:14 | Report Abuse

Put ur queue there first only talk.

1 mil waiting at 9.4. will stop there?


2022-03-15 08:59 | Report Abuse

If it bounce back above 1.05. You won't be happy. That's what will happen today. =D

very curious what will happen today

1 hour ago


2022-03-14 19:56 | Report Abuse


Puaka muncul nnt.

woi woi..read carefully..
most cannot be trusted and never follow..
rank no 1 is paktua..
so when see paktua better run

see ahpang72 need to run also

tut tut
relax relax jer maa

1 hour ago


2022-03-14 18:02 | Report Abuse

from the very same nature of Kiasi! Basically, people sell how lot faster than they buy. Because when u buy in, u start to worry. People dread that. When u quickly cut loss, it's a relief. Hence, shorting can be more profitable than buy in and wait.

It’s not fair, whn FCPO go up by the same quantum, plantations stocks does not move. But whn FCPO goes down, selected plantation counters suffers sell down.


2022-03-14 16:37 | Report Abuse

aiyoyo...pak tua sudah mari....stresss......


2022-03-14 13:40 | Report Abuse

buy RM1 wait 10sen dividend in May. Don't miss out.


2022-03-14 12:02 | Report Abuse

the guy that sold 500K shares one go at 1.03 slow collect back 99.5sen and RM1 makes 3sen in one morning.


2022-03-14 11:27 | Report Abuse

I think LTAT throw 500K shares to collect low.


2022-03-14 10:36 | Report Abuse

Will eventually buy back to not miss out 10sen dividend in May.

LTAT sold and will buy back soon, otherwise the member will not get 6.1%,


2022-03-14 10:09 | Report Abuse

Whose balls so big one shot eat 300k shares?


2022-03-14 09:35 | Report Abuse

That too is open secret. Is that surprising?

It is LTAT that sell and the proceeds go back to LTAT’s bank account, not in politicians bank account . It is how LTAT helps the politicians that matters.
Posted by RJ87 > 11 hours ago | Report Abuse


2022-03-13 21:27 | Report Abuse

It’s open secret that politician liquidates equity asset to finance political campaign. No need be shy about it.

Some time the selling is with other objective in mind , especially for politically linked stocks.
I shouldn’t say more .


2022-03-13 13:37 | Report Abuse

LTAT long time no pay dividend dy. Finally got a cash cow to do that.


2022-03-13 13:16 | Report Abuse

It’s more like the Kong kam doesn’t know what he is talking about. U tell me la at which entry that you are making money?

Buy high sell low with no dividend is called lose money la ST*PID. What u doing here is nothing more than did something ST*PID liao don’t want admit ST*PID.

I hv been pointing this since RM6. How u putar belit is won’t change the fact u r very deep in the red here. I’m kong kam or not won’t help u either. What’s important for u is stop being a kongkam.
You talk like this you macam pun bukan red trooper leh. Ular sudah explained b4 leh. You kenot understand how to play downtrend ctr thats why you said pasti kalah lah. Use sikit otak to think lah apa tu renewing FD at higher interest rate lah. Ular explained until kindergartenn level you pun cannot understand kah. You not kongkam call what lah. Correct?


2022-03-12 16:18 | Report Abuse

I’m definitely not the kongkam that keeps buying from RM4.5 not accepting that gloves hype is over and delude myself that buying at lower price as discount. Your version of “renewing FD at lower price”. Only kongkam like you will do that. Can you atleast admit that there is NO dividend anymore.

I can understand that you have no choice but to continue to average down. But please don’t be blinded that there is other way is to cut loss recover capital and try ur luck elsewhere.

You know if u go genting. Most important rules to follow so that u survive is know when to leave the table. I can see that u r failing badly at that. Your hands in cold. The table is cold. Glove is cold. Learn to accept fact and truth.

ask yourself if you are a red trooper. What is your strategy to play downtrend ctr. You tell Ular lah. Ular use the method keep renewing FD at higher interest rate cannot beat the downtrend kah. Pakai otak sikit lah. Dont assume Ular look atcthe dividend as the tool ti achieve the better FD rate lah. Kongkam one think like you lah. Correct?


2022-03-12 11:49 | Report Abuse

ular sudah sot dy…last time say price drop nvm. Got high dividend.

Now story has change. Price drop to 1.60 with no dividend nvm. Buy 1.60 hoping to go up 1.80 as dividend.

what’s next? holding a toilet paper can at least use in toilet to wipe ur bum?


2022-03-12 11:06 | Report Abuse

When only ular accept it’s gone and not coming back?

Day day pray like this is like how you pray u win toto…


2022-03-10 11:03 | Report Abuse

Got 2 ki siao punya ppl here. neonstrife copy pasting BS and line try to wipe that BS.

Either way, it won't change how ARBB ends. When it drop below 5sen. U see if Fatty Liew will call for interview?
He will do interview only when there is PP and RI. You know, market likes this kinda acting.

If i'm the interviewer, I'm gonna ask question like
1) What happen to the hydroponic project?
2) Can breakdown the expenses from the RI and it's progress?
3) Is ARBB making money from the project?

Guess what Fatty Liew gonna say?
1) Progress is ahead. We saw huge prospect.
2) However, to monetize from this project we will need more capital injection. And use Elon Musk as example how TESLA burns cash for few years. In fact ARBB is doing better than Tesla because they don't burn cash.

And dum dum here will buy RI at 6sen not realizing that it has drop from 12sen to 6sen. After 6sen drop to 1sen will come from a long list of ESOS. The standard scam script is there already.


2022-03-10 10:52 | Report Abuse

As for full 2022, 4%(Q4,22) + 10%(Q1,22) + 4%(Q2,22) + 4%(Q3,22) + + 4%(Q3,22).
That's 26% return. I haven't include if price move upwards to RM1.50 by Q4,22 when Bplant announce bonus issue.


2022-03-10 10:49 | Report Abuse

from RM1 investment, Q4,21 collect 4%. Current entry, by May, another 10%.

So, with RM1 investment by June, u would hv collect 14% dividend.


2022-03-10 10:19 | Report Abuse

German get drag into war. One of earliest place Russia going to bomb is Borsig.


2022-03-10 09:16 | Report Abuse

I agree with this list. =D
Especially Pang72 and Mabel.

i3 Hall of Fame/Shame
1. Pang72: Contra God
2. Paktua: WhatsApp Pump and Dump God
3. Calvintaneng: "I told you so, buy this company that I recommend instead" AKA OG Master
4. Dompeilee: Appears in literally every stock that limit up Insider Trading God (I bought xxx two months ago and now it's up I am a God)
5. mf: Robot/AI God
6. CUTLOST: Career gambler
7. rr88/Cakes Moon: "Buy high sell low - Sell low buy high"
8. Johnzhang: Value + technical investor
9. OTB: OG Master
10. Mabel: FOMO Analyst


2022-03-09 21:37 | Report Abuse

Harta boss smarter. Keep all the cash in the company. Market how to tank the price also can't tank below net cash position. But TSLWC use all the cash for SBB and dividend don't know got wat use. Once the money left the company, there goes the investor also. That's why Buffet's BH never pay dividend. Keep cash to themselves.


Harta how to compete with taikor lah. Taikor Revenue much higher than Harta lah. Bcos Taikor ada double of harta capacity lah. Siapa more siapa win lah. Correct?


2022-03-09 21:32 | Report Abuse

seems like Ular stuck very very very deep and no way to cut loss.

if you see the financial statement is the same as 2019. Then, it should not priced above 2019.
Don't forget the bonus issue. If before 2019 was RM2, then post bonus equivalent should be 80sen.

Most importantly, glove hype is over. What's there to look forward to in glove? U wait what ular?


2022-03-09 17:55 | Report Abuse

That CEO is driving his own company to the grave with his ego?

Together with him is people like sawa. Die hard fans.

wow, only 562million left only ke?? all money spend on sbb and dividend d. because of boss ego. he ruin his own company


2022-03-09 16:38 | Report Abuse

I pity Sawa. Support more than a year already. But get nothing.

Other than praying for dividend that never come.

Thx lah. Ular prefer to judi at here lah. Correct?


2022-03-09 16:25 | Report Abuse

u hv 15mins to make decision if u want a 4sen dividend from Bplant. Good luck.


2022-03-09 16:24 | Report Abuse

Sawa go buy bplant before 5pm. U get 4sen dividend. U hold until June, u get another 10sen dividend.

Topglove give nothing.


2022-03-09 09:41 | Report Abuse

Whats the earning estimate singor?


2022-03-08 21:07 | Report Abuse

RM6 also support like crazy la. Not surprise if he come and support again at RM1.


2022-03-08 20:59 | Report Abuse

got big difference. CPO can double. Rental can't.

Yield per hectare can increase. Numbers of unit in a building is fixed. If already 90% tenanted, most also another 10%

Oil palm can improve operation efficiency. REIT install smart LED is it?

Agriland convert to industrial or commercial land. 2-6X from asset appreciation. REIT? Nobody flip commercial property one boh.

I can?t find their dividend policy, maybe any master here can link us to boustead plantation dividend policy. Been holding it since last year. And I get dividend 3 times in a roll. Their business strategy is somewhat similar to REIT. Beside owning plantation, their rent/lease, manage plantation land from others


2022-03-07 10:36 | Report Abuse

10.35am got 1 big kaki sapu 200K shares.


2022-03-01 09:46 | Report Abuse

once all the weak holder shaken off...then will hv smoother sailing....