
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2021-11-11 14:34 | Report Abuse

Now I know why folks here say don't talk about borsig.

I think they mean don't talk about the same sh*t. It's getting rotten already. And hence u can get cheaper later.


2021-11-11 14:31 | Report Abuse

This where I know you are a st*pid. My analogy is simple and clear. Gone is gone. Nothing about B and C left.

For you is VERY complicated. Disposed is not completely gone. Your disposed already can still eat up 120M from ur 150M EBITDA. Nobody knows this will go on for how long.

It's like you sh*t in toilet. Not all the sh*t is been flushed. There is still residue 80-90 residue.
Need to keep flushing. When asked if it's flushed. You say it's flushed. When I say why I still see sh*t. You answer "it's flushed! You But 80-90% of sh*t is still there.

Still dare to make statement that I don't understand my own analogy. You putar belit got la.
I give you one more chance, "Sh*t is still there or not?" (I think u gonna pretend not read this.)

This sh*t flushing has been going on for past 13 years not done yet. Don't know want to say pandai or bodoh. 13 years also can't flush properly. But for nedgeon, this is not a big problem. Can you imagine ur kid flushing the toilet for 13 years? Wouldn't u go in the toilet with a cane to whack the sh*t out of him?

That's why PAT is more important that whatever crap you have biasedly brought forward. In the end of the PAT would hv included loses from D until Z and so on and we know if still make money. There is no point keep mentioning EBITDA from A but there are losses from B-Z that you pretend not see.

What conmen do? pretend losses from B-Z is not there lo. At least this time, he admits it's not complete gone. There are residue that wipes 100-150mil off KNM's profit. So as investor, u know la. U wait until sh*t is completely cleaned with no residue first only comeback. Else, u come back, everytime also have to talk about the same sh*t and nedgeon will explain that still go residue, that's why u can collect cheap 10 years later. =D


This is exactly what KNM have been doing over the years... B and C has already been disposed. Do you still see loss making North America subsidiaries anymore ? Did you see loss making South America subsidiaries anymore ? and many more... There are no more B and C to cover, that is why KNM is getting profits now but why not full profit of A ?

By disposing B and C does not mean everything is cleared immediately. There are still residue from B and C needs be cleaned up.


2021-11-11 12:56 | Report Abuse

Part 2 to ABC Holding story...

Whenever need money, to do RI, PP and loan, they tell how stable is Subsidiary A and its performing asset and orderbook as collateral. But when comes to sharing profit, they say it's being used to cover Subsidiary B and Subsidiary C losses

U know what's the ultimate move? When they finally tired siphoning money from B and C, they try to sell A for a lousy deal to a buyer which they probably hv a share in and spin it off as Holding A.

Holding A with profit 100mil a quarter, 400mil per annum with PE 10 (Just incase some donkey think I don't bother or know how to count PE) will put Holding A at RM4B. That's like 6-7X of ABC's holding market cap.

Now, ABC will be left with money losing subsidiary B and C. Imagine those invested in ABC holding...supported each RI and PP for past 10 years...just to be tied to a rock and ditched to the bottom of the sea.

What i'm trying to say here is...Don't be too blinded by your own biases...
You are your own success and downfall.

Time exposes all lies. Not need to argue. All we need to do is just wait and see.


2021-11-11 12:43 | Report Abuse

Give you simple analogy la.

Abc holding has 3 subsidiary...

Subsidiary A every quarter report EBITDA RM150mil
Subsidiary B every quarter report losses RM50mil
Subsidiary C every quarter report losses RM100mil.

During AGM, ABC Holding management will say how awesome is subsidiary A. But then comes profit. Nothing to share. Everything used to cover losses from subsidiary B and C. Investor ask why not wind up B and C? ***A bunch of excuse***. If I can siphon RM50m a quarter via B & C for next 10 years, it's whole lot more than waiting market cap of ABC holding to appreciate.

This is how big revenue, big EBITDA but no profit looks like. And some jack@ss here think that's is not a severe problem.

TheEqualizer and besides why bother to reply to all these jackasses and traders?

I am sure they could not even be bothered about PE ratios or whatnots or what borsig is...only want any inside information..true or otherwise.

am i right? lol


2021-11-11 12:32 | Report Abuse

U see how people switch things around. Profit, gross profit and EBITDA are all different thing and they are not interchangeable. U bother to clarify ur statement or what? Or you just a hypocrite/conman to that won't walk this talk "I am just correcting the wrong information that is being propagated non-stop."

When I say EBITDA is a bad indicator normally used as scam tactic, u conveniently switch to profit.

What's ur real intention here nedgeon?

When there is Big Revenue, BIG EBITDA, but no profit. For that many years, it starts to smell rat.
if KNM can fix this, the price will rocket. But you are not interested to find out why.

When challenged on how u benefitted from holding KNM for past how many years, you pretend you never heard that question.

You are very selective in replying. AND EACH REPLY YOU AVOID important question and replace it with a bunch of drivel. You only want to share the good stuff but hide the bad stuff.

Sometimes, I can't tell if you really trying to con or got lost in you own con.

Why list down 3 bad things you don't like about KNM and u wish to see the Tunku change in KNM just to find out if you are blind or st*pid. (try limit to 2 lines per point. To prevent you from getting off tangent and comeback with a bunch of drivel again)

"This segment recorded a higher gross profit of approximately RM254.82 million and an EBITDA of approximately RM183.13 million in FY2019 as compared with RM238.07 million
and RM115.53 million respectively in FY2018, mainly attributed to lower operating costs.

is RM155.04 million in FY 2020 more than RM100 million ?
is RM183.12 million in FY 2019 more than RM100 million ?
is RM115.53 million in FY 2018 more than RM100 million ?

No has become this...

Go and read KNM annual report for 2018, 2019 and 2020 ( page 7 or page 8 )

BORSIG contributes RM155.04 million profit to KNM in FY 2020
BORSIG contributes RM183.12 million profit to KNM in FY 2019
BORSIG contributes RM115.53 million profit to KNM in FY 2018


2021-11-10 20:03 | Report Abuse

Maybe nedgeon, u can share how you have hv benefit investing in KNM lilke all the big kaki here. Who knows if u share your screenshot, I will be tempted to take bigger position.

Where? I hv shared many stuff. Ur turn.


2021-11-10 20:01 | Report Abuse

I call you a conmen is because of this statement.

"You can say both approach are con man job, like that better keep all your money with you and stay in a cave dont invest in anything."

Anyone that kena con before would hv heard this before. This is exactly what conmen say to stir the FOMO in victim. Because 2nd part of that statement is

"All investment got risk one mar. This time bad luck. Lai, I sell another low risk high return tahi lembu".

U tell me, which conmen don't use this two line? =D

People come do investment, they will ask very simple question. How do I make money or benefit from my investment.

I really don't know how a company making billions in revenue doesn't translate into PAT. So what even if it's goes up to RM10B if the PAT doesn't grow proportionally?

And if it's not reported as PAT, how will any investors ever benefit from such practice? Do share genius. If you have been holding for past 10 years, how did you benefited from this kinda business practice? Big revenue, no PAT, no dividend. How? A bunch of RI, PP and ESOS got la. Dunno run what business one.

Those that benefit you, I havent see one yet. With PAT, at least balance sheet is stronger. Every ticket worth more. With sales, revenue and EBITDA, what can it do for you?

If you have been holding KNM for past 10 years, all that KNM has given you is a hope that you can recover your losses. All that KNM has offered is MAYBE they can unlock Borsig potential after 13 years. So, don't expect anyone share similar interest. =P


2021-11-10 19:42 | Report Abuse

New income stream for serba. Part of serba's asset growth strategy is to keep suing auditors. =D


2021-11-10 19:41 | Report Abuse

Auditor is to find out if you are full of sh*t. And if you are full of sh*t, your job is to hide your pile of sh*t.

Like this where to find auditor that has no conflict of interest?
Stockisnotfun Nexia will resign or not. Not sure. Depends their audit result. Good no sue. No good sue until u kao kao and automatically resign.

At this case, kpmg and serbadk both forcefully resign due to conflict self interest. No need whatever EGM la. They don't care what shareholders think. They help u replace the auditor themselves.

Just now who say drag longer is better. Ya is definitely better because they can try on many auditor.
10/11/2021 7:00 PM


2021-11-10 17:47 | Report Abuse

I ok one. My investing principle is very simple. Make RM50K or RM5 also nvm. I shiok sendiri nvm.
It's whole better then having a -RM50K in the portfolio. How's the eye sore?

If my 19sen can lose money, then ur eye sore gonna be worse...but if you make money, then in % i'm gonna make whole lot more than you.

So what is it gonna be? Me everything I steady one...As long as I say I enter and exit at what price, I can give screenshot. I won't call people kid and beat around the bush.

Can you? Don't be THE kid that beat around the bush telling ppl how big ur d*ck without showing anything.

So what about you? Nothing to show or too small to show? =D

coolinvestor yoyo make few k like damn shiok sendiri ka....hehe

gosh ok. bye bye small kids.
10/11/2021 11:46 AM


2021-11-10 16:33 | Report Abuse

I trust tunku will do something also. It's just buy selling and buying back again. I make extra 4K for 200K shares in 2 days only ma. =P


Wealth tried to buy at 19c more...but cant.

so i have settled for 19.5c

those who bragged about buying at 20c n selling at 21.5c...i have no comment for you lot.

good luck

i trust my money with tunku


2021-11-10 16:08 | Report Abuse

This counter heavily operated. Won't go down lot. Won't go up alot also.

What u can do here is...pick up when they selldown, and don't forget to sell when they push.


2021-11-10 15:36 | Report Abuse

nedgeon...u and me better talk about how KNM can move forward.

Picking on the past. There are 999 things that I can pick on and why price can tank from RM8 to 20sen. Better sometime talk about how Tunku can turn things around.

I look forward to see RM50mil or RM75 mil PAT. Things will immediately look very bright.

if there is no plan to report such profit, then ur EBITDA here, Sales there are nothing else but scam la bro.


2021-11-10 15:22 | Report Abuse

U know a typical conmen do. Ask investor to invest in the business. Makes alot of sales. Comeback tell investor EBITDA is high. But sorry, there is no money to pay investor. When ppl ask where the money go. Conmen give answer like "like that better keep all your money with you and stay in a cave dont invest in anything."

Now in your words, RM1Billion in sales. No profit. Nothing to pay investor. Tell me where is the difference? Lai...u pandai. You tell me.

The way u answer things now like conmen being exposed.


2021-11-10 15:11 | Report Abuse

Okla. I take back the part you are not st#pid. You are indeed st*pid. U do business to see Revenue, to see EBITDA but not profit is it?

Here's how u gonna beat around the bush. "Aiyaaaaa, report less profit to pay less tax. Better put the EBITDA elsewhere. After ITDA, nothing left". Isn't that exactly what conmen do? Take ur money and put it in someone else pocket except yours.

I find it amusing you deliberately leave my below statement out.

When you hear people that uses EBITDA to make case "either they try to con you or they con themselves to a great degree".

This is very true. Bcos, whoever scamming you don't want to pay tax. Don't want to pay you. But to convince you business is doing well, they use EBITDA. And they tell you PAT is not important. Why? Because they don't hv to pay tax, they don't have to pay you or any investor.

That's on top of nobody knows if the EBITDA that nedgeon has been bragging aren't dressed up in the first place. The only way to know if the EBITDA is real at all is when it's converted to PAT. Why this nedgeon refuse to acknowledge. Back to this question "either they try to con you or they con themselves to a great degree".

At first u try to con people and stuck high. Now you got lost in ur own con. =D
Ur argument hinges on EBITDA (which legends called it's a scam tactic) where a bunch of ITDA that nobody knows where the money goes.

My argument is simple WHERE IS THE MONEYYYYY? =D

That was exactly what I said in the past, including to you, that P&L is not important, You want profit, you can get profit, you want loss you can get loss. I already said many times, most important thing is Sales... from the sales you can decide what your EBITDA will become.


2021-11-10 12:08 | Report Abuse

Don't u dare say FIXED to mislead people. Still big bunch of EBITDA not reflected as PAT.
At best you can say is good enough to not drown in losses. But definitely cannot say it's fixed.

Only time u can say it's fixed is when EBITDA translated to PAT.

Listen to the comment on EBITDA on legend himself.


When you hear people that uses EBITDA to make case "either they try to con you or they con themselves to a great degree". For nedgeon, he is more like he is conned by himself from his own foolishness.
Anyway those are over and done with. Now is new beginning, massive potential ahead with BORSIG because they are no longer burdened by KNM loss making units because they are mostly fixed already, "sick mother" is already cured. BORSIG is now free, can now go all out anytime now...


2021-11-10 11:23 | Report Abuse

ahahaha...I rather buy company that makes money to pay tax than st#pid company that struggling to report a green quarter. That's common sense. No need become smartest.

But to make money from a company that struggle to report profit because it's "sick mother" is quite smart la. =P


Woodswater https://www.enanyang.my/node/440916

都有250 间上市公司等死啰 !


2021-11-10 11:02 | Report Abuse

Yeah. I want to read. Share link so that i can read the same report.
But then dunno why u beat around the bush. Why? The report got more ugly stuff is it?

Cant you read ? They are profits from Europe Segment, not from other local units... You do not believe, so show you from the Annual report as proof. Europe Segment only have BORSIG and FBM Hudson. Is this the first time you ever read an Annual Report ? how come you seems like surprised with what I showed you ? I suggest you continue reading.

Where did the profit go ? still cant figure it out ? the profits from BORSIG is put together with the losses from other segments, What do you get? of cos you get reduced overall profits. This s a primary school mathematics.


2021-11-10 10:55 | Report Abuse

Queue 19.5sen and 20sen. Matched 20sen. Now 20sen entry set gtd 21.5sen.


2021-11-10 10:53 | Report Abuse

Lucky i sold 21sen and 21.5sen for my 19.5sen and 20.5sen entry.

Now my 22sen entry is reduced by 1.5sen. Short term selldown hv to buy…short term bounce hv to sell. Do this 25 times my knm shares are free. Then i can wait as long as nedgeon.


2021-11-10 01:46 | Report Abuse

Obvious evidence. KNM tank from RM9 to 20sen . For god knows why.

On the other hand, 2006-2008...20sen all the way up to RM9. Maybe nedgeon came from that era hoping for KNM to return to it's glory day of RM9 in 2008. Just imagine he buys at RM9 to see KNM drop to 20sen. Must be very painful for him.


2021-11-10 01:35 | Report Abuse

Use abit common sense la...

You have a bunch of profit which doesn't appear in any part of the balance sheet. Now, u don't smell something fishy. Who is the noob here? Who?

All company that runs honest business will hv equity growth with that kinda profit EXCEPT hanky panky company. Always use EBITDA to show profit. But nothing ends up in form equity nor EPS. U very clever. In misleading people la.

Guys, until u see strong equity growth in KNM, better stay away. Cos, nobody seems to know where did all the big RM100M++ EBITDA. Dunno why RM183M EBITDA difficult to report RM20-30m profit. Then u do business for what? Pay ITDA is it? Clever. Very clever. =P

"This segment recorded a higher gross profit of approximately RM254.82 million and an EBITDA of approximately RM183.13 million in FY2019 as compared with RM238.07 million
and RM115.53 million respectively in FY2018, mainly attributed to lower operating costs.

is RM155.04 million in FY 2020 more than RM100 million ?
is RM183.12 million in FY 2019 more than RM100 million ?
is RM115.53 million in FY 2018 more than RM100 million ?


2021-11-10 01:01 | Report Abuse

Gimme the link to ur bursa report la. I see together with you.

Why? Scared I find out again a bunch of stuff that you fabricate or misinterpret is it?


2021-11-10 01:00 | Report Abuse

Referring to theedgemarket report, now can you at least admit that the RM100m pre-tax profit was from 2008 prior to oil price crash? It's not 2018 or 2020. It's 2008.

Just say yes. Very simple. Don't beat around the bush. Then we move on to the next topic.

nedgeon RJ87, what nonsense are you talking about... it was not me saying BORSIG make RM100 million annually, it was your favorite theedgemarkets cleary said it, I just use that as a reference.


2021-11-09 23:40 | Report Abuse

Here’s how you see ppl chickening out from their position.

“Lets go and see the annual reports with our own eyes and forget about theedgemarkets said... lets start with the latest...”

Earlier he wants to reference theedgemarket. Now he doesn’t.

Share the link. I go hv a look. Just in case, somebody sees thing with their knee can came back wrong interpretation again. =D


2021-11-09 23:36 | Report Abuse

IN 2008 PRIOR TO THE OIL CRASH, it was pre-tax Rm100m annually.

Which part of “prior to the oil crash” you dont understand?

Even theedge hv to put there big big so that tak kena sue for misleading people. But this bonggok deliberately use RM100m annually forever.


2021-11-09 23:33 | Report Abuse

wah ular. Please explain how you change FD? Last time deposit RM5. Now drop to RM2.3. So ular got special deal can convert RM5 deposit to RM2.3 deposit is it? U tell me which bank. I also want to change. But I don’t want change RM5 to RM2.3 la. I want to change RM2.3 to RM10 can? ahahhahahahhahha

Suka2 tukar die je. Apa jadi dengan RM5? Apa jadi dengan RM3.5?
UlarSawa Renewing FD at higher interest pun tak faham kah. Ular only left 2 FD leh. Still dont understand lagi Ular can only say you all with Otak Cacing Jus lah. Simple Ingeris pun dont inderstand kah. Keep Renewing FD with higher interest rate meaning keep changing FD not keep adding FD lah. Takda baca buku punya kah. IQ very low one kah. Below 100 kah. Lagi tak faham Ular pun dunno how to explain lagi lah. Mana ada orang kira FD interest rate base on dividend only lah. FD interest rate base on how much you earn from capital gain plus dividend payout if ada mah. Faham kah. Why otak cannot think out of box kah. Die die cakap the moon is round one kah. Moon is Square one cannot kah. No wonder Otak cacing jus one lah. Correct?


2021-11-09 21:05 | Report Abuse

The only one here beating around the bush is YOU who refuse to admit that RM100m pre tax is from 2008. And after 10 years, 2018, KNM as a whole accumulated RM800m losses. Yet, you deliberately ignore the 2008 PRIOR TO OIL PRICE CRASH.

Have some common sense la. Don't talk as if Borsig just appeared yesterday that everyone wants to hide. It has been there since 2008. Friggin 13 years la dude. And it has bled KNM for as long.

Media not talking about it's because such a big embarrassment for Malaysian corporation to have made such a bad investment. Only this Mr. Common Sense air it all over the place as bragging rights.

Now, let's see if Mr. Common Sense here has any common sense. After acquiring Borsig in 2008, for past 10 years, KNM share price goes up or down? And if it's not going up, does it not cross ur mind that Borsig ain't as good as you think? No? Not one bit.

Then maybe this Mr. Common Sense here doesn't hv much common sense. He is more like Mr. Full of SH#T.

The last part I agree. Maybe MAA has the balls to tell Borsig to reduce operational expenses. By the time operational expense improves, the price will jump. Like I say, nvr too late to buy then. That's the reason I take a small position for KIV.

Until then, nedgeon is Borsig b#tch. Everytime Borsig ask for money, nedgeon pay. If you don't wanna be anybody's b#tch, stay away. Wait when RJ87 gives greenlight that Tunku actually manages to do something to turn things around.

nedgeon : This fellow is still beating around the bush. Fact is still the same... it is all about BORSIG. if there is no BORSIG inside KNM, I doubt MAA will even want to buy 1 share in KNM. The Melewar group have so many engineers in their group of companies, they specifically put a German Engineer into KNM board, that is a clear sign that they knew about BORSIG and its German Engineering inside KNM and I am very sure that is what they are going after.


2021-11-09 20:50 | Report Abuse

Let me tell you where you see things with ur knee...and think with your arse...
The rest le of the tahi lembu, fungus grown out from the tahi lembu.

Borsig — which was acquired for €350 million or RM1.67 billion IN 2008, PRIOR TO OIL PRICE CRASH — generates pre-tax profit of around RM100 million annually.

Answer this simple question. The RM100m annually is from 2008 or it's now? If you can't answer this simple question. There is no need to talk anything else. Maybe both your eye and brain grow in ur arse if you can't admit such a simple mistake that here is no RM100m anymore la. Which leads me to believe that you are INTENTIONALLY MISLEADING.

If it's the prior, then u know u made wrong decision because if you misunderstood simple English. Else, you get urself someone on the other side. It's true that you are full of SH#T. Deliberately lie and mislead.

nedgeon, pre-tax profit RM100 million annually... did you see that ? or you just cover your eyes to avoid looking at it and block your brain from functioning.


2021-11-09 16:53 | Report Abuse

Ular punya FD RM5 rugi RM2.7. FD RM3.5 rugi RM1.20. FD RM2.30 mau rugi brp?

Ini FD apa ni? FD means RM5 = RM5. Won't become RM2.30 one la bonggok.

UlarSawa Ular rileks tunggu to renew FD at higher interest rate only leh. Work hard kah. In order to get higher the interest rate need to work so hard kah. Pakai otak lah. Ular lepaking and sharing only lah. Correct?


2021-11-09 16:42 | Report Abuse

Hv to see objectively. This is also why i'm here to see if Tunku can do anything. If there are positive change in KNM's book. Then market will hv 2-3 quarters lag time to realize them. Buy when things actually change also not late. No rush to take position.

Some ppl keep saying change for the better for the better for past 10 years. No harm waiting few more years. *wink. hahahahhaha
Wealth honestly, I trust my money and knm shares in the hands of MAA boss tunku yaakob.

businessmen will always find ways to do business...and thats why they will always be rich and successful.


2021-11-09 14:53 | Report Abuse

If u plan to hold long. From 2008 to 2018, u would hv lost 80-90% by now. Think again if KNM is a counter to hold for long. If you wanna go long, always choose dividend paying counter. At least while u wait, get dividend.

Oh wait? KNM has no money to pay dividend. They spend all the money to pay Borsig TOP German engineer. No money to pay sh#t. =D


2021-11-09 14:37 | Report Abuse

I sold my 19.5sen position at 21.5sen. Now queuing back 19.5sen and 20sen.

Volatility will increase in next 3 weeks. There will be days market oversold and overbought. I'm here to exploit the volatility.


2021-11-09 14:28 | Report Abuse

Use abit of brain la. Borsig was acquired in 2008. It's almost 14 years having Borsig "unlock" it's potential. What we see so far is price slide from RM3 to now 20sen. And you still say Borsig is the crown jewel. I don't know how good is borsig. I only know with borsig wiped of 90% of KNM's market cap last 10 years. I don't foresee next 10 years will do any better.

From this kinda drop, it's more like Borsig is a curse. So bad that I can't tell if nedgeon is being sarcastic that Borsig is the crown jewel of KNM. Ahahhahhaa


2021-11-09 14:20 | Report Abuse

Monyet sense! That's 2008 when they buy Borsig la.
2018 book still got that RM100M annually? 2018 got RM800m lost la.

We are not in 2008 la. We are in 2021 going 2022 la. Apa kebodohan ini? U gonna use that RM100m profit when they buy borsig 2008 until 2080 is it? Still dare come talk about common sense.

Only bodoh can't tell what year is this. The top engineers in Borsig in 2008 also retire already la sorzai.

The bunch tahi lembu u wrote has nothing to do with Borsig. U think bodoh like you don't exist in German is it?

As long as German tahi good here good there. Revenue billion2, but profit sekeciput, price will stay sekiciput. Now only question to ask is if Tunku can tell Borsig to reduce operational expenses by 33%. Then u will see KNM price shoot up by 300%.

At the moment, KNM investors are Borsigs b#tch. Borsig say increase operational expenses by 25% to pay top German Engineer, Nedgeon will go subscribe the RI. When the "top" german engineers are late to deliver a project, Nedgeon will pay the penalty and extra finance charges.

You really too blind to know that it's really bodoh to be in this position aren't you? Too invested. Lost too much money. People who are bodoh the first time, till death will defend position out of pride. So new investors, u know what i'm talking about.

U go see glove, bodoh already lo. Now die also say COVID will comeback. Like how nedgeon keep referencing 2008 pre tax profit. See the similarity? See the same kebodohan?

"Borsig — which was acquired for €350 million or RM1.67 billion in 2008, prior to the oil price crash — generates pre-tax profit of around RM100 million annually."


2021-11-08 10:25 | Report Abuse

Given the same common sense. KNM is nothing without Borsig. Which also means when borsig say "s*ck my t*ts!" What can KNM do? Everyone who invest in KNM are Borsig's b*tch.

Common sense will tell you that nedgeon is the biggest b*tch.
Now we talk about common sense. Is there anything special in KNM without BORSIG ? If you can, share it with everyone here.


2021-11-08 10:19 | Report Abuse

Puny shark just whack 3million shares 5 mins ago.


2021-11-08 00:54 | Report Abuse

3B outstanding shares and hungry for my 500K shares. Your shark must be a puny shark that it will be blown out of water when I fart is it?

Woodswater disclose personal holding is exposed ourselves into danger which attracting shark' attention .

likely intentions to grab low once sharks r hunger for ur holding will press further down prices

nice move to reveal during this period if Next week uptrend !

i like ur intention as i wish to buy @ 17 c or lower



2021-11-08 00:47 | Report Abuse

Answer simple question. Since KNM has no capability like borsig AT ALL, isnt it safe for me to say KNM has no cost control over borsig operational expenses?

If there is no cost control, wouldnt it mean if borsig need 500m, KNM hv to cough that money out.
And if borsig decide to hire nedgeon for RM5m a month to promote borsig, what can KNM do but to pay?

Why do you think there billions in revenue but no profit but there is little profit. Use abit common sense where do you think the money went?


2021-11-06 23:59 | Report Abuse

Like i say…nothing to hide mar happily share lo…
Alot to hide mar become personal choice lo… hahaha

U also can tell who is full of crap and who doesnt.


2021-11-06 16:45 | Report Abuse

Only a kid will call others a kid. And only a grown up will appreciate the privilege of being a kid.

If you are an old man, stay far far away. You don't have many 10 years to throws.
But me as a kid, I hv PLENTY. =P that's why i'm here.

Nch21396 Crazy fellow !!! Whose kid is dat ya???
05/11/2021 11:48 PM


2021-11-06 16:35 | Report Abuse

I'm pointing out that you can't share your holding online here is complete bullsh#t. I showed you how, and now you shift the focus to not interested to show. So, it's fair for me to call u bullsh#tter if you don't hold up ur end. If it's real or not is beside the point.

You and him have different problem. And you and me have simple problem. If you entered at 50sen, it discredits everything you ever said as it's half truth. We need complete information to make investment. Not half information. If you can't be honest with simple question like that. What else are you hiding? Now, that's very useful for people reading what you write.

Don't talk c0ck...share first...then we decide..
Beside why are you afraid the truth? Especially when you know it's the truth. UNLESS, it's not. =P
I won't share the truth ONLY when the truth is something I want to hide of course. Are you hiding nedgeon? What are you hiding nedgeon? and why are you hiding?

But it's okay...but since u mention that he has been harassing you for years kinda tell you first entry.
It's okay you are stuck high. It's okay to believe you will one day recover your loss. But it's not okay to deliberate share half the story to support ur believe.

I do appreciate the good stuff you share here. So, I focus on the bad stuff. On the surface, RM370M bond expiring without cash looks ugly. Moving forward, the bond is guaranteed by Asian Development Fund. Given it's operating assets, it's just a matter of time it's refinanced. That's probably the first order of Tunku Yaacob business. Settling that and then selling Borsig at favourable price would give MAA quite a handsone return. If he manage to improve the operating margin, then KNM would look whole lot better. But then, it's has been said for many many years. Potential is there, but not exercised.

Now the risk! What has been REALLY GOING ON are tranches of RI and PP to raise fund for project and some projects has been delayed for VERY LONG before KNM can monetize it. KNM heavily reliant of their German subsidiary and management. How would you know if that German aren't using KNM as cash cow. Every time delayed. Also financed by KNM. Whenever they need money for overpriced project, can come KNM for PP and RI? Imagine you borrow money to run a project. After year you delay is additional 1 year interest paid before you are able to cash in the project or cash in at all. Now, that's a really bad business.

If Tunku can solve all that like how Gary Neal do, then we talk.


How we know what you show is not fake, how we know it is yours ? Whether it is yours or not, fake or real, I dont think anyone here are interested to see your trading statement. I never ask you for it either and I am not interested to see yours or anyone else trading statement, their buying or selling price.

If I show something like that here, truthspeaker and his entire gang will surely jump on me saying I am trying to con people with a fake posting. He already can accuse me day and night for years without any proof, all just based on repeated lies which he cant proof... if I post anything like that, I am dead for sure... finally his dream comes true, "a proof", he wont care real or fake.

I do not understand the logic of showing people your shareholding or the obsession to know what other people buying or selling price. Does it help anyone in any way or to learn anything ?

You see, you are doing useless thing and you want me to do the same thing ? and become an open target for more personal attacks. You are lucky that truthspeaker and his gang members are not interested in you.
06/11/2021 1:36 AM


2021-11-06 01:28 | Report Abuse

Are you gonna conveniently ignore the question that you can share you holdings?
I can tell when u edit the pixels =D

nedgeon Nch21396 Crazy fellow !!! Whose kid is dat ya???
05/11/2021 11:48 PM

I am glad you notice it. this is just the tip of the ice-berg... wait until you see far worse ones...


2021-11-06 01:26 | Report Abuse

I trying to tell u to watch out of your bias. It's not about what you believe. It's about what's true.

If you are too heavily invested or suffer too much losses. You can't think straight. You have no choice. U look at those stuck high with gloves. See the similarity? They refuse to accept it's over.

Wait another pandemic just to recover ur losses. Maybe next 15 years or 150 years. Nobody knows. That's what blind faith do to you.


2021-11-05 22:21 | Report Abuse

I share you my small holding in KNM. Even i'm holding KNM, it doesn't stop me from sharing what I don't like about KNM. It's fixable. But requires honest management. Let's see what this Tunku gonna do. First order is to settle the bond, which they will. And see what else they can fix. =D

https://imgur.com/gallery/JCbfWHs' target='_blank'>https://imgur.com/gallery/JCbfWHs

Nah. Your turn. Just to prove the point we can both share our holdings online. Not that you can't. It's you don't want. Like I say, I wanna know how high u stuck. Then, everyone will know if you are telling truth of half the "truth" to mislead people.



2021-11-05 15:02 | Report Abuse

So, don't give me bullsh#t. Or you are a liar!


2021-11-05 09:24 | Report Abuse

This is not true…I can and u can too…I do that all the while when ppl challenge me…
But not sure if u hv the guts…=p

That is why, when RJ87 kept on pressing for my KNM entry price, I refuse to give... if I give, I cant show proof... so I keep quiet. When I refuse to say say something that I cannot show proof, he say I am a conman. If I really go and tell him my entry price without any proof, he will also say I am a conman because no way I can show all my trading statement online. Will any of you show all your trading statements online ?


2021-11-01 18:39 | Report Abuse

RJ87 Why not just share what's ur entry price honestly. =P

stop beating around the bush. I wanna know how bad is ur bias.

I won't make any. But at least I know how bad is ur bias. if 30sen, abit bias. if 50sen, more bias.
if RM1.00. No need say. Cryyyyy so badd there...day day pray it goes back up.

Is it so important that you know my entry price ? I dont even know what is my entry price, If I dont even care about my own entry price, why are you asking ? How much profit I make, you also wont get a single sen, why are you wasting your time thinking about useless things.


2021-11-01 13:36 | Report Abuse

Why not just share what's ur entry price honestly. =P

stop beating around the bush. I wanna know how bad is ur bias.

U see those enter TG before last year may, become god of bursa by Dec and bought more TG above RM6...these die also say TG is good will go back to previous high. From 6 months profit 200-300% profit become long term investor having -50% in portfolio. Cos at this price, not point cutting loss liao.

So for your case, if you hold since 50sen many years ago. Then, now no point cut loss also.
Die also hv to believe it will go up.

Unless u enter 5sen last year. Don't b#llshit about having a jackpot. It's more like u buying 6D that never kena la.


2021-11-01 09:35 | Report Abuse

So, what price did u enter nedgeon? Seems like u entered higher and stucked for quite long. Regret entering?