
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2021-09-14 09:43 | Report Abuse

they won't short at this price. Quite high risk considering Topglove is a running business.
Might still be overvalued. But it's not at RM9 anymore. It's not a bad business either even I dislike the CEO. Too pompous and ignorant.

Want short also short Serba. If proven fraud, straight to 0. Looking at how they behave. Very likely it's fraud. Just dunno how bad.
niet I do not think they are heavily shorting. Price going down because no support.
14/09/2021 9:18 AM


2021-09-13 21:24 | Report Abuse

last year about same performance. Drop to RM1.1 and hover RM1.3-1.4 even with 30-45m profit.

I think Aug-Oct QR in dec considering Aug full lockdown still, next QR should be around 30-45m also.

So will hover around this price until Nov for window dressing and CNY next year before starting to rocket in Mac and fat dividend.


2021-09-13 18:57 | Report Abuse

dont care...tmr sell first...

can collect later....


2021-09-13 18:41 | Report Abuse

60M profit drop to 10m also called flat result.

For singor, double D cup and A cup must be the same for you. =D


2021-09-13 18:21 | Report Abuse

gonna allocate 2 scouts and 3 garrison all the way to RM2.50. Today dispatched 2 scouts test water. 3 garrison ready to charge.

We shall fight between RM2.5 and RM4.

But I will leave behind 1 garrison for the ultimate victory at TP RM5(although it might takes 20 years =P).

paktua73 we exit at 3.40-3.45

tut tut
13/09/2021 5:19 PM


2021-09-13 18:17 | Report Abuse

it's best tmr buy at 20sen, then dividend 20sen, terus 100% return


2021-09-13 18:15 | Report Abuse

He is in position to squeeze the short. But I wonder he got a brain to do it. =D

mokluhanj21 If Tan Sri smart and wanna kill the shorties die standing, announce crazy dividend this week result and the shorties will get squeezed .that will be a beautiful scene. bloodbath of shorties... :P


2021-09-13 18:14 | Report Abuse

from what I see, after covering 350m short position and only left with 1.3%. If today's selldown is from the balance 1.3%. They can get squeezed. The risk grows as price drops for shortist. When high, they short alot. When low, they short less and less.

Cos u know, outstanding short position isn't much left. one bounce they s*ck c#ck liao. Not much space to short. As interest start to pile up, shortist will rush in to cover position.

if most of the selldown came from shortist. Ahahahhaa.
Our market is run by a bunch of noobs.


2021-09-13 18:07 | Report Abuse

Do u mind sharing ur data? seems to hv discrepancy on the numbers.

AdCool That would need funds or big buyers to do it. Not the retailers. In fact, if the funds or big buyers can just buy aggressively and moved up the price to RM4.50 and lock it there without giving chance to the shorties to cover much, then the shorties would be caught with all their tickets below RM4.50. They may try to push down again and exhaust the remaining 1.3% short limit. If that happen and the big funds bought up again, then the shorties would be squeezed since they have no more bullets to short. They were smart to cover 350 millions of shares when the price was around rm4. Hence, now they still have quite some bullets to play and there seem to be no opposing parties against them.

News & Blogs

2021-09-13 17:27 | Report Abuse

However, only SUPER-NOOB would say market is efficient.

Look at the bosses and C-suite. They get paid doing nothing while 75% work like horse and yet claim market is efficient. Hahahaha.

So, if market is efficient. What's the fair price market pay for the few calls, meetings and emails bosses and c-suite produce? Super inefficient I tell u.

News & Blogs

2021-09-13 17:23 | Report Abuse

How do you price in if AA raise enough cash and ready for turn around in future?

There is some value there. People are buying that opportunity. But assigning a price to such value is impossible.
So if market is efficient AA with negative equity (PN17) and going to loss many more billions in next few quarters will be priced as zero value.


2021-09-13 17:13 | Report Abuse

paktua, i join u fight in red sea...enter at RM3.28...

First garrison exit wat price?


2021-09-13 17:07 | Report Abuse

Well, just like RM2 up to RM9 never sell. Now come back down RM3.

Same thing. RM9 short to RM3 never close. Can go back up to RM5. =D

Sh#t can happen both ways.
AdCool less than 3% short. Wont kena squeeze. Lot of floating shares out there. They can cont to kick their can. from RM7 short then cover back at rm5, next short again at 5.50 and cover back at rm4. Then short again at rm4.50 and cover back at rm3. Then short again at 3.50 and cover back at rm2.50 - 3. This could be their last range to short as if you shorted too low, they gonna get themselves burnt when the price no longer can go down any further.


2021-09-13 16:48 | Report Abuse

Short need to close their position...else kena squeeze...


2021-09-13 13:26 | Report Abuse

To add or remove the period in L.L.C takes 3 freakings months. What do you think?

For a fact,
1) We have the chairman who lied in PC
2) CEO who say SD pays SD to pay SD as asset growth strategy, which is nothing wrong apparently.
3) Trivial matter that can't be solved in 3 months.

Anybody wants to add to the list?

InterFund Wrong or not see how big is the wrong doing................... If wrong only place period in L.L.C then small wrong only.....................


2021-09-13 13:17 | Report Abuse

Paktua main technical rebound. No blood in water...how to play?

if everydsay green green...pak tua makan rumput lo...


2021-09-13 12:42 | Report Abuse

Paktua coming to fight at RM3.28....

Ur panglima utama going to sit this one out...got other battles to fight...


2021-09-13 12:33 | Report Abuse

by the time hit RM2.50. Ular also retire like those supporter at RM7.


2021-09-13 12:28 | Report Abuse

apa logic go carry analist balls that con you to buy high? Correct?


2021-09-13 12:28 | Report Abuse

If price go RM30, I mar say RHB analist geng lo.

Now it's heading RM3 not RM30...ofcos I say JPMorgan analyst geng but RHB analist s#hai.

If u wanna get angry at some analyst, the one you should be angry at is RHB analist for being irresponsible @#shole conning u to buy high...
UlarSawa JPM analists. then how about other analist TP much highr one leh. Why no comment on thise analists leh. Why only praising and carry JPM balls only. Correct?


2021-09-13 12:07 | Report Abuse

JPMorgan geng. Can see this coming few months ago.

That time RM7 when they release their prediction. Everyone ridicule JPMorgan is crazy.


2021-09-13 01:28 | Report Abuse

Just like Ular, everyday pray that they can break even.

Then I ask them, what kinda of news u waiting or policy change that u waiting so that TG can go back up? Nadai. Nothing. Then, u slow slow wait. When u hv something to look forward, then come discuss again.

At least SD can look forward to SIR. Although doesn't look good now la. 3 months can't settle. Not as straight forward. I suspect EY thinking if they should go straight to SEC. If go straight SEC, SD suspend esok. Another waiting game continues. =D

Better go support genting.


2021-09-13 01:24 | Report Abuse

BS, BS everyday also won't change the fact TG dropped from RM9 to RM3.4. No guarantee can stay above RM3.

My member that think that I'm jealous of their success last year most now sufferring 6-7 digit losses. For the very reason I explain earlier. I ask them take profit while u can. Die die say I jealous. Never wrong in taking profit. If it goes higher, u make less only. Never wrong one. Only wrong thing to do is see from profit goes to lose money. That's the d#mbsh#t anybody can do.

Now ask me what to do? What to do? Join ular pray hard hard everyday lo. At least, ular join RM4.5. They average at RM6-7 hold until now. I also dunno what to say. Only thing can say is if u have faith in TG, the COVID 3.0 coming, then average down lo. What else to do?


2021-09-13 01:18 | Report Abuse

What happen to the fella that failed math.

7B population use 1 glove = 70B gloves. =D
I wanna borrow him RM10 so that I can get RM100 back.

Ular kuat BS. Now I can't find that post anymore.


2021-09-09 20:23 | Report Abuse

One no common sense. This one fail maths.

Why not I borrow u RM10. 10% interest, u pay me back RM100.
This is ur mathematics. Not mine. =D

Suddenly, 7B people use 1glove can becomes 70B gloves.
if TSLWC run his business with this type of math, don't be surprise TG drop to 30sen. Salah kira by 1 decimal place also got.

think..... if 1 person use 1 glove per yr, 70b
if 1 person use 2 glove a yr..140b
if 1 person use 5 gloves a yr...350b


2021-09-09 20:17 | Report Abuse

ok la...ur common sense very good...

If you are not in medical field. U tell me how many gloves u wear this year?

Nvm, u go support topglove. U everyday go wear gloves k?


2021-09-09 19:45 | Report Abuse

Ular, company okla. even drop to rm2 also ok. Good company pay dividend. Every quarter pay 2 sen only 100 quarters to break even…dont go kill urself ya…


2021-09-09 19:43 | Report Abuse

The world population only got 7B ppl…go make 200B gloves for what?

Thats called dont hv common sense…


2021-09-07 22:50 | Report Abuse

U can't even tell if the market is moving away or towards Covid. Dare to call urself investor.
Last year mac, market moving towards the peak. Mana lu? By last year Dec, it's moving away.

A quarter ago baru come. Sigh. U don't even know what you are. What's more call urself investor.


2021-09-07 22:47 | Report Abuse

looking at how u behave, u are in denial.


2021-09-07 22:46 | Report Abuse

FD capital guarantee mar.

Here is not mar. Ular punya entry above RM4.5. By next year mac will be full year liao. Don't come here bull shit buy RM3 or RM2 to pretend you make money.


2021-09-07 22:39 | Report Abuse

Here's where TSLWC wrong. If he hadn't pay ANY dividend, TG will be sitting on 20-30B cash. Market will hv no choice to but to value TG at 45-60B.

Now, everybody is thinking collect dividend and ciaoz. How sad is that.

If his plan is to pay dividend so that he benefit. Then, DON'T BUY BACK! Like TF in 2018. Cash out terus. TF and the other guy after cashing out from Airasia, they are not even buying Airasia rights issue now.


2021-09-07 22:34 | Report Abuse

Now, I'm thinking, if everyone thinking to sell after next QR and dividend. I wonder how heavy is the selling going to be. Definitely interesting to see.

Let's ask, how many here is thinking exactly that? This is the last. I'm gonna sell right after dividend entitlement. =D


2021-09-07 22:30 | Report Abuse

so what if covid continue to spread just like flu over the millenia?

We just MOVE ON. Like UK, see bola full stadium. When hv enough ppl vaccinated and symptoms is mild as we build immunity and tolerance. We get on with our lives. Still lingering on covid and gloves mer? U want stuck like this for how long?

OK la. Do whatever u like with your money. Won't change the fact the world moving on with covid as norm. U r just like a poor boy got dumped by the love of ur life holding onto past glory. She moved on without. It's upto you wat u wanna do now.


2021-09-07 22:21 | Report Abuse

Every 15sen drop delays ur breakeven by a quarter. Every 5sen drop in dividend extend ur breakeven for another month. Now from ur entry ur drop almost 80-90sen liao. If dividend maintain 15sen a quarter also need 6 quarter just to break even. If dividend drop to 5 sen takes 18 months. I haven't say the beating the price going to take when dividend drops.

What's the point le Ular?


2021-09-07 22:17 | Report Abuse

Ular ur case is a very typical loss aversion. U everyday pray to just break even only.

Just like those that enter at RM9. By the time it hit RM2. U also give up hope liao. Just like those that entered at RM9.

U guy know what I'm talking.


2021-09-07 22:15 | Report Abuse

Those that realize what I'm talking that already exit by feb, they manage to recover their glove losses from some other place.

Then those that enter after Aug, and continue averaging up until Dec and refuse to cut loss now...

What's there to say? Best of luck until next epidemic lo.


2021-09-07 22:11 | Report Abuse

RHB's analyst TP RM30. My response when I read that report was "f*cking irresponsible".

My advice to my buddies then was, don't be greedy. Exit by December. Cos prospect will start to decline from there onwards. Else, u will caught in a situation. Asking yourself that if RM10 didn't sell, now sell at RM8 st#pid ar? When drop to RM 6, you ask yourself RM 8 didn't sell, now sell at RM6, u st#pid ar? Wait ha wait ha, RM3.7 liao lo.

Now talking from hindsight, it's ONLY st#pid not to sell at RM8 or RM6.

But I can say now quite low liao, no point selling. But I can't tell for sure it won't go lower.
At least risk to lose is less. But prospect to gain isn't there either.


2021-09-07 21:55 | Report Abuse

U guys must be wondering how the hell TG can get to RM26? Answer is simple.

Influx of noob last year May. Which they hv no idea what they are buying.
Every 10 years crises, new batch of anchovies come into market for slaughter.

If you don't believe, let's ask how many here open their CDS account last year put up ur hand!

Cos, I'm sure as hell those seasoned investor would either not touch it with 10ft or already left.


2021-09-07 19:33 | Report Abuse

Trivial matter, but 3 months cannot settle…

Now what? EY another shoplot auditor is it?

Already tell CEO what to do…start SD auditing firm…
SD pays SD to pay SD…account audited by SD auditor…

Best asset growing strategy..ll


2021-09-07 19:28 | Report Abuse

By the time becomes 4sen, u also say its strong la…

What price before u say its rubbish?


Beautyseeker Only naysayerd always said that SD will fall

But yet til now, SD still mantain at 0.40

Prove that the co is strong


2021-09-07 16:09 | Report Abuse

Later do share consolidation, u can average down again from 25sen to 2.5sen again…


2021-09-06 20:24 | Report Abuse

hv been monitoring since RM7. Many supporter hv left. TSLWC also left.

if drop below RM3 after QR. I wonder if ular is gonna stay...


2021-09-03 10:04 | Report Abuse

Learning how low even a company with supernormal profit can wipe 60B off its market cap. This is not smtg u see everyday.

Serba only wipe 4B from auditing issue. TG wipe 60B just on relatively poor prospect.
Genetec shot up 600% by claiming EV.

Market gambles on prospect. Even TG give 50sen dividend, all that will happen is ppl take 50sen and leave.


2021-09-03 09:36 | Report Abuse

Those buy in Rm4 lost 18sen liao…ular lost 70sen…

Full year 60sen dividend will still lose 10sen. This is what happen buying declining prospect.
Turns out my first mistake too.


2021-09-02 16:46 | Report Abuse

Selangor now drop to 4K. Mostly mild symptoms with vaccine. Foreign country building their own glove factory to reduce reliance on Malaysia

Where does this leaves most gloves counter in Malaysia?

Ular not wrong. Can pancut many times. But 2nd normally pancut far less than the first time.

So, maybe up to 4.5 and drop below RM3 after than. Then mati pucuk there after just like covid.


2021-09-01 18:27 | Report Abuse

if shortist covering their position also don't go up. Can u imagine if no shortist covering and continue to short. Not need JPM macai also price drop below RM3.5.

UlarSawa Siapa tak tau kira one. Sell cheap cheap lah. Shortists happy lah. Shortist pun takut ASP tak turun mendadak lagi. kena bayar interest lagi. thats why keep buying back saham. Shortists nett buyer lah. Correct?
01/09/2021 12:16 PM


2021-08-31 11:56 | Report Abuse

bila JPM announce TP 3.5 bila TG RM7. I pon tak percaya.

semua cakap JPM gila. tengok skrg…semua senyap.

UlarSawa Congratulation to you again. Today hit you old TP again. It show that you also very panlai punya Tukang Tilik lah. From dunno how many rm hit your TP RM4 in july twice. Aug last day hit again your TP4.00. You hit 3 times leh. You are much better Tukang Tilik than JPM analist satu kali pun takda hit TP with so many Macai and pom pom girls day and nite pun mari condemn King Of Gloves Taikor in Gloves industry leh. Correct?


2021-08-31 11:50 | Report Abuse

Ular oh ular…Ur Entry RM4.50 get 18sen dividend masih rugi 32sen itu hakikat. Tak perlu jadi JPM macai untuk mengetahui hakikat ini. Hanya yg buta hati enggan terima hakikat ini.

Now, TG is cheap. But prospect isn’t great. Klu mei tahun lepas. RM4 CHEAPPPPP.
but skrg, kes 20K. 97% category 1 & 2. Home quarantine. Pikir elok2. Bukak mata. Jgn buta.

u mau TG naik…u jd menteri batal ESG, cakap sama itu Biden bli semua glove TG dan letupkan kilang di China. Jgn lupa cipta Covid 2.0. Then TG RM9.

bli khind pon bagus sudah limit up.

UlarSawa Apa lah. You ni Anti TopGlove ke. Cakapa you bukan JPM macai lagi. Betul ke. Correct?


2021-08-30 19:21 | Report Abuse

Aduyai...suspense btul! Bila mau keluar report ni?