
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2021-07-01 16:02 | Report Abuse

RJ87 I can feel rr88's pain.

Cut loss 15K, could hv made 100K...sh*t....
01/07/2021 3:47 PM


2021-07-01 15:47 | Report Abuse

I can feel rr88's pain.

Cut loss 15K, could hv made 50K...sigh....

News & Blogs

2021-07-01 10:35 | Report Abuse

Simple questions expecting simple answers...

What is the settlement value? And if selling 6sen is a good call?
Expecting simple answer, no beating around the bush if you capable of any decent discussion.

Now, u know what I'm talking about and why the fella sold 5sen.
If u insist on upside is better why didn't you hold until expiry?

You ARE betting what price TENAGA will end up in June. Else, u really don't what you are doing here. "I said equal chance for the mother share to go both direction"...Hahahahahha, this is not betting. Then, do enlighten what is this? Joker betul.


2021-07-01 09:51 | Report Abuse

when it was RM7. JP Morgan TP 3.5 seems very impossible...

Looking at the price now, sighhhh....nothing is impossible in bursa de casino...


2021-06-30 15:59 | Report Abuse

fuyoh…if rr88 didn’t cut loss. No need lose 15K….

my point is…what rr88 know la…


2021-06-30 14:54 | Report Abuse

tell me who in i3 can't do what rr88?

Day day buy day low, day day sell day high. If people watching only he admits he f#cked up.
No ppl watching, he suddenly become millionaire. Sigh.

Anyway, it's fun blowing water. =D
Don't angry ya? As u blow water, bubble appears. I can't help to pop it only.


2021-06-30 14:49 | Report Abuse

Scared like Lonbis. Choco roll don't leave one box to u retail investor. All cannibalized and pay creditors first.


2021-06-30 14:48 | Report Abuse

What makes me so bearish on Serba is series of Karim's bad decisions.
There is nothing left if he pursue this path.

He brought upon himself the loss of RM1.5B personal wealth and together with are Funds and retail investors.

If there is another PC, my only question to him will be, Serba Dinamik own 49% of the company awarding the RM7.7B to Serba Dinamik. You don't find nothing wrong with this? How many more SD's contract is done is this manner? How many billions of the remaining orderbook is like this?

Then I see what's left to salvage. My concern is, after settling with creditors, there will be nothing left.


2021-06-30 14:37 | Report Abuse

look at the volume...those just enter today or yesterday pray it's up on T+2...else, they hv to cut loss or pick up.

After picking up, they hv to continue praying. Now, where these wishful thinking going to leads u to with no evidence of things will turn out better? WHat are the odds EY gonna come out with different conclusion as reported by KPMG?

Let's say EY agrees with KPMG, there will be CBT, someone go to jail for it, huge impairment.
After all this only u consider entering. Else, don't bother. There is nothing great to look forward to in short term.


2021-06-30 14:30 | Report Abuse


I'm waiting u to report 240K profit le. So far cabut?
What happen 74sen and all ur funny funny calculation?

all into the bin, the drain and the wind. 15K loss. Yesterday if u sell at 39sen, that's 50K profit.
Now from 50K profit to 15K loss...master of technical my #ass. =P

rr88 In case u missed it, i sold oredy arr this morning at 0.325 for 0.015 loss.

Dont dream of 3 wives for too long arr, you might lose your current 1 wife.
30/06/2021 2:21 PM


2021-06-29 17:04 | Report Abuse

Siapa lg? Short seller la. Jual 39sen beli balek 32sen. Apa tak bagus?
Otto360 Question is who absorbs the selling ??
29/06/2021 4:58 PM


2021-06-29 16:42 | Report Abuse

This happens all the time. Normally, very well patched with auditors help. Especially, auditors like KPMG (tell me which big scale f*ck up don't involve the Big 4). They know how to patch fraud very well. As long it's patched, u can't call it a fraud can u? As long as cashflow remains solvent, ppl won't come digging.

My benefit of doubt was, why is it done so poorly that makes me give benefit of doubt maybe it's not.

i3lurker I previously said possible "Circle Fraud"


2021-06-29 16:31 | Report Abuse

Now want buy, can buy. EPF pang kang liao.

No 50000 per queue. When u see these queue, those put fake support want cancel queue also tak sempat.


2021-06-29 16:29 | Report Abuse

After hearing that statement, it burned all benefit of doubt that I give SD.

U see, after Karim owns SCIB and KPOWER, all 3 companies hv double digit growth.
Now, Karim says SD owns the company paying SD is "NOTHING WRONG".

It raises all eyebrows, how many of ur customer like this one? How many SD, Kpower, SCIB's customer like this one?
i3lurker this Block 7 ownership case will make Serba extremely credibility challenged.


2021-06-29 15:59 | Report Abuse

"Together with the group’s high net gearing of 77% currently, the likelihood of securing full financial support for the huge US$1.7bil (RM7.4bil) contract awarded in April 2020 to engineer, procure and construct an IT-focused innovation hub in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) now appears uncertain after recent revelations that SERBA HAS AN EFFECTIVE 49% STAKE IN THE PROJECT OWNDER, Block 7 Investments."

This...this destroyed Serba Dinamik. Last time only rumours. Until the dumb CEO confirms it.
CEO and whoever give this dumb idea should be brought to the back of the barn and shot. Still dare to say nothing wrong.

"It's not fraud, it's just left pocket masuk right pocket. Nothing wrong. Time to do auditing satu profit boleh report 2 kali. That's very good for the investor." ~ gaban level Tajuddin saje boleh beri jawapan macam ni.


2021-06-29 14:26 | Report Abuse

Understand this. SD in OMS/OnG is a solid business. Wanna say whole 18B is fake is unfair.
Likely some are fake and needed to be written off. Remove those between 2019-2020, should hv quite alot left one.

This can only happen if the person responsible putting it there gets fired. New helm of management go back to basic. Don't try to be Elon Musk if you are not smart enough. Then got chance.

newbie128 Rj87 could be privatised you get a pile of shit like debt instead of money? Who want to hold a pile of shit right ? Better give it to public hold hehehehe
29/06/2021 2:20 PM


2021-06-29 14:21 | Report Abuse

No arrr...They are liable to be prosecuted at the point the crime was committed. Resigning doesn't mean the problem pass to new INED. As long as new INED don't participate in the cover up, they will be safe.

Right thing for INED to do is...WRITE OFF THE DAMM FAKE BOOK la. Especially from Block 7 LLC crap. Keep the squeky clean one on the book. Then, people will move on. U go defend the Block 7, u might sink the whole ship.
newbie128 Bobvic96 thats why directors run run hahaha. One look at the accounting book even director fees not worth it if need go jail hiak hiak.
29/06/2021 2:16 PM


2021-06-29 14:14 | Report Abuse

Get a scape goat for 1-2mil. Privatise with 1B and get to keep 12B orderbook, assuming 6B are fake.Busuk2 also got 1-2B profit in the horizon.

Just, I pity rr88...RM340K -----> 100K?
However, if fraud has been perpetrated within Serba as a listed company, those responsible have committed a criminal offence and are liable whether the company goes private or not. They may even be in a worse position if privatised as shareholders may have more grounds to sue.


2021-06-29 14:10 | Report Abuse

For me, this is the biggest redflag. Given her profile, if really SD is innocent, she wouldn't hv run so far and so fast. KPMG which series of history signing crooks account also don't wanna sign SD's book.

And also, the skema shop lot auditor no ball type dare not break the law one don't want sign I can understand. But this KPMG always sign crooks book one don't wan't sign. You guys really don't it troubling enough?


Head of Section at Companies Commission of Malaysia (July 2008-December 2009);
Prosecuting Officer at Securities Commission of Malaysia (February 2001-June 2008).


2021-06-29 14:01 | Report Abuse

tak pe...yg KPMG boleh terima tu andaikan "ada" la. kami tunggu hasil Independent Review. Tengok RM4B yg dipertikaikan, apa yg ade, apa yg tak de. Then, baru buat valuation.


2021-06-29 13:58 | Report Abuse

"Serba Dinamik was doing well with an RM18 billion order book."

KPMG: Mana ini RM18B?
Ilyas: "the companies were not answering because it was not regulatory for them to reply,”

"RM6 billion turnover and RM1 billion profit."

KPMG: Mana ini RM1B profit in trade receivables? Siapa hutang SD? Bila mau bayar?
Ilyas: "the companies were not answering because it was not regulatory for them to reply,”

Shareholder: "Ada u bohong pasal speaking to Bursa and SC?".
Ilyas: "I'm not answering because it was not regulatory for me to reply,”

Ini style u handle crises, semua tak mau jawab. U expect public trust? Really?

Only way back to normal is EY jumpa that 18B and 1B profit somewhere in arab desert. Else, all EY gonna say....mmg takde la semua ni...


2021-06-29 12:13 | Report Abuse

In ur experience, how soon can EY clear SD on the independent review?

Cos, whatever that's happening...insolvency is gonna be a real threat now.

Enilec Mak A reply to RJ87.

EY is not going to be the auditor. Their role is just Independent Reviewer of the poins KPMG brought up. As of todate, SD has no auditor.


2021-06-29 12:05 | Report Abuse

Don't forget the true value can be ZERO.

U hv to understand the threat the SD is facing. INSOLVENCY.

When SD get downgraded, not easy to get loan. Where do SD look for money to finance operating cash when ur coffer is almost empty. PP and RI at this price and sentiment, do u think anyone will buy it?

U want PP 35sen, buy off market also can get 35sen. PP 25sen, will tank the price straight to 25sen. My question to u is where SD gonna look for money to finance the operation for next 3-6months before EY can clear them off? Where?

U see Hin Leong Group. Saudi and Russia fall out in Mac, oil price tank to 0. By april, 2020. HSBC, JP and few other banks up his #ass. By april,2020, Hin Leong file for bankruptcy protection. But if O.K Lim has the cash to meet his margin calls...he would made ALOT of money. But that's the thing, TIME is not on his side.

In this case, TIME IS NOT on SD's side. If KPMG still their auditor. Got chance.
Now, fire KPMG, and EY to restart. No guarantee EY won't come to same conclusion as KPMG. Karim had just buried SD without him knowing i think.

Steady Punpipi If most of us buy and hold ....sooner or later the price will reflects SD true valuation
29/06/2021 11:52 AM


2021-06-29 11:52 | Report Abuse

U listen to interview of EPF CEO. That guy not bad one...

Their SAA investment strategy quite solid one. Large bulk of their investment not in Malaysia.
Alot of local companies "kaw beh kaw bu" that EPF don't support them. EPF's response is, if u don't meet my risk profile, I can't invest in you.

If u want to track their performance. U hv to track all their entries and whole portfolio.
Each tranches of investment they make from beginning of times. In all, they make decent return.

Imagine they own QL 10 years ago, KLK 15 years ago or Public Bank, Tenaga or Petronas 15-20 years ago? U guys only make reference to things u remember. At best mar 3 months nia.

I bet most gambler here don't even know Bursa works until last year May. Surge of naïve achovies.
Remisier have register 15-30 accounts per day if compared to 15-30 account per month last May.


2021-06-29 11:19 | Report Abuse

We all know KPMG always sign off company with books full of #shit all the time.
Despite being sued multiple times, they still manage to keep themselves as one of the BIG 4.

What makes SD look so bad is KPMG who is full of #shit also DON'T wanna sign SD's book...
Does that mean SD's book exceed KPMG #shit threshold that they can't sign?


2021-06-29 11:10 | Report Abuse

rr88, from 50K profit make down to 5K profit....*aiyoyo

U better stick to ur first in first out la...normally, u make claims that enter 32.5sen, exit 39sen. that's a whopping 65K profit in a morning.


2021-06-29 10:28 | Report Abuse

rr88, 50K profit....*wink wink


2021-06-29 10:02 | Report Abuse

congrats rr88....make back 35K dy


2021-06-29 09:26 | Report Abuse

Sifu day day buy day low, day dqy sell day high also stuck dy.

When volatility subside, its gonna be everyday drop 1-2sen until 20sen n join sapura.


rr88 Normal lar. When the downward momentum was big. It takes some time for this uturn to complete. Do nothing. Hold.
29/06/2021 9:21 AM


2021-06-28 00:40 | Report Abuse

fact that Meow meow is still here, she isn't all that bad....

not easy to lose this much money and she is still here...like pak tua and meow meow....
I don't agree with all that they do, but they are still here...Like me...

That alone is something worth respect for me. If u hv the guts to endure what we did, then I give u the respect like I do for them.


2021-06-28 00:35 | Report Abuse

Why everyone come attack meow meow....she buy is her problem la...

U don't want buy, then stay far far away la....Why come kacau her?

She has alot to lose u blow ar? She sell #pussy worth more than u sell #dick u blow ar?

U guys really cross multiple counter just to attack her....c'mon...be gentlemen abit....


2021-06-26 03:59 | Report Abuse

Why are you awake? Not that u can get a cheap deal 9am tmr. =D
Wirajati Aww noty boy :)
26/06/2021 3:55 AM


2021-06-26 03:57 | Report Abuse

Admit mistakes, incur some impairment. Fire the 3 stooges. Done.

It's just that easy. All jobs will be saved.
Otto360 No need to quarrel in this chat group & respect others opinion. BUY if u have the confidence that the price can go up. If not than just let others take the risks. I still remember when dayang share fell below 60 cents ppl said it would drop to 30 cents but that never happened. In fact dayang share price has remained stable. For SD I hope it can recover as is very pity & sorry if this situation getting worsen as it would also affect the livelihood of the SD Workers & our economy indirectly. Let's pray for the best
26/06/2021 2:12 AM


2021-06-26 03:54 | Report Abuse

Sorry Meow meow, just a notti jab. Don't be angry at me.


2021-06-26 03:54 | Report Abuse

It's Friday...and it's time for physical activities with no stress...

When comes weekdays, really no mood for it with anxiety if I'm holding serba.=D

If meow meow a woman, she must be damm dry now. How u rub also won't get her moist.


2021-06-26 03:43 | Report Abuse


Woah...this is just the beginning. Still alot of ding dong...

Audentes Fortuna Iuvat....WA 5 sen...I commit 20K. Cut loss 2 years later. =P
noah LEARN from past mistake of other investors losing their hard earned money
26/06/2021 2:20 AM


2021-06-26 03:36 | Report Abuse

I don't believe the whole 18B orderbook is bogus...But if SD fails to raise enough cash to finance the legit 10-12B orderbook given current circumstances....EVERYTHING TURNS INTO SHIT.

Open ur eyes big big...if me on the helm, I let price tank to 20sen. I get Sarawak state government to finance my privatisation and cashflow for the legit 10-12B. 15 years legal battle for my scape goat. Pay 1-2mil in fines, 10-15mil in compensation to the goat. Nobody remembers who is Karim or Serba Dinamik. I cash in on the business that public financed.


2021-06-26 03:20 | Report Abuse

ahahahaha....Karim get his #dick studded with pearl and the operation cost is 50K makes his #dick worth 50K is it? Will u pay for his #dick for 50K? U will pay what's its worth to you. WHICH IS NOTHING. It's has nothing to do with NTA.

But if he sells the Patek for 50K, i take any time...I'm sure there will be a bidding war also. So, the NTA RM1? Depends on what. Patek and Studded #dick worth differently in the market although the book CLAIMS to worth RM50K each.

kfbusjd unless everything is fake or then everything is fine. Nta rm1 share price 40sen.
26/06/2021 12:07 AM


2021-06-25 21:13 | Report Abuse

I think if they fire Shafee, monday got chance close green....Else, NO CHANCE.


2021-06-25 21:13 | Report Abuse

I will take bigger position at WA....when mother share hit 20-25sen, warrant should be around 3-5sen....sapu 20K and forget it...

2 years can't settle...20K gone...if can settle, 20K willl be become easily 150-200K

I don't believe SD is worth nothing. It's just 2020's business got problem. Will need some impairment and the 3 stooges fired.


2021-06-25 21:10 | Report Abuse

i also sailing....let me check with my remiser what's the smallest lot I can go...

100 shares not small enough....hahahhaha


2021-06-25 21:02 | Report Abuse

Noob spotted. Itu QR unaudited one la...

Lu ingat every QR auditor sign off one is it?

sam8888 Thinking thinking, no auditor but can submit QR report…. Can believe?
25/06/2021 8:40 PM


2021-06-25 18:27 | Report Abuse

Still remember i said EPF, haven't start dumping when it was 90sen.

If they do, it's gonna be far worse than armada free fall from 70sen to 20sen...that's without the CEO cooking the book. Now with CEO suspected of cooking the book...Dunno when the bloodbath gonna end.


2021-06-25 18:24 | Report Abuse

What we hv now? Ilyas lied about speaking to SC and Bursa. CEO lied about dividend.
Now, only left one stooges haven't lie yet...let's see what he is gonna say next...


2021-06-25 18:03 | Report Abuse

How he knows nothing wrong if he didn't even know what's wrong.

SD pays SD which later pay SD. Nothing wrong.
klse888 Karim already stop to purchase the share? By right he should top up more at this price (very much undervalue) if he confident SD got nothing wrong
25/06/2021 5:59 PM


2021-06-25 17:48 | Report Abuse

Long list of people with gaji buta.

Lee_CK Decision is out now.

25/06/2021 5:42 PM


2021-06-25 17:40 | Report Abuse

music has stop....

Buy ticket at 35sen later for ur ride in 2023....


2021-06-25 17:18 | Report Abuse

Shhhhhh....why burst people's bubble...
Who knows 2 months later, he is the new billionaire in Malaysia. =D

ggcomliao Sap sap water la hor last week 600k this week 1 mil already, best bilis in i3 forum, i give u tropi


2021-06-25 16:27 | Report Abuse

Accidentally dragged into this #shit show is CMS


2021-06-25 15:26 | Report Abuse

U quite steady la. I give that to u...

Personally, at the moment....upside is too little for the risk...

This counter. Cheap can go cheaper.

rr88 Lost 25k plus brokerage
25/06/2021 3:20 PM