
Ranger | Joined since 2013-03-19

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2013-05-02 14:43 | Report Abuse

Jamesdean...please to back home and ask your parents to teach you some basic manners when talking to people. Probably your beloved mum n dad forgotten to impart this knowledge. Bingo, jacko too...all need to learn basic manners before involving in "kids" politics.

News & Blogs

2013-05-02 14:24 | Report Abuse

Jamesdean..go take a nap la...I'm sleepy "talking" to walnuts...

News & Blogs

2013-05-02 14:22 | Report Abuse

There u are. Just like most Pakatan supporters. Probably Jamesdean did not receive proper home education on mannerism from parents...poor u jamesdean. Pity u lah


2013-05-02 14:20 | Report Abuse

Ken Loo..when your kids are grown up, u all can contest for DUN and MP like like your leaders...happy? All of u can run Putrajaya and the nation collapse...

News & Blogs

2013-05-02 14:17 | Report Abuse


Calon DAP Cederakan Calon MCA Di Kuala Kubu Baru

May 1, 2013

Calon wanita DAP mula tunjuk samseng. Kita memang tahu bahawa DAP yang berfahaman ala komunis semestinya agresif dalam tindak tanduk mereka. Namun begitu kita tidak pernah terlintas bahawa calon sendiri mampu dan sanggup mencederakan lawannya secara terbuka.

Jessie Ooi merupakan calon MCA untuk kerusi DUN Kuala Kubu Baru telah membuat laporan polis bahawa beliau dicederakan oleh lawannya calon DAP Lee Kee Hiong (bekas setpol Lim Kit Siang) semasa mengadakan “walkabout” di pasar malam pada hari isnin baru-baru ini.

Ianya merupakan saat-saat yang cukup mencemaskan apabila calon MCA terpaksa berhadapan dengan calon DAP yang cukup samseng. Jessie Ooi telah membuat laporan polis pada hari selasa. Bahu beliau telah cedera dalam kejadian tersebut. Beliau telah mendapatkan rawatan di Hospital KKB.

Menurut Jessie Ooi , para penyokongnya yang terdiri kebanyakkannya wanita telah berjabat tangan dengan penduduk disamping memberi risalah semasa mereka bertembung dengan kumpulan calon DAP tersebut.

“Saya menghulurkan tangan bersalam dengan Lee dan bergambar bersama untuk pihak akhbar.”

“Tetapi semasa bersalaman, tangan kiri Lee telah menolak bahu Jessie secara berterusan. Waktu ini calon DAP tersenyum dan mencabar saya berdebat dengan beliau.

“Saya beritahu bahawa ini hanya membuang masa. Lee terus menerus menolak bahu saya. Ibu saya melihat kelakuan Lee oleh itu beliau menarik saya dari ditolak oleh Lee”

Memandangkan penyokong Lee kebanyakkannya lelaki maka saya telah berundur dan pulang ke pejabat MCA di bandar.

Beliau menyedari bahawa bahunya sakit dan merah. Apabila Lee dihubungi maka dia pun telah membuat laporan polis. Menurutnya beliau sekadar menepuk bahu Jessie sahaja.

Rencana The Star (30 April 2013) di bawah.

GE13: BN’s Jessie Ooi claims shoulder injury caused by DAP opponent

HULU SELANGOR: Jessie Ooi, Barisan Nasional’s candidate for the Kuala Kubu Baharu seat, claimed that she was injured after being “pushed about” by DAP’s Lee Kee Hiong during a walkabout at the night market on Monday

Ooi, 34, lodged a police report on Tuesday claiming that her shoulder was bruised in the incident. She sought treatment at the KKB Hospital.

Ooi said she and her supporters, mostly women, were shaking hands with residents and distributing flyers when they met Lee’s group.

“I offered my hand to Lee and we shook hands and posed for the press photographers.

“But while we were shaking hands, her (Lee’s) left hand kept pushing at my shoulder. During this time, Lee was smiling and challenged me to a debate.

“I told her it was a waste of time and she continued pushing at my shoulder. My mother saw Lee doing this and pulled me away,” Ooi told The Star.

Ooi said since Lee’s supporters were mostly men, she left the place and returned to the MCA office in town.

She said she realised that her shoulder was painful and noticed that it was red.

When contacted, Lee said she had also reported the matter to the police.

Lee said she had only “tapped” Ooi on the shoulder.

Besides the two, Yoong Tham Fook, Pritpal Singh Mender Singh and Nadarajah Subramaniam are contesting as Independents in the state seat.-the star

Sebelum ini DAP pernah bertindak samseng terhadap seorang warga emas bernama Simon Thong. Beliau berumur 62 tahun menceritakan bagaimana beliau telah dibuli.

Kata Cikgu Simon ““After my police report, they hung 20 posters of me at the boomgate and on the fence in front of my house. The posters have been there 9 days, and counting… It’s character defamation, of course. “No, things are not getting better. Still, this is my home and I won’t be chased out.”

Manakala DAP juga turut mengertak media “ “My wife and I are alone,deep inside Taman Kaya. [...] Only my wife and I stay here.Neither my children nor my grandchildren are allowed to come within 500 meters of this danger zone. That is our decision: to protect them from danger. Even former students have been urged not to visit as we fear for their safety. This Christmas and then, Chinese New Year, will be quiet festivals: nobody is coming.”

Budaya samseng yang menjadi asas perjuangan DAP patut dihapuskan bagi membolehkan rakyat Malaysia hidup dengan aman sejahtera. Mereka yang menjadi penyambung pemberontakan komunis di Tanah Melayu harus dibendung dengan sekeras-kerasnya.


2013-05-02 14:17 | Report Abuse


Calon DAP Cederakan Calon MCA Di Kuala Kubu Baru

May 1, 2013

Calon wanita DAP mula tunjuk samseng. Kita memang tahu bahawa DAP yang berfahaman ala komunis semestinya agresif dalam tindak tanduk mereka. Namun begitu kita tidak pernah terlintas bahawa calon sendiri mampu dan sanggup mencederakan lawannya secara terbuka.

Jessie Ooi merupakan calon MCA untuk kerusi DUN Kuala Kubu Baru telah membuat laporan polis bahawa beliau dicederakan oleh lawannya calon DAP Lee Kee Hiong (bekas setpol Lim Kit Siang) semasa mengadakan “walkabout” di pasar malam pada hari isnin baru-baru ini.

Ianya merupakan saat-saat yang cukup mencemaskan apabila calon MCA terpaksa berhadapan dengan calon DAP yang cukup samseng. Jessie Ooi telah membuat laporan polis pada hari selasa. Bahu beliau telah cedera dalam kejadian tersebut. Beliau telah mendapatkan rawatan di Hospital KKB.

Menurut Jessie Ooi , para penyokongnya yang terdiri kebanyakkannya wanita telah berjabat tangan dengan penduduk disamping memberi risalah semasa mereka bertembung dengan kumpulan calon DAP tersebut.

“Saya menghulurkan tangan bersalam dengan Lee dan bergambar bersama untuk pihak akhbar.”

“Tetapi semasa bersalaman, tangan kiri Lee telah menolak bahu Jessie secara berterusan. Waktu ini calon DAP tersenyum dan mencabar saya berdebat dengan beliau.

“Saya beritahu bahawa ini hanya membuang masa. Lee terus menerus menolak bahu saya. Ibu saya melihat kelakuan Lee oleh itu beliau menarik saya dari ditolak oleh Lee”

Memandangkan penyokong Lee kebanyakkannya lelaki maka saya telah berundur dan pulang ke pejabat MCA di bandar.

Beliau menyedari bahawa bahunya sakit dan merah. Apabila Lee dihubungi maka dia pun telah membuat laporan polis. Menurutnya beliau sekadar menepuk bahu Jessie sahaja.

Rencana The Star (30 April 2013) di bawah.

GE13: BN’s Jessie Ooi claims shoulder injury caused by DAP opponent

HULU SELANGOR: Jessie Ooi, Barisan Nasional’s candidate for the Kuala Kubu Baharu seat, claimed that she was injured after being “pushed about” by DAP’s Lee Kee Hiong during a walkabout at the night market on Monday

Ooi, 34, lodged a police report on Tuesday claiming that her shoulder was bruised in the incident. She sought treatment at the KKB Hospital.

Ooi said she and her supporters, mostly women, were shaking hands with residents and distributing flyers when they met Lee’s group.

“I offered my hand to Lee and we shook hands and posed for the press photographers.

“But while we were shaking hands, her (Lee’s) left hand kept pushing at my shoulder. During this time, Lee was smiling and challenged me to a debate.

“I told her it was a waste of time and she continued pushing at my shoulder. My mother saw Lee doing this and pulled me away,” Ooi told The Star.

Ooi said since Lee’s supporters were mostly men, she left the place and returned to the MCA office in town.

She said she realised that her shoulder was painful and noticed that it was red.

When contacted, Lee said she had also reported the matter to the police.

Lee said she had only “tapped” Ooi on the shoulder.

Besides the two, Yoong Tham Fook, Pritpal Singh Mender Singh and Nadarajah Subramaniam are contesting as Independents in the state seat.-the star

Sebelum ini DAP pernah bertindak samseng terhadap seorang warga emas bernama Simon Thong. Beliau berumur 62 tahun menceritakan bagaimana beliau telah dibuli.

Kata Cikgu Simon ““After my police report, they hung 20 posters of me at the boomgate and on the fence in front of my house. The posters have been there 9 days, and counting… It’s character defamation, of course. “No, things are not getting better. Still, this is my home and I won’t be chased out.”

Manakala DAP juga turut mengertak media “ “My wife and I are alone,deep inside Taman Kaya. [...] Only my wife and I stay here.Neither my children nor my grandchildren are allowed to come within 500 meters of this danger zone. That is our decision: to protect them from danger. Even former students have been urged not to visit as we fear for their safety. This Christmas and then, Chinese New Year, will be quiet festivals: nobody is coming.”

Budaya samseng yang menjadi asas perjuangan DAP patut dihapuskan bagi membolehkan rakyat Malaysia hidup dengan aman sejahtera. Mereka yang menjadi penyambung pemberontakan komunis di Tanah Melayu harus dibendung dengan sekeras-kerasnya.


2013-05-02 14:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by andychucky28 > May 2, 2013 12:52 PM | Report Abuse

STOP all corruption, cronyism and conman from UNMO!


Isn't this cronyism and nepotism? Then, what do you call this?....Family business? Hahahhaa

P 022 – Pasir Mas – Nik Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz (PAS)
N 6 - Chempaka - Nik Aziz

P 162 – Gelang Patah – Lim Kit Siang
P 043 – Bagan – Lim Guan Eng

P 044 – Permatang Pauh – Anwar Ibrahim
P 121 – Lembah Pantai –Nurul Izzah Anwar

P 051 – Bukit Gelugor – Karpal Singh
P 103 – Puchong – Gobind Singh Deo


2013-05-02 14:08 | Report Abuse

Ibrahim Ali Dakwa Nik Aziz Dan Isteri Dapat Tanah Jutaan Ringgit


Oleh: Zul Rawi

Gempar sebelum pilihan raya menjelang kurang dari lima hari lagi. Calon bebas Parlimen Pasir Mas, Datuk Ibrahim Ali telah membuat pendedahan dan kenyataan yang mendakwa Nik Aziz. Menurut Tok Him, Nik Aziz telah menggunakan kedudukan beliau sebagai MB untuk mendapatkan beberapa lot tanah yang dianggarkan berjuta ringgit.

Namun, beliau tidak berhasrat untuk melaporkan perkara ini kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM). Walau bagaimanapun, Datuk Ibrahim Ali akan bekerjasama dengan SPRM sekiranya pihak tersebut ingin menjalankan siasatan keatas perkara tersebut.

Inilah orang cakap, cakap siang pandang-pandang, cakap malam dengar-dengar. Kalau tidak sebelum ini pembangkang tak kira siapa pun ligat mengata orang UMNO dan BN ni kuat makan harta rakyat. Sekarang ini, tuhan bayar cash. Tak kira lah siapa pun dia itu. Tau-tau TGNA pun ambil kesempatan juga mengumpul harta sementara masih menjadi MB Kelantan.

Ni baru tau, patut pun dah sampai berjuta dia menyimpan harta. Rumah yang sederhana itu mungkin sekadar ingin menutup segala kekayaan dan kemewahan yang didapatkannya itu. Ingat lagi, mereka-mereka ini galak menyalak mencari kesalahan dan mereka kesilapan UMNO dan BN.

Rasanya, semua itu dilakukan bagi menutup apa yang mereka buat lah. Sudahlah memerintah dah berapa abad, sedap pula dia mengumpul harta. Kemajuan apa yang dibawa di Kelantan melainkan projek yang serba tak siap. Berapa banyak masjid yang dibina PAS selain masjid tinggalan binaan BN?

Tak mengapalah, nasib baik Tok Him orang yang gentle man. Tak mahu merosakkan mood mengundi rakyat. Yelah, kalau dibuat laporan sekarang, mau haru juga rakyat Kelantan meleleh air mata kalau terbukti betul harta yang dikumpul TGNA sampai berjuta nilainya.

Nampaknya, Tok Him pun bijak membuat keputusan. Mahu bertanding dan berkempen cara bersih. Beliau juga nampaknya mengambil pendekatan yang baik agar tidak berlaku apa-apa kekacauan melibatkan kedua-dua penyokong parti masing-masing.

Sama-samalah kita berdoa, agar pilihan raya yang bakal berlangsung beberapa hari lagi ini akan berjalan dengan aman dan bersih. Moga apa yang terjadi menjadi satu asas atau ukuran untuk apa yang akan kita lakukan pada masa hadapan.

Pilihlah dengan kewarasan akal dan keluasan minda kalian. Semoga semua rakyat Malaysia memperoleh keamanan selamanya.


2013-05-02 12:41 | Report Abuse


LIM GUAN ENG ABOVE THE LAW???? Penipuan dalam pemilihan ...oleh LGE

Watch http://www.mykmu.net/


2013-05-02 11:37 | Report Abuse

Jawapan Terbuka Pengundi Shah Alam Kepada Lim Guan Eng

May 1, 2013 http://www.mykmu.net/?p=29710

(Kenyataan di bawah terjemahan daripada seorang pengundi Shah Alam Azmi Arshad yang dipaparkan di laman Facebook beliau. )

Ini adalah respon saya terhadap ucapan / emel Lim Guan Eng yang dianggap oleh para penyokongnya sebagai ‘menyentuh perasaan’ dan ‘bertenaga. Saya tidak pasti, di bahagian mana yang mereka anggap sebagai ‘menyentuh perasaan’ itu. Saya sangat berharap agar pilihan raya kali ini akan memihak kepada kita agar kita dapat meneruskan kehidupan seperti biasa.

Sebab itulah saya rasa bertanggungjawab untuk memberi respon bagi menegakkan kebenaran, menolak penipuan, tuduhan, cacian dan separuh kebenaran.

Respon saya ini tidak berhasrat untuk menyinggung sesiapa tetapi hanya mahu menyangkal setiap sindiran, dakwaan dan tuduhan-tuduhan dari LGE. Mungkin dengan kata-kata itulah yang dimaksudkan sebagai ucapan ‘menyentuh hati’; langsung tidak menyatakan sebarang kejayaan Kerajaan selama ini. Saya faham, mungkin itulah politik. Tetapi sebagai rakyat, kita tidak boleh mempercayai pemimpin yang sering melampaui batas atau langsung tidak menghiraukan batas-batas tertentu.

Saya mengubah mana-mana bahagian dalam ucapan/ emel beliau untuk memastikan ia sentiasa ‘menyentuh perasaan’ dan ‘bertenaga’ daripada awal hinggalah akhir:

Kata LGE: “Sejak Merdeka, seramai 2 juta rakyat Malaysia telah berhijrah ke luar negara kerana mereka tidak nampak masa depan masing-masing di Malaysia. Masanya telah tiba untuk kita memastikan agar kehidupan kita tidak dibayangi dengan masa-masa lampau kita yang penuh perasaan benci dan takut. Kita perlu sentiasa memandang ke hadapan dengan harapan dan semangat keharmonian di antara rakyat Malaysia.

Terdapat banyak sebab mengapa ramai rakyat berhijrah. Rakyat dari pelbagai negara berhijrah ke negara lain. Bukan hanya Malaysia. Antara di antaranya yang memilih kehidupan Barat, ada juga yang mahu mendapat pendapatan lumayan, mendapat duit yang lebih cepat, ada juga yang mahu menikmati kehidupan di luar negara, ada yang mengikut pasangan mereka berhijrah, ada yang mencari jodoh, ada yang memilih sistem pendidikan dari negara lain, ada yang melakukannya kerana alasa politik, ada yang mahu melarikan diri dari Ah Long manakala ada juga yang hanya mahukan perubahan dan ada juga yang mahu memaksimumkan perniagaan mereka dan pelbagai alasan lain lagi. (Cari alasan-alasan lain di Google).

Tidak kira apa pun alasan dan punca mereka, adalah sangat menyedihkan apabila anda memberi gambaran kepada rakyat Malaysia yang lain dan masyarakat antarabangsa seolah-olah mereka ditakdirkan tinggal di negara mereka hingga ke akhir hayat mereka. Ini sebenarnya tidak benar sama sekali. Sebetulnya ramai yang meninggalkan negara kerana anda memupuk kebencian dan ketakutan dalam diri mereka.

Kata LGE: “Untuk meletakkan kenangan lampau di belakang kita, politik perkauman dan agama perlu dihentikan.”

Tapi Tuan, anda adalah individu yang bertanggungjawab membangkitkan isu penggunaan kalimah Allah ketika isu itu dilihat semakin dilupakan, walaupun anda tahu yang ia sangat sensitif untuk orang Islam. Kenapa anda masih beria-ia memainkan isu ini? Kenapa tidak mahu menggunakan perkataan ‘Tuhan’ dan masih mahu menggunakan ‘Allah’ dalam kitab Injil berbahasa Melayu?

Kenapa anda mengenepikan sensitiviti umat Islam? Kenapa anda memilih untuk menyinggung perasaan umat Islam? Saya rasa terkejut bila anda menggesa supaya ‘politik perkauman dan agama dihentikan’ sedangkan parti andalah yang sentiasa memainkan strategi berkenaan meskipun anda sering menuding jari kepada BN/UMNO sedangkan mereka hanya mempertahankan setiap tuduhan berunsur provokasi daripada anda.

Kata LGE: Untuk melupakan kenangan lampau, kita perlu menghentikan rasuah.

Saya sangat bersetuju dengan anda bahawa kita perlu mencegah kegiatan rasuah. BN juga bersetuju dengan anda sebab itulah dalam manifesto BN kali ini ada menyatakan bahawa Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) akan bekerja keras untuk memastikan kegiatan rasuah dapat dicegah. Mengapa anda tidak menyokong usaha Kerajaan itu, tetapi sebaliknya sering mengutuk dan memperlekehkan usaha mereka?

Dan kenapa anda tidak melakukan apa-apa ketika DAP di Selangor dikaitkan dengan budaya rasuah yang berleluasa sehingga dikaitkan dengan kematian Teoh Beng Hock? Kenapa DAP tidak membenarkan contoh DNA diambil dari suspek di kalangan ahli DAP yang dikaitkan dengan pembunuhan itu? Kerajaan telah melabur banyak wang ringgit dan masa untuk membersihkan segala-galanya tetapi DAP juga perlu melakukan sesuatu dalam pentadbiran mereka bagi memastikan gejala rasuah dapat dicegah ( di mana tuduhan itu dilemparkan oleh ahli parti anda sendiri terhadap pemimpin tertinggi DAP).

for more...see http://www.mykmu.net/?p=29710


2013-04-30 17:22 | Report Abuse

E&O closed low. What it means? Bearish lah jacko. U think I'm that stupid?

At least, I don't need to go to heaven with your help.

News & Blogs

2013-04-30 17:18 | Report Abuse

Did u see the video on Karpal Singh telling ANWAR to taubat/repent when the latter was DPM/ Finance Minister? Now what happened? That kind of leader u want to take as PM? Catastrophe will befall MALAYSIA should Anwar be taken as new PM....

I am deviant of coz becoz u have taken a wrong leader to lead the nation.

News & Blogs

2013-04-30 16:44 | Report Abuse

50 juta Anwar pun aku tak heran lah. Kamu sanjung lah dia setinggi2 langit. Nak tau kemana kamu semua akan pegi?...tungu masuk ke alam barzakh lah...


2013-04-30 16:34 | Report Abuse

i3fan, that's what they claim about the present govt. They don't even have track records to run a govt. I'm afraid the country will go haywire should they run the federal govt. All they say is 'TRIAL & ERROR'.


2013-04-30 16:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by Jamesdean > Apr 30, 2013 03:53 PM | Report Abuse

Old man Ranger screwed his Babi........did he ask for forgiveness?

Must be your parents who thought u vulgarism.

Akulani, tolong ajar JAMESDEAN berbahasa sikit.


2013-04-30 16:16 | Report Abuse



2013-04-30 16:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by jacko > Apr 30, 2013 11:06 AM | Report Abuse

I hpe tony is not ranger...

Frank Soweto
1981 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > Apr 30, 2013 11:08 AM | Report Abuse

haha if tony is the ranger I better sell my E&O LOL

13 posts

Posted by behindthescene > Apr 30, 2013 11:23 AM | Report Abuse

tony fernandez? lol


hahaha..afraid of own shadow? hahahaha


2013-04-30 16:06 | Report Abuse

Jamesdean, bila masa aku kawin dengan makcik kau? Kau budak hingus baru nak belajar hidup...dah pandai merapu ye? Kesian kamu...


2013-04-30 16:04 | Report Abuse

How to be efficient? People like Jamedean using office time to politicise here. How lah for the PAKATAN GOVT to be efficient like that?..kiddie...like that lah. mother father never thought good manners wan...hhehehehe


2013-04-30 15:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by Jamesdean > Apr 30, 2013 03:46 PM | Report Abuse

Ooh oh another threat......is this what BN is good for.....absolutely nothing ! Kakakaka

Btw, only god can determine where I go...BODOH Babi rider


Jamesdean, u are just like other PR supporters who likes the word BABI, BODOH, PIGS, DOGS, ETC...same like BIngo, Jacko...

Probably u leaned that in early part of your life since birth. Your parents must be the sifu of vulgarism followed by PAKATAN supporters n leaders....

good, good...keep it up.

When u see your mum n dad...say 'BODOH BABI'...to them...

Good boy Jamesdean...u must be honoured the FATHER OF VULGARISM by PAKATAN GOVT.



2013-04-30 15:51 | Report Abuse

whatever lah all kiddies..u all are young kiddies that have got lots to learn in life...

Nasib kau orang lah...


2013-04-30 15:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by Jamesdean > Apr 30, 2013 03:34 PM | Report Abuse

Banglas are for all BN loyalist....they are all yours.....Kakakaka,a

Jamesdean, Jamesdean...no big deal...by humiliating these Banglas, u are heading for hell lah...wanna know y? Wait till u die lah....


2013-04-30 15:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by Jamesdean > Apr 30, 2013 02:32 PM | Report Abuse

Yes BN is about sharing ...we share Banglas!


Share Banglas? which part? front or back?


2013-04-30 15:27 | Report Abuse

This blog has turned lots of people to DUNs & MPs...congrats!!!


2013-04-30 15:25 | Report Abuse

Malaysia boleh...hehehehe


2013-04-30 13:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > Apr 30, 2013 01:16 PM | Report Abuse

Please do not frighten people here, BN dirty tactic does not work in modern society.

Ooi, it's not my intention to scare people. Just sharing my past bitter experience. U ask yourself, why u need all the demonstrations (I call NOT BERSIH) when there's a general election? Do u know who's Anwar Ibrahim? Who brought u all to the streets? Since his student days in Universiti Malaya, he was fond of organising demos and creating public unrest n chaos. Virtually all PAKATAN supporters learned this dirty tactics from him. In reality, and honest, is that clean or bersih? Don't u think demos would lead to chaos? What's the aftermath?



2013-04-30 13:20 | Report Abuse

Posted by kulimchan > Apr 30, 2013 01:01 PM | Report Abuse

大选结果当然会冲击股市。What the PAS dominating government will do

I can expect what the PAS dominating government will do:1: to abolish all Najib policies which are considered as pro China or pro Chinese. Including trade and business policies which are considered favorable to the Chinese only.(Its an open secret that the American support Anwar) 2. Impose stricter control on education ,implement higher quota for bumi in all fields(just like what they did in Kedah) in order to ensure absolute control of Muslim at all level .3.Stricter control of cultural ,entertainment activities …which are considered not conform with Islamic values. 4 Implement the Hudup law and Islamic values at all level.

Can DAP raise objection? No, PAS no need the DAP support to carry out their policies. When PAS become strong in parliament, they can invite those UMNO MPs who are not happy with Najib policies to join them. With the Chinese support, Umno can form government, without the Chinese support, umno members who want to remain in power,the only way is to join PAS.

Don call me BN crony, read the statement by Norman Fenandez(deputy DAP chairman di Johor.) : quoted below,;
The senior DAP leader said “non-Muslims must realise that PAS will do what it has set out to do if it gains power”.
The question for non-Muslims is whether non-Muslims are prepared to risk it all with PAS.}He appeal voters not to vote PAS.
BN is not perfect, but they have extensive experiment in handling multi races and multi religion issues which is most important in a country like Malaysia,do you think PAS people are more liberal than BN?
For me, PAS just care about the Islamic values,they don’t care the so called consultation, compromise. cooperation, understanding, or tolerance …you can see it what happen in Egypt and other countries.

News & Blogs

2013-04-30 13:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by kulimchan > Apr 30, 2013 01:01 PM | Report Abuse

大选结果当然会冲击股市。What the PAS dominating government will do

I can expect what the PAS dominating government will do:1: to abolish all Najib policies which are considered as pro China or pro Chinese. Including trade and business policies which are considered favorable to the Chinese only.(Its an open secret that the American support Anwar) 2. Impose stricter control on education ,implement higher quota for bumi in all fields(just like what they did in Kedah) in order to ensure absolute control of Muslim at all level .3.Stricter control of cultural ,entertainment activities …which are considered not conform with Islamic values. 4 Implement the Hudup law and Islamic values at all level.

Can DAP raise objection? No, PAS no need the DAP support to carry out their policies. When PAS become strong in parliament, they can invite those UMNO MPs who are not happy with Najib policies to join them. With the Chinese support, Umno can form government, without the Chinese support, umno members who want to remain in power,the only way is to join PAS.

Don call me BN crony, read the statement by Norman Fenandez(deputy DAP chairman di Johor.) : quoted below,;
The senior DAP leader said “non-Muslims must realise that PAS will do what it has set out to do if it gains power”.
The question for non-Muslims is whether non-Muslims are prepared to risk it all with PAS.}He appeal voters not to vote PAS.
BN is not perfect, but they have extensive experiment in handling multi races and multi religion issues which is most important in a country like Malaysia,do you think PAS people are more liberal than BN?
For me, PAS just care about the Islamic values,they don’t care the so called consultation, compromise. cooperation, understanding, or tolerance …you can see it what happen in Egypt and other countries.


2013-04-30 13:13 | Report Abuse

If chaos happens, we all suffer as its a lose-lose situation. I went through the 13 May tradegy 1969 and it was painful. The present generation didn't go thru all that. The present generation had been pampered by wealth, prosperity, n most importantly, security. If unchecked, the nation will collapse...we'd lose everything. EVERYONE SUFFERS. The riches will of course fly abroad. If chaos happens, bloodshed everywhere, curfew, inflation skyrockets, animosity here and there, any many many more negatives u can think of.


2013-04-30 12:43 | Report Abuse

OK Ooi...I like your presentation. Probably u are among the best-mannered PAKATAN supporter around.


2013-04-30 12:30 | Report Abuse

Richman..u call yourself "richman". Who created and gave u the wealth? BN govt right? So, don't pretend u never benefitted from the BN govt.


2013-04-30 12:28 | Report Abuse

wahaha...people of your age always lack manners becoz your parents never thought what is actually good manners. That's why people like u are always hot-tempered and rebellious!


2013-04-30 11:38 | Report Abuse

There u are. Kiddie lack manners. Probably that's what your parents had thought u at home since birth.

News & Blogs

2013-04-30 11:37 | Report Abuse

Ooi, don't be over-confident...


2013-04-30 11:34 | Report Abuse

So, no point arguing with kids...


2013-04-30 11:20 | Report Abuse

hey jacko, don't use this blog for your political agenda...



2013-04-30 11:15 | Report Abuse

Hey Jacko kiddie, u can ask your uncles and aunties and whoever they are what happened to PUDU during the tragedy? U young kid talk nuts. U better learns manners before talking to me, OK?


2013-04-30 11:10 | Report Abuse

Jester, jangan jadi anak Melayu biadab!!!


2013-04-30 11:09 | Report Abuse

It was the DAP that caused the 13 may 1969 tradegy. Malaysia prospered under PERIKATAN N BN-led Govt. Now u want to change? Change what? Change those racist and those who lack manners.


2013-04-30 11:07 | Report Abuse

SO, wait for 5 May.


2013-04-30 11:06 | Report Abuse

Jester, whether u ARE a malay or disguise as one, is not my concern. U haven't read the threads in other blogs and what most of the them had said. U only saw the above comments and u dare got the guts to say what I am. Most of them are Chinese n PAKATAN-dominated. Most are racist n use this site to coax people to vote for PAKATAN.

These PAKATAN supporters had deviated and use this site for their political agenda.

Jester, have u gone thru the tragedic 13 May 1969? I was a teenager then.I know u are young. So, don't show your colour. U don't know the real story and I don't have to narrate here. Most of those in this blog are young turks and most of them lack manners. These are the modern Malaysians who lack the knowledge of mannerism. They resought to name calling..pigs lah, babi lah... f u lah and all sorts.

My advice to you is...balik kampung and learn ilmu pondok.


2013-04-30 10:50 | Report Abuse

For a united Malaysian...VOTE BN

For a prosperous MALAYSIA...VOTE BN


2013-04-30 10:44 | Report Abuse



2013-04-30 10:41 | Report Abuse

Should rename this website to i3Chineseinvestor.com....

More appropriate if they want to use Chinese languange...


2013-04-30 10:03 | Report Abuse

U know u did the studies? Sure lah PR supporters. U know who are the respondendts.Sure lah the PR supporters. Do I believe n trust? DEFINITELY NO ler!!!

News & Blogs

2013-04-30 09:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by max8 > Apr 30, 2013 07:42 AM | Report Abuse

Malaysia Needs YOU. VOTE BN



2013-04-30 09:30 | Report Abuse

U all confident huh that PR can take over Putrajaya? The nation had been built by the previous BN leaders. Probably u all want to see Malaysia like Mynmar where the minorities are being suppressed, still happening today. DID THE BN GOVT OR THE BUMIPUTRAS DID THAT TO THE MINORITIES. IF THE BN GOVT IS THAT BAD, U ALL BE DEAD BY NOW.

U all are never thankful.


2013-04-30 09:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by andychucky28 > Apr 30, 2013 08:48 AM | Report Abuse

So much compassion. Shame to BN, party of Barang Naik.


U want BARANG TURUN, u can stay in Thailand n Singapore ler. Even petrol being smuggled into Thailand becoz of the comparatively much lower price here.