
Sami_Value | Joined since 2017-06-20

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2019-01-09 22:04 | Report Abuse

Sell, TM fiber installation got flaw. The bare fiber cable from external to unit can be bitten off by the rats . After complaint came to replace , after replaced same thing happen again. Imagine if you need to call to the customer care to complain every month & ask for the downtime rebate , it is giving more trouble than convenient .

Already told the dump TM”s contractor , if install back bare cable , the rats will bite of f again , use GI conduit la dumb ass & the donkey responded “ boss, underground ducting by developer “. Niamah , developer gave you 100mm diameter PVC, the rats can run inside la dei ! Install the flexible GI to protect the fiber to be bitten by rats la.

Really so stupid , already get so many reports & incidents still sleeping & find no solution.

News & Blogs

2019-01-02 07:59 | Report Abuse

it will force the duit tin milo to come to surface also. a lot of uncles & aunties hide their cash inside their tin milo piggy banks.


2019-01-01 11:39 | Report Abuse

The Boost e-wallet payment appear to me to have captured the major retails base to me at present. The Touch N Go e-wallet by CIMB still way behind.


2018-12-17 18:29 | Report Abuse

大家好, 什么故事 ?


2018-10-14 22:11 | Report Abuse

this kind of question also can ask? give you a few analogies

if housing unit, you like the TNB cable hidden or hanging from poles to poles to your unit like at old kampung houses? or your prefer the TNB incoming from underground concealed , clean & cannot be seen ?

similarly, you like the TM telephone cable hanging from TM poles to poles to your unit or you prefer it is coming underground / concealed and cannot be seen ?

same to railway also, you want it elevated or underground like advance cities of the world ?

building tunnel has it advantages to overall city future planning. At least , the tunnel will not affect those planning above ground.

it is the status of how advance is a country.

You want all those expose & visible one, one say cannot....can senang -senang dahulu, susah-susah kemudian.

Only 20 years down the road, your next generation will curse the current generation how come they are so stupid for not planning the city properly, created so many constraint with elevated railways all over the highly dense city.


2018-10-14 21:42 | Report Abuse

if they terminate it got more series to watch

Penang highway construction beam collapsed , stop work order lor, save some more lor.....maybe if really terminate, the next candidate who take over, later tunnel collapse also, cost escalate > then saving

that time we see how Nobita and 冬瓜 to spin again

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2018-10-14 21:36 | Report Abuse

you talk what you feel is right any without any concrete reference.

the politician also talk using feeling only instead using concrete data

you want to know where TNB tariff stand, read this published by Indonesian

That is where TNB tariff stand ... yes, open up the market, let Malaysia feel how it is like paying tariff like Singapora, Thailand and Indonesia

News & Blogs

2018-10-11 18:03 | Report Abuse

they haven't announce yet, you all already kau beh kau bu here? let them announce it this November 18 1st then only bash la, like that only got fun, see how they u turn later


2018-10-10 21:59 | Report Abuse

Actually their case is very typical case happening most of the time in the industry . Owner engaged questionable checker to check their works . When the non competent assumptions were made known , of course the more experienced party will be at disagreement. The worst part is, when the so called professional 3rd party by right to present in details their judgement, they couldn’t but asked to one being audited to reveal their technical know how to teach the cari makan consultant back . Of course the one being audited will refuse la.

They are leader locally , who else qualify to audit them technically unless the same professional organization completed the same numbers & size of similar nature projects before .


2018-10-10 19:06 | Report Abuse

Not stupid for the Gamuda-MMC to write the letter. They know where they stand very well contractually.

I fully support their decision.


2018-10-10 18:20 | Report Abuse

Finally some professional from industry speak up. Wait la, later you see if the saving really a saving or the so called 4-5 B saving now but later have to pay another 5-6 B out for the legal lawsuits and also the loss and expanses

Aiyo, mana pergi the BN? still sulking after defeated badly GE15?

I tell you what public should do now. Record all the so call saving declared by the current government. We track the overall project cost later upon completion. See really got saving after taking into accounts the legal lawsuits and the loss & expenses claims + the possible V.O by the future contractor.

If ended up more costly - don't let go the donkey who advise the current government wrongly.

Don't let go also the government who are willing to listen to the wrong advise. Government can always check with industries professional, no reason to put the donkey that advise wrongly to take the full blame.

Also to the future contractor, lol. you dare to enter agreement with government now ? kikikikikikiki

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2018-07-21 12:16 | Report Abuse

so now PH admitted GST is efficient tax, so why still continue with SST? because face more important or country more important ?

If the tax return by previously government was flawed due to long duration of refund, can current government look at how other countries are implementing it? No need to go far lar, just look at how Singapore doing it, they refund it on monthly basis.


2018-07-17 18:57 | Report Abuse

korean made. you want the contact? kikikiki


2018-07-17 18:51 | Report Abuse

go ask Samy Vellu lar, why you ask me ?

my name not same mar even though it sound like one but ejaan tak sama la, adui

News & Blogs

2018-07-17 18:38 | Report Abuse

provided the Gelakan warlords can accept him or not. Don't just critize got warlords in UMNO, any political parties also got warlords trying to protect their own interest.

See if they are fight for the good course or for their personal interests. if really for good course, they might make way for him


2018-07-17 18:33 | Report Abuse

red flag....dump this tapioca

owner dumping at the expense of company buyback

News & Blogs

2018-07-17 18:20 | Report Abuse

This is the problem in the politics, they always cull the quality one & let the non quality "yes sir" member to survive

It was a good fight last June for the presidency. He needs to stay.

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2018-07-17 18:14 | Report Abuse

easy to say, try and do it

most got in trouble when trying to fight it, if our own-self got targeted nvm, they sometime target someone close to you

the whole "eco-system" is just too complicated.

the best is still starting from individual - don't give & don't accept, remain silent & remain safe.

News & Blogs

2018-07-04 22:15 | Report Abuse

finally stop work order. it is official.


2018-07-02 22:30 | Report Abuse


hahahaha. wish you all the best. It is ok not to be in the same opinion.

News & Blogs

2018-07-02 22:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by dusti > Jul 2, 2018 10:17 PM | Report Abuse


You mean before nobody knew...........only you got donkey brains? Hahaha


Please direct that to our government. There was attempt to impose tax on the palm oil export & the minimum wage of RM 1500 across the sectors.


2018-07-02 22:18 | Report Abuse

if properties come into play post budget 2019 end of the year, LBS & Matrix should the immediate counters to target


2018-07-02 22:15 | Report Abuse

I heard Tan Sri still at UK since before election wor. How to build confident among investor if like this - owner dare not come back

sure got udang di sebalik batu liao lor - berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah


2018-07-02 21:54 | Report Abuse

the subsidy of RM 20 long time removed already. almost 2-3 years already.


2018-07-02 21:51 | Report Abuse

kikikikiki, you all shouted all day long and only managed to get it closed unchanged ?


2018-07-02 21:50 | Report Abuse

They screwed up on 118, need Bauer to be called in to help their package. That is the RUMOR I heard.

One screwed up, people will forever remember.

News & Blogs

2018-07-02 21:45 | Report Abuse

To raise or not to raise the electrical tariff will have impact to our society

At one hand, we are championing green & sustainable energy for our future generations.

At the other hand, we want dirt cheap electricity tariff until green technologies are not justifiable to be invested due to long ROI period. It is always contradicted with each another.

The immediate normal response from our society who are unaware about the green technologies will definitely opts for cheaper tariffs because they want to save on the utility expenses.

So, how to become developed nation with the sustainability awareness?

Before jumping to conclusion, please do a comparison on the electrical tariff with all the developed nations.

Both the cheap tariff & green technologies can hardly coexist together.

With cheap tariffs, no one will waste money for green technologies except the GLC with social responsibility ( Sime Darby )

With higher tariffs, more public & owner will opts for green technologies but the drawback is the higher tariffs. But the higher tariffs can be offset with the tariff saving from green technologies.

If I were factory operator, of course I'll also protest on the raise.

I think current government should get feedback from public, LAM, ACEM & BEM to get better picture before deciding after gauging the pros and cons.

News & Blogs

2018-07-02 21:23 | Report Abuse

High pay is not an issue la, as long as their pay is justified with the company performance.

If high pay without performance, that is what we worry.

If perform but lowly paid, it a matter of time these talents going somewhere else.

One more thing, just to remind PH government. You championed that the GLC chief should not be political appointed, now you chopped off all these existing GLCs head irregardless they are performing or not, starts appointing your preference. Aren't PH doing the similar thing that you said should be avoided?

News & Blogs

2018-07-02 21:07 | Report Abuse

so now PH realized one of the Malaysia economy pillars is still palm oil.


2018-06-30 10:59 | Report Abuse

"The effect of the cost cutting would now see both Phase 2 and 3 of the ECRL project being cancelled, the sources say." - this is not cost cutting. These are scope of works trimming exercise from original scopes.

"It is also understood that the number of tunnels will also be slashed from 50 to around 25." - this statement, yes, it is the cost cutting if they can maintain original intend.

I actually keen to know who is the QS who can do the cost saving up to 33% while maintaining the original scopes & intends without any V.O upon project completion. I think whole market keen to know coz if proven, they are scarce & valuable to most the builders.

I also keen to know who was the existing QS, if the above cost trimming is indeed feasible & can materialized, then we know which who to avoid.

What I only worry is, initially the cost cutting sound nice & wonderful with the figure shown. However, along the ways, the variation scopes come in along the ways, in the end, we ended up at square one position. This scenario happens most of the times.

The saving on the ECRL, I doubt government will get the cash coz this project if finance by debt. It will only lessen our country debt if it materialized. There won't money gain in government's treasury on this exercise, the money never reach our country anyway but from Exim direct to the China Contractor.

For Splash deal to materialize, I also believe it will be finance using debt also since it cost billions in value.

Just be alert if there is any bond / sukuk issue & see the size of the fund raise.


2018-06-30 09:11 | Report Abuse

how to cut? what items can be cut ?


2018-06-30 08:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by kyy_superinvestor > Nov 5, 2017 12:29 AM | Report Abuse

and cheh fook ming please use your brain to think.....if you dont choose to collect when the cycle down then collect at peak? like those irrational investor chase high and then lose money?

kyy_superinvestor As a superinvestor i must say something......those who sell superln are dumbs
16/12/2017 16:59

kyy_superinvestor This stock poised to double within 2 years
16/01/2018 22:04

kyy_superinvestor i feel like this is a discount time
27/01/2018 21:51

kyy_superinvestor I have faith on Superln....
31/01/2018 23:34

kyy_superinvestor > Mar 31, 2018 04:33 PM | Report Abuse
I will dare to add more to superln......i have faith wif superln

kyy_superinvestor After quarter report, superln will break 1.7
16/06/2018 10:49

kyy_superinvestor Profit margin improving, expensive inventory expected fully or almost used by last two quarters, USD stronger, this financial year revenue confirm break last year.....sum up together within one year break rm2
18/06/2018 07:37

kyy_superinvestor I maintain my TP 1.7 after quarter report
18/06/2018 17:14

kyy_superinvestor company buyback for what? pui~~ rubbish stock....hold u from 2.22 untill 1.22 cut loss...puck u!!! trash
29/06/2018 19:16


lol , warren buffet investing grandmaster aka long long term investor gave up ?

News & Blogs

2018-06-30 07:37 | Report Abuse

Good luck YB KJ. All the best.

News & Blogs

2018-06-28 08:17 | Report Abuse

I think it is true, non of the major decisions can be made when each heads of the GLC are uncertain. within this period, the economy activities could stall.

News & Blogs

2018-06-25 19:23 | Report Abuse

Actually what commented by opposition is correct what. When in our own country, it should be BM first, follow by English & then other language.

If public conference at other country like China / Taiwan, it can be Chinese 1st, later translate back to BM & English

News & Blogs

2018-06-25 19:13 | Report Abuse

wait wait wait....Chinese only statement? what? wtf? Chinese only statement as official statement from MOF? ....cilaka this moron really backside itchy itchy looking for trouble....really don't know what his head is filled with

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2018-06-25 18:59 | Report Abuse

actually he just wanna show off his tri-langual skills.

mana tau backfire & manipulated by opposition


2018-06-21 17:57 | Report Abuse

I think people are speculating another cut in this 5 years to fulfill the manifesto 50% cut.

Cut 25%, got F one round. Another speculated 25%, getting F another round.


2018-06-21 17:20 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow if full cabinet line up not finalize. We will be in shit again.


2018-06-21 16:43 | Report Abuse

klci relays on you


2018-06-21 16:42 | Report Abuse

yes, come back, come back


2018-06-21 16:13 | Report Abuse

please la, there are so many options there.

with so many offices, shop lot vacants & unsell houses, you expect got new subscription?


2018-06-21 16:11 | Report Abuse

by making reference to EPF daily buy/sell transaction to decide your investment decision is not a wise move.

it is only good for self comforting.


2018-06-21 16:06 | Report Abuse

just bite the bullet. after reduced the price, 4 quarters over, the earning will show growths again

if any revision on the road, another 4 quarters earning affected.

Actually, if you know you will kena f by doing so, make sure you kena f one time enough. Don't do twice to be f twice.

straight away cut 50%, get f once enough.


2018-06-21 15:59 | Report Abuse

also, if you compare our country electricity tariff with other countries, you will know what is our country power tariff like relative to other countries

there is the main reason why the green technologies business can never make any breakthrough in our country because it is taking farking 20-25 years to breakeven on the investment.

The correct thing for the new to be Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water upon appointment is to look at this tariff which have been discouraging the building owner to spend on green technologies for so long, coz the tariff is just farking cheap!


2018-06-21 15:56 | Report Abuse

actually the end of IPP should be better days for TNB


2018-06-21 15:46 | Report Abuse

next year EPF dividend maybe 2-3%, lol


2018-06-21 15:42 | Report Abuse

more foundation work in the market, probably they could get a chance winning chance