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2021-11-18 11:05 | Report Abuse

So, I think the CEO should worry about current cashflow & future cashflow situations…. auditors are auditing my past records anyway.


2021-11-18 10:44 | Report Abuse

Profits are moving figures.

I suggest @myinvestor google on what are the considerations to be factored in before IBs could come up with their own TPs first.

Please don’t simply talk without thinking…. only clowns make us laugh Wkakaka


2021-11-18 10:33 | Report Abuse

Who says JPM words are gospel?

JPM TP 3.50 for Top Glove by end 2021 … was proven Wrong mah!!

Yesterday TG price was 2.51 (not 3.50 as predicted by JPM)


2021-11-18 10:12 | Report Abuse

Well said @Panorama, actually audit refers to past or historical records as at the audit ending date mah.

If I were a businessman, I worry about current cashflow & future cashflow situations…. auditors are auditing my past records anyway.

So, Serba’s submission deadline of 30 Nov21 is for audited accounts until when? For period ending 31st Dec 2020 or ending 30june 2021?

Today is 18 Nov 2021


2021-11-18 09:45 | Report Abuse

Agree @superrr…. haha


2021-11-18 09:40 | Report Abuse

So, each time not happy with Bursa’s actions, can just sue Bursa?


2021-11-18 09:38 | Report Abuse

That’s why some bosses just delist at Bursa and decide to list elsewhere if they don’t like Bursa….

Lawsuits are not divorce cases where separations can be permanent in divorce cases.

Meaning even if Serba wins lawsuit against Bursa, Serba still has to follow Bursa’s rules & regulations everyday after that.


2021-11-18 09:32 | Report Abuse

Agree @hijau belalang.

Lawsuits are ‘powerful’ words used sometimes as scare tactics or for victims of bullies.

Judges are NOT auditors.

So we need to know the exact issues in each of the respective lawsuits which Serba should announce publicly….

Meaning, even if Serba wins all the lawsuits, SC and Bursa still have regulatory rights as statutory bodies under the laws of Malaysia.

Auditing Standards cannot be compromised at all even if Serba wins all its lawsuits one day


2021-11-18 09:00 | Report Abuse

Hello Makcik Pearl White (from TR),

Many of us here, especially the educated ones think your postings here (not even qualified to be called articles la) are Nonsense Bcos they are Misleading at best with no factual basis. FAHAM TAK?

Please take note that your Degil ness & Stubborn ness would be reported to SC this week for possible breach of related CMSA Act 2007.

Thank you.

ǷearlꙌhite . Posted 18/11/2021 8:47 AM
To make a meaningful impact to what kinds of articles that I wrote previously, here is a summary list of them. Please note, that they will be updated from time to time, so please make sure to get the latest ones.
Please disseminate to the Whatapp / Telegram / Forum groups as you see fit.


2021-11-18 08:43 | Report Abuse

Why RM 9.10 on 30Nov 2020 falling to RM 1.82 now if undervalued?

The only reason I could think of as to why JP Morgan did not set TP at the moment is Bcos only Supermax is now facing USA’s Import Ban (until further notice from US CBP) & Canada decided to pause/stop imports from supermax (pending results of investigations).

TG, Harta & Kossan hve no import bans from either US or Canada at this moment.

So, I guess it would be difficult for JPM to assign a new TP for Supermax for the near future lor…


2021-11-18 08:26 | Report Abuse

No need share daily death & new covid cases figures here la when it’s reported in local news everyday… Govts say must wear gloves everyday meh?

In fact, more deaths would mean lesser people buying gloves. If really want to know where the most demands for gloves come from, google for yr iwn knowledge…..

Endemic means if people are careless ie don’t bother to follow SOPs, new cases would mushroom cos covid-19 infections are Super Infectious & Contagious.


2021-11-18 08:00 | Report Abuse

JPM’s TP meant for next 6-12 months? Provided no unexpected bans from rich western countries
Boxing match lasts less than a day… LOL


2021-11-17 23:51 | Report Abuse

Wonder why JP Morgan covered TG. Harta & Kossan but not Supermax?

JP Morgan is one of USA largest banking & investment institution with global reach (google asset size etc)

So, JPM has access to latest research & reports relating to glove industry globally which would contain latest data on competitions, peer comparisons, glove pricings, supply/market risks Plus they can afford to pay or hire better quality analysts who could perform indepth valuations, forecasting etc…

But TG managed to prove JP Morgan’s earlier TP of 3.50 (for year 2021) was wrong bcos TG was at 2.51 today.


2021-11-17 22:31 | Report Abuse

OMG…. promoting means confirmed sales kah? confirmed success in getting new projects kah?


2021-11-17 22:19 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ha @PSAii3alert….Why so kind to that fella from tanjung rambootan PW?


2021-11-17 19:21 | Report Abuse

Read latest news from Edge Markets (don’t listen to fake stories & unprofessional contents from Pearl White)


2021-11-17 19:15 | Report Abuse

Well written @TMGB… TQ


2021-11-17 16:50 | Report Abuse

My understanding is, numerous issues for ie

(1) Suspended trading bcos of SIR pending.

(2) Late submission of audited accounts already extended & approved by Bursa/SC till 30 Nov, as reported.

(3) New shxt now ie Missed coupon payment which was due 9 Nov has 30-day Grace Period…..Serba Karim confirmed paying kah?

(4) Waiting …. When & what is outcome of SC’s reported ongoing ‘investigations’?

(5) Some of us abit worried whether serba can pay the oustanding bond amount under USD sukuk due in May 2022?

(6) All waiting for Bursa to uplift trading suspension


2021-11-17 12:28 | Report Abuse

Good news @Apple2353….. We don’t hve to suffer the abusive postings from that fella who Failed english at school.

@khatulistiwa is Suspended from All i3Investor forums until 25 Nov. Padan muka!

Apple2353 Khatulistiwa1234 - don't even understand your english leh.. not sure about others. i totally cannot understand what you are yakking here

17/11/2021 10:57 AM


2021-11-17 10:17 | Report Abuse

Congrats DestinyL!


2021-11-16 22:33 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ha


2021-11-16 22:27 | Report Abuse

OMG!! Thanks @bobvic96 for latest update on Kareem


2021-11-16 21:08 | Report Abuse

Oh ya… true also ….Kekeke

superrr What for sue pearlwhite, he has no $ to pay you due to he recently can't get sb advertising fee ..waste time.. haha

16/11/2021 9:02 PM


2021-11-16 20:57 | Report Abuse

PSAi3alert’s diagnosis is correct man….Makcik PearlWhite ini suffering Delusional Disorder…. Kesian Kesian


2021-11-16 20:48 | Report Abuse

Yes @superrr

Lawyers get paid first….before bondholders sometimes. LOL

No upfront payments to lawyers, No lawsuits can start & proceed…. He he

superrr As long as the lawyer is willing to accept, everyone can sue what ever he likes....hahaha
16/11/2021 8:45 PM


2021-11-16 20:46 | Report Abuse

BAU & projects are ongoing, are NO guarantee the outstanding bond amount due under the USD Sukuk can be repaid on maturity date in May 2022.



2021-11-16 20:45 | Report Abuse

What goobly-de-gook PearlWhite posting?

Yesterday’s long essays very misleading. Today long essay so muddled! OMG


2021-11-16 20:45 | Report Abuse

PearlWhite from tanjong rambootan kah?
Why so long essays which lacked basic financial & corporate knowledge?


2021-11-16 16:02 | Report Abuse

@pang72…. that arrogant dompeilee talk big with Nomura jap stock falling ytd also… luckily never liisten to this old lady earlier this year


2021-11-16 14:15 | Report Abuse

What if 65 sen never happened at all? You still wanna say other people curse you? LOL

If so scared other people curse you, that’s your own mental problem la…

How about when other people silently curse you? Boleh kah? Stop using karma as if you are not an angel la…. you are cursing MM also mah… Just focus on supermax if you hve any related views.

You can say 12.00 TP for Supermax if you want, a good ‘curse’ mah


2021-11-16 14:10 | Report Abuse

If you don’t get caught at higher prices, how to lose money?

Just bcos MM posted his confidence that 65 sen would happen, how can you suddenly say he curse you to lose money when price is much higher today at 1.88?


2021-11-16 14:06 | Report Abuse

Stop using karma la @skyu…when you are not an angel yourself..

It is perfectly alright that you don’t agree with MoneyMakers. Many people can disagree with you. Many people disagree with MM.
Many people can disagree with me also.


2021-11-16 11:18 | Report Abuse

Thanks @monetary in advance for yr vote for taufufa :)


2021-11-15 17:12 | Report Abuse

Thanks @Calafate…Genting has expertise in online betting,

Calafate Chance of meatballs falling from sky!
KKMM has proposed new laws be drafted to license, regulate, and tax online gambling websites.
Will Genting gets an on-line gaming license? Place your bet!

15/11/2021 4:16 PM


2021-11-15 15:57 | Report Abuse

Thanks @joyvest for explaining clearly why @PearlWhite’s self conducted analyses were boldly misleading.

If he/she refuse to remove his/her long essays without having the proper investment adviser license in Malaysia, we may hve to report to SC…. in view of current sensitive investigations by SC on Serba, as reported by local news recently.


2021-11-15 15:35 | Report Abuse

Kesian @BstRspnNnF…..Padan muka

BstRspnsNnF Post removed. Why?
15/11/2021 2:18 PM

BstRspnsNnF Post removed. Why?
15/11/2021 2:24 PM


2021-11-15 14:37 | Report Abuse

If SC’s regulations are breached, doesn’t matter if thousands of people liked what you posted la…

Haha Kesian @BstRspnsNnF, I suggest you learn to remove unnecessary abusive comments about other user such as @BobAxelRod la.

Just remember that in this i3 forums, everyone has a right to post own views, just don’t break any rules can?


2021-11-15 14:05 | Report Abuse

Btw @PearlWhite, go and read SC’s regulations about making misleading false statements or analyses on online public forums, when you are NOT a licensed investment adviser in Malaysia… Fines and/or jail may be applicable if we report you to SC


2021-11-15 13:57 | Report Abuse

What are you trying to do @PearlWhite?

You posting long essays for what purpose?

If you are not qualified as a licensed investment adviser in Malaysia, I suggest strongly you stop doing unauthorised your own analyses when you had no direct access to the confidential documents belonging to Serba.

Serba can sue you for speaking on their behalf, you know?


2021-11-15 08:53 | Report Abuse

Premiered on 1st Jan 2021, watch carefully…Karim seemed happy with Kpmg’s audit then..


2021-11-14 23:47 | Report Abuse

Can find more recent Project Updates from Serba?

Sharing youtube vid from Serba, looked good…


2021-11-14 23:17 | Report Abuse

Agree @kimi66

kimi66 agree, genting malaysia casino is isolated, entry into it is restrictive in nature, need membership. not like toto shop which hard to control.
14/11/2021 4:52 PM


2021-11-14 22:46 | Report Abuse

Kesian @gentingfinish… Suspended by i3Investor for all forums until 22Nov…. Padan muka for trying to spread panic…


2021-11-14 22:32 | Report Abuse

Correction… Feb 2020 news…Ringgit 1.2 Billion Islamic syndicated financing for serba,


2021-11-14 22:26 | Report Abuse

Correction….2 USD sukuk… USD300 Million due May 2022 & USD200 Million issued in Dec 2019


2021-11-14 21:27 | Report Abuse

“The decision by the Kedah government has since come under fire from political and business leaders, who say it ignores cultural diversity and would affect the revenue for the state and country.”
FMT 14Nov21


2021-11-14 20:44 | Report Abuse

Spore only want smart people la… don’t think Natsuko is qualified la LOL