
SuperWisdom | Joined since 2018-05-02

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2019-05-13 19:14 | Report Abuse

Bullish tomorrow.


2019-05-11 20:54 | Report Abuse

Someone said Mr Goh friend with Dato' Tan. Think like Natsu friend with Gray. Help each other. Just be cautious.


2019-05-11 18:11 | Report Abuse

I can't find the latest Top 30 to compare with Mr. Goh. Thats why I use the latest number available.

From those number, I can assume what Mr. Goh has now already exceeds what Top 30 have .

Top 30 = 245,869,375 shares.


MR GOH CHING MUN = 315,489,400 shares.

Or , let add more like this:

Top 30 = 245,869,375 shares


DATO' TAN WEI LIAN & Family = 84,821,334 shares



MR GOH CHING MUN = 315,489,400 shares.

Conclusion, Mr Goh needs to has about 16 million shares to become a major shareholder.

Caution: all those numbers may be USELESS if Mr Goh is related to Dato' Tan.

Let me know if I wrong.

Thank you .


2019-05-11 14:56 | Report Abuse

Let me know if I wrong.


2019-05-11 14:55 | Report Abuse

As at 5th October 2018 (Annual Report for Financial Year Ended 30 Jun 2018)...

LIST OF TOP 30 LARGEST SHAREHOLDERS = 245,869,375 shares.


As at 9th May 2019...

MR GOH CHING MUN = 315,489,400 shares.


2019-04-26 14:43 | Report Abuse

JackMa123, hope investors keep alert and learn from history. Waiting for True Good Honest White Knight to take care Tiger.


2019-04-26 09:45 | Report Abuse

Mccr, yes I wonder too. Logically I expect something good will happen when he bought Tiger. But a good reaction should proven with price going up a lot. Tiger max RM0.10 since he joined is not enough as a good reaction.


2019-04-25 17:39 | Report Abuse

Mccr, previously I also convinced like you. I thought mr Goh has at least RM100 million net worth. And may be he can buy Tiger any time he wants. But we can see where Tiger price is in the past 6 months? And of course I still believe he can do more. Up to him to change Tiger.

Until that happen, just hope another good and rich investor comes to help Tiger.


2019-03-25 16:44 | Report Abuse

TP min RM0.185.


2019-03-25 16:41 | Report Abuse

Last Buy before market closed. Max RM0.15.


2019-03-04 09:04 | Report Abuse

Potential TP RM0.080 before 1st April 2019.


2019-03-04 01:38 | Report Abuse

Potential TP above RM0.35 before 1st April 2019.


2019-03-04 01:36 | Report Abuse

Potential TP RM0.240 up to RM0.355 before 1st June 2019.


2019-02-28 14:47 | Report Abuse

Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31/12/2018


2019-02-15 14:46 | Report Abuse

If today and 18th Feb 2019 the price maintains closed at/above RM0.080, then Speculators may start buying.


2019-02-08 23:24 | Report Abuse

This stock just hit my analysis.

TP at RM0.040 up to RM0.045 (or more) before 23rd February 2019.

Thank you.


2019-02-04 19:14 | Report Abuse

Still No Buy signal in this stock. But I just get a Buy signal in VSolar. Sorry to mentions of another stock. Just want to share my analysis. Thank you.


2019-02-04 19:04 | Report Abuse

This stock just hit my analysis.

TP at RM0.21 up to RM0.23 (or more) before 14th February 2019.

Thank you.


2019-01-25 20:49 | Report Abuse

We (2018 and previous years' investors) have learnt the past history of this stock. I believe we are now too careful to believe to any speculation.

In my random analysis, there is NO Buy signal from both Technical and Fundamental analisis (at least at the moment). In my opinion, buying now is based on speculation.


2019-01-25 19:14 | Report Abuse

And dont forget that they can sell (dispose) a lot + in an instant too. Just a reminder before buying based on speculation.


2019-01-17 22:58 | Report Abuse

Once all RCN took place...


1,649,339,860 shares = 100% total shares issues.

Latest Total Equity รท 1,649,339,860 = NTA.

Let me know if I wrong.

Thank You.


2019-01-17 19:08 | Report Abuse

In my opinion and my suggestion to Tiger Directors, Tiger really really need Institutional Investors to buy a lot of shares.

I suggest the board of directors will seek Institutional Investors to support the projects. If Tiger's directors only hoping Retail Investors, then it may take years to accumulate that 70% shares.


2019-01-17 16:37 | Report Abuse

If you have another secret numbers, then I have no idea. Hehe.


2019-01-17 16:33 | Report Abuse

miniminer, yes I agree with 507596689729039 about 44% (this calculation is before all RCN took place) but that number will become 27.4% only once all RCN program took place.


2019-01-17 14:59 | Report Abuse

Tan's family 195,054,175 + Goh 257,280,500 = 452,334,675 out of 1,649,339,860.
Tan's family + Goh = 27.42519513% out of 100% (plus forward RCN program).
About 70% of shares left waiting for buyers. Let me know if I wrong.


2019-01-17 14:42 | Report Abuse

miniminer, you dont calculate 18% *3 of Tan's family because Tan's family current total only about 18% (you just calculate direct + indirect of Tan shares and no need to times 3 after that). I agree with 507596689729039 calculation. Let me know if I wrong.


2019-01-17 09:01 | Report Abuse

miniminer, how do you calculate those numbers? In my random calculation, there is still a lot of shares left. Goh and Tan's total only less than 50% from 1.6 billions shares (plus forward RCN program). The left 800+ millions shares who will going to buy?


2019-01-10 21:20 | Report Abuse

Latest of my analysis.

TP = up to RM0.40 (or more).

Expired = at 5pm, 15th March 2019.

Reminder note: above is just a potential.

Thank you.


2019-01-10 18:33 | Report Abuse

According to my understanding from the pdf, 600 millions left is a fact of their plan.

If they issue 100 millions every week, then the plan should be finish before next Quarter result news (before March 2019).


2019-01-10 15:03 | Report Abuse

About 614 millions left.


2019-01-10 14:59 | Report Abuse

RCN and its related is not yet finish until 1.6+ billions shares. Should be finish before July 2019. Correct me if I wrong.


2019-01-09 11:32 | Report Abuse

May be investors are waiting for the True White Knight. In my logic, the True White Knight is the one who wants to hold more than 50% of the total shares and plan to hold for a long term. Unfortunately, I dont see the True White Knight in the Tiger right now. I am waiting....but until when I have that patient.


2019-01-08 18:36 | Report Abuse

I will post here if there is updating in my analysis.


2019-01-08 17:51 | Report Abuse

greenbucket, I already mention that it may not happen before 12th Jan 2019 because of miscalculation.


2019-01-08 14:57 | Report Abuse

Big volume may start after 3.50pm today...


2019-01-04 22:34 | Report Abuse

10156622290863910, thank you for your comments.


2019-01-04 14:22 | Report Abuse

I dont understand why they sell RCN to open market slowly? Why dont they just sell it by lump sum to their maximum wish (sell until total 1.6 billions shares in a single day)?
Anyone can explain why? 10156622290863910 can you?


2019-01-03 23:36 | Report Abuse

Sorry... My analysis of Tiger TP will hit RM0.36 may not happen before 12th Jan 2019. Miscalculation.


2018-12-28 19:02 | Report Abuse

My logic thinking right now is no one really love Tiger so much. No one hold 51% of shares right now. Simple logic.


2018-12-28 18:55 | Report Abuse

Lets think logically. If you are owner of Tiger and you love it so much, how many percentage of shares do you want to hold (at least) and to proved that you really love your company?

My personal answer is I want to have at least 51% of shares and if I love my company so much then I want to have at least 67% of total shares.

If the owner dont bother to hold many shares, is it logic he/she will love the company for a long term?


2018-12-28 18:34 | Report Abuse

Beware. I have a feeling 'they' hire some spy here to check our conversation and our sentiment towards Tiger. Seems 'they' will do their plan based on our conversations.

Is it coincidence, when we get angry and upset, then appear some good news to make we calm. When we silent/inactive, then appear the news of their next plans. ??

Is there a spy spying us here?


2018-12-28 14:29 | Report Abuse

Bullish may start this afternoon


2018-12-26 23:26 | Report Abuse

Believe it or not, up to you. I just share my analysis.


2018-12-26 23:21 | Report Abuse

Latest TP, Tiger will hit RM0.36 before 12th Jan 2019.


2018-12-26 23:02 | Report Abuse

I only have strong faith to any company if the Top 1 shareholder has at least 67% of total shares.


2018-12-26 20:33 | Report Abuse

How about give 100 days to a new 'government'? And watch the price movement. For me, at the end, stock price still matter. Once any Top 1 shareholder has less than 21 % shares, I'm done. If he/she only has a little interest, why should I love the company and hold for a long term?


2018-12-26 18:44 | Report Abuse

Not all voted yes to Resolutions. There are some investors make their effort to oppose the matters. For me, this minority are True White Knights. I salute them.


2018-12-26 14:54 | Report Abuse

Lets see how price will react this week. Since all the resolutions have passed, I cannot hold in this company for a long term. In my opinion, no matter who hold the major shares, the stock price proved everything.


2018-12-26 09:00 | Report Abuse

Until one of Top 5 shareholders feel cheated, it is hardly to see a better change right now. Top 30 shareholders' fate could be decided at 11am today.