
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2021-12-04 15:56 | Report Abuse

OMG! Macron is the new US president! Negotiate with hopeless nation and spend fortune for nothing!

News & Blogs

2021-12-04 15:47 | Report Abuse

Tesla has 4 Giga factory but Elon Musk never brag about been No.1!

News & Blogs

2021-12-04 14:51 | Report Abuse

WHO is total joke! Tell us not to mix vaccine but later on say it's okay because more effective!

News & Blogs

2021-12-04 14:31 | Report Abuse

And of those the usually no need face mask thingy! Only to tell us later to wear triple face mask!

News & Blogs

2021-12-04 14:30 | Report Abuse

Nobody trust WHO anymore! When Omicron first appear, tell us its' too late to curb! Don't stop travellers coming in! Omicron is very infectious and so forth!
Now that it already spread to many countries, tell us not to panic!


2021-12-03 21:53 | Report Abuse

Come on! If you are in the market for too long, you know how the big boys play the game!
They usually used mainstream media to push the panic button like how they play this Omicron thingy!
Then few days or week later, come out play innocent and tell us that we the small retailers have overblown this thing!
You know, the same game our lawmakers are playing in parliment!
Anyway, we are only tiny players! We cannot influence the prices! And yet some dumbass blame me or you for current rout!
We can only take clue from big boys! If they buy, we follow!

News & Blogs

2021-12-03 15:27 | Report Abuse

Make it compulsory for those working in service industry as they are expose to may people daily! The rest should can wait!

News & Blogs

2021-12-02 18:49 | Report Abuse

Timah Whiskey! The best keluarga Malaysia beverage!


2021-12-02 18:17 | Report Abuse

I mean, barang naik card is favorite among Harapan leaders! But today, looks very staged, Anwar Ibrahim unleash his old style fireband in parliment!
But one cannot escape to notice how similar Anwar style is to Syed Saddiq! It's like father and son! Same tonation, same expression! Amazing!
However, to season political observer, we already know Anwar is in desperate position!
The Lims have abandon him! The Lims are preparing to go without Anwar come GE15! And most humiliating of all, his 20 decade long nemesis, Mahathir will likely lead the newer narrative Harapan!

News & Blogs

2021-12-02 15:23 | Report Abuse

All i see is the orginal Covid was much deadlier! I don't see anyone dropping dead on the street anymore!


2021-12-02 15:22 | Report Abuse

While medical experts are telling us that Omicron is mild but only highly contagious, the mainstream media are pressing alarm button non stop!
So yeah, big boys are milking this issue overtime! It's going to be overkill to press weak investors all over the world to surrender until the big boys start to buyback at dirt cheap prices!
It is what it is! Unfortunately today, the vested parties are controlling capital markets all over the world!
We cannot do anything until things settle down! But this may takes weeks!

News & Blogs

2021-12-02 15:18 | Report Abuse

Even Mexico cartels are coming in to US through it's porous borders like nothing! You can smuggle a nucklear bomb into US and nobody will know!

News & Blogs

2021-12-02 15:17 | Report Abuse

North Korea would be dumbass to restart nucklear threat against US! Nobody cares about US anymore!


2021-12-02 12:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by ahbah > Dec 2, 2021 11:56 AM | Report Abuse

Our lawmakers are expert advisers ?

Answer : Our lawmakers are parasites! Either side!


2021-12-02 11:48 | Report Abuse

Just the usually Barang Naik card! I mean, just import cheap vege and meat from other countries! Flood the market and kill those cartel! How come for donkey years nobody suggest this!


2021-12-02 11:47 | Report Abuse

Anyway, have you guys notice not a single lawmaker concern about the state of our economy! Nobody! Not a single one from Harapan or administration side!
All so busy playing politics!


2021-12-02 11:44 | Report Abuse

Ahbah! It's just a scam! The usually stuff, just want to get few billions and nothing comes out of it!


2021-12-02 11:34 | Report Abuse

I mean, if right minded PM is in place, he would be 24/7 trying to use this challeging period to turn it into an opportunity! Take Vietnam for example! Now can even manufacture antiviral for Covid! Can even export EV to US!
How come Vietnam can do extraordinary things and Malaysia keep going backward!


2021-12-02 11:31 | Report Abuse

I think everybody agree that only Khairy seems to do a fantastic job especially countering threat of Covid! Kadoos!
However, the rest of almost 100 ministers seems to do nothing! One like Annuar Musa even declare public holiday after KL won football match! I mean, what the heck are you doing!
And look at our PM! Instead on focusing how to strenghten our economy, he is so busy parading himself with this batik nonsense or promoting bahasa!
I mean, if you do that during booming economy, go ahead! But our economy is tanking!
Why not bring your ministers to find ways to strengthen our almost dead economy!
Look at bursa! Where's the local funds that used to support bursa everytime it tanks! Where is the wisdom to buy low and gain profit for local funds! It seems nobody cares at the moment!
Somewhat i miss Najib times where he really knows to ask local funds to do what is profitable and also avoid our economy from sinking into recession!
Today, in fact since Harapan administration, there's no brain in the room! All for the glory of nothingness!


2021-12-02 01:37 | Report Abuse

I am scared! The day after GE15, we will have the worst PM in Malaysia history! Zahid Hamidi may be the next PM! And i tell you, many will pack their bags and head out from Malaysia because Zahid Hamidi will drive Malaysia beyond repair!


2021-12-01 20:40 | Report Abuse

Don't blame retailers! It's SC and Bursa who failed to act! In the end, we the small investors suffer the most! Maybe we still have many of this phony PLCs but the truth yet unveil!
As for Serba, it's gone case! Another transmile! Enough said!


2021-12-01 20:38 | Report Abuse

So yeah, unless our local funds start to support bursa, we may as well depend of foreign funds to jack things up! But I mean, that is so fairy tales given how trash dollar is right now!


2021-12-01 20:37 | Report Abuse

Yeah, what to do! Our local funds no longer support bursa like they used to! There's no leadership in economy and even what direction Malaysia is taking now!
While establishing strong government after GE15 is very important, it's no brainer, the real winner will be Zahid Hamidi who will be crowned PM after GE15! A nightmare for Malaysia as he is totally imcompetent even compare to lame duck PM Ismail Sabri! Zahid Hamidi is certified bull in China shop! His idea of 'tuan melayu' is more weirder than Mahathir!
As for Najib come back as PM, those are totally fiction as he cannot simply leapfrog Umno hierarchy! After Zahid, Tok Mat will be the next PM, so that is why maybe Tok Mat has been chossy towards Zahid Hamidi!
Anyway, the rest of Umno leaders are too timid to take action despite the bad reputation of Zahid Najib! As for Najib siding Ismail Sabri, it may be just a phony alliance as Najib can switch camp to save himself!

News & Blogs

2021-12-01 20:11 | Report Abuse

Hopefully go back to the original plan! It was very good! As for the compensation, i believe Singapore will probably give it back in some form or another!


2021-12-01 20:08 | Report Abuse

Whispers that the Lims will execute Langkah Harapan right after Sarawak election is over! I think we all already know the outcome of Sarawak election result! No brainer there!


2021-12-01 20:07 | Report Abuse

Come on! I dont even have to tell you what's going on with Harapan nowadays!
After Melaka by election humiliating defeat, it's already open secret the Lims are more than ready to get rid of Anwar Ibrahim!
In fact this has been open secret even before Melaka by election! The Lims refuse to use PKR logo but instead opt for Harapan logo and the CM candidate was already decided by the Lims!
But right after Melaka by election, it became so clear that the Lims are calling all the shots! Anwar Ibrahim tries to cover up this fact but come on, his days are numbered!
Today one of Anwar Ibrahim strongest supporter already comes out with statement for PKR to get ready to go solo without DAP and Amanah! It's so telling that Langkah Harapan will come sooner or later!
And Amanah youth statement, which actually came from the Lims already preparing us the day that Mahathir will once again lead Harapan come GE15!
Yeah, if you think Harapan has any chance of winning Putrajaya again, you must be dreaming!
Don't shot the messenger! It is what it is!


2021-12-01 12:45 | Report Abuse

Looking at the price now is simply mind boggling! So damn cheap for its fair value!


2021-12-01 11:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by ahbah > Dec 1, 2021 11:30 AM | Report Abuse

Mani countries got low vaccination rates n also got low infections now

like mani African countries, Indonesia, Bangladesh.

Answer : The mystery remain mysterious!


2021-12-01 11:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by amateurJR > Dec 1, 2021 11:30 AM | Report Abuse

stockraider n Tobby same person? Haha

Answer : Same mother different father!

News & Blogs

2021-12-01 11:29 | Report Abuse

We can't forever try to control food prices! But we can counter it buy importing cheaper ones and drive the cartels out of business! All this price hikes come from the cartel! As if we are so dumbass!
Anyway, i don't suffer current price hikes as me and wifey can easily change our vegetable to less expensive ones!
The source of the problem is well known! The middlemen have been ripping us off for too long!
Nowadays, you can get direct from the source! Thanks to many social media that offers fishermen and farmers access to direct customers!
In fact many restaurants now get their supply direct from fishermen, farmers and meat farms without the hassle of middlemen!


2021-12-01 11:24 | Report Abuse

Now, we need to accept that newer variants will pop out! There's no escaping from it! Unless the whole world population is fully vaccinated! But for us here, this is a golden opportunity to get as much investors as possible!
Unfortunately our administration is too busy playing politics! PM Ismail Sabri seems to be more interested in his 'tuan melayu' agenda than attracting investment!


2021-12-01 11:22 | Report Abuse

Yeah, we have been through Delta variant before! And we still deal with Delta variant!
So now we have even milder symptoms variant, Omicron! Some say actually blessing in disguise as this Omicron is like getting vaccinated!
I don't have science background but i say we should not be panicking like the rest of the world! Why, because basically almost all of us here are vaccinated unlike those anti vaccine whites in EU or US! It seems Covid is killing off whites more than asians since asians are very into getting vaccinated!
As long as we have been vaccinated, and as long as we get our booster in coming months, we should not be so worried!
And we don't have to go into another lockdown! Or interstate travels ban too!
In fact, this is an opportunity for Malaysia to go full blast on attracting investors to open their factories here because we can go full swing!
Why we should limit foreign travellers especially those from infected ones, we should instead encourage business travellers providing them with smooth access provided they are fully vaccinated and gone through proper test!
What i am trying to say is, this is an opportunity rather than a threat!


2021-12-01 10:13 | Report Abuse

Dont be shy now! Give me 70 cents again!


2021-11-30 23:20 | Report Abuse

Given our super high vaccination rate, there's no reason for another lockdown! Or interstate travels ban!
However, those who go on air travels must get Covid test first! As for booster, we are heading unto right direction!
I have no complains over the number of booster recipients so far as it is satisfactory!
Perhaps the rest which is under 60 and below should wait for upgraded booster!
We have no choice! Omicron or not, life goes on!


2021-11-30 22:47 | Report Abuse

Before the pandemic, generation Z especially chinese youth can easily job hop from one job to another demanding higher and higher pay!
It's open secret that in private sectors, chinese youth have huge advantage! Why, because the pool of chinese youth are dwindle extra fast! And many venture out from Malaysia to work elsewhere! Those who venture to China rip extraordinary perks especially engineers! Many already decided to stay for good in China as lifestyle is way way way better than Malaysia! Some go to western countries due to their western inclination! But many suffer from discrimination just like in Malaysia as racism is thriving in western countries! Especially now that china is become a huge threat to them!
But after 2 years of Covid, may private sectors who rather hire and fire! In fact, most of the jobs offered are low bearing, unstable and with no career path!
Take JT for example! They are firing en bloc as Shopee decided to takeover the delivery of parcels! Eventually Shopee will be another Amazon here! I mean, why let couriers get the fat profit when Shopee can do it all by themselves!
Same with Foodpanda, Grab, or whatever new ebusiness that will come along! The name of the game is profit, profit, and more profit!
Eventually generation Z will get old and unemployable! And the newer generation alpha shall take place! And also automation will take over many human jobs anyway! And AI will be major driver of economy!
However, only those who have business instinct will thrive in this era! Those who also in for the ride of digital era!
For those who wants to make big salary in low bearing fruit jobs, then you should venture to South Korea, New Zealand or Australia!
That's the reality of low bearing jobs age!

News & Blogs

2021-11-30 18:18 | Report Abuse

Mohiden and Assmin cancelled it! Because they want to buy their own HSR line from Johor to KL! Of course it means giving the mega project to their cronies!

News & Blogs

2021-11-30 17:06 | Report Abuse

Haix! Sold 75 cents! But seems cant' get 70 cents again!