
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2021-12-17 17:12 | Report Abuse

Grandpa Koon is buying! But he is telling you dumbass to sell! Sounds familiar right!

News & Blogs

2021-12-17 17:11 | Report Abuse

Strange old bugger! First issue a buy call then later on tell us to sell! But then again, you know i know this old bugger is up to his old tricks! Few months later he will replay his old promotion! First he bash MCA, then brag how charitable he is! Then tell us how he bought Hiaptek cheap and encourage us to buy! Then daily buy calls on Hiaptek while he quietly sell! I mean, how foolish can we be!


2021-12-17 17:08 | Report Abuse

Chill! parliment draw to a close! That means, bursa show go back to business again! Maybe time to accumulate and sell before the next parliment session! Just saying!


2021-12-17 17:06 | Report Abuse

Yesterday 1MDB, Today DNB, tomorrow another new crony mega project where we the rakyat going to be burden by yet another failure!
Is DNB going to fail! Of course! It's totally dumbass mega project! Instead of giving direct to Erikson, it goes to DNB first! Then you know i know it's going to fail and demand a bailout! Then ask for another 11 billon! Then ask for few more billions!
I mean, why not just set up a consortium where all telcos share the cost and ownership to upgrade all current infra! It's so much cheaper! Then again, like i said, but why! But why do something that does not benefit PM of the day!


2021-12-17 17:02 | Report Abuse

So yeah, Mohiden was extremely quick in graping as much molla as possible during his short tenure!
DNB is mother of money from thin air! Mohiden can shake leg while money falls into his pocket! More than enough for next GE15!
PM Sabri can only watch and do nothing! Scap DNB and he will see his administration crumbles!
This is reality of our government! Be it Harapan, BN or PN, its' all about making money out of thin air! Rakyat are just spectators!
Our democratic system is a pariah system! Same like those of US! Have you notice how greedy those Democrats are! Already drawing 7 trillion within one year! I mean, something gonna give and eventually US economy simply snap and turn to turd! We don't know when will this happen but it will!
Likewise, Malaysia just approve a 330 billion! And like US, most of it will go to waste! Even lawmakers on both side will get fat piece of it! Rakyat probably get peanut at the end! Do you know how much of the budget spend on pension alone! Yeah, not only to civil service but to retired lawmakers! Yeah, that's why so many want to be lawmakers, get a full term and you set for life pension! Create some drama in parliment, get to stay few terms and you get big fat pension for life! That's why you see so many of this lawmakers making so much dramas in parliment! It's just for show!


2021-12-17 16:54 | Report Abuse

Too early to say! But parliment finally draw to a close! By next week, no more parliment! And so everybody go back to business! Except of course Anwar Ibrahim will be on the street protesting as usually with his minions!
I means, beside parliment, Anwar's favorite avenue is the streets!
Well, perhaps we will see some action from bursa soon! But then again, i could be wrong!
I have been wrong for the last 4 years! Which is so sad! It's been a long time since i ever tasted by big fat RM1 profit margin! Those were the days!

News & Blogs

2021-12-17 16:47 | Report Abuse

The same old trick! Grandpa ask you to sell while he quietly buy! Few months later he will tell us to buy when it's time for him to sell!


2021-12-17 00:42 | Report Abuse

Actually we can't prevent climate change anymore! It's just a timeline given!
I mean, it would mean we must drastically change the way we live right now! Which we can't!


2021-12-17 00:23 | Report Abuse

Actually we can't prevent climate change anymore! To prevent climate change, we need to drastically change the way we live!
But tell me, how many willing to forgo travelling overseas! How many willing to shift to EV! How many willing to go full offgrid with solar!
The answer is a big no!
So yeah, climate change is a certainty!


2021-12-16 21:39 | Report Abuse

Hidden gem! That's all i gonna say!


2021-12-16 19:33 | Report Abuse

OTB! Steel price suddenly surge today! So chill! Those naysayers will be the one chasing above 1.00!


2021-12-16 19:23 | Report Abuse

My advise, better grap Hiaptek tomorrow before it really really move!


2021-12-16 19:22 | Report Abuse

I don't see why Hiaptek will not limit up tomorrow! Given steel price suddenly move up by 10% today!


2021-12-16 19:15 | Report Abuse

Best quarter in Hiaptek history!


2021-12-16 19:14 | Report Abuse

Superb result! Better than predicted! However Hiaptek current price is so damn undervalue! Should already be 1.00!

News & Blogs

2021-12-15 17:25 | Report Abuse

Yeah, need rakyat to wear batik and speak bahasa to counter climate change! Hardly focus on mass transportation or EV! PM Sabri is all talk no action as usually!


2021-12-15 17:17 | Report Abuse

Hope another divvy announcement as well on top of previous divvy!


2021-12-15 17:16 | Report Abuse

So see a fantastic result tomorrow based on price movement!


2021-12-15 17:15 | Report Abuse

And yes, effective against Omicron variant as well!


2021-12-15 17:15 | Report Abuse

Should bring a huge relief globally!


2021-12-15 17:14 | Report Abuse

So basically, if Pfizer able to mass produce them, its game over for Covid!


2021-12-15 14:17 | Report Abuse

Once upon a time, YTL used to be super powerful in corridor of power! But since MCA is so irrelevant, that power has slipped! Mohiden tried to bring back his crony but at last his administration was build on quick sand!


2021-12-15 14:15 | Report Abuse

I guess the big telcos already smell the turd much early on! DNB looks good on paper at first! Then it occurred to me how come Erikson do everything and DNB just shake leg and get the direct contract!
And yeah, i guess YTL is in panic mode as telcos shun DNB!
And now YTL pretend to be part of telcos joining DNB with TM!

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2021-12-15 13:35 | Report Abuse

Uncensored! Let China be! Let chinese themselves determine what is best for them! If they want to reject CCP, they can! It's totally up to the 1.5 billion to do so!
But as of now, i think chinese are very satisfied! They know CCP can be a really pain in the rear but once they travel outside of China, they come back and accept things at home!
Just like here in Malaysia! We don't like BN, majority gave their votes for Harapan! And then Harapan crumbled because of Harapan themselves!
So yeah, focus what's happening in Malaysia! Let China be!

News & Blogs

2021-12-15 13:16 | Report Abuse

Uncensored! We are not communists! It's just that CCP formula is working in China! So why bother!
Just look at Hong Kong! So called democratic values yet it's total failure in reality! So many hongkies are living in shoebox homes! So many untold misery!
China is doing much better compare to US! Eventually surpass Japan standard of living! Even today, China living standard is equal if not better than Singapore!

News & Blogs

2021-12-15 13:13 | Report Abuse

Like i said, PM Sabri is a total joke! He loves to brag about his Keluarga Malaysia but actions speak louder than words!

News & Blogs

2021-12-15 13:12 | Report Abuse

Dumbass law! If PM Sabri breaks them, no action! If ministers break them, spinning here and there, still no action! If ordinary citizens break them, 10k and 7 years prison! Ridiculous!

News & Blogs

2021-12-15 12:25 | Report Abuse

Poor sulus are dying race! They are constantly used by politicians from Phillipines and Malaysia! In the end, they will perish as most of them are extremely poor!

News & Blogs

2021-12-15 12:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by uncensored > Dec 15, 2021 12:18 PM | Report Abuse

Tobby do you sane as qqq3333 hated falon gong members?

Answer : Mike Chen is falon gong member! No, falon gong is a beautiful form of mind relaxation! Mr Toad exterminated almost all falong gong members in China! If you love Jack Ma, then you love Mr Toad too! And you should be anti falon gong too!

News & Blogs

2021-12-15 12:21 | Report Abuse

Just let China be! Dont be the hero in the room! China internal problems are far complex with 1.5 billion humans to manage! You think it is easy to manage 1.5 billion! Have you try been condo manager and manage few hundreds! I tell you, humans are really difficult to manage!
Anyway, one must bare in mind Xinjiang is just bordering Aghanistan! Do you know Aghanistan is world biggest Opium producer! Do you know talibans are damn wealthy with their ever growing opium trade! Do you want to see extremists and opium trade to flourish in Xinjiang and the rest of China!

News & Blogs

2021-12-15 12:17 | Report Abuse

The rising curbing against Jack Ma is a classic case! Jack Ma was friendly towards Mr Toad camp! In fact, Jack Ma shared his wealth with Mr Toad camp! Jack Ma would have been the de facto leader of China if CCP allows him! At last Chairman Xi saw what is coming and took action!
If you think billionaires have no influence on politicians, think again! For hundred of years, US presidents were under influence of US tycoons! Even Biden is now totally under control of US vested group! The only reason Trump was attacked constantly is because, he cannot be controlled by them!

News & Blogs

2021-12-15 12:13 | Report Abuse

As for Chairman Xi, let's not jump to conclusion yet! I made that mistake before! Let history judge him!
At least Chairman Xi care for the underprivileged! His anti capitalism is more towards curbing the rising power of vested parties particularly the rising billionaires! I think Chairman Xi learn from US! I mean, this segment of chinese billionaires can influence CCP members just like what happen to Democrats!

News & Blogs

2021-12-15 12:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by uncensored > Dec 15, 2021 2:13 AM | Report Abuse

Ya Mao's great leap resulted millions of people dead of hunger .

Answer : Yeah, Chairman Mao was a true dumbass! Just like our Mahathir! Equally dumbass! And yet Harapan leaders chose Chairman Mahathir aka Mao to be PM! And still preferred by the Lims till today!


2021-12-15 12:06 | Report Abuse

If only our lawmakers emulate those in Singapore! They are focus! They go through every details! And they deliver great results!


2021-12-15 12:05 | Report Abuse

You know, when PAP still win the same seat with reduced majority, PAP will go all out to do a postmortem which they got fewer votes!
PAP remain in power because they really do their work! As for Malaysia, Umno leaders were lost in abuse of power and greed!
Unfortunately, our lawmakers in Harapan are equally of low quality too! So our parliment is more like pasar malam than actually house of rakyat! Actually pasar malam are much more civilize compare to our parliment!
One of Harapan worst lawmaker is from that fellow Jelutong! He seems not able to understand order of the day and keep interrupting every single lawmakers in the house! A real pariah if you ask me!


2021-12-15 12:00 | Report Abuse

Look at the price movement, result should be good tomorrow!

News & Blogs

2021-12-15 01:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3333 > Dec 15, 2021 1:31 AM | Report Abuse

In HK and in Malaysia, all the anti China stuffs are from christians...even if not all christians like that.........I think its the religion that is the problem not the country.

Answer : Those evangalists are creating so much trouble in China! Good riddance China is doing something! Evangalism is more of a disease than spreading christianity! Just look at what happen in South Korea! Those lunny evangalists even go to the streets pestering you to convert to their cult!

News & Blogs

2021-12-15 01:31 | Report Abuse

Xinjiang is close to Aghanistan! So China is concern as some Uighurs were brainwashed to commit havoc within China! And this have already happened few times!
So China is doing it's best to ensure that such atrocities will not happen again!
Yeah, it's very harsh but imagine if things go out of control! Would you want to see China turn into another Aghanistan!

News & Blogs

2021-12-15 00:58 | Report Abuse

You know, chinese China are free to travel outside of China anytime! In fact, 100 million travel overseas and came back before Covid!
Tell me, if Ccp is such horrible regime, then why not many want to deflect to other countries! Instead, how come those countries which US used to intervene like Vietnam, Aghanistan, and many more opt to flee and migrant to US! Almost all countries that US touches turn to wastelands!
I thought chinese China would one day revolt against Ccp! But apparently they don't! Why!
Maybe because they can see when they travel overseas that China is actually much better! Do you see chinese China migrant! Do you see japanese migrant out from Japan!
China will one day be as advanced if not far advanced compare to Japan! As for US, come on, the living standard is a total joke nowadays! So yeah, freedom of choice seems like utopia for americans but can they walk freely on the streets at night! US is in such a mess up nation! Eventually will become a backward nation!
So yeah, why so triggered by what's happening inside of China! It's their internal problem! Let them deal with it!
Want us, Malaysia to intervene! Even muslim nations already visited Xinjiang and gave their thumbs up!


2021-12-14 21:21 | Report Abuse

Who knows if the result is every better, there will be special divvy!


2021-12-14 21:20 | Report Abuse

I was able to correct OTB when i realise the next quarter result will be out this week! Boy, i thought it will be out next month or Feb! Yup, 16th is the next result dudes!

News & Blogs

2021-12-14 19:08 | Report Abuse

Yeah, drop Merdeka Day! It's not suitable anymore! You are alienating Sabah Sarawak! Better celebrate Malaysia Day instead!


2021-12-14 15:22 | Report Abuse

Star! Yeah, if Hiaptek go up fast, sell on strength! Seems like just a mild rebound!


2021-12-14 13:32 | Report Abuse

I could be wrong but it seems the major correction of steel prices have finally hit bottom! Slowly but sure going up again!