
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-10-05 00:24 | Report Abuse

But the real question is, which alliance will peninsula support! Will it be the usually BN Umno! Or will this time, we see a real swing to the the other side!
To be fair, GE14 saw peninsula gave Harapan the chance to govern Malaysia! But Harapan gave Mahathir full freedom to mess things up! The rest is history! We saw daily or weekly self inflicted statements! We saw too many dramas! So much drama, than Walkng Dead series took a huge dip! Nobody wants to watch Walking Dead anymore because malaysians were too invested in Self Inflicted Harapan series!


2022-10-05 00:21 | Report Abuse

Yeah! Sabah Sarawak GE15 outcome is predictable! GPS and GRS prevail! They can swing to the left and to the right! They can be with Harapan or BN PN! Whatever the climate crisis takes them!

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2022-10-05 00:11 | Report Abuse

Hope to see where we don't even need to own a car! If we need a ride, just hail an EV pod! And the fare so cheap, even banglas can ride all the way to Bangladesh!
Joke aside, having our own car is actually a huge waste of resources! I mean, how many of us have cars just lying idle in the parking lot dong nothing! Heck, i rare drive myself! I usually walk to nearest kopitiam every morning, an of course que to buy my favorite 4D numbers! Only my wifey used our cars! I have Honda Civic and Isuzu Dmax which i rarely drive! To be honest, the driver in my household is my wifey! She do all the driving and usually i just side on the passenger side! So i am more than comfortable to hail Grab or whatever if i need a ride!

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2022-10-05 00:05 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Let's hope this will true to reality soon! EV is much better alternative! But for Malaysia, i hope HSR will become reality! HSR certainly better than EV, personally!

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2022-10-05 00:02 | Report Abuse

I am big fan of Elon Musk! But there are some things beyond him! Geopolitics is certainly not his expertise!
You see, at this point, Zelensky wants to eliminate all pro russians in separatist provinces! Zelensky is not your good guy! He is as evil as Putin!
Chances of Ukraine liberating separatist province is there! Eliminating civilians who are pro Russia, an opportunity not to be missed!
Guys, this the dark side of war! Either you are with Ukraine or die! Same with Taiwan!
As for us in Asia, let's hope sanity prevail! Because this Taiwan thingy is real! As for taiwanese, either your migrant now or face the painful reality of war! I doubt we can prevent Taiwan invasion!
As for Ukraine, let's not give a damn about it! It's white thingy!

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2022-10-04 23:40 | Report Abuse

UpAgain is talking sense! Putin is making major blunder! Destroy provinces that are pro Russia! In the end, killing pro russians!

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2022-10-04 23:39 | Report Abuse

Actually most of the destructions are in separatist provinces! So basically Ukraine is intact! Russia lost! Accept it!

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2022-10-04 23:37 | Report Abuse

India should focus on eradicating it's racism than trying to impress the whole world! Despite been 100% indians, inequity is non existent! If you are not bramins, then you are not human! That's how India is all about!

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2022-10-04 19:49 | Report Abuse

But we won't wait for long! US mid election next month! Democrats will be totaled by then!

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2022-10-04 19:48 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Trump is a man of peace! He will go into economic war with China not military war!

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2022-10-04 19:46 | Report Abuse

Alenac! BYD is coming up very soon! Selling price at 150k! The cheapest so far! However, Hyundai Ioniq has been really impressive so far! Unfortunately, already sold out! Even sold out for next year as well! So no chance of getting them even if you have the money! Frankly, almost all EV brands offered were sold out! It's not issue of lack of buyers, rather lack of supply at the moment!


2022-10-04 19:42 | Report Abuse

That's is why it's important to spread the word so that we see significant seats for Harapan! To ensure the worst case scenario does not happen!


2022-10-04 19:41 | Report Abuse

Once dissolve, we may see GE15 to be held in November! And by December, we will have new government! Or perhaps a hung result instead!
Or worse, a new all malay government consist of Bersatu, Umno, Pas, GRS and GPS!


2022-10-04 19:39 | Report Abuse

Basically Umno is under Zahid hands, like totally! Zahid will determine who will be fielded and who gets terminated for good!
So now Sabri is forced to meet Agong this thursday to make way for GE15!
At this point, Agong will not grant another change of PM given only 6 months before expiry of term!
Instead Agong will agree to dissolution of parliment! However, please be noted, Agong will consult other royals too! So we may get some delay on Agong decreed!


2022-10-04 19:36 | Report Abuse

Seems Harapan and Perikatan leaders are so against GE15 to be held soon! From Mohiden, Anwar, Hadi, and the Lims have voiced their objection!
However, current term is almost over! GE15 must be held before May 2023! So basically, PM Sabri has 6 months if he wants to hold to power! But PM Sabri finally succumb to Zahid threats! You know, Sabri will be sacked from Umno if he doesn't comply! That's the reason why Sabri is calling it now!
Anyway, Sabri political career has ended, or will end after he dissolve parliment! His yesmen are all decimated! Khairy asked to go fly kite! Tajuddin will not be fielded! And Annuar Musa is now licking Zahid's backhole! And the anti Zahid barking dogs employed by Sabri are now very quiet!

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2022-10-04 19:29 | Report Abuse

Last but not least, remember, we experience 4 years of total peace under Trump administration! The islamic fundamentalists were subdued completely! Fast forward into Biden administration which is barely into it's 2nd year, we are looking at another war in Asia! Yeah, Taiwan will be next and the Democrats are pushing hard for it to happen!

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2022-10-04 19:09 | Report Abuse

Russia is losing this invasion! War is very expensive hobby! Russia is selling it's oil at 30% discount to India and China! I doubt Russia can afford to continue for long! Russia already lost so many experience soldiers and weapons in Ukraine! Sending civilians now will not make any difference! They will become target practice for ukrainians!

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2022-10-04 19:07 | Report Abuse

Anyway, it's strange why Elon Musk issue such statement considering Ukraine are pushing Russia out from separatist provinces at the moment! Why not issue such statement before the invasion!

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2022-10-04 19:05 | Report Abuse

Totally agree for referendum on separatist Ukraine province! But to say Russia population is 3 times that of Ukraine and Ukraine will lose this war is incorrect!
You see, ukrainians are highly motivated and war proven dudes! They have been in war for like forever! As for russians, they don't want to be involved in current invasion! That's why you see many russian men running away form Russia right now to avoid been recruited!
During Trump era, Donald tried to bring both Zelensky and Putin to negotiation table! Donald prevented early invasion on Ukraine! Donald tried to tell Germans to be energy independent from Russia!
But you now, EU leaders made fun of Donald and Zelensky thought Donald Trump was a dumbass back then!
Can Ukraine invasion be prevented! Of course it can! Unfortunately, US obligachs want this invasion to happen! US benefited tremendiously!
From supplying old US weapons to Ukraine to provided oil and gas to EU!

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2022-10-04 15:48 | Report Abuse

EV technology will only get better! Dont be surprise EV will have 1k km range in a decade! Humanity need to shift to EV to prevent our climate to cross point of no return!
However, for Malaysia, public transportation should be on high priority! All lawmakers need to sitdown and form common ground for HSR to take off! It should not be political gamble for any side! HSR can eradicate huge pile of COs from been release!
Government of the day must now push for fast shift into EV not only because of climate concerns but also to reduce fuel subiside!

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2022-10-04 14:48 | Report Abuse

Elon Musk not very good in geopolitics! Better stick to his Starship and invasion of Mars!

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2022-10-04 14:31 | Report Abuse

Those working abroad, please register for postal voting! No need to come back just to vote!

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2022-10-04 14:29 | Report Abuse

You know our tycoons constantly complain that locals don't want to work, lazy! But if you go to Japan, Australia, South Korea and Singapore you see millions of malaysians working in 3D jobs! Why, because of higher wage!

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2022-10-04 01:43 | Report Abuse

I am sure our elites will complain that talents are flowing out from Malaysia! Of course! Why stay in Malaysia and get paid in peanuts! I mean, if youare specilist doctor, would you want to earn 5k a month in Malaysia or get paid 100k in UK or US! Decision is yours! Malaysia is just plain cheap to get things done! We are slave to cheapness when it comes to labor!

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2022-10-04 01:41 | Report Abuse

If i am a big investor, i won't come to Malaysia! I go direct to the source of cheap labor! The pick is plenty! Bangladesh, India, Indonesia just to name a few! Heck, even Myammar is a good place compare to Malaysia!

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2022-10-04 01:39 | Report Abuse

Always the same excuse! Always demand low wage workers from other countries! And yet we see tycoons are getting wealthier by then day and complain malaysians are lazy!
Look! If we need millions of cheap labors, tell me, why the heck do they need to come to Malaysia! We are seeing Bangladesh becoming world biggest textile manufacturer because major brands now going over there!
I mean, why the heck do investors come to Malaysia to produce chips when they can go to India with plenty of cheap labor!
I tell you, one day, this local tycoons will wake up and realise they have made other countries more powerful because they refuse to employ locals!

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2022-10-03 19:11 | Report Abuse

While Indos are good in some things like building houses, i find them not very good in many things! I dare not send my car to be repaired by indons! We seen so many tragedies due to bad airplane maintenance in Indonesia! And indons then to riot over many things!

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2022-10-03 19:08 | Report Abuse

This is the problem with indo people! Like i said, even if Indonesia rise to be New China, it's education system produce defective people!
At least in Malaysia, we produce better malays! Yeah, we have those genuine malays with defective genes who love killing themselves on roads using motorcycle or bicycle but have you ever heard of majority malays killing each other over football! Or enslave local chinese like those chinese China in Cambodia! No, instead during the worst of lockdown, we saw majority malays rise up to the occasion hence 'rakyat bantu rakyat', helping those who are hungry and needy!

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2022-10-03 18:59 | Report Abuse

Says Shafie Apdal the dumbest leader in Malaysia history! Shafie keep quarreling left and right! He thinks he is entitled godsend No.1 leader of Malaysia! Even demanded to be Harapan No.1 leader!
I mean, who will vote for Warisan if Shafie Apdal thinks super highly of himself! He doesn't want to form alliance with Harapan, Perikatan, BN or anyone else! He thought his Warisan will win US election!

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2022-10-03 18:29 | Report Abuse

Oh yeah, same with Hadi! Hadi also spend half a year in London with his white wifey who is not even muslim! Hadi can't enter Saudi you know! The saud ban Hadi for decades already!

News & Blogs

2022-10-03 18:28 | Report Abuse

Let Mahathir retire in his super lavish home in London! He spend 300 days in London and the then comes back to Malaysia for the remaining 65 days to preach his fake 'tuan melayu' to the dumbass!


2022-10-03 16:56 | Report Abuse

Question is, which party will benefit from increasing malaycentric Malaysia! If PKR plays it cards well, then it shall benefit tremendously!
As for Umno, Pas and Bersatu, they have too many outdated and corrupted leaders! Umno only has very few competent ones, and the only one that we can see is Khairy which will see the end of his political career along with Sabri!


2022-10-03 16:54 | Report Abuse

Those who refuse to speak bahasa are now considered outsiders! Only local chinese who speak bahasa well are considered malaysians by majority malays! That is why Anthony Loke and MCA Wee command high respect from malays!
As for manglish, this KL bubble thingy is gettng stale as influence of UK, and US in our economy is getting lesser!
As i see it, Malaysia will see increase trade with Indonesia going forward! And eventually Indo culture will be part of peninsula culture too!


2022-10-03 16:51 | Report Abuse

So it's up to peninsula side who deserve to be the next government! So please Harapan cybertroppers! Don't use the same emo cards to bait peninsula voters! Don't go crying how Malaysia has 1 trillion debt! Or how local chinese are victimize or how christians are 2nd rated by islamic fundamentalists!
I tell you, Malysia today is just very different from 4 or 5 years ago! Todaym majority malays are very malaycentric and they are not driven by Pas fake holymen or Umno 'tuan melayu' propagandists! Malays nowadays totally embrace their new found love for superficial Islam and fake malay culture! Hybrid malays overweling genuine malays! So this malaycentric thingy is all about new found peninsula identity!


2022-10-03 16:47 | Report Abuse

Peninsula will decide who will form the next government! Forget Sabah Sarawak! They will only go for GPS and GRS!


2022-10-03 16:46 | Report Abuse

I say, Umno should win at least 50 seats! Maybe a bit more but nothing significant!


2022-10-03 16:45 | Report Abuse

Given Zahid gaffee for making dumbass statements, it will only help Harapan!


2022-10-03 16:45 | Report Abuse

Umno has image problem! And Zahid is Umno biggest image problem! And i am sure Zahid will field all his favorite corrupt buddies and even put Khairy into political dustbin for good! No need to talk about Sabri! Even his dog Tajuddin is now history! Annuar Musa already change maste4r! Nowadays, Annuar Musa can be seen licking Zahid backhole all day long!


2022-10-03 16:43 | Report Abuse

However, in PKR things has changed! Rafizi made a comeback! Rafizi is now in change of PKR direction! And given Rafizi age, he is among few who are look upon to change PKR!


2022-10-03 16:42 | Report Abuse

Obvious answer is yes! BN is non existence! MCA and MIC are dead for good! Sabah Sarawak are on their own without BN brand!
Even in peninsula, Umno is so weak, it has to rely on Dap or Pas to form state government!
Forget the by elections! Just because Melaka and Johor by election show good result for Umno, it's just because of revenge vote against Harapan! Rakyat just want to protest for what Harapan has done to rakyat!

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2022-10-02 22:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by alenac > Oct 2, 2022 11:00 AM | Report Abuse

What rubbish, finished matric within 9 months and go to uni, that is the fastest route.

Answer : Yeah but only open to malays!

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2022-10-02 22:03 | Report Abuse

Qqq! You really nail it! Indeed, Dap has become Pas for local chinese! Especially under the Lims!
Problem with Harapan leaders is that, they love playing with hot issues! But they rarely or never present better solution to anything! Just patch to bait voters! Time has changed alot! Malaysia has changed alot lately!
Harapan leaders need strong and clear long term proper solutions that voters can trust upon! Voters need better alternative government not best opposition!

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2022-10-02 15:56 | Report Abuse

Yeah, and the mainstream media blaming Russia for it! As if the whole world are dumbass!

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2022-10-02 15:55 | Report Abuse

Fed is not fighting inflation! They are strengething dollar! It's part of enlightens game part! The whole world just got fooled!


2022-10-02 15:33 | Report Abuse

Icecool! Yeah, plenty of drama but rakyat are just not interested anymore!
Anyway, let's look at the end result of GE15!
Encourage everybody to vote for Harapan! Reason, we just don't want Malaysia turn into taliban state too soon!
Worst case scenario, a unity government of Pas, Bersatu, Umno, GRS and GPS! If this scenario come true then we are going to see Iran at our doorstep!

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2022-10-02 00:57 | Report Abuse

Innovation in US and EU are declining! Tell me, other than Apple, what US brand offer smartphone! As for EU, gone are the days of Erisson and Nokia, they keep recycling those nostalgic phones that nobody wants!
China has so many smartphone brands! China also has plenty of EV brand! And China innovations are now ahead of US and EU!
Once China master the manufacturing of chips, then China doesn't need US and EU anymore!


2022-10-01 21:48 | Report Abuse

My advise, just vote for Harapan! Because we don't want the worst case scenario to happen!