
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-03-20 02:12 | Report Abuse

Well, Zahid had a pleasent meeting with a royal messenger this morning! And the royal obligachs sent his a clear message!
If Zahid ever tries to bring down PM Sabri administration, then his poster boy will not be appointed as PM!
So that's why you heard Zahid and Tok Mat making a uturn today! They wet their pants apparently!
And yeah! According to our constitution, Agong has the privilege to appoint PM based on his opinion! Yeah, try challenge Agong decreed!
And it is made clear that the royal obligachs prefer Hishamudin as their next PM!
Which is why Zahid no longer want to paste Tok Mat as the next PM in waiting!

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2022-03-19 19:51 | Report Abuse

Do you know Texas economy is bigger than Russia! Yeah, Russia so full of potential! But under Putin, everything stuck in timewarp! There's nothing to be proud of Putin 22 years administration! He only enriched himself and his buddies! For ordinary russians, they get nothing! That is why you see russians all over the world trying to make a living! Even here in Malaysia, you see plenty of pretty russians taking 'english' course doing you know what!

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2022-03-19 19:48 | Report Abuse

US obligachs do not like Donald Trump because of his anti war stake! Like it or not, war is a huge business for US obligachs!


2022-03-19 13:52 | Report Abuse

In short, the current Umno gathering shows that grassroot are more keen for Umno election first than to face GE15!


2022-03-19 13:51 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately for Zahid, most of Umno grassroot are not responsive towards him! They know Zahid is a huge liability! Umno lawmakers also know, Zahid will not pick them as candidates for GE15!
As president of Umno, Zahid will be biased as GE15 will be used to escape from court prosecution!
In essense, Umno grassroot and lawmakers know Zahid is unfit to be present president and need to go as soon as possible! The obvious pick is of course Tok Mat who rejuvanate Umno!
To them, Tok Mat is the best candidate as Umno new president as he will not be bias towards any party!
The response given to Tok Mat was a clear signal that Umno is ready to embrace new president!


2022-03-19 13:09 | Report Abuse

Both Zahid and Sabri are not popular figure in Umno right now! Zahid is considered as a huge liability! Sabri seen as weak and a traitor, a sold out! Tok Mat is seen as the right leader after his successful rejuvenation of Umno!
PM Sabri is worst than Badawi! At least Badawi had Khairy to run everything for him! I mean, we all know Khairy was the real PM during Badawi administration! As for PM Sabri, it's open secret he is nothing more than a puppet! Mohiden still is the PM of the day!

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2022-03-19 13:00 | Report Abuse

The world cannot do anything! The talibans are in control! Even if NGOs come in to help, the talibans will slaughter them!


2022-03-19 12:59 | Report Abuse

Maybe what Harapan needs are bunch of new leaders above 40 who excel in corporate world, doctors, laywers or engineers or rag to riches malaysians who are interested to fight for rakyat!
Tok Mat was brought in by Badawi! And it proof to be the best decision made by him!
The same should apply to Harapan! Bring in successful people as new line up!


2022-03-18 23:51 | Report Abuse

Just look at current parliment session! As if nobody is watching anymore! It's like Walking Dead season 30! Same plot different season! You get the drift!


2022-03-18 23:50 | Report Abuse

Perhaps a new lineup of younger leaders should takeover Dap, Amanah and Pkr! Perhaps! I don't know!
It's just that Harapan at current form is just plain lousy as a choice! It is what it is!
The Lims! Outdated! Mat Sabu! Total joker! Anwar Ibrahim! Haix, best not to say anything, not worth it! All 3 of them are just too hard to stomach nowadays!


2022-03-18 23:47 | Report Abuse

Harapan leaders are out of touch! On Dap side, the Lims rely on local chinese dissatisfaction! You know, local chinese are 2nd class, malays are racists, recognition of UEC and so forth!
But this cards have expired! Local chinese used to claim that without them, Malaysia will become a backward country! Sadly, for the last decade, it's proven to be a wrong assumption! Malaysia continued to see progress during Najib administration! It was during Harapan administration that we saw total stagnation in development!
As for local chinese treaten like 2nd class citizens, the thing is, majority malays don't care! In fact malays see local chinese as outsiders! Many local chinese don't speak in bahasa and malays don't know where local chinese loyalty lies!
When it comes to UEC recognition, local chinse don't understand that chinese students will not be able to cope with our local public universties and civil service as bahasa is the main language! They need to take SPM or STPM to prepare them of this language shock!
So you see, no matter how local chinese are unhappy with the status quo, the thing is, majority malays really dont' give a damn!
On Amanah side, unfortunately, they won't be able to attract malay voters like they used to! Pas is on declining phase! And if Pas is getting unpopular, Amanah will also suffer the same!
Pkr is also losing out! Anwar Ibrahim is no longer respectable figure! The reform movement is dead! Maybe can still remain a government in Selangor but beyond Selangor, the prospect is extremely dim!
In short Harapan is no longer consider as national alliance to take aginst Umno BN! Voters have lost trust in Harapan! Worst still Harapan narratives are old and expired!


2022-03-18 23:10 | Report Abuse

So be warned! Current administration will be around until July!


2022-03-18 23:08 | Report Abuse

I mean, it really doesn't take a genius to figure PM Sabri! He was pushed into PMship simply because Mohiden administration crumbled! Sabri was Mohiden plan B! Current administration is nothing more that Mohiden administration! Same turd different brand!
One of PM Sabri biggest blunder was snubbing Tok Mat! Sabri should have known! If not for Tok Mat, Umno would have died! Umno rejuvenation is due to Tok Mat! Zahid was smart enough to know this fact and ride on Tok Mat! Sabri was the dumbass! He though he can simply take the throne!
The game is simple! Zahid Najib camp will back Tok Mat to be Malaysia new PM! In exchange, they will walk free from court charges! Maybe a peaceful retirement for Najib and Zahid! I don't know!
For Sabri, he was just plain dumbass! Mahathir would have taken Tok Mat under his wing! Divide from Zahid Najib camp! Ride on Tok Mat popularity! In exchange, Sabri retire after 2023 term is over and hand over the throne to Tok Mat! And also see both Zahid and Najib in Sungei Buloh prison!
Today, PM Sabri reputation is in ruin! Umno warlords see him as souled out! A traitor! Unfit to lead Umno! A traitor that will kill Umno instead!
So yeah, extension of MOU with Harapan is not an option! If Sabri continues with this MOU, his political career with Umno is over! So yeah, PM Sabri administration is over by July this year!
But what is certain, PM Sabri administration is already over! Whispers that his term will be over by this month! We are bystanders! Maybe true maybe not!


2022-03-18 13:43 | Report Abuse

Yeah, we are opening our borders soon! And finally our hotels will have some business!
In Japan, capsule hotel is very common! Japan also has cyber rooms! Japan also has cabin room! In short, a cotel style hotel!
Actually, if you look at it, most of our old school hotels are very wasteful! Come on, most of us only use our hotel room to sleep!
Where as cotel, they provide just a cubicle for you to sleep! Common bath area, coin operated laundry, dining with vending machines, and so forth! It's like Airasia on the ground! You pay what you use! Which actually generate more income compare to traditional hotels!
So yeah, Petaling street is the best candidate for cotel! Just a small 8 by 8 feet room! Common bath! As for food, come on, Petaling Street represent the very best hawkers food in whole Malaysia! A coin operated washing machines on the ground floor open to outsiders as well generate further income!

News & Blogs

2022-03-18 05:02 | Report Abuse

US influence is indeed waning all over the world! Opec no longer sees US as ally! The only allies that US has right now are EU members! You know EU members are bunch of parasites!
Even US intervention in South China Sea is becoming a nuisance to the rest of Asean members!


2022-03-18 04:59 | Report Abuse

In short, Sabri is seen as a traitor and Zahid is seen as a liability!


2022-03-18 04:59 | Report Abuse

Anyway, the appointment of new Johor MB and the 10k EPF withdrawal have neutralize Zahid camp!
But this doesn't mean, PM Sabri chances are getting any better! Umno warlords see him as a traitor! Because his administration made up of Perikatan lawmakers!
Even if Umno election is held, Sabri will lose out! No Umno warlords will side with Sabri!
The outcome of Umno election will only favor Tok Mat! Tok Mat knows this!
Sabri position as PM does not offer him any advantage within Umno! The same goes to Hisham who is instrumental in crossover of many Umno lawmakers into Bersatu!
Many Umno warlords credited Umno revival to Tok Mat! As for Zahid, they saw him as a huge liability! Johor by election is seen as one of his miscalculation! In Melaka, Zahid was suppose to make Rauf as CM, which he failed! In Johor, Hasni who is Umno poster boy too fail to make it as the new MB!
Zahid is seen as trying to save himself at the expense of Umno and our nation! The push for GE15 is seen as trying to get himself off from his corruption charges! And GE15 cost over a billion just to get Zahid off the hook!
So yeah, something has to give, in this case, Zahid is just a huge of a liability for Umno!


2022-03-18 04:49 | Report Abuse

Suddenly DNB now allows the 3 big telcos to have equity participation! Strange right! Especially after humiliating defeat of Perikatan in Johor by election!
However, this also accelerate more hanky panky in awarding projects within PM Sabri interim administration!
Current administration should only stay on until Umno election or after Zahid court verdict out!
Unfortunately, current ministers especially those in Perikatan are not to be trusted! They will destroy and burn our economy!
By the time new administration comes in, it will be beyond repair!

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2022-03-17 15:01 | Report Abuse

Ukraine is a huge country! Russia can't block every single entry into Ukraine!

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2022-03-17 13:59 | Report Abuse

Beside Russia, US is losing out as well! Have you notice how OPEC is snubbing US! OPEC may even switch to Yuan! That's basically killing US itself if this materialize!

News & Blogs

2022-03-17 13:57 | Report Abuse

Beside, based on latest political climate, PAS fake holymen are losing out! Post GE15, we may even see the end of PAS in Kelantan itself! Good riddance to fake leaders! Which means, Genting casino risk of been ban is now totally goner!

News & Blogs

2022-03-17 13:56 | Report Abuse

It's no brainer Genting is one of the most prized fundamental stock around! Decision is yours! Buy and hold, enjoy divvy every 3 months!


2022-03-17 13:54 | Report Abuse

Please be noted! Malaysia is not a fully democratic nation! It's monarchy parliamentary system! Meaning, it's up to Agong or sultans to pick MBs or PM based on their opinion!
As what happen in many states, sultans have in fact many times picked MBs based on their decreed!
Meaning to say, the next PM will not be determine by Umno BN if Umno wins with majority seats! Instead, it's up to Agong to pick the next PM!
You have been warned! As for the last few PMs, it was Agong who selected them! So it is already accepted!
With such preceding, Tok Mat chances of becoming Najib Zahid choice of PM will fail!


2022-03-17 12:02 | Report Abuse

Yeah, what say you Tiong! Now whole Senzhen is under lockdown! Which is why oil price drastically drop! Senzhen is China economic engine! If China insist on full lockdown, it's economy will be brutally affected! Maybe Tiong should head to Senzhen since he is so full of praises how china handle Covid!


2022-03-17 03:33 | Report Abuse

Since taking over from his wifey, PKR has been on declining slope! What Anwar refuse to acknowledge is that, PKR suffer lack of leadership! Anwar is like blind captain on a rudderless ship with no define course, worse, on rough water!
Because PKR is in such lousy condition, even hardcore supporters have lost trust in him leadership!
Anwar ceramahs already very boring! He constantly talk about his 10 years jail experience! Constantly hammer Najib! A broken record with no worthy songs!
Can Rafizi change PKR fate! Maybe! But if Anwar continues with his antics, i am sorry, Rafizi comeback will be wasted!


2022-03-17 03:26 | Report Abuse

Tiong, that dumbass lawmaker from Sarawak mocked Khairy of his handling of Covid! Tiong told off Khairy to emulate China!
Yeah, what say you Tiong! Now that China is facing uncontrollable surge of Covid! And the usually lockdown no longer effective!
By end of this month, if China continues with lockdown, probably 100 million chinese China will be forced to stay at home! Basically paralyses China economy!
While the rest of the world embraces the mild Omicron, China is doing the opposite!
Anyway, this is a huge irony as Covid first detected in China, contained it and now China suffer the highest surge of Covid!


2022-03-16 23:19 | Report Abuse

Genting is now a no brainer investment! Just buy and hold! Every 3 months or so got fat divvy!

News & Blogs

2022-03-16 18:11 | Report Abuse

And the civil servants are no better! Do you know out of those 1.5 million civil servants, overwelming of their are literally paying all their salary for their accumulated debts! Yeah, just look at their salary slip, you wll faint seeing how end of the month, they only have like few hundreds left!

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2022-03-16 18:09 | Report Abuse

Poor malaysians! Out of 12 million contributors, 7 milion already exhausted their EPF! Rest in peace Malaysia!


2022-03-16 17:22 | Report Abuse

It's a win win solution! EPF get prime property and government gets 12 billions! Why make it into super complicated issue!


2022-03-16 17:21 | Report Abuse

Tengku Zahrul should know that 1MDB card is no longer political weapon against Najib! Rakyat want to see how to sort 1MDB not repeat of what Harapan leaders have done during their 22 months!
If 1MDB is such a burdern, then sell Bandar Malaysia! Sell Bandar Malaysia to EPF! Let EPF take care of this future cash cow if government of the day dont know what to do!
Beside, this will provide savers with better returns in the future!

News & Blogs

2022-03-16 15:31 | Report Abuse

Chinaman! Better take that offer! Ukraine war seems like Aghanistan! Once in, it's just matter of time before they come out with plenty of wounds! There's only like 80 talibans! Compare to millions of armed ukrainians! Go figure!

News & Blogs

2022-03-16 15:09 | Report Abuse

If this Ukraine war pass one month, then basically Putin should just call it quit! He already exhausted Russia military assets! He is dealing with 40 million ukrainians who are highly motivated to keep their sovereignty!


2022-03-16 12:35 | Report Abuse

Omicron can't be contained! Can even pass through our face mask! Actually it's time for us to go without face mask!


2022-03-16 12:34 | Report Abuse

Yeah! Maybe during those deadly variants, China had succeeded! But this Omicron one, better accept it!


2022-03-16 12:24 | Report Abuse

So finally i found why bursa has been down of late! It's not because of Ukraine!
It's because of China!
Unfortunately for China, they refuse to accept that Covid no longer be containable as the latest variant Omicron spread super fast!
Of course the rest of the world already accepted Omicron as milder variant!
Here in Malaysia, we already accepted Omicron just like common fever! Why, because the death rate and hospitalization rate is very minimal!
As for China, they continue to rely on lockdowns as a way to manage Omicron!
This also distrupt markets all over the world!

News & Blogs

2022-03-16 12:16 | Report Abuse

Upagain! Yeah, not many realise Russia and US are actually very close! They can build a 100 mile long bridge! Should just bypass Ukraine and fight each other directly!

News & Blogs

2022-03-16 02:34 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Yeah, Putin is just a puppet for Russia obligachs! Putin is a dictator without power if Russia obligachs throw him under the bus! Russia soldiers and Ukraine civilians and army are just innocent figures in this chess play! Anyway, innocent lives are sacrifice for nothing! It's pure murder!