
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-03-08 11:48 | Report Abuse

Qqq! The obligachs are suffering! They can't move freely! They can't do business outside Russia! If crude oil is banned, then they will see their business collapse! So Putin is now a huge liability to them! Need new puppet!

News & Blogs

2022-03-08 11:23 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Putin is now desperately looking for fresh soldiers including from Malaysia! Maybe you should join! I mean, you lose face if Putin get thrown under the bus!


2022-03-08 11:20 | Report Abuse

Seems like today further drop is due to force selling of margins!


2022-03-08 11:07 | Report Abuse

It's looking too attractive right now! Buy on dip!


2022-03-08 11:07 | Report Abuse

Well, after 3 trading days of drop! I still couldn't find what variable lend to this! The only reason is that hedge funds are pushing prices down for them to milk the markets!


2022-03-08 11:06 | Report Abuse



2022-03-08 03:20 | Report Abuse

At this point, Putin is not doing well at all! Especially after so many fake ceasefire! Putin intimidation and threats shows things are not going his way this round! 100% of his army already in Ukraine! And the unexpected resistance within Ukraine was not within Putin's calculation! He miscalculate! Badly!


2022-03-08 03:18 | Report Abuse

Putin blunder is when he intimidate world leaders with nuke! I mean, do you seriously think they will sit down and negotiate with madman! They won't! Instead they will ramp up sanctions and cut businesses with Russia! I mean, you don't deal with madman! You only deal with sane leader!


2022-03-08 03:16 | Report Abuse

Kiki! Yeah, the Russia China axis is now KIV! If Putin is out, Xi would be friendless! US EU knew this, so the pressure is very heavy on Putin! I won't bet on Putin! Putin against the world! Go figure!
China won't go down! China is totally different animal! But if Putin is out, Xi won't not proceed with Taiwan invasion!


2022-03-08 02:43 | Report Abuse

After 22 years at the top of foodchina, perhaps this round Putin has totally miscalculate the outcome of Ukraine invasion! Perhaps Ukraine is Putin's Waterloo! It's now in hands of obligachs! And the obligachs are now in difficult positon! Support Putin, they will lose! Throw Putin under the bus, the sooner the better!


2022-03-08 02:38 | Report Abuse

Hence, if this happens, China will be in deep trouble! If Putin is defeated by US and EU, then China will not be able to proceed with Taiwan invasion!


2022-03-08 02:37 | Report Abuse

In short, this may lead to demise of Putin!


2022-03-08 02:37 | Report Abuse

If Putin became weak, there's a huge chance of NATO intervention! I foresee NATO going into Ukraine if Russa economy collapse and Putin under huge pressure from his own inner circle!


2022-03-08 02:35 | Report Abuse

We are waiting for outcome of US EU ban on Russia crude oil imports! If they unite on this resolution, Putin will be in very very very difficult position!


2022-03-08 02:30 | Report Abuse

How will Putin or rather Russia survive isolation from the rest of the world! No world leader except China will throw lifeline! And mind you, China is benefiting tremendously from this conflict! China can buy cheap crude from Russia and sell them at premium to others! Russia is at mercy of China!


2022-03-08 02:28 | Report Abuse

Ukraine is no Cremia! Not even close to Syria! Ukraine is totally different animal! You talking about highly patriotic citizens who are more than willing to die! Putin may win this battle but he won't be able to substain this occupation! Ukrainians will eliminate russian soldiers slowly but surely! Unlike Aghanistan, you only deal with few thousand talibans! How are you going to deal with millions of arm ukrainians!


2022-03-08 02:26 | Report Abuse

You know Putin desperation as Putin unleash his threats and intimidation against world leaders! As long as world leaders stand firm against this madman, Putin will eventually crumble as Russia economy collapse!
If US and EU ban Russia crude oil imports, that would mean the end of Putin! Oil is major export of Russia! Cut out crude oil exports, give and take a month later, Russia simply paralyze!


2022-03-08 02:26 | Report Abuse

You know Putin desperation as Putin unleash his threats and intimidation against world leaders! As long as world leaders stand firm against this madman, Putin will eventually crumble as Russia economy collapse!
If US and EU ban Russia crude oil imports, that would mean the end of Putin! Oil is major export of Russia! Cut out crude oil exports, give and take a month later, Russia simply paralyze!


2022-03-08 02:21 | Report Abuse

Suddenly, things go out of hand! Suddenly, he realise ukrainians are picking up arms against his armies! Suddenly world leaders start to cut ties with Russia! And maybe unexpectedly his circle of elites can no longer enjoy the privileges that they are so used to! Now the oligachs yahcts are seized by other nations! The obligachs can't used their money as their bank accoutns freezed!


2022-03-08 02:19 | Report Abuse

So going into Ukraine, Putin expected a fast win! 2 weeks top! That's what his gameplan which was leak recently! It should be over by mid March and ukranians would dance and rejoice Putin the winner!


2022-03-08 02:18 | Report Abuse

Putin has been winning for years! Crimea was a win! Syria was a win! Venezuala another win! You name it, win, win, win!

News & Blogs

2022-03-08 01:21 | Report Abuse

The reason why Putin can stay so long as president is because he assassinate every single potential successor! Putin also eliminate hundreds of journalists! Mahathir used to do political assasination until his tactic finally used by his nemesis! Reminder Sandakan video! So yeah, Putin cannot afford to retire as president! Too many enemies!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 18:56 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Trump even put on some sanctions on Russia! Did Putin retaliate, no! Trump reduce NATO personnel in Germany! Did German retaliate, yes! Trump refused to give free money to Ukraine, did the president retaliate, no! Trump also refuse to buy Russia crude oil instead opt for Canada through Keystone pipeline!
Tell me, is Trump Putin's puppet like what Democrats shouting all this years!
Personally i think Biden and Obama are the dumbass that Putin wants! During Obama administration, Putin invade Crimea! And now during Biden administration, Putin invades Ukraine!
If only Democrats focus on attacking Putin and not poor old Trump, i think they could have done so much!
Everyday attack Donald Trump just like everyday attack Najib! So what, if Trump is guilty as charge, bring him to court! After 2 fake allegations during Trump administration, we should wise up to Democrats tactics! Trump will not go to jail! Fake allegations can only go so far! But Najib will go to jail unless oppossition parties really mess up like now!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 18:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > 45 minutes ago | Report Abuse

NEW ORLEANS ? Former president Donald Trump mused Saturday to the GOP?s top donors that the United States should label its F-22 planes with the Chinese flag and ?bomb the s--t out of Russia.?

Answer : Mainstream media always take out of context of Donald speeches! Of course Trump was joking! Do remember, Putin dare not touch Ukraine during his 4 years!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 17:42 | Report Abuse

Ukraine is bloodly rich country! So much natural resources! And so many brilliant minds! And alot of jews too! It's like 2nd Israel!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 17:41 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3333 > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse

I would think the sooner the Ukraine President is captured, the less Ukrainians will die.

Answer : Things will only get worst! You don't understand! Ukrainians rather die for their Ukraine than to be under Putin!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 15:53 | Report Abuse

I think many of Taiwan's brightest minds already make plan to migrant to US if China invades Taiwan! It's just matter of time before TSMC fully relocate to US!


2022-03-07 15:40 | Report Abuse

My logic says to buy on dip! But my emotion says don't dare!


2022-03-07 15:21 | Report Abuse

Usually if i see bursa dip 30 points without reason, i would smile ear to ear! But this time, everything have no logic behind! I would shout 'buy on dip'! But all i can say now is, what's going on! What variables did i miss here!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 15:19 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Yeah, agree! I mean Ukraine president used to be comedian you know! And i thought Putin would find it funny everytime they sit together and have a chat! Apparently we find such negotation turn more deadlier! I don't know! Many things don't make sense nowadays!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 15:12 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Putin already plan to invade Ukraine years ago! NATO is just an excuse! Putin wants revert back to the old Soviet! Just like reverting to old Malaysia where Singapore was part of it! This is not Putin first invasion! Cremia and Syria were his succesful missions! He tought Ukrainia will be walk in the park! This didn't go as his prediction! And now Putin has lost his mind! Threatening the world whole because he didn't get what he wants!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 15:08 | Report Abuse

Qqq! You lost it! There's no exuse for mass murder commited by Putin! Period!


2022-03-07 15:07 | Report Abuse

Kill one madman! Problem solve!


2022-03-07 15:07 | Report Abuse

If Donald Trump was in charge, he would have told off Putin! Putin has cross the line! Why is the rest of so called powerful world leaders so scared of Putin! If Putin threaten to use nuke against them, then point all the nuke at Putin and tell him they are ready!


2022-03-07 15:06 | Report Abuse

I don't get it! 30 points! Did i miss something! Just because some madman Putin lost his mind!


2022-03-07 15:05 | Report Abuse

Many things don't make sense nowadays! But to see bursa down 30 points when the war is so far away, that's another level of insanity altogether!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 14:48 | Report Abuse

Fortunately, sanaty prevail! Malaysia never once lay claim to invade Singapore! Rest assured, Malaysia and Singapore are both equal sovereign states! But if some madman like Putin became our PM, then that's different story!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 14:46 | Report Abuse

SsLee! He was democratically elected! If ukranians don't want him, they could have hang him since he is easily accessible! You see ukrainians willing to die for Ukraine! The president is only representing core ukranians! Men and women are volunteering themselves to fight russians! They are not force to do so! It's like Malaysia invading Singapore! I believe, singaporeans willing to die that to get back into Malaysia! It's the same thing!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 14:42 | Report Abuse

Going by Grandpa Koon logic, it's better for Singapore to accept Malaysia invasion!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 14:41 | Report Abuse

So you see, there's a difference between a sane man and a madman! Taiwan is indeed part of China, there's no doubt about it! But Ukraine, that's totally different story! It's a sovereign country which was given independence by former Soviet!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 14:40 | Report Abuse

Russia invades Ukraine because it was part of the Soviet Union before.

After you have read this article, I hope you have a better understanding of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Answer : Yeah, totally agree with Grandpa Koon! We should invade Singapore as well as it was part of Malaysia 50 years ago!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 13:43 | Report Abuse

Qqq! I think only your nose having problem at this point! Putin has cross the line!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 13:29 | Report Abuse

Yeah, so US and EU 'considering' banning Russia crude oil! I mean, what the heck! Putin already threatening you! Just do it! Just get it done with! Ban Russia crude oil immediately!

News & Blogs

2022-03-07 13:27 | Report Abuse

Today Ukraine, tomorrow europe! There's no limit to madman thirst for power! It's Putin against the rest of the world!


2022-03-07 13:26 | Report Abuse

Putin should not trail his gun on other world leaders! Instead world leaders should trail the gun at Putin! How come US and EU so afraid of Putin! If Donald Trump was in charge, he would nuke Moscow for sure! Only Donald Trump knows how to deal with madman Putin!


2022-03-07 13:24 | Report Abuse

Haix! Morning, things were looking okay! Then suddenly bursa just drop over 20 points! Oil now above 120us dollar! I mean, that's really unexpected! Did i expect oil to actually go over 120us dollar, heck no!
Yeah, wanna get away from iit all and maybe take oversea vacation! Gong to europe, you wanna get near Ukraine, heck no!
Haix, i don't know! With this Ukraine thingy! Things are getting more complicated!
So how to stop Putin you may ask! I don't know! He is certified madman! It's not about Ukraine anymore! Putin is imposing his war to everybody! US and EU should tell Putin enough is enough! Just cut off Russia from everythng, from trade to banking to selling goods! Just cut off Russai from the rest of the world!
I think we have too many problems already in this world!


2022-03-07 13:18 | Report Abuse



2022-03-07 13:04 | Report Abuse

Ahbah! I never predicted that one day our national schools will be a place where religious indoctrination will take place! Safe to say, our national schools will be same level of those in Indonesia!