Blog Posts
2019-03-25 20:51 | Report Abuse
The truths is... Dayang stop bleeding after Kyy's complaint...dats all..
2018-01-11 23:51 | Report Abuse
Sslee..can i know how long u r holding insas share?
2017-12-20 19:03 | Report Abuse
Turnover drop due to lower selling price but sales volume grow 6.3% compare to last quater.
2017-12-03 21:32 | Report Abuse
很多高手都有提出Insas是一只长期被市场忽略的价值股,大家所提出的观点不外乎是公司的现金啦,公司所持有inari股份的价值啦等等。。。这种NAV play 的观念都并不是市场想要的,如果NAV可以work的话,bursa 里所有的property counter 就不会交易在它们asset value以下了。。
2017-11-29 21:45 | Report Abuse
黑武士只需提出1.30全购,即可获得Inari,M&A 股票行,Dome cafe,公司所有的现金,股票及地产,简直是'抵到烂'。。。
2017-07-10 10:00 | Report Abuse
C Masteel margin 10%...这才是真正的做生意嘛。。。
2017-07-15 21:42 | Report Abuse
Huh...5% margin...they r doing trading or manufacturing business?
2017-07-17 09:16 | Report Abuse
先是失去大马城,如今又失去IWH上市地位,现在连管理层一向喜欢挂在嘴边的上百亿工程也不在annual report 里重提,只是说手上的工程足够忙碌3至5年云云。。。实在让人好奇到底是发生了什么事?
2017-11-02 20:59 | Report Abuse
很多高手都在此提出很好的见解。。但是个人觉得目前最大的问题是 : 当管理层提出有关建议时,是否有将小股东的利益纳入考量?
2017-10-31 21:07 | Report Abuse
@solo IWC received 46 mil 1st payment, still out-standing > 2.2 bil..not sure they can fully recover or not due to weak property sentiments...
2024-07-25 18:22 | Report Abuse
1st lost BM now lost IW ..,look likely the politic relationship was lapsed ..really doubt can they secure the mega 6 bil highway project they announce this yr..
2017-10-31 19:35 | Report Abuse
The proposal more like bailout instead of acquisition.
2017-10-31 18:48 | Report Abuse
Y not Iwc acquire Ekovest land bank by issuing new share,then Ekovest distribute Iwc new share to existing shareholders, Ekovest will become pure construction cum toll operator after share distribution ..mkt will give higher value to contruction company not a rojak conglomerate..
2017-10-31 18:10 | Report Abuse
Use cash 780 mil buy a loses company, really fxxk...
2017-10-11 16:28 | Report Abuse
People use money to vote their confidence on company's prospects instead of imagination...
2017-10-11 12:56 | Report Abuse
2017-09-05 16:16 | Report Abuse
Mkt punishing big mouth management...haaaa
2017-09-03 11:22 | Report Abuse
Wtf...told media company's demand rising,but came out with lousy results.
2017-07-06 18:01 | Report Abuse
Actually RNAV is an out-dated stock valuation method.
Most of Msia property counter are trade below their RNAV this was an evidence dat RNAV is not a good selling ponit.
People are looking a good propect /growing counter ,so I will tell people :
(1) INSAS was a proxy "INARI" play due to it's controlling intrrest (20%/ 400 mil shares or Rm 880 mil share valuation) on Inari and Insas will direct benefits from Inari growing story.
(2)Dividend - Insas is a cash rich company(>300 mil cash/share/bond),company ability to upwards their dividend.
2017-04-18 23:25 | Report Abuse
Optimus99..ur cost too expensive..mine only 0.40..
2020-05-09 09:22 | Report Abuse
strongest yoy revenue grow in 2 yrs with lesser working days due to MCO shut down.