
Tradeshare | Joined since 2018-03-27

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2018-07-09 14:53 | Report Abuse

No one can see future but future always in front.


2018-07-09 11:17 | Report Abuse

Bottom 40sen....first support lever 50sen.... Before 55 sen support lever n now 60sen.
What u want to wait for?


2018-07-09 10:56 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...... Cicak boys mcm bijak tapi boneka sebenarnya.


2018-07-09 10:56 | Report Abuse

Kenapa bising di sini saja? Pi main kat sana juga!


2018-07-09 10:53 | Report Abuse

Hengyuan short profit? Now droping will below 6.00 soon.


2018-07-09 10:52 | Report Abuse

Dialog make profit? Big projek? Now ding ding dong dong up down!


2018-07-09 10:51 | Report Abuse

Hibiscus make profit? Now droping everyday!


2018-07-09 10:50 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..... Sleeping mode? Velesto make profit? Velesto dpt projek? Now dah naik 10% atau sleeping mode?


2018-07-09 10:29 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..... Tunggu Dan lihat lepas ini....!


2018-07-08 14:53 | Report Abuse

Akaun telah dibekukan! Nak donate apanya? Donate pada akaun pakatan harapan!


2018-07-07 19:31 | Report Abuse

Monday morning will fly up higher till noon but maybe after noon will going down . Just hope the best results on Monday oil moving forward.


2018-07-06 16:09 | Report Abuse

Sampai tertidur trade share..... Hahaha.... Tadi sunyi bila naik meriah balik.... Hihihi.... Haraplah boleh naik few sen.


2018-07-06 09:37 | Report Abuse

What big bisnes no borrowing no debt?
R u buying house no loan no borrow why u not bankruptcy? Sometimes I c very many stupidly all r mental problems . Anyway today rebound they cannot everyday red have to green green.


2018-07-05 14:40 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..... Sinoboy! We go from 40sen till now 60sen we still here right? I still confident will over 80sen soon just patient. Cheer bro!


2018-07-05 14:25 | Report Abuse

After cleared will up me still hold loss is OK! Will earning back just time when come . Hihihi...... Tak beli tak apa bila naik nanti jgn beli tunggu lg cheap cheap sell!


2018-07-05 14:21 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..... Cool bro.... Dropping they come out... Up they will quite that all.


2018-07-05 11:49 | Report Abuse

Big fund tgh tarik buyer.... Mai beli beli !! Tiada org beli mrk sdr jual beli. Cukup syarat naik petang ni hihihi....... No pressure sell no pressure buy only who is patient he is winner.


2018-07-04 22:39 | Report Abuse

Ayoyo..... Iklan cari pelangan di sini. Kalau sapura tak naik esok semua pelanggan nya lari counter oh! Hai! Jerung jgn main2 ding ding dong dong lg esok terus push up 10-20% .


2018-07-04 19:25 | Report Abuse

Wah.... Ada berita baikkah?
Ding ding dong dong vol makin naik boleh jadi esok lusa naik ni? Harap esok 64-66 lusa over 70 sen hihihi..... Dah 4 minggu ding ding dong dong 60-66 . Support makin kuat dah masanya utk push up over 70sen, yg lain dah mula naik opcom pun naik sikit esok sapura mesti naik.
Hahaha.... Masih setia menunggu!


2018-07-03 01:34 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..... Hari ini cerita lg.... Ada yg suka ada yg tak suka keputusan hari pertama minggu ini. Namun kita cuba lihat lg hari ini adakah masih droping atau rebound balik 64-66. Bagi saya ruang utk naik melebihi 70sen masih ada dlm masa terdekat mungkin minggu ini . Selama beberapa minggu ini harga masih berlegar antara 600-680 belum lg naik lepasi 70sen, jadi peluang tetap masih ada. Malah juga tidak jatuh balik bawah 600sen, walaupun dgn keadaan sentimen harga minyak dunia trade war ffund n QR loss 135m. Namun terlalu awal utk sy berkata apa, biar kita sama-sama menunggu keputusan dlm beberapa hari ini, utk menyenangkan hati semua. Pandangan pasti berbeda apa lg pendapat tiada yg sebetulnya. Ada pihak suka harga overvalue sebab co. Make profit projek ada dlm tangan, namun adakah ini membuktikan harganya tidak akan jatuh? Ada pihak suka undervalue walaupun hutang byk tetapi projek juga byk n nilainya tidak sepadan dgn nilai sebenar iaitu market value (so cheap) ,namun adakah ini membuktikan harganya tidak akan naik pada harga sebenarnya? Tiada org kata u salah atau betul hanya apa yg kita lihat berbeza. Mungkin beliau lihat sapura tiada nilai bad co. No future akan bankrap n dll. Tetapi bagi satu pihak lg lain ,sapura have good future big co. Will make big profit someday all o&g co do n dll. Adakah nilainy hanya rm 40sen pershare? Dgn co. Sebesar ini? Atau sepatutnya lebih rm 1.00 ? Ckp dgn jujur usah berputar belit ckp tak serupa bikin sini ckp tak Bagus sana dia beli nanti kata tak beli tapi hari2 server charter sapura cerita byk2 !? Inilah manusia bolehkah anda percayai kawan lg mahu mkn kawan apa lg kawan dlm ini! Hahaha..... Sama2 kita fahami sesama kita sy hanya manusia biasa hanya cari sesuap nasi buat belanja mkn minum tak kaya tak apa asal tidak ambil org punya. Senang susah tuhan tentukan kita hanyalah makhluk sehalus debu bukan kita tentukan nilainya.
Selamat melabur saham!!
Good luck to all shareholders sapura.


2018-07-02 00:50 | Report Abuse

Dah cerita 3 hari 3 mlm punyai ulasan tersendiri, namun hari ini penentuan segala pendapat gambaran adakah anda terima kenyataan dgn benar terima segala betul salah atau hanya suka2 buat kenyataan. Naik turun hari ini buktikan kebenaran arah tuju sapura down trend atau up trend n adakah nilai sebenar sapura share di bawah 60sen atau atas lebih tinggi nilai sebenar nya. Sama2 kita hari ini.
Good luck me to.


2018-06-29 15:14 | Report Abuse

Hahaha......... Drop red u will sell but others is collecting n confident QR not bad u r think. More good news will coming slowly one by one just waiting upward.


2018-06-29 13:16 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..... Ttstay.... They r short plays buy sell of course no dare to buy but chart signal is buy for short term. They knew but still no dare to buy n wait QR out no confident at all. Anyway good luck to u bro.


2018-06-29 12:27 | Report Abuse

Bottom low 395 now 650 to rm1 of course middle, but charter is up trend how low can go? How high can go? Up to u to make choice buy hold sell n wait. When drop u no dare to buy when up u oso no dare buying just waiting still waiting now u still waiting?


2018-06-29 12:08 | Report Abuse

Now price ding ding dong dong not mean will drop after noon but oso will up after noon. Investor waiting to take action big fund waiting signal n collecting more cheap price . Today close green will not red n maybe result out today maybe next week but if u no buy no share how u make money if price limit up maybe? After price higher u no dare to buy then still wait 60sent 50sent for another months , me confident today will close green 665-685 before QR out. .


2018-06-28 23:05 | Report Abuse

Yes bro mobuzz.... Come back today too tired.
Happy c u oso bro..


2018-06-28 22:33 | Report Abuse

Wah wah wah..... Masih juga perang up n down siapa menang? Harga masih atas 60sen skrg 65sen siapa salah siapa betul tak kisah lah asal u shareholders tapi yg tgk tak berani beli ckp byk apa guna? Ada yg kata esok QR out ? Ada pula kata 3 julai QR out, jadi tiada jawapan yg tepat maka tunggu bila2 akan out . QR yakin profit price yakin over 70sen to 80sen just hope the Best . Esok still price move up few sen n more after QR out, buy now o buy after price up o wait price down below 60se, but i dont think u can get below 60sen be course price oredy stable n move up more then drop n oso oversold . Good luck to all shareholders we will see star wars. Cheers


2018-06-22 01:33 | Report Abuse

Still hold is true share holders, buy now is dare investors ,sell after hold is not true share holders, not buy now just talk much much is loser investors . N always talk bad negative sapura they is not sapura investors but is opposite stock o&g counter either hibiscus dialog hengyuan umwog DLL. Anyway sapura will fly up anytime maybe next week 30-50% . I just hope price will higher up before o after I come back from China n now I at sabah will flight up to China today morning .
Cheer to all look forward share holders n dare to believe what is good to sapura in near term n future come. Now engine still working only turbojets not in yet have to wait it build in after that will fly up to moon see star wars! Good luck all the best n cheer again.


2018-06-21 11:34 | Report Abuse

If this Stock not good why ppl buy? Why ppl hold? Why all want to talk bad about sapura? N many2 more. Think think think n bad is good, good is bad.


2018-06-21 11:31 | Report Abuse

In morning big fund no working maybe afternoon n gov want see market free play good o so bad before take action. Sabar dont panic gov not stupid, they know how to work. Give time. Sangkut sangkut all sangkut hihihi......


2018-06-21 08:32 | Report Abuse

When ppl fear bear big fund will collecting lowers then push it up, when ppl all in big fund will slowly sell . Anyway price have to fly up higher cannot always stay lower then hold o sell?


2018-06-20 20:07 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.... I say oredy good Stock can crash bad stock can fly up this is stock market . N sapura is undervalued stock, hibiscus is valued stock n dialog over value stock with one is high risk is market crash? Think before say anything.


2018-06-20 17:28 | Report Abuse

I c slowly going up back to 65-68sen in this two days this week. maybe next week will fly up over 70sen. Many Stock fly up oredy but sapura still slowly up this two week ,mybe will fly up soon.


2018-06-20 16:29 | Report Abuse

Oh! No show just maintain slowly up. Good o bad QR who know? Maybe big fund oso dont know! Just collecting n when QR out? Till now no news.


2018-06-20 15:40 | Report Abuse

Just hope today can closed 630-635 then good way to go up.


2018-06-20 15:20 | Report Abuse

Apa sy kata? Slowly push up n 4pm maybe got show oh! Buy o sell?


2018-06-20 11:16 | Report Abuse

What I see big fund don't want let it drop below 600sent n will push it slowly up n wait result out n if result good will fly up higher. Buy o sell?


2018-06-19 23:01 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..... Semua bermimpi di siang hari! Belum apa2 market crash sudah mcm dunia mahu kiamat lieo. Tapi Bagus semua mahu sapu sapura share ini berita baik nanti big fund boleh tlg push naik lg naik lg byk mahu sapu sapura Stock. Hihihi......


2018-06-19 18:11 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...... I can see many investors here want to buy sapura share but want more cheap sell 50-55sent. Today many investors bei tahan lieo buy 600-620sent. Maybe tomolo gap up maybe gap down but if big fund not take away bid at 60sent then maybe will gap up 1sent o maybe big fund will push it up more few sen to help klci will not break 1700 . Gov have to do something don't let local investors more panic n let ff investors more confident to our country n have more room to rise. Gov good o bad now we can see it is can stability the stock market now, we wait n see will know.


2018-06-19 15:42 | Report Abuse

Following mokhzani o follow affin hwang ?


2018-06-19 15:38 | Report Abuse

Dare buy more scare cabut lor....


2018-06-19 15:37 | Report Abuse

If pressure dump slow maybe will rebound few sen.


2018-06-19 15:36 | Report Abuse

Trump is business man make stupid to earning money.


2018-06-19 15:35 | Report Abuse

Two big fund dump n pump who???


2018-06-19 12:18 | Report Abuse

600-615 got short support if today o this week not break this lever then price will shoot up higher n QR is good not bad. I still believe dream will come true rm 1 soon.


2018-06-19 11:22 | Report Abuse

Out if scare in if dare. What I see big fund collecting lower price be course still some want to sell then they will not push it up n only buy at lower price average lower they price but will not push it down lower be course they now what is u price. N got short plays buy at 630 n want sell at 645 then they know then push it down let they sell cheap not let they make profit. When big fund see line clear will fast move up push higher n QR will out after that.


2018-06-18 23:21 | Report Abuse

Now brent oil rebound hope can up more higher n hope QR out tomolo o very soon n got good news the. Price can fly up limit up. Hihihi...... Waiting so long long time need to see ⭐⭐⭐


2018-06-18 22:47 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..... Mobuzz .....last time berkaukau want follow rr&& buy cheap how cheap so cheap sell high. now rr&& said we r stupid he so good always cut loss 10% 12% loss money in ASB sapura Stock n now want ppl buy Stock myeg iris??? Then he can get out make money let ppl sangkut sangkut then follow rr&& oso stupid .


2018-06-18 20:52 | Report Abuse

Today no up tomolo will up at least few sen . If tomolo big fund still not take action push it up, dont break support lever 610sen . Result still no news tomolo last day o date change?