
Tradeshare | Joined since 2018-03-27

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2018-05-23 12:15 | Report Abuse

No... Be course many counter bad then come to buy this counter stabilize n good hihihi...


2018-05-23 12:08 | Report Abuse

Don't talk talk talk just buy buy buy will rise.......!


2018-05-23 11:37 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.....cicak boys is loser n only can buy cheap cheap 1sent 2sent. I buy buy buy oredy wait last week till now I buy I buy I buy.... Will up up up hahaha. ....!


2018-05-22 16:53 | Report Abuse

Mkn ikan masin free.... Hihihi.....!


2018-05-22 16:41 | Report Abuse

Sabar harga tidak Akan jatuh bawah 70sent .
Skrg tgh support agar tidak jatuh mendadak bila keadaan fear bear reda harga akan naik. Biarlah cicak boys tu meracau kita beli waktu harga terendah boleh dpt tetapi share yg ada jgn jual. Kalau di lihat minggu ini akan reda minggu depan akan naik mendadak.


2018-05-22 14:09 | Report Abuse

Tak beli tak apa tiada org psk pon....! Tetapi dok suruh org jual buat statment menakut-nakutkan agar semua org panik nak jual itu buat apa?
Membantu tidak mengada-ngada itu je....kerjanya.
Bagi pelabur sapura usah bimbang jgn jual murah jual tinggi-tinggi baru harga naik tinggi. Kalau jual murah-murah harga akan turun mendadak akhirnya makin byk org jual makin rendah lg harganya. Kalau tidak minggu ini minggu depan mesti naik , jgn biarkan mrk-mrk tu dpt harga murah nanti lepas mrk dpt bila harga naik mrk akan jual dgn itu harga akan turun balik, sampai bila pun susah nak naik tinggi-tinggi. Bila harga naik tinggi mrk-mrk tu tidak akan berani beli ,nanti harga naik lg tinggi lg tinggi. Lepas itu kita boleh ucap selamat tinggal mrk-mrk tu.


2018-05-22 12:03 | Report Abuse

Sy juga dgr berita yg di war-warkan ada pihak cuba sabotaj Stock market. Harap Tun m mampu atasinya secepat mungkin n menyakinkan kembali pelabur asing.
Just hope the Best!


2018-05-22 11:27 | Report Abuse

Bad news is good news to collect cheap price?
Pelabur asing out to malaysia.
Jerung kelam-kabut tak tahu mana satu nak support mana satu nak naik mcm2 .
Negara hutang 1 trillion ++.
Apa jadi pada market Stock?
Kalau kita rakyat malaysia juga pelabur juga takut keluar Stock market hanya tgk sj... N ketawa gila bukankah kita sdr jahanamkan lg Stock market?
Jgn takut sebaliknya support beli semurah harga boleh dpt bila keadaannya kembali pulih n pelabur asing labur balik kita semua akan dpt untung besar.
Sy tahu ada org tidak setuju malah asyik ckp rugi rugi rugi tetapi kalau tiada rugi mana dtg untung?
Sy memang tahu ini akan terjadi sebab tu sy tunggu peluang ! Nak buat duit jgn takut kena ada keberanian yakin malah ini negara kita juga kerajaan kita pilih bukan begitukah?


2018-05-21 23:32 | Report Abuse

I know what u mean bro.... No news is good news give price up before announced right?


2018-05-21 23:30 | Report Abuse

If tomolo can break 80 before noon then good show will begin.


2018-05-21 23:21 | Report Abuse

Yes bro! But still not announced ..
N that y I standby to buy more if got cheap price.


2018-05-21 22:39 | Report Abuse

Yes bro! Just hope the best.


2018-05-21 22:18 | Report Abuse

Tomolo if gap up n can break 80-81 then good but if not break 80 still not good. If gap down mean shark take action but not mean bad maybe will push up after down few sen.. Got big sell at 785-795 n got big buy at 760-770 if shark no take action how price can go up? Then wait n see n collect lower price if u want buy more . when shark take action then we all can see price will fly up but when I don't know just wait n buy lower price.


2018-05-21 16:42 | Report Abuse

Shark give up! Today green tomolo gap up again.


2018-05-21 16:29 | Report Abuse

Bullet standby .....we play with shark!


2018-05-21 16:10 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.... Buy cahaya mata droping badly cheap cheap..... 26% discount.


2018-05-21 13:15 | Report Abuse

Shark not take action yet just collecting cheap price sell higher price. Maybe shark will push down but not much to make u n me sell cheap they collect. Just standby bullet buy when drop not buy when up they will sell more n more that why stay a round this price let u buy higher .
But if shark take action any day can up!!


2018-05-21 12:32 | Report Abuse

Sy tak Marah hanya gerammm hihihi.....!


2018-05-21 11:59 | Report Abuse

Slow slow naik tak sakit jantung, laju laju naik jantung bergetar makin cepat hospital tunggu!
Aku tunggu di bawah kau org naik dulu nanti baru ku naik bila dah ready!


2018-05-21 11:16 | Report Abuse

Lg satu cerita lucu, in March org kata jgn beli sapura tak lama lg mcm perisai! Waktu itu sapura 0.40-0.50 n skrg 0.70-0.80 ada lg org kata tak lama lg mcm perisai. Tulis cina lg tu!!


2018-05-21 11:07 | Report Abuse

Sini ada cerita lucu, org bijak pandai kata kamu org semua bodoh sapura tak naik ke mana jatuh lg teruk nanti. Beli sumatec skrg minyak naik!!
Mari kita bandingkan.
In March sapura 40>50>60>70>80.
Sumatec 07>06>05>040
Mana naik mana turun pun tak tahu lg nak kata org bodoh!


2018-05-20 23:48 | Report Abuse

Pmaster! The last I tell u.... Strong support lever is 690 .if this lever break u scare then sell all u share don't hold any share in sapura. But if not break this price support lever then u will make big money n don't buy more n more when price goes up, we average down not average up ur price. Buy more when drop not up! OK! Good night.


2018-05-20 23:08 | Report Abuse

What can i say is last year loss this year gain no need to agreed me . See next month in june u all will know the true why have to let u mind think so much. For me just believe n confident if u choice to invest in sapura counter. If not u can invest in hy or hibs good report right.
Buy on lower n good price not buy when price goes up just collect n keep n wait n sell when u think innuf for u. Sometimes think so much hear so much like to follow but don't know wrong o right then u think u can make money? Fake news fake ppl tell u hear so much fake every way anyway all can make ppl panik but u don't know at all why u invest??? Some ppl helped but some not but lies. Me just hope the best believe n confident my choice all in sapura counter. If some days coming limit up in this share, r u think still can buy this price ? Anyway good luck to u all.


2018-05-20 20:29 | Report Abuse

Why hlg buy call 64 sen??


2018-05-20 18:25 | Report Abuse

Lg satu lucu beli skrg esok terus naik 200% lusa terus jatuh 400% mana tidak kaya lg cepat miskin. Hari ini Ketawa hari esok marah mana tidak cepat sakit jantung sakit jiwa patut penuh tanjung rambutan apalg hospital!


2018-05-20 18:11 | Report Abuse

I think maybe brent 30 usd then sapura will be rm 1.577 n if brent go to free 0.00 then sapura will be rm 4.50 . Ppl like droping like cheap price like lower n lowers this is sapura future oso malaysia minded .


2018-05-20 11:48 | Report Abuse

Right bro...! If gap down mean shark take action to buy lower then push up hihihihi...... I hope can get lower few sent.


2018-05-20 11:35 | Report Abuse

I have changed my tp fly up 50-100% got another good news. Any want buy tomorrow?
Stanby bullet Buy how low u can get go go go......!


2018-05-19 20:21 | Report Abuse

Brent 80 usd sap only 40sent I will buy this price sell all my property car all can sell sailang in sapura. Hope next week can get it?


2018-05-19 16:07 | Report Abuse

Pmaster! I tell oredy maybe will below 70sent but after I see Friday show no more panik selling oso pressure dispose .maybe Monday will up few sent but I will not buy just see trend but if drop few sent I will buy some n wait see another day trend. Sometimes yes we don't know what n why price going down n think negative that shark dumplah whatlah all just u n me think. But I can tell u share price drop not all because sharks dump but short short plays n foreign plays out to hold make profit n get out n wait another round.
Then buy lower u can get that u think is good price to u n hold n wait. After all back to coming in then the price will fly up soon just time. N can tell u collect before June but I thing next week is good time to collect before more coming in then price will higher. Anyway I always hope we all can make fortune! Just hope the best no look back just forward to future!


2018-05-19 13:37 | Report Abuse

Ok! Pmaster u r right i am wrong u happy go lucky! Now i tell u what? Before what gov now what gov? Do u think EPF will dump like crazy last time? Do u think new gov stupid do same thing like before gov? Do u thing new gov will let market dropping? Use mind think n do u think sapura will bankruptcy n share higher value o no value at all? Think think think good before think bad n panik in front can make u loss n win ,what u choice hold o sell up to u! Don't let we know, u know what I mean???


2018-05-19 12:18 | Report Abuse

Sap price no way go below 60sent if below 70sent maybe will next week.
But I don't think will below 70sent n now more n more collecting sapura share n confident will fly up soon. Just one news can make share go to moon anytime. then collect how low u can get next week just wait time coming.


2018-05-19 12:11 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..... Sy nap ketawa lg hahaha.....!!!
Pmaster dah min ubat opening kah?


2018-05-18 15:18 | Report Abuse

Shark sell ikan bilis buy course confident buy.
Oredy buy just hold n buy lower price u can get dont buy higher price they will sell more n more.


2018-05-18 14:39 | Report Abuse

Sudah boleh msk signal buy! Hold dont sell.


2018-05-18 13:14 | Report Abuse

Sinoboy cheer.. N buy lower price u can get!
Sama2 kita tunggu hope the Best!


2018-05-18 12:57 | Report Abuse

Mobuzz bro, skrg short plays skrg sibuk kira2 berapa harga nak msk ! Mungkin naik petang ini tapi mungkin tipis sebab tak tahu shark take action ke tak! Tapi minggu depan sy pasti shark akan take action dan short play juga akan msk in few day boleh meletup panggung sapura. Bagi masa redakan keadaan fear bear dulu lepas tu bull! Hihihi....bullet stanby!


2018-05-18 12:18 | Report Abuse

Hari ni sy tak beli minggu depan sy sailang tp fly up 30-50% jgn pejam mata lihat apa berlaku dlm sejarah sapura melonjak mendadak. Hihihi.... !


2018-05-18 11:49 | Report Abuse

Patut sap jatuh terus jatuh, pmaster asyik jual je... Dari 870 840 820 805 skrg 775 nanti 745 pula apalah lu pmaster asyik push down je.... Berapa million dah jual?


2018-05-17 22:33 | Report Abuse

Ni sy bagi tip signal! Kalau esok pagi market open gap down 10-15 sen standby beli yg terendah boleh dpt awal pagi sebelum 10am. Yg lain jgn tanya byk ok tq. Nak buat analisis sibuk mlm ni.


2018-05-17 22:21 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... Seadrill tu negara mana? Sap kat mana? Kalau ikut nombornya sap 765 seadrill 680 ? Mana tinggi? Hihihi..... Apo kojo banding tak serupo laut dgn darat.


2018-05-17 21:44 | Report Abuse

JN88 DAN WD40 terima kasih nasihatnya.
Sy memang ada jangkaan ini akan berlaku hanya tak sangka begitu cepat je.... Br berberapa hari je pun! Namun sy dah standby malah Wang pun dah msk trading account, sy tidak akan lepaskan peluang kalau ianya berlaku minggu depan. Sy suka bermain dgn jerung sebab mrk beri peluang sy untung easy money. Sama2 lah kita tunggu n lihat apa akan berlaku esok ya!


2018-05-17 21:35 | Report Abuse

Sama2 BB1218 sabor jelah!


2018-05-17 21:05 | Report Abuse

Ini pandangan sy yg tidak perlu sesiapa setuju!
Jerung sudah jual sebilangan besar share sapura n pelabur luar juga sudah jual hampir habis share mrk. Yg membeli pelabur tempatan namun yg menjualnya terlalu byk dan mendadak mcm terpaksa jual takut bimbang dan mungkin sentiment musim puasa nak guna duit kut! Sekiranya esok jerung tidak bertindak melonjak naikkan harga ke paras lever 80-81 sen sebelum jam 12pm tetapi sebaliknya belaku? Maka harga akan jatuh lg 5-8% , namun harap ini tidak berlaku. Kalaulah ini berlaku esok hari jatuh pada lever 710-720 dgn jelas harga akan jatuh bawah lever 680-690 minggu depan dan akan berlegar sehingga jerung mula bertindak utk menaikkan harga agar pelabur mula yakin kembali membeli. Bertindak lah dgn keadaan semasa dan untung rugi sendiri tanggung. Bagi longterm holders langsung tak perlu risau atau bimbang dan tidak perlu hirau apa sj berlaku hanyalah sentimen keadaan semasa. Sapura tak bankrap gulung tikar atau ada apa2 masalah besar malah akan semakin maju pada masa depan.
Mungkin inilah peluang bagi short short players buat duit dgn cepat 10-30% . Harap maaf kalau ada salah dan silap di bulan puasa ini dan selamat berpuasa Amin.


2018-05-17 14:58 | Report Abuse

Time to buy buy buy not sell sell sell before 4pm!!


2018-05-17 12:44 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..... Sy ketawa lg hahaha. ... Signal buy buy buy collecting not innuf have to some more then u will see what is going on! Shark make u sell sell sell u don't sell sell sell then they push some more let u panik then u will sell sell sell.
Then we buy buy buy then what? Hahaha......


2018-05-17 11:50 | Report Abuse

Yes can buy back on monday back if today noon o Friday fly up then u buy higher right? Pmaster we don't know next round will begin but signal buy for this counter then buy n wait.


2018-05-17 11:21 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...... Takut!!!! Hahaha...... Naik sapu turun lari mcmmana nak untung!!! Sebelum ini 80sen jatuh 615 sen -23% skrg 91sen jatuh 80sen -12%
Sudah takut!!! Hahaha..... ! Cicak boys dtg lg bila jatuh nilah kerja mrk! Hahaha.... Tak gelak tak boleh! Bro mobuzz just let they be 20% coming soon hihihi....


2018-05-16 22:02 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.... rr88 loss 10% today at ASB counter want to find 10% drop on sapura can recover the loss today. He will buy when sapura drop but I think he will miss the boat when sapura tomolo fly up! Hihihi...... !


2018-05-16 21:29 | Report Abuse

I am not master just following trend. Maybe I will loss maybe I will win but if loss then hold long-term lor. I know will drop but in stock anything can happen no one can tell the right way. Just hope the best tomolo.