
Tradeshare | Joined since 2018-03-27

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2018-06-18 20:44 | Report Abuse

Be course of trade war dont play Stock , seat back be good mama son.


2018-06-18 17:06 | Report Abuse

Yes! Something wrong? Why no pressure sell, why collecting at 625 , why no take action, why big roadblocks buy, why why why? Something wrong? Maybe tomolo limit up fly up jump up who knows?? QR green evergreen oil rebound something wrong??


2018-06-18 16:48 | Report Abuse

All buy 635.......


2018-06-18 16:00 | Report Abuse

Big vol buy,, u want sell?


2018-06-18 13:58 | Report Abuse

Today 685-695


2018-06-18 10:26 | Report Abuse

O&g counter will shoot up soon n brent oil will upward back. Buy when price cheap after pressure sell slowing down will up back green evergreen today closed green. QR green price will fly up no joker just confident big fund will push it up higher.


2018-06-18 08:28 | Report Abuse

Hahaha. is time to buy not sell. Today oil can drop tomolo oil can up do u know?
What ever oil drop o up , sapura will up this week.


2018-06-17 14:42 | Report Abuse

Mokhzani oso said after he sell sapura share that he give assurance will not out from o&g n he do all this be course father out PETRONAS n umno . Help father politics n now win be gov n take back PETRONAS then mokhzani will come back in o&g. What u think about that?


2018-06-17 14:09 | Report Abuse

Only affin hwang unlike sapura negative comment but always buy sell buy sell to make money in sapura n loss money last time when hold sapura. Sapura earning 21m every 1 usd up on brent oil for 5.2m barrel n 1 usd drop sapura no loss money only less make profit n will make money in gas on future. This year brent oil average 65-75 usd n now 73 usd still stable. Maybe u think us trump make brent oil crash price will lowers but if us trump make it crash who got winning n make all o&g co. Bankruptcy then u think oil will cheap in future? Who r trump? After he make it happen then oil price will up more then double, maybe 100 usd maybe 200 usd maybe 300usd on future. What stupid businessman trump sell cheap if us can make more oil control market monopoly world after that in future. Just hope the best sapura can make it up higher again n Malaysia gov still need help from o&g in future.


2018-06-17 00:18 | Report Abuse

Haiz! Penyakit dari rm1.00 turun 40sent naik 90sen turun 53sen naik skrg 65sen dlm 6 bulan ini, masih ada pihak tidak dpt pelajari naik turunnya baik sentimen GE 14 / turun harga minyak / naik harga minyak / ff out market / trade war china-us /drop Stock market dunia / naiknya interest fed us / n dll. sememangnya sentimen boleh pengaruhi harga Stock market klci n saham2 tertentu namun tak semestinya sentiasa selalu semua saham2 akan dipengaruhi setiap masa setiap waktu kerana ianya di luar kawalan malah ikut keadaan semasa. Namun sekiranya anda terlalu takut suka ikut sentimen semasa terlalu berhati-hati tak mahu rugi mesti untung maka anda tidak patut main saham sebaliknya simpan fd ASN dll, atau ikut maha guru kaq jgn labur waktu ini n labur lepas market crash akan dtg tahun 2020 -2021. Fahami diri anda kemahuan anda keperluan anda sebelum ingin mengajar mengajak mempengaruhi mengutuk mengata membebal kerana anda belum tentunya lebih fahami dari org lain mungkin jauh lebih memahami mengetahui mengerti segalanya dari anda! Saham mati boleh hidup saham hidup boleh mati adakah anda faham maksudnya. Tiada betul atau salah ,saham baik boleh jatuh saham buruk boleh naik inilah hakikat dunia saham tiada yg semestinya.
Selamat melabur saham.


2018-06-15 19:06 | Report Abuse

OK! Talk about sapura QR next week.
What I believe no loss only profit but don't know how much? Loss 2.5 billion before all is last year all costs projects but this year low costs no more used big money but big money coming in.
If still loss oso small loss but hope gain some make the QR green is good innuf to bring confidence. Next week price will over 70sent but if QR so good result o maybe got others good news price will fly up more higher.
Just hop the best.


2018-06-15 18:55 | Report Abuse

Selamat raya Aidilfitri to all!!
What I want to say is what ever ppl say still got they confusion be course ppl always think so much over the crossed will make they do what is good for they but not always is right o true . Some ppl buy share have to see results good earning good revenue good profit anything is good in company then they will be dare to buy n keep n hold . Some ppl buy share have to see crashed price durian runtuh cheap sell discount sell anything is lowers price then they will dare to buy make easy money fast earning but they will sell fast fast profit always sell buy buy sell short plays. Some ppl buy share see future in company long way up n up trend stock got big projects got big future n what ever all is different they way share buy think n needs. That why Bursa klci got thousands stock still got investors buy n sell.


2018-06-14 12:07 | Report Abuse

Raya lieo..... Don't see lieo next week fly up lieo .next week make profit lieo ,want more profit much dare to hold 90-1.00 . Selamat raya.


2018-06-14 08:45 | Report Abuse

Today green evergreen last day sapu next week up up. Buy n keep next week make profit.


2018-06-13 23:35 | Report Abuse

If big fund cuti then ikan bilis play free way maybe down maybe up ! More buy o more sell 1/2 day show.


2018-06-13 23:07 | Report Abuse

Today buy tomolo got cheap oso buy ,hope tomolo rebound back 665 o more.


2018-06-13 22:46 | Report Abuse

Mawilenged indo mali kah? Atau baru keluar hutan? Baca tak pandai faham tak faham ,guna kata2 kesat memang tiada pendidikan ilmu langsung.


2018-06-13 22:15 | Report Abuse

Yes! Next week 735-785 ,if got another good news will limit up rm1.00 .


2018-06-13 17:09 | Report Abuse

U la cry...... Price from 90 crashed to 53 still here buy more n more u mana oh! U just wait lah 58sen can buy o not dont talk fool! Hihihi....!


2018-06-13 13:44 | Report Abuse

If noon rebound back to 660-665 o green when market closed then strong up next week .tomolo strong buy for half day trade.


2018-06-13 13:36 | Report Abuse

Monday price will going up, today sell for raya of course more sell but oso many buy how cheap can buy n tomolo some ppl will buy the lower price n maybe can get cheap more but will up few sen if no more cheap sell. Monday o Tuesday will strong buy up up o fly! Just buy lower price n keep for next week show.
Good luck for all shareholders n hope QR will got good result n oso got good announce good news then price will fly high.
Anyway selamat hariraya Aidilfitri maaf zahir dan batin. Semoga kita sama-sama harungi hari yg mulia ini dgn gembira dan murah rezekinya. Usahlah kita bertengkar sesama kita demi kesejahteraan bersama, demi masa depan kita bersama. I will go china holiday soon nextweek then cannot take care share price up o down , just hold n hope price will up higher when I come back.


2018-06-13 11:33 | Report Abuse

Panik selling course raya but more want to buy before raya waiting cheap sell. N all ppl know sap will up course up trends chart only stupid sifu fake sifu like hear bad sifu know nothing about stock sifu n loser sifu will thinking sap price will go down 60sent 55sent 50sent be course they don't have 2 pc ball only one big finger just can stay looking cannot do anything.
Afternoon will fly up 695 .


2018-06-12 21:59 | Report Abuse

QR out in 18/6/18 Monday. Good o bad we don't know but I think good.


2018-06-12 21:58 | Report Abuse

Yes sinoboy, just hold will up more soon n rm 1.00 very soon. If next week got more good news n QR oso very good profit then all investors will come back buy in n now oredy have investors coming back buy back in positive news n sapura share price oredy touched 69sent today.


2018-06-12 20:40 | Report Abuse

Last time different game now is new game. Last time gov eat investors money lies n now new gov want to make booming stock market upgrade Malaysia ekonomi on future then will not let investors go away but come back we all make money before ff coming back joining stock market in Malaysia.


2018-06-12 20:32 | Report Abuse

Yes! Share byk berkeliaran diluar sana sebab itu harga susah nak di tolak naik. Byk share akan dibuang bila ada untung tak kira berapa sen, sebaliknya share holders yg hold kurang ,apa lg dgn keadaan ekonomi negara dan perbagai sentimen yg boleh menakutkan share holders utk bertahan. Sebaliknya byk yg buang tidak kira untung ataupun rugi. Oleh itu Agak sukar menaikkan harga ke tahap tertinggi, walaupun pernah dicuba tetapi tidak bertahan lama. Oleh itu hanya pihak yg sgt kuat dgn model yg besar cuba utk sapu seberapa byk share yg boleh berperingkat dgn menaikkan harga step by step up slowly up. Inilah yg berlaku skrg! Tahap pertama 535-585 tahap kedua 625-675 n skrg 655-695 .oleh itu esok hanya akan berlegar tahap ketiga 655-695 sebelum ketahap seterusnya.
Minggu depan sekiranya keyakinan pelabur berubah dgn berita baik yg akan dtg tiba, dgn itu kenaikan semakin mudah malah cepat kepuncaknya. Maka tiada apa nak kita risaukan hanya yakin dgn pelaburan percaturan ini boleh membawa kita ke tahap yg lebih tinggi.
Hanya utk share holders yg berani hold just hold long run not short term plays.


2018-06-12 15:17 | Report Abuse

Don't see vol, vol is drama sell o buy? If sell sell cheap to big fund if buy buy higher from big fund. Price will go up step buy step move on maybe today 70sent maybe tomolo but up few sen is good oredy don't so fast up but slow slow up trend to 70-80-90-1.00 soon.


2018-06-12 14:14 | Report Abuse

Investors all want up trend share not staying no move forward no choice sell buy up trend stock then? Sapura maybe the choice to move on?


2018-06-12 14:12 | Report Abuse

How about hengyuan investor oso out buy sapura! Did sapura will rm1 ?


2018-06-12 14:10 | Report Abuse

If hibiscus investor n dialog investor out buy sapura then what happens to hibiscus n dialog?


2018-06-12 14:08 | Report Abuse

Why hibiscus drop? Why dialog staying ?


2018-06-12 14:02 | Report Abuse

Afternoon myeg will dropping but sapura will up course now investors sell myeg buy sapura, confident more in sapura will break 70sent soon.
Then how about u?


2018-06-12 13:54 | Report Abuse

Ayoyo..... Step by step up! Only share holders can earning more course they hold but short plays will loss course they easy bear fear cannot patient want make fast money buy sell buy sell then they will be trap that why some ppl will say price up is a trap? Today if cannot up more maybe will close at 665-675 . If want earning then hold not sell! Malaysian ppl easy bear fear around sentiment every time that why price hard to up more n only buy when price goes up fast that why they always loss. If u confidence in company u invest then why think so much? Ppl always scarring other's ppl after on they oso scared, that why they be loser ,think so much always find cheap price lower price after on no dare to buy that is loser.
Then ask ur self who r u ?


2018-06-12 09:13 | Report Abuse

To strong..... Will over 80sent?


2018-06-12 00:46 | Report Abuse

What i see is same like before 535-585 collecting n now 630-670 collecting from big fund we dont know. Tomolo up few sen maybe around 645-690 collecting in morning n maybe will up noon over 700-755 o next days. We dont know how many share they want to collect before limit up after QR out if got good news. Then rm1 coming soon. They will not let u know good o bad but maybe is good course got big fund collecting oso dont let price down, like step by step up then only share holders will hold but short plays will out fear bear n sentimen raya near. Anyway good luck!


2018-06-11 14:51 | Report Abuse

Vol sell is drama let u sell then move up soon.
No more want sell then up lor... Raya more want sell.


2018-06-11 14:09 | Report Abuse

Now higher oredy last week 535-555 u don't buy? More cheap cheap.


2018-06-11 13:59 | Report Abuse

Last time u oso cabut ma?


2018-06-11 13:11 | Report Abuse

Sapura will try up more few sen after noon.
Hope some one can buy more push it up.... Hihihi......!


2018-06-11 13:08 | Report Abuse

Soon will be hengyuan......


2018-06-11 11:57 | Report Abuse

Now is uptrend slowly up no pressure sell will up more. Joker anyway just want buy cheap sell n sell after up few sen. They is short plays easy money always buy sell buy sell not share holders. Shark now is follow pakatan gov not umno oredy will not be last time game, now is new game new trade. Worst is over now is beginning more to move on just give a time.


2018-06-11 10:46 | Report Abuse

Naik dah..... Signal sapu..... Berapa sen boleh naik?
Over 70sen?


2018-06-11 09:11 | Report Abuse

Up today! Will take action.


2018-06-10 22:55 | Report Abuse

Kenapa dgn hassan merican? 5 hari lepas di war war akan kembali PETRONAS. Adakah mokhzani akan kembali sapura??? Ini baru berita hangat yg di tunggu2 ? Hihihi...... Faham kali kedua sejarah berulang.

News & Blogs

2018-06-10 20:33 | Report Abuse

Up more up more. On monday be fly up 10sen.. Sapura u can make it!


2018-06-09 23:56 | Report Abuse

What gambling style? Pmaster! U maybe gamble style everyday buy sell buy sell not invest but trade everytime full week 5day working. How come price drop if QR out? Last time 2 billion this time 4 billion loss? What i see nothing to loss only make profit only dont know how much? Maybe few hundred millions maybe 1-2 billion who knows! U know? Why sapura got projects if this company always loss many few billion ? How one company can get projects if they know this company bankruptcy no money to work they projects? N why got buy call from 64sent 67sent 71sent 82sent rm 1.00 rm 1.11 n more to come why? Maybe some ppl see good not like see bad but why I see good profit good company good in cash they share still drop n ding dong ding dong? Why? Maybe now u make money but if someday u buy drop share cheap price but after that limit down then u know what is loss gambling.


2018-06-09 19:35 | Report Abuse

No no no...... Sapura only up no down oredy but slowing up few sen few sen up price maybe around 75sen before QR out. But i think QR is earning profit but if really got some one in sapura maybe price will much higher before announce. Oredy few month in sapura no earning money but others ppl still joker every way make money every day. I hope sapura don't let we down sad on it boat so long oredy just be course believe on sapura have good future.
Sapura make we dream come true then we will be ur long-term share holders growth with u!
Just hope the best!


2018-06-09 13:16 | Report Abuse

Ada anda fikir kenapa sejak akhir-akhir ini tiada berita sapura?
Share price skrg hanya berlegar-legar sebelum naik beberapa sen sebelum raya minggu depan. Dlm keadaan skrg mesti pelabur tak berani msk malah ada yg nak jual sebelum raya tiba. Tetapi bagi pelabur yg yakin positif QR yg akan keluar lepas raya ini akan make profit malah ada berita baik yg akan menyusul selepas itu.
Bagi pelabur jangka pendek n pjg akan setia menunggu n harapan menggunung harga akan melepasi 91sen yg tertinggi dicapai bulan may lepas. Prestasi 2 3 hari ini di lihat baik dgn keadaan yg tenang ,naik turun yg tidak ketara n support lever 630-635 di lihat semakin kukuh sebelum naik ke tahap seterusnya 675-695 .
Mungkin corak permainan sudah berubah tidak seperti sebelum ini yg naik tinggi terus 10-20sen sebaliknya naik bertahap tahap. Kecuali ada berita sgt baik yg mampu lonjakan harga ke tahap tertinggi. Selamat melabur saham.


2018-06-08 08:13 | Report Abuse

Slow up o fly up? Out of perform downgrade. Dropping today.....