
alexyap | Joined since 2013-05-29

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2014-07-23 10:11 | Report Abuse

it's garang time. no worries, now baru starting. The nearer it gets to the release of quarter report, seller will be gone slowly. with the report out, seller will all be gone.


2014-07-23 09:34 | Report Abuse

it has awaken


2014-07-22 16:03 | Report Abuse

love this stock... superb ROE. another giant in the making. Just worried cause its Berjaya. often conned by Vincent. @@


2014-07-22 15:55 | Report Abuse

this beauty seems to be sleeping for now. PE of 11.4, which will be much lower when comes the quarter report, should see a major improvement QoQ. NTA of 2.9. Seems like an undervalued stocks waiting to be discovered, waiting for volume. GOGOGOGO!


2014-07-22 10:26 | Report Abuse

sleeping beauty half awake with super duper low volume...


2014-07-21 17:07 | Report Abuse

still here. although left 70%. SYIOK!


2014-07-21 16:48 | Report Abuse

this is really a sleeping beauty. waiting to be kissed


2014-07-21 13:54 | Report Abuse

if u have experienced the previous tragic, your mind should be much calmer now.
if u believe in the fundamental of the business, u can choose to HOLD, and wait for at least 2-3 quarter reports.
if u wanna speculate, sell on news, swim with sharks, goreng char kuey teow, then SELL while it's still hot.


2014-07-21 11:41 | Report Abuse

his birthday never seems like coming. LOLZ


2014-07-21 10:09 | Report Abuse

never ending sell queue... :S


2014-07-18 18:24 | Report Abuse

seems like investors are very confident with the mother. to pay such premium for son. Anyway, its a 5 years warrant. Not really a time to worry about premium, yet.


2014-07-18 16:15 | Report Abuse

noted with thanks hhakim. I will hold for as long as the price is justifiable.


2014-07-18 16:01 | Report Abuse

my source said Monday will make the announcement. dunno how true, and again dunno how to market will react to news? still, I think its a good thing, at least we get to know more about the deal.


2014-07-18 13:46 | Report Abuse

perhaps. lolz. looking forward to his birthday celebration. and hopefully ours too.


2014-07-18 13:44 | Report Abuse

LOL. king of stocks comments:
cheerleading :10/10
facts and info: 0/10
prediction: -1/10


2014-07-18 11:48 | Report Abuse

looks like kok onn is not getting his birthday present... yet... :P


2014-07-18 11:41 | Report Abuse

really dun know what is happening. Does anyone has any idea? Got new business masuk?? :)


2014-07-16 13:27 | Report Abuse

a good quarterly report will put the PE down to under 9. :)


2014-07-15 15:16 | Report Abuse

I see. I guess I need to ask my remiser then. thanks kosam229


2014-07-15 15:15 | Report Abuse

yea, lets hope they can improve on their earning the next few quarters. Maybe venture into insurance business? haha


2014-07-15 14:32 | Report Abuse

AIA is PRESBHD new shareholder. nice


2014-07-15 14:31 | Report Abuse

just a quick one, has anyone got the menang-warrant credited to their account already? I'm using OSK, and I still haven't seen mine yet.


2014-07-11 09:21 | Report Abuse

short term consolidation. while waiting for the next wave. Should be upon listing of warrant. If there's no global meltdown, should reach 1.3-1.4 in short term.


2014-07-11 09:19 | Report Abuse

this short term consolidation is getting more and more interesting. with EPF buying heavily... something is coming. Cant wait for next wave. all pumped up! PRESBHD gogogogo


2014-07-11 09:17 | Report Abuse

skylyte's calculation does prove a point. Just that he did not consider PE into calculation. Stocks like Sona, we all know there's no way to get it at discount to its asset or even close to it. Glad to know there's a 6 cents, at PE of 10. Sona still has RM0.6. Happy trading guys.


2014-07-10 10:36 | Report Abuse

nice drop!!! next wave mari mari. Another 20cents on the way


2014-07-08 20:35 | Report Abuse

its good to share useful knowledge, but if u wanna share how rich u r in this forum, I don't think many people will be too jealous, they might just think of it as another spoilt kid hanging onto papa's money. Anyway, good for u, and good luck in trading. We r all trying to build our own empire too.


2014-07-08 17:17 | Report Abuse

Lolz, seksiamin trying really hard to prove something here.


2014-07-07 16:08 | Report Abuse

overbought d. Hope next few days drop 1 cents... then naik another 20 cents!!!! HUAT!!!


2014-07-04 16:26 | Report Abuse

First, take lorry and bang your remiser.
Second, they didn't use the word free I suppose. Just bonus issue, not free issue, and bonus doesn't mean free.
Anyway, since Menang is a fundamentally strong stocks, low PE. It will recover. That time we can come back and argue about the bonus warrant (or free warrant as some of u wanna call it).


2014-07-04 14:36 | Report Abuse

company can issue warrants for various reasons, mainly is to attract more investors on board. Even dividend distribution/ right issue/ dividend in specie/ will cause adjustment in mother share, what makes bonus warrant so different than those??
All depends on the timing u entered the stock (you can say it rewards loyal supporter that hold before any news on the bonus issue is out, not very rewarding 2 those that entered late due to bonus issue and try to make some money out of it). If u bought yesterday, u wont lose also because they will give u free warrant that you can sell. You might earn more if mother share rises along with warrant upon listing. Depends on how confident you are with the fundamental of this company.


2014-07-04 13:22 | Report Abuse

funny, some people buy for the bonus warrant and expect the stock to go higher and higher without adjustment, then get the warrant, sell at high price... If like this all rich man lorrrr... Menang is fundamentally strong stock... warrant are just bonus if u entered at the right time. Overbought for the past few days, adjustment is inevitable.


2014-07-03 14:00 | Report Abuse

just need a push... and there it goes...


2014-07-02 17:33 | Report Abuse

what happened to koik88's comments?? conversation seems broken... -.-


2014-06-26 12:14 | Report Abuse

new RHB TP: 2.25... can pakai? :)


2014-06-18 23:22 | Report Abuse

the warrant is free, but depending on the price of warrant, the price of mother share will be adjusted accordingly.


2014-06-18 16:15 | Report Abuse

waiting for EGM, then only can know the info on bonus warrant I guess.
So many seller, cant understand why.


2014-06-17 14:21 | Report Abuse

not moving at all. what a counter.


2014-06-11 23:03 | Report Abuse

zoolkhibri Hi..anyone knows if we want to come for the we have to register in advance? or we can just go on 16th as they already have the latest shareholders list? thanks

Answer: Just be there before 9am with your IC to register yourself.


2014-06-11 19:41 | Report Abuse

pathfinder, what is wrong with you? All the questions you are asking, I do not think anyone here can answer. It's like asking how many eggs the hen will lay before it even lay any. You are way too persistent on facts that can be or will be released in the upcoming AGM, I repeat upcoming (means future). If you want to help, its good. But not by casting fear on those which u claim to be newbie.

Let me ask u this, what if those newbie sells their stock due to the fear created by you, and Sona rise to 0.6 or even 0.7 in the next few month? Then I guess you will say, well its your own decision. If Sona went down in the next few months, then I guess you would say, I told u so. So what is your point? Helping is fine, but not overdoing it.


2014-06-10 11:06 | Report Abuse

I don't think the management intend to hide the details of the deal. I believe there are still many uncertainties to be sorted out and the board does not want to fill the announcement board with irrelevant info before things are finalized. After all, the AGM is in a 6 days time. There's no better time for clarification than AGM.


2014-06-10 10:47 | Report Abuse

pathfinder, I can guarantee Clj Jun and King of Stock is not the same person. Cause King of Stock English sure sux like hell. Clj jun was better. @@
And no offense, your way of calculating their profit is too straight forward, and has no basis unless you say u r from this industry and you know they were calculated this way. Else I think anyone can do this math at any day. Again, why is people trying so hard to outthink the board? This is so underestimating Datuk Maznah, the financial director of the company.


2014-06-07 13:14 | Report Abuse

pathfinder, true to that, which till now I don't understand the dumping. So can only be cautious. Anyway, let the paper or director clear the air during AGM.


2014-06-07 11:41 | Report Abuse

first of all, how can people compare Sumatec and Sona?? Sumatec has been making losses for past 6-7 quarters except the latest one. Negative PE, got 0.28 cents u can thank holy god. Sona however just made QA, and will be starting to generate income soon. Unless they report losses for the next few quarter, then they might end up like Sumatec. Else compare Sona and Sumatec price now totally don't make sense to me. What if Sona goes the path of Hibiscus?

So people, stop putting the word like Big shark dumping, Goreng, stock dumping due to no more element of surprise in your mind. It will only cloud your judgment. Look at it as a business. Go to the AGM and try to understand why the directors made such move. If you keep bashing them without first understanding their plans for the move, then you should be earning the 200k annual salary rather than Hadian.


2014-06-06 12:04 | Report Abuse

talk and typing is free. there is no wrong posting stupid comments. but if u listen too much to the jokers here and steer away from your initial plan, then there is no one to blame but yourself.