Summary from 25/08/2009 to 12/03/2024 Highest Price 1.6200 First Occurred on 22/08/2014 Lowest Price 0.1900 First Occurred on 07/03/2024 Highest Volume 14.500m First Occurred on 21/12/2023
Country Heights Holdings Berhad (CHHB) is set to reappear on the radar of investors as management begins to implement new plans that will lead to greater transformation.
According to TA Securities, based on the recent series of events at CHHB since the appointment of managing director (MD) Datuk Jared Lim Chih Li (DJ) in September 2020, the group could reach new heights.
DJ, the son-in-law of Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, CHHB's former MD and controlling shareholder with current collective interest of 63 per cent, brings nearly 30 years of experience in corporate finance, private equity, entrepreneurship, and transformational leadership with him.
no need to make video lah , at this price can get 2,300+ acres of FREEHOLD land in KL , Selangor , NS , Kedah , you are getting these lands now at $1 psf , lelong leong , santa is coming to town. Du Du...
Executive Director Appointment - MISS KHAVITHA DEVI A/P POTHURAJU on 25-Mar-2024. Executive Director Appointment - MADAM SHAFINA BINTI SYAFEI on 25-Mar-2024. Director Appointment - DR ZHANG YAN on 25-Mar-2024.
This CHHB land itself market values at 450 million for sale now, who is bidding to taking over ? Ecoworld ? Sunway or international bidders ?? Cheers !
Since this company is trying to consolidate and rebuild, I'd like to suggest changing its display name to something more attractive. Ask people what "CHHB" is and most likely you'd draw a blank. Likely with most at i3investor too... and these are people who follow Bursa Malaysia.
Due to length limitation, can't have it in full. But why not: COUNTRY or, COUNTRYH or, CHEIGHTS or "something else". Instead of CHHB which is so anonymous.
he Group recorded total revenue of RM19.1 million in the current quarter ended 30 September 2024 as compared to RM14.6 million in the preceding year corresponding quarter ended 30 September 2023. The increase of revenue mainly contributed by the sale of completed property from Belezza Phase 3 Project and a sale of land amounting to RM4 million during the current quarter ended 30 September 2024.
The Group recorded profit before tax of RM15.2 million for the current quarter ended 30 September 2024 as compared to RM4.6 million loss before tax in the preceding year corresponding quarter ended 30 September 2023. This was mainly due to the disposal gain of a wholly-owed subsidiary company, Magnitude Knight (M) Sdn Bhd, amounting to RM6.8 million and a sale of land amounting to RM3.9 million during the current quarter ended 30 September 2024.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-15 08:59 | Report Abuse
1,000,000 shares @30sen baru RM300K je haha