
apanama | Joined since 2015-08-03

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2019-12-31 09:27 | Report Abuse

sell ARMADA..it will fall down ..cant break 55sen...10sen fall down..then Chinese New Year Rally up 10sen until 55sen..because logically ..if people buy at 50-55sen..they want to sell at 60-65sen..those who buy at 60-65sen want to sell at 70-80sen..BUT WHO WANT TO BUY ABOVE 55sen...only those who like to burn their fingers will buy ARMADA above 55sen..:)


2019-12-30 17:28 | Report Abuse

hard to break 55sen..it will fall down 45-40sen..then Chinese New Year Rally,,go back to 55sen..:)


2019-12-30 09:24 | Report Abuse

Better take profit la..54sen..later it fall down to 20sen level..menangis..:)


2019-12-30 09:23 | Report Abuse

better take profit now ..RM 0.38sen..


2019-12-30 09:22 | Report Abuse

hahahhaa..that day said KNM RM 3..now KNM RM 1..aiya...for me ..KNM just valued RM 0.195..wait it will fall down to RM 0.195..:)


2019-12-29 16:56 | Report Abuse

January until July 2008 (rat year) ..oil price push higher...but July to December 2008 ..oil price push lower ..so 2020 is rat year..maybe oil price revisit same trend..kekekekekekke..so be careful..:)


2019-12-29 11:04 | Report Abuse

Relatively ..before Pig Year handover to Rat Year in 2007/2008, FBMKLCI was a bit volatile in January 2008. Market loss nearly 185 points in mid January 2008 before climbed back for Chinese New Rally and on average market just loss 109 points before handover to Rat Year in 2008. Will this 2019 (Pig Year) handover to 2020 (Rat Year) will face the same situation. FBMKLCI was from 1524 to 1340 when it was in Jan 2008

A lot of GRAND DESIGN like USA Presidential Impeachment , China USA Phase One trade deal , Brexit, the slightly changes in the GRAND DESIGN, it might can effected overall market sentiment. SO BE CAREFUL in WELCOMING JANUARY 2020. :)


2019-12-29 10:44 | Report Abuse

Aiyoyo..Year 2020..Rat Year...last Rat year 2008-2009..FBMKLCI fall from 1400 to 800 points...hehehehe...


2019-12-28 09:44 | Report Abuse

The graph of SAPURA looks like Armada before Armada get itself goreng...So will SAPURA be next ARMADA? The price will be double in short period of time? Maybe year 2020 during Chinese New Year rally , SAPURA get itself goreng..:)


2019-12-28 09:33 | Report Abuse

Normally when oil and gas stocks rally at Bursa Malaysia, next in line will be Property Stocks..so high chances MKLAND to break 20sen for year 2020..hopefully it will cross 28sen for Chinese New Year rally..:)


2019-12-28 08:42 | Report Abuse

As we are aware, Year 2020 is USA Presidential Election. If we look back at Dollar Index graph (DXY Index) during 2016 election, the DXY Index soften for the first quarter of 2016. (from Jan to late April 2016) before DXY Index strengthened till end of the year of 2016. Will the same grand design to be designed for 2020? IF history repeated itself, we can foresee oil price to be traded at least until USD 72 per barrel next early next year. Because relatively, DXY Index soften, Brent oil and WTI oil get strengthened. Conclusion.. ARMADA finally can break 55sen ...kekekeekekkk...all the best..:)


2019-12-28 08:41 | Report Abuse

As we are aware, Year 2020 is USA Presidential Election. If we look back at Dollar Index graph (DXY Index) during 2016 election, the DXY Index soften for the first quarter of 2016. (from Jan to late April 2016) before DXY Index strengthened till end of the year of 2016. Will the same grand design to be designed for 2020? IF history repeated itself, we can foresee oil price to be traded at least until USD 72 per barrel next early next year. Because relatively, DXY Index soften, Brent oil and WTI oil get strengthened. Conclusion.. KNM finally can break 46sen ...kekekeekekkk...all the best..:)


2019-12-28 08:39 | Report Abuse

As we are aware, Year 2020 is USA Presidential Election. If we look back at Dollar Index graph (DXY Index) during 2016 election, the DXY Index soften for the first quarter of 2016. (from Jan to late April 2016) before DXY Index strengthened till end of the year of 2016. Will the same grand design to be designed for 2020? IF history repeated itself, we can foresee oil price to be traded at least until USD 72 per barrel next early next year. Because relatively, DXY Index soften, Brent oil and WTI oil get strengthened. Conclusion.. SAPURA finally can break 35sen ...kekekeekekkk...


2019-12-27 17:51 | Report Abuse

Sell Armada Sell lock in profit..it will fall down..


2019-12-27 17:51 | Report Abuse

those are bought at 50-55sen..will loss a lot of money because who want to buy at 60-65sen? Better wait Armada to fall down to comfortable level 20-30sen..hehehehe..:)...Dont buy already Armada...too risky already..you buy you sure kena punya..


2019-12-27 15:19 | Report Abuse

from 26sen to 28sen..not only KFC...more than KFC already..tukar la menu sikit..


2019-12-27 14:22 | Report Abuse

Fuyo...hua..not only KFC ni..McD prosperity burger..Briyani kambing pun boleh..:)


2019-12-27 09:31 | Report Abuse

sell...it cant break 55sen .


2019-12-27 09:21 | Report Abuse

Sell ..year 2020 ..KNM worst performing stocks...:)


2019-12-27 09:16 | Report Abuse

Dont get excited with oil and gas stocks. Next year Presidential USA election. DXY Index or Dollar will gain strongly which will effected oil price. Better take profit before DXY Index rise to 100 level back. :)


2019-12-27 08:44 | Report Abuse

Sell la Armada..almost 10sen gain from 19Dec...it will fall down in year 2020..:)


2019-12-26 10:21 | Report Abuse

Fuyo..Sapura go Sapura...30sen ..:)


2019-12-26 09:45 | Report Abuse

Alamak..lupalah..i am forgotten that Year 2020-2025, Feng Shui said lack of fire due to a lot of water.....so it means..Stockmarket and oil and gas stocks will plunge..:)..because stockmarket and oil and gas stocks need fire..so how Sapura want to go 60sen..kekekeke..:)


2019-12-26 09:16 | Report Abuse

Feng Shui..Year 2020-2025..lot of water..lack of fire..Oil and Gas need fire..stockmarket need fire..:)..so all plunge..:)


2019-12-26 09:15 | Report Abuse

Better sell now Armada..Take whatever profit you have...later in year 2020..Armada will plunge to RM 0.20...:)


2019-12-26 08:57 | Report Abuse

Year 2020...Sapura will fly high...RM 0.60sen..:)


2019-12-26 08:56 | Report Abuse

Year 2020..KNM will touch RM 0.195..:)


2019-12-24 09:22 | Report Abuse

from 45sen to 0.525sen..take profits lah...enjoy...:) later below 45sen buy back..:)


2019-12-24 09:13 | Report Abuse

take profits lah...later it fall down..:)


2019-12-24 08:25 | Report Abuse

Good luck cutlost to see KNM @ 40sen...i am waiting at 0.195sen..:)


2019-12-23 17:01 | Report Abuse

Rule #1 in stockmarket...stockmarket is a cruel place. No mercy..so if profit take. if loss ..learn how to cut loss and always protect your capital. From losses , you will learn hard way and be more careful..especially when to enter counter like KNM which already exceeding 300% @ 335sen its already 478%..you still want to enter to earn 0.005sen? just use logic..if you enter at 335sen, you want to sell at least 10sen..if enter market just to earn 0.005sen..tak payah..buang masa ...use your common sense..who want to buy KNM at 40sen and above? if he or she buy at 40sen and above he hope to sell at 50-60sen..WHO want to buy at 50-60sen and above? its already 600% and above...thats ridiculous..so be patience..it will fall down..


2019-12-23 09:32 | Report Abuse

Sell KNM and take profit..wait at 0.195sen..


2019-12-23 09:22 | Report Abuse

alamak DXY Index lifted back to 97 ..and maybe goes up in 1st Quarter 2020. So oil price goes down..so SELL ARMADA...dont get married with Armada..:)


2019-12-23 09:05 | Report Abuse

Mabel..dont know lah..maybe a war between Dragon and Spinninglotus..


2019-12-23 09:02 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-12-21 09:26 | Report Abuse

Sell ..take profit and enjoy with the love one...dont get married with KNM...0.195sen..:)


2019-12-20 09:19 | Report Abuse

Take profit before Christmas holiday n enjoy your Christmas with love one. Later it fall below 40sen before Chinese New Year rally, you can pick up at low price back..:)


2019-12-20 09:07 | Report Abuse

FBMKLCI cannot break above 1615...thats really sad..cannot even hold at 1600...few more days trading for 2019..come on FBMKLCI...SAPURA still lemah..and paling teruk oil and gas company this year..:)


2019-12-20 09:04 | Report Abuse

Take profit...enjoy your christmas...later it fall to 0.195sen before Chinese New Year rally ..:)


2019-12-19 20:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-12-19 12:09 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-12-19 12:08 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-12-19 11:15 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-12-19 11:07 | Report Abuse

come on KNM ...break 30sen ..you can do it ..drop to 0.195 sen...who want to buy at 30sen-40sen..Chinese New Year Rally few more weeks to go..so push to 0.195 sen..then we push back to 30sen...so Sardin can brag about his Borsig..ekkeekkekeke...jgn mare..KENAMAKAN


2019-12-19 09:32 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-12-18 19:32 | Report Abuse

19sen and below ..worth it to buy this KENAMAKAN (KNM) shares.....:)


2019-12-18 16:06 | Report Abuse

Dr Sardine busy video conference with Borsig...maybe Borsig can design him a brand new tin sardin..:)


2019-12-18 16:05 | Report Abuse

Buy at 305-330sen ...definitely want to earn RM 0.10 ..so at 40-42sen..then people who buy at 40-42sen..definitely hope it goes up to 50-52sen..But with current market situation, WHO want to buy at 40-52sen and above.? So better wait at 19sen-29sen. So at least Chinese New Rally it will be around 30-40sen..kekekekeekk....


2019-12-18 14:25 | Report Abuse

KNM @ 20sen..will b 285% high from the lowest...consider still High..wait until it drop to 15sen..:)


2019-12-18 12:01 | Report Abuse