
bearcomebullgone | Joined since 2020-09-24

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2021-09-17 14:29 | Report Abuse

30 seconds to jump jump jump


2021-09-17 14:28 | Report Abuse

when the 2312 lot cancel, real TO price will shown hahaha


2021-09-17 14:09 | Report Abuse

niet investmalaysia7777 how to put windfall tax on manufactured goods. This was used by shortist to press down price. Might be a figment of imagination.

cpo juga manufactured kan? hahahah dungu


2021-09-17 14:08 | Report Abuse

glove holders now crying dad mum hahahahah

worst is over worst is over

tp belakang tu skrang tengh queue sell hahahaha


2021-09-17 14:05 | Report Abuse

so PE now is 14? hahahahaa


2021-09-17 14:02 | Report Abuse

4 doomsday horsemen has arrived.

Bad QR - horseman 1
China mass glove - horseman 2
Windfall tax - horseman 3
Dropping ASP - horseman 4

RIP hahahaha delusional glove supporters be like
- oh RSS will shoot up one day (hahahaha ini mimpi tulen, baru 4% short hahaha)
- US lift ban (hahahaha ini pun mimpi, ASP drop ada lin use? china glove masuk no effect?)


2021-09-17 13:59 | Report Abuse

catchthewave another mimpi here hahhahaha u no see funda say?

FundaStronk the powerofglove

exactly this is what we hope for

thanks for the sux QR now we can short more

what's more is that not many know, but now i let u know cuz see u kesian

RSS volume that u see in the trading platform, includes BOTH BUY AND SELL

if u noticed, on 13-15th sept, RSS vol got more than half is buy back ready to dump more

give u free tips, now u can pay tuition fee
17/09/2021 1:26 PM


2021-09-17 13:51 | Report Abuse

hahahahahha dont talk c0ck lar thepowerofglove.. after 1 year still in denial hahahaha

RSS ban? u slowly wait

if ban RSS no more free market = market collapse

dont simply say ban RSS just cuz u stay in penthouse


2021-09-17 13:40 | Report Abuse


u crying while u typing ah?

already queue limit down out or not? i see many queue now wor


2021-09-17 13:28 | Report Abuse

mana tan sri no more buyback? hahahahaha

faster go TG telegram group cry

#uneverwalkalone nnononon ....

is #uneverstaypenthousealone


2021-08-29 20:59 | Report Abuse

yup agreed sama raider

kita sini x pun enjoy high price masa dia tu spik.. hang nk ikut us mait as well pigi counter kat us .. sini mmg x ikut deswai price ikut demand..


2021-08-27 19:05 | Report Abuse

wow limit up la kali ini


2021-08-26 18:21 | Report Abuse

wowow bonus issue freeeee


2021-08-26 18:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-17 17:42 | Report Abuse

aiyaaaa kalau ada tanah tu mmg siokkk hahahaha tp klu tanah tu ngam .. hahahaha lg siokkk .. paling siok kalau tanah itu kena korek sampai "new value unlocked upon EY discovery"... hahahah itu mungkin mau limit up 1 minggu hahahahaha


2021-06-17 17:30 | Report Abuse

aiyoooo danteeeee sama juga maaaa kpmggg??? ada kpmg lain mehhh??

kita x bincang pon petron~~ kita mention je kpmg JUGA kena tukar maaaaa

kalau kpmg bes? kenapa juga kena tukar ye? hmmm maybe u boleh tolong jelaskan (5 markah)

apasal u tercabar sgt?? hahahaha kesian jga u ye?


2021-06-17 17:28 | Report Abuse

aiyoooo kesian kpmg kenapa semua x suka sgtt ye dgn kpmg ni??? kiss goodbye kpmg??? serba up up up bbbbbbbbbbbbb?

The Board of Directors of Petron Malaysia Refining & Marketing Bhd (the "Company") is pleased to announce that Messrs PricewaterhouseCoopers ("PWC") is hereby appointed as Auditor of the Company, in place of retiring Auditor, Messrs KPMG, to hold office effective from 17 June 2021 until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company.

The appointment of PWC by the shareholders at the Company's 62nd Annual General Meeting held on 17 June, 2021 is the subject matter of a separate announcement by the Company under "General Meetings : Outcome of Meeting", also announced on 17 June 2021.


2021-06-17 17:25 | Report Abuse

ahahahaha what kpmg do this time? ahahahaha petron kiss them byebye cuz bad auditing? hahaha


2021-06-17 17:24 | Report Abuse

waaaaaa ni kpmg semua x suka kah??? PETRON kick kpmg out juga ka???


2021-06-17 17:24 | Report Abuse

waaaaaa ni kpmg semua x suka kah??? PETRON kick kpmg out juga ka???


2021-06-17 17:22 | Report Abuse

waaaaaa ni kpmg semua x suka kah??? PETRON kick kpmg out juga ka???


2021-06-17 17:19 | Report Abuse

wah apasal essay panjang ni??? hahahaha dahlah kite tau 2 katak tu katak bong0k hahahahah

mana ada orang pakai head and shoulder??? shampoo la ada ... ghairah dia pakai tu kepala bahu dia hahahaa


2021-06-17 17:17 | Report Abuse

wui substantial shareholder buy 10,000 shares!!!
tmr limit blh limitup niiii hahahaha lesgooooo tidor mlm ni mimpi besok limitup lesgooooo

sertailah geng mimpi nyenyak limit upppp ADR rm88 lesgoooooooooo hahaha bahlui


2021-06-17 17:15 | Report Abuse

ini kali lah tqtq boss makan kepci mlm nanti hahahaha tqtq bosss tmr try lg ye


2021-06-14 11:16 | Report Abuse

UPlanet, jgn la merepk hahahaha klu TG audit ada issue highlight sama EY KPMG DELOIT u berani beli ka? hahahaha merepek harapan sial hahahahah

Skrg je ckp confiden sgt.. pastu audit ada issue terus bola kecut canon saja belakang keyboard hahahah


2021-06-14 11:14 | Report Abuse

apa ni buduh katak merepek hahahaha ako x paham omputeh u jgn probok probok


2021-06-13 23:59 | Report Abuse

@izoklse sukak sgt u pg stok yg kena kencing kuat ye? hahahah topglov adr dah lah kena pancing sini lg serbadk hahahaa

happy kencing semua


2021-06-13 23:57 | Report Abuse

apa u ni hornbill kuat bising announcement? jgn remove komen ye

hornbill Stay tune big announcement soon.
11/06/2021 10:09 AM

tgk ni penipu ke apa hahahah


2021-06-13 23:56 | Report Abuse

1 kebahagiaan hidup seharian ialah tgk berkali kali smua ni glove lovers mimpi .. pastu kena kencing .. cycle lg lg berturut turut..

adr volume baru 500k shares bkn lagi 500k lot hahahah

i wish u limit up hahahaa pastu kena kencing



2021-06-01 20:35 | Report Abuse

Glove Industry stock price recovery story below:


one eternity later..


all the best


2021-05-25 14:40 | Report Abuse

wow ni danco ckp ada new glove player doing business with them.. although x cukup byk lg.. best la...

sg projek proceeding smoothly.. 60%

good AGM..


2021-03-13 18:23 | Report Abuse

hahahaha buduh max ni macam tu org scenery jeeeeee hahahahah bahluiiii tular dieeeeee

masih lg nk mamposss hahahaha


2021-03-13 14:09 | Report Abuse

aduhhhh lg satu mcm glove ke niii?? categorize back to medical equipment terus harga dia di lantaii..

sapot sapot call for backup


2021-03-13 14:05 | Report Abuse

ranhillllllll smoke dunhilll chilllaxxxxxxx best utilities lg best drpd iwk ye hahaha international mr305 dalehhhh shining star johorbabe....

make some noiseeeeee lss4444 ranhill to the moooooooooon


2021-03-13 14:04 | Report Abuse

ahahahaha woinah.... lg satu lss4 winnerr.... johor star babe ....

aduhh... sape ni mikeychen niii???? saja nk minta amput sama tu kebuduhanye....

apelah insasasasa patpatpat jkjkjk ni??? salah baca title ka niiii sini ranhill la boi... bukan dunhill hahahahha

berambus la koooo hahahah s i a l betollll menyampah tengok ni tok guru wannabe hahahah

kongrats ranhillll bintang kepedoman johorrrrr... daulat tuanku sultan johorrrr 1.9bil solar revive latuuuuuuuuu


2021-03-13 14:01 | Report Abuse

waaaaaaaaaaaaa... lss4 winner hahahah.. tp... ako takut la ... [pp ppp ppp p ppp ppp ppp]


2021-03-13 14:00 | Report Abuse

aiyoooo digital banking bila nk dtg ye?? hahahah last 2 hope for gpacket hahahah ccpuan where u boi


2021-03-13 13:59 | Report Abuse

nk tanye ye .... korang ready price war sama topglov x?? hahhaha

dia expand 30% ... lebih banyak lagi volume nii.... trash top 4 lain... x ikut rule la ni topglov... supermx bila ye expand 100%


2021-03-13 13:58 | Report Abuse

woi kenape xde news sini ???? lss4 woo ... 50mw wooo... hahaha near 1 year low ni.... hahhahah cmon la korang ... hype skit otu


2021-03-13 13:57 | Report Abuse

akkoooo lebih safeee jeee... tp ako rm0.92 hahaha...

2 week 0.79
4 week 0.91

bagi lagi 1 bulan pasti sampai kalo xde politikus b0doh semuatu...


2021-03-13 13:56 | Report Abuse

ehh awang naper u resign??? to the moon la ko ni


2021-03-13 13:55 | Report Abuse

ehhh dividend niiiii buy jelarr hahahahahahaha

lmao... lucu ka korang ni

inb4 glove price war coming...

u tgk jelar ... topglov capacity expand 30%... lebih besar drpd top4 lain... when x cukup demand... price war mari .... habis wayang asp


2021-03-08 17:32 | Report Abuse

hahahahah result ok jg nk dump ke ni... warrant dia tu murah kotttt... sape nk juallll limit down pl0xxx xhhahahaha


2021-03-08 17:31 | Report Abuse

kuattttttt ni... besok up 15% lagi .....


2021-02-24 14:27 | Report Abuse

hahahahaha delusional supporters ... now i wanna see u all burn ... wait it done hangus burning i join back support u gais hahaha ... support blindly???

support pickhollandstock4u?? support ttttttttyyyyyaaaawheredidmymoneygo????

congrats u just bought condo...

supermx founder buy real luxury us condo, u buy paper condo hahahaha


2021-02-19 22:00 | Report Abuse

jamessss ppl dah expect la tu pp ... EGM sudah bagi news ... no go egm ka


2021-02-19 21:57 | Report Abuse

la huattt jgn dah reply sini.. u ckp byeee.. bini ketiga ako lama tunggu... wait u 15 mins for ur 30 seconds no feeling hahahahaha booohoooooo


2021-02-19 21:56 | Report Abuse

thestar punye news pon blh pecaya 100% untuk buat decision investment ka??? kah kah kah no wonder sign tenancy agreement 2 years kat penthouse hahahah


2021-02-19 21:55 | Report Abuse

jgn lupa piii cari ur sifut pesbuk live minum sup ayam okayy??? hahahah try harder next time hahaha


2021-02-19 21:54 | Report Abuse

saye punya bini cakap u kecikk dan sikittt ... 30 secs end game x payah pakaiii hahahahahah glove demand downnnn ... last line of defense la huat no need to wear hahahahahah booohooooo