
bearcomebullgone | Joined since 2020-09-24

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2021-02-19 21:53 | Report Abuse

oh ya dont forget to tune in to listen for ur chicken soup tonite hahaha


2021-02-19 21:53 | Report Abuse

masih lg hope ah taipan??? hahahahha mati la korang kali ini hahahah

wake upppp... bursa is not only gloveeeee.. learn to be master of bursa not master of gloves saja hahahahah

careplus result dah s-u-c-k kuat kuat hahahaha .. asp up??? rippppp hahahaha be ready to hold on to ur money for ur dear life hahahah

when lose money can blame anyone ~~~ short seller ~~~ IB ~~~ EPF ~~~~ longkang smelly~~~ moon not round~~~ train cannot reverse~~~ hahahahah those who listen to those pickhollandstock4u and tyyyyyyyyyyahhhhhhhwherreeeedidmymoneygoooo ~~~ now u all can suffer hahahaha

sign tenancy agreement for ur penthouse 2 years hahahaha


2021-02-19 21:46 | Report Abuse

PP u pakai internet explorer ka ni?? hahahaha lol lambattttttttt effect tu dah off la tu


2021-02-19 21:46 | Report Abuse

la huat tgh menangis la tuuu hahahaha red red reddddd

top market cap in malaysia????? nahhhhhhhhhhhh now is just top 10 hahahaha rip

suka sgt tu glov gunalah sebagai langkah pencegahan hamil hahahaha


2021-02-19 21:44 | Report Abuse

to the mooooooooooooooooooon lets goooooo limit up is possible


2021-02-19 21:44 | Report Abuse

5g digital banking kan masih adaa????? silterra tu tunggu la 5 tahun baru ole ole ole eheheheh... gpacket not bad thx for 10%


2021-02-19 21:43 | Report Abuse

ini kompany not bad .. ada mixture of medical + barangan tech... hahahah tp ... kenapa ye dia suka sangat tu medical device???? skrg 5g .. buat la tu cable modem tu banyak sikit hahahah


2021-02-19 21:41 | Report Abuse

RIP hahaha 65 sen incoming


2021-02-19 21:40 | Report Abuse

hahahaha mula dari carepls, no more double double hahahahaha glove counter sayonara hahahahha

patience reward??? hahahahah ur reward came in october, now u wait u get punished hahahhaah already up 300-500% still expect up??? hahahah

beastofeast gonna move to west sekali glove semua runtuh... hahahaha

percaya lah kat semua tu stockpickholland4u thankyousifudrivelambobutualleatshit hahahahahaha


2021-02-19 21:39 | Report Abuse

growingg?? hahahahha growing ke holland hahahahah bye rip carepls

News & Blogs

2021-02-06 12:44 | Report Abuse

mabuk ka aminvest hahahahah 1 0 x tau beza


2021-02-06 12:41 | Report Abuse

reddd redd redd huhuhuhu buatla apa yg setakat blh... hahahah no more cny angpao bg u,, u wait plan plan hahahah try hards


2021-01-29 09:59 | Report Abuse

ahahahaha selamat datang to ur penthouse hahahaha tenancy agreement 1 year

News & Blogs

2021-01-26 22:43 | Report Abuse

actually wkc is making sense.. its so obvious that dnex is not interested to take on chip fab, its not easy and not easily profitable.. and i too would be sad for msia if dnex gets silterra, even gpacket at this stage looks like a better deal..


2021-01-24 21:10 | Report Abuse

ha??? nekosaan u pernah tgk lanjiao ako??

klu pernah tgk tuuuu u tak malu ka lanjiao ko kecik?? hahhaha ptuiii gi lanchap sana tepi ko hahahaahha bangang sial

dah lah lanjiao kecikkk tp duit trading dia pun merah hahahaha

bbb uuu


2021-01-24 12:50 | Report Abuse

aiya fullblack biase le tuuuu asyik sifu sini sifu sana.... u pigi tgk itu tyyep herryteo stuckpick4u semua pun tanya je lar tuuu glove laaa bintai laaaa bantai laaaaaaa semua buduh sial


2021-01-24 12:44 | Report Abuse

snwong13... aiyoyo diorang ada funding nuglobal = 1 chance

partnership sama company china = 1 chance .. blh bah klu mcm tu


2021-01-23 22:14 | Report Abuse

wah apa ini????

silterra + digital bank + AI city??? boleh makan semua kaaa?


2021-01-23 22:13 | Report Abuse

wake up la semuaa.... pergi tengok news israel.. after vaccine 6.6% masih kena...

TAPIIIII itu tally sama data vaccine 92-95% effective bruhhhhhhhhhh...

masih mimpi glove limit up ka?? kakakak tangkap pisauuuuuu lets goooo


2021-01-22 22:53 | Report Abuse

goldenshare bye go balik u punye dnex cave heuheuheu iot is the future

News & Blogs

2021-01-22 22:52 | Report Abuse

cuz your lame ass owns dnex so had to write down gpacket? ppfffttttt

why not u say

Gpacket + Nuglobal = 1
Gpacket + another foreign company = 1

so gpacket have 2 tix vs dnex 1 ??? if blow like that ako pn blh jg hahahahah

hahahhaa ini baru tgk u punya article pun dah tau u kuat promote dnex... bullshit betul...

mari semua dnex shareholder cium ni article


2021-01-22 16:57 | Report Abuse

aiyoooo hoot masih sini tanya tp ka??? aiyaaa sifu tau pon x bg tau kat u laaaa....

aurumman..... material handling tu ka?? if yes then ya masih beroperasi


2021-01-18 11:19 | Report Abuse

knock knock msia gomen datang kutip yuran pelindungan hahahhaha


2021-01-13 17:56 | Report Abuse

hahahah u ingat bursa bapa ko ke hold rss then hold hahahhaha


2021-01-13 15:59 | Report Abuse

aku just nk dtg balik, nk share ini..

JP Morgan tells clients GLOVEs ain’t needed during vaccinations
Source : JP MORGAN CHASE, Price Call : SELL, Price Target : 3.50
Last Price : 6.62, Upside/Downside : -3.12(47.13%)

untuk yg beria ria dua hari yg lalu.. bersedialah..


2021-01-09 20:32 | Report Abuse

besok oil up ke


2021-01-09 20:32 | Report Abuse

aku tgh tunggu kat 0.5 ni.. hahhahaha


2021-01-09 20:31 | Report Abuse

sifu chung x cover counter ini kee??? @foreverchung


2021-01-09 20:30 | Report Abuse

besok naik balik 0.2 pls ... aku masih trap la bahlui


2021-01-09 20:29 | Report Abuse

cutlost kalu tngu kat bawah baru bg tips dah lambat la zai hahahaha kalu sifu chung tgk counter ni.. hmmm.. tp aku x de duit la terperangkap kat AT buat masa skrg... besok mco?


2021-01-09 20:27 | Report Abuse

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sifu chung dah blkkkkk i love u sifu

nape skrg ada ni ape free cover cover ni??? bg jelar ep tp mcm dulu... hahhaah atau ajar kira eps smua tu lar... yg ni panjang la hahahahhaha


2021-01-08 12:39 | Report Abuse

ahahahaha buduhhhh director sama shareholder pun buang on high bg semua yg kutip buduh hahahaha


2021-01-08 12:36 | Report Abuse

aiyoyoyo... beli je la jgn tanya banyak sgt nanti miss menangis koo hahahahaha

bg sape yg jual tu dungu jugak ye hahahah tqtq


2021-01-08 12:36 | Report Abuse

aiyoyoyoyoyo women saja ke??? market terus smaller by 40-60% laaaaa ni.... lg mcm mana nk test? ako bukak akaun pakai ic pumpuan keee? hahahahaa

buy on rumor sejak disember... sell on news... mati ko


2021-01-08 12:34 | Report Abuse

ini apa cilaka 1 hari jee balik tidorr?? kimak


2021-01-06 09:15 | Report Abuse

kita jumpa kat 1.56 nanti :D


2021-01-06 08:40 | Report Abuse

kalau 4k MYR / tonne siok x? siokk hahahah jan punye kontrak ada lg 9 hari baru x blh lg enforce... kuattttt 4k inkambing


2021-01-06 08:38 | Report Abuse

matilah ako belum masok lagi kimaks... hari ni 10% bahtu... puck


2021-01-06 08:38 | Report Abuse

Newbieinshare Sudden up cause scolded by bearcomebullgone yesterday
05/01/2021 6:18 PM

ini betul.. mau kna marah kawkaw baru dia nk bangun...

hari ni klu x 20%/limit up mesti kena ako bantai lg... cipets..

new substantial shareholder masok... 500m hit pastu naik mainboard tx


2021-01-04 12:58 | Report Abuse

williamtkb u x read the updates ka? EPF sell and buy also la u pelan pelan tgu kat situ jelar hahahah epf finish selling konon u pikir epf dungu mcm u ke topglov fly hahahahah mimpi jelar


2021-01-04 12:44 | Report Abuse

stockhunter88 mmg dungu... epf 800b fund vs topglov x sampai 50b pun mcm mana mau menang??? u betul betul ingat epf own topglov masa covid19 ka??

hahahah... epf sebelum covid dah ada topg, hanya pada emerge 5% substantial shareholding u baru nampak?? hahahah dungu..

ikut u invest mmg pigi holland hahahah buduh punya stockhunter kena hunted pulak hahah


2021-01-04 12:41 | Report Abuse

epf emerge 5% shareholding kat rm8, bkn buy all @rm8 dungu.. ikut kau invest = masok holland hahahah


2021-01-04 11:49 | Report Abuse

hendry sana lg.. long term investor konon hahahaha..

masa kena trap = long term investor
masa dapat TP = i am pro sifu told u all will up hahahaha

lepas kuda baru canon hahahah.. buduh sial


2021-01-04 10:36 | Report Abuse

usd/myr break 4.0, bye export counters hehehe


2021-01-04 10:34 | Report Abuse

dicky jgn mimpi 4.8 hahah even for naysayer this is too much for 1 day hahahaha...

wusuki, pls go back to ur classroom untuk study hahaha


2021-01-04 10:32 | Report Abuse

sneakpeak still wanna glove? hahahaha.. want div better go buy furniture/cpo/gaming stocks la come glove do what 7 hahhaha

tan sri sbb can hold another 20 years.. u blh x? hahah


2021-01-04 10:31 | Report Abuse

hahaha morpius... tlg jgn mimpi la... to u mayb IB is b@s****, tp dlm mata client/boss dia, as long as dia menang dia tuhan... hahahah this is capitalism market,,,, not ur market,,, dia serve boss dia not u


2021-01-04 10:28 | Report Abuse

okay my mistek, i tot apollo ang is bad... ini wusuki lg mati hahahaha any reason for today drop..

yg ni mesti beli tanpa research ikut hoo9e hahahha


2021-01-04 10:27 | Report Abuse

aiyooo apollo pls go study using google laa...

component index can anyhow limit down??


2021-01-04 10:26 | Report Abuse

ni kaunter boleh la niii smua cinapek dalam kee hahahaha klu xde cinapek dalam mesti sink hahaha