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2023-03-04 20:55 | Report Abuse

Banks will earn more during these moment of times when the higher interest rates are being imposed/levied on the borrowers. The bank stock will be more attractive as we can see from CIMB Bank's share price movement recently.

The other bank stock i can afford/would to buy is ABMB (Alliance) because the upside potential can be marginally higher since the cost is lower.

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2023-03-04 18:20 | Report Abuse

Interest rate is the price for money. The higher the interest rate, the borrowers will be become lesser and lesser.

The borrowers will delay the expansion of the their businesses and the investors will buy lesser and lesser shares from the share markets. The prices of inventories and equities will be dampened when encountering reduction in their demand.

In inducing the demand towards the downward side when wanting to blow down the inflation, central banks would consider of heightening the interest rate. This is because they believe that when the cost of money is higher, the consumers/investors will slow down their transactions. Reducing the demand for goods/services/investments will encourage the suppliers to reduce the prices instead of increasing the prices further.

Ideally, borrowers are focusing in reducing the loans that are still outstanding with their banks, reduce the demand for luxurious items and disposing their investments/shares while the prices are still high. At the same time, the public are also thinking of how to hedge their funds/wealth in order to maintain the value.

News & Blogs

2023-03-04 12:49 | Report Abuse

The Bible says :

Leviticus 19:28 “‘Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord.

It a an act of abomination against our Creator, who is the LORD.

He is the God of all mankind. Whether your are Korean, Japanese, Chinese,....
Jeremiah 32:27 - “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?


2023-02-24 18:04 | Report Abuse

Democracy started by the Greeks. They have Olympics, sports.

Communism started in Europe, adopted by the Russians and Chinese. It is just the ideology to form the government and conveniently this ideology has blended well with the condition of China towards the end of the Ching dynasty. If China still have the Ching Dynasty in existence, democracy could be the ideology of the government, just like Japan, England and Malaysia.

Democracy by itself doesn't guarantee a desirable type of government. It is the people or the leaders in the government whether communism, socialism or democracy that matters.


2023-02-23 14:42 | Report Abuse

China leaders prefer to deal with the German leaders (met recently) than those from British/France that are inside the EU. The German's stake in this Ukraine war is very high than the rest inside the EU. The German has a stronger voice inside the EU/NATO apart from the US.


2023-02-23 14:28 | Report Abuse

Take your position before the explosive in equities, Bitcoin...don't quote me.


2023-02-23 14:24 | Report Abuse

Wang Yi is travelling to places to meet leaders, not for fun but likely brokering a Peace deal...Chinese wisdom.


2023-02-23 14:08 | Report Abuse

Quantitative easing (QE) is a form of monetary policy in which a central bank, like the U.S. Federal Reserve, purchases securities from the open market to reduce interest rates and increase the money supply.

The US can print money without the backing of gold reserve. Unbelievable. People would prefer to hold their gold than the US Dollars. Those treasury bills are not preferred by holders anymore. The national debts by the USA is just not sustainable anymore mathematically when including the interest payment.


2023-02-23 13:42 | Report Abuse

Don't think Putin can recover the Russian empire. Those countries have their own power/already independent from Russia.

The West need to take a good look at themselves. Throughout the history, the West went to so far away from their origin/countries to invade/colonized others' land and with many cases of enslaved the natives. They themselves also fight amongst themselves like in the Americas before forming the USA. The early settlers of the New World are mostly criminals/fighters running aways from their laws. Ever since, they are very willing to fight. Let's see what they/West also, did in the Middle East? For example, British has a land called Falklands so far near Argentina which is won over through war(s).

China can call for peace settlement for this war in Ukraine.
China should be aware that they can not excuse themselves from the major events that involving the world/countries as they crawled out from the poverty/(polisi Tutup Pintu) practiced during the Ching dynasty. She has to engage with all sides as their products/services are reaching all conners of the world.


2023-02-23 13:08 | Report Abuse

Russia is more committed to win the war than the West.

The Russians were provoked by the NATO's expansion into Ukraine which is their neighbour and also part of the USSR. Seemingly, nobody should come to your neighbor, manipulated the neighbour to fight with you.

Another way to explain that Putin can not afford to lose this war is that the Russians do not want to lose this any expense.

News & Blogs

2023-02-22 18:53 | Report Abuse


Those locations as mentioned are common with earthquakes. The people can do the reconstruction/redevelopment from the ruins although it will take many years.

News & Blogs

2023-02-22 16:37 | Report Abuse

It was Byzantine Empire being defeated by the Ottoman.

The modern leader, Mustafa Kamel Artaturk himself a an Albanian and not the Turks from the Central Asia. The language is Turks but the people in Turkey today are from various other places instead of Central Asia.

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2023-02-22 16:16 | Report Abuse

Antakya was known as Antioch.

In the Book of Acts, Chapter 11:26, the disciples were firstly called as Christians in Antioch. St Paul went to Antioch to preach to the Jews and Gentiles/ the Greeks (the citizens of the Roman Empire then) and there was no Islam yet.

Following the destruction of the Second Temple by the Titus from the Romans around 70 AD, the Jews were basically scattered all over those places ( Caesarea, Cyprus, Corinth...Phoenicia.).

In verse 27, it said "During this time some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch." The prophets from Jerusalem travelled to Antioch.

Two thousand years later, today Antioch was destroyed...lasting ruins. Many or thousands of buildings collapsed causing many people being killed from the aftermath of the earthquakes.

The remnant that did not turn to Christianity during the time of St Paul, totaling less than 10 families, before these earthquakes have been moved away entirely away from Antakya.



2023-02-21 20:00 | Report Abuse

Another joke of the day is when Zalensky said that if China helping Russia, that will lead to WW3. Did he say that?
WW3 caused by China?


2023-02-21 19:51 | Report Abuse

how Blinken had warned that China should not help Russia in the war inside Ukraine is like a group of people (NATO/the West) is beating you and they had warned your neighbor/friend not to help you. Can you believe what he said?

Putin is not like another man who is without self-respect or not a trustworthy man. Look at how he walk...judo guy and high ego. You can get his word once you have his hand shake/friendship. He can not afford to lose this war and to worse he might as well release the nuclear bomb likely...

A few weeks before the fighting into Ukraine, he travelled to China and had met the President of China. Did he tell President Xi that he will start the fight after he returned home? Most people believed he did. But China can just deny. This is called "a friend of Russia" and never played Putin out.


2023-02-21 19:30 | Report Abuse

Russia is dealing/fighting the west/Nato/USA in Ukraine. It is a proxy war assumed by Ukraine and Russia is not "killing" the Ukrainians. G7 and the west supplied money/arms into Ukraine to fight Russia. Zelensky is responsible for his countrymen and he has been made use of by the warmongers from the West/NATO.


2023-02-20 22:41 | Report Abuse

...also why China need to invade Taiwan? It is not in the interest of China if there is a war. They are sincere in pursuing the peaceful reunification with Taiwan.

News & Blogs

2023-02-18 19:16 | Report Abuse

THOSE 4 were the efforts/needed hard work. This is the 1st category.

The 2nd category to attain the special blessing and first point is the personality/characteristic of the person.

1. personality - he consider himself/herself as nothing/like the ashes, basically not a proud person, not arrogance (no egoistic). If he is a proud person, very incline to talk people down/openly humiliate another then even his/her own family members will be the first person (his wife/children) to rebuke him, will not be able to withstand his arrogance/bad behaviors.

The LORD hate a proud person.

News & Blogs

2023-02-17 21:30 | Report Abuse

To live long without losing the temper/lost the temper:-

1. Humanity - nobody can provoke you, down to earth approach, no one need to kiss your hand, someone wanted to belittle you but your are not bothered..
2. Speak as little as possible - talk about the important issues/topics always, Word of God, no small talks/gossip about others..
3. Take no physical pleasure - eat to live instead of live to eat, no need luxuries, do away with materialism..
4. Participate in the solving the needs/problems of others - community gathering, making friendships...


2023-02-15 20:10 | Report Abuse

Erzin was the sole district of Hatay Province to have none of its buildings collapse in the aftermath of the 2023 Turkey–Syria earthquake. The Miracle of Erzin, the only city has no dead, unlike to other cities within that Province, where the damages are so bad whether from the buildings, highways, people


2023-02-15 18:42 | Report Abuse

EPF made less for your Savings with them.

You can not choose to have your savings with them being avoided from MYEG.
You bought MYEG, so you are against your own money.

They combined all the savings from everyone and entered the market for the shares in BURSA.


2023-02-14 22:07 | Report Abuse

EPF reducing the shareholdings in MYEG.

They wanted to get the high price so the contributors/savers will have a better profit.
As long you are the saver from EPF, one can say that EPF is using your funds to trade/invest/speculate competitively in the BURSA/KLSE side by side against you who are also trying to get the high price before.

One can not say that "my funds in the EPF is invest in the bank stock only" or "I had wished/preferred that my money be invested by EPF in some IT stock."

One can not choose "I wanted my money contributed to the House of God be used for the salary of the Pastor instead of the cleaner of the building" because of the idea that money covering the Pastors will bring more rewards in Heaven, in the world to come.

News & Blogs

2023-02-06 19:04 | Report Abuse

Everyone came to this world with a "jug" and it is not surely referred to the jugs that are used in the pubs.

When we committed sins, the level of sins in the jug will increase and on the contrary, the level of sins will be reduced when we did the will of God such helping the poor/widows (Charity), honest in our business transactions, honor our parents, avoided the transgression against our neighbours/colleagues, watched our eyes, maintain even a few grams of holiness in our daily lives...

Whenever the level of sins in the jug is overflowed, the person will just have to died immediately despite all the experiment, analysis, studies and statistics that have been compiled by the universities professors. This is because the soul in the body has to be snatched away to face the Creator right away even before the sun rise. Once the sins have been overwhelmed, the soul will be expired and the owner of the soul will recall the soul from the body.

Some sinful people have lived their long lives maybe because there could be an event/incident where their sins were taken out from his/her jug massively by one huge reward/ president Hosni Mubarak (Egypt), who lived until 92 years.

The similar kind of mitzvot also gotten by Assad, where the LORD just out Putin behind him and Assad is protected even though there were many countries wanted to destroy him. Assad is not a good man either but his jug is far from the overflowed level.

News & Blogs

2023-02-04 22:07 | Report Abuse

Life is a TEST from the LORD Almighty.

Each one need to find out the purpose of his/her life. If your TEST a not being a father/mother, you will not get married no matter how hard you have prayed. Meaning, your TEST in this life isn't about your ability to become a caring/loving parent. Then, you will not get what you wanted. It has been decreed in Heaven that your TEST is about another matter, say you will be tested as a caring son/daughter to your old parents. SO, in this life, there are area(s) which we must score high points in the eye of the LORD and certain area we will not be put to the TEST by Him.


2023-02-02 17:39 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 2): Serba Dinamik Holdings Bhd (SDHB) and three related companies on Thursday (Feb 2) applied for an ad-interim stay (temporary stay) of the winding-up order granted by the High Court last month against them.

News & Blogs

2023-01-31 13:05 | Report Abuse

How the US gov can deal with this USD31.5 Trillion of debts?

News & Blogs

2023-01-31 12:55 | Report Abuse

With such a huge debts from the US gov...just like if you have several millions of loans and when each RM10 can only get one teh tarik, then your debts of millions will look not so threatening. Then, probably your lands/house now can fetch double the price. And debts now is looks easy for you. WHY? Inflation!

With such a high debt level, you need inflation...but may not be successful because there are other side effects on the economy when you have caused the inflation.

News & Blogs

2023-01-31 12:44 | Report Abuse

n USA, George W Bush caused the US debts increased from USD5 Trillion (Yr 2000, since 2 centuries ago, from 42 presidents) to USD10 Trillion (2008).

Next, Mr Obama caused the debt increased to USD20 Trillion (in 8 years, 2016).

The last 6 years, debt climbed From USD20 Trillion to USD31.5 Trillion.

With this debts, reaching the ceiling, the economy of USA is critically bankrupt if not collapsed.

SO, in Malaysia the initiative to contain/controlling the debts from going higher is very important.


2023-01-13 15:58 | Report Abuse

Is not a fancy talk, sweet coated..

1. Admit it, acknowledge it
Psalm 76:11 - The fiercest of men shall acknowledge You,
when You gird on the last bit of fury.

2. He will minimize the losses

Isaiah 12:1

In that day, you shall say:
“I give thanks to You, O LORD!
Although You were wroth with me,
Your wrath has turned back and You comfort me,


2023-01-13 15:44 | Report Abuse

Yesterday, did not manage to buy 0270 at 91 sen, This morning bought at RM1.08 and it went down to RM1.02 in a while, very risky

Bought at 2 sen, hope can be sold at 2.5 sen

Suffering losses

2 things for the important lesson -

1. when suffered losses from the risky trades, just say "i deserved it". Don't complain.
IF complain, more may come.
2. Must say, "Thank you God" for the Love, because the losses could have been worse. By saying so, the impending losses in the pipeline may be halted by the LORD, by His grace, in the future.

2 points only.
It could be the car, nvm, at least the lives are safe.


2023-01-13 14:21 | Report Abuse


The deliberation from this morning was whether this stock can fetch 1.5 sen, 2 sen, 2.5 sen or 3 sen


2023-01-13 12:38 | Report Abuse

Let's see how the market will respond

What if the house from the the executed robber selling at 95% discount?
Any buyer?


2023-01-13 12:29 | Report Abuse

By winding up the company, the lenders were prepared to get their assets (loans that are payable by the borrower) being wiped out.

What if the company can get a deal to make the winding-up being stayed adjourned. The reputation of the state government may be affected...the company has got the experience and skill in the oil & gas industry.

The Chairman said...

News & Blogs

2023-01-11 10:31 | Report Abuse

Merging has caused many of our small banks went missing. Those few banks that have become bigger are not serving the small businessmen anymore better.

News & Blogs

2023-01-11 10:09 | Report Abuse

Accountants are still needed and important in the organizations, business entities and governments for the productive functionalities. Don't see anytime soon that these jobs will be become irrelevant anymore since the ancient times.

These new things such "merging", "outsourcing" and "blockchain" kind of things are from those universities that may wanted to misguide many ignorant nations.

News & Blogs

2023-01-10 08:42 | Report Abuse

We have to acknowledge that there many rich peoples who are generous and charitable. Many and myself will agree that Mr Koon is a one of them and he has helped many poor and needy peoples and those students that need funds to study. It is mitzvah. There will be great rewards both here and the world after. The excessive good points will knock off all the bad points when the person face his/her Maker eventually for the His judgement.

However, we can not rob the rich to help the poor. Giving away the plunders/illegal gains will not reduce the level of wrongdoings. For example, when the robbers being stopped by the policemen and they wanted to surrender the money from the bank to the authority, this act will not cancel their prosecution from the court. In fact, the charges from the police department has not even started. The charges only starts afer the interrogations/remands at the lock-ups. SO, donating/offering using robbed money is not going to reduce the guilt but only relaxing the conscious of the robbers.

Even withholding/delayed in paying workers' salaries is a sin.

New International Version -
13 “‘Do not defraud or rob your neighbor.
“‘Do not hold back the wages of a hired worker overnight.

Exercise and good diet will definitely help our health but getting involved in dangerous sports/outdoor activities will endanger our lives. Yes, the lifestyle also, like being addicted to drugs, touch screen or laziness are not good,

News & Blogs

2023-01-09 22:44 | Report Abuse

BUT life come from God who is our Creator.

Even the eyesight or the ability to hear are bestowed by the Maker.
(Exodus 4:11 New International Version -
11 The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord?)

Similarly, the sustenance/Parnassah does not come from our college degrees/universities but from the LORD. How many professors can not settle their minimum monthly credit cards repayment? On the hand, many school drop-outs succeeded in their businesses.

In term of keeping healthy to prolong the lives, how many strong/young muscular fighters have been cut short their lives?

To live long, even the decree in Heaven has been sealed with the mud (instead of blood), that the person should died the next day, a huge kindness from him/her to others/charity, even the night before, usually can cancel that decree.

Surely, the older the person the sooner he/she will died because no one can live for hundreds of years. No matter how much you want to offer to negotiate in order to turn back our age to become younger, the law of nature will not allow that to happen. Otherwise, many people will be willing pay RM1Mil to become younger by 1 year.

News & Blogs

2023-01-09 22:21 | Report Abuse

To study accountancy, the person would only need one calculator, one pencil and an eraser whereas more tools and equipment/facilities are necessary when studying medicines, electricals or electronics.

Every organization need a book-keeper or an accountant so it is easier to gain the employment upon graduation.

Being an accountant or financially literate, we can decipher the Financial Statement of any businesses without difficulty.


2023-01-06 11:43 | Report Abuse

Pang72 the regular guy that cheers many up when...thanks.


2023-01-06 11:41 | Report Abuse

Pang72, no surprised that you may have purchased at 48 sen and sold 53 sen before that 11 am just now. Did you?

A gradual recovery now for the price may be better than being dumped further.


2023-01-06 10:07 | Report Abuse

Interested parties are buying up that are at RM0.53 and below.

At such a bargained price for the company shares, someone might as well emerge as a new major shares holder. Never knew.

What a person with a vision to grow the business will have a different opinion and IT products are not like those perishable goods that need a large store/warehouse.


2023-01-06 09:15 | Report Abuse

What the corrective measure that the company has taken was even the quick announcement of a new executive (Mr Leong) to mitigate the issue of continuity of the business/management.


2023-01-06 09:10 | Report Abuse

Yes. People/investors can make profits from the chaotic atmosphere/drastic movement of prices.


2023-01-06 09:06 | Report Abuse

The QR code payment is one final step to complete the purchases at the POST counter. The purchasers still need the scanning for those item at the check out counters. SO, the business still can provide those hardware and accounting software to the sellers/merchants.


2023-01-06 08:57 | Report Abuse

P/E is 36.28 , EPS 1.34 sen and the share 48.5 sen.

RM485 at 2% p.a. FD rate, the P/E is 24.25

Share value can appreciate/depreciate but the FD amount does not grow for a year.


2023-01-05 23:32 | Report Abuse

Yes. Should have managed the company properly so that the depreciation of shares have not been so much.

The cash in the bank amounting to RM73MiL is an attraction and there are many companies do not have even RM7MiL in their bank accounts.

The principle of "the benefit of the doubt" is still applicable in this modernized world.

The Lord said in the Bible, with such meaning, "i can not look at your face" and "I don't want to hear your prayers" are basically without contradiction.

The "murderer" as described is not that he/she had fired the gun shot into another person's head BUT rather simply had bad mouthing, causing someone has lost his employment. As a result, his children have to stop schooling, wife/wives walked away...sufferings.

SO, the punishment for the guilt is not based on the bad mouthing alone, rather based on the consequences entailed from the termination of his job and the sufferings by the family members.


2023-01-05 22:31 | Report Abuse

QR 30SEPT2022 - Sale/Income RM21MiL, Lost RM3.2MiL, Cash RM73Mil & Total Assets RM260MiL. POST system is very saleable product to the merchants/retailers, in Malaysia & in the SEA countries. Manage it better, should be valuable the shares of the company.

News & Blogs

2023-01-05 14:21 | Report Abuse

After the costly football stadiums being used for a while, the Arabs will use it for camel racing?

Many workers were killed during the construction jobs. Some are killed during the football games. Sports, muscles, running, chasing, pushing, lickings...aiyah.

News & Blogs

2023-01-05 14:15 | Report Abuse

So, Olympics...sports, high jump, foot ball/kicking a piece of leather, cross country run...
The emperor put the people into stadiums so the citizens should have no time to think of even overthrowing the wicked kings.

If God wanted us to running around chasing a piece of leather or jumping and running like a horse, then God must have made us a horse or monkey. Is a lie and biggest scam.

In Italy, where are the Roman Empire/Romans? Only left the stadium/coliseum...and Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee were there kicking for a while. Who are still there? The children of Jacob are still there.

The Greek, Babylonians, Persians, Romans and Ottomani are all gone as well.

BUT Jacob went to Egypt and he had to because there famine...and Joseph was already there and cast out a place his father to live, with the approval of Pharaoh, Goshen.