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2 months ago | Report Abuse

They witnessed the power of the LORD and started trembling/shivering.
But Moses asked them to relax and not to be afraid.

Is not a one to one kind of testimony by saying "God talking to me last night kind of fairytale" but the encountered was witnessed by thousands/millions from the community.

18 When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance 19 and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.”

20 Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”

21 The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Lest we are arguing with the profits/money.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

RM0.42 EPS X PE ratio 14/15 =?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Just like a gem, everyone would like to have a piece.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The elder brother of Moses is Aaron who is 3 years older. They have a sister called Miriam.

In the journey, after leaving Egypt, inside the community, some of them were friends of Moses but who are not the pure children of Jacob and they have entered infiltrated inside the community when journeying to the Promised Land. These impure fellows gave problem, they wanted a physical item, the golden calf and they influenced Aaron to melt gold and made the golden calf and bowed down to it. So, the Lord was angered and He told Moses in Exodus 32:7, ("...go down, because YOUR PEOPLE whom you brought out of Egypt, have become corrupt.",) about those stiff-necked people.

The calf -

2 Aaron answered them, “Take off the gold earrings that your wives, your sons and your daughters are wearing, and bring them to me.” 3 So all the people took off their earrings and brought them to Aaron. 4 He took what they handed him and made it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioning it with a tool. Then they said, “These are your gods,[b] Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.”

5 When Aaron saw this, he built an altar in front of the calf and announced, “Tomorrow there will be a festival to the Lord.” 6 So the next day the people rose early and sacrificed burnt offerings and presented fellowship offerings. Afterward they sat down to eat and drink and got up to indulge in revelry.

7 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go down, because your people, whom you brought up out of Egypt, have become corrupt. 8 They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them and have made themselves an idol cast in the shape of a calf.


2024-04-28 14:22 | Report Abuse

Is a gem. Everyone would like to have a piece.

You made profits whether you bought at RM3.60/RM3.70 lately or earlier without any qualm, less we are still quarreling with money.


2024-04-26 18:06 | Report Abuse

Like some forward looking guys...the Passover, the LORD removed/eliminated Pharaoh king of Egypt so that Moses who was nominated by Him to guide the community into the Promised Land.

Without removing Pharaoh, the plan can not be carried out. The LORD led the enemy to the Red Sea. Why? If Moses lead them out directly from Egypt across through Gaza, it will take less than 2 weeks. Instead the community was into the wilderness and going in through the Jordan. Then, in the midst of the desert, the community complained to Moses that they had prefer to remain Egypt and to died there since there was no water/food in the desert.

But the plan from the LORD is above our understanding. He wanted to drown the Egyptian armies and the horses together.

SO, the journey took the community/the 2nd generation longer duration before they arrived at the Promised Land. Moses did not have the privilege to enter. One moment of mistake only.


2024-04-26 16:21 | Report Abuse

EPS RM0.42 x PE ratio 15 =


2024-04-26 12:36 | Report Abuse

Is good question.


I believe in the next 10 years, ytlp business model will be still very relevant in the RE power and data centee of which AI will dominate in the next decade….what other company/companies is/are so well placed to capitalised onthe trend ?? At the moment i can only think of few and ytlp is one of them. I will be losing out in future appreciation let alone the dividends from the company… the business is resilient even there will be a war tnrw….thats just my humble 2 sen view.. this is not a call to buy, sell or hold.. everyone has his/ her rights to act according to individual objectives and goals. Cheers!!!


2024-04-26 09:39 | Report Abuse

These 2 counters are with unbelievable low PE ratios as in comparison with others.


2024-04-26 09:33 | Report Abuse

RM4.20 finished very fast


2024-04-26 09:30 | Report Abuse

RM4.20 and YTL @RM3 coming

News & Blogs

2024-04-25 22:30 | Report Abuse

The performance from the equity market does indicate the health of the economy.

The few entities mentioned do have the abilities to support the equity market by investing the money from the savers.


2024-04-25 16:10 | Report Abuse

Deuteronomy 5 -

2 The Lord our God made a covenant with us at Horeb. 3 It was not with our ancestors that the Lord made this covenant, but with us, with all of us who are alive here today. 4 The Lord spoke to you face to face out of the fire on the mountain.

- THEY heard the voice of the LORD and stayed alive then. Face to face that they have witnessed the existence and the power of God. The voice of the LORD was so powerful, 1 thousand times louder than the roaring of the lion. Who is not afraid? Some of these fellows have their soul left their bodies for some minutes due to loud voice from the LORD.

It was not a single guy claiming that he/she has met/witnessed the LORD. Do you to trust the story from that single person?


2024-04-25 11:36 | Report Abuse

Recalling many units transacted at RM4.20, possibly by investment/pension fund managers, not long ago and it went down to as low as RM3.60 subsequently.

That's the approach of those with huge funds. On the average, their cost is around RM3.90/RM4 and so today their investments are rewarding because they have the means to average on this counter.


2024-04-25 10:36 | Report Abuse

EPS say RM0.42 , PE ratio 13/14/15 , MV can be above RM5.50


2024-04-23 18:51 | Report Abuse

ESOS is for the staff by their eligibilities.

Usually, those staff who worked longer will get the higher quantity of shares from the ESOS.

You may say that those staff buying/allotted at RM1 or so and selling it for RM4 (profit of RM3 per share) the next day. The staff do have their justification to earn the shares under ESOS. They have worked hard for the company as usually claimed.

The scheme may be a lost if the market value is below the subscription price and they will postpone to take up the ESOS. Usually, it is a small percentage of the paid-up capital/issued shares of the company. Furthermore, it has been approved by the regulatory bodies and they will not dilute the overall value of the shares significantly.


2024-04-23 10:42 | Report Abuse

It has to be panggang,

12 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, 2 “This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year. 3 Tell the whole community...

8 That same night they are to eat the meat roasted over the fire, along with bitter herbs, and bread made without yeast. 9 Do not eat the meat raw or boiled in water, but roast it over a fire—with the head, legs and internal organs.

SO the that Egyptians can smell the smoke of the roasting...of the god(s), animals.


2024-04-23 10:37 | Report Abuse

As the coming QR is due to be published soon,


2024-04-22 21:16 | Report Abuse

Financial Statement (coming QR) with improved profit figures are being detected.


2024-04-22 11:05 | Report Abuse

In any case, unlike when there was no so much online accounting processes, the periodical reports such Quarterly Reports required from a company should be shorten the time line from 2 months to 1 month by the regulatory body.

As the QR is due for 31 march 2024, the presentation of the Accounts is going on now. Any improvement in the profits being detected, the higher value of the shares will be kept transacted accordingly.


2024-04-19 20:15 | Report Abuse

Needless to say, holiness is important.
But another requirement is to remove the evil. As long the evilness still lingering around our existence, the Savior will not appear. When the Savior arrived, He is the One who will be unexpectedly since awaited from long time ago. There will be so much surprises because He has the level of holiness and righteousness that are far above than what we can imagine.


2024-04-19 14:32 | Report Abuse

Take a look at their NTA, both are higher than their CMV of the shares.
If the company is truthful/honest, without any perishable items in the inventories, limit up is unavoidable.


2024-04-19 14:26 | Report Abuse

Never before went up so fast like that during the modern history.


2024-04-19 14:23 | Report Abuse

Within the last 30 days, Gold price went up from RM320/g to RM370/g.

Within the last 60 days, it went up from RM310 to RM370/g.

Check the Balance Sheet of these 2 counters, the inventories are materials related to Gold and which will be a big unrealized profit when translated to current market value.


2024-04-17 13:54 | Report Abuse

Ramai yang gelabah menunggu arahan untuk membeli...


2024-04-17 13:52 | Report Abuse

"Current share price implies a price to earnings multiple of 10 times on an earnings base that reflects a normalisation of PowerSeraya earnings by FY2026, it added. It has an “add” call on the stock with a TP of RM4.50."

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 22:46 | Report Abuse

In order to reduce the supply of the currency, for example, the Japanese Central Bank would buy the excessive Yen floating in the market by selling the USDs in order to achieve the expected level.

The domestic production which is positive will earn more foreign currencies for the economy and will lessen the burden on the local currency. So, the productivity of a nation/economy is very crucial for the currency. It is with the advantages of reserve of the foreign currencies then the value of the local currency can be stronger.

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 22:16 | Report Abuse

Yes, at times we are not sure if we should cry or to laugh when seeing how the economy being managed.

What could be actual situation with the Ringgit, gradually from some years ago, it has been effectively over-supplied and basically the demand of it is lesser than the supply.

Much of the money being used to fund the economy & administration of the country were through external & internal investment/borrowings which will burden the currency when repayment commenced with the local currency. A lots of local currency are needed to exchange for the foreign currency also if the borrowings are denominated in foreign currencies. Hence, the supply of the currency will accelerate.

Uncontrollable Foreign investments that leaving the country will exert further pressure towards the local currency. Firstly, the investors will dispose the equities in the local open market and selling the local currency (supply) to demand the foreign currency for the repatriation.

News & Blogs

2024-04-13 21:49 | Report Abuse

Treat the currency like a commodity such as cocoa bean, palm oil or wheat flour.
The products are subject to demand and supply forces.

When the currency is under strong demand from the market, its value will appreciate. In contrast, the value of the currency will drop whenever the demand from the market is getting lesser.

Another factor that can affect the value of the currency is when there are plenty of supply openly which can reduce the value of the currency or a reduced supply of the currency will however increase the value of the currency.

In order to strengthen the currency, the supply of it must be reduced and at the same time the demand of it must be created.


2024-04-12 16:03 | Report Abuse

It was promoted as a way to allow the small investors to participate in the equity market if the they don't have the sufficient funds to buy the board lots from the normal shares.

However, there is a way to minimize the profits made by those small warrants holders before the expiry of those warrants, by pressing down the price of the shares.


2024-04-12 15:53 | Report Abuse

C32 expiring on 30 Apr 2024.

Exercise value RM1.50 , Exercise Ratio 3 : 1 , C32 RM0.83 a unit , Premium RM0.04

When it was issued even at RM0.20 by the IB, say 3 months ago, now they need to buy back at RM0.83 a unit which causing a huge losses.

Didn't the IB got booked the normal shares to secure their position if the normal shares went up further and further from RM1.50 which is the Exercise Price?

If the IB did not book the normal shares then the most they can make is that RM0.20 for each unit of Warrant. On the other hand, now that the normal share is RM4 a unit, the losses is RM0.63 for each unit.

High risk for the gain.


2024-04-12 12:47 | Report Abuse

It is important if there are inventories of gold recorded in the Balance Sheet and the market value of the lands acquired not long ago.


2024-04-12 12:10 | Report Abuse

The Babylonians, Nebuchadnezzar, Greeks, Romans Titus....hiding below the basement of the Van tican...menorah of gold, pieces of gold, scrolls.....


2024-04-12 11:58 | Report Abuse

Gold price is around RM366 a gram today.

Never before since the beginning, that today the gold had gone up by almost RM10 a gram in a day.

If a house can fetch RM1 Mil, means it is equivalent to 3 bars of gold only.

However, the gold price went down so drastic in a day was captured in record when the day the Romans ransacked the Second Temple 2,000 years ago. With so much gold being plundered from the Temple, the market value of the gold on that day was plunged the most in a day.


2024-04-09 12:38 | Report Abuse

Maybank is selling 1 gm for RM365.
RM7 is their profit margin.


2024-04-09 09:38 | Report Abuse

Good investment. The latest QR ended 31March2024 may be a very good one.


2024-04-08 20:58 | Report Abuse

The price of gold was RM280 a gram six months ago. Today, the price is RM355 a gram.
The investment in Gold with Maybank/UOB bank are making profits as well.

The issued shares by Poh Kong is larger than Tomei.

I remember that the Gold was RM33 a gram back in 1990 but the price went up until RM355 today. It was RM33,000 per kilo as compare to RM355,000 today. It multiplied by by more than 10 times. Too bad, if the person still keeping that RM33,000 in the bank. The house, farmland or shop lot may not have appreciated by 10 time during the same period of time.

A piece of gold of 1 Kg is not that big the size. If a house fetch around RM1 Mil means it is equivalent to 3 pieces of gold bar (1 Kg each). Good if anyone still keeping that gold bar since then. A friend was telling me that he has more than 1,000 grams of Gold with Maybank through the gradual investment over the years.


2024-04-08 16:06 | Report Abuse

And so, a decent human being only need to have 2 qualities - FEAR , fear the LORD, fear the police, DBKL, the form teacher, the judge...

SHAME - ashamed from telling lies, dishonoured, dishonesty, faking/not truthful, arrested for criminalities,


2024-04-04 22:16 | Report Abuse

Jeremiah 9
New International Version -
12 Who is wise enough to understand this? Who has been instructed by the Lord and can explain it? Why has the land been ruined and laid waste like a desert that no one can cross?

13 The Lord said, “It is because they have forsaken my law, which I set before them; they have not obeyed me or followed my law. 14 Instead, they have followed the stubbornness of their hearts; they have followed the Baals, as their ancestors taught them.” 15 Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: “See, I will make this people eat bitter food and drink poisoned water. 16 I will scatter them among nations that neither they nor their ancestors have known, and I will pursue them with the sword until I have made an end of them.”


2024-04-04 22:12 | Report Abuse

Psalm 127
New International Version
Psalm 127
A song of ascents. Of Solomon.
1 Unless the Lord builds the house,
the builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the guards stand watch in vain.
2 In vain you rise early
and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat—
for he grants sleep to[a] those he loves.


2024-04-02 10:46 | Report Abuse

Another QR just ended on 31 Mar 2024. Could be another good profit.
To be published on 25 May.