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2024-02-23 12:14 | Report Abuse

QR @31DEC2023 published


2024-02-21 12:02 | Report Abuse

T+7 to have facilitated the bull run, no doubt.
But without this "T+7" factor, the bull run still can happen.
There are a few points that must be present before the foreign funds rushing into our local share market.

1. Growing Interest rates differentiation between the local bank and the foreign banks, especially if USA is beginning to stabilize and reducing their interest rates as the inflation rate is subsiding.

2. The local currency is weaker even compare the the close neighbours...


2024-02-20 17:55 | Report Abuse

40 sen EPS running on 4 this werk, only around RM4. 80 as estimated.


2024-02-20 12:25 | Report Abuse

Buyers are scrambling...


2024-02-20 12:21 | Report Abuse

PE 11.86 x EPS 33.05 = RM3.92

If PE 11.86 X EPS 40.00 (improved) = ?


2024-02-20 12:11 | Report Abuse

The 2nd QR @31DEC2023 should be published soon.
(Usually the grace period is 2 months/before the end of Feb 2024?)
PE 11.8
EPS ( rolling 4 quarters) 33.05

Hope the incoming QR will improve the EPS and the PE.


2024-02-13 11:10 | Report Abuse

Back to RM4.05 and in good volume.


2024-02-07 17:09 | Report Abuse



2024-02-07 16:28 | Report Abuse

How those at RM4.03 just now being bought was very honorable.

Can keep for this counter. Higher price will come. If one had believed and have bought at RM1 or RM2 then.


2024-02-07 11:14 | Report Abuse

YTLP is better than YTL Group because it has utilities businesses in UK and Spore.


2024-02-06 20:31 | Report Abuse

The conversion price/exercise value for C48 is RM3.50 and the ratio is 5:1 and the expiry date is on 28 OCT this year.


2024-02-06 20:26 | Report Abuse

The conversion price promoted by the IBs is an indication of the prospect of the normal share price in the future or the near future because these call warrants would expires in a few months time.


2024-02-01 23:47 | Report Abuse

Banking stock & shares are good for investment. You made a right decision.
There are good dividends payouts from the companies periodically.

Imagine when YTLP was RM1.00 a share, MBB shares valued at RM8 a share then.
One had made the right selection even preferred MBB over YLTP despite the same RM8 can give 8 shares from YTLP for reasons being so obvious.

In many instances, it is about how smart the person instead of making the Right decision/choice by the same person. The upside potential is not that great with the banking shares. The percentage of appreciation is greater when the shares improved from RM1 to RM4 as compared to the shares improved from RM8 to RM9 during the same period of time.

However, one can not be 100% sure but having decided to buy YTL/YTLP shares even 6 months ago was a smart move. It was not a Right move if challenged then.


2024-01-30 17:36 | Report Abuse

Like a gem. Everyone wish have a piece of it. many smiling faces. Generous customers walking around the town. Lifted up those who are bound down. The LORD sets "prisoners" free.

He sets some prisoners free/those captured with paper losses to switch to this counter and being redeemed and gained profits by His kindness.


2024-01-26 18:05 | Report Abuse

Buoyancy...then it crossed RM1, RM2, RM3 and now crossed RM4.

News & Blogs

2024-01-24 18:31 | Report Abuse

Large investment funds were overwhelmed with dread and losing hope with one of them even has given up/surrendered. It is hard to believe their results and they themselves did not expect it.

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2024-01-23 23:52 | Report Abuse

Actually, there is a principle in the Bible (Leviticus 5:1) which explained that a person will be considered has sinned and accountable to the wrongdoings of another if that person chose to remain mouth shut ( do not speak up). In the modern era, it refers to as "whistle blower". Your employer may charge you for not speaking up against a violation or corruption committed by your senior/junior which you are aware reasonably for that may concealment may bring serious damages/losses to your organization/family in the case of a member of a family.

Leviticus 5
New International Version
5 “‘If anyone sins because they do not speak up when they hear a public charge to testify regarding something they have seen or learned about, they will be held responsible.

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2023-10-31 14:06 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq47660 > 47 minutes ago
What u have is the definition of hegemons

The Western countries have been dominant over others since many years ago.

For example, a small country like Holland ruled Indonesia for years. How big is Indonesia?
The British can concurred India for hundred of years started with a small group of soldiers/traders. They were more superior but now others are aware and began to question the legitimacy of their ruling of the lands not belonging to them.

USA was created from bloody wars and they are still willing to fight with their might from the military side to stay on top of others.

The Chinese history got experiences of brutal wars also but then they have arrived to their senses that they wanted to do away with those conflicts, wars and destructions that can bring miseries to every one.

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2023-10-31 12:32 | Report Abuse

It is without any surprise that the war between Palestinians and Israelites could not be settled with those proposed solutions that are on the table.

Unlike those earlier administrations, the current far-right lawmakers in the Israel government, having learned from past ineffectiveness, will not likely to handle or reacting to this attack softly like those earlier occurrences.

They refused to the ceasefire agreement.

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2023-10-29 19:24 | Report Abuse

Siblings do have conflict/jealousy/, so the fought, at times without the full knowledge of the parents.

Cain killed Abell.
In Genesis, chapter 4:8 - Now Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let’s go out to the field.”[d] While they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.

If through the lenses of spirituality, the points can be talked like how the professors from the universities, if they have the approaches that come with "politically correct" methods.

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2023-10-29 18:50 | Report Abuse

Many are searching for the explanation.
It has to be divine. There is divinity in the word.

Can we defeat God? If we can not beat Him, join Him!

If me and you going to start a religion today, what is the chances/percentage of success?
No divinity.

News & Blogs

2023-10-29 18:30 | Report Abuse

Book of Isaiah - Chapter 56

In this chapter, it gives hopes/salvation to others...

>>>Salvation for Others (like Japanese, Koreans (south & north...) -

3 Let no foreigner who is bound to the Lord say,
“The Lord will surely exclude me from his people.”

4 For this is what the Lord says:

who choose what pleases me
and hold fast to my covenant—
5 to them I will give within my temple and its walls
a memorial and a name
better than sons and daughters;
I will give them an everlasting name
that will endure forever.
6 And foreigners who bind themselves to the Lord
to minister to him,
to love the name of the Lord,
and to be his servants,
all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it
and who hold fast to my covenant—
7 these I will bring to my holy mountain
and give them joy in my house of prayer.
Their burnt offerings and sacrifices
will be accepted on my altar;
for my house will be called
a house of prayer for all nations.”
8 The Sovereign Lord declares—
he who gathers the exiles of Israel:
“I will gather still others to them
besides those already gathered.”

From these verses, it showed that the LORD did not forget others.

But, the very obvious one, is that the condition, that person must observe the Sabbath.

News & Blogs

2023-10-29 17:15 | Report Abuse

7 I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. 8 The whole land of Canaan, where you now reside as a foreigner, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you; and I will be their God.”

9 Then God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come. 10 This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. 11 You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you. 12 For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner—those who are not your offspring.

News & Blogs

2023-10-29 17:13 | Report Abuse

Who were the Philistines/Palestinians originally?

From the the Book of Judges:-

Samson’s Marriage -
Judges 14:1 Samson went down to Timnah and saw there a young Philistine woman. 2 When he returned, he said to his father and mother, “I have seen a Philistine woman in Timnah; now get her for me as my wife.”

3 His father and mother replied, “Isn’t there an acceptable woman among your relatives or among all our people? Must you go to the uncircumcised Philistines to get a wife?”

The Death of Samson
16:23 Now the rulers of the Philistines assembled to offer a great sacrifice to Dagon their god and to celebrate, saying, “Our god has delivered Samson, our enemy, into our hands.”

The Philistines were uncircumcised and the prayed to Dagon their god.

The Philistines were different from the Ismaelites (Ismael, Abraham's son, the forefather of the Arabs) who was circumcised at the age 13, when Abraham was 99 years old.

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 12:57 | Report Abuse

As it is, the economy is done already.

You can have plenty of farming, electronic factories, durians, oil palm trees, talented human resources to assemble EV cars...the earnings in the "Ringgit" economy will be sucked/vacuumed into another economy of another currency, depending the currency denomination of those debts.

If you pay interest in USD, the consumers/workers/human beings in this economy will bear the burn of the weakening Ringgit because this banking system in this economy need to buy USD to meet the obligation.

How you do not wish that the Ringgit is strong and we can get more products/services from another economy?

News & Blogs

2023-10-24 12:41 | Report Abuse

1 trillion is 1,000 billion or 1,000,000 million.

If the lenders are charging 2% the cost of the borrowing is RM54 Million a day.

A normal housing can be repaid within 20 or 30 years when taken by a family. But these national debts of exceeding RM1 trillion, as claimed by certain quarters, you will not be surprised if the debts can not be repaid in 100 years from today.

How not the national coffer will be emptied soon? The interest charges alone already so much a day. Plenty of Ringgits will be sacrificed to pay up these loans/debts in days/years to come. Likely, the Ringgit will suffer further although may be slowly.


2023-10-23 15:12 | Report Abuse

Abbas from West bank was asked to come down merely not vocal enough to support Gaza Palestinians sufferings now although it is not governed by West Bank.

Singapore President also voiced out to support on the humanitarian grounds. The government of Spore can choose to be neutral because most of the population/voters are non-Muslim. Whoever the leader in Malaysia, he/she will support Gaza Palestinians side.


2023-10-22 19:14 | Report Abuse

PMX wasn't medically or economically trained when firstly at the University. But, hopefully his Advicers are sound and solid in their respective fields and rights.

LSL of Spore also currently in The Middle East to venture for greater heights.


2023-10-22 18:20 | Report Abuse

Malaysians passport holders can travel to many countries except Israel.

Thanks for those writings by obviously decent peoples and posted not more than 9 hours ago.

Pakistan passport holders can travel to everywhere except 1 country.

Azerbaijan took back Nagorno-Karabakh recently from the Armenians that lived in this place during the USSR era.

Prior to the 2020 Ceasefire Agreement, Azerbaijan kind of defeated the Armenians with the help (Drones) from Turkey, Iran and even Israel.

During the fights in last September, the Armenians that populated that region were "chased away" leaving the Azerbaijan retook the land claimed by Baku.

Iran and enemy Israel were helping Azerbaijan.


2023-10-21 21:45 | Report Abuse

The stake can be getting higher and higher.

Who got more to lose? China or Malaysia?


2023-10-21 21:42 | Report Abuse

China will be dragged into the conflict if it persists.

USA gave China so much headache about the issues on Taiwan, trade war, Uyghur, Hong Kong, South China Sea...

Undoubtedly, China will be on the other side where Iran and Russia are having the same sentiment about the relationship with USA. The USA government can be controlled by Republican or Democrats but at any time, the US military is very supportive of the Israel.

China is also taking side clearly this time on the issue of the Palestinians and not making herself clear could mean something else when China wanted to be prominent in the Arab world.


2023-10-21 14:47 | Report Abuse

In Genesis 10:1, it stated that Noah has 3 sons and they are Shem, Ham and Japheth.

The children/sons of Ham are Cush, Egypt, Put and Canaan.

15 Canaan was the father of

Sidon his firstborn,[g] and of the Hittites, 16 Jebusites, Amorites, Girgashites, 17 Hivites, Arkites, Sinites, 18 Arvadites, Zemarites and Hamathites.

Later the Canaanite clans scattered 19 and the borders of Canaan reached from Sidon toward Gerar as far as Gaza, and then toward Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboyim, as far as Lasha.

20 These are the sons of Ham by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations.

Sinites are the ancestors for the Chinese. Why they called it "Sino-America" or "Sino-Latin" when referred to the matters between the Chinese and the Americans/Latinos? They word Sino came from Sinites in the Bible/Torah.

Shem is the ancestor for the Semites. Anti-Semitism is against Shem/Semites because the Jews are from this son of Noah.

News & Blogs

2023-10-20 16:28 | Report Abuse

He has a point. No joke.

Many public-listed companies sold some assets to relief themselves of debts/borrowings that entangled their exercises/operation from going forward.

It may be a piece of land or investment in another company. This is very true if the returns from those investments are lower the cost for the borrowings.

The case in this example is likely that those bonds in USD may not be sold/redeemed simply by the holders. To dump a certain bonds partly or altogether will mean something to the issuers and the consequences can be the worse things will be faced by the holders.

News & Blogs

2023-10-20 16:08 | Report Abuse

In the USA, one particular President had caused the debts so much, so much so that it is more than the debts incurred from all the earlier 43 Presidents in combination.

One later government will take care the mess caused by one current government. There are public funds and spending them indiscriminately is not of the concern unless these monies come from their personal pockets.

A popular and responsible government will think of ways the poor economy and only will pass to another crooked government to flush away those accumulated wealth easily. The debts incurred are in the name of the country and those individual lawmakers can only do so much before being voted out before can start to worry for the sufferings that overwhelmed each human being.

News & Blogs

2023-10-20 12:56 | Report Abuse

The government is looking for ways to increase the revenue so to fund the high cost and expenditure in its administration.

The excessive cost of borrowings from the unnecessary large amount of national debts has been burden to the financial position and ultimately enslaving the local money currency for the coming years.

A normal borrower would likely to be able to full settle the bank loan/housing in a given period of 20 years. But with the national debts of nearly a trillion, the repayment in interest alone will already disadvantage the economy and to full settle in 20 years will be almost impossible.

When the Ringgit was RM3.10 for a SGD, the market was not panicked and now at RM3.40 will neither slumber nor sleep.

By the way, against the USD, how not it will drop further given the wealth of the country is not improving.

The most effective way is to reduce the expenditures and at the same time increase the revenue.


2023-09-08 23:15 | Report Abuse

Adam and Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel.

From Cain, came a the person named Jubal. He is the first person who played the stringed instrument and pipes.

Genesis 4:
21 His brother’s name was Jubal; he was the father of all who play stringed instruments and pipes.

Other nations stole the musical instruments/talents from the Holy Temple when concurring the Holy Land.

"joy and singing to the music of timbrels and harps?"

The king used the almugwood to make supports for the temple of the Lord and for the royal palace, and to make harps and lyres for the musicians

The Temple Musicians -
These are the men David put in charge of the music in the house of the Lord

David told the leaders of the Levites to appoint their fellow Levites as musicians to make a joyful sound with musical instruments: lyres, harps and cymbals.

In fact, David himself was good in music, played violin for King Saul whenever he is ill.


2023-09-08 22:59 | Report Abuse

In the 4th QR, there are accumulated figures for all the 4 quarters apart from the individual quarter.

Understandably, the AR will be finalized/prepared from this 4th QR during the grace period of 2 months. Some adjustments may be involved to tidy up for the consolidated accounts. So, the AR will be published lastly.


2023-09-08 22:53 | Report Abuse

The same goes for YTL.


2023-09-08 22:52 | Report Abuse

1st QR will be dated 30 SEP 2023.

The FYE/AR of YTLP is on 30th of JUNE.
QR dated 30 JUNE should labelled as the AR.
It should not be known the 4th QR already.

The 1st QR will be dated 30 SEP 2023 which is end of this month.
The QR usually due to be published not more than 2 months from the date of the QR.


2023-09-08 13:15 | Report Abuse

There were 2 spy missions on the land.

In Numbers 13:2 - 1 from each tribe, so 12 men were sent.
Joshua son of Num represented the tribe of Ephraim and Caleb represented the tribe of Judah.

What was the report of the exploration?
Caleb was full of confidence (Verse 30). Many others were not highly charged by saying “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.” to Moses and Aaron.

So they peoples complained to Moses.

The People Rebel:-
Numbers 14 That night all the members of the community raised their voices and wept aloud. 2 All the Israelites grumbled against Moses and Aaron, and the whole assembly said to them, “If only we had died in Egypt! Or in this wilderness!

They came out from Egypt but now kind of regretful of their decision to move on to the promised land.

The 2nd spy mission also involved Joshua. That was after Moses had passed on at 120 years old. Joshua sent out 2 men only this time including Caleb. Previously was with 12 men (Joshua 2:1). This mission was successful.


2023-09-08 10:01 | Report Abuse

Speak to the rock but Moses knocked the rock with his staff.

Merely for that, he was not allowed to enter the Holy Land. He was pressured and disturbed by his followers/community. Even Aaron was around but Aaron did not restrain/not able to restrain Moses from doing what the LORD has instructed, Aaron also not allowed to enter. Joshua and Caleb were allowed to lead the community to cross. Moses only managed to view from afar the Land with flowing milk and honey.

YTL Power...

News & Blogs

2023-09-07 23:46 | Report Abuse

At a blink of an eye, another year will be over.

Time passed very fast and usually most peoples live for 70years old, like king David. King David did not kill King Saul even though he had the opportunity to do so but only cutting a portion of the robe (1 Samuel 24:5-6).

It was deemed disrespectful to King Saul, in the sight of the Lord, for simply cut his robe, when he was the anointed King. The Lord caused feeling extremely cool bodily toward the last days of his life, for cutting the robe of King Saul. >>>1 Kings 1:1

New International Version

1 When King David was very old, he could not keep warm even when they put covers over him.

During the time for the staff share scheme, the entitlement was 20 shares only ( a fraction) because of the salary amount. However, each unit cost USD50 then.

The board lot now is at 100 shares when it was 1,000 shares. The public will buy 50 shares or lesser for shares like Nestle, HL Bank...


2023-09-07 11:21 | Report Abuse

YTL Corp is controlling YTL Power.

Both are with the potentials but YTL Power is better. However, it is purely up to the one who was buying because YTL Power was costlier now and then.

News & Blogs

2023-09-07 11:06 | Report Abuse

It is a bonus from the Lord if ever can live until more than 70 years old.

Nowadays, the life is until more than 100 years old with the advance in the medical field. However, everyone is dying and even the newly born babies are dying, will died in 100 years to come. Simply, this world is a dying one and not permanent. It is a temporary and a transit to the Eternal one.

News & Blogs

2023-09-07 10:45 | Report Abuse

By right Adam should lived until 1,000 years old but 70 years were given to the person whom the Messiah shall come from his descendants. So, Adam lived until 930 years old only.

The destruction of the 2nd Temple was caused by baseless hatred. Meaning, the were infightings within the community and betrayals plus back-stabbings each other. Similarly, a nation/country can be destroyed traitors.

How long a country can last? Take a look at the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Mongols, Portuguese, Spanish, British Empire...

News & Blogs

2023-09-01 12:30 | Report Abuse

The decision taken by the big economy like USA to increase the interest rate for the loans and deposits in the banking system will usually be followed by other smaller or small economy like our country. Why?

The foreign direct investment (FDI) in Dollars make up the large part of the economy of the country. Any movement of interest rate in the US will be very sensitive towards those FDIs where those investments may have to face bigger amount of borrowing cost payable to the lenders from overseas. If the interest rate in Malaysia is not moving in tandem with the hikes in the US, the funds will be repatriated from Malaysia to a more rewarding economy as far as the interest is concern.

China is doing the opposite because the normal approach shall be expected by many of us during this moment of economy struggle. Rather, the Chinese government should handle their economy that can be best suit the structure and circumstances currently experiencing.


2023-08-25 20:37 | Report Abuse

The financial year end is dated 30 JUNE.

Go to last year's AR to study the coverage of the businesses among the subsidiary companies.