
bfg9000 | Joined since 2015-09-08

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“When my information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do you do, sir?” - either Lord Keynes or Paul Samuelson. Or both. As me again when my information changes





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2015-10-16 14:26 | Report Abuse

seriously this is d pom chiak chiak that everyones says once in a while

pom chiak chiak
2 steps forward
1 step back
pom chiak chiak
1 step forward
2 steps back

turn 90 degrees and repeat


2015-10-16 09:59 | Report Abuse

I also in AAC25, thanks sifu rchi, this will be our 3rd flight!


2015-10-16 09:51 | Report Abuse

thanks bro rchi


2015-10-16 09:49 | Report Abuse

bro rchi,

whats your entry price for aac25?


2015-10-16 08:10 | Report Abuse

Bangku day will be a waste! DJIA set a very nice prelude for today's orchestra


2015-10-16 08:04 | Report Abuse

Good morning everyone

Let's all have a great Friday and the Gods of Bursa be kind to our picks!


2015-10-16 01:01 | Report Abuse

Anyone with 30 mins and interested to know how a job report in the states flipped money flow around; driving billions into Emerging Markets, fuelling the undying bull we see in our market these days, and why VIX is the index to watch in the futures market, read this.

Sorry no executive summary, too detailed. But it is a good long read


Morpheus: Do you believe in fate, Neo?
Neo: No.
Morpheus: Why not?
Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.
Morpheus: I know *exactly* what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here.
You're here because you know something. What you know you
can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that
there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is,
but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.

Cypher: I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that
when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is
telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious.
After nine years, you know what I realize?
[Takes a bite of steak]
Cypher: Ignorance is bliss.


2015-10-16 00:12 | Report Abuse

Thanks Dunknow... I also don't know much
but i know fear will keep me alive

Somehow I like the market as it is today, bloodily indecisive, always on the edge, flipping and twisting and turning trying to make up her mind

Like a lady contemplating a developing courtship

Keep us guys on our toes, plotting the next move, trying to anticipate her every thoughts and needs, and flipping between confidence and fear

In other words, feeling alive, as if the market is a living person, not an automaton flipping between two lines.


2015-10-16 00:00 | Report Abuse

no worries, will do what i can, wont do what i can't and confidential either way

or just park in the fridge as an option as you think things thru, I know you think very deep and carefully one


2015-10-15 23:27 | Report Abuse

Bro duit, no email yet ler... also, watching the animal kingdom is a great source of inspiration, and takes the mind off bursa while focussing watching birds and the bees, or playing doggies and the buayas

Surely mommy have taught that :P

Posted by duitKWSPkita > Oct 15, 2015 08:25 PM | Report Abuse

I admire bfg9000... Esp his avatar.. Can't even figure wat is the doggie crocodile pic


2015-10-15 23:24 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha I like Taylor Swift's TOP, BOTTOM, FRONT, BACK

But that's coming from a traditional MISSIONARY school guy educated in the 69s, where we SITTING around all day, getting SPOON-fed, chase the school DOGGIES, sometimes STANDING watching PILEDRIVERS at work and occassionally wondering about HELICOPTERS

Posted by connie > Oct 15, 2015 08:15 PM | Report Abuse

bfg9000 ... errr TOPless sun-bathing is nice !! BOTTOMs up with beer my fav !! FRONTkn i have not played for a long time !!! BACKstreet boys is a pretty boy band that i like :):) can we discuss your liking ???


2015-10-15 20:07 | Report Abuse

Topic of d day is ah con likes being on top or bottom or front or back


2015-10-15 20:03 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha scared?

Here we all swim, eat, sleep with all d sharks, snakes, jellyfish, scorpions daily... At the same time

Just shoot n see what I can do, cheers


2015-10-15 19:45 | Report Abuse

Bro duit, don't need to get fussed up, there have been differences of opinion ever since there were more than 2 ppl, and those two always madeup in d end

Of course, I just dropped my email at your economic cycle thread there


2015-10-15 19:05 | Report Abuse

duit - smart move; because i stalk u too also hahahaha; u r far more interesting, got ppl write long love letter to you openly on i3; that's the closest thing I see that resembles a fan club


2015-10-15 19:03 | Report Abuse

by the way, today we have 8 green days; the last time it was longer is actually not that far back - June 29 - July 11 2012 (9days)

and we have 11 red days in a row only as recently as June 2015

not unprecedented and not that rare an event actually


2015-10-15 18:57 | Report Abuse

good evening all and have a nice good dinner; long fight today...

didnt drop by earlier, moved too fast to follow, now only caught up with the conversation


2015-10-15 18:54 | Report Abuse

Both FGV and THH i rasa boleh simpan lagi

Those in edible oil still got a long time to goreng the sector; the super el-nino is really a once a decade opportunity for them. Most sifu I follow have target of 1.8 to 2.0; and I think max u enter is C7 at 0.11-0.12 so can almost get out if u want to. My own plan is let it peak until its legs shaky then dump slightly lower than peak; but this is only wave 3 so there could well be another chance later

THH d abang apanama already give very good answer

Posted by AnnH > Oct 15, 2015 06:32 PM | Report Abuse

i ada fgv and thh for now
and all r not in my favour
have been hesitating on yr c12 till today
sigh.... :(


2015-10-15 18:42 | Report Abuse

Sifu duit,

I let the abang2 sekalian here answer specifically the question.

Since I'm just a student cannot answer you lah....

80% of my duit in c12 already rehat first but they are scared to join across the railway onto the putties train while their brothers not yet out of the up train

Posted by duitKWSPkita > Oct 15, 2015 05:34 PM | Report Abuse

To all abang in C12 thread.............

May I ask one question, when can KLCI index bull rehat??? I mean rehat for satu hari pun jadi la....


2015-10-15 17:33 | Report Abuse

Hahaha AnnH dont call me abg le, I am new in this also

Maybe a few months earlier than you only

Also, what have being a girl got anything to do with this? Actually it could be an advantage

-Ms Christine Lagarde sits at the helm of IMF taking care of global money
-Ms Janet Yellen holds the steering on the big ship that is the US economy
-Madame Tan Sri Zeti guides our country through the last 20 years of turbulence

and when I change my money for the most expensive money we usually got to buy, I see the smiling head of HM The Queen

and if i am one day blessed with a companion and a daughter i will advice her to pursue whatever interest her, theres nothing in the world to stop one's interest and dream


2015-10-15 16:34 | Report Abuse

AnnH, don't get out of this game so soon

Long term, equity beats any other form of investment. And it is the only one to really beat inflation consistently.

Just that most people, before they finish paying the tuition, already takut and exit dy. But after earn, can sure gain one.

Compare both CI and Emas over other form of investment, over time, sure win even if just passively following index.

Cannot be just finish UPSR and get your money back, want to out of this game and stop studying?

If dont want to trade, then invest lah, pick up some good FA counters, set a profit target, reach start taking some out, and ride the rest up, once cannot go up and start going down, cut there.


2015-10-15 16:07 | Report Abuse

apanama, I think you are too humble.

thanks for sharing the insight and the news - you do monitor a lot more than what we usually see

I'm sure you're still very skilled at tembaking, just this time got a feeling not to press the trigger first; and may the Almighty continue give you His blessing to shoot a bigger game on your next shot


2015-10-15 16:04 | Report Abuse

Don't be trapped in tunnel vision.

ASEAN40 up 2+%
Malaysia30 only up 0.4%

We are in no way moving out of step with the rest in the dance of the markets today, and if whole ASEAN move and we are also moving, what have our PM got anything to do with it?. Look broader, bro - it will make you a better trader

Don't let political belief get in the way of money (that is the reason I believe that we are not up as high as our regional brethren, people holding market down because of political believes; else we should up around 2% also lah)

Posted by Lim Elson > Oct 15, 2015 02:58 PM | Report Abuse

RM4.14 vs Us1.00.. (compare to RM 3.25)
crudeo oil drop back below us50...

somehow.. KLSE UP !!!! oh YEAH!!! MALAYSIA BOLEH... NAJIB BOLEH...


2015-10-15 14:52 | Report Abuse

if there's two things i still remember from decades ago from prof until today
1. Oil price will always rebound and oil industry will never die (that time was <20 per barrel); and other than fuel don't forget that you still need it for, if one word, just one word - plastics
2. Oil never ran out in his lifetime and never will run out in ours (there will always be new discoveries)

But this game have to be banyak sabar, and hv strong heart


2015-10-15 13:36 | Report Abuse

hahaha so bullish

this budget looking to be a good one

1. GST+Tax income will exceed expectation (since a lot of business last time never declare tax properly, now they have to in order to claim back the input, so added together on all the middleman, a lot)

2. Big bang toll rate hike - toll rate actually have been raised per concession agreement, the difference borne by govt as a form of subsidy

3. Subsidy removal on fuel + some recovery on oil price

4. GE still far away, no need to increase BR1M and social expenditures

so there will actually room to spend more on stimulus and projects without increasing budget shortfall and debt. A lot of required structural reforms actually gotten done

If I am in pemandu i will advise PM to do more of these painful things - the nice thing about being unpopular already is u dont have to pander to popular sentiment and get whats need to be done, done. The PM 5 years down the road (fater the next recession-recovery cycle) will really benefit


2015-10-15 11:43 | Report Abuse

kWAP given a outlook for 15 Nov, but the aggressive deadline is Oct 15.

So the real date my guess is between now and end Oct.

Top down sure want fast

Bottom guy will sandbag

But since the National Economic Task force needs to report to PM weekly, for sure cannot delay 1 month one lah

Hopefully any retracement will be short

State-owned investor ValueCap Sdn Bhd is expected to start a mopping up spree of underperforming stocks on Bursa Malaysia from November, when its shareholders release the first tranche of its announced RM20 billion fund.

ValueCap’s three shareholders — Khazanah Nasional Bhd, Retirement Fund Inc (KWAP) and Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB) — are expected to make available RM8 billion as part of the initiative to strengthen the economy that was announced by the prime minister last month.

KWAP CEO Wan Kamaruzaman Wan Ahmad said the three shareholders will each provide an equal RM6.67 billion to ValueCap’s kitty.

“We were given an aggressive deadline of Oct 15 (to start), but we think it will be difficult due to regulatory steps and approvals as well as the nod from each shareholder’s board.

“We estimate ValueCap to commence with funds available somewhere in the second-half of November,” he told The Malaysian Reserve at the sidelines of the Khazanah Megatrends Forum 2015 yesterday.


2015-10-15 11:23 | Report Abuse

today is supposedly the initial target for ValueCap to get its first batch of funs.. i mean funds...


2015-10-15 10:54 | Report Abuse

MMC is good, but i seldom monitor big caps, please give a hint when the pot and handle completes and we get a breakout :)


2015-10-15 10:48 | Report Abuse

thanks! definitely need all d luck, got one last tranche of c12 that i want to ride to the top.. actually that bit that i havent sold is all consider rezeki dy, dapat more baik lah, kurang pun syukur juga

actually i am also increasing my exposure on oil and gas, but that one i trade only at d pasar malam that opens at 930 pm


2015-10-15 10:43 | Report Abuse

cikgu apanama - if it is anticipated in advanced and d market is expecting it by the heavy tilt towards put options, it is not a black swan ;)

same thing in Msia actually, only puts in high premium

burung kakak tua event maybe... after retire i will write a book on it


2015-10-13 16:49 | Report Abuse

hmm got distracted by the mention of TS legs, went to look look for a while...
forgot mission


2015-10-13 16:42 | Report Abuse

duit, got lah, u forgot i got d 600mm lens that was used for d Kate Midddleton hit, on discount from ebay, while trying to curi see your cheat sheet on what to buy, i waited a few hours to get a clean shot

and saw d poetry.. a bit too hard for me to read, but it is written to your dear con con

so, as due respect to sifu, i stopped reading it

and posted it on the trading market for paparazzi stuff... hope it doesnt disappoint - if cant' fetch 6 digit figures i will take it as insulting and refuse to sell hahaha


2015-10-13 16:27 | Report Abuse

connie, challenge accepted - that is one project i wanna do but delivery will be tomorrow

since tomorrow no need pretend to work, i can get real work done hahahaha


2015-10-13 16:21 | Report Abuse

duit, i can read bit bit lah, write also bit bit lah, not those deep poetry u write for connie level


2015-10-13 16:19 | Report Abuse

wah seaninis, crossfit very hardcore le, old man can only do soft exercise ...

my fav exercise is doing a "wally" - walk around coffee in hand while dexterously avoiding work


2015-10-13 16:07 | Report Abuse

Got earn peanuts is good already

I watched since 9am, show very boring, nothing to buy or sell and finished a few packs of Ngan Yin

Not only wallet finished, waistline also finished

Posted by bostyle > Oct 13, 2015 04:01 PM | Report Abuse

Well hope everyone has a nice holiday tomorrow. Got peanuts today for mamak tmr. :)


2015-10-13 14:39 | Report Abuse

if we are green then i would really say the first evidence that ah jib gor gor's low orbit ion cannon started firing its first shot

but it is supposedly not yet fully operational until second half of the month


2015-10-13 14:37 | Report Abuse

regionally is ugly, actually ugly is too mild, lets just call it fugly

we're the last green leaf in a burning forest


2015-10-13 09:11 | Report Abuse

good morning everyone

hope that theres something nice in store for everyone this Tuesday


2015-10-12 15:43 | Report Abuse

hahhhaah connieeee die die wanna see d red confirmation candle today

kswp not enough, duit needs pencenkwaptuorang and khazanajib partners to help


2015-10-12 11:14 | Report Abuse

thanks twobits

always something new to learn here everyday... LIKE!


2015-10-12 11:13 | Report Abuse

bostyle, you are most welcome.

and i am going long that you will be an executive vice president (in a proper non banking business) and therefore my TP1 is as senior director, thank you


2015-10-12 11:12 | Report Abuse

HK is always strong, but even at HK forum, d no1 bear Fund_Manager is also jumping boat to HW


2015-10-12 11:04 | Report Abuse

hahahaa libra sign ...
that is BN sign ... but i suppose libra sign better as most here will suspect BN sign senget


2015-10-12 11:03 | Report Abuse

morning bostyle, since u r busy executive director, gv u a executive summary

-dont think we've decided index will hold or up or down
-capt hawk revise target to 1753 and recounted current sexy leg as leg 3
-rchi recommends us to monitor johortin
-region et all is in AA again


2015-10-12 10:31 | Report Abuse

forward looking sign for index to hold is still good!

a green bar today will invalidate last friday


2015-10-12 10:28 | Report Abuse


angka keramat "12"

if there is a call warrant equivalent of HK, my vote will go to no 12


2015-10-12 10:22 | Report Abuse

HK is the undead of bukit kewangan, dunno why will never die one


2015-10-12 09:29 | Report Abuse

thanks sifu hawk, already with you for a few months and loaded a few containers of today's magic counter...

if going by your last updated chart currently we are on w5; so we are recounting this as w3? i notice that is d slowly forming consensus as d market discarded the other counts