
jasonred79 | Joined since 2020-09-10

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2020-09-22 17:20 | Report Abuse

but yeah, 12.5m SBB makes those 2m sell queues at 8 look weak. hahahahaha


2020-09-22 17:19 | Report Abuse

@morpheus61 well, when TG does SBB of 12.5m shares a day out of those 44m volume... well of course! ... though I haven't seen announcement of SBB for today yet. Let's see if TG did SBB today or not. ;)


2020-09-22 16:56 | Report Abuse

HLT didn't limit up! I was lied to! how disappointing!


2020-09-22 16:46 | Report Abuse

WOW. 232k buy queue at Rm8.06.


2020-09-22 16:45 | Report Abuse

1 more minute. the pre-closing phase


2020-09-22 16:43 | Report Abuse

@param1, no it didn't. it moved to the other side of the road. Now there is a 3m queue buying at RM8.



2020-09-22 16:42 | Report Abuse

yeah... so for everyone wondering what the price of TG will be in the upcoming future. I, Jasonred79 with my mysterious magical powers will declare:

plus minus RM8


ahahaha, but seriously, these guys are funny as heck


2020-09-22 16:40 | Report Abuse

@flyinghorse well... buy q is 2.6million shares at RM8 now.... IB can buy at 2.6m at rm8 today. ... and sell them back at RM8 tomorrow... ahahahahahaa


2020-09-22 16:38 | Report Abuse



2020-09-22 16:38 | Report Abuse

now it's the opposite. look at the buy queue at RM8


2020-09-22 16:37 | Report Abuse

@flyinghorse. looks like LWC cleared roadblock with his 100m SBB.


2020-09-22 16:37 | Report Abuse

report to bursa, even when found guilty, Transmile boss got ONE DAY jail. You know how many billions were lost because of that fraud?


2020-09-22 16:35 | Report Abuse

@morpheus61 ... looks to me like both sides have drawn their line in the sand. TG will probably buy every day at below 8, and this seller will sell every day at 8. So, that makes decision making easy for everyone else, lol.
Yeah, wonder if this can continue all the way until warrant maturity date. Or whether one side will give up before then.


2020-09-22 16:29 | Report Abuse

@morpheus61. yes. They will do heavy buying during the VWAP calculation days for the PUT warrants.
... those poor put warrant holders...


2020-09-22 16:24 | Report Abuse

@flying horse. Same as yesterday And... with my awesome prophetic powers, I can tell you the future! ... tomorrow will ALSO be the same, 2m queue to sell, and LWC will buyback RM100m shares below RM8, so it will close at 8.
And Friday... well, that one I'm not sure. Sometimes people do things differently because weekend market close.

... Anyone wanna bet with me whether I am correct or wrong? ;)


2020-09-22 16:21 | Report Abuse

This is actually EXCELLENT for you buy and hold long term investors. ALL the punters will get the message "TG will close at RM8 every single day" and only value investors will remain. No more crazy volatility, and you can buy as much as you want at RM8 or cheaper. Good, no?


2020-09-22 16:19 | Report Abuse

@morpheus61, you think those million queues are just queues? you key in buy RM8 lor, see whether it goes thru or not.
You were saying buy buy buy right? go ahead. just key in buy 1 million shares at RM8. It will get done. Those are not fake queues at all.
If LWC wants, he can do SBB and take all 2m at RM8. ... but I think LWC will wait for 4:45pm for pre-closing, and then just make sure TG closes at RM8 again today.


2020-09-22 16:12 | Report Abuse

@ikangorengbilis up to your risk appetite. The c-77 settlement dates begin tomorrow. It depends if you think the IBs will push it down over the next 5 trading days, or not. I don't know whether they will.
If the IBs do begin their push down tomorrow, then you could sell today and buy back for cheap on 29th September, when price should be at it's lowest.
Again, that's IF it gets pushed down. I'm really curious if it will or won't be.


2020-09-22 16:09 | Report Abuse

HLT now 1.54, what's the story there team rocket?


2020-09-22 16:06 | Report Abuse

Until either TG or the IB's run out of buy/sell power anyway.


2020-09-22 16:06 | Report Abuse

well, it's very VERY simple now isn't it? TG does share buyback any time TG goes below 8. and there's some huge fellas coming in to sell every day 1m shares at 8. ... so... TG is going to just stay at around 8 for the foreseeable future.
None of that "UP!!!" or "DOWN!!!" ... it's gonna be sideways. ... and traders who buy below 8 and sell above 8 gonna be rich. :)


2020-09-21 23:25 | Report Abuse

I hate how some people use 1 lot = 100 and some use 1 lot = 1000... confuses the heck out of me sometimes.
That supermax director disposed 90k shares from pledged account, so I'm curious if it was normal sale or forced sale.


2020-09-21 16:46 | Report Abuse

they are pushing UP. look at those buy queues lol


2020-09-21 16:43 | Report Abuse

pre-closing phase in 2 minutes


2020-09-21 16:43 | Report Abuse

yup, it's well and truly stuck at RM8 today lol


2020-09-21 15:49 | Report Abuse

@stockisnotfun dude it's only 2% down. nothing compared to a while ago 20% daily downswing upswing.


2020-09-21 15:40 | Report Abuse

@gloveisdiamond. Maybe they will have mercy.


2020-09-21 15:40 | Report Abuse

@hush77 the dotcom bubbles were based on companies with NO income. ... a better example would be the oil company bubbles, where THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED BACK THEN. oil companies were all saying oil prices would be high forever, and started major capital expenditure to expand production, it was EXACTLY like what is happening for gloves now.
Actually, why go so far? Glove company prices bubble during EVERY epidemic, it's just that covid is the most extreme one so far.


2020-09-21 15:37 | Report Abuse

keep in mind that supermx-c77 matures on 30th September, which means that the VWAP calculations are based on 23rd, 24th, 25th, 28th, 29th. If I'm not mistaken.


2020-09-21 15:37 | Report Abuse

keep in mind that supermx-c77 matures on 30th September, which means that the VWAP calculations are based on 23rd, 24th, 25th, 28th, 29th. If I'm not mistaken.


2020-09-21 15:34 | Report Abuse

... it seems to be true, they are killing supermax cause of c77. So, watch out for maturity dates for the other warrants, guys.


2020-09-21 15:09 | Report Abuse

rr88, well it's down in other parts of the world because of covid, so ironically, glove stocks have a small tendency to move in the opposite direction to the others during this pandemic. ... well, logically, TG and airasia shares should move in complete opposite directions based on covid related news.


2020-09-21 15:07 | Report Abuse

huh... I could be wrong here, but it looks to me that the IBs decided to focus down supermax because of Supermx-c77.... which means that they are not gonna focus on the other glove counters until 30th september. So, TG should be safer, during this period.

Of course, who knows what these IBs will actually do! :P


2020-09-21 15:00 | Report Abuse

@coolbull. no, not okay. You're wrong.


2020-09-21 15:00 | Report Abuse

talking about a different counter, supermax... Supermax is -0.22, but supermx-c77 and c80 are +0.05, which, doesn't make all that much sense to me since they are both call warrants, and that is not what I learnt about how call warrants work in school! ;)


2020-09-21 14:55 | Report Abuse

that person who wrote "no october vaccine" + Trump backtrack didn't read the article correctly.

Trump (and pfizer) claim the vaccine will be available in america in october... and by april 2021, everyone in america (who chooses to accept the vaccine) will be vaccinated.

There's a HUGE difference between april 2021 being "the vaccine becomes available to public" and april "there will be enough vaccine produced for everyone in the public to get it"


There's also the possibility, Pfizer doesn't get approval AT ALL, and no pfizer vaccine AT ALL.


2020-09-21 10:42 | Report Abuse

@ahpooki2, dude, oil, gold, and various currencies are good things too. Those get manipulated LIKE HECK.


2020-09-21 10:41 | Report Abuse

@growingrich kenanga? Look at their upcoming glove warrant payouts. Those are gonna be some FAT losses.


2020-09-20 23:47 | Report Abuse

Dr. Sim what? they did? where did they say that? was in QR or annual report or you just telling rumor?


2020-09-20 17:28 | Report Abuse

lucky because you can use supermax as guinea pig.


2020-09-20 17:28 | Report Abuse

Guys... this is one of those times, count yourself lucky that you bought TG and not supermax. Why? Because:

SUPERMX-C77 7.600 C 0.75 1.0 30 Sep 20 CIMB

in 10 days time c77 matures.
and we will get to see the truth for ourself in the 5 days leading up to that (i think it's 5 days average closing, need to check)

if you see c77 being pushed down... then you know what will happen for the other call warrants. if it stays untouched, then IB pushing down probably just fake news.


2020-09-20 17:25 | Report Abuse

Oh that rumor i gave the other day about glove stockpile? seems that euro covid surge cleared out the stock. all sold out.


2020-09-20 16:16 | Report Abuse

@investmalaysia oh that guy? lololol. 1% is of 80b is 800m. I just tell you straight: no he/she does NOT have 1%.


2020-09-20 16:13 | Report Abuse

@abba old news

new news:
"Scientists relieved as coronavirus vaccine trial restarts"


2020-09-20 16:11 | Report Abuse

disregard the crisis? ... sorry, but if covid didn't happen, TG would be RM5 (1.66 post BI) and my fair valuation would have been RM7 at MOST (RM2.33 post covid)
You can't have things both way. If you take this sudden covid windfall into consideration, then you have to consider what happens when covid is over.
If you want to disregard "crisis" and just look at fundamentals... then TG is a RM13b market cap company that "won the lottery for RM11b". so market value 24b.

Like it or not, you can't run away from the fact that TG only deserves it's current valuation, revenue and profits because of covid.

I repeat again. TG market cap before covid began was below RM13b. ... what do you think is a fair valuation for it's market cap once the pandemic is over and glove prices drop back to normal? It's for sure much high than 13b, higher than 24b, but how much higher is the big question.


2020-09-20 15:45 | Report Abuse

unless TG diversifies into other fields other than just gloves, it's going to be hard for them to grow. Like, Genting for instance, having just 1 casino on top of a mountain didn't give much room to grow. So, they expanded into other areas.
Right now, property prices are quite cheap, I expect that if TG took their 11b windfall profits and made some solid ventures into property development, they could indeed make some really solid growth!


2020-09-20 15:42 | Report Abuse

@geary. 18% yoy growth when you are a small IPO, and you grow into the largest company in your field in 20 years, is completely reasonable 18%.
I find it a lot harder to believe that the largest glove maker in the world can sustain 18% pa growth for 10-30 years though...
Same for Coca cola, public bank, amazon, google, etc. They grew tremendously from IPO to becoming leaders in their field, but once they'd already become so huge, of course their growth rate slowed down.
Of course, every single one of those stocks I mentioned is a solid buy and keep company, including TG. I'm just saying that expecting a mature company to maintain the same growth as a startup company, is not a reasonable expectation.


2020-09-20 15:26 | Report Abuse

... you bought some at RM9?


2020-09-20 15:25 | Report Abuse

Eh I'm not comfortable buying in above RM8. but below RM3, I would buy in for sure!