
cfoong | Joined since 2013-09-02

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2015-01-24 00:00 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikiki... if so many people dislike Bj Con... surely no lucks for Bj Con... kikikikikikiki...


2015-01-23 20:19 | Report Abuse

bj con... lousy betul... kikikikikikiki...


2015-01-23 20:18 | Report Abuse

since chris chan tak suka bj con.. okokok... kikikikikikiki.. let it bak to 0.38 then.... tht's great... kikikikikikiki.. bj collapse! bj collapse!!


2015-01-23 15:58 | Report Abuse

Hold On!!!.. more good new is coming soon for YTLP... kikikikikikikiki


2015-01-23 15:55 | Report Abuse

When Facebook dropped to his lowest from USD 38 to USD 17... The journalist asked Tan Sri wht his thinking on the investment in FB whc has been dropped more than half of it... Tan Sri said... Mark is a smart and capable guy; he know how to turn FB around...!!!!... Tan Sri didnt let go FB tht time!... kikikikikikikiki... his believe make him earn double of it... today FB is around USD 77... kikikikikikikiki...


2015-01-23 15:48 | Report Abuse

Bj Con oledi told u "1 bil story of Berjaya" and let u to collect it at this price... but u are suspicious, u r worry, u think BJ Con is Con but not Conglomerate!... Af all collection done and it jumps...super "geng" tht... Tan Sri Con will Laugh all the way and said.."e... i told u oledi wa 1 bil story of Berjaya".. but all of u choose to ignore! choose to assume tht i am conning yrs..".. u see... kikikikikikikiki.... kasihan la...minority! kasihan betul betul... Tan Sri is a patient tycoon...


2015-01-23 15:43 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri has many kaki la... Datuk shall be among one of them...kikikikikikikikikiki


2015-01-23 15:17 | Report Abuse

u c so many people commend on this insas forum.. it is something wrong la... cabut... let it cool down first bf collecting...


2015-01-23 14:51 | Report Abuse

Quit now!!! Insas mother will drop heavily af the corporate exercise... 1st target will hit below 0.77... i oledi advise early... 4% per annum is not attractive... the best time to collect is af the exercise...


2015-01-23 14:48 | Report Abuse

Sometimes, many good news with the counters, it wont up ..u know why? some people is collecting on it...and also the main shareholder is eliminating those ikan bilis... kikikikikiki... ok.. decision is on yr hand now!!! kikikikikiki


2015-01-23 14:38 | Report Abuse

Same as MOL...another typical story of Facebook!!!...kikikikiki


2015-01-23 14:38 | Report Abuse

"1 bil story of Berjaya" wht u believe or no?? it has been confirmed and announced in Bursa!!! Wont run to Holland anyway!...kikikikiki...


2015-01-23 14:36 | Report Abuse

kikikikiki... i remember i stayed with those chinese banks from 6 years since 2009 times..gone thro many up and down cycles and lucky to say tht they are paying handsom dividen each yrs... and i keep buying and buying...and at last... they are rebound to the new height again...kikikikikiki... i thk the same phenomenon gonna to happen with BJ Con...but this round it shall be strong rebound with special dividen.... kikikikikiki... believe is the word... People may said they gain handsomely with which and which counters...but when they kena loss... they wont tell u as well... this is human behaviour... kikikikikiki.. i believe only in "1 bil story of Berjaya" !!! kikikikikiki...


2015-01-23 14:22 | Report Abuse

Bursa up +18 points represent 1.03% up!!!! but BJ Con up only +0.005 whc represent ??? 1.2% up... kikikikikiki... still better than Bursa wua... kikikikikikiki... Do u notice??? kikikikikikiki... Bj Con hooray! Bj Con hooray!!... kikikikikikikiki


2015-01-23 13:00 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikiki... look at the money... dun look at the "gas"... kikikikikikikiki... 和气生财!!!


2015-01-23 11:00 | Report Abuse

alamak Ganasai still not happy with Bj Con... okokokok! today close at 0.42 shj... kikikikikiki.. no choice!...


2015-01-23 10:59 | Report Abuse

Bj Con undervalue? i didnt say tht... kikikikikikiki... U can evaluate Bj Con with many criteria!!!!... kikikikikikikikiki... is sure... tht i bought it for "fun" give my best supportsss to Tan Sri... Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!!... Tan Sri... kikikikikikiki


2015-01-23 10:51 | Report Abuse

Ganasai... kikikikikiki... by just scolding or criticising Bj Con, Bj Con prices wont up one to reach yr preferred target... perhaps if u buy toto, spend a afternoon tea in the Starbucks or Spend a Dinner or Lunch in the Kenny Roger... may help it up... kikikikikikiki..


2015-01-23 10:43 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikiki... Bj con is not the counter for goreng or invested into it... It is suitable for those who invest into it for "fun"... kikikikikikikikiki.... Wanna fun? Buy toto la? Wanna fun? Come to Bj Tioman la... Wanna "fun"... Come la Sturbucks... Wanna "fun",..kikikikiki... ocoz BUY into Bj Con shares... kikikikikikikiki


2015-01-23 10:37 | Report Abuse

kikikikikiki... when shark or fund manager interest into this counter... u think u shall collect it tht time??? kikikikikikiki


2015-01-23 10:28 | Report Abuse

kikikkikiki... all old faces in this Bj con forum will be all bak soon!!!... All Welcom!...kikikikikiki


2015-01-23 10:25 | Report Abuse

Welcome bak! Atuk! Gong xi fa chai... kikikikikiki


2015-01-23 08:22 | Report Abuse

okokok... Euro QE..out.. BJ Corp close up +0.01 sen... today at 0.425... kikikikikikikikiki..The best can offers...


2015-01-22 13:51 | Report Abuse

Fyi.. MOL at Nasdeq... kantooi lo... kikikikikiki at USD 1.93 zhor... kikikikikikikikikiki!


2015-01-22 13:49 | Report Abuse

kikikikiki... Since Ganasai not happy with BJ Corp...okokok... today close at 0.41... happy zhor!...kikikikikiki...


2015-01-22 12:47 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri is so rich! he didnt depend on Bj Con money or dividen for makan... kikikikikikiki... if u wanna to "partner" wth Tan Sri... Dun use yr makan duit for Bj Con!!!! All "animals" at Bj Con no need to have makan so regular once...kikikikikikikikiki,,, but...wait for the best shot if the mangsa suddenly appearing...and u will secure all your makanan at once go for many years then... kikikikikikiki....


2015-01-22 12:43 | Report Abuse

kikikikikiki... with consistent RM 10 0.415 shall be approx 2.5% interest annum... kikikikikikiki... exactly around the rate tht u put yr money into the trading account..without trading...but it is better than the normal saving account...!!!! kikikikikiki...


2015-01-22 10:20 | Report Abuse

okok...since many people not happy and still suspicious with BJ Con... kikikikikikiki... jus close another 0.005 sen higher.. today at 0.42... kikikikikikikiki... syiok mo? kikikikiki


2015-01-22 10:19 | Report Abuse

Current Asset vs Current Liabilities; Long Term Asset vs Long Term Liabilities... kikikikikikikiki... af all ...NAV remains 1.35!...this has yet to factor the gain with disposal of the Rawang Land! more important is... many properties under the grp has yet to be reevaluated for long time... kikikikikikikik... BJ Con has its own set of problems as i mentioned bf.. but it is definitely not the DEBT issue... BJ Con has no Debt issue..


2015-01-22 08:20 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikiki... Any further promotion of BJ Con today by anyone??? otherwise, it will keep flat at 0.415!!!! kikikikikikikikiki... Datuk, How r u? hope u doing well.. Long time not listern from you.


2015-01-22 08:18 | Report Abuse

Bj Con has approx 4.9% treasury shares whc they bought it at the range of 1.02 to 0.47... kikikikikikiki... possibly they will place it to those institutional buyer ...kikikikikikikiki... If they choose to cancel those shares, its NAV values will increase further... kikikikikikikiki


2015-01-21 15:22 | Report Abuse

RM 1 or 2 dividen? U think Tan Sri xiao meh!!!.. kikikikiki..


2015-01-21 14:56 | Report Abuse

kikikikikiki... reach 0.415 lo...


2015-01-21 14:24 | Report Abuse

later...10 to 15 sen div,,,kikikikikikikiki.... All xiao knowing tht... kikikikikikikiki...


2015-01-21 14:21 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri is nice guy... he lets all to collect at the reasonable prices the announcement... kikikikikikikikikiki......


2015-01-21 14:19 | Report Abuse

YTL and BJ Con hav one similarity ie... both Con Boss dislike the minority shareholder characters... and both also used to be in conflict with the minority one upon the time... but af YTL quarreling with the minority 2 years bf due to reduction of his dividen payout, surprising the market; YTL declares handsome dividen last years to all his shareholders...kikikikikiki... In 2007, when Bj Con divests BJ Plaza KL to Pavilions for 426 mil... In 2007 end, he declared 5 sen div to all the shareholders surprisingly ...kikikikikikikikiki... BJ Con divest more than 1.7 bil worth shares and possibly properties...last year...kikikikikiki... 1.7 bil against 0.426 bil.... XX sen div against 5 sen dividen.... kikikikikikikikiki... gao gao zhor!


2015-01-21 11:26 | Report Abuse

TNB took our money and act blur!!!... If they reduce the tariff, all cost savings are surely beneficial to the business and individual...


2015-01-21 11:24 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikiki... the oil prices drop tht much... ocoz they wont increase the tariff.. but instead they shall reduce the tariff...and TNB supposes to return those savings to the people!


2015-01-21 11:06 | Report Abuse

3395, 3239, 5196, 5248, 4219, 1562, 5250, 6025!!!! lai lo... "all the GOD number"!!!! buy! buy! buy!...kikikikikikiki


2015-01-21 11:01 | Report Abuse

more to come is 5D and 6D.... kikikikikikikiki...


2015-01-21 11:00 | Report Abuse

kikikikikiki... if u buy 3395 in TOTO empat ekor, Do you think tht you will kena in one bet?? Perhaps kena the consolation prices only af spending tonnes of money on it..!!! Remember support Toto empat ekor during CNY... kikikikikikikikiki...


2015-01-21 09:52 | Report Abuse

Insas will revisit 0.77 again af the rights! good lucks...


2015-01-21 09:45 | Report Abuse

kikikikikiki Chris... Dun koyak Sing con lo!!!... better focus in making $$$$ ...kikikikikikiki... although sometimes... he is "irritated" and "koyak people"..thts rite many "enermies" for him... kikikikiki


2015-01-21 09:29 | Report Abuse

kikikikiki Chris.. newbies?? kikikikikikiki... i m only super fancy for Tan Sri!!!...and buy BJ Con for fun in order to support Tan Sri !!!!... lai la...sama-sama support tan sri by attending the BJ Founder day at the Feb End this yr and make more donation with your super gains in IFCA... kikikikikikikiki... All Welcome!


2015-01-21 09:26 | Report Abuse

lai lai... fixed closing 0.415! kikikikikikiki


2015-01-21 09:24 | Report Abuse

kikikikikiki... so heavy promotion. Bj con shall close at 0.415 today!!! kikikikikikikiki...


2015-01-21 08:32 | Report Abuse

for IFCA and those IT counters, NTA will hav smallest influence on its prices...but more on the tech, potential and services.. but unless they can monopoly the market like google or Microsoft for yrs otherwise correction is on the way... let look at Datasonic as example...


2015-01-21 08:18 | Report Abuse

Remember what I said... suddenly jumps are to attract ikan bilis.... kikikikikikiki... in order to sustain his prices bj con needs consistent income for tht but not just divestment...


2015-01-21 08:15 | Report Abuse

kikikikiki... I think sing con will be the winner this rouns at last if he is doing as his wordsssss...although sometimes he used to overblow bj con and kiasu sikit... kikikikikikiki.. typical lion city guy... kikikikikikiki


2015-01-20 20:07 | Report Abuse

kikikikikikiki....kikikikikikikiki... bj con... bj con....