
chon99 | Joined since 2022-09-12

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2023-06-21 10:39 | Report Abuse

It's just a matter of time that Mr Chen Khai Voon (co-founder of GENETEC and the top 30 shareholder as shown in GENETEC' s Annual Report year 2022) will be the substantial shareholder of SEAL.


2023-06-21 01:34 | Report Abuse

Good analogy.

We can't expect our government to perform instant wonders.

So, let us be patient and give our government some times to implement measures to improve the national well being and economy.


2023-06-21 00:03 | Report Abuse

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at least has tried his best to help uplift the sentiments of the stock market.

In May 2023, he called on EPF to increase its domestic investments from 64% to 70% is a good example.

He might introduce more practical measures to uplift the sentiments in the coming months.


2023-06-20 07:45 | Report Abuse

From the above download, we notice Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's important role in enhancing the development of the Malaysian share market so as to attract more investment funds both local and foreign.


2023-06-17 21:16 | Report Abuse

Foreign funds additional investment in YTL is a testimony of their confidence in the Malaysian government led by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim , besides the stellar quarter results as at 31-03-2023


2023-06-17 11:13 | Report Abuse

So renewable energy could include EV as well.

Someone said SEAL could be the start of a mini PARAGON.

I would say SEAL could be the start of a mini GENETEC.

(Just my opinion , not a buy or sell call. Trade at your own risks.)


2023-06-17 11:06 | Report Abuse

Let's read the Star's report dated 09 May 2023 carefully again.

The group (SEAL) planned to utilise the proceeds for acquisition or investment in new viable business whereby the company is eyeing "renewable energy -related business(es) SEAL executive director Nixon Koay Shean Loong welcomed Chen's equity participation as a "strategic investor '.

" We (SEAL) are looking forward to work with him (Chen Khai Voon) to leverage his "rich " experience in managing diversified business(es). We look forward to Chen's valuable advice, guidance an insight on our potential venture into renewable energy sector , " he said.


2023-06-16 22:25 | Report Abuse

Sorry, the prices were fluctuating between RM0.42 and RM0.455 and closing at RM0.425 as at 16-06-2023 (Friday).

I apologize for my mistakes.


2023-06-16 18:33 | Report Abuse

The prices of SEAL is fluctuating around RM0 40 to RM0.55. closing at RM0.425 today 16-06-2023 (Friday).. To me, there are still chances of moving higher.

Of course, there could be some downward corrections in between too.

After the private placement has been completed, Mr Chen Khai Voon will play the vital role to propel the company to greater heights by venturing into new businesses ( which could include EV as he has the first hand experience. )

I won't think Mr. Chen would keep his private placement funds in SEAL for nothing.

( Just my opinion. Not a buy or sell call)


2023-06-16 15:14 | Report Abuse

Mr. Chen Khai Voon, after the private placement completed, will be the substantial shareholder of SEAL.


2023-06-16 14:37 | Report Abuse

Last month 's news ? Yet it is still relevant. Mr. Chen Khai Voon is the co-founder of GENETEC.

So, what I hope is that Mr. Chen would not only joint venture with SEAL in renewable energy but also in EV vehicles and /or EV batteries as well, with his first-hand expertise and experience gained from GENETEC .

Even better , if SEAL would collaborate with GENETEC in EV.

This is what I dreamed for but sometimes a dream could turn into a reality.

(Just my opinion. Not a buy or sell call.)


2023-06-12 07:32 | Report Abuse

In fact, EPMB is aiming to produce " more than " 300,000 units new car seats for Perusahaan Otomobil National Sdn Bhd over a period of few years.


2023-06-11 16:24 | Report Abuse

Another key point which caught my eyes is that EPMB is a small cap company with number of ordinary shares slightly above 209 millions as indicated in its quarter report at 31-03-2023.

Therefore, there are still plenty of rooms for expansion.


2023-06-11 15:24 | Report Abuse

Stage 1) Letter of acceptance awarded by Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd accepted and executed sometime on October 2022.

Stage 2 ) New plant in Tanjung Malim got ready

Stage 3) Project for making new Proton car seats set to kick-start anytime in second half of 2023.

(,The project is not a dream. It is real and exciting ! ! ! )

News & Blogs

2023-06-11 10:08 | Report Abuse

What to do with stock investment? This is an investors forum, nothing to do with war. No matter big or small war ! ! !


2023-06-09 21:45 | Report Abuse

EPMB is aggressive and ventureous, constantly on the the look out for opportunities. Its latest quarter results as at 31-03-2023 improves quite a lot as well.

According to the prospects mentioned in the quarter report, its new plant in Tanjung Malim will begin manufacturing car seats in the second half of this year aiming for 300,000 units over a period of few years. These new seats when sold would generate handsome profits.

Much better if the project for joint venture in EV cars could become a really, then it would most probably be a second GENETEC in the making.

(Just my opinion. Not a buy or sell call. Trade at your own risks )


2023-06-03 11:40 | Report Abuse

Look like Malaysian Ringgit is gradually appreciating against USD & SGD.


2023-06-03 11:31 | Report Abuse

You are knowledgeable as you even noted that YTL is also listed in Japan.

But we should realize that with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim ' s leading in the government, he has cleansed some of the corruption rubbish or at least reduced further corruptions. Our Malaysian government with his reign is much better and more efficient now . That's what the foreign investors would consider before they park their funds in certain countries.

Hopefully Japanese Fund Managers will also invest their money here.


2023-06-03 00:37 | Report Abuse

The strong rally in the US stock market may have a positive spill over effect to the world market including Malaysia. Let's see how the Malaysian market perform next Tuesday 06--06-2023


2023-06-03 00:23 | Report Abuse

At this hour of the day (03-06-2023 Saturday 12.21 a.m. ) Dow Jones jumps up more than 500 points.


2023-06-03 00:17 | Report Abuse

At this hour of the day (03-06-2023 Saturday 12.15 a.m. Dow Jones jumps up more than 500 points )


2023-06-02 00:37 | Report Abuse

At this hour of the day (Friday 02-06-2023 12.35a.m.) Dow Jones and Nasdaq surge up with strong momentum.


2023-06-02 00:33 | Report Abuse

At this hour of the day ( Friday 02-06-2023 12.30 a.m ,) Dow Jones and Nasdaq surge up with strong momentum.


2023-06-02 00:27 | Report Abuse

At this hour of the day (Friday 02-06-2023 12.25 a. m. Dow Jones and Nasdaq surging up with strong momentum.


2023-06-01 01:31 | Report Abuse


Thank you for pointing out what
our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim wanted EPF to increase local investments as downloaded above.


2023-05-31 11:01 | Report Abuse

Good share means good share.!

Got strong supports from Fund Managers and other investors, local or foreign.

They know that they are putting their money in safe hands


2023-05-30 09:19 | Report Abuse

Wah ! This forum is so hot like hot cakes. Hoho !

Yammy Yammy Yammy ! ! !

The best thing would be that more and and foreign funds coming in to Malaysia to share the cakes !


2023-05-29 15:07 | Report Abuse

YTL twin engine powerful forces started.


2023-05-29 12:30 | Report Abuse

Silicon Valley Bank ?
It can't even look after itself. How does it accumulate?

Any proof it is accumulating ?
Don't simply say anything !


2023-05-29 11:54 | Report Abuse

Exciting moments for the twin YTL !


2023-05-29 11:52 | Report Abuse

YTL Corp is going to chase after YTL Power ?


2023-05-29 11:47 | Report Abuse

The twin YTL are so powerful now !


2023-05-28 09:22 | Report Abuse

Please note that whatever I mentioned or am going to mention in this forum, is for your information only. Not a buy or sell call.

Trade at your own risks.


2023-05-28 07:32 | Report Abuse

The above-mentioned news from New Straits Times dated back to mid March 2023 but it is still relevant.


2023-05-28 00:39 | Report Abuse

Please bear in mind that at 27-05-2023 the exchange rate :

1 US Dollar= RM4.60
1 RM=US Dollar 0.22

1 SG Dollar=RM3.40
1 RM= SG Dollar 0.29

For the US funds, one lot (1000 units) of listed share assuming at RM1.00 per share would only cost them around RM220.00 before commissions and other charges.

So do you think they would simply sell ?

They would likely to look for "double" gains or win win situations: surge in stock prices and appreciation in Ringgit value over times

That's why a cleaner and more efficient Malaysian government in power like now is of utmost importance.


2023-05-27 15:59 | Report Abuse

Friday closing 26-05-2023 :

Dow Jones climbed up + 328.69 points

Nasdaq index jumped up + 277.59 points


2023-05-27 15:35 | Report Abuse

These few days it was quite a pleasant surprise to find that there were huge volume of transactions in those mega billions issued capital counters and YTL is one of them. This phenomenon looks like there are some massive inflow of foreign funds into Malaysia with a cleaner and more efficient government in power.

Hopefully the foreign funds are here to stay for quite some times to help lift the market sentiments and improve the economy especially the share market.

Let's give a warm welcome to the foreign funds which are the more the merrier.

Let's look forward to better coming weeks especially YTL recently released an impressive and strong sets of financial results for the quarter ended 31-03-2023

May we wish that YTL group of companies perform even better in coming quarters and beyond.

(My personal opinion. Not a buy or sell call.,)


2023-05-27 12:02 | Report Abuse

These few days, it was quite amazing to find that there were huge volume of transactions in those shares with mega billions issued capital and INARI is one of them.

It looks like that more inflow of foreign funds have been taking place in Malaysia where a cleaner and more efficient government In power.

Hopefully some of the foreign funds are here to stay for quite some times. Without the big funds this type of massive counter could hardly move.

It is great to note that INARI could work with BROADCOM , the customer of APPLE CORPORATION which has secured multi 'billion' USD contracts in USA for many years.

Looking forward to better revenues and profitabilities in INARI for the coming quarters by sharing bigger pieces of cakes from BROADCOM.

(Just my opinion. Not a buy or sell call.)


2023-05-27 05:29 | Report Abuse

Yesterday 26-05-2023
Dow Jones climbed up +328.69
Nasdaq jumped up + 277.59


2023-05-26 23:19 | Report Abuse

Both Dow Jones and Nasdaq indexes posed strong showings at this hour of the day (26-05-2023 Friday 11.19 pm)


2023-05-26 23:14 | Report Abuse

Both Dow Jones and Nasdaq indexes posed strong showings at this hour of the day ( 26-05-2023 Friday 11.14 pm)