
cpng | Joined since 2013-11-12

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2014-02-20 22:44 | Report Abuse

But I have different views.
Another good timing to accumulate at low..


2014-02-20 11:46 | Report Abuse

RSI above 90...entering super overbought region
Expected some profit taking kick in..


2014-02-20 11:42 | Report Abuse

Disposed land and australian shares....generated a lot cash...
Below $1.20 is good bargain entry.


2014-02-19 17:35 | Report Abuse

Ya..give premium to minority to delist..

Not like Kianjoo case...By pass the normal,use dirty trick to eat up kianjoo and canone minority ..put company jewel into private pocket..pui.pui for this kind of major shareholders..


2014-02-19 17:29 | Report Abuse

Sorry wrong type .. Ambition..


2014-02-19 17:21 | Report Abuse

Another round of share price melting

Creating chain effect ..more potong kepala margin call on the way..

This ZHUZHU was the darling among retailers, they placed ad a margin collateral


2014-02-19 17:15 | Report Abuse

MGO $3.02..
Haiz...another good company going delist..sad


2014-02-19 16:36 | Report Abuse

Anyone bought boss new book about his biography on growing GDEX..
We can take free riding on his great admission..


2014-02-19 16:32 | Report Abuse

Boss have a dream to have a 2 billion market capital company..


2014-02-18 18:07 | Report Abuse



2014-02-18 17:12 | Report Abuse

Good..new high $1.46
Intraday high $1.49~1.49..

Slow but steady..boss want his company cap above 2B.


2014-02-18 14:58 | Report Abuse

Thai rice farmers runs out of cash...becos the govt stuck on payment...


2014-02-18 14:55 | Report Abuse

Say sayorana to $3.00


2014-02-18 14:54 | Report Abuse

New selling pressure coming...

Beware of catching falling knife .


2014-02-16 13:21 | Report Abuse

Anyone still holding...we just hold it tide step aside watching boss playing..
we take the ride...


2014-02-16 13:20 | Report Abuse

Warrents exercise 600+lots mother shares..
Big boss already cornered it...easy to resolve the selling pressure...

News & Blogs

2014-02-15 14:11 | Report Abuse

This article mentioned uncle is Mr Koon.He stuck on $1.80,paper losses 20 millions.

News & Blogs

2014-02-15 14:08 | Report Abuse

上週抽空去出席了星泉国际(XINQUAN)的股东大会。原以为又是个没看头的会议,不料出席的小股东却提出一些尖锐的问题,发人深省。其中一位小股东里的“大股东”,是在公司新股上市时以1.80令吉买进。聽他细说当年,至今账面上亏损高达2千萬令吉,因此不再保持沉默,今年出席股东大会,冀能讨个公道。摊开公司这幾年来的业绩,星泉其实表现很好,上市4年来每股盈利在33-44仙之间;每股资产从1.12令吉逐年提高到2.50令吉,公司净现金更增加到约8.8亿人民币,即每股约2.87人民币。许多大马子民,对中国公司手持大把现金,宛若雾里看花,不明所以,原因是如果在马来西亚。通常不只小股东会施压,大股东也希望把现金转入自己的袋子里,皆大欢喜。但中国公司呢,钱似是永远不够用,现金越增越多,却皱眉对别人说必须缩紧腰带、度过艰难,以迎向更强的未来。这在大马的行情是很难接受的。我们这里,股价80仙,却拥现金约1.50令吉,同时净资产2.50令吉,是很不可思议的,因此就产生了担心公司做假账的想法,毕竟中国公司在海外上市後,发生了许多舞弊的案件,令投资者信心大受打击。眼看公司赚大钱,现金一直增加,股价却如此不济,因此这位年长股东忍不住在今年前来要求公司派发股息。他认为公司应该在成长和回馈股东得到平衡,扩张业务之余也该派些股息安慰股东。由於现金这麼多,派个10仙也不过是用掉现金的6-7%左右,不算过份。力争上游看来他是要失望了。董事局认为公司现在处於高成长阶段,不进则退;因为要公司继续壮大,力争上游,所以现金必须保留,不然,将会被排挤下去二、三线的队伍,要追上去就难了。这个说法,在大马这现金为王的国家,当然很难接受的。执行董事再带出他的家族也是大股东(58%),如果派股息的话,最大受益人就是大股东;连大股东也可以牺牲自己的利益,小股东应该有点耐心,一起等待。所谓“一计不成,二计又生”,这位股东话锋一转,埋怨公司不只股息不派,连派个免费凭单也为之缺如,太不会取悦股东了。他即时叫董事局一定要派免费凭单,因为这不用本钱的动作将为股东增值,股东可将它变卖或当公司有价时,把股东转换为母股。这的确是时下流行的企业活动,许多小股东也非常欢迎。董事局却不甚以为然,只说会考虑。这当然引起那位股东的不满,心想:我给你这麼好的建议,怎不快快接受?逼得急了,执行董事只是指出这类动作都是要用一笔花费的;我们还没赚,银行顾问先赚了。说得也是,派凭单,老实说,市场大可算出个平均价,到头来还是除权前股价=除权後股价+凭单价,並没包赚这回事。如果说可以转换,我想,目前业绩这麼好,股价这麼烂,不如直接进场买星泉母股好了,何必画蛇添足,硬多造个凭单出来。而且,大股东手持58%,他有必要多拿58%的凭单,等待日後才换?不换的话,谁要承托大股东的卖压?自己塞高枕头想想吧。文:陈金阙 (专业财务规划师)

News & Blogs

2014-02-15 13:58 | Report Abuse

I am an ordinary ppl...

With the company having 300~400 millions in cash..why the interest the company received in their book records was so small amount ?? Not even 1 million yearly??

The company did not deposits the cash in the financial firms??
They just carry their cash within their office or outlets ??

Logical thinking...pls...

Retail investors pls beware of...especially those china company.


2014-02-14 17:19 | Report Abuse

New history high $1.42,PER 135 times.

Intraday history record was $1.48,
Boss will clear it anytime.


2014-02-13 23:20 | Report Abuse

Boss banyak pandai goreng...PER 130..


2014-01-24 09:53 | Report Abuse

Technical speaking...

This ZhuZhu was considered a good margin pledge,
many retailers get trapped after a long black gap down.

The bank and brokerage house are calling their clients to top up margins..

Beware of catching falling knife..chain effect maybe get your hand chop off..


2014-01-20 23:56 | Report Abuse

Bonus issues coming??

News & Blogs

2014-01-15 11:54 | Report Abuse

If our Fleda want to go against world oilseeds market trend..

News & Blogs

2014-01-15 11:52 | Report Abuse

CPO is bullshit..
Bear trend...cos production so high...overhang stocks are building up again..how to rise??


2013-12-28 22:23 | Report Abuse

Jtiasa 先前大涨。。从$2.00»2.40是Koon Yew Yin披露他大手2千万买入。。影响一堆人跟风抢购所致。。

You can look the chart right after he disclosed..share prices shoot up..


2013-12-28 22:02 | Report Abuse

Koon Yew Yin trapped you all??


2013-12-24 22:01 | Report Abuse

Repeat again ...those oil&gas SPAC counters are black hole .sucking retailers hard earned money...

Oil & gas drilling need big capex....those are worldwide giants like Petronas to play..

Wake up please..malaysian retail investors!!!


2013-12-24 21:48 | Report Abuse

Where got so big frog jumping in the street waiting those SPAC company to catch..

Wake up call for SPAC...bloody red this coming thursday ...


2013-12-24 21:44 | Report Abuse

Oil & gas counters are going to drawn down!!!

Especially those SPAC...black hole counters

News & Blogs

2013-12-22 12:32 | Report Abuse

Happy 冬至!!

Today is sunday and chinese traditional 冬至吃汤圆。。

You still busy talk down Tienwah...


2013-12-09 11:06 | Report Abuse

Market land valuation executives said the land held by Kian Joo could easily cost over RM200 per sq ft now as the area has been developing and the price has appreciated. Kian Joo’s land is mostly located in the Batu Caves area in Gombak.“For Batu Caves on the industrial side, the valuation could be a minimum of RM120 per sq ft. This is not including the building, and it would also depend on the actual location and the details of the land,” said a valuer.Apart from its land and factories in Batu Caves, Kian Joo also owns land in Negeri Sembilan, Shah Alam, Perak, Johor Baru and Vietnam.


2013-12-09 11:04 | Report Abuse

TheEdge» The board of Kian Joo Can Factory Bhd, which has received an offer for its assets and liabilities, wants a revaluation of its land and is said to be open to an alternative offer, said a source familiar with the matter.“The bulk of the land on the books of Kian Joo was revalued in 2009. But some members of the board feel that property prices have gone up quite a bit over the last four years and the offer does not reflect the value,” said a source.According to its annual report, Kian Joo owns some 23.4 acres (9.47ha) of land in Batu Caves, Selangor, that is booked in at RM119.372 million, or about RM117.07 per sq ft (psf). In fact, one plot, measuring 3.17 acres, in that area was last valued in 1993 and has a carrying value of RM6.16 million, or RM44.60 psf.


2013-12-02 09:06 | Report Abuse

Should suck their IT dept...outsourcing to others...


2013-12-02 08:42 | Report Abuse

Bursa using new system ..OSK188 offline again%*(*&($(*#


2013-11-28 17:16 | Report Abuse

Actually I am quite pity with the SEE family ....Are they sleeping on board...let outsiders come in and curi away their ancestor business...

If the SEE family member can stand out, I think other shareholders will stand behind them..


2013-11-28 17:04 | Report Abuse

I hope some white knights coming on board to remove the exciting directors of Canone..

They sit in as CEO COO or MD but look after their pocket...They try to steal company assets from shareholders...Is this kind mental model of professional ??


2013-11-28 17:00 | Report Abuse

Since the directors treat shareholders like SOHAI..

I suggest shareholders taka out their remuneration in the AGM to teach them a lesson.


2013-11-28 16:56 | Report Abuse

So as shareholders of Canone..Should you point middle finger to the director ????
Directors dun want to share future with other shareholders..
Is the way they treat shareholders ??


2013-11-28 16:29 | Report Abuse

Most of the valuation offices & factories stated in account book were done in 2009.
There were not updated..Kianjoo NTA should higher.


2013-11-27 18:09 | Report Abuse

Actually Canone/Kianjoo/Boxpak can be a prefect group because all the cans plus packaging business under one roofs can have the best synerhic power in handing the pricing and costing.

What a waste if Canone let the directors privatize Kianjoo, put the group most jewel crown under their pocket.

This my point views on against the offer...


2013-11-27 18:07 | Report Abuse

Actually Canone/Kianjoo/Boxpak can be a prefect group because all the cans plus packaging business under one roofs can have the best synerhic power in handing the pricing and costing.

What a waste if Canone let the directors privatize Kianjoo, put the group most jewel crown under their pocket.

This my point views on against the offer...


2013-11-27 17:55 | Report Abuse

We must prepared for the worst scenario....to form a group to united the protest shareholders...


2013-11-27 17:53 | Report Abuse

They are after the assets of kianjoo...not the shares we are holding..

My friends all prepared more bullets to accumulate more shares hope to voice against the deal..


2013-11-27 13:25 | Report Abuse

I have called up chinese media Sinchew to make following report on this unfair offer.Regarding minorities shareholders interest protect. Pls send your complaints to business@sinchew.com.my to voice up your views on this proposals.


2013-11-27 13:23 | Report Abuse

I have called up chinese media Sinchew to make following report on this unfair offer.Regarding minorities shareholders interest protect.

Pls send your complaints to business@sinchew.com.my to voice up your views on this proposals.


2013-11-27 00:07 | Report Abuse

Sorry for my mistake on JB Cocoa & petra..

But once again I just want point out with such lousy management of GCB..
You can accumulate as much as you can...

But not for me...I am here just share infos..


2013-11-26 21:09 | Report Abuse

Patut la...this few week ..kianjoo always got selling at,lower price at the closing moment ...they purposely press down the prices !!


2013-11-26 21:06 | Report Abuse

EPF is hand inn hand joint together with Canone big holder to make the offer so fundings is not a problems..

Please do me a favor ...Point your middle finger to Canone MD/ED in the coming EGM..
Because they are bully the minorities ..