Apex said it will pay RM22mil cash to Mercury Securities three days after the deal becomes unconditional. It will issue 100 million new shares at 92 sen each to Mercury Securities and pay the remaining RM26mil in cash to complete the deal.
To raise cash for the acquisition, Apex said it plans to place out 20 million new shares at a price to be determined at a later date. Mercury Securities will end up with a 31% stake in the enlarged Apex Equity group.
Sold out all my holding share, merger with other company, issue new share, private placement share, I feel no good as a shareholder. About PE 15 is a high price for me,probably my business sense not good as BOD.
@afterlight, not all fund have such capability to absorb. 10 out of 3 only succed to retain their exisiting fund. so far i meet few great manager like Lee.S.Y , See.Y.H . AUM /5 billion above. last month cimb sold thier APAC<< they probably forsee going to be tough days ahead.
13.02.2019- “the Board of Directors of the Company, AIBB wishes to announce that Apex, JF Apex and Mercury Securities had mutually agreed to extend the Due Diligence Period until 18 March 2019.” Don’t feel good.
Apex macam tak laku dekat i3 oh. Banyak haters. tgk IPO baru - mercury , starting pun low je, tapi benefit dan keypoint strong - lesen broker 1+1 dan broker universal. paling important, yg ni i suka, PE kurang dari 15 kali dianggap sebgai tawaran hbt.
Auditor qualified the accounts 😳... board and auditor have different opinion on the collectability of receivables.. "Apex Equity's auditor unconvinced group can recover RM24m loan" https://theedgemalaysia.com/node/710001 if the amount was impaired.. then FY23 wont be profit of RM7.3 mln dy.. it would be LOSS of RM16 million...... 😵
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
875 posts
Posted by Secret > 2018-03-15 16:56 | Report Abuse
Hope to move up to 1.15 tomorrow