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2013-11-14 02:40 | Report Abuse

Fortunebull , read this firsat before you oepn your big mouth..

Communism is the opposite of democracy.

Again, history provides plenty of examples of undemocratic Communist tyrannies to justify this stereotype. Various rationalizations have been advanced by such regimes to justify their use of the term "democratic," but they do not seem to me worthy of examination here.

The important point is that Communism as Marx and others advanced it was to be a sort of super-democracy. What Marxists originally objected to were the limitations of democracy. Bourgeois democracy was denounced not because it was democratic, but because its benefits were concentrated in the hands of the bourgeoisie. The notion was to democratize the economy as well as government. With all wealth being held in common and controlled by workers, the factors in society which most directly affect daily life would come under the control of ordinary people, no longer to limited occasional trips to the ballot box.

During the Cold War, foes of Communism constantly articulated the struggle as being between Communism and democracy, while Communists insisted instead on seeing the struggle as being between Communism and capitalism--a term that was largely replaced in the U.S. by phrases with more positive connotations: "free enterprise" and "market economy." Refusal to acknowledge this difference in usage probably led to more mutual misunderstanding and wasted breath than any other.

Communists may have often betrayed the ideal of democracy and even sometimes condemned it, but the original socialists were inspired by it and created the idea of socialism as an extension of it.

So, Fortunebull, you know what DEMOCRACY read below...

Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination.

And Fortunebull, isn't our Beloved Malaysia a Democratic country????????????

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 02:33 | Report Abuse

Encyclopedia of Malaysia

2. Business empire: Apart from controlling the shipping industry, Syed Mokhar Al-Bukhary’s business empire includes:

the rice import business through national rice supplier, Bernas;
the gas distribution business through Gas Malaysia, a subsidiary of Syed Mokhar Al-Bukhary’s flagship company, MMC Corp;
the sugar trade through Tradewinds;
the power production business via the nation’s largest independent power producer, Malakoff Corp; and
the water treatment sector through Aliran Ihsan Resources;
banking through Bank Muamalat;
the automotive industry through DRB-Hicom; and
the airport business through Senai International Airport.

In October 2010, MMC Corp also approached the government in a bid to take over the UEM Group which is the majority shareholder of North-South Highway concessionaire, PLUS Expressways. The bid, however, has since failed.[2] MMC Corp is the co-project delivery partner, together with Gamuda for the new Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) and the consortium is widely tipped to be awarded the tunneling portion of the system’s construction.

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 02:24 | Report Abuse

Fortunebull , FYI, ONLY in communist country you cannot say or write anything but our beloved Malaysia is a democratic country,so??? got it? BTW, please NO NEED to flag my posting as it shows how silly & stupid you are as I can always write & post the same thing that you FLAGGED. Period!!!!

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 02:20 | Report Abuse

Fortunebull , you write what you like & I never interfere. So, why should you now??? This is a democratic country Malaysia, is it ? or is it a Communist country in the way you don't want this & that? Period.

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 02:00 | Report Abuse

Soi Lek, did you sabotage Penangites to help Umno crony Syed Mokhtar

MCA president Chua Soi Lek, who is also the Penang Port Commission chief, has been accused of trying to short-change Penangites and thwarting the state's progress and posperity so as to benefit his home state Johor, where Umno crony Syed Mokhtar operates the Port of Tanjung Pelepas.

“Is there a conspiracy to stifle Penang’s economy through privatisation of Penang Port to Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary who will turn it into a feeder port for his Tanjong Pelepas Port (PTP)?" DAP MPs Chow Kon Yow, Liew Chin Tong and Chong Eng asked in a joint statement.

“Why did Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek, as Penang Port Commission chairman, reject the proposal to dredge the Penang Port channel, during a meeting of National Economic Council, the government’s economic cabinet in which Chua is a member, on 8th August 2011?”

Evil plot to deprive Penang?

Calling the Soi Lek objection a “sinister” plot, the trio demanded that the MCA president make public his rationale for dumping the federal government proposal.

Dredging Penang Port would help to draw bigger ships measuring 8,000 TEUs to call on the island state along the Straits of Malacca, the world’s busiest waterway. The BN federal government has previously promised to deepen the channel under the 9th and 10th Malaysia Plans but till now has failed to carry out its promise.

Indeed, the scandal-tainted Soi Lek would have to have a good explanation. Already under fire from the Chinese community for his lack leadership, the latest accusations if true will scupper any hopes that the MCA can win back any seats at all in Penang in the coming 13th general election. The fallout could also hurt BN compatriot Gerakan's chances in GE-13.

"If it is true, it is most unprofessional of Chua Soi Lek to manipulate deals in such a way that would harm the Penang people. Is BN and MCA saying that just because they have no hope of winning back the state in GE-13, they will strip away its valuable and keep it backwards to punish Penangites?" PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.

More asset stripping by BN and Syed Mokhtar?

It has been reported that the federal Cabinet had approved the Ministry of Finance’s sale of Penang Port Sdn Bhd, which runs the Penang Port, to Syed Mokhtar's PTP despite competitive bids from other businessmen and also the Penang government, which owns the port land.

Penang Chief Minister and DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng wrote to Najib in early December 2010 to put in a bid to run the port, which has seen its performance nosedive since the MoF took over in 1994.

On Monday, the DAP trio also questioned Prime Ministeri Najib Razak, who is also the finance minister, as to why Putrajaya had not called for an open tender in privatising the Penang Port. They also demanded that he confirm or deny the Syed Mokhtar deal and proposal for the shipping hub.

The DAP MPs said they understood that Syed Mokhtar, who also owns Seaport Terminal (Johore) Sdn Bhd, may ask MoF to cut the final price for Penang Port to RM150 million from the initial RM450 million in exchange for the federal government to not dredge the northern channel which would save it RM350 million.

“Seaport Terminal may bring the seven units of Super Port Panamax cranes from Penang to PTP and may bring the six quay cranes in Johor Port to place it in Penang. Essentially, Seaport Terminal may potentially engage in asset stripping,” they added.

They highlighted that with the smaller cranes unable to handle ships measuring 4,000 TEUs and above, Seaport Terminal may not end up carrying the dredging works around the Penang channel.

“Penang Port is located at the centre of the international maritime route, making it a natural transhipment hub. It is a waste not to utilise this geographical advantage,” Chow, Liew and Chong said.

Chow is Tanjong MP as well as the state executive councillor for local government and traffic, while Liew is Bukti Bendera MP and Chong Eng represents Bukit Mertajam on the mainland.

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 01:57 | Report Abuse

Encyclopedia of Malaysia

2. Business empire: Apart from controlling the shipping industry, Syed Mokhar Al-Bukhary’s business empire includes:

the rice import business through national rice supplier, Bernas;
the gas distribution business through Gas Malaysia, a subsidiary of Syed Mokhar Al-Bukhary’s flagship company, MMC Corp;
the sugar trade through Tradewinds;
the power production business via the nation’s largest independent power producer, Malakoff Corp; and
the water treatment sector through Aliran Ihsan Resources;
banking through Bank Muamalat;
the automotive industry through DRB-Hicom; and
the airport business through Senai International Airport.

In October 2010, MMC Corp also approached the government in a bid to take over the UEM Group which is the majority shareholder of North-South Highway concessionaire, PLUS Expressways. The bid, however, has since failed.[2] MMC Corp is the co-project delivery partner, together with Gamuda for the new Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) and the consortium is widely tipped to be awarded the tunneling portion of the system’s construction.

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 01:47 | Report Abuse

Part 3:

Remember Robert Kuok - was his arm twisted???

Only Prime Minister Najib and Robert Kuok know the real truth behind why Kuok exited the sugar business in Malaysia with indecent haste. It may well have had everything to do with UMNO's paranoia with wanting Malays/Bumiputras to control as much of the food and agricultural business in Malaysia as possible; and that in itself is also an extreme form of racist thinking and philosophy. After all Robert Kuok has been in the sugar and flour and other highly successful businesses here for well-nigh 50 years. He is as Malaysian as they come! He's listed in Forbes rankings as the richest Malaysian, not Chinese.

Was Rober Kuok arm-twisted? Made an offer he could not refuse? Possibly. But he did get paid market price for his shares, if that's any consolation. It would also be pertinent to point out that our government has been subsidising flour, oil and sugar for the last 50 years, to the tune of billions of ringgit every year. Guess whose businesses have been some of the happy beneficiaries of these taxpayer-funded largesse?

To leap from the un-sweet shenanigans of Najib, to equating the Gardenia vs Robert Kuok's and FFM's Massimo Bread to another strong-arming and sidelining of Chinese business interest, has no foundation whatsoever. Currently, Gardenia's main formulated flour supplier is controlled by the Teh family from Perak, while it's other major supplier is owned by Indonesian and Australian parties. So, where do stories of Malaysian Chinese business interest being decimated come from? I suspect that race is being exploited to scare the Chinese in the same way that Mahathir, Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa employ it as a tactical weapon to keep the people apart.

Let the consumer make his own informed decision

Gardenia bread is unhealthy? Prove it, but don't blind us with spurious statistics and dubious analysis. Gardenia is more expensive? Well, what are you complaining about? The consumer is king when he has choice. But, do take cognizance that cheap and quality are usually trade-offs. There is a reason why super-pricey Rolls Royce, BMW and Mercedes outsell Proton and why Nike, Adidas and Reebok sports shoes fly off store shelves while Bata's Badminton Master Shoes appear to be an almost forgotten name!

These racists are also doing a great disservice to themselves and insulting ALL Malaysians by posting UK 'dead rat in bread' pictures on the Internet and Facebook, implying recklessly falsely that Gardenia bread is unhygienic and poisonous. How low can they get!

With the Police and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedi Commission (MCMC) investigations nearing completion, it will not be long before the identities of these racists are revealed, and prosecutions commence. Nevertheless, it's very sad indeed that after 55 years of independence, many here still look at issues like these from the viewpoint of Malays, Chinese, Indians and others.

The milking of racist sentiments to corner profits is a hallmark of typical Malaysian fraudtrepreneurs and their croneys who cannot go to the toilet without demanding an all-risks free government-guaranteed handout. In that respect, Gardenia comes out smelling of sweet roses with full marks for entrepreneurship, competitive spirit, corporate social responsibility and a truly successful company.

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 01:46 | Report Abuse

Part 2:


Although, in view of its 30% shareholdings, Bernas has board of directors representation in Gardenia, it has NEVER interfered in Gardenia’s operations or management, nor ever forced it to buy flour from Syed Mokhtar-controlled companies. In fact, in over 25 years of production, Gardenia has not bought a single gram of flour from any flour mill owned by Bernas, Syed Mokhtar Bukhari or UMNO.

Four out of seven directors on the board of directors of Gardenia (including 2 from Bernas) are Malaysians. A quick check at the Companies Commission of Malaysia will confirm this for a fact.


1-Gardenia has not bought any flour from Federal Flour Mills (FFM) owned by the Robert Kuok Group, for over 10 years!!! Therefore, the vicious and deliberately falsified and concocted information circulated in November 2011 that Bernas or Syed Mokhtar Bukhari or Rosmah or UMNO had suddenly instructed Gardenia to terminate business with FFM has absolutely no basis whatsoever!

2-Every bread company has its own secret flour formulations and ingredients for its range of products - white bread, wholemeal, bun, waffle etc. Gardenia decided to part ways with FFM shortly after 1998 when FFM took to also supplying formulated flour to Gardenia’s new competitor. Gardenia then shifted its orders to other flour millers as they felt there was a conflict of interest issue with FFM which could not be resolved.

3-Clearly, Gardenia’s move to turn to other local flour millers as far back as 1998 was a commercial and business decision, to protect its trade secrets. The question of race had no bearing whatsoever on its strategic directions then, or even now.

4-In any event, Gardenia had got wind of FFM’s intentions to launch its own brand of bread before they actually did in 2011. Only a fool would allow his competitors to prosper at his own expense!

So, where does all this lead us to?

This blog has a masthead which says 'We Are All of 1 Race, the Human Race.' In plain, simple English, I abhor racism in any form - overt, covert, subtle, what have you. This scurrilous attempt by a group of, obviously Chinese, Malaysians to appeal to extreme chauvinism in commercial business matters is as in-your-face racism as you can get. Nothing is more detestable!

With one breath they criticise Mahathirism, Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa because they repeatedly bring out the bogeyman of DAP being anti-Malay, anti-monarchy, pro-republic, anti-affirmative action etc., to try and scare Malay voters into thinking they have no alternative to UMNO/BN being the government. With the next, they brand every issue involving UMNO and Syed Mokhtar Bukhary with the same racist brush.

Remember Robert Kuok - was his arm twisted???

Only Prime Minister Najib and Robert Kuok know the real truth behind why Kuok exited the sugar business in Malaysia with indecent haste. It may well have had everything to do with UMNO's paranoia with wanting Malays/Bumiputras to control as much of the food and agricultural business in Malaysia as possible; and that in itself is also an extreme form of racist thinking and philosophy. After all Robert Kuok has been in the sugar and flour and other highly successful businesses here for well-nigh 50 years. He is as Malaysian as they come! He's listed in Forbes rankings as the richest Malaysian, not Chinese.

Was Rober Kuok arm-twisted? Made an offer he could not refuse? Possibly. But he did get paid market price for his shares, if that's any consolation. It would also be pertinent to point out that our government has been subsidising flour, oil and sugar for the last 50 years, to the tune of billions of ringgit every year. Guess whose businesses have been some of the happy beneficiaries of these taxpayer-funded largesse?

To leap from the un-sweet shenanigans of Najib, to equating the Gardenia vs Robert Kuok's and FFM's Massimo Bread to another strong-arming and sidelining of Chinese business interest, has no foundation whatsoever. Currently, Gardenia's main formulated flour supplier is controlled by the Teh family from Perak, while it's other major supplier is owned by Indonesian and Australian parties. So, where do stories of Malaysian Chinese business interest being decimated come from? I suspect that race is being exploited to scare the Chinese in the same way that Mahathir, Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa employ it as a tactical weapon to keep the people apart.

Part 3 to continue below.

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 01:45 | Report Abuse

Gardenia a victim of business rivals

There can be no doubt that Gardenia Bakeries (K.L.) Sdn Bhd “Gardenia - So Good You Can Even Eat It On Its Own” has arrived at its pre-eminent pole position in the bread supply industry in Malaysia, through sheer hard work and fair competition, a hallmark and cornerstone of free markets and democracy.

Up to the end of 2011, Gardenia could well have had perhaps 90% market share of the local bread supply business. This did not happen overnight. They had to change the old fashioned and pretty much localised bread and related products manufacturing and vendor distribution systems, to go national.

Growing consumer awareness called for better bread formulation, choice and manufacturing, storage, distribution and storage hygiene standards. It's no accident Gardenia bread does not go mouldy easily or quickly. New and modern factories had to be built brick by brick from scratch. New industry standards and systems had to be set up and staff recruited and trained for ISO and Halal certification. True entrepreneurship and free market competition, like genius, is all about 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration!

The profits derived from such dominance were bound to invite new players hoping to chip away at Gardenia’s market share, even with the daunting entry barrier of upwards of RM100 million for a start-up brand new bakery production plant and factory. Factor in the cost of setting up a national distribution system which puts fresh bread on the shelves of hypermarkets, supermarkets and mini marts daily, and you will begin to understand that this is no game for rank amateurs, small boys or those hoping to make a quick buck and run.

Such is the not-so-funny predicament Gardenia finds itself in today.

For each loaf of bread, Rosmah gets 16 cents???

Where big business interests are locked in a tussle for market share, truth and justice are often sacrificed for a premium, in this instance, a huge one. While Gardenia’s competitors have publicly denied any complicity in it, and there are no reasons to doubt them, anonymous, suspicious and sneaky supporters of big business interests have been busy exploiting racism and politics in an attempt to shift consumers away from Gardenia, to its competitors.

Internet ghosts, and even Facebook campaigners, have been promoting the ‘Boycott Gardenia’ rabid cry with grossly misinformed and unsubstantiated claims that for every loaf of Gardenia bread one buys, 16 cents goes to Rosmah and the coffers of UMNO/BN!

The mysterious authors of these vicious and racist email and other hate-attacks against Gardenia seem to be targeting the Chinese in particular, to alter their spending and eating habits in favour of competing brands.

So, where do we start? With the facts, of course!


Gardenia is 70% owned by QAF Ltd. which is publicly listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange. The remaining 30% shareholding was sold to BERNAS at a premium in 2001, in line with MITI’s conditions for granting Gardenia a manufacturing licence. This was long, long before Syed Mokhtar took control of BERNAS via Tradewinds in 2009 and Rosmah was anywhere within sight of Putrajaya!

Since 1986 when Gardenia set up operations in Malaysia, it has invested over RM800 million in 5 (fully halal compliant) plant and manufacturing facilities, all in Shah Alam in the Kelang Valley.

Currently, Gardenia employs about 2,500 personnel, 2,200 of whom comprise Malaysians. The CEO of the company and top managers and staff are all also Malaysians. The company does not employ Singaporeans or any other nationals, other than 300 foreign workers engaged in the production, packaging and distribution lines.


Although, in view of its 30% shareholdings, Bernas has board of directors representation in Gardenia, it has NEVER interfered in Gardenia’s operations or management, nor ever forced it to buy flour from Syed Mokhtar-controlled companies. In fact, in over 25 years of production, Gardenia has not bought a single gram of flour from any flour mill owned by Bernas, Syed Mokhtar Bukhari or UMNO.

Four out of seven directors on the board of directors of Gardenia (including 2 from Bernas) are Malaysians. A quick check at the Companies Commission of Malaysia will confirm this for a fact.


1-Gardenia has not bought any flour from Federal Flour Mills (FFM) owned by the Robert Kuok Group, for over 10 years!!! Therefore, the vicious and deliberately falsified and concocted information circulated in November 2011 that Bernas or Syed Mokhtar Bukhari or Rosmah or UMNO had suddenly instructed Gardenia to terminate business with FFM has absolutely no basis whatsoever!

...continue below Part 2

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 01:40 | Report Abuse

Surge in subsidy bill to feed cronies, says Anwar

KUALA LUMPUR, June 20 — Putrajaya’s move to spend RM8 billion more for subsidies has led the opposition to accuse the government of using public funds to benefit cronies instead of the public.

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (picture) pointed out while debating the supplementary supply bill that the sum was nearly 40 per cent more than the original allocation in Budget 2012, specifically pointing to the increase in sugar and toll subsidies as “ensuring the profitability of crony companies.”

“I am certain in this case, the profit to the crony companies is excessive,” the opposition leader said of the RM343 million added to the initial RM446 million to subsidise tolls.

He also said that as Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary’s Tradewinds is one of two companies that control the local sugar market, the RM367 million added to the RM198 million allocated under Budget 2012 was not proportional to the actual increase in sugar prices.

“We want to know who actually benefits from these subsidies. They say it’s for the public. Show us what are the profits of these companies,” the Permatang Pauh MP said.

The opposition has previously questioned if the government is handing over the RM198 million allocated for sugar subsidies under Budget 2012 to politically-connected companies after nearly tripling sugar subsidies despite a dive in global prices over the second half of 2011.

DAP publicity chief Tony Pua had pointed out that after hitting a peak of US$29.47 (RM89.66) per hundred pounds in July 2011, the price of sugar has fallen every month to US$23.42 in December, a 20.5 per cent drop.

It has continued to fall this year to just over US$20 per hundred pounds this month.

Malayan Sugar Manufacturing Holdings, a 71 per cent subsidiary of Felda-related entities, and Tradewinds Corporation, 43 per cent controlled by logistics tycoon Syed Mokhtar, control the supply of refined sugar here.

Pakatan Rakyat has also repeatedly accused the Barisan Nasional government of signing lopsided toll concessions and channelling subsidised gas and coal to independent power producers who have long-term electricity supply contracts with Tenaga Nasional.

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 01:38 | Report Abuse

When bread is all about dirty politics

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 11, 2012): The ongoing corporate and political battle between Syed Mokhtar Albukhary’s Gardenia and the world’s sugar king Tan Sri Robert Kuok’s Massimo has not only intensified but got dirtier.
It is now a free for all with race, religion and allegations of homicide thrown in.

Yes! This is a free world but that is not a license to malign or defame till kingdom come.

This is a free world, economically that is. So, for Kuok to set up Massimo is just another business venture.

What must have irked Umno’s crony, Syed Mokhtar, is when certain quarters started a campaign to promote Massimo in cyberspace.

A call for Malaysians to boycott Gardenia and opt for Massimo is indeed political because the basis for the boycott is to stop supporting the racist Umno and Syed Mokhtar.

Who is behind this campaign is still unclear. Of course Syed Mokhtar and Gardenia would naturally point their fingers at the Opposition Pakatan Rakyat, Kuok and Massimo who have all denied having any hand in the cyberspace campaign that has gone viral and effective.

The power of the internet – via emails and facebook – has been so effective that you can clearly see, from the bread shelves, how Gardenia’s bottom line has been slashed.

The translation – MUST READ! Robert Kuok’s caption reads: This is Malaysia’s richest man who is willing to sell his race for continuous wealth.

The text: Robert Kuok has cheated Malaysians especially the Muslims because his flour enriched with Vitamin B1 is sourced from pigs and laced with poison (Benzoyl Peroxide) used to whiten the flour and causing many Malaysians to be inflicted by various chronic diseases. Massimo bread also uses the flour ‘bleach’ which is poisonous and also banned in China. Let us not support and buy the following products:

Again, it is only natural for Kuok, Massimo and PR to point their fingers at Syed Mokhtar, Gardenia and Umno for such a seditious campaign. Again, there is no evidence to accuse Syed Mokhtar, Gardenia and Umno.

But, Malaysians in general, are appalled by the outrageously seditious theme of the campaign. The campaign not only insults the intelligence of Malaysians, it is just plain moronic.

If all the allegations against Kuok are true, then why are the products still allowed in the market shelves? Is the government equally moronic? Where are the deaths related to consuming Kuok’s flour, bread and cooking oil?

To me, the current attack on Kuok, will just backfire. It needs no further attention or response from Kuok, Massimo or even the Opposition.

What must worry Malaysians is whether the majority, especially the Malays and Muslims, will fall for such dirty and nonsensical campaigns that insult our intelligence.

The seditious elements in the campaign are also no less inflammatory.

A campaign to boycott a product based on political support is part and parcel of a democratic political environment. But a campaign to boycott a product based on race and religion, insensitive and inflaming emotions is just unacceptable to national unity.

What Syed Mokhtar and Gardenia need is imaginative and innovative marketing elements to counter Kuok and Massimo’s continuous growth in sales.

Gardenia also needs to honestly review its product quality and ingredients compared with Massimo’s. Only then can it check its rot in sales.

Massimo will not sell, no matter what the campaign strategy is, if its product is inferior to Gardenia’s. Now, Gardenia and Syed Mokhtar, do you get it? all here included

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 01:35 | Report Abuse


Sugar price hike: Who benefits?

The price of sugar, a controlled item, has gone up four times:
by 20 sen per kg on January 1, 2010
by 25 sen per kg on July 18, 2010
by 20 sen per kg on December 4, 2010
by 20 sen per kg on May 10, 2011
by 20 sen per kg on September 29, 2012

TRADEWINDS belongs to whom? You guess it right...this chief Umno crony, Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary

...while the UMNO Malays here is sleeping whereas the Pakatan Rakyat Malays knows all, haahaahaa

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 01:31 | Report Abuse

Umno’s chief crony

Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz

This wealthy Malay became a billionaire because he worked hard to become a super-crony of Mahathir and Muhyiddin.

Umno is finding itself increasingly isolated despite having three million members. But then the Malay population in country is far more than Umno’s three million members.

In 2008, the Malay population was 5.7 million. Umno’s candidates only garnered two million Malay votes.

This means than one million of Umno’s own members did not support the party because they realised that the policies touted by Umno were destroying the country.

Umno only managed to gather 35% of the Malay votes. In 2008 total voter turnout was 10.9 million. Malays formed 52% of the voters.

In the 13th general election, the voter turnout is expected to be 11.58 million. Malay voter turnout is expected to increase to 55% or 6.37 millions.

Umno is expected to garner only 2.4 million votes this time round.

This time the party, whose president Najib Tun Razak, accursed its people, will have to seek the support of the Bangladeshi, Nepalese, Vietnamese, Myanmarees and the Indonesians to win.

This fact is a clear act of treason. The right to vote belongs exclusively to Malaysian citizens.

Isn’t it curse when immigrants are given citizenships? Why has this happened to Umno which has long since been slogeneering about Malay struggle?

The answer is because the Malays have realised that since 1988, Umno’s struggle has been for totalitarian power.

Umno’s chief crony

This totalitarian power enabled Umno leaders and their cronies to plunder the country’s wealth. Don’t believe me?

The chief Umno crony, Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary – a good friend of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Muhyiddin Yassin – today owns and controls a litany of companies including MMC, DRB Hicom, Proton, Malakoff, Johor Port, Senai Airport, Port of Tanjong Pelepas, Bank Muamalat, Padiberas Nasional, CSR Sugar, Gardenia, MPH Bookstores and Penang Port

This same man is now eyeing RTM, KTMB and Bank Islam.

This wealthy Malay became a billionaire because he worked hard to become a super-crony of Mahathir and Muhyiddin. Almost all his wealth was handed to him on a gold plate.

This is the kind of people who support Umno. The ordinary member, he’s just good for the crowd and to scream ‘Hidup Melayu”.

We Malays keep quiet because Bukhary is a fellow Malay.

This is the attitude that is touted by the very government that is prepared to go to any length to retain its totalitarian hold on the country.

But the Malays have wisened up. In the 13th general election, the Malays will show themselves

***** Now see the title of this your eyes.....Umno’s chief crony

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 01:27 | Report Abuse

Questions raised over Syed Mokhtar’s 4G licence
December 10, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 10 — The government’s award last week of a licence to a company linked to logistics tycoon Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary to offer the next generation of high-speed broadband services has led to question marks about its lack of experience and “zero track record”.

DAP MP Tony Pua has questioned the rationale behind the award of a huge part of the high-speed 4G, or Long Term Evolution (LTE) broadband spectrum, by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to Syed Mokhtar’s Puncak Semangat Sdn Bhd.

The company was allocated 40 MHz of the band, while seven other companies were allocated only 20 MHz each.

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 01:22 | Report Abuse

Now see the video...MP Umno dakwa Syed Mokhtar monopoli semua perniagaan

I remember he said if Syed Mokthar were to be sick for a day or 2, then Malaysia's economy will suffer...we knw that Syed Mokkhar had a finger in every pie so to say.

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 01:18 | Report Abuse

Even UMNO top politician is against this Syed Mokhtar, again croni.

UMNO’s Bung Mokhtar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) today launched a tirade against tycoon Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary for what he described as the businessman’s penchant to monopolise everything under the sun.

bung mokhtar parliament 080708 01Whatever businesses exist in this world, Bung Mokhtar (left) said, Syed Mokhtar wanted the companies pioneered by him to be in them.

“In the sea, he is doing business, on land, he is doing business, in the air, he is doing business.If he can do business in the grave, he will probably do it,” Bung Mokhtar said during the committee stage of the debate on the Budget 2013 allocation for the Finance Ministry.

Bung Mokhtar was complaining about the participation of giant government-linked companies (GLCs) and other private businesses in open tenders for smaller projects that he said would deprive smaller companies of business opportunities.

“So what is the policy? I ask that the Finance Ministry explain. These GLCs should not be allowed to participate in the smaller open tenders, they should focus on their mega projects,” he said.

‘Rakyat angry over monopoly’

After only briefly raising the matter, Bung Mokhtar, who is also BN backbencher deputy chairperson, then went on to repeatedly hammer at Syed Mokhtar.

“Why, when we speak about mega project, there is Syed Mokhtar. This is not a fair business for smaller players. There are many other Malay bumiputeras that want to succeed like him. Don’t let him monopolise everything alone, this is a bad strategy and the Finance Ministry must re-look at it. Other people want to live and do business on this earth too,” he said.

Bung Mokhtar added that the government must act as the people are angry about this and want to see that mega projects are carried out transparently.”This is a problem, he has already taken Penang Port, now he wants to take Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB), he wants to take the MRT, he wants everything… It is enough what he has done in Penang.

“They (Opposition) say UMNO has cronies, he (Syed Mokhtar) is the real crony. We don’t have cronies, where is wrong, we will say it out,” he said.

Bung Mokhtar warned that if such monopolies are allowed to continue, especially for mega projects, it will eventually hurt the economy. Pointing to the example of Tajudin Ramli (right) who had controlled Malaysia Airlines, he said eventually it was the government that had to take responsibility for the ailing carrier.

Bank Negara should have acted sooner

This was not the first time he has targeted Syed Mokhtar as he, in June this year, took the tycoon to task for wanting to take over Penang Port in a privatisation exercise.

He had then also criticised the government for treating certain businessperson, including Syed Mokhtar, like “princes“.

Bung Mokhtar, in the house today, also criticised Bank Negara, pointing out the fiasco that ensued after a crackdown on gold investment companies such as Genneva would not have happened if it had acted earlier.

“If Bank Negara investigated five years ago, this incident would not have happened.It is as if Bank Negara never knew about this and has only recently awoken, they have been sleeping before this,” he said.

Investors with such companies have been up in arms after they abruptly found their investments hanging in the balance after Bank Negara moved in on the companies.

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 01:11 | Report Abuse

Anwar Ibrahim: Najib, Sebab Apa Takut Sangat Orang Bernama Syed Mokhtar? see the video..

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 01:09 | Report Abuse


It was found that Mahathir had “won” votes from branches of the party which had not been registered. The court declared Umno an illegal party and Mahathir subsequently exacted vengeance on the judiciary and transferred Umno’s assets to his newly formed party, Umno-Baru.

Today, the rakyat, the opposition party, members of Umno-Baru and Mahathir have condemned money politics in elections. Despite these allegations, the government of Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the EC have made no serious attempt to address these issues.

Mahathir and Mukhriz are sore, but they simply shrugged their shoulders and claimed that the voting process needs to be cleaned up. They make no attempt to change the process, so they cannot be serious about wanting change.

Why complain, then sit back and continue to defend a regime that rewards corruption, their cronies and tainted politicians?

Mariam Mokhtar is "a Malaysian who dares to speak the truth."

*** Can you imagine this...As one cynic said, “Umno-Baru is now getting a taste of its own medicine.”

****WHY? This....Omar alleged that there had been unsealed ballot boxes, blackouts during the counting of the votes, intimidation of voters, and vote-buying.

Yes, during the GE 13, so many blackouts during the counting and NOW in UMNO Elections....well what does this tells you?

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 01:06 | Report Abuse

Mahathir partly responsible for Umno-Baru’s Sungai Limau loss

Last updated on 13/11/2013 - 09:30
Posted on 13/11/2013 - 09:29

Mariam Mokhtar


OUTSPOKEN: When will the father and son duo learn? Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir is the Menteri Besar of Kedah and responsible for the party’s campaign strategy. His father, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, thought his influence could work magic on voters, but Umno-Baru failed.

Mukhriz failed to learn his lesson in last month’s Umno-Baru vice-presidential elections, when he failed to be elected. He should have learnt that he must strike out on his own and be his own man. He should have told his father to stay away and give him breathing space to do what he thinks is best for the party. People are repelled by the sight of a man whose father tags along overseeing everything he does.

A good leader accepts defeat gracefully and does not blame others. After the Sungai Limau by-election defeat, Mukhriz claimed that “outsiders” contributed to his party’s loss.

The failure of Umno-Baru to wrest control from PAS in the by-election bruised Mahathir’s ego in more ways than one. His presence during the campaign contributed to the failure of Umno-Baru. His son’s credibility was dented and the perennial problem of grubby political tactics, which many Malaysians believe Mahathir encouraged during his tenure, have surfaced again.

Umno-Baru politicians have the habit of blaming everyone but themselves for their defeat, with the usual bogeymen being Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, the Chinese and the communists. To the east of Sungai Limau, a drive of about an hour-and-a-half away, are two places called Baling and Memali.

In 1974, in what is known as the Baling Incident, the farmers and tenants of rubber smallholdings were hit by a drop in the price of rubber and a rise in the price of daily necessities. They were struggling to feed their families and so, organised peaceful hunger marches.

The government of Tun Abdul Razak Hussein ordered a news blackout as he did not want the nation to know about the hunger, and the feelings of anger, fear, betrayal and resentment felt by the rural poor. The fact that Razak had, at that time, also increased the monthly allowance of MPs did not help.

Mahathir was the Education Minister then, and he violently quashed the student protests in Kuala Lumpur because the students had marched in solidarity with the farmers. Students like Anwar Ibrahim and lecturers such as Dr Syed Husin Ali were imprisoned and held under the ISA. Mahathir conceived the Universities and University Colleges Act (UUCA) to halt political activity and freedom of the students.

In the Memali Incident of 1985, Mahathir, who was prime minister, denied that he was in the country when a defenceless community of Muslims, whom he claimed belonged to a deviant sect, were massacred by policemen. Women and children were among the victims. Many older Kedahans will recall these two incidents of betrayal by the Umno government.

In last month’s Umno-Baru election, Mukhriz lost his bid to become vice-president and Mahathir complained that corruption had destroyed his son’s chances. Mahathir said: “I think there was a lot of money involved, going into the millions and loads of people who should not be getting votes were getting votes because of the money they spent.”

Mahathir is not the only one who was disappointed. Last week, a group of Umno-Baru Muar division members voiced similar concerns and despite sending a report detailing their allegations to the Umno-Baru disciplinary board, they failed to elicit a response.

The spokesman of the group, Omar Idris, complained of widespread irregularities during the Umno-Baru divisional-level election and that the victory of the elected divisional head, Razali Ibrahim, had been predetermined.

Omar alleged that there had been unsealed ballot boxes, blackouts during the counting of the votes, intimidation of voters, and vote-buying.

Many Malaysians who voiced similar complaints during and after GE13 were not taken seriously. The Election Commission (EC), the police, the government and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) brushed aside the allegations of the opposition, members of the public as well as the NGOs who had overseen the election process.

As one cynic said, “Umno-Baru is now getting a taste of its own medicine.”

Razali had defeated his rival Jalalludin Kasim by only 19 votes. Disappointed by the lack of response, the group travelled to Kuala Lumpur and convened a press conference.

The last time someone voiced suspicion about the voting process in Umno was in 1987, when Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah challenged Mahathir for the presidency. Razaleigh lost by a slim margin, but he believed that the voting was tainted, and took his complaint to court.


2013-11-13 01:53 | Report Abuse

Ha... tu dia..
9 Gambar Anak Dato Seri Nazri Aziz (NADEEM NAZRI) dengan Gadis Seksi.


2013-11-13 01:47 | Report Abuse


CUBALAH TEKA, apakah lawak paling besar sekali! UMNO sebenarnya minoriti di negara ini, namun ia terus berlagak seperti samseng sejak zaman Dr Mahathir Mohamad dahulu. Poyo sungguh!

Analisa ini diketahui apabila berhadapan dengan situasi yang pelik tapi benar, dimana seorang lelaki berusia 50-an dan kami berdua apabila bertanya kepada seorang penjual surat khabar berbangsa India di kedai Mamak kegemaran kami jika dia ada menjual akhbar Harakah edisi terkini.

Kita semua tahu bahawa Harakah merupakan lidah rasmi PAS, dengan permit penerbitan dari Kementerian Dalam Negeri,tetapi apabila penjual akhbar teragak-agak mengeluarkan akhbar mingguan itu dari rak yang tersembunyi, kami bertanya “kenapa perlu disembunyikan?”

Adakah Umno begitu berkuasa sehingga kita semua perlu tunduk kepada kemahuannya? Jadi, kami memutuskan untuk menyelidiki beberapa orang tokoh untuk mengetahui jika Umno berhak memanggil dirinya sebagai wakil kaum majoriti di Malaysia.

Penipuan Umno yang terbesar

Umno telah memerintah negara ini sejak 1957. Dominasinya dalam politik Malaysia tidak banyak dipersoalkan sejak 15 yang lalu, malah sejak ketua pembangkang Anwar Ibrahim dipenjarakan.

Presiden Umno Baru ketika itu Dr Mahathir sedang bergelut untuk berpaut pada kuasa walaupun ahli-ahli Umno sedang memulaukannya untuk memulakan pergerakan reformasi yang meletakkan keadilan dan kesaksamaan sebagai tunggak. Pergerakan itu telah bertukar menjadi parti yang dinamakan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

Jika bukan kerana sokongan komuniti Cina dan India, Dr Mahathir dan UMNO Barunya mungkin telah diusir keluar pada tahun 1998 lagi.

Selepas pembebasan Anwar pada tahun 2004, ketiga-tiga parti terbesar dalam pakatan pembangkang- PAS, PKR dan DAP bersatu dan membentuk pakatan politik baru yang berjaya meraih sokongan yang mencukupi untuk merampas kuasa di 5 negeri di Semenanjung Malaysia pada pilihanraya umum tahun 2008.

Apa yang dikenali kemudian dengan nama tsunami politik 2008, telah membuka mata sebahagian besar populasi di negara ini. PAS bukan lagi dilihat sebagai ancaman kepada komuniti Cina. Akhirnya, orang Melayu sedar bahawa DAP yang didominasikan oleh Cina bukanlah terdiri daripada Komunis dan Kristian semata-mata.

Pilihanraya umum 2013 ataupun PRU ke-13 juga menjadi pembuka mata. Pakatan Rakyat pimpinan Anwar telah berjaya mendapatkan undi popular, memperolehi 52% daripada jumlah undi berbanding UMNO dan Barisan Nasional, yang hanya berjaya mendapatkan 47% daripada jumlah keseluruhan.

Brainwash dan perbuatan menakut-nakutkan

Namun begitu, masih ramai rakyat biasa yang takut untuk menyatakan sokongan terbuka kepada pihak pembangkang, walaupun keadaan ini sedang berubah dengan begitu cepat. Inilah sebabnya kenapa pemerintahan sekarang dibawah Perdana Menteri Najib Razak sedang giat berusaha untuk mengembalikan semula undang-undang jumud yang zalim bagi menakut-nakutkan rakyat agar menjadi pak turut.

Ini juga hasil perang psikologi yang telah dilancarkan oleh UMNO sejak bertahun lamanya. Ia telah menjadi mitos bahawa mereka berada dalam kuasa kerana mewakili populasi majoriti. Sebaliknya, jika anda menganalisa dengan lebih jauh, kebenaran akan terungkai dengan sendirinya.

Walaupun kerajaan Umno mahu kita percaya bahawa kaum Bumiputra mewakili sebanyak 68 peratus daripada populasi negara, sebenarnya Umno hanya mempunyai lebih kurang 3 juta ahli yang menjadikan mereka terdiri daripada 11 peratus sahaja daripada populasi negara. Ini jika anggaran Umno terhadap ahlinya adalah benar dan bukan ditokok tambah sahaja.

68 peratus yang berada dalam statistik rasmi kami termasuk Bumiputra seramai 3.5 juta di Malaysia Timur, dimana majoriti mereka adalah orang Kristian yang tidak layak untuk menjadi ahli UMNO.

Golongan ‘mamak’ atau India Muslim seperti Dr Mahathir dan Sharizat Jalil hanya mewakili sebahagian kecil populasi ‘Melayu’.

Orang Melayu, walaupun termasuk orang Melayu Banjar, Minangkabau, Indonesia dan Melayu di Malaysia Timur hanya berjumlah 15 juta berbanding populasi seramai 27 juta pada tahun 2010.

continue reading more here below....siap dengan gambar

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2013-11-13 01:44 | Report Abuse

BERITA TERBARU --> PAS Johor sokong ura-ura cuti mingguan Jumaat: KUALA LUMPUR: Badan Perhubungan PAS Negeri Johor menyokong penuh ura-ura Kerajaan Negeri Johor untuk mengembalikan semula cuti mingguan negeri kepada hari Jumaat dan Sabtu mulai Januari 2014.



2013-11-13 01:44 | Report Abuse

BERITA TERBARU --> Ibrahim Libya: The Star given three days to retract article: KUALA LUMPUR: PAS Youth urges The Star newspaper to apologize and withdraw the article that linked the late Ibrahim Libya as terrorist within three days.



2013-11-13 01:27 | Report Abuse

Teresa Kok
Yesterday, during his keynote address at the Asian Peace and Reconciliation Council/ISIS Malaysia: Dialouge on Diversity, Diplomacy and Peace held in Kuala Lumpur, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib called on the country’s “silent majority” to drown out the voices of extremism. He said diversity should be celebrated and the right to co-exist should be defended.
“We cannot afford to allow voices of extremism to dominate the political discourse”, he added.
The Prime Minister has delivered a good speech about the need to reject extremism. But the question that Malaysians want to know is whether he will walk his talk and get tough with the extremists in the country after having allowed the voices of racism and extremism to dominate the political discourse for sometime.
I will give 3 examples here.
Najib kept silent when Utusan Malaysia carried irresponsible, provocative and racist articles for months after the May 5 general elections.
He again kept quiet when the former Court of Appeal judge Datuk Mohd Noor Abdullah had warned the Chinese to prepare for a possible backlash from the Malays for their alleged “betrayal” against the BN. Mohd Noor has even said: “The Chinese betrayal towards the Malay’s hand of friendship – that is true. Because they plotted to seize political power even though they already have economic power”.
On October 18, Perkasa Chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali has said the Christians’ fight for the right to call God “Allah” conveyed that they have no name for their deity. He has also,
at the Perkasa Selangor Conference 2013held on October 17, urged the Prime Minister to ban the Malay bible the Al-Kitab from Malaysia in retaliation for the Christian community’s “ingratitude”.

I have in my statement dated October 19 said that the public are not surprised at all that Ibrahim Ali could say such provocative, offensive and nonsensical remarks, for everyone knows too well just how this leader of hate politics has said before and is capable of saying.

I further said:-

“It is no surprise that there exist extremists and hate politicians in any country. But the question is how does the government deal with such people.”

Again, the Prime Minister did not denounce such voice of extremism.

I wish to repeat my agreement with former Cabinet Minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim’s view that “a government that is afraid and unable to deal with hate politician is not worthy of support”.

Hence, while it is right for the Prime Minister to call on the silent majority to drown out the voices of extremism, he must also lead by example and show the government’s ability and preparedness to deal with the extremists.


2013-11-13 01:24 | Report Abuse



★═━┈ ┈━═★

二零一三年十一月十二日 淩晨十二時三十六分


公積金局公關經理聶阿芬迪指出,研究顯示許多人知道填寫受益人的重要性,但卻沒這麽做。他說,截至 9 月 30 日,共有 357 萬名會員已填寫受益人名字,比去年同期增加 4.55%。

他說:“為了鼓勵會員填寫受益人名字,公積金局即日起一連 19 天,通過電臺和報章推出主題為 "保障親人" 廣告。



My Chinese friends send me lah though I as a Malay-sian can't read Chinese.


2013-11-13 01:20 | Report Abuse

Round 1

7. Up until the end of 2009, these representations appear to have been systematically bought over by an individual, namely Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary through his companies (Gandingan Bersepadu Sdn Bhd and Tradewinds) which resulted in him effectively owning 53.7% of BERNAS through an acquisition led by Maybank Investment Bank Berhad amounting to RM 526 million. Nett profits at BERNAS averaged at RM 164 million annually while revenues grew from RM 3.3 billion to RM 3.6 billion over 2009 to 2012.

Round 2

8. When the government finally extended BERNAS’ mandate to manage the country’s rice supplies and its monopoly over rice imports from 11 Jan 2011 until 10 Jan 2021, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar’s greed became greater.

9. An offer to acquire BERNAS at RM 3.70/share was made by late Feb 2013, through his other companies namely, Perspective Lane (M) Sdn Bhd, Kelana Ventures Sdn Bhd, Seaport Terminal (Johore) Sdn Bhd and Acara Kreatif Sdn Bhd. This recent acquisition, also advised by Maybank Investment Bank Berhad was said to cost RM 477 million.

10. By 6th Nov 2013, BERNAS’ board was asked to consider a voluntary de-listing from Bursa Malaysia since its public shareholding spread had dropped to 16.31% (below the required listing requirement of 25%) following the systematic acquisition by Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar.

11. In February 2013, Maybank Research made the following forecasts for BERNAS’ expected revenues and profits for 2013 to 2015.

Basically, revenue is expected to rise to almost RM 3.9 billion by 2015 from RM 3.6 billion in 2012. Profits will surge by about 40% to RM 165 million in the near term due to lower international rice prices which resulted from surplus production in Thailand, Vietnam, India and Pakistan. These will benefit any future owners of BERNAS.

Questions raised

12. How was it that one individual is now allowed to gain monopolistic control over our strategic rice business when this could be potentially harmful to the stability of future prices which was original intent of BERNAS’ privatisation?

13. Why has the government digressed from its original intent in the formation of BERNAS which was to protect the interests of bumiputera farmers, distributors and BERNAS workers? Is the equity ownership of these people in BERNAS not worthy of the government’s protection, yet ultra-wealthy, politically connected individuals get all the privileges?

14. How were the latest acquisition of BERNAS worth RM 477 million, and the combined acquisition of Tradewinds Plantation and BERNAS worth RM 1.173 billion by Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar’s other companies (Perspective lane, Kelana Ventures, Seaport Terminal and Acara Kreatif) made possible by Maybank IB? How was it possible for one individual to continuously and successfully obtain massive repeat loans from the same bank?

15. We condemn the recent spate of opportunistic acquisitions by Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar as his intent to take full control over BERNAS at the time when its rice imports monopoly was to continue until Jan 2021, since these would result in mainly profiting one person, namely himself

Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Head of Opposition, Malaysian Parliament

Ketua Umum, Parti KEADILAN Rakyat

...see pictures here below too...

Full article:
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2013-11-13 01:18 | Report Abuse

GREED GONE WILD: Privatizing Bernas only benefits crony Syed Mokhtar - Anwar


1. Getting de-listed from being the darlings of the stock exchange to being privately owned seems somewhat of a trend recently. Blackberry was a recent example where it had to be de-listed to go private after losing almost USD 70 billion from its original valuation of USD 80 billion five years ago. The challenging business environment has made it difficult for listed companies to continue offering stellar returns to shareholders and going private offers the management an opportunity to really focus on growing the business by focusing on its long term aims.

2. In Malaysia, de-listing and taking a company private was due to an entirely different reason, greed.

3. BERNAS does not suffer from the same problem as Blackberry. BERNAS’ share price is on an uptrend and had trebled over the last five years. It is an example of a stable company with consistent annual nett profits averaging RM 135 million a year since 2006 with revenues that have risen steadily from RM 2.1 billion in 2006 to RM 3.6 billion in 2012.

4. BERNAS is indeed a very attractive acquisition target to any ultra wealthy private individuals. Combine these healthy profit performance with its monopoly over rice import AP’s and a growing population with a staple diet of rice would cause these same individuals salivating at the prospects of owning this ‘cash cow’ company.

Original Intent

5. Let us be reminded that the original intent to privatise BERNAS was not only to ensure the fulfillment of the nation’s growing rice requirement (through management of the National Stockpile and the Padi Price Subsidy Scheme) but also to ensure that bumiputera farmers, rice distributors and the workers at BERNAS benefit from the equity ownership that came with the privatization exercise.

6. This was highlighted by the then Finance Minister in Dec 1995 in an answer to Mr Lim Guan Eng in parliament, and followed through by the formation of the Budaya Generasi Sdn Bhd consortium of companies in Jan 1996. The consortium enabled more than half of BERNAS’ equity to be owned by associations of farmers (KADA, MADA, NAFAS), fishermen (NEKMAT) and BERNAS workers.

....continue for more at the url here below.

Full article:
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2013-11-13 01:02 | Report Abuse

"WHEN the Rich ROB the Poor it's called Business, WHEN the Poor FIGHT back it's called Violence."
Any similarity here in Malaysia???


2013-11-13 00:52 | Report Abuse

Everyone who hold on to their shares is a much happier person now, good for you all to hang on instead of being in a panic mood when you all know the news that OSK is going to do trading during this open period. Thank you all for your patience. Now we make some money, don't we? But for the weak hearted ones, if you feel you are still not too confident, then do take profit & for those who had steel balls as our dear kind member TrendingBull put it in, fight it out for more gains.

BTW, where is that asshole F@#$k%${2}#38;G di@#Heads with C@#$faces abnz aka with many names registered here? Didn't he said that GPacket will drop to 31 cents & into a PN17 counters too & close shop?

Guys & gals, remember this asshole F@#$k%${2}#38;G di@#Heads with C@#$faces abnz aka [with so many names registered here including one yesterday as FIFO] will always create FEAR & PANIC among all the newbies here so that he can buy cheaply. False news this idiot moron asshole F@#$k%${2}#38;G di@#Heads with C@#$faces abnz WILL SPREAD TOO USING HIS MANY NAMES HERE. If you all come across any of his postings, just treat is as SHIT & don't believe a SINGLE WORD that this asshole F@#$k%${2}#38;G di@#Heads with C@#$faces abnz says. Yes, he is trying to play with your emotions to HIS ADVANTAGE but I am sure you all are wiser now. Remember too this same person will post under at least under 10 DIFFERENT NAMES here, so please my friend, use your common sense & your WISDOM too. If this asshole F@#$k%${2}#38;G di@#Heads with C@#$faces abnz scold you[ when you reply to his post] as anti-Malay, anti-Islam, anti-UMNO, racist, etc, etc, then just piss him off as he is fit to live among human faeces, haahaahaa.

Good luck to all & may you all prevail too.


2013-11-12 14:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by FreeThink > Nov 12, 2013 02:40 PM | Report Abuse

curiwangbagus banyak gatal...

..not gatal, if gatal I need girls to scratch for me, lol

All I want is that The Rakyat knows the TRUTH and NO MORE UMNO it?


2013-11-12 14:42 | Report Abuse

15. Kami kecam pengambilalihan baru-baru ini yang bersifat oportunis oleh Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar sebagai satu langkah mengambilalih sepenuhnya BERNAS pada ketika monopoli BERNAS ke atas pengimportan beras dilanjutkan hingga 2021, disebabkan tindakan ini akan menguntungkan satu individu tertentu, iaitu Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar sendiri.

Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim
Ketua Pembangkang Parlimen Malaysia


2013-11-12 14:42 | Report Abuse


BERNAS Di Swastakan: Ketamakan Bermaharajalela


1. Akhir-akhir ini, syarikat yang dahulunya menjadi tarikan pelabur tapi kemudian dibuang-senarai (de-listed) dari pasaran saham lalu diswastakan bagai satu trend. Satu contoh: Blackberry, di mana ia dibuang-senaraikan lalu diswastakan selepas kerugian hampir USD 70 bilion dari nilai asal USD 80 bilion lima tahun lalu. Senario perniagaan yang semakin mencabar menyukarkan syarikat-syarikat yang tersenarai untuk memberi pulangan yang besar kepada para pelabur; penswastaan memberi peluang kepada pihak pengurusan sesebuah syarikat untuk fokus mengembangkan perniagaan jangka masa panjang.

2. Di Malaysia, penswastaan sesebuah syarikat sebegini seringkali mempunyai niat yang berbeza: tamak haloba.

3. BERNAS tidak menghadapi masalah serupa Blackberry. Harga saham BERNAS sedang meningkat malah nilainya kini hampir tiga kali ganda nilai lima tahun dahulu. Ia satu contoh syarikat yang stabil dengan keuntungan bersih tahunan konsisten sekitar RM 135 juta setiap tahun sejak 2006, dengan hasil yang meningkat tahun demi tahun dari RM 2.1 bilion (2006) ke RM 3.6 bilion (2012).

4. BERNAS memang sasaran pengambilalihan mana-mana individu yang sangat kaya. Apabila diambil kira keuntungan yang sihat, monopoli BERNAS ke atas lesen AP import beras dan realiti bahawa beras adalah makanan ruji rakyat Malaysia, individu-individu yang sangat kaya pastinya mengidamkan syarikat sebegini.

Niat asal

5. Kita patut ingat niat asal penswastaan BERNAS bukan sahaja untuk memastikan keperluan beras negara dipenuhi (melalui pengurusan Simpanan Stok Negara dan Skim Harga Subsidi Padi) tapi juga untuk memastikan petani dan pengedar bumiputera serta pekerja BERNAS mendapat manfaat dari milikan ekuiti daripada penswastaan tersebut.

6. Hal ini dibangkitkan Menteri Kewangan pada bulan Disember 1995 dalam jawapan kepada YB Tn Lim Guan Eng di Parlimen, diikuti pembentukan konsortium Budaya Generasi Sdn Bhd pada Januari 1996. Konsortium tersebut membolehkan lebih dari separuh ekuiti BERNAS dimiliki persatuan-persatuan petani (KADA, MADA, NAFAS), nelayan (NEKMAT) dan pekerja BERNAS.

Pusingan 1

7. Hingga hujung 2009, milikan-milikan ini mulai dibeli seorang individu bernama Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary melalui syarikat-syarikat milik beliau (Gandingan Bersepadu Sdn Bhd dan Tradewinds) mengakibatkan beliau memiliki 53.7% BERNAS melalui pengambilalihan oleh Maybank Investment Bank Berhad bernilai RM 526 juta. Purata keuntungan bersih BERNAS dianggarkan pada RM 164 juta setahun dan hasil meningkat dari RM 3.3 bilion (2009) ke RM 3.6 bilion (2012).

Pusingan 2

8. Apabila kerajaan memanjangkan mandat BERNAS untuk merangkumi pengurusan bekalan beras negara dan monopoli pengimportan beras dari 11 Jan 2011 ke 10 Jan 2021, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar bertambah tamak.

9. Tawaran pembelian BERNAS pada RM 3.70/saham dibuat pada penghujung Feb 2013 melalui syarikat-syarikat lain milik beliau, iaitu other companies namely, Perspective Lane (M) Sdn Bhd, Kelana Ventures Sdn Bhd, Seaport Terminal (Johore) Sdn Bhd dan Acara Kreatif Sdn Bhd. Pengambilalihan ini, yang juga dinasihatkan Maybank Investment Bank Berhad dikatakan bernilai RM 477 juta.

10. Pada 6 Nov 2013, lembaga pengarah BERNAS dinasihat menyahsenaraikan BERNAS dari Bursa Malaysia kerana jumlah saham yang dimiliki awam telah jatuh ke 16.31% (iaitu dibawah nilai yang diperlukan untuk penyenaraian iaitu 25%) akibat pengambilalihan sistematik Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar.

11. Pada Feb 2013, Maybank Research membuat ramalan hasil dan keuntungan BERNAS bagi 2013 hingga 2015:

Ini bermakna hasil dianggarkan meningkat hingga RM 3.9 bilion pada 2015 dari RM 3.6 bilion pada 2012. Keuntungan meningkat 40% ke RM 165 juta pada jangkamasa pendek untuk mengurangkan harga beras antarabangsa akibat pengeluaran berlebihan di Thailand, Vietnam, India dan Pakistan. Hal ini akan menguntungkan sesiapa yang memiliki BERNAS di masa hadapan.

Soalan yang Diutarakan

12. Bagaimana seorang individu dibenarkan memiliki monopoli ke atas beras sebegini, yang mungkin mendatangkan kemudaratan terhadap kestabilan harga di masa hadapan, yang merupakan niat asal penswastaan BERNAS?

13. Kenapa kerajaan telah tersasar dari niat asal penubuhan BERNAS, iaitu untuk melindungi kepentingan petani dan pengedar bumiputera serta pekerja BERNAS? Adakah milikan ekuiti mereka ini tidak penting di mata kerajaan, berbanding kepentingan individu-individu maha kaya dan mempunyai "kabel" politik sebegini?

14. Bagaimanakah pengambilalihan saham BERNAS bernilai RM 477 juta, dan jumlan pengambilalihan melalui Tradewinds Plantation dan BERNAS bernilai RM 1.173 bilion oleh syarikat milik Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar (Perspective lane, Kelana Ventures, Seaport Terminal dan Acara Kreatif) dipermudah Maybank IB? Bagaimana seseorang individu boleh berterusan berjaya mendapatkan pinjaman dari bank yang sama?


2013-11-12 14:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by MG9231 > Nov 12, 2013 02:25 PM | Report Abuse

Our country's Political leaders all are short sighted and only look for their personal interest.

101% correct. So we the Rakyat must fight back by making UMNO Hangus, lol


2013-11-12 14:31 | Report Abuse

Watch your words, Waytha tells Adnan
Athi Shankar
| November 12, 2013

Hindraf chief ticks off the Federal Territories Minister for being insensitive to the Hindus with his comments on the Sri Muneswarar Kaliyaman Alayam demolition.


2013-11-12 14:18 | Report Abuse

I love Massimo, cheaper & better taste lah.


2013-11-12 14:02 | Report Abuse

So Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei to Gardenia????


2013-11-12 13:58 | Report Abuse

and the UMNO crony took over Gardenia bread but Robert Kuok make a new Massimo bread & the people prefer & love Massimo until Gardenia tak boleh tahan had to put out advertisement asking people to buy their bread...correct me if I am wrong. Even Gardenia had to ask DAP MPs for help to come out to support Gardenia by asking the Rakyat NOT TO BOYCOTT GARDENIA BREAD, haahaahaa

So, the UMNO government takes care of their cronies and the Rakyat suffers.

So, I say just like our good member UMNO2HANGUS says....Hidup Rakyat, Hidup Malaysia, Hidup Pakatan, UMNO Hangus,lol


2013-11-12 13:50 | Report Abuse

The Gardenia vs Massimo bread war - Sakmongkol

While our PM talks about 1Malaysia, it has not gained traction on the ground.

Only in the media, one sees universal but unfortunately clueless acceptance of the concept.

On the ground, the story is quite different. We are faced with a cynical public that sees everything that affects our daily life in terms of race.

It has now extended into economics and business.

Not long ago, there were attempts to discredit the popular Old Town cafe outlets.

Rumours were spread saying that Old Towns are serving non-halal food items.

Clearly those rumours were aimed at discouraging Malay Muslim patrons to the outlets.

Other eateries have suffered from the same irresponsible business sabotage.

Nothing is worse than attacking business usually patronised by Muslims other than spreading rumours about the food being unclean or non-halal.

The Malay Muslim may drink and engage in sexual dalliances but eating and consuming non-halal food, such as pork, is absolute taboo.

Take another example.

The silent bread war.

Most of the public is not even aware that there is a bread war going on.

On one side is Gardenia said to represent Umno bread and Massimo, the brand produced by Uncle Bob Kuok’s business group.

I was not aware about the war between the Gardenia brand and the Massimo brand until quite recently.

I recently heard about the matter when it was mentioned in Parliament.

It got the attention of Anwar Ibrahim who was reported to have mentioned that Gardenia bread has increased its price.

This prompted an in-passing reply from a Barisan Nasional backbencher stating that he received an official statement from Gardenia bread, that it has not increased its price.

Gardenia bread is selling at RM3.20 a loaf compared with Massimo selling at RM2.50.

The RM2.50 was supposed to be a promotional price. It has stayed at that level for 2 years. Nobody asked how can it do that?

The answer is they can because they sourced their flour from their own mill.

Federal Flour Mill (FFM) owned by Robert Kuok.

In addition, not many people know that all flour millers get millions of ringgit in subsidy from the BN government.

FFM gets some RM80 million in subsidies as a flour miller.

One, they source from their own mill.

Two, they can pass the RM80 million subsidy from the government to consumers.

Consumers can enjoy Massimo bread at RM2.50, courtesy also of the Umno-led government.

Gardenia does not have its own flour mill.

It does not enjoy government subsidy.

It sells its premium wheat germ bread at RM3.20 a loaf.

Why has the battle gone overboard so as to drag the innocent bread consumed by whomever who wants to, into a business involving the various communities in our country?

Gardenia is said to represent the Malay bread while Massimo represents the Chinese bread.

Gardenia is 30% owned by Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary while Massimo brand is owned by Robert Kuok.

Both are small change in their respective business empire.

Sometime ago, I have written about Gardenia in so far as Syed Mokhtar’s involvement is concerned.

My objection is what more does he want? He has all the fingers and toes and whatever bodily projections he has, in every economic facet in this country.

I was disturbed at the tentacles of the man reaching out entwining everything, leading me to question: is he the only Malay in the country?

As to the bread itself, I have no quarrel and have been consuming the brand without thinking that Syed Mokhtar is 30 percent owner.

He or his people are not involved in the manufacture of the bread nor its distribution. He is the owner by virtue of owning Bernas.

Bernas already owned 30 percent of Gardenia together with its Singapore partners.

When Bernas was taken over by Syed Mokhtar, the 30 percent ownership vested in him automatically.

That is the extent of his ownership.

He got ownership through Bernas.

So my question is why make the innocent bread suffer because of our politics?

This will be explored in the ensuing article. -, July 13, 2013.


2013-11-12 13:43 | Report Abuse

the most to lose is the Felda settlers cause they are the biggest private oil palm plantation. So, Malaysia Boleh?????


2013-11-12 13:30 | Report Abuse

PART 2...

With over 30 years of deep relationship with the Chinese government and leadership, Kuok has great influence. Najib failed to foresee that. This is why the quote at the start of this post : “For the interests of their cronies, they arm twisted to take over Kuok’s Sugar Empire, cronies get rich by the 10s of billions, but it caused a national loss of more than 200 billion!”

Kuok’s sugar empire was eaten by the fat vampire’s family abruptly. Imagine, a world renowned international trade business personality, what humiliation he received in return for his single-minded help all this while for his own country & government? And Najib would never think the consequences of offending the Sugar King will be so so serious.

Right after Sugar King left Malaysia, he immediately announced the acquisition of Australia’s biggest sugar factory. This is the world supplier of raw material for sugar manufacturing. Of course, this includes supplying to the family of the fat vampire woman’s Sugar factory in Perlis.

Early this year, Kuok announced plans to invest USD 10 billion in Indonesia for development of the world’s largest sugar cane growing areas, as well as advanced refinery. The world economic was facing downturn, the Malaysian government travel around the world to solicit investment. How much was Malaysia foreign investment? Kuok’s single investment in Indonesia is equivalent to as USD10 billion dollars! Don’t you want to screw the couple: PKHKC!?

At the moment, Kuok’s take towards China’s palm oil contract with Malaysia was to remain with the agreed terms. There won’t be any increase. Indonesia has more palm oil than Malaysia. It is cheaper too. Now that Kuok had invested so much money in Indonesia, the Government of Indonesia would have treated him as their God of Wealth. Certainly, open to negotiate anything with him. Moreover, Indonesia has been eyeing to take over the China palm oil supply contract from Malaysia.

The CONSOLATION China gave in return for not increasing the purchase of palm oil was buying frozen durian. Do the Chinese people have the habit of eating durian it? How much time and effort needed to market frozen durian from Malaysia? Thai durian may not sell well in China, let alone Malaysia frozen durian?

Business is business, who would supply millions of dollars’ worth of frozen durian into a brand new market with no durian eating habits? Should the Chinese people is not receptive of it. How to deal with return stocks? A total lost with capital. Is this how to do business? Do not be silly!

Earlier this year, when the news hit the papers about Kuok announced to invest USD 10 billion in Indonesia. Many criticized Kuok for unpatriotic, preferring to take so much money in Indonesia instead of Malaysians. What an injustice! You have arm twisted to take over other people’s empire, forcing Kuok to leave Malaysia in much hurt & humiliation; now that Kuok ignore Malaysia market, and you have to criticize him?

For him to bring his huge investment to Australia & Indonesia instead of Malayia, who is to be blamed?

Incidentally, Kuok is not just Chinas’ hotelier, king of cooking oil, the world’s sugar King; he is also the patent owner of coca cola soft drink brand in the Chinese market. Kuok involved in a diversity of businesses in China. He created many job opportunities for China. The Chinese central government and leaders have great respect for an entrepreneur. He spoke a word, the weight will never lower than some foreign leaders.

So far, Kuok is the only one who never accepts the honors of the Malaysian Royal Malaysian entrepreneurs. Many people address him as “Tan Sri Robert Kuok,” In actual fact, he did not have these honors, he doesn’t need those honors. To put the record straight, he neither “Tan Sri” nor “Dato”.

source by 忠政快讯


2013-11-12 13:29 | Report Abuse

Hidden story of Robert Kuok – Malaysian Cronies get rich by the 10s of billions, but Malaysia losses 200 billion in Investment

PART 1...Hidden story of Robert Kuok

0302_robert-kuok_320x181Recently, the government offended Robert Kuok, as a result, the Malaysian economy suffered great blow! After the official Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to Malaysia, the Najib government now really understands Robert Kuok’s influence on China!

In order to benefit their cronies, they arm twist to swallow Robert Kuok’s sugar empire. The cronies get richer by 10s of billions, but it caused a national loss of more than 200 billion! Those who has insider info can only curse: PKHKC it!

Malaysia sugar king left forced to leave Malaysia, but became the world’s sugar king! He bought the world’s largest sugar mills in Australia, invested USD10 billion, It is the world’s largest sugar cane sugar refining industry, living up to the name of the world’s sugar king.

On the other hand, the Malaysia government benefited cronies at the expense of national interests. For those who know the insiders info, Kuok offered much help to the Malaysian government in the past few decades, he had done everything possible; but what the government did was like what you will get when you turn over a pig stomach: feces. In other words, Najib Government is UNGRATEFUL!

In the “Confidential” news, is about the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to Malaysia recently, it hit a snag with Najib.

Prior to Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to Malaysia, Najib and his cabinet on more than one occasion, hinted that he hoped China will double the amount of palm oil with Malaysia.
We all know that China is the largest consumer of palm oil from Malaysia. Rapid economic rise in the recent years, China became the largest palm oil market for Malaysia, but Malaysia is also strong competition from Indonesia, trying to sell palm oil at lower prices to China and India, diluting Malaysian market share. This is most worrying got Najib.

Najib hoped to sign a new palm oil trading contracts with Premier Wen Jiabao to sign in order to more than double the average 10 million tonnes monthly exports to China. But Wen Jiabao came to a Malaysia, told Najib, it is impossible. It was an utter disappointment.

Najib knows the Chinese market demand. Even to import one million tonnes of palm oil monthly, is not a problem. So, where is the problem?

The problem lies: Sugar Kuok does not agree!

Why Sugar King Kuak was able to influence China’s decision to buy Malaysian palm oil?

Who is the monopoly of Chinese national oil market? China national oil market leader is “Arowana oil” cooking oil, accounting for nearly 40%! The Arowana oil cooking oil boss, is Robert Kuok!

Think about it, Premier Wen Jiabao on behalf of the Chinese government to buy Malaysian palm oil. Who is to refine it into cooking oil? Of course, it is the privatized enterprises! With 40% market share, if Arowana oil cooking oil company refuse the supply, how the Chinese government going to utilize the supply?

Najib was insensibly from the outset, and did not know Kuok has such big influence with China. He had helped cronies, forced Robert Kuok to give up the Malaysian sugar king throne, and didn’t expect to have such quick retribution

Kuok was forced to leave Malaysia, the heart is of course very unhappy. People of Malaysia must know, during the early days of Malaysia, we do not have aviation professionals, the BN government requested Kuok’s father to help set up Malayan Airways.

1970 Malaysian maritime shipping industry is also a vacuum, the Malaysian government sent representatives to Hong Kong to personally invite Kuok’s help. Kuok for national development, he put aside the Group’s business, came back to Malaysia to assist the Government to establish a national maritime shipping industry, this has the later MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING COPERATION, referred to as MISC.

Robert Kuok was a big help when Malaysia was repeatedly faced economic difficulties. Even MCA Tan Koon Swan’s case, it was Robert Kuok who paid the bail! Malaysia successive governments, from BN to the National Front, owed Robert Kuok hell lot. But the Malaysian Government was ungrateful, using the hard arm twisting excuse to forcefully take over Kuok’s empire. This is not ungrateful?

Deng Xiaoping made a comeback in the 70s, announced China’s reform and needed most generous help of overseas Chinese entrepreneurs; Robert was first to take actions to help Deng. Among the entrepreneurs of Chinese economic miracle are Henry Fok and Li Ka-shing Hong Kong. Malaysian entrepreneur Robert Kuok is the first to response of Deng Xiaoping in Beijing and built China’s first five-star hotels: Shangri-La!

News & Blogs

2013-10-10 07:05 | Report Abuse

One honest thing to remember is this.....if the directors & management don't sell, then we are safe that's for sure. Ask yourselves especially the newbies & the innocent ones too, why OSK wants to sell 5 million shares at a cheaper price while the directors & management stay put & NOT 1 share is sold or disposed by them????? Use your common sense please for your own safety. You be the better judge and NOT those evil minded & wicked hearted people here who wants to create panic by saying they "heard bad news & a rumour just a while ago, this & that".

Cheers & do take care too.

News & Blogs

2013-10-10 03:59 | Report Abuse

To the newbies & innocent traders, please use your senses to smell out the evil hearted people here and please have a mind of your own. It's your hard earned money and it's you who make the decision and NOT the bad news and the so call "just heard" bad news spread by these evil hearted minded people who wants to "kill you". This is HOW these evil hearted & minded people prey on you as they are like VULTURES who don't care whether you live or die. You yourself ONLY decide what directions you want to take & NOT otherwise. Play smart always & you will succeed. Good luck to all & all the best.

My last words again is this.....there's no smoke without fire or should I say where there's smoke there's fire.