
curiwangbagus | Joined since 2013-09-19

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2013-10-08 16:44 | Report Abuse

sharks pushing down to frighten the weak holders & contra players & then collecting it from the panic sellers, lol


2013-10-08 16:24 | Report Abuse

jjoker exactly ,these sharks are doing just that and the contras get eaten alive, lol


2013-10-08 16:00 | Report Abuse

contra players sell cheap I buy now, lol


2013-10-08 15:52 | Report Abuse

king of stock, and then the contra players will shit in their p;ants, lol


2013-10-08 15:41 | Report Abuse

wonder why so many wants to play contra. buy shares you hold & let go when profit is good. play contra will kill you. no money don't play shares as sharks will eat you up, lol


2013-10-08 15:32 | Report Abuse

wonder today why so many traders sell cheaply in large lots when price goes up?


2013-10-08 10:05 | Report Abuse

buy buy now & wait for the good news, buy now before it's too late when the news is announced.By then as yowtp, it's limit up.


2013-10-08 09:09 | Report Abuse

up up & away


2013-10-08 03:18 | Report Abuse

One Malaysian says this....Nik Aziz is a man of wisdom and foresight. None of the corrupt leaders of Bn can measure up to him.

As Umno goes anti-Chinese, PAS-led Kelantan encourages studying Mandarin

IN A recent two-hour class in one of Kelantan's religious schools, female students in veils and loose-fitting baju kurungs - traditional Malay wear - learn how to read and speak in Mandarin and write in Chinese.

Their teacher is Mr Wang Yin Kang, a Chinese-Muslim teacher from Yunnan, China.

Some of his students in the Tarbiyah Mardhiyah Religious Secondary School, which means "Upbringing that pleases Allah" in Arabic, are also members of the Chinese Language society, where they take up drama classes and carry out dialogues in Mandarin, supervised by Mr Wang.

There is a famous saying in Islam: "Seek knowledge even as far as China." It appears that Malay-Muslims in Kelantan are, as closely as possible, trying to do just that.

Kelantan is the most Malay state in the country, yet there are proportionately more Malays studying Chinese here than in other states.

It is common to find Malays enrolling their children in Chinese-language schools or attending Chinese-language classes offered in religious schools.

The state government under Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) funds Mandarin classes in schools. It even sent three Malay-Muslim teaching college graduates to study Mandarin in Guangzhou, China in 2009 and has hired a few teachers from China to conduct Mandarin classes.

Many Kelantanese take the lead from their revered former menteri besar, said Mr Hu Pang Chaw, chairman of the PAS Supporters Congress, the party's non-Muslim wing.

"The Kelantanese see the party's spiritual leader Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat as the prime example of someone who encourages the younger generation to take up the Chinese language, as five of his grandchildren attend Chinese schools," he said.

Located in the north-east of Peninsular Malaysia bordering Thailand and looking out to the South China Sea, Kelantan's population is 95 per cent ethnic Malay. Chinese, Thais and Indians make up the rest of the state's population of 1.6 million.

All around Malaysia, more parents are sending their children to Chinese schools and Chinese tuition classes. But in Kelantan, the concentration of Malay students in these schools is much higher.

Statistics on Malays' enrolment in Chinese vernacular schools funded by the government are not publicly released.

But according to Mr Hu, between 20 per cent and 50 per cent of the student population in Kelantan's 15 Chinese vernacular primary schools and two secondary schools are Malay. In a Chinese primary school in Rantau Panjang on the outskirts of Kelantan, two- thirds of the students are Malays.

In other parts of Malaysia, there is an average of about 10 per cent Malay students in Chinese schools.

Kelantan has more than 400 primary and secondary schools that use Malay as the medium of instruction there. On top of that, there are about 80 religious schools scattered across the state.

Tarbiyah Mardhiyah Religious Secondary School is one of the six state government-funded schools that offer Mandarin classes on weekends.

Mr Wang, 51, who teaches Mandarin to 160 students weekly, has spent the past 18 years living in Kelantan after finishing his diploma in Arabic studies here. He stayed behind after government officers offered him a position to teach Mandarin and the Arabic language in several religious schools.

Mr Wang was initially surprised that Malay students would want to take Mandarin classes.

"But I soon realised that it is because students believe that it will enhance their job prospects, especially given that China is a fast-growing country and its investments are everywhere," he told The Straits Times.

Ms Heng Buai Chin, a researcher who has done studies on this phenomenon, said the government's move to encourage Malay students in Chinese vernacular schools promotes integration among students of various races.

"Malay-Muslim students in Chinese vernacular schools also tend to be more open to accepting the Chinese culture such as watching Chinese movies, and count and think in Chinese," she said.

Wan Ashikin Ismail, a Form 5 student in a Chinese vernacular school, concurs. She said her best friends in school are Chinese and they converse mainly in Mandarin.

"I am not treated any differently by students or teachers and I am constantly motivated to excel in studies," said the petite 16-year-old, who aspires to be a novelist one day, writing stories in Mandarin.


2013-10-08 03:10 | Report Abuse

LOST by 5k votes in 53% Malay seat, thick-skinned Ali Rustam still blames Chinese for UMNO SABOTAGE

Losing in the last general election due to a ‘Chinese tsunami' is no reason not to contest in the upcoming Umno party elections as this is a matter of championing the Malays, said former Malacca chief minister Mohd Ali Rustam.

"My defeat in the last general election was because of a tsunami by the Chinese voters.

"But if we were to compare (to the Umno elections), I can continue to champion the fate of Malays, bumiputera and Islam to ensure that it is defended according to the constitution," he was quoted as saying in Mingguan Malaysia today.

Mohd Ali, an Umno vice president hopeful, said he could not just let slip the "Chinese tsunami" where the community was not appreciative of what he had done.

"If the Malays continue to split, their future in this country will be precarious so we need a new spirit that is fierier in defending the Malays and Islam according to the constitution.

"If I want to stop (quit politics) I could. But I can't just because of the Chinese tsunami, where they did not appreciate our efforts," he was quoted in the daily.

Surprise defeat

Just after the May 5 general election, Mohd Ali had lashed out at the Chinese community for his surprise defeat in the parliamentary seat of Bukit Katil by a 5,447-vote majority.

The seat was a mixed constituency consisting of 53 percent Malay, 41 Chinese and six percent Indian.

He had moved to the parliamentary seat from a state seat in his bid for federal politics.

At 64, Mohd Ali insists that he could still contribute to Umno if he wins one of three vice-president spots.

However, he declined to comment about his disqualification in the 2009 party polls over claims of money politics.

He added that he will be going ‘solo' in this party election and will not be forming any pact with the other five contenders.


2013-10-08 03:00 | Report Abuse

Ali Rustam blames restrictions on Bumis, claims Chinese success due to “illegal businesses”

October 07, 2013
UPDATED: Oct 07, 2013 08:20 pm

In a move to whip up support in the coming Umno polls, vice-president hopeful Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam (pic) attacked the Chinese for allegedly being involved in all "illegal businesses" in the country.

"We can't have casinos, 4D, Toto, gambling, lottery, massage parlors, ah long. These are all illegal. And the Chinese are the ones dabbling with all the illegal businesses," he told an audience of about 100 people at an entrepreneurs event organised by Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad (PUNB) today.

The former Malacca chief minister also said that although he worked tirelessly in the last general election, he was voted out by the Chinese.

Ali was recently elected as chairman of PUNB, a government entrepreneur development corporation with the aim to foster Bumiputera business owners.

"PUNB's work will only be considered a success when there's a whole chain of businesses, from suppliers down to the sale of finished products, all done by Malays," Ali said.

He then trained his guns at the DAP, saying that if the opposition was to take over the country, "the Malays will be living along the Gombak river".

He also said Penang would not maintain its standing as a tourist hub as the state has a "chief minister who is a racist".

"If he can, he'll suppress the Malays to the ground," Ali added.

He accused the DAP of acquiring Bumiputera land using their Malay members and then building tall apartments.

"Who knows what will happen five years from now," he said.

Ali also alleged that Kelantan, a state under PAS rule, has plenty of opportunities for logging but only DAP members are getting the conracts.

"DAP wanted to enter Malacca but the people there rejected the Chinese-based party and gave their votes to Barisan Nasional," he added.

"DAP wants to destroy the Constitution that protects the rights of Malays. As long as the Constitution is such, they will fight on," he alleged before adding that if politicians such as Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang and Mat Sabu, who had lost in previous elections, continued to fight on, so should he.

The politician, in his campaign to win the hearts of Malay conservatives, also spoke on the necessity to retain Malays in most government agencies, including the police and armed forces.

"The Chinese want everything. We've treated them well. The Malays have been good to them," Ali continued.

"When the Chinese want help, request to build schools, scholarships, the government gave it to them. But when election time came, they forgot all this. All that's important is that they take over the Malays and turn them into 'pendatang'."

This stirred the emotions of the audience with some of them shouting, "ask the Chinese to return home".

Ali also criticised Chinese schools, in particular the Dong Zong education group, for asking the government to recognise the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) and to allow the PMR and SPM examinations to be conducted in Chinese.

"This doesn't even happen overseas. If they want all their requests fulfilled, then fulfill our request and close all the vernacular schools and turn it all into national schools like in Thailand and Singapore," he added. - October 7, 2013.

...pity that there are still plenty of Malays who hasn't wake up from their deep sleep & yet knowing fully well the deep shit our Beloved Malaysia is in. And the easiest way is ALWAYS to bash our Chinese brothers & sisters & blame them for our beloved country's problems & ills & not UMNO. To my dear Malay brothers & sister, please do something good for our Beloved Nation Malaysia & NOT to be EASILY FOOLED by UMNO, thank you. If you cannot do it for yourself, then at least do something for your future generations.

News & Blogs

2013-09-25 01:30 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
September 23

Economic policies decided and implemented by the majority for the majority could not uplift the majority. Blame the minority?

News & Blogs

2013-09-25 01:29 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
September 23

No need to empower Bumis. Have clean transparent govt and all Malaysians including Bumis will be empowered

News & Blogs

2013-09-25 01:28 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
September 23

No need to empower Bumis. Have clean transparent govt and all Malaysians including Bumis will be empowered.


2013-09-25 01:18 | Report Abuse

Kalau MKLand dibeli oleh kompany yang besar, MKLand memang dpat harga yang istimewa.

News & Blogs

2013-09-25 01:04 | Report Abuse

Well said INV3ST0R. As a Malay I feel ashamed of another Malay necro who always spread hate. We are all GOD's children and must learn to love & not like necro who always spread hate against the Chinese as I had read through his postings. Like INV3ST0R said, we Malays no need tongkat like necro. We have our both hands to cari makan, so necro? My sincere hope is to see more Malays stand up and give a piece of mind to necro as he is disgracing the Malay race and perhaps being shame. Be peaceful, salam.

News & Blogs

2013-09-25 00:58 | Report Abuse

Corruption in Umno an INTERNAL matter - MACC won't get involved

party elections also got corruption. UMNO never learns.

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is advising Umno's Disciplinary Board to act against corruption as the party's election approaches next month.

MACC deputy chief commissioner (Operations) Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdull said the matter was an internal problem and should be referred first to the party's disciplinary committee before further action was taken.

"In my opinion, this is just an internal problem... it does not matter whether it concerns Umno or any other party, I recommend the misconduct be referred to their respective disciplinary board.

"If there is evidence in their probe that needs to be investigated further... please come forward and submit the proof to us (MACC). I suggest let the diciplinary board decide and if there are any issues, they can refer directly to the MACC," he told reporters after attending the opening ceremony of the Pahang MACC Office Complex, here, today

Meanwhile, when asked to comment on investigations into the misappropriation of funds meant for the poor under the government's 1AZAM (Akhiri Zaman Miskin) programme, Shukri said it was still ongoing.

A former political secretary to a former minister and six other individuals were detained to assist MACC in its investigations concerning the 1AZAM fund irregularities.

They were subsequently released on bail.

About the case involving the Perak Football Association over alleged sabotage and corruption following a series of defeats suffered by the state team in the Malaysia Cup tournament, he confirmed receiving a report yesterday and that an investigation had been initiated. - Bernama, September 24, 2013.

Full article:
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2013-09-25 00:53 | Report Abuse

anbz, your views please. Think it's too high now. Thank you.


2013-09-25 00:51 | Report Abuse

Still got power to go up? Any ideas? Tetapi memang "undervalue" Beli dan simpan untol masa depan.


2013-09-25 00:49 | Report Abuse

support coming already. watch it coming. Salam.

News & Blogs

2013-09-25 00:47 | Report Abuse

As a Malay feel ashamed of this necro as he always use abusive language against another race. I do hope more Malays will stand up before this idiot necro opens his stupid mouth to disgrace the Malays more. We Malays have pride too & not to put to shame by this idiot necro. God forbids.Salam

News & Blogs

2013-09-23 00:03 | Report Abuse

ha ha ha, even UMNO leaders kena wallop by their own people because of UMNO Elections...what a shame?

HOW THUGGISH! Umno supreme council candidate claims rival beat him up

A candidate for the Umno supreme council was allegedly beaten when he was submitting his nomination form at Umno headquarters, Sinar Harian reported today.

The incident happened at approximately 9.30am on nomination day yesterday when the 57-year old victim, went to register as a candidate for the Umno supreme council at Putra World Trade Centre, said the Malay daily.

It quoted an anonymous source as saying that the incident happened due to unhappiness that the victim wanted to challenge a particular division-level candidate.

"He is believed to be beaten by an individual who was hired by someone who has vested interests. I can't reveal more," the source was quoted saying.

The candidate is unnamed in the article. However Dang Wangi OCPD Zainuddin Ahmad is quoted as confirming that the police have received a report on the matter and are investigating.

There are 64 candidates contesting for 25 positions for Umno supreme council committee members in the Oct 19 supreme council election.

Full article:

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 23:58 | Report Abuse

PAS member pays respects to Chin Peng in Bangkok

Kedah PAS leader Fadzil Baharom was a late visitor to Chin Peng's wake this evening, arriving at the Wat That Thong temple in Bangkok about 7pm together with several friends to pay his respects to the former Communist Party of Malaya secretary-general.

When met at the wake, Fadzil stressed that he was not representing PAS or PKR but was there in a personal capacity.

Fadzil said he has known members of Chin Peng's family for about five years and felt it was appropriate to attend the wake.

"I will not be staying for Monday's cremation as I have to return to Kedah," Fadzil said, adding that he had long wanted to meet Chin Peng personally but did not have the opportunity.

He said despite the Malaysian government's portrayal of Chin Peng, he considered the latter to be a fighter.

"Malaysia's history has been changed; I am looking for the unvarnished version.

"Even within PAS, not everyone is really familiar with the facts of the nation's history and how events actually panned out," Fadzil said.

"Although my presence here today is nothing great, I am sure in five or 10 years it will be seen as a historical moment because I dared to attend Chin Peng's wake," Fadzil said jovially.

He also pointed out that following Chin Peng's death on Monday, many people had been circulating old stories and reports about the 88-year-old on the Internet.

He said that was good as it would help to educate the younger generation and give them a better understanding of history.

Asked whether other party members might frown on his presence at Chin Peng's wake, Fadzil shrugged and said he did not care as he did not feel there was a problem with his attendance.

He emphasised that paying his respects did not mean he was a communist or followed the ideology. He was merely interested in history, and Chin Peng was a part of the fabric of Malaysia's past.

Fadzil contested in GE13 for the Sungai Tiang state seat, but lost to Barisan Nasional's Suraya Yaacob. - September 22, 2013.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 23:45 | Report Abuse

Sunday, 22 September 2013 20:16

IS THIS HOW MALAYS ARE 'SUPREME': Utusan claims Chin Peng's date of death 'manipulated'

Chin Peng's family has lashed out at Mingguan Malaysia and Umno for claiming the date of his death had been altered so that it would coincide with Malaysia Day.

A family spokesman, Lee Chong, described the report by the Umno-controlled Mingguan Malaysia as mischievous and disrespectful.

"He has passed away. Why can't they leave him to rest in peace? Even a day before he is scheduled to be cremated, the Malaysian government still wants to spin stories," he said.

"I heard about the report in Mingguan Malaysia from a Malaysian reporter. I couldn't believe it and read it online to see for myself.

"This latest spin from Mingguan Malaysia shows how low Umno will stoop in order to discredit an individual who no longer poses a threat to them or Malaysia."

Lee said the official time of death of the former communist leader was provided by the Bumrungrad International Hospital, where he had been admitted prior to his death.

Chin Peng died at the age of 88 on Sept 16, which was coincidentally Malaysia Day.

The Umno-controlled paper had quoted an anonymous source saying that Chin Peng died on the evening of September 15, and not the morning of September 16 as reported.

The daily's source claimed that September 16 was chosen so that Chin Peng would be remembered by his supporters on a day important to all Malaysians.

People have been making their way to the Wat That Thong temple on Sukhumvit Road in Bangkok to pay their final respects to the late communist leader. The cremation takes place tomorrow evening.


2013-09-22 23:38 | Report Abuse

I presume many members here are really abusing the "Report Abuse" button. Ask yourself this...are JCool & sephiroth good advice postings REALLY ABUSIVE? Or is it that you don't like "The Truth" to be spoken that you all collectively click the "Report Abuse" button and RED FLAG it? Mere stupidity indeed, what more can I say.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 23:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by chongkonghui > Sep 22, 2013 11:07 PM | Report Abuse

BN Government has the WILL to change and improve?

My children can't wait any more. It will takes more than a generation to fix the problem because the problem is simply too huge.

Exactly chongkonghui. That's what UMNO is doing, trying to fool us the Malays into thinking that these idiotic UMNO leaders are helping them but instead making we Malays as idiots while these UMNO goons had send all their very young children to study in English schools overseas.

My ONLY wish is that more Malays will wake up from their deep sleep & do more for our beloved Malaysia instead of being fooled by these stupid & idiotic UMNO leaders.


2013-09-22 23:22 | Report Abuse

I wonder why many members want to RED FLAG some kind members like JCool & sephiroth good advice posting just because I presume they are telling the truth and give some good brotherly advice. Does The Truth really hurts so many members here who holds shares in Malton. Is JCool & sephiroth language abusive? But you all who holds malton shares don't like the truth and you all Red Flag their post not because of "abusive language" but because of their good advice. You may hold Malton shares and want it to go up & so you Red Flag JCool & sephiroth good advice postings....too bad indeed, not abusive language use, you all Red Flag it, so many of silly members here, what a shame indeed. Salam.


2013-09-22 23:11 | Report Abuse

good feedback anbz but in Malaysia semua boleh. SC pun tutup mata?


2013-09-22 23:08 | Report Abuse

Berapa kaki kena bakar dan hangus bila Censof naik tinggi? Tolong jadi bijak dan tunggu lama sedikit sebab saham ini akan turun Monday ini, tolong berjaga jaga sedikit. Kalau Time ya lah satu comoany yang bagus, tak akan Time di jual dengan discount yang tinggi? Ingat Khazanah bodoh? the Time of today is a pale shadow of its once illustrious past.

Tunggu jatuh minggu depan, tak perchaya? Sila dudok dan lihat lah. Kalau MD Datuk Samsul Husin chakap Time bagus, apa sebab di JUAL berjuta juta Censof shares?

Lihat sini...

Wednesday, 18 Sep 2013

5:13PM SAMSUL BIN HUSIN (20,000,000 Shares Disposed)

Tuesday, 27 Aug 2013

5:31PM SAAS GLOBAL SDN BHD (4,050,000 Shares Disposed)
5:31PM AMEER BIN SHAIK MYDIN (4,050,000 Shares Disposed)
5:31PM SAMSUL BIN HUSIN (4,050,000 Shares Disposed

Friday, 23 Aug 2013

5:19PM SAMSUL BIN HUSIN (1,950,000 Shares Disposed)

Jadi kita bodoh?? Sebab itu saya nasihat mereka tunggu lama sekit sebab saham ini akan turun di Minggu depan, sekain.


2013-09-22 23:02 | Report Abuse

wise advice Ozil but when so many so call "expert" experts says "superbull", then what can we expect. Just let them be, let them buy if they want too & when they kena caught, then they don't blame anyone but themselves. It's their money, right? For others, just be patient to buy at a much lower price. Salam.


2013-09-22 22:56 | Report Abuse

in the US everyone is chabut cepat cepat including many billionaires, Soros included, are selling & selling but I see here some so call "experts" say "superbull" & "buy buy buy". DJ down by nearly 200 points and so many "experts' says Monday superbull, what bullshit? So are these people better & more knowledgeable than those well known billionaires?? Ask yourself please. So keep a cautious stand. market doesn't look good. does it?? Salam.


2013-09-22 22:35 | Report Abuse

If boss & other kepala keeps selling at a much lower price, do you really want to buy at a much higher price, think kawan kawan.


2013-09-22 18:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by Thamil Muthu > Sep 22, 2013 06:03 PM | Report Abuse

magic show at work???


2013-09-22 18:10 | Report Abuse

yes ruslimz , holding a couple of months & see if it performs better but now to shoot is quite impossible.


2013-09-22 18:09 | Report Abuse

inwest88, let's see tomorrow morning how our bursa performs. I may be wrong but from the looks of the DJ we maybe be hitting south. But then anything can happen.


2013-09-22 18:02 | Report Abuse

inwest88, I am just trying to do good, no offence if I give negative comments but the reality is there. Well, it's up to you to believe or not as you are the trader and it's your money. But please be careful. Salam.


2013-09-22 17:33 | Report Abuse

if you make money, then chabut sebab anytime it will drop.


2013-09-22 17:25 | Report Abuse

Don't have crazy dreams. Will not be like Hibiscus. What if hangus??? Selamatkan diri.


2013-09-22 17:22 | Report Abuse

how can u say it will fly without valid reasons?

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 17:10 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim

This Malay government would not allow Chin Peng remains to come home. If he had been a Malay of course no issue

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
Umno version is pure unadulterated racist policy. There is no other way to describe it

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 16:30 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
This Malay govt by refusing to allow Chin Peng remains to rest here will not be forgotten by the millions of Chinese in the region

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 16:28 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
Why do u think our leaders always talk down to those they disagreed with? Why do they sound arrogant? Because 40 years of being special


2013-09-22 16:16 | Report Abuse

China company con perhaps? usual procedure?


2013-09-22 16:15 | Report Abuse

mukin turun sebab esok bursa turun besar, sila bejaga jaga. Salam.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 15:55 | Report Abuse

If only beloved Tun Dr. Ismail or our beloved the late PM Tengku Abdul Rahman had arrested the devil Mamakutty at that time, then our beloved nation Malaysia will be saved & all Malaysians irrespective of race, colour or religion will enjoy a very much higher standard of living.

This Mamakutty was so scared of being arrested that he went into hiding. But our beloved late PM TAR is always forgiving and he never hunt this devil Mamakutty I & many Malaysians too wish TAR had arrested this devil Mamakutty and put him in jail.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 15:51 | Report Abuse

If only beloved Tun Dr. Ismail or our beloved the late PM Tengku Abdul Rahman had arrested the devil Mamakutty at that time, then our beloved nation Malaysia will be saved & all Malaysians irrespective of race, colour or religion will enjoy a very much higher standard of living.

This Mamakutty was so scared of being arrested that he went into hiding. But our beloved late PM TAR is always forgiving and he never hunt this devil Mamakutty I & many Malaysians too wish TAR had arrested this devil Mamakutty and put him in jail.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 15:12 | Report Abuse

September 19, 2013 Zaid Ibrahim

Zaid: Malaysia richer, happier if Tun Ismail had lived to be PM

Original Article: The Malay Mail Online

Kelantan-born Zaid recalled meeting Dr Ismail in 1972 and was impressed by the latter’s advice to play fair to all races in helping aid the economically-backward Malays

Malaysia would likely have become a richer, happier and more united country if Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman had lived to succeed Tun Abdul Razak Hussein as the third prime minister, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim said today.

The former de facto law minister said the New Economic Policy (NEP) that Dr Ismail had helped push out in 1971 would have achieved its goal of lifting Malays mired in economic poverty while being fair to Malaysia’s minority races instead of being perverted to keep a few Malay leaders and their cronies in power now.

“If he had been healthier and had lived longer, he would have succeeded Tun Abdul Razak as Prime Minister and Malaysia today would be a richer and happier country.

“The policy that makes the Malays ‘special’ would have a different meaning, and as the co-architect of the New Economic Policy Tun Ismail would have undoubtedly made this country prosperous, democratic and united in ways we have not been able to experience,” Zaid said in a statement.

While the one-time Umno senator who had joined the opposition before turning independent made no mention of it, he is likely referring to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s announcement last week for a RM31 billion injection to the dominant Bumiputera community, widely panned as a reversal of his New Economic Model (NEM) policy first introduced in 2009.

Political analysts have criticised the so-called Bumiputera agenda, saying it reversed Najib’s promises to roll back race-based policies and was a politically-motivated decision ahead of the upcoming Umno elections.

Others have also labelled the NEM an “exaggeration” of the now-defunct NEP, and described the contained measures as violating Article 8 of the Federal Constitution that guarantees equality to all Malaysian citizens.

Proponents of Bumiputera affirmative action insist that Article 153 of the Federal Constitution, which outlines the special position and privileges of the group, provides for the measures announced ostensibly to uplift the community.

Najib had also mooted the set up of a Bumiputera Economic Empowerment Council and pushed government-linked companies (GLCs) and government-linked investment companies (GLICs) to increase Bumiputera property ownership, among other measures.

Political observers saw the move as an attempt to fortify Najib’s position within the largest component party in the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition and appease Malay voters who have showed the most support for Umno in the May 5 general election.

Johor-born Dr Ismail had earned a reputation as an incorruptible Malay leader and nation builder who was strongly opposed to racial bigotry. He had served as Razak’s deputy from September 1970 until his death from a heart attack on August 2, 1973, aged 57.

Then a student, Kelantan-born Zaid recalled meeting Dr Ismail in 1972 and was impressed by the latter’s advice to play fair to all races in helping aid the economically-backward Malays, who remain the country’s most dominant ethnic group.

“What I can remember about this quiet man was his advice that we needed to do all we could to help the Malays — but that we had to do it properly and with fairness.

“I did not have the guts to ask him to elaborate, but I was sure he wanted the Malays to be fair to the other communities at all times as leaders of the country,” Zaid, now 62, said.

However, the lawyer-turned-politician said the policy of lifting the economically-backward Malays has become a policy “to uplift those favoured by the leaders”.

“The policy of increasing and strengthening Malay participation in the civil service and public institutions has turned into a monopoly.

“The policy to moderate the Malay mind/values so they become competitive and able to understand and appreciate the nuances and lifestyles of different people has become the opposite, making them parochial and fearful instead,” he said.

In his strongly-worded statement, Zaid said a new breed of Malays were now in charge, whose “leaders have no shame admitting that they are wealthy or about parading their affluent lifestyles” or their “special” status by taking the NEP policy to its extreme.

“The policy to uplift the economically-backward Malays has changed them beyond recognition,” Zaid said.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 15:06 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
Jakim is a dept of PM office. Why need to support economic policy of the PM ; Its like Jabatan Pelajaran endorsing new Education policy.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 15:04 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
Why cant these departmental heads just do their work and not get involved with policies? Jakim is especially annoying.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 14:47 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
10 ways to help Bumiputras? Excellent ideas from Guna . There is little hope Umno leaders will heed call though.