
curiwangbagus | Joined since 2013-09-19

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2013-09-22 14:42 | Report Abuse

Well said Datuk ....Datuk Zaid Ibrahim

Slavery exists in many forms. Getting the Malays in the mode of being dependent and submit to the whims of leaders is one such form.

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
When Malays have self belief and not dependent on them, Umno become irrelevant . They want to keep you hanging on.

....kawan kawan, apa certia? Salam.


2013-09-22 14:33 | Report Abuse

tolong cabut cepat cepat esok sebab esok bursa akan turun atau kena bakar hingga tulang sahaja. Tunggu sampai turn sampai 55 sen dan bawah dan sampai masa itu boleh timbang lagi.Ini kompany China dan saperti biasa kompany China tak berapa di percayai. Salam.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 14:25 | Report Abuse

yeapmarghee, yes indeed foreigners will be selling in our bursa by the millions. Perhaps it's time to cabut cepat cepat come tomorrow morning and the days after. Please berhati hati yeapmarghee. Got money anytime can buy , so please wait for our index to drop further as I presume our bursa index is so high and there's no real & concrete proof that our bursa is heading north instead of south. Perhaps the last few days up so much is possibly of UMNO government's window dressing to show that come Malaysia Day, our economy is good & so our bursa index is tops. So beware kawan kawan, jangan di tipukan, berhati hati. Salam.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 13:48 | Report Abuse

Now, Utusan Malaysia says Chin Peng did not die on Malaysia Day.

oh, Utusan, Utusan, boleh di-percaya????

...sila baca apa Malaysians tulis...saperti..

PNL 146p · 16 hours ago
Hello! Please check the link below on Chin Peng.
This Utusan M is a totally good for nothing paper. Majority of the publications are lies and trouble and problem creations seem to be their aim.

AhmadSobri99 167p · 16 hours ago
It all boils down to whom you trust.

Bangkok Post an internationally trusted newspaper and Utusan Malaysia, UMNO's party organ, and its records are laughable indeed.

Don't put too much thoughts into what Utusan claimed, Bangkok Post may ( it won't) lie, but, why should the hospital?

Nah, Utusan probably has got nothing to boost its publication and it knows Chin Peng even when dead will help fellow Malaysians and Utusan is one publication that needs Chin Peng's name to boost sales. Who reads Utusan and what is its readership? Plunging readership! make your own judgment please.


2013-09-22 13:41 | Report Abuse

In August SAMSUL BIN HUSIN & other big shareholders even sell at between 36.5 cents to 41.4 cents & now you want to buy at 47 cents and above? Where are your logic & senses? You buy, they disperse or distribute??? so be wise please. Save your money for it to drop further....maybe to perhaps 35 cents???


2013-09-22 13:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by Alex Chan > Sep 22, 2013 12:44 PM | Report Abuse

expected no good profit this year...kepala pun cabut

betul kepala pun cabut, semua kaki hangus. Kawan kawan jangan dibodahkan. Jaga diri, siapa tak berhati hati akan hangus sampai tulang. MD SAMSUL BIN HUSIN sudah jual dan cabut dan kita beli dia punya yang dibuang oleh dia? Kita kadi bodeh kah?

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 13:15 | Report Abuse

AND THE MURDERERS ARE Najib & Umno: Race-based policies are killing the economy

What about the future?

Malaysia is now a country that is beginning to be taken note of by the international community. The BN-UMNO leadership has come to the forefront of world attention owing to their refusal to toe the line of globalization.

While the whole wide world is becoming increasingly globalized, it appears that Malaysia is starting to become like a fish out of water and all calls by the global community requesting Malaysia to practice the full tenets and obligations of democracy have so far fallen on deaf years. It’s like pouring water on a duck’s back.

Despite the peril, Malaysia still wants to go ahead and be stubborn and defiant in wanting to see that the country is governed not democratically, but by the whims and fancies of the UMNO big-wigs. When will Malays start to realize that UMNO is not leading them along a healthy path but instead beginning to ostracize and isolate the Malays.

By spewing out affirmative action only for the benefit of bumiputras, UMNO has begun to paint itself into a corner. It will be hard in future for the Malay to gain respect and acceptance on merit among Malaysians and on the global stage owing to much favoritism that has been shown to them.

Whatever the Malays and other bumiputras achieved will then be considered a hollow achievement, something which does not carry merit as it goes to show that it was actually not achieved through a level but lop-sided playing field in which bumiputras were basically being handed success to them without any effort.

This really means that all that affirmative action has actually caused bumiputras to weaken and heavily dependent on the government with the government continuing to bail them out to stay in power. This is a vicious cycle that is causing bumiputras to get nowhere in life and exasperating to non-bumis.

Full article:

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 13:07 | Report Abuse

8. Use all resources available

Any wise country will use all the resources available to it and not restrict it to a particular race. It is important to staff government departments on merit to ensure proper performance and to cast the net for recruitment as far and as wide as possible.

The rush and needless urgency to put more Malays into the education system ahead of time resulted in a huge and rapid decline in the quality of education as entry standards for teachers were lowered. This directly affected most the quality of national schools which most bumiputeras attended.

9. Raise government efficiency

There is one imperative for raising efficiency – those who are not efficient must be made efficient or removed altogether. Government departments cannot be made refuge for idlers and shirkers. They must earn their income and to do their part for the betterment of the nation – we can’t afford a subsidy mentality in government.

Once that is established, we must put in all effort needed to make our government services really top class and one that facilitates rather than hinders all legitimate private efforts to initiate economic and other activity.

10. Give loans, not grants

Najib’s bumiputera empowerment programme even envisages grants for entrepreneurs. That’s absolutely the wrong move which is sure to encourage abuse and breach of trust. Instead grant loans instead. That way only those confident of their projects will seek them. And the repayment of these loans will ensure that financing is available for future generations.

The same should be the case for scholarships. Limited number of merit scholarships are fine but it is pointless extending scholarships in the thousands indiscriminately. What is given free is seldom appreciated. Instead, these can be loans which will have to be repaid and which will then enable others to take advantage of opportunities in future.

These measures are not anywhere near rocket science and I trust most Malaysians will agree with them. But unless politicians eschew race politics and become really and genuinely interested in helping their communities, things are not likely to change.

I wish these politicians had the “scrotal gumption” (to borrow the words of retired judge Mahadev Shankar) to put aside politics and do the best for their own race. In the process, they can’t help but do well for all Malaysians too as all these 10 measures will help all of them no matter their race, religion, creed or social status.

With seven out of 10 people in the country being bumiputeras and perhaps more in the lower income category, Isn’t it about time we moved to a Malaysian agenda? Even if it is 56 years too late?

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 13:06 | Report Abuse

4. Empower bumiputeras with English

Sometime back, I witnessed the unhappy spectacle of a young, suave, urbane, Malay Oxford graduate defending the move by the government to revert to teaching of science and maths in English who swore blue that evidence is that teaching these subjects in the mother tongue made it easier for them to understand them. I told him that in his case – he was the son of a diplomat, I believe, and educated all over the world – it did not seem to have done him much harm.

That young man is Khairy Jamaluddin, son-in-law of former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, and current Umno Youth chief. I just cannot understand the attitude of people who have benefited so much from the English language and yet who are so keen to deny this benefit to millions of others from their own race. Does being a politician blind them to what is good for their own race? Or is it something else that motivates them?

5. Cut corruption

If the government wants to reduce income gaps, then it must cut corruption, bring it down to virtually zero. Look where it got Singapore to. Just one illustration will be sufficient for this. Let’s say our chief ministers were corrupt. Then this land proposal comes up – one of them de-gazettes forest reserves, allocates the land to a developer and then approves the conversion for mixed development.

The chief minister, who may be bumiputera, will get, oh, let’s say anywhere between RM1 million and RM10 million. And the developer, most likely non-bumiputera, will make anywhere between a RM100 million and RM1 billion from the deal. A precious state resource is sold way below its value and the income gap between the bumiputera and non-bumiputera is considerably widened – because of corruption.

And to make it worse, this bumiputera chief minister may well go out on his political rounds and talk self righteously to rallies and such and rail against the wide gap between bumiputera and non-bumiputera incomes!

This is just by way of illustration of course, the point being corruption when analysed and tracked almost always increases income gaps..

6. Cut subsidies and import taxes

One of the myths is that the poor are helped considerably by subsidies on say fuel and electricity. That’s wrong because the poor don’t use much of this. The rich and industries use much more of this than the poor. The clear implication is that subsidies while helping the poor, help the rich much more.

What should be done in tandem with subsidy cuts is to cut or remove import taxes altogether so that the prices of goods come down and local industries (such as cars for instance) are not protected by tariffs which make their product prices higher. This is a policy which will help the poor but since probably more than 70 percent of them are likely to be bumiputera, they will be the prime beneficiaries.

7. Have open tenders

Contrary to popular belief negotiated tenders are not likely to benefit bumiputeras – instead they are likely to benefit connected bumiputeras through patronage. Best to have an open tender. If it is deemed necessary to give bumiputeras an advantage, then this can be done via a price differential, say 5 percent.

That does two things – one, bumiputera pricing is not way out of line with the others, and two it still does give a preference to bumiputeras but a quantified one.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 13:05 | Report Abuse

Salam semua Melayu, sila bacha ini. khas untok kita.

10 ways to really help bumis

P Gunasegaram
Sep 20, 2013

QUESTION TIME The recent RM30 billion package (although I am not sure how it works out to that) for bumiputera economic empowerment is certainly not something that will help or have any kind of impact on the vast majority of bumiputeras who form 67 percent of the population.

Just think of that figure for a moment. Nearly seven out of ten people in the country are bumiputeras. Help everyone in the country who needs it and you help the bumiputera community the most. More on that later.

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s plans to economically empower bumiputeras will not help the ordinary bumiputera because he is not the one who owns shares, or will become a major entrepreneur, or live off government contracts. That affects only the rich bumiputeras.

Realistically, the economic empowerment programme is a thinly disguised ruse to help those who continue to live off the government through patronage and corruption. And in this case this is the Umno elite and many of them are likely to be among the 150,000 delegates who will vote in Umno’s forthcoming general assembly.

It’s another form of vote buying.

So what will help ALL bumiputeras and especially those who are in the poor and middle classes and thereby help bridge the income gap between bumiputeras on the one side and Chinese and Indians on the other?

For that, you simply go back to the basics. Here are are 10 things we can identify immediately. If the government had been doing this without respite and full sincerity for the last 56 years from independence we would long ago have become a developed a country, even far surpassing that of our southern neighbour Singapore which has no natural resources to speak of.

1. Raise school education levels

In the haste to increase Malay usage and hire more Malay teachers into the education system after 1970, educational quality dropped in national schools. Until today this is a major problem because of poor quality of teachers (entry standards were foolishly dropped) and lowering examination standards to favour bumiputera students.

It will require much more than the national education blueprint, a document laced with political considerations. Education has to be de-politicised, secularised and its syllabus reoriented to modern needs.

And this has to be done by true educationists, not nationalists who tend to be blinkered because of their political overzealousness and who think of education as brainwashing instead of a development process. Education needs to be taken out of the hands of politicians.

This is crucial for bumiputera development. If they don’t get good education right from the start – and that includes preschool – then they are going to be handicapped relative to the rest because most bumiputeras go to national schools. National schools must be at least as good as vernacular schools. That would also mean that non-Malays will start coming back to national schools.

Education is such an important thing to improve incomes that it covers several of our other points. No country has managed to improve and equalise incomes without a superb education system. Putting as much resources as possible into this is vital.

2. Revamp higher education

The entire education system must be revamped to put meritocracy and higher educational standards in place. If bumiputera students lack minimum standards, you must enable them to reach those standards through tuition and other means and not drop minimum standards. Only then will bumiputera students take the trouble to be on par.

Genetic studies have shown beyond doubt that no race is superior in terms of intelligence which implies that attitude and environment is all important.

There is really no point in government universities churning out graduates in the thousands if they don’t have the basic skills to be employable.

3. Don’t compromise on education quality and standards

In education as in life, one cannot aim for equalisation of outcomes – you can only hope to equalise opportunities. Then it is up to those given the opportunity to make use of it. If results are adjusted to sort of equalise the eventual outcome, inefficiency and incompetence will be the result.

If our programme of eradicating poverty and eliminating the identification of race with economic function – the original and oft-forgotten twin pillars of the New Economic Policy of 1971 – was premised on these methods, we would most likely have been able to bring about the change in attitude necessary to produce better outcomes. Instead spoon-feeding has needlessly lengthened dependence.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 13:00 | Report Abuse

Not only that, with the Umno election due next month, Najib is using all time available to garner as much support possible to ensure victory is his; to this end, the premier unabashedly bribed an MP with a lucrative government- linked companies (GLC) position – the MP, Azalina Othman Said was earlier hell bent on challenging Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Jalil in the coming Umno election but has since forgone all intention to do so.

The never-ending cronyism, nepotism and corruption – and the blatant dismissal of the murder of a Mongolian woman – these are what have shamed Malaysia.

Closing the files on a woman who bodies who blown to smitherens using C4 explosives is what makes the leadership a laughing stock.

Chin Peng was simply living by his principles, fighting off invaders – this would be his true epilogue.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 12:59 | Report Abuse

Stop making us a laughing stock

The never-ending cronyism, nepotism and corruption - these are what have shamed Malaysia.

It has been seven days since former anti-colonialist Chin Peng died, ironically at a time when Malaysia was busy celebrating its golden jubilee.

Whilst Chin Peng has bid Malaysians farewell forever, he continues to make for interesting read, especially when it came to the issue of allowing the 88-year-old eternal resting place in his hometown in Sitiawan, Perak.

Chin Peng’s many attempts to return to Malaysia were rejected by the Malaysian government on grounds that he had rejected the offer the government made in 1989 via the Hatyai Treaty.

Through the peace deal signed during prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s reign over Malaysia, Chin Peng was allowed to return home provided he did so within the one-year grace period accorded under the agreement.

Chin Peng however declined and chose instead to live in exile in Thailand where he also breath his last.

But soon after his death, questions were abuzz as to the fate of his remains. Would Chin Peng be allowed to ‘RIP’ in Malaysia?

As far as the Barisan Nasional government is concerned, its mind is made up – that Chin Peng was no ‘son of Malaysia’ and there is no place on the face of Malaysia for him, be it when he was alive and now that he is gone.

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has gone so far as to say that Chin Peng was a terrorist and who caused many atrocities in the country. The premier challenged Chin Peng supporters to sue the BN government from barring Chin Peng’s remains from entering Malaysia as the government had legal meanings to do so.

Traitor, terrorist, communist and good riddance – these are the sentiments of Umno, the patronising arm of the Barisan Nasional government, in dealing with Chin Peng’s demise.

M’sia not owned by Umno

The Chin Peng episode brings to fore the question as to whom does Malaysia ‘belong’ to. Does this nation of diverse faith belong to the rakyat or has the belligerent Umno turned Malaysia into an ‘Incorporated’, trying to emerge as the sole stakeholder over a nation that is famous for its multi-diversity?

By rejecting any move by anyone to give Chin Peng a final resting place back home in Malaysia, the Najib-led government has validated the Oscar Wilde quote that ‘there is no sin except stupidity’.

Before the prime minister goes about throwing dares to Chin Peng sympathisers who are advocating for the latter’s right to rest eternal back in Sitiawan, Najib has to make it clear on what grounds is he challenging the people to consider legal recourse.

It is Umno who keeps on cashing in over Chin Peng’s death, villifying the man even after his death. For his role in combating the Japanese and then the British, he was stamped as a villain.

That was all Chin Peng did – he lived fighting the colonialists and made no apologies about it. Sadly, instead of learning how to forgive, Umno turned vindictive and continues to punish Chin Peng.

One wonders would the situation be different if Chin Peng had converted to Islam during his years in exile? Would Umno make an exception then?

A former inspector general of police, Abdul Rahim Mohd Noor says preventing Chin Peng’s ashes from reaching home only goes to make Malaysia a laughing stock.

Not only that, disrespecting the 1989 Hatyai Peace Treaty also puts the Malaysian government is a very bad light.

The question here is – does Najib care about how his leadership impacts the country’s image?

Clearly, the BN government has thus far been busy shaming Malaysia; zero accountablity over the ‘mishaps’ that keep taking place in the country has made not the nation but the Najib-administration a laughing stock.

Here is premier who gave his word that ‘people first, performance now’. But in reality, nothing of that sort is happening.

Continuing to shame M’sia

The common Malaysian is still struggling to own a house and enjoy a decent quality of life, without having to worry about bribing authorities and without going through the endless nightmare that the nation will soon end up being known for just one dominant race.

The regular Malaysian fears racism and yet Najib does nothing to assure Malaysians that all is well back home.

The premier has also not bothered to assuage the rakyat over the continuous abuse of power, be it by the police or by his own colleagues.

There had been little reaction from the prime minister over the furore surrounding the indelible ink which was used for the 13th general election that took place on May 5, 2013.

Likewise, the fact that the rakyat is affected each time they read about another death in police lockup does not worry Najib who has done nothing to reassure the people that all is good at the home front.

If there is something the premier has been busy doing, it is this – making sure those behind the heinous murder of a foreigner are let off the hook.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 01:40 | Report Abuse

What UMNO is trying to do is to try to make the people forget the existence of Chin Peng particularly his role in fighting the Japanese and later the British rule. Unfortunately for them, what I see is that their very decision and action of denying Chin Peng's ashes being brought back and buried is creating the opposite effect. They'll eventually make a hero of him with their action instead of him eventually being forgotten over time! the family of Chin Peng should thank UMNO for indirectly immortalizing his memory!

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 01:35 | Report Abuse

Mat Sabu: Apa nak takut dengan abu mayat Chin Peng?

Mohamad Sabu tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan kerajaan menghalang abu mayat Chin Peng dibawa pulang ke Malaysia kerana katanya, tiada apa yang perlu ditakutkan dengan abu mayat pemimpin komunis itu.

Timbalan Presiden PAS itu berkata, Islam sendiri tidak pernah menghalang mayat musuh agama untuk dijauhkan daripada tempat suci dan keadaan seumpama turut berlaku di Mekah.

“Mengapa kita hendak takut dengan abu mayat ini? Kubur Abu Jahal, Abu Lahab masih ada di sekitar Mekah. Tidak ada masalah sebenarnya,” katanya ketika dihubungi The Malaysian Insider merujuk kepada penentang Nabi Muhammad pada zaman awal Islam.

“Kubur Firaun pun masih ada di Mesir. Tidak jadi masalah pun, dekat pula dengan Universiti Al-Azhar,” katanya.

Beliau yang lebih dikenali sebagai Mat Sabu berkata, Chin Peng adalah pejuang kemerdekaan dan melawan penjajah British sebelum Malaya merdeka pada 31 Ogos 1957.

“Dia menentang dan membunuh Sir Henry Gurney yang membawa orang Yahudi masuk ke Palestin.

“Selepas 31 Ogos 1957, saya tidak berani komen kerana Malaya sudah Merdeka,” katanya.

Bekas Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Noor dalam temuramah bersama BFM radio semalam memberi amaran Malaysia akan menjadi bahan ketawa jika kerajaan tidak berganjak daripada keputusan `naif’ dengan enggan membenarkan abu mayat Chin Peng dibawa masuk ke dalam negara untuk ditanam.

Menurutnya, tindakan itu juga akan menyebabkan bekas pemimpin komunis itu bertukar menjadi ikon dan ia adalah langkah terkebelakang dalam cubaan kerajaan untuk memenangi semula sokongan masyarakat Cina berikutan prestasi buruk dalam pilihan raya umum ke 13 (PRU13) lalu.

“Masyarakat heboh mengenai abunya tidak dibenarkan dibawa masuk ke Malaysia. Pertelingkahan ini berlanjutan keterlaluan. Saya fikir ia sedikit naïf.”

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak sebelum ini berkata, kerajaan tidak akan menarik diri daripada pendiriannya untuk menghalang abu mayat Ching Peng dibawa balik dan mencabar mereka yang tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan itu untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang.

Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar berkata semua pintu masuk ke dalam negara berada dalam keadaan berjaga-jaga, kerana kerajaan bimbang abunya dibawa masuk.

Semalam, parti komponen Barisan Nasional (BN), MCA juga melahirkan pendapat mayat Chin Peng patut dibenarkan pulang ke sini untuk kali terakhir.

Pengerusi biro publisiti MCA Datuk Heng Seai Kie berkata, mayat pengganas Dr Azahari Husin dan Nordin Mohamad Top dibenarkan untuk dikebumikan di Malaysia.

Kumpulan hak Melayu, Perkasa, bagaimanapun, memberi amaran kepada MCA supaya parti itu jangan menimbulkan kemarahan orang Melayu dengan mendesak Putrajaya membenarkan abu mayat Chin Peng dibawa balik ke sini.

Setiausaha agungnya, Syed Hassan Syed Ali, berkata ramai orang Melayu dan Cina mati di tangan komunis yang diketuai Chin Peng ketika pemberontakan.

Chin Peng atau nama sebenarnya, Ong Boon Hua, meninggal dunia di hospital di Bangkok, Thailand pada Hari Malaysia, sebulan sebelum hari lahirnya yang ke-89.

Ketika hayatnya, beliau berulang kali menyuarakan hasratnya untuk dikebumikan di kampungnya di Sitiawan, Perak.

Beliau dilantik sebagai setiausaha agung PKM pada usia 23 tahun dan menjadi “musuh nombor satu” British di Asia Tenggara ketika pemberontakan komunis di Malaya.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 01:27 | Report Abuse

Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil menegaskan beliau akan memperjuangkan hak dan kebajikan golongan wanita tanpa mengira agama dan bangsa sekiranya terus diberi mandat sebagai orang nombor satu menerajui Pergerakan Wanita Umno pada pemilihan kali ini....


PRs - Nak jaga kebajikan golongan wanita ...???
wanita-wanita MOoooooooo bole la a.k.a MACAI's ... kikikikiki

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 01:17 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2013-09-22 01:16 | Report Abuse

smart izoklse when you said this...Super Bull is actually helping us to sell instead of buying more :-). hehehehe.

Kalau tanah runtuh, then lari cepat cepat dan kuat kuat, hahaha

I prefer to adopt a wait & see attitude. Salam.


2013-09-22 01:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by 2862862 > Sep 12, 2013 11:18 PM | Report Abuse

I wait for below RM 0.55 only collect :) lets see ya

....a reasonable request of 55 cents from 2862862.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 01:03 | Report Abuse

izoklse, you think these billionaires sell away billions billions shares will make a super bull in bursa? Think my friend as the opposite will happen. When billionaires sells, the DJ will drop like a mad dog & our Malaysian market always follow DJ and not otherwise. Our bursa will runtuh juga, so berhati hati my friend. Salam.

Why Billionaires Are Dumping Stocks at an Alarming Rate

Billionaire investors Warren Buffett, George Soros, and John Paulson – 3 of the richest men in the world – are selling off millions of shares in U.S. companies at a shocking rate.

Despite recent reports that the housing crisis is leveling off, unemployment is stabilizing, and stocks having rallied a historic 6% in the past few months…

Savvy investors aren’t buying into the hype.

Billionaire investors are “in the know”, and can often predict outcomes well before anyone else. So when they do the opposite of everyone else, it’s worthwhile to take heed of their actions. So why are billionaires selling off their stocks in a frenzy?

It is very likely that these professional investors are aware of very specific research that indicates a massive market correction coming very soon… as much as 95% – enough to cause nightmarish conditions that make the 2008 financial debacle pale in comparison.

One very famous economist, Robert Wiedemer, who predicted the 2008 fallout, is predicting another much larger catastrophe coming very soon. His NY Times best-selling book “Aftershock”, details all of the trigger points, and so far, his predictions have been spot on.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 00:55 | Report Abuse

AlbertLim, I think we traders have to be a bit careful as in the US, billionaires are selling & selling billions of their shares away. So please be careful my friend. Cheers. The snowballing effect of these billionaires selling will definately have an effect on our bursa too.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 00:48 | Report Abuse

Beware pleasee as many kakis will kena bakar dan hangus. Kawan kawan sila bejaga jaga. Kalau untong tolong jual Monday depan dan lari.Salam.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 00:47 | Report Abuse

UMNO election coming, so this is a window dressing by UMNO government???

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 00:44 | Report Abuse

DJ turun 190 markah dan billionaires sudah champak & buang billion billion saham dan kita bursa akan naik pada Monday depan? Fikir sedikit kawan sebab tanah runtuh akan datang dan kini akan runtuh kuat kuat. Salam.


2013-09-22 00:39 | Report Abuse

Berapa kaki kena bakar dan hangus bila Censof naik tinggi? Tolong jadi bijak dan tunggu lama sedikit sebab saham ini akan turun Monday ini, tolong berjaga jaga sedikit. Kalau Time ya lah satu comoany yang bagus, tak akan Time di jual dengan discount yang tinggi? Ingat Khazanah bodoh? the Time of today is a pale shadow of its once illustrious past.

Tunggu jatuh minggu depan, tak perchaya? Sila dudok dan lihat lah. Kalau MD Datuk Samsul Husin chakap Time bagus, apa sebab di JUAL berjuta juta Censof shares?

Lihat sini...

Wednesday, 18 Sep 2013

5:13PM SAMSUL BIN HUSIN (20,000,000 Shares Disposed)

Tuesday, 27 Aug 2013

5:31PM SAAS GLOBAL SDN BHD (4,050,000 Shares Disposed)
5:31PM AMEER BIN SHAIK MYDIN (4,050,000 Shares Disposed)
5:31PM SAMSUL BIN HUSIN (4,050,000 Shares Disposed

Friday, 23 Aug 2013

5:19PM SAMSUL BIN HUSIN (1,950,000 Shares Disposed)

Jadi kita bodoh?? Sebab itu saya nasihat mereka tunggu lama sekit sebab saham ini akan turun di Minggu depan, sekain.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 00:21 | Report Abuse

No law to stop Chin Peng’s ashes being brought back, says Deputy Home Minister

Even as Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak rejected calls for the remains of former communist leader Chin Peng to be allowed into Malaysia, a deputy minister today reminded Putrajaya that it has no legal power to stop anyone from doing so.

“There is nothing any of the authorities can do. We have no laws to stop the ashes from being brought in or penalise anyone carrying the ashes in,” said Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar (pic) after closing a career carnival at the Islamic complex in Kuching today.

His statement closely followed a warning by former police chief Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Noor that Malaysia risked becoming a laughing stock to the world if it refused to allow Chin Peng’s ashes to be interred in the country.

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 00:13 | Report Abuse

INTERNATIONAL LIARS, Najib & Umno: Chin Peng's family provide proof he applied to come HOME

Full article:

Our UMNO people really got a thick skin, really tak malu??? Or are these UMNO people so stupid and we Malays had been following UMNO like brainless fools???

News & Blogs

2013-09-22 00:03 | Report Abuse

Umno giving Malays a bad name for RACISM: Thai princess, ex generals laud Chin Peng

A wreath of orchids from Thai princess Chulabhorn Walailak placed in front of the coffin of former CPM leader Chin Peng tells a story the Malaysian government is not likely to agree with.

In Wat That Thong, one of the more famous temples in Bangkok, it is this story that retired Thai generals, who came to pay their respects to Chin Peng this afternoon, will remember him by.

According to retired general Kitti Rattanachaya, who was given the honour of spraying holy water on Chin Peng's body before it was placed in the coffin, Chin Peng should be remembered as a hero, not as a terrorist.

According to Anas Abdullah, a family friend who helped arrange the wake and funeral, more than 100 former CPM guerilla fighters are expected to pay their respects in the next two days, before Chin Peng's body is cremated on Monday.

The son of a CPM leader and the son-in-law of one of the oldest surviving Malay CPM members Abdullah CD, Anas said his father-in-law was not able to make the 10-hour drive to Bangkok from the Sukhirin peace village, near Narathiwat.

"But about 10 people from the village will be driving over tomorrow," Anas said of the village that is home to former 10th Regiment fighters, who are mostly Muslims.

News & Blogs

2013-09-21 23:59 | Report Abuse

Chin Peng a hero, say former Thai generals..

and even the Thai Royalty respect Chin Peng when Thai princess Chulabhorn Walailak also sent a wreath to the wake. why is these stupid UMNO government government are so scared of even Chin Peng ashes....isn't this the most stupid of all and make as Malaysia a laughing stock of the world, tak malu??

Chin Peng should be hailed as a hero and not a terrorist as he had fought for the independence of his country, said a retired Thai general.

Kitti Rattanachaya told newsportal Malaysiakini that Chin Peng "played a key role in maintaining peace" along the Thai-Malaysian border.

Kitti was among the many retired Thai generals who paid their respects to the former communist leader at Wat That Thong, a temple in Bangkok today.

"Now, it is only proper to allow his ashes to be returned to Malaysia. Forgive and forget, let bygones be bygones. Once someone dies, everything is finished," said Kitti who regarded Chin Peng as his brother.

"When a peace agreement is signed, there is no longer animosity. This, however, is my personal view and not that of the Thai government."

Another former Thai general Akanit Muansawad pointed out that "forgiveness was the only way to bring peace".

The newsportal also reported that Anas Abdullah, a family friend who helped arrange the wake and funeral, said more than 100 former Communist Party of Malaya guerilla fighters are expected to pay their last respects the next two days, before the former communist leader's body is cremated on Monday.

Thai princess Chulabhorn Walailak also sent a wreath to the wake.

The Malaysian government, however, has not allowed Chin Peng's ashes to be brought back.

News & Blogs

2013-09-21 20:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by ahkeong > Sep 21, 2013 06:22 PM | Report Abuse

The government used our tax money to take over SP Setia,the best developer company in Malaysia. I can foresee sooner or later the management will be taken over by bumiputra,most of the contracts will be given to Bumiputra.This is the Najib government new policy proposed by Perkasa for all GLC.Recently about 10 percent of the staffs have been crossed over to ECO WORLD. CEO Liew will resign early 2014 ,doomsday for SP Setia.

....yes, ONLY in this world, UMNO does this, full stop.

News & Blogs

2013-09-21 19:58 | Report Abuse

If ONLY we have better leaders to lead our beloved Malaysia and not like these UMNO idiots. Then Malaysia will be a much prosperous nation envy all around the world. Now we are just like a pariah country?


2013-09-21 19:48 | Report Abuse

TESSA kalau takut, tolong tunggu sampai masa yang sesuai. Kalau ada saham sekarang tolong buang cepat cepat dan tunggu sampai harga turun sebab Monday akan turun & dapat balek harga yang patut lain hari, bukan sekarang.

News & Blogs

2013-09-21 19:43 | Report Abuse

Ya Funtrade, banyak kaki akan kena tangkap, tak perchaya tunggu lihat lah.


2013-09-21 19:41 | Report Abuse

Monday, siapa cepat lari siapa dapat untong sebab jimat banyak. Lari lambat tak apa pun. Jangan bahayakan diri. Tunggue masuk sampai 55 sen atau sakurang nya.


2013-09-21 19:36 | Report Abuse

Yes stockguru , it will drop drastically as well as other counters. Sebab itu lari cepat atau kena hangus atau bakar sampai tulang, lol. Berjaga jaga kawan kawan.

News & Blogs

2013-09-21 19:33 | Report Abuse

Other countries get famous for the right reasons but we Malaysia always the opposite, we always get famous for the wrong reasons. Like the famous Information Minister who says Malaysia Erection & not Malaysia Election, lol. Malaysia tak malu kah?


2013-09-21 19:08 | Report Abuse

akan turun sampai tanah runtuh atau naik, jaga diri.


2013-09-21 19:02 | Report Abuse

Monday akan turun kuat kuat. DJ turun lebeh kurang 190 mata, jaga sendiri.


2013-09-21 19:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by metroview > Sep 17, 2013 09:51 AM | Report Abuse

going to hit 0.585

...Monday tanah runtuh dan akan jatuh sampai 58 sen, mukin lagi kurang. Pilihan sendiri.


2013-09-21 18:57 | Report Abuse

Monday bursa mesti jatuh kuat kuat. Dow turun lebih kurang 200 mata. Sebab itu lari cepat cepat atau kena bakar.


2013-09-21 18:56 | Report Abuse

Saya akan tunggu $1.25 sebab Monday bursa mesti jatuh kuat kuat. Dow turun lebih kurang 200 mata.


2013-09-21 18:54 | Report Abuse

Moday lari cepat. DJ down by nearly 200 points and this too.

Billionaires DUMPING shares on fears US market might SLUMP BY 90%?

An international financial portal explains why billionaires like Warren Buffet, John Paulson and George Soros are dumping shares like crazy to exit the US stock markets.

Moneynews said Buffet had drastically dumped stocks relating to consumer purchasing habits. Buffet’s holding company Berkshire Hathaway had reduced its stake on consumer product stocks by a whooping 21 percent.

Paulson, who made his fortune during subprime mortgage meltdown, had dumped 14 million shares of JPMorgan Chase and entirely freed his hedge fund, Pualson & Co from Family Dollar and Sara Lee, both consumer based stocks.

Soros meanwhile nearly sold all his bank stocks.

And the reason for their decision was related to a prediction made by Robert Wiedemer, an esteemed economist and author of the New York Times best-selling book Aftershock.

According to Moneynews, Wiedemer had predicted that a market correction is looming, to an extent of 90 percent drop in share prices.

Warning readers not to dismiss Wiedemer’s prediction easily, Moneynews pointed that the former and his team had accurately predicted the collapse of the U.S. housing market, equity markets, and consumer spending that almost sank the United States in 2006.

Wiedemer said the bubble burst would be due to the reckless decision by Federal Reserve to stimulate the economy by printing a massive amount of money out of thin air causing a surge in inflation once the money enters the market.

A 10 percent hike in inflation, he said, would result in Treasury bonds losing 50 percent of their value.

“And by 20%, any value is all but gone. Interest rates will increase dramatically at this point, and that will cause real estate values to collapse. And the stock market will collapse as a consequence of these other problems,” he stressed.

The reason why Buffett, Paulson, and Soros could be dumping US stocks, Wiedemer said they saw how companies would be spending more money on borrowing costs rather than business expansion costs.

“That means lower profit margins, lower dividends, and less hiring. Plus, more layoffs,” he predicted.

In video of Wiedemer’s interview commenting on the issue had been viewed over 40 million times. It also comprised a comprehensive blueprint for economic survival that demands global attention.

“People were sitting up and taking notice, and they begged us to make the interview public so they could easily share it,” said Newsmax Financial Publisher Aaron DeHoog.


2013-09-19 18:48 | Report Abuse

esok naik lagi


2013-09-19 14:14 | Report Abuse

Dato Zaid pun kata...I quote "These unMalaylike demands must stop. Its embarrasing to the whole community. How can we stoop so low just because we fear competition." ..Unquote

...benar kah???


2013-09-19 13:52 | Report Abuse

Our leaders who take the easy way out to propagate these preferential policies forget that once they have become accustomed to discriminating against non-Malays, very soon they will also discriminate against their own kind. In fact, it’s already happening. Discrimination is already happening in the distribution of economic opportunities. Ask the Malays who do not support Umno; and they will tell you they are treated like the non-Malays too. It’s not possible for UMNO to “operate on the basis of meritocracy amongst the Malays” as suggested by the PM because they do not know how to. Over the years, government projects and opportunities like BR1M were all handed out to UMNO members, divisional leaders or to prospective supporters. Even federal BN leaders openly said that only the BN states would get federal funds. The other Malays are not part of the deal. This culture of only helping those who have helped the party is certainly not meritocracy. UMNO has not done anything based on meritocracy before, and probably never will.

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce was, of course, being as smart and wily as always when they announced through their representatives their support for the new policy. They said the PM is a fair person, which meant there would be enough in the country for non-Malays. The Chamber was very relaxed about this policy, which is understandable. What they did not say was that the Chinese will end up implementing most of the projects that were announced anyway, which means they actually lose very little. Only their cost of doing business may become higher. They are so used to these grand economic schemes and have no fear of them, because the past has shown that their wealth can keep on multiplying whenever new economic policies are announced.

One last thing: we are told that the Malays are better off by a few thousand per cent compared to what they had in 1970. I believe that—but I will also say I am sure that if we had continued with good and fair policies for all Malaysians, the Malays would also have improved their lot by a few thousand per cent. But the difference is this: the Malays would have also been able to retain their good characteristics and noble values. They will not be as greedy as some have become because of the special treatment. They will be kinder to other poor Malaysians who deserve special treatment too.


2013-09-19 13:52 | Report Abuse

The folly of the majority

The UMNO President has once again announced a massive government initiative dedicated to helping only the Malays and the Bumiputera under the New Economic Model. This “disadvantaged group,” comprising more than 70 % of the population, will be getting more of the usual special treatment from the Government in the form of contracts, grants unit trusts and loans worth more than RM30 billion. Why they are not able to help this group by having good and fair policies for all Malaysians was never explained.

Now preferential policies for the Malays are deemed as a right. It has become a huge political gimmick where the Malays are regularly told that if they want these special rights and privileges to continue, they have to vote for UMNO. In fact, some UMNO leaders scoff at the so-called “unfairness” of these policies and scold their colleagues for being apologetic about it.

What I find most distasteful and hard to stomach are the pretensions that go with the policy announcement. There is this condescending assurance that the rights of “others” will not be affected, and that since the economy will continue to grow, no one will lose. If that were true then the non-Malays will continue to have more than the Malays, and this is certainly untenable for the special people.

It took 40 years for Malay corporate wealth to move from 2% to 23%. Do not ask me why. But surely that means that to move from the present rate to, say, 50% will take another 50 years at least if not more. By then the non-Malays will represent only 20 -23 % of the population and so the question then for Utusan Malaysia will be, why allow the Chinese to have wealth on parity or greater than those from the majority race? Equity, the new buzzword, or equitable treatment therefore requires the non-Malays to “forego or give up” what they have to allow for equitable treatment to the Malays. So why pretend that we care about fairness or act concerned about making sure others will not be “unfairly treated”? Fairness is irrelevant. The idea of special preference itself is a negation of fairness.

It’s ironic that these leaders shouted Hidup Melayu to celebrate this pernicious policy, because it is actually a death knell for the Malays. The original policy of 40 years ago has become something else: it’s now a repository of all that is crude, unsophisticated and unthinking. What can be simpler than the idea of grabbing as much as you can whilst you have power? The deleterious and negative effects of this can be seen in the behaviour and values of these Umno Malays.

Today after many years of being “special”, the Malays who are successful are never accepted for their ability; they must have received ‘special treatment” from Umno. This is particularly true if they do not support Umno’s policies. The dispensation of special treatment enables Umno to pick and choose the winners and after 40 years we can see clearly how some Malays are more equal than others. The greed emanating from this group of the ‘NEW RICH” is shocking. The lower income groups remain untouched by new injection of financial and economic assistance; it’s always the Malay Contractors; members of the Malay Chambers, and of course the elite who get the bulk of the special treatment. When will the Malays realized the special treatment formula is nothing special except for some?

Short sightedness is another product of the special treatment. Malay businessmen are not encouraged to collaborate with the non Malays when such collaboration will open new supply chain and new opportunities. It’s the same with education. The Chancellor of Universiti Teknologi MARA proudly announced that the university is no place for non-Malays. He assumes that non-Malays want to go there in the first place. He also ignores the possible benefits that can come from having a more diverse student body—he is probably oblivious to the fact that we can learn valuable traits, attitudes and values from those who are different from us. It sadly does not occur to him that the presence of non-Malays might actually be useful for the Malays, the people he wants to champion.

I am all for helping the Malays but we must help them properly. By all means, give them scholarships, business loans and other incentives, but why can’t such assistance be part of a holistic economic policy that doesn’t identify beneficiaries according to their race? People say it’s ok for me to want no special preferences because I have “made it”. My personal achievements are nothing special and other Malay professionals have done well too. But you do not need special treatment to succeed, only fair and reasonable opportunities. Anyway with limited resources only a fair policy can benefit the most number of people; whereas a special treatment policy will inevitably benefit those lucky ones only.


2013-09-19 13:46 | Report Abuse

Ini juga di kata oleh Zaid...I Quote "My friend Aziz Bari is absolutely right about the law on the special policy. More damaging to me the policy makes Malays greedy arrogant. " Unquote
....ini benar juga?


2013-09-19 13:44 | Report Abuse

Ini yang Zaid cakap juga....I quote "Why do u think our leaders always talk down to those they disagreed with? Why do they sound arrogant? Because 40 years of being special."
