
DreamHunter | Joined since 2013-11-25

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2014-12-02 21:29 | Report Abuse

Buy when price is good (i.e. low), and perception is bad.

Sell when price is good (i.e. high), and perception is also good.


2014-12-02 21:21 | Report Abuse

'Q3, 2013' = 'Q3, 2014'



2014-12-02 21:19 | Report Abuse

Klu ini Suma ada masalah banyak besar ah, dia boleh bikin RM24.5 mil profit from RM48.2 mil revenue in Q3, 2013 geh?

That is more than 58% profit margin tau. Bukan banyak senang mau bikin ini macam tau.

Ada banyak company yg boleh bikin ini macam punya profit margin geh?


2014-12-02 21:14 | Report Abuse

Ini saham ah, senang saja. Research and study a stock that ticks your fancy to your heart and mind's satisfaction. Then make your own best judgement and decision on it. Whether to take it, or to decline, or to look at it another time.

Once decided to take, keep it and stick to one's guns, come hell or high water. Whether to continue keeping, or to sell at a profitable price, is also another judgement and decision one has to take and live with, further along the line.

No need to be whining, moaning, groaning, listening to all kinds of conspiracy/ghost stories and helping to spread them, or wallowing sorrily in regret for an imperfectly-timed buy or sell.


2014-12-02 21:04 | Report Abuse

Who should step down, Simon. Who cannot perform. Gotta be a bit more specific you know.


2014-12-02 21:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by siput > Dec 2, 2014 08:43 PM | Report Abuse

If Sumatec's management care about their shareholders they should make a statement about their position with this Oil crisis.What is their cost and what is their break even point. But these idiots only make statements when they want to artificially push the share price. Non ethical management!!!!

Simply shouting one's mouth off rarely achieves much, if anything. Try performing relevant action some time.

For Investor Relations related queries, please contact the following:
Name: Roshidah Abdullah (Chief Financial Officer)
E-mail: investor-r@sumatec.com
Tel: +603 2283 1368
Fax: +603 2282 6368


2014-12-02 20:53 | Report Abuse

'to more research' = 'to do more research'

'make stroner feffrot' = 'make stronger effort'



2014-12-02 20:51 | Report Abuse

Apparently some dudes are still imagining that Suma is an oil explorer and producer. NO, it is NOT.

Hold your horses, such dudes. Not yet. At the moment Suma is mainly earning revenue and profits from fees charged to clients as a contract operator. I repeat, contract operator.

So, any high-sounding talk of 'break-even price', for the moment, is pretty irrelevant. It would help one to more research on a company one is invested in, and make stroner feffrot to keep up with developments, instead of trying to sound clever with hardly anything worth the telling.


2014-12-02 20:37 | Report Abuse

We already saw in August, Simon.

And that was only a sneak preview of greater, grander things to come.


2014-12-02 20:33 | Report Abuse

Production cut at next OPEC mtg. Believe it.


2014-12-02 20:27 | Report Abuse

Aik, SuperBear, apa ni. Sekejap ada, sekejap tak ada, dia punya post.


2014-12-02 20:23 | Report Abuse

The biggest WMD warehouse in West Asia is in Israel. Everyone knows this.


2014-12-02 20:19 | Report Abuse

Another case of non-existent WMD?


2014-12-02 20:14 | Report Abuse

Simon, if really happens like you say, a lot of dudes who sold at loss, i.e. so called 'cut loss', will kena. Big Time.


2014-12-02 20:05 | Report Abuse

Buy when price is good (i.e. low), and perception is bad.

Sell when price is good (i.e. high), and perception is also good.


2014-12-02 20:04 | Report Abuse

Conn, another one worthwhile examining.

Signature International, Edge TP 3.12

Today's closing 1.78


2014-12-02 19:58 | Report Abuse

'Q3, 2013' = 'Q3, 2014'

typo, again.


2014-12-02 19:56 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ring > Dec 2, 2014 07:42 PM | Report Abuse

In Venezuela ppl r rioting to death n they want 100 for crude.

Which just proves that, as I said in an earlier post, by next OPEC meeting Saudi will hv to accommodate the interests and wishes of other OPEC member states, especially the relatively poorer ones.

Or else, there will be a rebellion within OPEC, led by the likes of Iran, Libya, Venezuela etc.


2014-12-02 19:53 | Report Abuse

I don't care what conspiracy or ghost theories get bandied about left, right and centre.

How low oil goes does not faze me either.

As far as I'm concerned, Suma's revenue and profits - at least for the next several years - are not overly dominated or driven by oil, but by fees earned from its agreements with Markmore Energy and Caspi Oil and Gas, as a contract operator.

Suma is in no danger of going bankrupt. Not at all. Its RM24.5 mil profit from RM42.2 mil revenue (i.e 58% profit margin) for Q3, 2013 is undeniably strong evidence of its fundamentally strong business performance.

Perception, however, is a completely different kettle of fish altogether. Perception varies from day to day, from week to week, from month to month.

Gotta understand that. Gotta learn to distinguish between actual reality on one hand, and perception on the other.


2014-12-02 19:41 | Report Abuse

StoneNut, ha ha, lu lg kena lg satu kali sama Suma geh.

Lu jangan cut loss so much lor. Cut loss = make loss lor.


2014-12-02 19:36 | Report Abuse

Buy when price is good (i.e. low), and perception is bad.

Sell when price is good (i.e. high), and perception is also good.


2014-12-02 19:30 | Report Abuse

YK, in July - August, Suma rose more than other stocks.

That time ah, gua tak da dengar lu tanya, 'Eh eh, tapi kenapa Sumatec keeps rising more than other stocks?'

Kenapa itu jam lu tak ada tanya ini macam punya soalan?


2014-12-02 19:26 | Report Abuse

Okay, YK. Now I throw your question back at you.

Now you answer me.


2014-12-02 19:11 | Report Abuse

'Q3, 2013' = 'Q3, 2014'



2014-12-02 19:10 | Report Abuse

Klu ini Suma ada masalah banyak besar ah, dia boleh bikin RM24.5 mil profit from RM48.2 mil revenue in Q3, 2013 geh?

That is more than 58% profit margin tau.

Ada banyak company yg boleh bikin ini macam punya profit margin geh?


2014-12-02 19:07 | Report Abuse

YK, kaunter tak da apa masalah. Lu call dia punya office klu lu tak percaya. Lu tanya dia orang, ada apa masalah ka? Nanti dia orang cakap, 'We're fine. No probs whatsoever'.

Orang juga yg ada masalah. Orang yang don't hv enough confidence in themselves, and in their own judgement. And always blaming something else, or someone else, when something is not going their way.


2014-12-02 19:02 | Report Abuse

Whether prices go down, or they go up, they always follow your calls. Right, Mr. KeKeKeKe?


2014-12-02 18:59 | Report Abuse

You reckon you just buy a stock someone recommends to you, and it should be doing up, and up, and up, and up.

Oh well, different dudes play different ways, I guess.

And they keep different wants too.


2014-12-02 18:56 | Report Abuse

So, you're angry at Suma now. Is that how you play?


2014-12-02 18:54 | Report Abuse

Conn, what's up.


2014-12-02 18:48 | Report Abuse

And what is the cumulative profits from Q1, Q2 & Q3 by now? Well exceeding RM35 mil already, IIRC.


2014-12-02 18:46 | Report Abuse

RM24.5 mil profit from RM48.2 mil revenue for Q3, 2013.

Is that talking anything up?


2014-12-02 18:41 | Report Abuse

No, I don't need to talk anything up, like you're always so wont to talk everything down. Things will play out the way they will. Do you seriously think you can really see the future? I for one don't. But the way I make my guesstimates are just different from yours.


2014-12-02 18:38 | Report Abuse

OPEC's recent decision was not kind of 100% unanimous in the truest sense of the word. There was the heavy hand of Saudi in it. Iran, especially, tried to persuade Saudi to go for a production cut. But Saudi was just too stubborn this time, and as OPEC's current topdog, the Saudi stand somehow prevailed.

But if there is till no cut at next OPEC meeting, ya all don't be surprised to see an Iranian-led rebellion within OPEC. Point is, if OPEC cannot defend the interests of its members, especially the relatively poorer ones like Iran, Libya, Venezueala, Iraq etc., what is the point of them remaining in OPEC anymore. They might as well leave.


2014-12-02 18:28 | Report Abuse

Dudes. Don't be daft.

Suma is not going to go bankrupt just becoz oil prices are dropping.

Suma might be known as a O&G outfit, but for the moment, Suma's revenue is not yet heavily dependent on oil alone.

As a matter of fact most of its current revenue and profits are driven from fees obtained as a O&G contract operator providing engineering, management, consultancy etc. services in O&G. Just look at its RM24.5 mil profit from RM48.2 mil revenue for Q3, 2013.

So what if oil prices fall, even if they remain stagnant at US$70 (North Sea Brent) or US$65 (West Texas Intermediate) for the next twelve months. Suma will still be generating revenue and profit from fees charged to clients Markmnore Energy and Caspi Oil & Gas.


2014-12-02 18:18 | Report Abuse

86868, looks like you and I are the few stubborn old warriors left, to do battle to our last drop of ... oil ...


2014-12-02 18:02 | Report Abuse

Dudes. Stay cool. Stay strong. Stay brave. It's approaching bottom now.

Look at the OPEC decision on the bright side. Well, they did agree to MAINTAIN production at current levels, didn't they?

Which is another way of saying that they will NOT be increasing production anymore, is it not?

Which means that, once the market has digested the deepest meanings, oil price should not go down much further anymore.


2014-12-02 17:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Dec 1, 2014 12:29 PM | Report Abuse

YK......today doomsday for O&G counters......sorry cannot answer yr questions.....I can only advise to stay away from 0&G related counters for awhile until get some rebound signal from crude oil.........
I've sold all my O&G counters & half Sumatec last Friday..........not planning to buy back
Instead switch capital to AAX & AASia ........

Nooraini, of all people, you've cut loss on Suma too?

In other simpler words, you've sold Suma at loss too?


2014-12-02 17:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by xxxx > Dec 1, 2014 09:38 AM | Report Abuse

Many people live on HOPE! Do you?

And you live without hope?


2014-12-02 17:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by xxxx > Dec 1, 2014 09:38 AM | Report Abuse

Sometimes if you don't cut loss, you will lose more if prices continue to climb down. The uncertainty is, will prices continue to go down? Or like many people hope, prices will go back up?

I hv just one question for you. Is there such a thing as certainty in life?

Let alone stock investing life.

And what if prices climb back up, big time, immediately after you've sold out at heavy losses. Do you hv a fool-proof mechanism against that?


2014-12-01 02:53 | Report Abuse

'since production levels hv been determined' = 'since maximum production levels hv been determined'



2014-12-01 02:51 | Report Abuse

In the meantime, price will reach a bottom plateau soon, since production levels hv been determined. 75 would be a reasonable level. For North Sea Brent.


2014-12-01 02:49 | Report Abuse

OPEC is under pressure to cut production. Very strong pressure. But they were not willing to do a climb-down. 'Face', you see. Pride. So, they did the next best thing they could, without causing loss of 'face'. Announce 'maintain production at current levels'.

Cuts will come. Eventually. Ya all just wait and see.


2014-12-01 02:33 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-12-01 02:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by Nancy Tang > Nov 30, 2014 05:05 AM | Report Abuse

@ dreamhunter ... I sympathise with the downturn of your finanical status in Suma. However you seems to take it in your stride ... you are not only physically strong (doing leg-extension with 300kg) but mentally as well ... my appreciation , keep it up & best of luck !

Thank you and same to you. Well, so far I am still able to resist the temptation to 'cut loss' and sell at loss. I can't really afford that, unlike you. LOL

But I cannot resist the temptation to go watch Alonna/Feyruza/Fawzia strut and shake her irresistibly beautiful stuff, in that cool lounge-dance club in town, every Sunday night/Monday morning. But the call of nature played havoc with my plans today. Bugger it.

BTW, I need to be keeping up on those heavy duty leg extension stuff regularly, to prepare for the day when I hv got to first base with Alonna/Feyruza/Fawzia, and I get close enough to her, for her to come sit on my lap. LOL. Well, she looks pretty fulsome and voluptuous.


2014-11-30 02:29 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-30 02:17 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-30 01:06 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow nite I'll be going to that cool lounge-dance club again. To watch hot-gorgeous-beautiful Alonna/Feyruza/Fawzia strut and shake her hot stuff on the floor. While waiting for Suma to come around again.

Oh yeahhhh. What a life.


2014-11-30 01:01 | Report Abuse

OPEC might not hv made a decision to cut oil production. But at least, looking at things in a positive light, they declared that they are MAINTAINING productions levels as the are, i.e. NOT increasing production even further.

So, oil price should be reching bottom very soon.