
DreamHunter | Joined since 2013-11-25

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2014-11-29 10:51 | Report Abuse

Nope, I'm not emo at all, AndyChucky. I think you are.

I'm always cool. So, so cool. Everybody in Suma knows this.

You want me to post some cool vids for you?


2014-11-29 10:49 | Report Abuse

Always complaining, always whining, always griping. About everything. Right, AndyChucky?


2014-11-29 10:47 | Report Abuse

Nope. I am not feeling any pain, AndyChucky. But you are. Always feeling so much pain, you are.

About Suma, about other things, about the country, about the world, about life, about everything in general.

You have some big issue to deal with, you know. Better do it fast.


2014-11-29 10:41 | Report Abuse

Yo, SLM! Welcome to the real world.

That's how the market works, dude. The key word is ... PERCEPTION.


2014-11-29 10:39 | Report Abuse

Yes, AndyChucky. That's right. Your type will always find something bad and negative to say about anything.


2014-11-29 10:37 | Report Abuse

You try go begging in some suitable place somewhere some time, AndyChucky. Like along Jalan Ampang near KLCC area, in Bukit Bintang area, or on a LRT station walkway.

You wear some dinghy old clothing, wear a sad, pained, forlorn look, and maybe pretend to suffer from bad disease or injury. Or perhaps you could just pretend to be blind for a day.

If you need some begging aids, go to some supermarket or wholesaler and buy several big boxes of soft hand/face wiping tissue. Now you're in business.

Then you cant test out how much you can actually earn in a day.


2014-11-29 10:27 | Report Abuse

That is why Suma still managed to make 14.5 mil profit from 24.8 mil revenue. That's a profit margin of 58.5%

Pretty cool eh? Especially for a penny stock company.

And not many big cap firms can beat that.


2014-11-29 10:17 | Report Abuse

SLM, if I do some work providing engineering, management, consultancy etc. services in O&G, my earnings will correlate much more with the quality of services that I can provide, plus my marketing skills.

Whether current oil price is $US100, or $US80, or $US60, is not going to affect my income so much.


2014-11-29 10:09 | Report Abuse

Yes, I hv been with Suma, either Mother or WB, since I first dabbled with it in August 2013. Just a couple of days after Hari Raya Puasa. I still remember it so clearly.


2014-11-29 10:07 | Report Abuse

Is the maths easy enough for you, AndyChucky? Smart boy living in BodohLand?


2014-11-29 10:05 | Report Abuse

Every time I pass a beggar, unless he/she looks pretty fit and capable of doing some kind of proper work, I give him/her at least RM1. Especially if it's a woman with a small child. Some of them I pass by them every day on my way home from work.

By my very approximate estimation, they could get RM100 a day pretty easily, especially if it's a place with high pedestrian traffic. That makes it RM3,000 a month. And not every fresh graduate is assured of a RM3,000 per month salary.


2014-11-29 09:58 | Report Abuse

You are the one calling your own country BodohLand.


2014-11-29 09:57 | Report Abuse

You ask them. Then you tell us.


2014-11-29 09:55 | Report Abuse

SLM, you still hv not completely understood the Suma game, even after all this months. For the moment, Suma is NOT yet in the business of selling and buying of oil. NOT yet.

It is currently still mainly earning income as a CONTRACT OPERATOR for Markmore Energy Limited, Labuan (MELL) and and Caspi Oil & Gas (COG), providing O&G engineering, management, consultancy etc. services. Its earnings, albeit modest, are more or less guaranteed, for the next several years.


2014-11-29 09:48 | Report Abuse

AndyChucky, really. Then how come one does not see 5 million people homeless, wandering, destitute and hungry every day, one wonders.

Even the beggars are looking pretty well fed, it seems. Making more money every month than some fresh uni graduates, looks like.


2014-11-29 09:44 | Report Abuse

Naaah. Just leave it to the market to self-correct. The down-slide will eventually play itself out of breath.


2014-11-29 09:36 | Report Abuse

But you are still a citizen of this so called BodohLand, AndyChucky. Must be a helluva a lot of pain for you. Living somewhere you hate so much.


2014-11-29 09:34 | Report Abuse

That's quite possible, AndyChucky. Like arm up IS further to cause more trouble, and/or provoke opposition and foment rebellion in Saudi/GCC and arm the opposition up.

With Iran getting involved too, Saudi/GCC could easily be stoked up into popular rebellion, especially with low oil prices causing their local economies to deteriorate.


2014-11-29 09:29 | Report Abuse

What if US government decides to give heavy subsidy to US shale oil industry?

In that case, it won't be US shale sector that will collapse. But it would be the economy of Saudi and the GCC states.


2014-11-29 09:17 | Report Abuse

HS should speed up his petrochemical business plans. So that he could sell less crude, utilise that crude in his petrochem plants, and then sell more downstream petrochem products.


2014-11-29 09:14 | Report Abuse

Then you should consider an alternative life choice for yourself, AndyChucky. Maybe this BodohLand is not suitable for you.


2014-11-29 09:11 | Report Abuse

That kind of Russia-persecuting and Russia-pressuring, if there is such a thing - which BTW is currently still in the conspiracy-theory realm - will only force Russia to improve and excel further in downstream sector, and one day the Russians will outperform the more established west in downstream chemicals/petrochemicals sector.

It will indeed backfire on the west.


2014-11-29 09:05 | Report Abuse

Selling per se is not the problem. The problem is over-producing and subsequently price-undercutting.


2014-11-29 09:03 | Report Abuse

'art farty' = 'arty farty'



2014-11-29 09:02 | Report Abuse

Maybe Saudis are not so good at maths.

They don't even need to pass their high school maths to get plump jobs as 'managers' at Aramco when they graduate from uni with some mediocre grade in some wishy washy, airy fairy, art farty degree.

And all they have to do once they get that 'job' is sit on their fat greasy arse in some plush office, and fiddle around with their latest fancy smartphone, while the real hard work is done by expats.


2014-11-29 08:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by andychucky28 > Nov 29, 2014 08:16 AM | Report Abuse

Saudi is not cutting production because they need money. This is the only business they have.

But then, which is the better thing to do?

Sell 1,000 barrels of oil at $US80 per barrel, or sell 800 barrels of oil at $US100 per barrel.

Which deal would be the wiser and smarter one? And more sustainable over time?


2014-11-29 07:31 | Report Abuse

And injuring oneself badly too.


2014-11-29 07:30 | Report Abuse

This is like fighting a stupid, senseless, unwinnable war, while killing many innocent bystanders in the process.


2014-11-29 07:27 | Report Abuse


I seems that Saudi's chief reason for not cutting production - and influencing other producers in OPEC to do the same - is to combat the US shale boom. But how long is this, well, naive, tactic going to work. If it is ever going to work at all.


2014-11-29 06:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by LuoLi > Nov 28, 2014 01:54 PM | Report Abuse

Haha Nancy you stupid bitch thinks 47k is a lot to boast ya?? I was here since June during the Suma run up and many old timers like ozzie and dream hunter/conquerer knew how much money i put in suma back then.... i even consider myself small fish, let alone you are bitching here about your meagre 47k losses. What is there to boast, bitch??

LuoLi, oh dear. What's gone into you girl, one wonders. Screaming profanity without restraint at a mild elder sister like Nancy.

Well, I hv not sold mine. And I am not selling, come what may. So, mine are and will be only losses on paper.


2014-11-29 06:33 | Report Abuse

Saudi Arabia is cruising for a bruising. Sooner or later, someone somewhere is going to do something to put their peacock leadership back in their proper place, remind them that they're only little minnows in the global order of things.


2014-11-27 23:12 | Report Abuse

Only Saudi & GCC countries can 'live' with sub-80 oil. Even then for a year or two at most.

The rest of OPEC will wither and 'die' with sub-80 oil.

So OPEC has limited choice in the longer term. It has to curtail production.


2014-11-27 23:08 | Report Abuse

Saudi alone cannot speak for all of OPEC. We will wait for final OPEC statement.


2014-11-27 22:57 | Report Abuse

Dia sudah kena rugi busat sama Suma itu tahun, Derrick. Lagi dia ada penyakit gatal buntut yg boleh diubat dgn rotan berduri aja.


2014-11-27 22:54 | Report Abuse

Ubat yg paling afdhal ada satu ja, Musashi. Kasi rotan dia punya buntut ngan rotan berduri.


2014-11-27 22:48 | Report Abuse

Reveal la, Musashi. Kasi dia tersohor satu rantau ni.


2014-11-27 22:37 | Report Abuse

Dia gatal buntut kut, Musashi.


2014-11-27 22:34 | Report Abuse

Musashi, orang 'special' species cam dia mulut tu biasa la, memang becok gila punya.


2014-11-27 22:33 | Report Abuse

Gambar yg dia pakai skirt punya ka. Siap ngan gincu merah menyala sama make-up tebal kaw kaw punya la tu. Pas tu pakai kasut high heel tinggi 6 inci.


2014-11-27 22:28 | Report Abuse

Ai, binti pun boleh?

Cam-cam dua alam punya cita aja tu. Dua alam punya kes ka.


2014-11-27 22:20 | Report Abuse

Musashi, dia punya 'b' in 'anbz' tu, short for 'bin' or 'binti'?


2014-11-27 22:17 | Report Abuse

You sure you hv enough money for that?


2014-11-27 22:10 | Report Abuse

DoRaeMon, I think he could be scared.

Really, really scared.

Of your stinkin fart.


2014-11-27 22:08 | Report Abuse

Musashi, you know la, that kind of 'special' species. They just enjoy going around farrting and shhitting in very forum. Coz they got nothing else better to do.


2014-11-27 22:04 | Report Abuse

Musashi, you ask that diimwiit forum-heckling kiddy dikkhead dude for his telephone number, then you set up an appointment to meet him somewhere.


2014-11-27 22:02 | Report Abuse

Hey DoRaeMon diimwiit dikkhead dude. I was talking to FortuneBullz. Stop barging in into someone else's conversation.


2014-11-27 22:00 | Report Abuse

And one day, one of these days, one could be bumping into Bullz, in some cool club, with a hot young Persian babe perched on his lap.


2014-11-27 21:56 | Report Abuse

And you're yourself a hopeless scaredy cat. LOL


2014-11-27 21:53 | Report Abuse

Bullz, I know a nice young Persian babe. Her name is Kamila. Beautiful face, beautiful body, beautiful eyes, beutiful hair. Just your cuppa tea.

And she's kind of looking for a friendly sugar daddy too.